Final Tragedy

Gen. William McIntosh, President of the Creek Nation, after the Council had finished its work at Indian Springs, remained there some time gathering together the Council records, closing up his personal affairs and removing his personal property from Indian Springs and his Ocmulgee farm, and some time near the first of August, 1825, he made his way back to McIntosh Reserve in the present Carroll County. There a number of chiefs waited upon him, and giving him one day to arrange his affairs, they executed him in accordance with the Creek laws for the violation of their agreement not to sell any further territory without unanimous consent of the Council. The above incident is noted in order to show some of the causes of the subsequent raids and annoyances experienced by the pioneers at the hands of the Indians in retaliation for the treacherous sale of their hunting grounds. The chief of Tokaubatchie was recorded in the treaty as being present and not assenting to the sale, and his followers did not consider an illegal treaty as binding upon them. Thus was the territory between the Flint and the Chattahoochee rivers acquired by the United States for the State of Georgia. The State of Georgia at once took steps to survey and subdivide this newly acquired territory into land districts and land lots preparatory to the creation of counties.

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