Thompson Extractions from the Georgia Land Lottery Papers

Thompson Extractions from the Georgia Land Lottery Papers 1805-1914 by Davis Lucas

From: The Georgia Black Book
By David Lucas
Submitted by Dortha Gamel

Lot 196-3 Troup, Milledgeville Geo.
1 April 1839
Information having been given through the Southern Recorder (a Newspaper in the city of Milledgevillle) by the following advertisement viz.
Executive Department
Milledgeville, 2nd October 1838.

UPON the application of THOMAS THOMPSON, POLLY THOMPSON’S illegitimate, of Columbia County, by which it appears, that Lot number one hundred and ninety-six,(196) in the (3rd) District of Troup County, was drawn by said illegitimate, and that the said lot has, through mistake, been heretofore granted to POLLY THOMPSON’S illegitimate children and that sd. Grant cannot be produced at this office for correction.. It is ordered, that unless good cause be shown to the contrary, within six months, that an aloas Grant do issue for sd. Lot, to the rightful drawer of the same; and that this notice be published in one of the public gazettes of this state for six months previous to issuing sd. alias Grant.
By the Governor, BENJAMIN T. BETHUNE,Sec. E. Dep’t

Oct. 9, 1838
That a application has been made to the Ex Dept for the issuing of an alias grant for 196 of the 3rd of Troup and that sd. grant would issue unless good cause should be shown to the contrary. I, WILLIAM L. ELLIS husband of MELINDA ELLIS, one of the illegitimate children of POLLY THOMPSON of Culbreaths Dist. of Columbia do file the following objections in the Executive office against the issuing of sd. grant.

First that THOMAS THOMPSON the illegitimate child is dead. That if he is not, he can only claim a third of the land.(Crossed out: (For JAMES GAMBELL who gave in for POLLY THOMPSON illegitimates gave in for two children)”) whereas THOS. THOMPSON as appears from his application claims the whole of the land as the only illegitimate of Polly Thompson. It can be proven ( by the interrogatories served upon JAMES GAMBELL) That a draw was given in for Polly Thompsons illegitimates all the offices in the state have recorded the sd. illegitimates as the fortunate drawers which taken together render it probable that the illegitimate children rather than the illegitimate child, drew the lot of land in question. I also object to the issuing of sd. grant because of the individual now claiming the land disclaims being a brother of MELINDA (now ELLIS) THOMPSON and LEROY THOMPSON, has no evidence of his name being in for a draw except the word of the individual to whom he sold the land and because no other THOMAS THOMPSON lived in Columbia County at the time of giving for draw in 1827. I further object because of the acknowledgement of sd Thomas Thompson now living in Oglethorpe that he came from Tennessee and that he would not positively swear that he ever lived in Columbia County. That the individual J. W. SHEPPERD who purchased the land from THOS. THOMPSON told THOMPSON that a draw had been given in Columbia for him (Thompson) of which Thompson says he knew nothing before being told of it by Shepperd. That Shepperd tried to buy the land from me but not succeeding threatened to have (illegible) of me. WM. C. ELLIS

(13 April 1839)

Lot 196-3 Troup, Pers. came JOHN GRAY who “Saith that he has lived in sd. county and District for upwards of forty years, and that he has never known any person to reside within sd. d(e)strict of the name of JAMES GAMBEL or any other GAMBEL and that he frequently seen THOMAS THOMPSON who was reputed to be the illegitimate of POLLY THOMPSON and that he believes he lived with WM. B. LUKE and that he never knew any other illegitimate child or children of POLLY THOMPSON and does believe that there was no other within said District or that resided any where near at the time of giving in for the lottery of eighteen hundred and twenty seven.” Signed JOHN GRAY before WM. B. LUKE 13 April 1839

(1830; Census Place: District 3, Columbia, Georgia; Roll: 16; Page: 339.
Thomas THOMPSON 00001/1001 20/30
William B. Luke001001/0110001 30/40

(1840; Census Place: , Columbia, Georgia; Roll: 39; Page: 292.
William B Luke 0000002/00010001 20 slaves /8 employed persons 40/50
John Gray 00000100001/011101 3 slaves / i employed person

