Madison County, GA Marriage Index Book 2

Madison County, GA Marriage Index Book 2 (1900-1908)

The following pages were copied from an index compiled by the county clerk from the original marriage books. If a date is not listed, I do not have a date yet. Please note that the spelling was taken directly from the original marriage books as written by the clerk of that time period and may not reflect the actual spelling of today. Good luck in your research!

If you wish to get a Xerox copy of the original marriage record, contact the Madison County Courthouse. Be sure to include groom name, bride name, book, and page number.

Madison County GA Probate Court
P.O. Box 207
91 Albany Avenue
Danielsville, GA 30633
phone 706-795-6365

GROOM                   BRIDE                       PAGE    DATE
Aaron, G.W.             Carter, Parthina             82     
Aaron, Grier            Graham, Sallie              529
Aaron, Thomas D.        Brown, Bessie               466
Adams, Callie           Smith, Addie                559
Adams, G.M.             Hampton, Ovie               444
Adams, J.R.             Strickland, Gillie Ann       17
Adams, Joseph C.        Bond, Rosie                 435
Adams, Lee              Smith, Pearl                483
Adams, Perry            Segraves, Emma              133
Adams, Sloan            Arnold, Nora                 83
Adams, Worley           Wakefield, Alice            259
Ailewine, E.F.          Bridges, Lillie             285
Akin, Luther            Herring, Mary E.            187
Akin, Willie            Martin, Emma                372
Alexander, Emanuel      Brawner, Bulah              384
Alexander, James F.     Loftis, M.E.                187
Alewine, Callie         Higginbotham, Malissie      134
Alewine, Curtis         Berryman, Charlie Ann        80
Allen, G.H.             Ella?, Levia                133
Allen, George J.        Adams, Ida Nora Lee         468
Allen, Harry L.         Barnes, Ruth                188
Allen, Henry            Hall, Lula                  393
Allen, Joe              Williams, Annie             132
Allen, Walter           Williams, Gertrude           41
Alman, Andrew           Smith, Bessie               419
Almond, James M.        Almand, Maud W.             325
Anderson, J.C.          Mitchell, Cora               82
Anderson, W.C.          Ashworth, Mittie L.          39
Andow, J.V.             Durden, Mattie              249
Anthony, John W.        Benton, P.J.                209
Argo, Thomas            Fowler, Vanna               332
Armstrong, Richard      Stephens, Nora               40
Arnold, Chan            Jarrell, Ada                516
Arnold, Charlie         Smith, Allie                343
Arnold, Charlie         Moon, Daisy                 388
Arnold, Crawford        Carithers, Riffie            18
Arnold, Dotry           David, Adilaide              19
Arnold, G.W.            Grimes, Addie Lee            40
Arnold, George          Griffeth, Mary              566
Arnold, Henry           White, Addie                486
Arnold, James           Howard, Vada                446
Arnold, Joe             Griffith, Paralee           287
Arnold, Pierce A.       Boggs, Grace Minnie         526
Arnold, Willie          Maddox, Lizzie               81
Arnold, Willis          Strickland, Evie            489
Arnold, Wilson          Arnold, Sadie               318
Ashworth, Thomas        Parham, Nora                440
Atkinson, Brooks R.     Hulme, Cora                 209
Ayers, E.P.             Williams, M.V (Mrs.)         81
Bailey, Bud             Sewell, Fannie               45
Bailey, Dalas           McWhorter, Chinthey         212
Bailey, Jim             Sorrells, Girtrude          564
Bailey, Luther          Sewell, Lizzie               85
Baker, George E.        Eberhart, Susie              42
Baker, J.F.             Dye, Lillian                137
Bangus, John            Eaton, Minnie               466
Barefield, Bud          Moon, Georgia               578
Barnes, George W.       Crow, Lila                  284
Barnett,  Arthur        Bird, Lula                  247
Barnett,  Cornelius     Arnold, Mary                138
Barnett,  Harvey        Sims, Sallie                213
Barnett,  Jake          Johnson, Fannie             322
Barnett,  Mitchell      Ellis, Limmie               311
Barnett,  Neal          Patton, Ella                442
Barnett,  Oscar         Foot, Martha                398
Barnett,  Ronie         Groves, Cora L.             551
Barrow, Fletcher        Moon, Cass                   44
Barton, Arthur          Magbee, Emma                 41
Barton, Oscar B.        Moon, Lizzie                498
Bates, George J.        Hall, Nora                  143
Bates, George F.        Cooper, Ella                 86
Bates,,J.S.             Benton, Evie                140
Bates, John             Rolin, Mattie                47
Bates, P.E.             Strickland, Soley           494
Baxter, G.L.            Carithers, Minnie            44
Baxter, George W.       Seagraves, Maggie Lou       421
Baxter, T.J.            Lord, Mary                  359
Beard, T.B.F.           Phillips, Hurlie            299
Beasley, John West      George, Caroline            336
Beatenbough, Dee        Tiner, Callie               284
Belk, Julian            Turner, Husie               214
Bell, Edman             McWhorter, Della             46
Bennett, John           Ray, Effie                  346
Benton, A.B.            Drake, Docksie              394
Benton Cal              Carithers, Loula            461
Benton, Edgar E.        Godfrey, Daisy D.            84
Benton, J.E.            Smith, Alice Nona           494
Benton, John            Collins, Francis            432
Benton, Julius E.       Thompson, Cora              139
Benton, Lonie           Lane, Belle                 531
Benton, S.J.            Freeman, Eugenia            355
Benton, W.B.            Beard, Ada                  558
Benton, W.O.            Estes, Ella                 140
Berry, Willie           Graham, Nettie Sue          339
Berryman, C.C.          Martin, Anice               568
Bird, Charles N.        Campbell, Maud              511
Bird, G.B.              Burroughs, Callie            24
Bird, Henry M.          McConnell, Minnie Q.         20
Bird, James             Randolph, Della              83
Bird, John              Mathews, Pearl              249
Bird, Robert F.         Freeman, Ona                405
Bird, Tom               Howard, Mary                596
Bird, Tom               McGinnis, M.C.              333
Black, Henry            Partain, Ida                 89
Black, Miniard          Chandler, Maud              514
Blackwell, Burnie       Kellum, Maud                433
Boggs, John T.          Kirk, Pearl                  37
Boggs, Richmond M.      Eberhart, Mary              213
Boggus, William A.      Wood, Francine              501
Bolton, C.D.            Yarborough, May             362
Bolton, Joseph          McGinnis, Myrtie            387
Bolton, Sollie          Eberhart, Ethel             441
Bond, Henry L.          Tiner, Donnie               188
Bond, J.D.              Crow, Leila                  30
Bond, T.A.              Branyan, Estelle             87
Bone, Barney D.         Chandler, L.A.P.             46
Booth, George           Moon, Mildred (Mrs.)        341
Booth, Gordan V.        Gully, Maggie                84
Booth, Hester           Scarborough, Nancy           88
Booth, J.C.             Dean, Evie                  139
Booth, L.A.             Coil, Ann                     6
Booth, M.C.             Daniel, Myrt                475
Booth, Stoaks           Smith, Oma                  214
Booth, T.A.             King, Alma                  590
Booth, W.S.             Carter, Carrie              208
Borders, Eugene C.      Newman, Bessie               27
Borroughs, Artha L.     Bates, Annie                 43
Boswell, Leonard        Scarborough, Willie         478
Boswell, Roy            Barrett, Dora               142
Bowden, Fred            Hall, Caroline              380
Bowers, Job D.          Moon, Mae                   324
Bradbury, W.W.          Daniel, Mattie              135
Bradford, Henry         Calaway, Alice              445
Bradley, Furd           Smith, Allie                474
Bradley, George D.      Smith, Hattie               582
Bradley, H.Y.           Smith, Maud                 569
