Coweta County Georgia Deaths 1927-1929

Selected Coweta County Georgia Deaths for the years of 1927-1929

       Last         First     Middle   Death Date  Sex Racemarital
Adams              Atmas                27-Oct-29   M   C     M
Adams              Fannie               10-Oct-28   F   C     W
Adcock             Shannie              27-Nov-29   F   W     M
Addy               Ida     Lou
Aires              Carrie  Mae
Aires              Fronie
Alexander                               07-Jul-28   M   C
Alexander                               05-Jun-28   M   C
Allen              E       M            01-Dec-29   M   W     M
Allen              Luther
Allen              Pearlie              05-Jul-28   F   C     M
Amey               Ella                 20-Sep-28   F   C     W
Andrews            Clinton Dwight
Argo               Ella                 07-May-29   F   W     S
Armstrong          Jerry
Arnall             Henry   C. Sr.       12-May-29   M   W     M
Arnol              John
Arnold             George
Arnold             Herbert
Arnold             Howard
Arnold             Iverson
Arnold             John    Henry
Arnold             Letha
Arnold             Lilian
Arnold             Lucile                           F   C     S
Arnold             Wickersham           19-Nov-28   M   C     S
Arnold             Willie  Frank        11-Feb-28   M   C     S
Arnold             Willie               15-Sep-28   F   C     M
Askew              Walter  E
Atcherson          Lear                 10-Mar-29   F   C     S
Attaway                                 10-Jan-29   F   W
Atwater            Albert
Avery              Leela                15-Dec-29   F   W     M
Bailey             Ellen
Bailey             John
Bailey             Ollis
Bailey             William
Baker              R       D
Ball               John    Henry        16-Jan-29   M   C     S
Ball               Lethie
Ball                                    31-Dec-27   M   C     S
Barber             Genie
Barber             Tom
Barker             Sallie
Barnes             Benjamin
Barnes             Eddie
Barnes             Mary    Walker
Barnes             Rayford L            30-Jun-28   M   W     S
Beadles            Kattie               30-Oct-28   F   C     M
Beadles            Willie
Beasley            Mattie               25-Mar-28   F   C     W
Beavers            J       Byrd
Bedy               Virginia
Beedles            T                    09-Aug-29   F   C     M
Bell               Anthony
Bell               Charity Mae
Bell               Myrtie
Bennet             John    Andrew
Berry              Charlie              18-Jan-29   M   C     M
Berry              Millie               05-Jan-29   F   C     W
Billings           Joe     Dennis       14-Jul-29   M   C
Bird               Al
Bishop             Dor
Bishop             Sarah                21-Nov-29   F   W     M
Blandenburg        Viola
Blandenburg                                         M   C     S
Blauton            J       A. Sr.       14-Jun-28   M   W     M
Blount             Lewis
Boddy              Bertha
Body               Jimmie               11-Apr-29   F   C     S

Bonner             A       J                        M   C
Bonner             Elizabeth            24-Jun-29   F   C
Booker             Eddie
Booker             George  E            07-Apr-29   M   C     S
Boone              James   Edwin
Borrows            Willie  H
Bostick            Mollie
Bowden             Dollie               17-Jul-28   F   C     W
Bowen              Arlena
Boykin             Louella              27-Oct-28   F   C     M
Bracknell          Dartha               08-Mar-29   F   W     S
Bracknell          Ida     Janette
Brantley           Harold
Brassell           Emmett               16-Dec-27   M   C     M
Brewster           James   Pendleton    29-Aug-29   M   W     M
Bridges            Ida
Brock              Dovie                15-Jun-29   F   W     M
Brook              Mary                 10-Oct-29   F   W     S
Brooks             Alberta
Brooks             James   R            21-Jan-28   M   W     M
Brooks             Newtie
Broomhead          Artie   Mae          31-May-29   F   C     M
Brown              Cecil   Wilson       26-Jun-26   F   W     M