BALDWIN COUNTY (9 April 1839)
Lot 196-3 Troup. Per. app’d. JOHN W. SHEPHERD who “saith that he saw ARCHER AVERY of Columbia County and THOMAS THOMPSON the applicant for an Alias grant in Company together and that Sd. A. AVERY informed sd. deponent that sd. THOMAS THOMPSON was the individual or person that he gave in for the Lottery of 1827.
And sd. deponent never saw Mr. WM. C. ELLIS (as he knew ) until after he purchased the land of THOMAS THOMPSON and that sd. deponent never offered to purchase sd land from WM. C. ELLIS and sd. deponent has been informed and does believe Wm. C. Ellis married MALINDA THOMPSON ill. who lived in Monroe County Houses district at the time of the giving in for draws in the Lottery of 1827.”Signed; JOHN W. SHEPHERD before J. T. CATHING, J.P.,9 April 1839

(13 April 1839)

Lot 196-3 Troup. Pers. came ARTHUR AVERY who “saith that the sd. THOMAS THOMPSON that he gave in a draw for in the lottery of 1827 visited him during the last winter and that he knows him to be the sd. orphan that he gave in for and that since that time he saw him Thompson in Greenville in Merrewether County and at that time I gave in the draw the sd. Thomas Thompson resided in Culbreaths District in Columbia County and at the house of WM. B. LUKE and I know of no other illegitimate of POLLY THOMPSON and that I have lived in sd. District ever since it was formed having lived where I now live 52 years and that I have never known a man to have lived in the District of the name of GAMEL and there has appeared to be but one belief in the District about the right of THOMAS THOMPSON to the lot draw to the orphan of POLLY THOMPSON so far as I have heard in the District.”
Signed: ARCHER AVERY before ALEXANDER PEARRE, J. P., 13 April 1839

MERIWETHER COUNTY (30 December 1837)

Lot 196-3 Troup. HIRAM WARNER, judge of the superior court, appoints Z.B. TRICE and WILLIAM R. MAY to question AYERS GAMBELL and ELEANOR GAMBELL as witnesses in JOE DOE on the demise of THOMAS THOMPSON, plantiff vs RICHARD ROE,cas, ejector & WILLIAM C. ELLIS, tenant in possession. Signed; LEVI M. ADAMS, 20 August 1838. (Editor’s note—- The following documents conatin examples of the sort of information that can be found in loose superior court records)Interrog to be exhibited to AYERS GAMBELL & ELEANOR GAMBELL material witnesses for the defendant in the above stated case and who resides without the limits of sd. county of Merriweather. Interrog 1st were you acquainted with POLLY THOMPSON formerly of Columbia County in this state? Is sd. Polly in life or is she dead? if dead when and where did she die? was she a single or married lady? was she ever married? did she have children at the time of her death? if yes, how many and what their names and ages. How many children did she have during the years 1825, 1826, and 1827 what their names and ages? & where did they reside during sd. years? did she have a son of the name of THOMAS THOMPSON? if yea, what was the age and description of sd. son? where did he live during the years 1824, 1826, and 1827? what become of sd. boy what relation are you to sd. Polly Thompson? Iterrog 3rd did the defendant Ellis marry one of the children of sd. Polly Thompson? yea, which one did he marry? Relate all that you know that will benefit the defendant. Signed COLQIETT & HOLT, M.J. WILBORN, Defts. Atts.

First Int. Where did you and JAMES GAMMELL move from when you came to Monroe County and at what time did you and he so move? Did MALINDA THOMPSON now MALINDA ELLIS come with either of you to sd. county? If so, where did she come from, who did she live with, and who brought her to Monroe?

Second Int. who gave in for MALINDA THOMPSON for a Draw in the Land Lottery of 1827? and in what county was her draw given in? did you yourself ever draw any land in that lottery; if so state what Lot of Land you drew, and where you gave in for it?