Bradley, John           Weir, Lula                  371
Bradley, Lutha          Brown, Agnes                 47
Bragg, Joe              Bagwell, Zonie              137
Brakefield, W.E.        Wilson, Eva                 583
Brawner, Jack           Sursy, Essie                475
Brawner, Lee            Bruce, Ella                 262
Bray, Isham             Lester, Nora                308
Breedlove, J.M.         David, Dora                  33
Brewer, Tom             Mathews Lula                 43
Bridges, B.M            Barrett, Enice              141
Bridges, Clinton        Gulley, Ida                 592
Bridges, Henry          Scoggins, Callie             34
Bridges, N.H.           Tolbert, Ida Willie         515
Bridges, Willie         Colbert, Susie               45
Brooks, Emery           Deadwyler, Susie            449
Brooks, Fletcher        Smith, Claudie              299
Brooks, James           Lee, Ester                  464
Brooks, Lonnie F.       Sims, May                   548
Brooks, Wafford L.      Sanders, Fannie E.           87
Brown, Aaron,           Lindsey, Tiney              406
Brown,  Ben             Griffeth, Nellie            550
Brown,  C.J.            Mattox, Leila               399
Brown,  Claud           Oliver, Mattie              414
Brown,  D.H.            Rice, Minnie                 31
Brown,  George W.       Mason, Alice                348
Brown,  George          Hunt, Sarah                 422
Brown,  Griff           Cooper, Nobia.              329
Brown,  Grover C.       Moon, Lessie                300
Brown,  H.A.            Hall, Bessie                286
Brown,  Henry           Coile, Minnie               469
Brown,  Herbert         Lindsey, Allie              406
Brown, John             McWhorter, Ophelia          271
Brown,  John            Baker, Roxy                 587
Brown,  Joseph W.       McLeroy, Pearl              484
Brown,  Oscar           Thornton, Dasie             345
Brown,  Oscar           Epps, Beulah                210
Brown,  Pink            White, Tavie                136
Brown,  R.R.            Freeman, Addie              484
Brown,  Sanford         Kidd, Mattie                492
Brown,  Virgil          Herring, Carrie             594
Brown,  W.M.            Mandly, Norah               344
Brown,  W.S.            Arnold, Kate                272
Brown,  William E.      Gulley, Viola Belle         591
Brown,  Woodie          White, Mollie               136
Bruce,  I.L.            Stanford, Hattie            208
Bruce,  Isham           James, Evie                 142
Bryant,  E.W.           Hall, Nelie                  32
Bryant,  J.C.           Parks, A.E.                  37
Bryant,  James          Loony, Liza                 211
Bryant,  Joe D.         Bridges, Ethel May          470
Bryant,  John Wesley    Fortson, Nancy               85
Bryant, William         Bryant, Malinda              48
Bullard, Mauch          Winfrey, Bertha             544
Bullock, Charlie        Haynes, Evie                319
Bullock, G.T.           Smith, Mallier              212
Bullock, J.C.N.         Martin, Rosa                141
Bullock, Willie         Mathews, Else               138
Burch, Lenzie           Alexander, Lissie           540
Burnett, Ned            Daniel, Emma L.              88
Burns, Henry            Sorrells, Mary              134
Burroughs, Berry J.     Thompson, Mary F.           479
Burroughs, D.           Martin, Pinkie              354
Burroughs, Elic         Stoniker, Fannie            210
Burroughs, George       Mercier, Bessie             352
Burroughs, Henry        Turner, Mamie               211
Burroughs, J.T.         Ailewine, Dessie            575
Burroughs,  J.T.        Hardman, Hassie Belle       451
Burroughs,  J.W.        Williams, Ora C.            471
Burroughs,  James R.    Lindsey, Rosa               355
Burroughs,  Lawton      Harris, Ella                547
Burroughs,  Samuel B.   Woods, Willie Edna          338
Burroughs,  W.C.        Threlkeld, Katie            536
Burroughs,  Will        Childers, Bessie            245
Burroughs,  William     Mathews, Sallie             135
Burton, Earnest         Hill, Maggie                341
Busby, Lonnie           Thomas, Mary                339
Bush, Daniel            Davenport, Pearl            557
Bush, Ed                Eberhart, Rebecca           331
Bush, Ed                Eberhart, Mag.               86
Butler, Thomas E.       Baskin, Elizabeth           579
Butler, W.F.            Eberhart, Elizabeth         189
Butler, W.O.            Dove, Emma                   42
Butler, Wm. Plumer      Benton, Emma                493
Callaway, Edward        Dedwyler, Nuna Blanch       146
Camp, Will              Williams, Carry             491
Campbell, D.L.          Sorrow, Myrtie              435
Campbell, E.T.          Hardman, M.E. (Mrs.)        379
Campbell, Josiah        Dove, Mary                  401
Campbell, Lud           Smith, Lucy                 144
Canada, A.B.            Chandler, M.S. (Mrs.)       517
Cape, D.L.              Dove, Lizzie                259
Cape, Sim               Coker, Emma                 469
Carithers,  Candler     Key, Ora                    270
Carithers,  Dan         Arnold, Byrdie              215
Carithers,  Duke        Long, Pearl                 419
Carithers,  George      Duffel, Ellen                21
Carithers,  James T.    Bond, Fannie                 50
Carithers,  James T.    Porterfield, Jewel          488
Carithers,  Lonie       Patterson, Clara            145
Carithers,  Mark        Thompson, Lena              543
Carithers,  Robert      Tucker, Gussie              143
Carouth, Luke           Thornton, Olie Ann          503
Carrington., K.W.       Porterfield, Ellen           49
Carruth, W.Y.           Oliver, Polly               568
Carson, Tom             Witcher, Georgia            146
Carter, Earl            Clark, Lillie May           266
Cartledge, Carl Howard  Burroughs, Kate Hay         588
Cartledge, R.W.         Graham, Emma                321
Cartledge, Samuel G.    Chandler, Mary Isobel       389
Cary, Sanford M.        Fitts, Era                  431
Cash, Charlie           Upson, Emma                 252
Chandler, Allen         Wynn, Lizzie                 10
Chandler, Bethel        Chandler, Hattie             49
Chandler, C.M.          Owens, Cammie               384
Chandler, C.T.          Booth, Mamie                476
Chandler, Clifford      Harwell, Lucy                18
Chandler, Dock          Freeman, Earl               335
Chandler, Frank         Bone, Maude                  51
Chandler, Harve         Strickland, Lizzie          281
Chandler, James F.      Williams, Bessie A.         144
Chandler, L.L.          Bird, Ina                    91
Chandler, Martin Luther Cartledge, Eula             409
Chandler, S.L.          House, Maggie                50
Chandler, S.W.          Hendricks, M.L.             408
Chappel, Sam            Foot, Cora                  147
Chasteen,  Dock         Dudley, Ida                 522
Chastin, F.G.           Bailey, Alice               262
Chastine, Foster        Phillips, Alice             248
Chastine, O.A.          Little, Lolie               527
Chatham, Oscar          Smith, Lizzie               269
Chatham, Will           Atkigon, Mattie             356
Cheek, G.C.             Hollyfield, Ollie           267
Cheek, William          Vaughn, Quilla              263
Childers, E.O.          McCurley, Susie             496
Childers, J.W.          Carithers, Emma              36
Chrisler, Charlie       Strickland, Alice           254
Christian, Clifford     Scarborough, Mary           359
Christian, F.C.         White, Effie                505
Christian, Will         Porterfield, Alice          268
Christy, R.R.           Williams, Maud               51
Chryswell, Robert       Strickland, Mary             93
Claghorn, J.M.          Eberhart, Mattie             12
Clemments, J.E.         Benton, Emma                 90
Cleveland, John         Lester, Eliza               334
Clotfelter, J.L.        Kesler, May                  89
Coffee, W.D.            Risener, Kate               375
Coile, Thoma            Graham, Lizzie              456
Coker, David            Smith, Rennie               534
Colbert, Arthur         Pass, Mamie                 536
Colbert, James          Sims, Lela                  441
Colbert, Sam            Sanders, Lucile             423