Brown              Henry                22-Oct-28   M   C     S
Brown              Hugh    Benjamin     01-Jul-28   M   W     M
Brown              John                 28-Mar-28   M   C     M
Brown              Katie   Sue
Buchannan          Sallie
Burks              Elizabeth
Burks              John                 30-Dec-28   M   W     M
Burnham            George
Burnum             John    H            19-Feb-29   M   C     M
Burstin            Ella    Mae
Burston            John    Lee          12-Jul-29   M   C     S
Byram              G       W
Byrd               Ethel                20-Sep-28   F   W     S
Byrd               Harvey  Lee          05-Aug-28   M   W     S
Byrd               Lonnie               16-Sep-28
Calhoun            Amanda  I            09-Feb-28   M   W     S
Calhoun            Hiram   C
Calhoun            J       C
Calhoun            Wash
Calhoun                                             F   C
Cammon             William M            05-Jul-28   F   C     M
Camp               Sallie
Camp               W       J
Campbell           Annie
Carleton           T       H
Carmical           Henriettm
Carnes             W       B
Carter             Berry
Cash               Dorothy
Cash               J       T
Cash               Jeraldine
Cash               Mollie
Cash               Orlie
Cash               Rosa    Kate
Cash               Virginiamary
Caston             Wilbur
Caswell            Ruth
Cathcart           Paul                 12-Aug-29   M   W     M
Cato               Nora    Cates
Chandleer          Florrie
Chapalas           Arthur
Clarke             Charlie
Clay               Will                 29-Aug-28   M   W     M
Clerk              Bulah                16-Oct-28   F   C     M
Clerk              Calara
Clerk              Earl                 03-Feb-28   M   C     W
Clerk              Louise
Clowers            Martha  Caroline     23-Oct-29   F   W     W
Cock               Rosa    Dell
Coleman            Alice
Coleman            James   L
Coleman            Mittie               25-Nov-29   F   C     S
Coleman            Thomas  Clifford
Coleman            Wilbur               06-Oct-29   M   C     M
Coleman            Willie  Paul
Combs              Jenie
Combs              Stella  May
Conway             Gloria  Lee
Cook               Albert
Cook               Annie
Cook               Bertha               09-Dec-28   F   C     M
Cook               Charlie C
Cook               Elevine              28-Jan-28   F   C     M
Cook               Eliza
Cook               John    Loyd         12-Nov-28   M   C     W
Cook               Ludora               08-Mar-28   F   C     S
Cook               Ruit
Cooper             Hiran   Grady
Coppedge           Callie
Cox                Frank                03-Apr-21   M   C     M
Craft              James   L. Jr.
Cronk              S       E
Crowder            A       J
Crowder            Anthony              28-Nov-27   M   C     M
Culpepper          Fannie
Cusin              Henry                10-Oct-28   M   C     S
Davenport          John
Davis              Andrew  F
Davison            Willie  Mae
Davus              James   L
Derring                                 05-Feb-28   M   C     M
Desmon             Clenitine            21-Jan-28   F   W     M
Dewberry           Nancy
Dial               Hudson
Dickson            Thomas  G
Dix                Rosa                 20-Nov-29   F   C     W
Dixon              Rebecca H            24-Nov-29   F   C     M
Dobbs              Katie                29-Jul-28   F   C     M
Dominick           Lula                 13-Mar-28   F   C     W
Dorsey             G       R C          04-Jun-29   M   W     M
Dorty              Daniel  A
Dover              Sam
Dowell             Annie
Drummond           Emma
Duke               Bertha  L            31-Mar-28   F   W
Duke               James   M
Dunson             Corille              31-Aug-29   F   C     S
Dyer               Patience             23-Jan-28   F   C
Easter             John
Echols             Willie  Floyd
Edge               Vercie
Elder              Lilia   Mae
Elrod              Awbry   S
Estes              Loise
Evans              Sarah   Janette
Evans              Willie
Farmer             Mary    Emma
Farmer             Thomas  G. Jr.