4th Int. Where did you move to, from Monroe Co. and where do you now live? 5th Int. Did any of POLLY THOMPSONs children besides THOMAS THOMPSON ever live in Cuthbreaths Dist, Columbia: if yea, please state at what time they lived there and which of them? 6th Int. Did JAMES GAMMELL give in for a draw in the Land Lottery of 1826-1827 for himself- if yea, state where he gave in and to whom? and where he was living at that time? 7th Int. Who did you marry, and what relation are you to ELIZABETH GEMMELL SENR. and ELIZABETH GAMMEL JUN.? and what relation are you to WILLIAM C. ELLIS wife?

8th Int. How old is MALINDA THOMPSON when came to Monroe County? How many years did she live there? How long did she leave Monroe County before she was married? How many years has it been since she was married? 9th Int. Did JAMES GAMBELL’s wife have a child by the name of JACKSON THOMPSON if yea was he an illegitimate child? Did he have a draw give in for him in the Land Lottery of 1827 if yea who gave in for him and in what county and district was it given in? Did he draw land? if yea what Lot did he draw? Where and who did JACKSON THOMPSON live with in the years 1826 and 1827.

Signed: ALFORD & BELL, Plffs. Attys.”

The examination of AYRES GAMBELL ( GAMELL)

I st I know the defendant Mr. ELLIS

2nd I am acquainted POLLY THOMSON. POLLY THOMSON is dead. She died in Lincoln County. she was a single Lady she never was married, had children at the time of her death. She had three to my knowledge. One was named MALINDA. One LEROY. One THOMAS. MALINDA I think is about twenty four or five years of age. LEROY is abt. twenty three. THOMAS is about nineteen or twenty years old. she had three children living in 1828,1827 and 1826 names and ages are above stated by me before. MALINDA lived in 1827 at JAMES GAMELs in Monroe County the other two LEROY and THOMAS that time lived in Columbia County at the house of THOMAS HEIRS. she had a son his given name was THOMAS. age at the time I have stated. He was fair skinned light haired and blue eyes. he lived in 1825 1826 & 1827 in Columbia County at the house of THOMAS HEIRS. I do not know what 19 has become of him. I married POLLY THOMSONs sister.

3rd The defendant ELLIS married POLLY THOMPSONs daughter. he married MALINDY THOMPSON. I heard JAMES GAMEL say that he gave in the Lottery in the purchase of the above named children. I st I moved from Jasper County to Monroe. JAMES GAMMEL moved from Lincoln to Monroe I moved from Lincoln I think in I 8 I I or 18 1 2 James moved about 1826 or 1827. she came with Brother James to Monroe County from Lincoln. she lived with brother JAMES GAMIEL.

2nd JAMES GAMEL gave in for them. I do not know but think it was in Columbia County. I did draw lot in the first District of orig. Muscogee Co. I give in Monroe Co., I moved from Upson. I now live in Talbot. not that I know of. I do not know that James Gamel did give in the Lottery. I married ELEANOR THOMPSON. I am her son. I am her brother in law. she is my niece by marriage. she was ten or twelve years old. she lived in Monroe Co. two years. about 3 years. about nine years. she did. he was. he did. AYERS GAMEL in Monroe County Cooper’s District, he did no 17 in fifth district originally Muscogee County. Lived with his father JAMES GAMEL. Signed: AYERS GAMEL (by mark).”

(Signed testimony of ELEANOR GAMMELL, signed by mark, is identical to the above, except that she adds “my step mother told me that he left Columbia for some foreign parts and she had ……. heard that he was dead.”) “Interrogations to be exhibited to JAMES GEMBELL. a material witness on the part of the defendant and who resides without the County of Meriwether.” Questions deal with whether Gamell placed POLLY THOMPSONs illegitimates in the 1827 land lottery in Columbia County. He replies that he did for MALENDA and LEROY THOMPSON the only two he knew of. MALENDA has married WILLIAM C. ELLIS. JAMES GAMELL now lives in Upson Co. Signed: James Gambell (by mark) before BURWELL HOWELL and BENJANIIN H. MARSH, commissioners. 30 December 1837.


Format by. C. W. Barnum

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