Coweta County Genealogy provides access to a variety of genealogy records for Coweta County. As your new hosts, we welcome you and encourage you to actively participate in the growth of this website by contributing any information you might have on Coweta County, Georgia. You can do that by contacting us here.
Some types of information suitable for posting here (but by no means are you limited to only these types):
- Bible Records
- Biographies
- Cemetery Transcriptions
- Census Transcriptions
- Court Records
- Land Records
- Military Records
- Surname Interests
- Vital Records
- Wills
The links on the right side of every page will take you to the main sections of the site. Of particular note is Dianne’s Corner. Dianne Wood has been the stalwart contributor of information for this website, and we profusely thank her. From that page you will find links to all of the data that she has supplied.
We will be working on categorizing the website in the near future to make the actual records easier to locate. In the mean time, if you’re searching for a particular person, we suggest the use of our search engine. This engine will search ALL of Georgia Genealogy.
We are growing so please check back often.
If you’d like to contribute genealogical or historical data to this project, then please contact us here!
This website is affiliated with The American History and Genealogy Project (AHGP) and Georgia AHGP Our names are Dennis Partridge and Judy White, and we are the host of Coweta County Georgia Genealogy.