Twelfth Land District Grantees, Troup County, Georgia

The lot numbers followed by an asterisk (*) are fractional lots of less acreage than those unmarked; those followed by a plus (+) are not wholly in Troup County; the county from which registrations were made is the third column; names followed by an asterisk (*) are revolutionary soldiers or their widows; those followed by a plus (+) are soldiers of Indian wars or their widows.

1Harbin, WileyHall
2Ralston, DavidHabersham
3Taylor, WilliamHenry
4Parker, Samuel*Morgan
5Ricketson, Benjamin*Warren
6Bostick, JohnJefferson
7Nicklison, DuncanHouston
8Asbey, DavidJones
9Stewart, James IvyNewton
10Dunn, John V.Butts
11Waterer, JohnTwiggs
12Bridges, Rebecca*Washington
13Williford, HardyWarren
14Munchew, ElishaGwinnett
15Chapman, Deberry+Upson
16Shackleford, Martha C.Columbia
17Kilgore, William+Hancock
18Coward, WilliamTattnall
19Smith, JamesHenry
20Pendley, ThomasGwinnett
21Berryhill, John S.Jefferson
22Young, childrenJefferson
23Moore, TilmanMonroe
24Pritchett, JohnNewton
25Watts, GeorgeMonroe
26Davis, William J.Baldwin
27Gilbert, JamesHenry
28Snelson, William Sr.Wilkes
29Tredeway, Mary*Monroe
30Veal, WaitusFayette
31Ayres, Francis*Jackson
32Perdue, George S.Baldwin
33Long, DruryJasper
34Ingram, John B.Putnam
35Williamson, Jas. G.+Gwinnett
36Harris, John*Hall
37Mullins, MaloneHancock
38Pierce, orphansNewton
39Peebles, ThomasCrawford
40Powers, James G.+Warren
41Meadows, VincentGreene
42Rogers, Caneth C.Jones
43McCan, Martin+Jackson
44Busby, FrederickCrawford
45Harris, CamillaWilkes
46Heard, HilsmanDeKalb
47Caldwell, Curtis Sr.Gwinnett
48Harrison, Eli W.Morgan
49+Strange, John*Franklin
50Sparks, LevinNewton
51Allen, JamesWarren
52Cook, RebeccaRichmond
53Mizelle, JosephCamden
54Cohron, Cornelius*Monroe
55Miller, SusanScriven
56Powell, Benjamin*Burke
57Baldwin, William+Oglethorpe
58Conelly, John G.Chatham
59McNeely, ElenorJefferson
60Smith, GeorgeRabun
61Hobson, John W. S.Jones
62Sharp, JamesJasper
63Esters, BookerJasper
64Slade, JohnThomas
65Harrell, JohnWashington
66Hunton, JohnClarke
67Buys, JohnJackson
68Morgan, WilsonMadison
69Riley, WilliamMorgan
70Lucas, SamuelWashington
71Rollins, SamuelGwinnett
72Siller, CarolineWarren
73Crumbley, JamesWilkinson
74Lawrence, ThomasMadison
75Stevens, Thomas C.+Walton
76Reeves, AsaHabersham
77Patton, ElijahMadison
78Massingale, Dred Jr.Rabun
79Grier, Elisha+Putnam
80+Linsey, RichardGreene
81+Stubbs, GabrielWashington
82+Allen, SamuelWashington
83Hill, Ludowick M.Wilkes
84Royal, Margaret A. E.Burke
85Wiggins, JosephBibb
86Williams, RobertJasper
87Harris, JoshuaJones
88Haney, John B., Jr.Gwinnett
89Patterson, David+Clarke
90Mason, William+Putnam
91Powell, JosiasHabersham
92Barnett, CalvinHall
93Justiss, WilliamTaliaferro
94Davis, BetsyColumbia
95Evans, WilliamWilkes
96Scott, RobertChatham
97Brustor, Sheriff Sr.Walton
98Mull, JohnHabersham
99Slewder, WilliamRabun
100Hatcher, JosiahBurke
101Thompson, LeightonBibb
102Gilbert, JemimaHabersham
103Garrett, Sarah*DeKalb
104Mitchell, HenryDeKalb
105Phillips, WilliamWashington
106Waver, JacobChatham
107Cook, Daniel M.Hancock
108Wolf, CaryDeKalb
109McDaniel, BartlettJefferson
110Ellis, MaryPutnam
111+Blount, ThomasHancock
114+Watson, NancyWarren
115Cotheere, PonncyJefferson
116Clark, JohnLincoln
117Pennington, LeathaJasper
118Crawley, GinnethonPike
119Harris, Thomas W.Henry
120Rousseau, HiramMorgan
121Gibson, SampsonNewton
122Turner, James S.Jefferson
123Ray, RobertGreene
124Massey, JohnOglethorpe
125O'Conner, PatrickHall
126Bennett, Richard Jr.Appling
127Cunningham, Thomas+Greene
128Briner, William N.Hall
129Moffit, JacobCrawford
130Carley, JonathanClarke
131Ross, ElizaRichmond
132Tarver, R. R.Pulaski
133Fullelove, S. J.Wilkes
134Strahorn, NoahScriven
135Stephens, Mary*Bibb
136Griffin, JosephElbert
137Hewston, James Jr.Morgan
138Wheeler, RichardFranklin
139Purguson, BeverlyClarke
140Jackson, IvyWarren
141Massengale, WarrenJones
142+Brooks, Warren*Crawford
147+Cox, WilliamJones
148+Rice, JoelFranklin
149Buchanan, John W.Jasper
150Johnson, RobertUpson
151Usher, AbelMcIntosh
152Poe, WilliamJones
153Grimes, GabrielWarren
154Hughes, SarahNewton
155Pate, Drury+Warren
156Richardson, C.Houston
157Bridewell, Henry L.Madison
158Edwards, PollyHancock
159Hall, BenjaminWilkinson
160Mabry, Gray*Morgan
161Hays, MarthaTwiggs
162Ragan, Brice Sr.*Wilkinson
163Palmer, HastingDeKalb
164Wellborn, Mary+Wilkes
165Thompson, H.Twiggs
166Carruthers, John W.Pulaski
167Sadler, James R.Elbert
168Comer, Ann*Jones
169Glenn, MitchellElbert
170Cowen, William J.Walton
171Hammett, Robert B.Oglethorpe
172Crawford, Edward M.Columbia
173+Young, PhilipChatham
180+Keath, George W.Jasper
181Hampton, WilliamWilkes
182Martin, JamesDeKalb
183Dunn, WilliamHancock
184Graves, John T.Wilkes
185McMullen, GeorgeJefferson
186Jones, D. Z.+Jefferson
187Cox, JohnJefferson
188West, ThomasChatham
189Holland, JamesPulaski
190Hurt, William+Effingham
191Davidson, John*Jasper
192Cooksey, HannahWilkes
193Cooper, Henry*Putnam
194Caldwell, Adam S.Upson
195Osborne, JamesJasper
196Cannon, BurwellHancock
197Cunningham, JamesJackson
198Horn, MosesPulaski
199Edmondson, MarthaJasper
200Wilson, JohnPutnam
201Howard, Elizabeth*Columbia
202Beasley, ElijahEmanuel
203McLaughlin, Ed. W.+Wilkes
204+Darby, William L.Walton
213+Philpot, DavidHeard
214*Wimberly, James
215Wimberly, PerryHouston
216Ingram, Council B.Burke
217Nix, WashingtonTwiggs
218McIntosh, J. H., Jr.Camden
219Brown, MosesHancock
220Adair, John B.Madison
221Puryear, PeterClarke
222Cox, Richard*Habersham
223Styrous, JesseFayette
224Sheppard, FrancesWashington
225Hicks, JaneJasper
226McAlister, M. H.Chatham
227House, William G.Baldwin
228Durham, Isabel*Clarke
229Jester, DavidNewton
230Runnels, JamesTaliaferro
231*Barker, WilliamTroup
232*McCreight, Samuel
233Pike, JacobWalton
234Hasty, JohnJones
235*Towns, George W. B.Talbot
236*Towns, JohnTroup
237*Towns, JohnTroup
238*Whitfield, JamesJasper
239*Castles, MarkTroup
240*Swanson, S. W.Troup
241*Reese, HughMonroe
242Brooks, Bevin+Upson
243Rollins, James W.Telfair
244Harvey, Betsy, T.*Burke
245Mobley, EdwardLiberty
246Box, William B.Hall
247Ellis, JohnHenry
248Sapp, Shadrick Sr.*Tattnall
249McKay, DanielJones
250Johnson, SimonWilkinson
251Baty, Thomas Jr.Gwinnett
252*Geer, LeviTroup
253*Geer, LeviTroup
254*Hodnett, JamesTroup
255Williams, R.*Fayette
256Looser, John C.Jasper
257Mozeley, David M.Walton
258Brown, Alexander M.Morgan
259Garner, Stephen J.Bibb
260Robinson, JamesTattnall
261Henderson, RichardUpson
262Brown, ElizabethWilkes
263*Harrist, Thomas M.Troup
264*Harrist, Thomas M.Troup
265*Harrist, JohnTroup
266*Harrist, Thomas M.Troup
267Willowby, JohnWarren
268Hester, ZacheriahJones
269*Justiss, WilliamTroup
270*Whitfield, BryanTroup
271*Harrist, Thomas M.Troup
272*Justiss, WilliamTroup

Source: History of Troup County, Atlanta, Ga.: Printed by Foote & Davies Co., c1935, pp 21-24.

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