Coweta County Georgia 1832 Land Lottery

Coweta County Georgia 1832 Land Lottery

Last        First                    Land Lottery    District

Abraham     James    A               Capt Shearer    5
Adams       John                     Capt Adkinso    3
Anglin      William                  Capt Moseley    Cedar Creek
Arnold      James                    Capt Ware       6
Atchinson   William                  Capt Moseley    Cedar Creek
Baggett     Lawrence                 Capt Moseley    Cedar Creek
Ballard     Jesse                    Capt Hines      7
Ballard     John                     Capt Ware       6
Ballard     William                  Capt Moseley    Cedar Creek
Barrett     Samuel           (2)     Capt Moseley    Cedar Creek
Beadles     Joseph                   Capt Ware       6
Beall       Robert                   Capt Shattox    2
Bell        Sylvanus Jr              Capt Hines      7
Bell        James                    Capt Hines      7
Bellamy     John                     Capt Garner     1
Bell's      4 children       fa      Capt Moseley    Cedar Creek
Benton      Joseph                   Capt Garner     1
Berry       Andrew   J               Capt Shearer    5
Blackstock  Ashley                   Capt Hines      7
Boatright   Eliz             w       Capt Moseley    Cedar Creek
Boatright   James            (2)     Capt Moseley    Cedar Creek
Boland      David                    Capt Hines      7
Boon        Alfred   C               Capt Adkinso    3
Bowen       Mary             w       Capt Shearer    5
Breedlove   Samuel   A               Capt Shearer    5
Bridges     Anselm                   Capt Shearer    5
Brock       William          slw     Capt Moseley    Cedar Creek
Caps        John                     Capt Adkinso    3
Carlton     James                    Capt Hines      7
Carmichael  Mary             w       Capt Adkinso    3
clements    Novick                   Capt Hines      7
Conyers     Harriet  D       or      Capt Craven     4
Corley      Davidport        or      Capt Craven     4
Corley      Davidport                Capt Craven     4
Corley      Davidport        slw     Capt Craven     4
Couch       Nathan                   Capt Hines      7
Cowen       William  R               Capt Ware       6
Craine      David                    Capt Shattox    2
Daniel      Thomas   T               Capt Adkinso    3
Davis       Joan                     Capt Shearer    5
Davis       Madison  C               Capt Hines      7
Davis       William          slw     Capt Moseley    Cedar Creek
Dean        John                     Capt Moseley    Cedar Creek
Dickson     Wylie    R               Capt Ware       6
Dougherty   John                     Capt Shearer    5
Duncan      Matthew            (2)   Capt Shattox    2
Dunkin      Elias                    Capt Shearer    5
Dunkin      John                     Capt Shearer    5
Eason       Thomas           slw     Capt Craven     4
Echols      Alfred   M               Capt Shearer    5
Echols      James            (2)     Capt Ware       6
Estes       William                  Capt Hines      7
Evans       Henry                    Capt Shattox    2
Farr        Jeremiah                 Capt Hines      7
Fielding    Jonathan                 Capt Moseley    Cedar Creek
Fleming     John             (2)     Capt Craven     4
Fleming     William                  Capt Ware       6
Fry         John     G       (2)     Capt Adkinso    3
Fry         John     G       slw     Capt Adkinso    3
Fulton      Simpson          ors     Capt Shattox    2
Garrison    Caleb            slw     Capt Garner     1
Gay         Gilbert                  Capt Moseley    Cedar Creek
Goldsmith   John             siw     Capt Adkinso    3
Goldsmith   Matthew  C               Capt Adkinso    3
Guthrie     William                  Capt Adkinso    3
Haines      Joel                     Capt Shattox    2
Hairston    LittletonP               Capt Shearer    5
Hall        William                  Capt Adkinso    3
Halstock    James                    Capt Shearer    5
Hanson      George   W               Capt Hines      7
Hanson      Jesse                    Capt Hines      7
Hardeman    James    E               Capt Shearer    5
Hardeman    John             slw     Capt Shearer    5
Harkins     William          slw     Capt Craven     4
Harper      Samuel           or      Capt Moseley    Cedar Creek
Harris      Elbert                   Capt Craven     4
Harris      Eunice           w       Capt Craven     4
Harris      George           siw     Capt Craven     4
Harris      Isham                    Capt Moseley    Cedar Creek
Harris      Lunsford                 Capt Moseley    Cedar Creek
Harris      Thomas   M               Capt Moseley    Cedar Creek
Hasley      James                    Capt Craven     4
Hayes       William  W               Capt Craven     4
Haynie      Bridges                  Capt Moseley    Cedar Creek
Hearne      John     R               Capt Hines      7
Henry       John     P               Capt Shearer    5
Henry       William                  Capt Shearer    5
Hilton      William                  Capt Craven     4
Holmes      Richard                  Capt Hines      7
Hood        Jesse                    Capt Garner     1
Houston     James                    Capt Adkinso    3
Huggins     Eli                      Capt Moseley    Cedar Creek
Hughes      Benajah                  Capt Shattox    2
Hunt        George           slw     Capt S(M)hat    2
Hutchinson  James    L               Capt Shearer    5
Johnson     John     H               Capt Hines      7
Jones       Benjamin O       Dr      Capt Ware       6
Jones       James    R       ors     Capt Shearer    5
Jones       James                    Capt Shearer    5
Jones       Sarah            w       Capt Ware       6
Jones       Seaborn                  Capt Ware       6
Kelly       John                     Capt Craven     4
Kelly       William  H               Capt Hines      7
Kiersey     William          (2)     Capt Moseley    Cedar Creek
Kilpatrick  Margaret         w       Capt Adkinso    3