Feathrstone        Joe     E
Fields             Annie
Fisher             Thomas  Jones
Flowers            Lowonia              17-Jan-28   F   C
Fourbus            Mariah               30-Dec-27   F   W     S
Freeland           Dan
Freeman            Moses                11-Nov-29   M   C     W
Freeman            Robert  W            21-Dec-28   M   W
Fulcher            Theodora
Fuller             Sidney  Monroe       08-Jun-29   M   W     M
Gaddy              John    Abner        03-Jul-29   M   W     W
Gaddy              Molly                            F   W     M

Gambel             Della
Gamble             Will
Gamel              Daisy   Leona
Gates              L       C
Gates              Pringle              22-Jan-28   M   C
Gay                Ada
Gay                Alfred
Gay                Lunis                23-Jan-28   F   C
Gay                                     22-Jan-28   M   C
Gibson             Ada                  3/31/1895   F   W     S
Gibson             Arthur  Lee          31-Dec-28   M   C     S
Gibson             Joel    Jacobus      25-Dec-00   M   W     S
Gibson             Joseph  W. Terrell   08-Feb-17   M   W     M
Gibson             Louisa  Anne Faver   20-Jul-10   F   W     M
Gibson             Sarah   Foster Gibso 23-Apr-13   F   W     M
Gill               Willie               09-Feb-29   M   W     M
Glannon            Frances              15-Jul-29   F   C     W
Glass              Oscar
Godwin             Lizzie
Golden             Mary    E
Gooding            Willie  M
Goodrum            Thomas  M
Goolsby            Lucy    Mildred
Gordon             Silas   K C          13-May-29   M   W     M
Gravett            Frank
Gravett            Sarah
Gray               Susan
Green              Idelia  Arnold       12-Nov-29   F   W     M
Gregg              Lena                 20-May-28   F   C     S
Grier              Georgia
Griffith           Joseph  Rev.         31-Oct-28   M   C     M
Griggs             John    D
Grimes             Richard
Grimes             Thomas  H            29-Jan-28   M   W     W
Guest              Felton  Franklin
Gunn               William Andrew
Gunter             Ada     M            30-Dec-28   F   C     S
Haggains           Mary                 09-Jan-28   F   C     W
Hall               Loonie
Hampton            Bertha
Hannah             Earnest E
Hardo              Varnish              13-Apr-28   F   C
Harmond            Annie   B            18-May-29   F   C     M
Harrington         Emma    Echils
Harris             Elnora               17-May-29   F   C     S
Harris             Emmett
Harris             Gussie  Lee          21-Aug-29   F   W     M
Harris             Lottie
Harris             Pearl
Harris             Philip               02-Dec-29   M   C     W
Harris             Pomp
Haynes             John    M            09-Feb-28   M   W     W
Haywood            Eddie   H
Head               Ella
Head               George
Helton             Homer
Hendrix            Lilla
Henory             Grady
Hensel             William Jr           14-Mar-28   M   W     S
Herd               Elbert
Herrin             Maggie               21-Dec-28   F   W     M
Herring            William A            29-Jan-29   M   W     W
Hight              Frank   E
Hill               Deck                 12-Dec-28   M   C     M
Hill               George  W
Hill               Katharine
Hill               M       Cornelius
Hill               Solomon              07-Dec-27   M   C     M
Hines              Charlie
Hines              George  Dell
Hines              Irene
Hines              Rosewell
Hines              Sue
Hines              William A            11-Jan-29   M   W     M
Hines              William
Holland            Pat     Lamar
Holmes             William P            22-Jun-25   M   W     M
Hopgood            John    K
Horsley            Mandy                14-Jun-29   F   C     M
Horton             Eula    Lee          02-Oct-28   F   W     M
Housan             Nancy                29-Feb-28   F   W     W
Houston            Andrew               05-Oct-28   M   W     M
Houston            J       M
