Date | Name of Victim | Charged | Notes |
Feb 29, 1820 | Nathan Bowen, white | Jacob Justice, White | Governor's Proclamation Southern Recorder Aug 1, 1820 |
July 18, 1822 | Godfrey Lee, white | John Lee, White | Georgia Journal Jul 30, 1822 |
before or in 1831 | Not stated | Hezekial Williams, White | Williams was shot while escaping from Penitentiary Southern Recorder May 19, 1831 |
1831 | Jim, slave of James Hatcher | Joseph McCearly, White | Governor's Proclamation, Georgia Journal Jan 8 1831 |
1834 | Manson . White | Owens and Glover, White | Georgia Journal, May 7, 1834
Georgia Telegraph May 15, 1834 |
1838 | Henry Rhud, White | Mr. Jenkins, white | Condemned to be hung Jenkins, who was respited by the Governor, died in jail. Southern Recorder Jun 5, 1838 |
May 4, 1841 | William Keaton, White | Samuel M. Pittman, White | Georgia Journal June 15, 1841 |
Dec 17, 1848 | Dr. John L Barge, White | George James Bostick, White | Sandersville Progress Jan 7, 1849 |
1851 | Mrs Hardy Keil, Miss Mason, White | slave of Hardy Keil, Black | Women were murdered, the slave was caught and burned at the stake. Federal Union Aug 12, 1851 |
1852 | NA | W. T. Beck, White | Manslaughter, sentenced 4 yrs. Georgia, Central Register of Convicts, 1817-1976 |
Aug. 1, 1854 | John M. Spence, White | Allen Rogers, White | $100 reward by governor in 1854. Macon Weekly Telegraph 8-29-1854 |
1856 | NA | Jacob Jordan, White | Vol. Manslaughter. Source: "Georgia, Central Register of Convicts, 1817-1976" |
Dec. 24, 1856 | William E. Green , White | George Slaughter aka
John Thompson, White |
Green killed at Rogers Store in Laurens Co. $500 reward offered by Eason Green, Jesse J. Green, Benjamin C. Green and Marshall H. Green. Columbus Enquirer, Tri-Weekly 2-17-1857 |
Dec 28, 1857 | Gen. James B. Bostwick, White | M. V. B. Allen, White | Justifiable homicide Federal Union Jan 5, 1858 |
Oct. 11, 1858 | Dr. Joseph Golden. White | John E. Wiggins, White | stabbed in thigh and leg.The Weekly Georgian, 10-12-1858 |
April 1866 | Josiah Jones, White | Shadrach Croom, White | Shooting near Gordon, found guilty of murder in October 1866, sent to penitenery, pardoned by Governor Bulloch in 1869. Macon Weekly Telegraph 5-7-1866,Daily Columbus Enquirer 11-7-1866 |
June 1866 | Mrs. Louisa Rawlins/Rollins, White | Pompey O'Bannon & William Dennis aka Thomas Johnson, Black | Mrs Rollins, 8 month old baby & 3 yr
old daughter were also beaten.
Pompey O'Bannon was taken from jail in July 1866 by a mob of 200 - 300, tortured and burned at the stake. William Dennis, aka Tom (Reward) was found in Columbus and convicted of murder in Wilkinson Co. in Oct 1866. He confessed to the murder as well as a Mr. Crews (Col. Cruise) in Atlanta. He was was publically hung in Irwinton Nov. 2, 1866. Macon Weekly Telegraph 6-29-1866, 7-2-1866, 7-9-1866; Macon Telegraph 7-1-1866, 7-23-1866, 7-24-1866, 7-25-1866, 7-30-1866, 8-23-1866, 11-7-1866 Columbus Daily Enquirer, 7-4-1866, 7-22-1866, 8-2-1866, 8-9-1866, 8-19-1866, 8-22-1966. 10-4-1866, 10-7-1866 |
Aug 17 1867 | Jennie Brannon, Black | Alfred Brannon alias Alfred Bell, Black | Whipped wife to death. Federal Union
27, 1867
Publically hung per Freedman Bureaus Records |
Nov. 1867 | Montgomery Lampee White | John Towler, White | Shootout involving Towler a fireman on the Central Railroad, at railroad track in Gordon. Daily Columbus Enquirer 11-13-1867 |
August 26 1868 | John Fleetwood, Black | Charles F. Frasuer, White | Fleetwood was a prominent radical. Frasuer was arrested. Macon Weekly Telegraph 9-4-1868 |
1868 | Man
called Texas.
