Benjamin Brown Bible Records

Submitted by Faye L. Dyess
Family Bible record of BENJAMIN BROWN
Madison County, Georgia.
Present owner: Mrs. W. G. Barrett, Bishop, Georgia

Benjamin Brown & Anna Griffeth now Anna Brown was married December 22nd 1808
Richard T. Sorrels & Avelonah Brown now Avelonah Sorrels was married February 7th 1828
James Nun and Sarah Brown was married January the 2nd Day 1839.
Joseph Williams and Deademony Brown was married the 13th of August 1840
I. M. McGinnes and Ann Brown now Ann McGinnes was married 23rd January 1845
Nathanial Stricklin and Melita J. Brown was married 26 August 1841
Matthew Stricklin and Mary J. Stricklin was married 22 December 1842
Robert Y. Brown and Mary his wife was married 22nd December 1842
Zemmily B. Brown and David H. Payne was married 26 December 1850

Benjamin Brown was Born January 1st A. D. 1787
Anna Brown was born August 31st A. D. 1791
Avelonah Brown was born January 14th A. D. 1810
Sarah Brown was born September 9th 1811
Robert Y. Brown was born June 11th A. D. 1813
Lucy A. Brown was born June 25th A. D. 1815
James W. Brown was born 7th January (1845)?
Benjamin McGinnis
Desdemony Brown was born November 8th A. D. 1818
Miraan G. Brown was born February 28th A. D. 1823
Mary E. Brown was born February 26th A. D. 1825
Neomy A. Brown was born June 3rd 1827
Mality J. Brown was born 7th January 1830
Suseannah Emeline Brown was born June the 21st 1832
Zemmily B. Brown was born August 2nd 1834
Sarah Brown Nun (Nan) had a daughter borned November the 30th 1839.
Elizabeth Ann.
Robert Y. Williams was born October the 16 in A. D. 1841
Mahuldoh I. Nun was born July the 8th 1842
Robert Jackson Sorrels was born May the 10th 1842
Darper L. Sorrels was born 26 November 1843
Rebecker A. Williams was born June 8th 1844
Oliver Strickland was born September 13th 1842
Desdemony M. Brown was borned the 9th November 1843
Avalone L. Brown was borned the 11th July 1845
Richard T. Sorrells was born 6th April 1848.
Family Bible record of BENJAMIN BROWN, Page 2.

Elizabeth A. Nun departed this life December 3
Robert G. Brown departed this life December 18, 1856
Ann Sarah Griffeth departed this life January 16, 1858
Mirum J. Brown departed this life January 21, 1859
Benjamin Brown departed this life January 27, 1865
Richard T. Sorrells departed this life June 23, 1858
Zackariah F. Sorrells departed this life November 18, 1853

Bible published 1825
by H. C. Carey & I. Lea, Philadelphia
State of Georgia
Clarke County
Personally appeared Mrs. Pearl Wells Leathers who upon oath deposes and says that she made the above copy of the family record in the Bible of Benjamin Brown, and that the same is a true and correct copy.
(Signed) Pearl Wells Leathers
Sworn and subscribed to before me this the 25th day of Jan., 1949
Frances R. Sharp (signed)

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