Houston            O       P
Howell             M       E
Huddleston         L       P            22-Aug-29   M   W     M
Huffmaster         J       W
Huggins            Riley                14-May-29   M   C     S
Hunter             Clifford             19-Jun-29   M   C
Hunter             Fannie
Hunter             Lovie   D
Hunter             Sport
Hursey             Letha                13-Oct-29   F   C     M
Hussy              John
Hutchens           Amanda  Dema
Jackson            Lizzie
Jackson            Pomp
Jackson            Render
Jackson            Rentie
Jenkins            Rosa
Johnson            Alice                19-Sep-28   M   C     M

Johnson            Arch
Johnson            Carrie  Lou
Johnson            Catharine
Johnson            Charlie
Johnson            Estella
Johnson            Etta                 24-Dec-28   F   W     M
Johnson            Eugene               11-Mar-28   M   C     S
Johnson            Harry
Johnson            Johnie
Johnson            L       M            19-Sep-28   M   C     S
Johnson            Lee
Johnson            Mollie               09-Oct-28   F   C     M
Johnson            Sophia
Johnson            William A            18-Sep-26   M   W     W
Johnson            Winston              05-Jul-28   M   C     W
Johnson                                 17-Jan-13   M   W
Johnson                                 04-Feb-28   M   C
Jones              John                 30-Apr-28   M   C     S
Jones              Lilla   Mae          23-Nov-29   F   W     M
Jones              Logan
Jones              Mary                 23-Nov-29   F   W     M
Jones                                   20-Jun-28   M   C     S
Kee                Tom                  25-Feb-29   M   W     W
Kehely             James   T
Keith              Letha   Starr
Keith              Milton  G            03-Apr-29   M   W     W
Kelly              Willie  Oscar
Kemp               W       L            05-Jan-29   F   W     M
Kemp               W       S
Keyton             John    L
Keyton             Maude
Kidd               Cranfillfreeman      13-Dec-28   M   W     S
Kidd               James   C
Kidd               Luther               09-Dec-29   M   W     M
Kirby              Joseph  T            27-Jun-28   M   W     M
Kirk               Q       V
Lane               J       L
Lanier                                  05-Jan-28   F   C
Laster             Robert  B. Rev.
Leach              Thelma               03-Feb-28   F   W     S
Lee                Frank   M            02-Dec-28   M   W     M
Lee                Lizzie  Mae          30-Jun-28   F   C     S
Leigh              Alonza               13-Feb-28   M   C     M
Leigh              Willie
Leseur             Mary    Davis
Leverett           B       T
Lewis              Jim
Lewis              John    T            26-Sep-29   M   W     W
Linch              Mattie               05-Sep-29   F   C     S
Lindsey                                 16-Mar-28       C
Long               Anna                 08-Jan-29   F   C     W
Long               Thomas               22-May-29   M   C     S
Loston             Lissie
Lovelace           Lessie
Lovelace           M       L            06-Apr-29   M   C     W
Lovern             Susie   J
Lovett             Ira
Lowe               Anna
Lowe               Mary
Lunday             Harry   M            18-Mar-29   M   W     S
Lundy              Emma
Lynch              Francis Jonnie Mae
Lythgo             Mattie  H
Mackle             Nancy                03-Mar-29   F   W     W
Maddox             J       D
Maddox             Walter
Malcolm            Mattie               23-Jun-28   M   C     M
Manning            T       A
Martin             Arthur
Martin             Lillie
Martin             Martha  Jane
Masdon             Benton
Mass               John
Maxey              Faerrie Senoia       10-Jan-29   F   C     S
Maxey              Laura                14-Jan-29   F   C     W
Maxey              Linsey
Maya               George               10-Jan-29   M   C     M
Mcbrock            Willie               27-Oct-28   M   C     S
Mcclarrin          Charles
Mcclendon          Rosa    Lee
Mccollum           J       R
Mccomb             Seat                 08-Apr-28   M   C     W
Mcconnell          O       L            10-Apr-29   M   W     W
Mcdonald           William S            21-Jan-29   M   W
Mcelroy            Robert               02-Dec-29   M   W     M
Mcghee             Lucy                 27-Nov-28   F   C     W
Mcwaters           George  Newton
Mcwaters           Sallie  Fannie
Mcwhorter          Lee                  07-Mar-28   F   W     M
Mcwhorter          Robert               09-Mar-28   M   W     W
Mcwilliams         Mary
Mcwilliams         Sarah
Meacham            James   Hubert       03-May-29   M   W     M
Melson             Hattie
Merck              William Clarence
Merriwether        Earnest
Miller             Ivy     Beatrice
Millians           John    Loyd
Minter                                              M   C
Mitcham            Lizzie
Mobley             Marion
Mobley             W       R            19-Jan-28   M   W     M
Montgomery         George  Washington   28-Sep-29   M   C     M
Montgomwert        Fannie
Moody              Mary    Ann
Moore              James   C
Moors              W       T
Moreland           Clayton              29-Mar-28   M   C     W
Moreland           Jane
Morgan             Bennie  Frank
Morgan             Curtis
Morgan             Frank                12-May-29   M   C     M
Morgan             Nancy
Morris             Anty                 14-Sep-29   M   C     S
Morris             Billie               07-Sep-29   M   W     M
Morris             Bobbie  Lewis
Morrow             Abe
Morrow             Gladis
Moss               Abie
Moss               Arlevia
Moss               Caroline
Moss               Mark
Murphy             Parlie
Myer                                    24-Jan-28   M   W
Nall               Rebia
Nall               Sally                18-Jul-29   F   C     S
Neal               Fannie               17-May-28   F   C     W
Neely              Rosa    Long
Nelson             Henry   Jr.
Nelson             John
Nelson             Thomas  Byno
Newell             W       Frank
Nixon              Wilbur               29-Nov-28   M   W     M
Norwood            Artie
Nowls              Lizzie               25-Apr-29   F   C     S
Oglesby            S       M
Oneal              Thomas
Orr                George
Osborn             Mary
Otwell             Rebeck  J            01-Jun-29   F   W     M
Owen               M       M
Owens              Garfield             04-Apr-29   M   C     M
Owens              Will                 10-Jun-29   M   C     M
Owens                                               F   C
Owensby            Talmage Lee
Page               Mattie  Lee
Paity              Idelia
Pardue                                              F   C
Parks              Andis
Parks              Anna                 09-May-28   F   C     W
Parks              Fannie
Parks              Gracie               30-Jun-28   F   C     S
Parks              Guss                 29-Apr-28   M   C     M
Parks              Tom                  04-May-28   M   C     M
Parrott            Annie   Mae          18-Apr-29   F   C     M
Patterson          Eddie   May          10-Jan-28   F   C
Patterson          Fannie
Payne              Pinkie
Payne              Sue                  14-Oct-29   F   W     W
Peek               J       W. Dr.       27-Dec-27   M   W     W
Pepper             Mary    Jones
Perdue             Clifford
Perry              Bessie               20-Aug-29   M   W
Person             Lilla   A
Philips            John    Henry        28-Feb-29   M   C     W
Phillips           Lillian
Pickett            Benjaminf            08-Jan-29   M   W     M
Pitman             Mildred              18-Oct-29   F   W     S
Pittman            Willis  Hammond
Pitts              Mary    Elizabeth
Pitts              Pearl   Todd
Plant              Roy
Poarch             Florence             14-Jan-28   F   C     S
Poindexter         Arthur
Posey              Ethel                03-Oct-29   F   C     M
Post               William Glenn
Potts                      Twins?
Powell             Alex
Powell             Annie
Powell             Claud
Powell             Grace   Orr
Powell             Nathaniel
Powell             Robert
Powell             Thomas
Powell             William
Price              Abie
Pruitt             Robert  Lee
Pyles              Mary    Mageline
Ragland            Luke
Ragland            Paul                 22-Dec-28   M   C     W
Rainey             Alice
Ray                Alpha
Redwine            Margarett
Reese              Henry   Jr           06-Aug-28   M   C
Reese              Henry   W
Reese              Lillian
Reese              Melvin
Reese                                   09-Apr-29       C     S
Reid               Tom                  17-Dec-27   M   C     W
Render             Gertrude             11-Oct-19   F   C     M
Render             Will                 24-Dec-28   M   C     M
Rhodes             Charlie Thomas       17-Feb-28   M   C
Richey             J       E
Ringer             Mose
Ritchens           Willie  Lee          01-May-29   F   C     S
Ritchey            Elizabeth
Roberson           Elizabeth            23-Oct-28   F   W     W
Roberts            Hazel                19-Jun-28   F   W     M
Roberts            James   Joseph                   M   W     S
Roberts            Susie   T
Robinson           Carrie  Harris
Robinson                                03-Apr-29   M   W
Roebuck            Sarah   Margaret
Rooks              F       M
Rooks              Joe     H            18-Jun-29   M   W     W
Rosser             Odessa               14-Feb-28   F   C     M
Rowe               James   Clarence     17-Feb-29   M   C
Rowe               James   T
Rutledge           H       T. Jr.
Sanders            Bennett Conyers
Scroggin           Annie
Scroggin           Martha
Sewell             William Henry        04-Jan-29   M   C     S

Sheerman           Cleve
Sheperd            Albert               26-Oct-29   M   C     M
Sherlock           Minnie               04-May-26   F   W
Shirley            L       C            28-Aug-29   F   C
Shumake            Jane
Simmons            Fannie  L
Simmons                                 01-Jan-28   F   C
Simon              Preston
Sims               Bessie
Sims               Carrie               12-Dec-27   F   C     W
Sims               Hughlett
Sims               Hulet
Sims               Ione                 12-Dec-28   F   W     W
Sims               Katie   Sue
Sims               Oliver
Sims                                    05-Mar-28   F   C
Slaton             Onal
Smart              T       J            06-Nov-28   M   W     S
Smith              Alice   Mary         11-Jan-28   F   C     S
Smith              Charlie E
Smith              Ephriam
Smith              Ethel                09-Oct-28   F   C
Smith              H       M            17-Jul-29   M   W     W
Smith              Hattie
Smith              I       Ecw. Dr.
Smith              Isiah
Smith              John    E
Smith              Jossie               19-Feb-28   F   C     M
Smith              Little               19-Jan-28   F   C     W
Smith              Lula
Smith              Margarett            03-Feb-28   F   C     W
Smith              T       N
Snead              Lewis   Emmett       01-Nov-29   M   W     S
Sorrows            S       F            10-Nov-28   M   W     W
Speer              Mattie
Spradlin           Landon  C
Spratlin           J       W
Stallings          Francis
Stallings          James                07-Sep-28   M   C
Stallings          Linnie
Stallings          Maggie               25-Jan-29   F   W     S
Stallings          William Gibson       15-Jun-22   M   W     S
Stanford           Harriet Gibson       23-Aug-03   F   W     M
Starr              Louisa  A            17-Jan-29   F   W     W
Steed              Vetter  Houston      18-Jan-29   M   W     S
Stegall            Eddie                06-Sep-29   M   C
Stegall            Furlow               15-Jan-28   M   C
Stegall            Idella               28-Jun-28   F   C     M
Stegall            Idella               29-Jul-28   F   C     M
Stephens           Andrew               10-Dec-28   M   C     M
Stevenson          Earnest
Stevenson          Louise
Stevenson          Will
Stewart            George
Stitcher           Margerette           12-Dec-28   F   W     M
Stokes             Charlie
Stokes             Dora    Mae
Stokes             Murray               06-Aug-28   M   C     W
Stokes             Polley  M            13-Mar-29   F   C     M
Stokes             Solomon              15-Jan-28   M   C     M