Colbert, Tom            Shaw, Bessie                265
Coleman, W.F.           Barber, Bessie              459
Collier, Miles          Colbert, Ouida              450
Collins, Glenn          Strickland, Susie           591
Collins, O.J.           Brown, A.J.                  48
Comer, James M.         Olive, Hallie               481
Compton, C.T.           Thornton, Lizzie            255
Compton, G.M.           Scarborough, Emma            92
Compton, Harvey         Smith, Sarah C.             282
Compton, Harvey         Bruce, Gathy                145
Compton, Homer          Simmons, Lula               250
Conwell, Guy            Bond, Ora                   501
Cooper, Arthur          Armstrong, Goba             518
Cooper, J.O.            Christian, Josie            576
Cooper, W.H.            Bates, Mollie                91
Craft, Grover C.        Smith, Corrie               580
Crenshaw, George        Sims, Biddie                273
Crisley, J.C.           Brown,, Mary                563
Crow, John Patton       Graham, Lou Tishie          215     12-29-1903
Crow, Thomas L.         Webb, Esteran (Mrs.)         92
Culbertson, John        Lord, Ada                   518
Cumming, John Henry     Wynn, Sarah                 312
Cunningham, Charlie     Neal, Ella                  382
Cunningham, Charlie     Colbert, Ella                90
Cunningham, John        Hardy, Jimmie               561
Curry, Clayt            Arnold, Annie               313
Curry, D.R.             Daniel, Mattie              383
Curry, Gabriel          Deadwyler, Sarah            147
Curry, Marvin           Johnson, Lizzie             530
Curry, Nathan           Jordan, Cora                430
Curry, Walker           Cunningham, Susie           533
Daly,  Samuel           Tolbert, Lizzie             519
Daniel, A.C.            Duffell, Naomie             273
Daniel, Benj. Franklin  Simmons, Willie Llewillyn   414
Daniel, Buford          Carithers, Lizzie           298
Daniel, Dave            Deadwyler, Mattie Lee       360
Daniel, E.A.            Daniel, Hilda                96
Daniel, George          Hitchcock, Evy               95
Daniel, T.R.            Carithers, Delree           424
Daniel, Willie          Gholston, Dilsy             148
Davenport, Frank        Smith, Mattie               539
Davenport, Henry        Scott, Callie                94
Davenport, Jesse        Goolsby, Tiller Ann         527
Davenport, Timothy      Bolton, Georgia             256
Davenport, Willie       Watson, Harriet             422
David, Charlie          Long, Lucinda               379
David, G.M.             Lord, Ophelia                 3
David, Isaac            Wynn, Ertie                 333
David, Jim              Chapler, Hattie             289
David, John             Hopkins, Nellie             483
David, John M.          Landers, Lily               448
David, John             Willingham, Ella            149
David, John             Long, Sarah                 329
David, Robert T.        Carrington, Maud            512
David, W.H.             Ridgway, Lola               189
Davis, C.L.             Threlkeld, Ione             551
Davis, J.L.             Moon, Mary                   93
Davis, S.M.             Blackwell, Belle            322
Davis, W.L.             Threlkeld, Mattie           368
Davis, W.M.             Blackwell, Nora             268
Davis, William          Williams, Ida                96
Davison, James R.       Scarborough, Donnie         217
Deadwyler, Henry        Moon, Clara                 577
Deadwyler, J.D.         Hitchcock, Emma             216
Dean, E.W.              Brooks, Dezzie              509
Dean, J.N.              Collins, Lessie              27
Dean, T.J.              Almand, Sally               288
Dean, W.S.              Breckenridge, Pearl           8
Dickison, Bob           Ginn, Ella                  148
Dillard, Jet            Chandler, Lillie May        297
Dillard, Owen           Glenn, Corrie               545
Dorothy, James          Echols, Lady                293
Dove, Earnest           Stonecipher, Myrtil         216
Dove, Ezre              Bryant, Olevia              367
Dove, J.J.              Scarborough, Cynthia        288
Dove, Sam               Davis, Eva                  334
Dowdy, John             Eberhart, Eula              263
Dowdy, Will             Eberhart, Jane              578
Drake, J.W.             Threlkeld, Rosie            300
Drake, J.W.             Robert, Jenny                95
Draper, George W.       Patterson, Vara             416
Dudley, Barnett         Moon, Mary M.               541
Dudley, Comus           King, Geneva                443
Dudley, Luther          Bragg, Janie                361
Dye, Joseph             Campbell, Dora               94
Dye, Marcus M.          Cleghorn, Laura             532
Dye, O.B.               Campbell, Jessie             35
Earls, William          Power, Mary                 482
Eaten, J.F.             Keller, Mary (Mrs.)         150
Eberhart, Bud           Hill, Lula                  420
Eberhart, Earl          Tucker, Pearl               411
Eberhart, G.T.          Patterson, Cornelia         382
Eberhart, George        Haley, Minnie               270
Eberhart, George        Baker, Alice                 97
Eberhart, Isaiah        Johnson, Leila               97
Eberhart, J.B.P.        Long, Lilla                 219
Eberhart, J.W.          Moore, Effie                219
Eberhart, James         Eberhart, Nora                5
Eberhart, Luke          English, Lilla               20
Eberhart Thos. Grover   Meadows, Betsie Gertrude    514
Eberhart, Will          Hopkins, Delie              218
Echols, Henry           Patman, Lula                557
Echols, John L.         Vaughn, Lizzie              497
Edman, Robert.          Alexander, Elizabeth        150
Edwards, Claude         Sorrow, Maggie              272
Edwards, Henry          Thompson, Nora              217
Edwards, J.E.           Hix, S.A.                   220
Edwards, Newt           Williams, Ella              446
Epps, J.S.              Carithers, N.A.             513
Epps, Luther            Wallis, Lula                 52
Epps, Marshal           Bryant, Sidney              378
Epps, Obe               Carithers, Beulah           415
Epps, W.A.              Benton, Levie               574
Escoe, L.M.             Drake, M.E.                  53
Estes, Lester           Webb, Fannie                478
Evans, Goss             Landers, Allie              426
Evans, Hampton          Bonds, Eliza                149
Evans, Lee G.           Carithers, Beatrice         218
Evans, Ose              House, Jessie                52
Faulkner, J.M.          Allen, Francis               54
Fields, Thomas          Epps, Lola                  365
Fisher, Tom             Martin, Mattie Lue          151
Fitts, J.L.             Fricks, Dora                385
Fitts, William L.       Ray, Genie                   98
Fitzpatrick, Young      White, Buna                 348
Flemming, George        Winfrey, Emma               367
Floyd, Grat             Bullock, Mira                 8
Floyd, J.J.             Benton, Laura Lee            99
Foot, Jim               Hitchcock, Emma              54
Foot, Joe               Glenn, Ina                   98
Ford, Grover            Rucker, Lois                521
Ford, Grover            Patterson, Cora             417
Fortson, Tom            Lord, Lizzie                190
Fortson, W.R.           Carithers, Ethel            576
Fortson, Willie         Swain, Pearl                220
Foster, Fred            Vaughn, Lady                420
Fowler  Adolphus        Crider, Dollie              428
Fowler, Albert  T.      Argo, Holly                  39
Fowler, Clifford        Bridges, Ada                291
Fowler, Henry           Crider, Bettie              428
Freeman, Grover         Hendrick, Opal              499
Freeman, Tom            Johnson, Ada                280
Fuller, C.A.            Freeman, Bertha              53
Gaines, John            Arnold, Mary                265
Gant, George            Nowell, June                330
Garner, A.J.            Argo, Lizzie                292
Garrett, Willie         Parson, Pearl               486
Gaulding, Samuel L.     Eberhart, May                 4
Gaunt, Lawrence         Williams, Louvenia          547
Gay, Shedrick           Beasley, Mary               596
