from Creek land, Wilkinson embraced Dodge and Telfair, and parts of four other counties: Laurens, Montgomery, Pulaski, and Twiggs. The county is named in honor of General James Wilkinson. Irwinton, the county seat is named for Governor Jared Irwin. Some of the orginal settlers were Samuel Beall, Charles
C. Beall, Solomon B. Murphy, John Hoover, John Meredith, Abner Hicks,
Birthplace of
If you have any records to contribute or web sites you would like to link to this site email me at Eileen Babb McAdams. Common Misspellings
- Wilkerson for Wilkinson; Irvington, Irwington for Irwinton
A special thanks to Georgia Genealogy for the use of their server. This site may
be freely linked, but not duplicated in any way without consent. All material
was transcribed by me unless indicated.