Stokes             William Mae          06-Jul-29   F   C     M
Stone              Eugene  Wooten
Story              Madison
Story              Willie  J            16-Dec-29   M   C
Street             Mildred Lawson
Strickland         Lizzie
Strickland         William
Stricklin                               14-Mar-28   M   C
Stripling          James   W
Strozier           Henrietta
Sullivan           C       C            22-Mar-28   M   W     M
Sumlin             Will
Summeers           Joe     F
Summers            Sarah   Snow
Sutton             George
Swanson            Yancy
Taylor             Edward               28-May-28   M   W     S
Taylor             William              05-Dec-27   M   C     M
Teagle             Agnes   Lou
Tee                Lavenia

Terrell            James   A            02-Sep-28   M   M     M
Terrell            William
Thacker            Bennie  Ray
Thompson           Josh
Thompson           O       S
Thompson                                  1928      F   C
Thomson            Nelsen  M            01-Jan-29   M   W     M
Thornton           Cora
Thornton           John    R
Thornton           L       D
Thornton           T       J            10-Jun-28   M   W     M
Thrash             Gertrude
Thurmond           Leroy                19-Jan-29   M   C     S
Tigall             Arthur  Lee
Tolbert                                             F   C
Tompkins           Robert               11-Aug-29   M   C     S
Towns              Oliver               09-Aug-29   M   C     W

Traylor            Ella
Traylor            Norman
Tucker             Dora    D                        F   W     M
Turner             Robert  Block        31-May-28   M   W
Turner             T       S
Tyson              John
Underwood          Frank   Kendall
Vaughan            Idella
Vaughan            Leola                17-Aug-28   F   C     W
Vaughan            Mary    Elizabeth    27-Jun-28   F   C
Vaughan            Thomas  J
Walker             C                    08-Jun-29   F   C     S
Walker             Carlton
Walker             Harriett
Walker             J       J
Walker             M       J
Ward               Emmie
Ward               Jack
Ware               Fannie               22-Dec-27   F   C     W
Warner             Hallie  Laster       14-Mar-29   F   C     M
Watson             Angeline             16-Jan-29   F   C     W
Watson             Jessie               14-Oct-28   M   C     W
Weaver             A       L
Weaver             Emma
Webb               Homer   L
Welbourne          Julia
Wellbourn          Mamie   E
West               Elzie   Lee          21-Jun-28   M   W     S
West               Willis               21-Jan-28   M   W     M
Whadley            Isom
Whatley            Missouri
Whatley            William              29-Oct-29   M   C     S
White              Taylor
Whitlock           E       D
Whitlock           Lucy    A            15-Mar-28   F   C     W
Wilberly           Levi
Wilburn            Willie  Mae          15-Jan-29   F   C     M
Wilcoxon           Leah
Wilder             B                    26-Oct-28   M   C     M
Wilder                                  23-Jan-28   F   W     S
Wiley              J       C
Wilkins            Mary    E
Williams           Charles              20-Jul-29   M   C     M
Williams           Fred    Lee
Williams           Henry   R
Williams           Jim
Williams           John
Williams           Sam                  16-Aug-28   M   C     M
Williams           Willie  Frank
Wood               Hatie
Wood               Nettie
Wood               Ted                  04-Aug-28   M   C     M
Woodall            Katie   Sue
Woodard            T       B            08-Jul-28   M   C
Woodard                                 19-Jun-28   M   C
Woodruff           Resa                 18-Mar-29   F   C     M
Woodruff           Rosa                 19-Mar-29   F   C     M
Woods              Leroy
Woods              Lula    Davenport
Wortham            Benjaminidus         08-Nov-29   M   W     M
Wortham            Mary    Emmie
Wright             Bettie  Ann
Wright             Ella
Wright             Joe     Ann
Wright             Mary    Ann
Wright             Mary                 05-Nov-28   F   C     M
Wright             Thedrus              31-Jul-28   F   C     S
Wright             William C
Young              James   Lamar
Young              Mary                 11-Sep-28   F   W     S
Young              Sarah
Zachry             William

Contributed by Dianne Wood ©2002.

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