Gholston Asberry        Colbert, Rosa               522
Gholston, Charlie       Rucker, Mollie              222
Gholston, Wm. Dabney    Pitts, Lena Mai             506
Gibbs, Jim              Harper, Rosa                520
Ginn, H.F.              Adams, Dovie                 16
Ginn, J.D.              Mattox, Fannie              190
Ginn, T.S.              Ray, Mollie                 325
Gleen, Dock             Goss, Lula                   55
Glenn, Charlie          Thomas, Mary                100
Glenn, Daniel           Johnson, Lula               152
Glenn, Eugene           Porterfield, Clyde          439
Glenn, J.E.             Kidd, Willie                470
Glenn, John Henry       Grove, Babe                 221
Glenn, Lee              Thompson, Julia             101
Glenn, Sam              Johnson, Estell             569
Gober, John             Short, Permisey             151
Goolsby, Joe            Huff, Jessie                315
Gordon, Earnest L.      Williams, Blanche           560
Gordon, Samuel          Tiller, Belle               574
Graham, A.D.            Brown, Esther               316
Graham, Charlie Daniel  Turner, Bertha Chloe        523
Graham, David           Bond, Minnie                440
Graham, J.H.            Baxter, Mattie L.           550
Graham, James Clifford  Gordon, Gurtie Estell       376
Graham, Johnnie         Lindsey, Tennie              99
Graham, Lucas           Bridges, Lou Charlie        558
Graham, Mitton          Drake, Leathy                23
Graham, Obediah         Benton, Lizzie              100
Graham, Redden          Leard, Birdie               297
Graham, W.M.            Graham, Ollie               392
Gray, Willie            Drake, Callie               191
Griffeth, Alonzo        Busby, Lilly                516
Griffeth, Charlie Scott Gordon, Effie Lillian       327
Griffeth, George        Jackson, Lula               452
Griffeth, J. Ellis      Morris, Susie               548
Griffeth, J.E.          Porterfield, Minnie          26
Griffeth, James A.      Gunnells, Cora               16
Griffeth, Sam           Johnson,   Hettle           407
Griffeth, Walter        Latimore, Annie             538
Griffeth, Willie        Hopkins, Georgia            485
Griffeth, Willie        Arnold, Lucy                570
Grimes, J.W.            Burton, Willie Winnie       473
Guest, Clarence         Christian, Addie            342
Gulley, H.P.            Thompson, Nancy             152
Gulley, T.J.            Simmons, Dora               586
Gunnells, A.D           Hardman, Mona               464
Gunnells, J.F           Mathews, Bertha             306
Gunnells, James         Kidd, Eliza                 285
Gunter, D.G. (Dr.)      Thompson, Blanch            221
Haggard, C.B.           Embry, Mattie               400
Hairston, Patrick H.    Berryman, Carmel            427
Hall, Alexander         Wilson, Rosa        	    360
Hall, Darsey            Hitchcock, Sarah            447
Hall, Dick              David, Mary                 365
Hall, J.T.A.            Tyler, Mary                 582
Hall, Robert            Coil, Nelie                  23
Hall, Wess              Strickland, Maggie            9
Halloway, George        McGee, Sallie               552
Hammond, J.L.           Hill, Mollie                584
Hammons, Fulch          Parham, Mary                224
Hammons, J.L.           Nash, Salliell               58
Haralson, J.F.          Benton, Malevie (Mrs.)      153
Hardeman, H.C.          Hitchcock, Pearl            101
Hardman, Eugene         Rogers, Stella              438
Hardman, Seaborn R.     Hitchcock, Irene            549
Harper, John            Eberhart, Susie             584
Harris, F.D.            Sims, Anna                   17
Harrison, Sam           Brown Lucy                  555
Hart, Fred              Herring, Janie              167
Hart, H.H.              Mercier, Cornelia           104
Hart, Homer             Johnson, Josie              225
Harwell, James          Dudley, Nellie              349
Harwell, Will           Bird, Maggie                 56
Hawkins, Artillus       Deadwyler, Mary             587
Hawkins, Jerry          Hardman, Lu1a               321
Hawks, Henry            Hardman, Willie             320
Hawks, L.B.             Adams, Nora                 154     12-20-1902
Hawks, Thomas D.        Gunnells, Ada               296
Haynes, Claud           Phillips, Mary J.           507
Haynes, H.G.            Gleeman, Maggie             431
Haynes, Jack            Bullock, Mozelle            434
Heard, Mat              White, Florence             374
Heard, William          Echols, EVeline             192
Hendrick, Gib           Carrington, Maggie          465
Hendrick, W.T.          Smith, Clester              154
Hendricks, H.C.         Moon, Dora                  225
Hendrix, C.W.           Thackey, N S. (Mrs.)        224
Hendrix, J.E.           Dove, Cyntha                585
Henly, A.D.             Chandler, Levie             390
Herring, E.P.           Hulsey, July                485
Herring, L.A.           Morris, Luticia             258
Herrone, Harry B.       Gardner, Mable G.            57
Hickenbotham, W.M.      Shields, S.M.L.             191
Hickman, Sim            Jordan, Leila               166
Highland, John          Booth, Mary                 223
Hill, A.E.              Hill, Dozie R.              413
Hill, Asa               Barnett, Cansie             275
Hill, G.L.              Wilson, Fannie (Mrs.)       222
Hill, Harrison          Moody, Eliza C.             560
Hill, Harrison          Arnold, Corrie               10
Hill, Hugh              Cooper, Jessie               22
Hill, L.J.              Woods, Ruby                 223
Hill, Lum               Glover, Allie               226
Hill, Perry             Roland, Bessie              351
Hill, Walter            Akin, Bee                    79
Hill, Willie            Rucker, Essie               397
Hill,  Willie           Smith, Phillis              278
Hitchcock, Guy          Hawkins, Pinkie             314
Hix, Hance              Brown, Dora                 103
Hix, J.D.               Black, Belia                166
Hix, J.W.               Streetman, M.L.             528
Hix, Thomas J.          Taylor, Maud L.             192
Hodge, Ransom           Sims, Ellen                 361
Holder, J.M.            McLocklin, Maggie            57
Holt, Henry             Hill, Susie                 554
Hooper, H.L.            Daniel, Jannie              347
Hooper, J.E.            Hendrix, Mattie             102
Hopkins, Cap            Hitchcock, Ella             102
Hopkins, Emery          Bird, Lucy                  426
Hopkins, General        Lee, Ella                   104
Hopkins, James          Sorrells, Mollie            457
Hopkins, Jase           Daniel, Lonie               391
Hopkins, Thomas         David, Jane                 594
Hopkins, Virgil         Scott, Mamy                 294
Hopkins, Willie         Stephens, Jessie             55
Howard, Cornelius       Thompson, Neelie            468
Howard, James P.        Carithers, Annie W.         283
Howard,  Umphrey        Winn, Lucinda               559
Hubberd, Seab           Daniel, Ethel               436
Huff, A.L.              Nelms, Evie                 103
Huff, Jim               Upson, Texanna              251
Hulsie, Isaiah          Bridges, Mary Ida Pulliam   286
Human, Sam              Parham, Mary                264
Human, Seab             Christian, Bessie           155
Hurly, J.S.             Porterfield, Ellen          340
Hutcherson, Thos. C.    Olive, Ethel                372
Ingram, L.G.            Bird, Mamie                 105
Jackson, Clifford       Thompson, Lucy              227
Jackson, Lucius         Moon, Sarah                 490
Jackson, Oscar          Bush, Lourine               106
James, G.F.             Bishop, Tilda               304
James, Henry            Williams, May               352
James, Joe              Surcy, Ina                  460
James, W.C.             Scarborough, Evie           257
Jarrell, J.J.           Johnson, Laura              312
Jarrells, Bob           Arnold, Dora                228
Jarrett, Onus           Archie, Mattia              405
Jenkins, Hogan          Hill, Mattie                564
Jenkins, John           Stancer, Stella             226
Johnson, Brown          Caruth, Francis             106
Johnson, Frank          Nowell, Susie               530