Nathaniel Cornwall Nov 30, 1877, of Jefferson County, White |
Washington McDaniel
aka Wash McDaniel Charles Heath, White |
Tried, convicted, sentenced to be hung.
Reprieved from hanging in Dec 1869 until Jan 1870. Escaped
from jail, then escaped from train, moved to Quincy Florida under the name
of Charles Heath. Found in January 1878 living in Screven County, sent
back to Wilkinson and sentenced to the penitentiary for life. Sent to Dade
coal mines where he confessed to the murder of Nathaniel Cornwall
of Jefferson county . He was brutally murered by another prisoner there
in 1881.
Colunbus Ledger Enquirer 11-28, 1869; Macon Weekly Telegraph, 2-05-1878, Union and Recorder April 9, 1878; Georgia Weekly,12-17-1880; 12-31-1880. Atlanta Constitution 07-10-1878; 12-21-1887 |
1869 | L. A. Golden , White | Richard Nelson, White | Sentenced to penitenary for life in 1869 pardoned by Governor Bulloch Dec. 28 1869. Atlanta Constitution 10-21-1869, Columbus Ledger Enquirer 12-29-1866 |
1871 | Robert Parker, White | William Davis, White
Daniel H. Tucker, White |
Justifiable, Federal Union Jun 7, 1871 |
1870 - 1871 |
Two Men, Black ![]() |
Unknown, White |
Skeltons were found in 1875, 1 was lynched, other possibly shot. Savannah Morning News 4-2-1875 |
August 1871 | Green Porter, Black | Thomas McRae, White | Coroner inquest ruled "wilful murder"
in 1871.
Tried and convicted Oct. 1873. Escaped jail, caught in 1876. Macon Weekly Telegraph 8-15-1871 |
Sep 1871 | Sheriff Matthew Deason, White | unknown group of men, KKK? See Report of the Joint Select Committee.. . By John Scott. Published by G.P.O., 1872. FREE AT White | Gagged, shot in head and threw in pond. Daily Gazette & Bulletine 9-11-1871, Macon Weekly Telegraph 10-29-1872. |
Oct 1871 | Joel Deese, White | Unknown | Murdered, body found in woods near his house. Oct. 6, 1871. Columbus Ledger-Enquirer |
1871 |
George Meadows, Black Boston Fulward, Black |
unknown group of men, KKK? See Report of the Joint Select Committee.. By John Scott. Published by G.P.O., 1872. FREE AT White | Shot |
Feb. 1872 | Joel Burke , White | Sam Hicks aka Sam Blount; Jack Vickers &
Eli Colley/Isaac Coley
Black |
Robbed and beaten to death at his store. Sam Hicks confessed, implicated Jack Vickers and Eli Colley for accepting stolen money. Sam Hicks was hung May 10, 1872 in Irwinton. Macon Weekly Telegraph 2-27-1872. 3-12-1872, 4-11-1872, 5-14-1872. |
March 16, 1872 | Jane Johnson; Black | Dallas Dyer, White | Dyer of Twiggs County, while drunk, killed the woman with a knife on the way home from Gordon to Twiggs county. He escaped, $250 reward offered by governor. Macon Weekly Telegraph 3-26-1872, 4-9-1872 |
August 1873 | Major Charles Kelly, White | Silas J. Sanders, White | shooting in Gordon, old feud since war. Macon Weekly Telegraph 8-19-1873, 8-26-1873 |
1873 | NA | Adam Brown, White | Charged with murder, got life. Georgia, Central Register of Convicts, 1817 -1917 |
June 1875 | John H. Freeman, White | H. H. Watkins, White | Killed by his son-in-law. Augusta Chronicle June 15, 1875 |
Nov 1875 | Mingo Baker, Black | Chain-Gang Guards, White | Shop while attempting to escape with 5 others. Macon Weekly Telegraph Nov 16, 1875. |
Dec 18, 1875 | Jordan Chambers, Black | Unknown | Shot at home. He was the" third State's witness that has been mysteriously killed since the attempted insurrection - two in adjoining counties and one in this." Augusta Chronicle Dec. 2, 1875 |
1876 | Ellen Coats, Black | Lish Coats, Black | Murdered his cousin and left body in Turkey Creek swamp, said he didn't intend to kill her but give her a severe whipping. Georgia Weekly Telegraph and Journal and Messenger 1-18-1876 |
Sep 1876 | Joe Temples, Black | Joe O'Bannon, Black | Self defense. Georgia Weekly Telegraph |
Nov 25 1876 |
Mr. Sanders, White
Mr. Barrentine, White |
W. H. Dykes, White |
Self defense, W. H. Dykes, Gordon Town Marshall. Savannah Morning News 11-28-1876. |
May 1878 |
Lavonia Gainey, Black
Joe Burke, Black |
10 yr old Joe Burke killed baby he was looking after. Savannah Morning News, 5-12-1878i |
Dec 25 1879 | Mary Payne, White | Frank Goodman, White | charges dropped, ruled as accidental. Dublin Post 1-1-1880 |
1881 | John Lowe, Black | Unnamed, Black | drunken brawl at John Burke's store at New Providence, Georgia Weekly Telegraph 12-2-1881 |
Dec. 1881 | Seaborn Miller, Black | Harmon Carswell, Black | Sentenced to life in pentitenary April 1882
Georgia Weekly Telegraph and Journal and Messenger 12-9/1881;4-14-1882 |
July 4 1882 | T J. Wood & Joseph Johnson ,White | John Monroe Benford of Twiggs, White | He left the area after 2 warrants were issued for his arrest. 4 years later he was found in Alabama and took back to Wilkinson County. Claiming self defense he was acquitted in 1886. Macon Weekly Telegraph 8-10-1883, 9-3-1886, 9-7-1886, |
May 1883 | Ambrose Lingo, Black | Wife, Miranda Lingo, Black | She confessed to the ax murder of her husband 1 month after she killed him. Sentenced to 20 years, sent to Old Town Camp. Jefferson Co, She was living in Turkey Creek District in 1900. Macon Weekly Telegraph 5-8-1883; Union and Recorder 10-23-1883 |
October 1883 | Dick Cooper, Black | Either J. W. Vaughn, Henry Clay or Benj. H. Jackson, White | Clay's hog was stolen and being butchered
by J E Holder. The three men, in pursuit of Holder, were fired on
by Dick Cooper who was angry at the men for knocking down the wife of Holder.
Justifiable homicide.
Macon Telegraph Oct. 23 and 24, 1883 |
October 1883 | Joe Holder, Black | Seth Wells and/or Boss Wells; Black | See above
Macon Weekly Telegraph, October 24, 1883 |
Aug. 1885 | Zack Edwards, Black | Lucius Hart, Black | Shot during quarrel, self defense possible.
Macon Weekly Telegraph 8 -5-1885 |
1888 | James Sheffield , White | Will Collins, Black | Convicted of robbery and murder he was sentenced to life imprisonment and sent to Dade Coal Mines in Oct. 1888, Atlanta Constitution 5-1-1888, 10-1-1888, 10-2-1888 |
October 24, 1888 | John Gladin, Black | Joel Rivers, