Built in Hogansville in 1899, and located in land lot 96 of the 11th district. This plant was chartered on July 11, 1899, by E. H. Thornton, and R. J. Lowry of Atlanta; and Frank Word, Judson F. Mobley, and J. F. Askew of Hogansville. The history of this plant from the above date is the same as that of the LaGrange Mills, as it was sold to the same corporation and afterwards was included in every transaction in which LaGrange Mills was concerned, and in- those changes suffered the same changes of name and was distinguished as the Hogansville Mills Division of each change. It was purchased by the Consolidated Duck Corporation on November 28, 1905; sold in turn by them to Lockwood, Green and Company and called the International Cotton Mills, changed to New England Southern Mills; sold again to LaGrange parties and renamed Hogansville Calumet Mills; consolidated in 1932 as a unit of the Callaway Mills, retaining the name of Hogansville Calumet as a designation. The activities of this plant constituted a commercial barometer of the community of Hogansville until the construction of Stark Mills, which shared the business indicator with the older plant. Among the superintendents and managers are noted the following: George W. Murphy, William Reid, John Turnipseed, W. H. Turner, Jr., Oxford, James Mooty, David G. Reid, and John A. Baugh, manager.