Johnson, George Grover  Cooper, Annie May           553
Johnson, Goley          Mathews, Lula               155
Johnson, Harrison       Compton, Minnie             302
Johnson, Judge          White, Mamie                316
Johnson, Linton         Berryman, Bessie            495
Johnson, Mark G.        Griffeth, Jessie             25
Johnson, Mark           Hardman, Janie              454
Johnson, Robert         Haley, Mary                 277
Johnson, Roy            Stevens, Nora               227
Johnson, Ruce           Jones, Jessie               281
Johnson, Tobe           Freeman, Nellie             398
Johnson, Will           Stribling, Lizzlie          416
Johnson, Will           White, Emma                 580
Jones, Aaron            Moon, Mattie                366
Jones, Charley          Burroughs, Jessie           193
Jones, Dock             Barton, Daisie              256
Jones, Guy              Daniel, Dollie              375
Jones, Link             Griffeth, Maggie            107
Jones, Will             Acorn, Maggie               562
Jordan, Dock            Scarborough, Clara          593
Jordan, Lee             Booth, Nancy                105
Jordan, Major           Bryant, Julia               342
Jordan, Marvin          Pullin, Dicy                228
Jordan, Wesley          Wall, Patsy                 387
Jordon, Barton          Martin, Lucy                193
Jordon, J.W.            Strickland, Ella             21
Jordon, James W.        Owens, Mattye               229
Kay, Fletcher           Eberhart, Rebecca            58
Kellar, W.H.            Bridges, Nancy              323
Kelley, S.T.            Berryman, Alice             229
Kellum, Gipson          Guest, Etta                 542
Kidd, Bud               Moon, Mamie                 107
Kidd, H.L.              Martin, Julie               432
Kidd, O.M.              Duffell, H.L.               347
Kidd, Tom               Moon, Ester                 274
Kidd, U.J.              Wall, Addie Annie           523
Kilpatrick, Edwin G.    Witcher, Marie Anice        459
Kincaid, H.A.           Eberhart, Ethel             353
Kindcaid, C.C.          Gordon, Estelle               3
King, J.G.              Brown, Ethel                520
King, John Henry        Mitchel, Lula               108
King  N.S.              Seymour, L.M                108
King, Sanford           Pittard, Mattie             563
Kirk, Henry Clarence    Kincaid, Maggie Henrietta   496
Kirk, J.L.              Brown, F.E.                  38
Landers, G.L.           Sorrells, Levy              109
Latty, J.C.             Chandler, Zora              194
Lawrence, Thomas        Freeman, Nezzie Gwendola    447
Lawrence, Will          Scott, Luda                 402
Lee, Harvey             Little, Sarah               157
Lee, Tom                Smith, Dora                 109
Lester, J.H.            Bone, Lucy                  257
Lester, Louis           Sims, Hester                267
Lester, P.C.            Darnell, Leila              555
Lewis, John             Moon, Nellie                194
Liard, Fletch           Coker, Laura                313
Lierd, Tugalo           Bryant, Nora                443
Little, Allen           Walker, Susie               392
Little, Calvin          Webster, Sallie             427
Little, Henry           Sims, Vanie                 442
Little, John            Brown, Lizzie                59
Little, Jule            Shields, Etta               156
Little, Roe             Yearby, Clara               156
Loftin, Guy             Latimer, Bessie             540
Loftis, John A.         Alexander, Lois E.          396
Long, Ed                Carithers, Loucinda         481
Long, Jim               Eberhart, Lula              110
Long, John              Barnett, Lena               456
Long, John H.           Haralson, Nora              314
Long, Mark              Lester, Emma                493
Long, Mark              Freeman, Delie              230
Long, Tom               Cleveland, Luvine           488
Long, W.V.              Fitts, Susie                434
Long, Wattie            Power, Allie                 33
Long, Willie            Johnson, Pearl              110
Lord, A.J.H.            Dye, Maoza H.               388
Lord, Ben               Barnett, Lilla              252
Lord, Brantley          Carithers, Cora             477
Lord, C.L.              Haggard, N.A.                24
Lord, W.E.              Gunnells, Lizzie             60
Lord, W.O.              King, Addie                 230
Lowry, William E.       Pressly, India              570
Lunsford, Bob           Bond, Wilda                 293
Lunsford, J.S.          Spratling, Maud (Mrs.)       59
Mack, John              Church, Hattie              232
Magbee, Willie          Anthony, Lizzie             393
Mann, Ammers Lamar      Echols, Clara               374
Mann, G.E.              Stephens, Effie             320
Mann, J.E.              Bates, Alice                114
Marony, J.W.            McConnell, Mamie             61
Martin, D.B.            Griffeth, Lena               63
Martin, E.D.            Simmons, B.M.               290
Martin, Hood            Colbert, Georgia            282
Martin, J.T.            Threlkeld, Hettie           231
Martin, J.W.            Thompson,.Maud              112
Martin, J.W.            Akin, Gussie                157
Martin, John L.         Patton, Verlin              533
Martin, L.L.            Hardman, Nancy              425
Mason, Eric             Duffell, Drusilla           525
Mason, W.W.             Fitts, Ada                  553
Mathews, Bob            Bullock, Emma               301
Mathews, Cliff          Guest, Vesta                  7
Mathews, Rollie Edgar   Thornton, Rosa  Alice       389
Mathews, Willie         Williams, Georgia           161
Matthews, Ed            Griffeth, Huldy             233
Matthews, R.M.          Jones, Hassie                61
Mattox, John            Bailey, Laura               113
Mattox, Oscar           McIntosh, Lillie            508
Mattox, Thomas H.       Culbertson, Leila (Mrs.)    158
Mattox, Will            Colberti Emma               231
Mauldin, W. Oscar       Sartin, Lona                 64
Maxwell, Jim            Streetman, Lula              63
Maxwell, Tobe           Freeman, Alice              376
May, Lannie             Stribling, Essie            364
May, Will               Ray, Louella                452
Mayfeld, Charles        Hickmon, Julia               19
Mayfield, Joel          Eberhart, Anna               34
Mayfield, Orange        Hill, Ida                   400
Mayfield, Tombs         Jones, Inez                  62
Mayfield, Will          Hill, Ethel                 504
McCan, John             Bird, Cora                  111
McCannon T.R.           Fendley, Naomi              424
McCarty, Andrew J.      Hancock, Clara              498
McCarty, Henry          Bullock, Octa               521
McCay, E.L.             Burroughs, Nettie           477
McClain, J.F.           Bridges, Lula               235
McClain, Monroe         Porter, Minnie (Mrs.)       234
McCurley, Gaines        Bullock, Lucy               311
McCurry, J.L.           Borroughs, May Julian       195
McEver, Luther          Scott, Lucy                 500
McGarity, Frank         Ginn, Octavie               274     ??/??/1904
McGarity, Seab          Berryman, Nellie            363
McGarity, W.L.          Sexton, Millie              245
McGee, C.W.             Brown, Susie                253
McKinsey, R.E.          Russell, Lue                163
McLeroy, J.T.           Adams, Dora A.               12
McMurray, C.E.          Stephens, Claud             164
McNeeley, Auther        Holdbrooks, Cora            153
McWhirter, C.M.         Payne, Lucy E.              318
McWhirter, Finize       Brown, Lilla                164
McWhorter, Walter       McWhorter, Jessie           567
Meadow, J.D.            Gordon, Jesie Bell          467
Meadow, Lloyd           Carithers, Tena Belle       546
Meadow, William D.      Bruce, Willie Lee Ora       380
Meeks, N.L.             Wilder, Katy                112
Mercier, James L.       David, Susie E.              29
Mercier, W.E.           Burroughs, Pearl E.         232
Mitchell, D.W.          Threlkeld, Maud             326
Mitchell, J.W.          Ashworth, C.B.              323
Mitchell, Robert        Collins, Fannie              78