Leavesley   Thomas           rs      Capt Ware       6
Lee         John             slw     Capt Garner     1
Lee         Solomon          slw     Capt Garner     1
Lee         William  G               Capt Garner     1
Lewis       Nancy            w       Capt Hines      7
Lewis       Nancy            wrs     Capt Hines      7
Mayo        William  S               Capt Garner     1
Mays        Rebecca  W               Capt Garner     1
McGilvary   John                     Capt Shearer    5
Meadows     Enoch                    Capt Craven     4
Miller      James    S               Capt Ware       6
Mize        Anderson         slw     Capt Craven     4
Moore       Michael  C               Capt Hines      7
Morgan      James                    Capt Shattox    2
Morgan      Mark                     Capt Garner     1
Morris      Mason                    Capt Hines      7
Morris      Sally            ha      Capt Hines      7
Morrow      Leonard                  Capt Adkinso    3
Murphy      James                    Capt Hines      7
Nason       William  Riley           Capt Ware       6
Nelson      Mary             or      Capt Adkinso    3
Nimmons     William                  Capt Shearer    5
Nutt        Jonathan                 Capt Shattox    2
Odom        Hallasha                 Capt Garner     1
Osbourne    John                     Capt Moseley    Cedar Creek
Patman      Watson           ors     Capt Hines      7
Penn        Richard  S               Capt Hines      7
Phillips    Elijah                   Capt Adkinso    3
Phillips    James    B       slw     Capt Adkinso    3
Powell      James                    Capt Shattox    2
Pridgeon    Nathaniel                Capt Adkinso    3
Randolph    Joseph                   Capt Adkinso    3
Ray         Nancy            w       Capt Adkinso    3
Reid        James    H               Capt Shearer    5
Reynolds    James                    Capt Shattox    2
Rice        John     L               Capt Hines      7
Roberts     Nimrod                   Capt Shattox    2
Robinson    John     W               Capt Craven     4
Ryan        John     P               Capt Shearer    5
Scott       William                  Capt Adkinso    3
Scott       William          rs      Capt Adkinso    3
Selman      Benjamin         Ors     Capt Garner     1
Shadix      James            slw     Capt Shattox    2
Shipp       Robert   Sr              Capt Shearer    5
Shipp       Robert                   Capt Shearer    5
Skipper     Bright                   Capt Craven     4
Smith       Benjamin         rs      Capt Craven     4
Smith       Ira      E       (2)     Capt Ware       6
Smith       John     H               Capt Ware       6
Smith       John     W               Capt Craven     4
Smith       John                     Capt Craven     4
Smith       Miles            slw     Capt Ware       6
Smith       NathanielH       ors     Capt Ware       6
Smith       Sini     Bell            Capt Craven     4
Smith       William  Sr              Capt Craven     4
Smithwick   Edmund           slw     Capt Hines      7
Sparks      Brooks             (2)   Capt Shattox    2
Sparks      Leonard                  Capt Shattox    2
Spears      Selah            w       Capt Hines      7
Spears      Selah            wrs     Capt Hines      7
Spraggins   David                    Capt Moseley    Cedar Creek
Spraggins   Orasmus  Sr              Capt Moseley    Cedar Creek
Stephens    John     C               Capt Hines      7
Stewart     John             ors     Capt Craven     4
Storey      George                   Capt Craven     4
Storey      John     S       (2)     Capt Shearer    5
Story       Anthony          slw     Capt Shearer    5
Story       Edward   M               Capt Shearer    5
Story       William  F Jr            Capt Craven     4
Terry       Williamson               Capt Shearer    5
Thomas      Mary                     Capt Ware       6
Thompson    James    Jr              Capt Shearer    5
Thompson    John             or      Capt Hines      7
Thompson    William                  Capt Shattox    2
Tidwell     Benjamin         (2)     Capt Hines      7
Tidwell     William                  Capt Garner     1
Tomlin      Jason              (2)   Capt Shattox    2
Tomlin      Martin                   Capt Adkinso    3
Underwood   John             (Judge) Capt Ware       6
Walker      James                    Capt Adkinso    3
Walker      Levin                    Capt Adkinso    3
Walley      John             slw     Capt Hines      7
Walton      Benton                   Capt Shearer    5
Ware        Phillip          slw     Capt Ware       6
Watson      John             Ors (2) Capt Adkinso    3
Weaver      Seaborn  J               Capt Hines      7
Webb        Burrell  J               Capt Shearer    5
Whelan      Charles                  Capt Shearer    5
Wilkinson   Levi                     Capt Garner     1
Wilkinson   Calvin                   Capt Garner     1
Williams    John                     Capt Garner     1
Williams    Joseph                   Capt Shearer    5
Williams    James    F Jr            Capt Shearer    5
Williamson  Alexander        (2)     Capt Moseley    Cedar Creek
Williamson  William  R               Capt Craven     4
Willingham  Riley    M               Capt Shearer    5
Wood        George   W               Capt Craven     4
Wood        Green            slw     Capt Shearer    5
Wright      Matthew  H               Capt Shattox    2

Contributed by Dianne Wood ©2002

2 thoughts on “Coweta County Georgia 1832 Land Lottery”

  1. My family has a deed from the 1827 land lottery of Georgia. “To James Sasnett for Lot 35 – 8 Coweta County” dated 14 Sep 1829, registered in Book 8, Coweta page 45. Would like more info on the history and location of the lot.

    • I’m not sure about the location of the lot, but James Sasnett is my fourth-great grandfather. He was from Edgecombe County, N.C Would appreciate receiving a scanned copy of the deed if possible. Many thanks.


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