Rowland to Rylander Cemetery, Georgia

A list of all cemeteries in Georgia, first by name, county and location.  A great tool to help with cemeteries that have the same name within the state. Clicking on the cemetery name will provide you with a map to the location.

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AccessGenealogy  AHGP  ALHN  USGenWeb  National Cemetery Internments  Cemetery Transcription Database

Cemeteries of Georgia


Cemetery CountyLocation
 Rowland CemeteryGreeneWhite Plains
 Rowland CemeteryGreeneLiberty
 Rowland CemeteryDodgeChester
 Roxie Mae CemeteryCoffeeWilsonville
 Roy CemeteryHartRoyston
 Rozier CemeteryDodgeWest of Eastman
 Ruckers Grove CemeteryHartDewy Rose
 Ruckersville CemeteryElbertRock Branch
 Ruff CemeteryCobbMableton
 Rush CemeteryFloydShannon
 Rush Chapel CemeteryFloydShannon
 Russel CemeteryMuscogeeMidland
 Russell CemeteryBarrowWinder South
 Russell CemeteryGordonCalhoun North
 Russell CemeteryTownsHiawassee
 Russellville CemeteryMonroeSmarr
 Rust CemeteryStephensAvalon
 Ruth Prince CemeteryDodgeLake Cypress
 Ruthford CemeteryWashingtonTabernacle
 Rutland CemeteryTiftLenox
 Ryal CemeteryEffinghamBrighton
 Ryals CemeteryDodgeJay Bird Springs
 Ryals CemeteryTattnallReidsville West
 Rylander CemeterySumterSmithville West

Cemeteries of Georgia

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