Mitchell, Thos. McC.    Black, Sarah Elizabeth      430
Mize, L.C.              Long, Lou Ella              115
Moody, Mose             Tate, Lizzie                111
Moody, Richard          Strickland, Rhoda           487
Moody, Will             Echols, Jane                248
Moon, Allen             David, Leurina              113
Moon, Arthur            Long, Sarah                 561
Moon, C.G.              Hunt, Woodie                363
Moon, Cademus           Stovall, Florena             26
Moon, Charley, Jr.      Carithers, Tingo             31
Moon, Dave              Long, Paralee               233
Moon, Fletcher          Butler, Ethel               159
Moon, George            Meroney, Ozzie              269
Moon, Henry C.          Mitchell, Mary              581
Moon, Herman            Seymour, Mildridge          261
Moon, J. Marcus         Hix, Callie Lee             544
Moon, J.W.              Scarborough, Bessie         289
Moon, James J.          Duncan, Bell                 64
Moon, James L.          Gantt, Lucy                 487
Moon, Jeff              Moon, Pearl                 525
Moon, Joseph T.         Crider, Sattie               36
Moon, Lewis             Greener, Lou Gene           472
Moon, Lonnie            Moon, Mamie                 572
Moon, Marcus            Stowers, Lizzie             159
Moon, Peter             Davenport, Irene            353
Moon, Peter             Long, Mamie                 589
Moon, Tom               Eberhart, Jane              162
Moon, Warren            Lone, Fannie                158
Moon, Warren            Barnett, Jennie             589
Moon, William           Carithers, Susie            114
Moore, I.A.             Moon, Susan G.              278
Moore, John A.          Rogers, Mamie               572
Moore, Melvin           Sorrow, Lilly               162
Morehead, Ed            Bullock, Georgia            161
Morris, James           Meadows, Emma               160
Morris, S. Claud        Thompson, Pearl Vernie      588
Morris, Vault           Griffeth,  Virgia           234
Morris, Willie          Sims, Georgia               163
Morris, Zed             Rowe,  Evie                  62
Morrison, Robert G.     Owens, Ila                  543
Morton, C.J.            Thompson, Luna George       328
Moss, Searight          Smith, Callie               515
Moten, Tonie            Neal, Sally                 160
Murry, D.M.             Gunnells,  Pellie            60
Nash, J.R.              Meadows, Rebecca            165
Neal, George            Jones, Mary                 116
Neal, John              Strickland, Wort            554
Neal, Mayfield          Strickland, Martha          195
Neal, Thomas            Griffeth, Fillis            235
Neelie, Phil            Stephens, Eliza             531
Neely, Fletcher         Bazzle, Fannie              292
Nelms, Charley          Wilder, Clara                66
Nelms, David            Murray, Mamie               115
Nelms, Johnnie          McConnell, Sallie            13
Nelms, T.C.             Hutcherson, Laura           116
Newton, Clifford        Sorrells, Mattie             65
Newton, Dillard         Strange, Lola               165
Nichols, G.T.           Weaver, Emma J.             338
Nix, C.C.               King, Ada                    65
Nix, Ora                Nelms Lena                  168
Nix, William A.         Threlkeld, Eula             117
Noell, J. Thomas        Birchmore, Maud              66
Noell, John             Brawner, Lou Ticia          565
Norris, Randolph W.     Akin, Georgia C.            537
Norton, Will            Looney, Ella                167
O'Kelley, Edward J.     Burden, Ettie May            67
O'Kelley, Frances G.    Mercier, Lora               535
O'Kelley, James F.      Brooks, Ovie                370
O'Kelley, W.L.          Seagraves, Ovie             461
O'Kelley, William R.    Wakefield, Mira             117
O'Kelly, Wilburn R.     Wright, Sarah Elizabeth     415
Oliver, E.B.            Wallis, Pollie                9
Owens, Henry            Little, Jenie               454
Owens, J.G.             Chafin, Emma                244
Owens, O.T.             Barnett, Beaula             168
Parham, Arthur          Osley, Corry                495
Parham, J.J.            Hall, Ellie                 118
Parham, James           Fortson, Masuria (Mrs.)     118
Parham, John            Campbell, Sarah             358
Parham, O.F.            Osley, G.D.                 450
Parham, T.D.            Hall, Essie                 261
Parham, Willie M.       Kidd, Bessie L.              68
Partain, Joel B.        Hutchreon, Margaret E.      425
Pass, Arthur            Sims, Etta                  418
Pass, Jim               Eberhart, Addie             276
Pass, Robert            Arnold, Bessie              529
Pate, Lace              Moody, Mary                 119
Patman, Will            Moon, Mamie                 556
Patterson, David Wade   Estes, Euril Maud           244
Patterson, Doy          Sims, Nellie                119
Patterson, Will Henry   Bullock, Endoxie            438
Patton, Benjamin        Threlkeld, Ollom            552
Patton, C.C.            Kidd, Pelley                492
Patton, G.H.            Tucker, Morna               197
Patton, J.D.            Landers, Susie              196
Patton, J.S.            Duncan, Genie               449
Patton, Jesse B.        Thompson, Minnie             69
Patton, John C.         Stow, Savannah              369
Patton, Ortha Thomas    White, Gussies               69
Perrien, Llewellyn      Graham, Beary               394
Perry, J.T.             Jones, Missouri             255
Perry, Luvin            Freeman, Etta Lee           246
Pettit, C.A.            Manley, Pearl               573
Phillips, Brady M.      Scarborough, L.T.            30
Phillips, Ed            Bridges, Delia              258
Phillips, Hoyt          Carithers, Rilla            505
Phillips, J.C.          McConnell, Katie             67
Phillips, O.A.          Kella, Georgia              502
Phillips, Phinizy       Wise, Mattie                340
Pierce, D.J.            Hulsey, Clydie              343
Pierce, Emery           Chancey, A.F.               595
Pierce, J.S.            Booth, Pearl                465
Pinkton, Willie         Dickson, Mamie              577
Pitner, Walter Campbell Colbert, India              294
Pittard, Walter McLeroy King, Clara                 592
Pittman, Anderson       Strickland, Harriet         423
Pittman, Erasmus        Power, Lilla                364
Pittman, Jesse          Arnold, Primer              524
Pittman, T.M.           Segraves, Veonia            169
Pittman, W.O.           Barber, Eva                 196
Pitts, H.A.             Crow, E.L.                  120
Porterfield, D.E.       Johnson, Susie              418
Porterfield, G.C.       Carruth, Hattie             197
Porterfield, J.T.       White, Ophelia              309
Porterfield, R.H.       Porterfield, Julia          502
Porterfield, Stinnie    Black, Mai                  482
Power, Charley G.       Groves, Emma E.              32
Power, Ed               Sailors, Mary               595
Power, J. Goss          King, Eula                  403
Power, W.B.             Moore, Roxie                302
Powers, Arther          David, Huldy                 15
Prince, H.L.            Drake, Lizzie                68
Prince, John            Huff, Josie                 305
Pullaim, J.B.           Moon, Addie                  28
Pulliam, Thomas         Phillips, Tanie             264
Pullian, Den            Bragg, Annie                358
Pye, Jim                Hopkins, Cora               283
Ramsey, Emsley          Hawks, Allie                 56
Ray, Walter             Moon, Cassie                243
Resby, Gus              Sewell, Hattie              460
Rhodes, C.L.            Black, Ola                  349
Rice, H.A.              Berryman, Vallie             70     03-20-1901
Rice, J.M.              Berryman, Arie              112     12-28-1902
Rice, James Walker      Power, Jessie May           480
Riden, Darsey           Seagraves, Ailsey           407
Roach, Oscar            Echols, Mattie              437
Roberson, Henry         Johnson, Laura              317
Roberts, Andrew         Barton, Lonnie              121
Roberts, H.R.           Rice, Mary                  170
Roberts, Luellen        Royston, S.E.               243
Robertson, Asbury       Borders, Nervie             120
Robertson, F.K.         Strickland, Victoria        386
Rodgers, M.J.           Tolbert, Minnie              70
Rogers, Benjamin F.     Gordon, Bethel              429
Rogers, Jim             Arnold, Beulah               71
Roland, Milton          Anthony, Callie             170
Rowsey, William         Graham, Bulah               513
Russell, James          Cooper, Essie               396
Russell, W.H.           Caruth, Lucy                169
Rutherford, Reuben      Segraves, Dora              171
Rutherford, William     Segraves, Mollie            171
Sailors, Leck           Carithers, Venara           489
Sailors, Lurft          Williams, Fannie            251
Sanders, G. Sim         Jordan, Caroline            535
Sanders, H.T.           Daniel, Myrtle              125
Sanders, James          Barnard, Mamie              357
Sargent, David          Westmoreland, Devie         491
Sartain, Oscar          King, Beulah                 73
Sartin, W.J.            Nelms, Fannie               201
Savage, Charles         Campbell, Annie             467
Saxton, Edgar           Crow, Euther                199
Sexton, James Melvin    Crow, Mollie Leola          179     12-25-1902
Scarboro, Tommie        Booth, Agnes                583
Scarborough, A.E.       Scarborough, Lillie          98
Scarborough, Gordon     Allen, Hellen                11
Scarborough, J. Claud   Haggard, Bulah              517
Scarborough, John       Dove, Obie                  590
Scarborough, N.W.       Campbell, Lissie            417
Scarborough, O.D.       Beard, Eva                  180
Scarborough, Seaborn R. Glenn, Daisy                 71
Scoggins, James         Kindcaid, Mary B.             2
Scogin, W.E.            McCarty, Ellen              526
Scott, Authur           Moon, Francis                29
Scott, Charlie          Bradley, Ola                253
Scott, Cicero           Newton, Lizzie               28
Scott, Dave             Handcock, Anna              177
Scott, Ed               Witcher, Ella               499
Scott, Gus              Sorrells, Mary              381
Scott, James            Anderson, Janie             337
Scott, John             Evans, Mary Lee             537
Scott, Johnson          Mitchell, Ora               362
Scott, Kiah             Williams, Cora              539
Scott, Melvin           Sewell, America             126
Scott, Mordica          Sewell, Jessie Bush          75
Scott, Robert           Carroll, Walley             177
Scott, Robert           Patton, M.H. (Mrs.)         476
Scurry, Mack            Howard, Addie               366
Seagraves, W.L.         Allen, Vola                 480
Segar, George           Chapler, Ella               172
Segraves, Birdy         Strickland, Mary            186     12-??-1902
Self, V.M.              Freeman, Zola               123
Sewell, John            Power, Mincy                391
Seymore, J.D.           Williams, J.L.              125
Seymore, J.J.           Hammonds, Minnie            124
Seymour, C.T.           Collins, Francis            445
Seymour, Holcome        Moon, Mattie                402
Seymour, Stephen        Ray, Mamie                  545
Sharp, Sam S.           Eberhart, Sarah E.          573
Shauk, Paul             O'Kelley, Mary Elizabeth    354
Shaw, C.T.              Hichcock, Elzora              5
Shaw, Dan               Griffeth, Bonie             497
Shearer, John William   Wynn, Cora Maggie           351
Shields, J.W.           Martin, Mattie              180
Simmons, Berry          Jones, Marianna             369
Simmons, H.L.           Mitchell, Cordelia          271
Simmons, Louie          Carithers, Minnie E.        328
Simpson, John Alexander White, Sarah Francis        295
Sims, Anderson          Sims, Clara                 436
Sims, Arthur            Colbert, Leila              462
Sims, Bobby             Hopkins, Susie              463
Sims, Grant             Barnett, Gracie             409
Sims, James B.          Hardman, Lillian B.         433
Sims, Mark              Griffeth, Etta.             241
Sims, Seab              McLeroy, Mattie             565
Sires, Melvin           Murrah, Annie               242
Smith, A.O.             Dove, Maggie                383
Smith, Albert           Compton, Ervie              123
Smith, Anderson         Cobb, Gussie                240
Smith, B.C. (M.G.)      King, Fannie Ann            201
Smith, Bunnie           King, Ida                   175
Smith, C.B.             Dudley, Evie                503
Smith, C.L.             Burroughs, Etta             395
Smith, C.L.             Scarborough, Ethel          386
Smith, C.M.             Presley, Candie             280
Smith, C.T.             Power, Lillie May           200
Smith, Charley          Roberts, Susie              336
Smith, E.H.             Osley, Ester                541
Smith, Eva              Glenn, Belle                 74
Smith, F.D.             Williams, Ada               371
Smith, Ferman Dobbs     Goolsby, Irene              510
Smith, George           Dedwyler, Ida               199
Smith, Griff            Saxon, Solina Ann           277
Smith, Harley           Robinson, Pearl             350
Smith, Henry            Scott, May Lilla            174
Smith, Ira M            Davis, Mamie                474
Smith, J.A.             Moon, R.M.                   72
Smith, J.C.             Adams, Maggie               562
Smith, J.G.             Chandler, Minnie            202
Smith, J.R.             Nelms, L.E.                 126
Smith, J.V.             Stamps, Florrie             510
Smith, Jerry            Mattox, Texie               324
Smith, Jesse            Strickland, Myrt            542
Smith, Joe              Christian, Morrie             7
Smith, John             House, Lula                 303
Smith, John             Scarborough, Julia          178
Smith, Lass             McLeroy, Myrtie             373
Smith, Lester           Hopkins, Clyde              181
Smith, Middleton        Jackson, Mollie             173
Smith, Ras              Pittard, Settie             332
Smith, S.L.             Kidd, Hettie                444
Smith, Steve            Martin, Minnie              575
Smith, T.L.             Rousey, Sallie              290
Smith, W.F.             Carithers, Nona             200
Smith, W.R.             Roberts, Martha              75
Smith, William Dawson   Chandler, Onie               15
Smith, Wofford          Pulliam, Essie              593
Snellings, A.P.         Gulley, Mittie              174
Sorrells, John C.       Hix, Myrtie                 310
Sorrells, Luke          Sims, Mattie                173
Sorrells, Will          Shaw, Mary                  275
sorrow, G.F.            Gunnells, Madie             305
Sorrow, G.T.            Bishop, Ada                 326
Sorrow, L.C.            Gunnels, Nezzie             462
Sorrow, Robert K.       Parham, Dezzie              579
Sorrow, S.C.            Williams, Callie            242
Sorrow, Thomas Harvey   Steadman, Mary Eliza        179
Sorrow, W.M.            Murray, Georgia             124
Spratlin, Ben B.        Ride, L.M.                  315
Spratling, M.H.         Whitehead, Katie May        122
Stansell, William       Self, Haley                 241
Stapler, Will           Hickman, Edie               198
Stark, Earlie           Freeman, Clara              239
Steadman, Jim           Power, Mattie                35
Stephens, Swept         Wood, Florence              176
Stevens, Andrew         Baskin, Ada                 291
Stevens, Henry          Foster, Alice               381
Stevens, James Victor   Wade, Mary Blanch           279
Stevens, Nat            Huff, Josie                 585
Stevens, Obe A.         Glenn, Addie C.             586
Stewart, Oscar E.       Gordon, Clyde Marion        296
Stonaker, L.M.          Smith, Susan (Mrs.)         127
Stone, Bob              Brewer, Mary                 72
Stonecypher, James H.   Moon, Ellen                  74
Stow, Earnest           Cooper, Mary                368
Stowers, Tom            Carithers, Alice            240
Streetman, J.L.         Morgan, P.M.                  1
Stribling, Foy          Apling, Lula                307
Stribling, Frank        Evans, Essie                439
Strickland, Arthur      Power, Maggie               403
Strickland, Bud         Ailewine, Minnie            306
Strickland, C.C.        McLeroy, Rosa               453
