Bible of Micajah Estes
Contributed by Faye Dyess
(Posted with her permission)
Present owner: Mrs. A. L. Hale, Watkinsville, Ga., Rt. 1.
Micajah Estes was born 4th November A. D. 1804
Nancy, wife of Micajah Estes, was born 22nd October A. D. 1802
Martha Ann Summerfield, second daughter of M. & N. Estes was born Thursday, 15th March A. D. 1832
John B. Estes, 1st son of M. & N. Estes, was born 4th June A. D. 1835
Obadiah Nathaniel, 2d son of M. & N. Estes, was born 7th July 1837
Frederick B. Estes, 3rd son of M. & n. Estes was born 21st December A. D. 1839
Joshua T. Estes, 4th son of M. & N. Estes, was born 24th July A. D. 1841
M. Van Estes, 5th son of M. & N Estes, was born 9th August A. D. 1843
Eliz. Katharine, 3rd daughter of M. & N. Estes, was born 20th January A. D. 1845
Obadiah Nathaniel Estes died 15th September A. D. 1861, ages 24 years, 2 months & 8 days
Frederic B. Estes died 15th January A. d. 1844, aged 4 years & 25 days
Joshua T. Estes died 8th Feb. A. D. 1843, aged 18 months, & 14 days
Nancy Estes died 28th January A. D. 1853, ages 50 years, 3 months & 6 days
Martha Ann Summerfield Bray died 15th April A. D. 1864
Micajah Estes and Nancy Owen were married 24 December A. D. 1829 at night.
Micajah Estes and Julia F. Headen were married 31st Dec., A. D. 1854.
Micajah Estes died May 1883