Marie to Memorial Cemetery, Georgia

A list of all cemeteries in Georgia, first by name, county and location.  A great tool to help with cemeteries that have the same name within the state. Clicking on the cemetery name will provide you with a map to the location.

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Cemeteries of Georgia

 Marie CemeteryLaurensDublin
 Marietta City CemeteryCobbMarietta
 Marion CemeteryTwiggsMarion
 Mars Hill CemeteryOconeeAthens West
 Mars Hill CemeteryForsythCumming
 Mars Hill CemeteryDoolyPineview NW
 Mars Hill CemeteryDecaturClimax North
 Mars Hill CemeteryCobbAcworth
 Mars Hill CemeteryCarrollHulett
 Mars Hill CemeteryCalhounBluffton
 Marshall CemeteryMcDuffieThomson East
 Marshall CemeteryMonroeForsyth
 Marshall CemeteryOconeeWatkinsville
 Marshallville CemeteryMaconMarshallville
 Martha Ellen English CemeteryWarrenBeall Springs
 Martha Memorial CemeteryPierceK’Ville
 Martin CemeteryThomasPatten
 Martin CemeteryOglethorpeCrawford
 Martin CemeteryOglethorpeAthens East
 Martin CemeteryMeriwetherOdessadale
 Martin CemeteryLamarBarnesville
 Martin CemeteryJohnsonOconee
 Martin CemeteryHallChestnut Mountain
 Martin CemeteryFultonRoswell
 Martin CemeteryDeKalbChamblee
 Martin CemeteryDawsonDawsonville
 Martin CemeteryCowetaNewnan South
 Martin CemeteryBullochDaisy
 Martin CemeteryBrantleyHoboken West
 Martin CemeteryBanksMaysville
 Martin Community CemeteryStephensMartin
 Marvin CemeteryLaurensLovett
 Marys Chapel CemeteryJonesJames
 Mason CemeteryWheelerGlenwood
 Massey CemeteryWilkinsonMassey Hill
 Mathews CemeteryMeriwetherGay
 Mathews CemeteryOglethorpeCrawford
 Mathias CemeteryMontgomeryVidalia
 Mathis CemeteryCookLenox
 Mathis CemeteryStewartUnion
 Mathis CemeteryUnionCoosa Bald
 Matlock CemeteryTattnallAltamaha SE
 Matthew CemeteryFloydLivingston
 Matthews CemeteryWarrenThomson West
 Matthews CemeteryOglethorpeSandy Cross
 Matthews CemeteryDeKalbRedan
 Matthews CemeteryClarkeHull
 Mauk CemeteryTaylorJunction City
 Maxie Hill CemeteryJacksonJefferson
 Maxwell CemeteryFultonRoswell
 Maxwell CemeteryGradyGee Pond
 Maxwells CemeteryGlynnBrunswick West
 Mayes CemeteryWarrenThomson West
 Mayes CemeteryWarrenWarrenton
 Mayes CemeteryCobbMountain Park
 Mayes-Sewell CemeteryCobbSandy Springs
 Maynard CemeteryMonroeForsyth
 Mayne CemeteryOconeeWatkinsville
 Mays Grove CemeteryJeffersonKellys Pond
 Meadow CemeteryMadisonDanielsville South
 Meadows CemeteryHarrisShiloh
 Meadows CemeteryCobbAustell
 Mealing CemeteryMuscogeeFortson
 Means Lane CemeteryHoustonUnadilla
 Meansville CemeteryPikeZebulon
 Meddas CemeteryCowetaGrantville
 Meddas CemeteryCowetaGrantville
 Meek CemeteryScrevenBurtons Ferry Landing
 Meeks CemeteryJohnsonKite
 Meeks CemeteryCoffeeSessoms
 Meeks CemeteryCoffeeSessoms
 Meldrim CemeteryEffinghamMeldrim
 Melrose CemeteryPauldingNew Georgia
 Melson CemeteryHeardFranklin
 Melton Place CemeteryJeffersonKellys Pond
 Melwood CemeteryDeKalbStone Mountain

Cemeteries of Georgia

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