Strickland, C.H.        Hall, Lilly                 176
Strickland, Henry       Wood, Cora                   73
Strickland, Izah        Chappell, Ellen             178
Strickland, Joe         Watson, Sis                 121
Strickland, Kit         Dudley, Ella                504
Strickland, M.W.        Slater, Emma                317
Strickland, S.R.        Sorrow, Maud                122
Strickland, Sam         Roberson, Lela              429
Strickland, Tavie       Allen, Cora                 186
Strickland, Tike        Bullock, Callie (Cassie)    202
Strickland, Will        Daniel, Mandy               377
Suddeth, Jeptha S.      Akin, Lizzie                239
Swindle, H.F.           Fitzpatrick, Lenora         175
Taber, Mottie           Gunnells, Minnie.            11
Tabor, Jim              McWorter, Pearl             207
Taylor, W.J.            Daniel, Ella                397
Thomas, Nick            David, Ozie                 345
Thompson, Ed            Hartfield, Lora             237
Thompson, Frank         Barker, Nora                 76
Thompson, J.J.          Hitchcock, May  Sue         309
Thompson, J.M.          Carouth, Ginn               260
Thompson, N.B.          Rice, Eva E.                 14
Thompson, Reese         Epps Ellen                  337
Thompson, Thurmon       Hopkins, Sarah               22
Thompson, W.A.          Power, Inez Eunice          597
Thompson, W.H.          Key, Eula                   373
Thompson, W.T.          Moore, Lou Nettie           458
Thornton, B.B.          Smelley, Ida C.             238
Thornton, Ned           Wilhite, Mattie             401
Thornton, Rush          Little, Bertha              508
Thornton, Thomas        Colbert, Carrie             344
Thornton, W.M.          Stone, Mamie M.             238
Threat, W.L.            Moon, Henrietta             206
Threlkeld, G.M,.        Davis, Rosa                   4
Threlkeld, W.G.         Young, M.M.                 128
Tiller, E.L.            Vaughn, Lillie May          546
Tiller, Jones           Hill, Carrie                457
Tiner, G.W.             Whitworth, Mollie           207
Tolbert, J.T.           Seagraves, Susie             76
Tolbert, Luther         Massey, Cora A.             127
Tritt, W.B.             Davis, Pearl                451
Tucker, L.E.            Brooks, Louie               410
Turner, Cleveland       Ashworth, Eva               421
Turner, Henry           Johnson, Lula               301
Turner, Joe             Bennett, Minnie Lee         279
Turner, Joseph Walton   Goolsby, Mary Arnold        132
Turner, W.W.            Bray, Minn                  247
Turner, Walter W.       Kidd, Luvida                330
Upshaw, Man             Moore, May                  472
Vaughn, Coil            McGins, Malita              185
Vaughn, D.J.            Martin, Ilar                346
Vaughn, David           Martin, Mattie              411
Vaughn, J.E.            Brown, Lizzie               298
Vaughn, John            Ginn, Carrie                413
Vaughn, Johnson         Craft, Addie                524
Vaughn, Lester          Brooks, Clara               511
Vaughn, N.B.            Moon, Ella                  319
Vincent, W.H.           Patton, Beulah Isabelle     404
Vinson, Shepherd        Scott, Lidia                538
Walker, Jack            Martin, Emma                479
Walker, William         Davison, Rosa               556
Wall, W.L.              Dixon, Mattie               254
Wallas, Grant           Hill, Jannie                528
Wallis, John            Persley, Ida                303
Walls, Homer            Campbell, Cora              448
Wansley, W.F.           Williams, May               308
Ward, George            Frazier, Eliza              128
Watkins, Alex           Eberhart, Ida               246
Watson, Ben             Phelps, Susie               131
Webb, J.W.              Maulding, Bell              310
Webb, John H.           Daniel, Cora                  2
Welch, Zeb              Tucker, Genie               532
Westbrook, Robert J.    Smith, Desdimona            295
Westbrook, Geo. W., Dr. Rice, Flora                 203
White, Ben              Wadkins, Mary               567
White, C.P.             Henley, Blanch              236
White, Charley          Adams, May                  335
White, Comus            Brooks, Ada                  77
White, Fran             Berry, Eldora               571
White, Frank            Griffeth, Clara             378
White, James E.         Cooper, Mattie Lou          512
White, Juan             Dowdy, Sarah                549
White, William L.       Thompson, Nona Lee          473
Whitehead, Samuel       Chandler, Lula              390
Whitehead, W.F.         Dixon, Mamie Elizabeth       78
Whitehead, Wesley E.    Chandler, Clara             395
Whitehill, Harvey       Brown, Sallie               130
Whitworth, George T.    Thompson, Linnie E.         410
Whitworth, J.B.         Lord, Mattie                471
Wilbanks, Billie        Power, Lizzie               507
Wilbanks, Billie        Brawner, Minnie             458
Wilbanks, Henry         Smith, Bertha               205
Wildre, James           Power, Callie               509
Wilhite, Frank          Stevens, Carrie             412
Wilhite, Jim            Sims, Sallie                463
Wilkins, Jefferson      Sims, Sallie                 14
Wilks, J.O.             Epps, Amy                    38
Williams, A. D.         Freeman, Callie C.           79
Williams, Bishop        Sorrens, Lucy               183
Williams, Callie        Murray, Carrie              581
Williams, Claud D.      Massey, Nettie              287
Williams, Cleveland     Woods, Mamie                455
Williams, Dock          Hancock, Rocksie             13
Williams, G.R.          Gunnells, Cornellia         129
Williams, Henry         Glenn, Julie                566
Williams, Henry         Williams, Susie             131
Williams, J.A.          Hardman, Mattie             204
Williams, Jake          Gant, Mary                  385
Williams, Joe           Johnson, Ella               404
Williams, Mack          Wooten, Let                 203
Williams, Zack          Brooks, Essie                25
Willoughby, J.O.        King, Ida                   206
Willson, Eddie          Short, Lucy                 181
Willson, Will           Wadkins, Carrie             130
Wilson, Andrew P.       Hall, Eliza                 307
Wilson, Charlie         Burroughs, Minnie           506
Wilson, General         Johnson, Jamie                1
Wilson, J.S.            Roberts, Mary E.            357
Wilson, W.L.            Hammons, M.J.                80
Winfrey, Charley R.     Epps, Belle                 184
Winfrey, R.F.           Drake, Bessie               237
Winkler, Aaron          Nix, Mary                   182
Winn, Ed                Strickland, Eveleila        184
Winn, J.N.              Williams, Pearl               6     11-25-1900
Winn, John              Stovevall, Mary             129
Winn, L.E.              Chandler, B.T.              519
Wise, John              Williams, Mattie            183
Witcher, Ambus          Sims, Surlancy              236
Witcher, Hubbard Hale   White, Iva Beatrice         182
Witcher, Jack           Beasley, Marny              370
Witcher, Lonie          Seigier, Lizzie	            204
Wood, George            Duffell, Mollie	            250
Wood, J.W.              Williams, M.E.              205
Wood, Thos. Milton      Cooper, Cara                453
Woodie, Bunch           Woods, Lila                 260
Woods, J.L.             Threlkeld, Avis             356
Woods, James            Floyd, Laura                377
Woods, Louis            Williams, Daisie            455
Woody, J.H.             McGee, Georgia              350
Woody, John             Moody, Mattie               331
Wright, Richard U.      Tucker, Annie               408
Wright, Trall           Collins, Beulah              77
Wright, W.R.            Chandler, Ophelia           490
Wynn, G.F.              Black, Alice                266
Wynn J.N.               Deadwyler, Jessie           185
Wynn, Peter             Eberhart, Ella              304
Yarborough, Grover      Harte, Nettie               276
Yearby, George          Chandler, Maggie            571
Young, Walter           Patton, Alpha               399

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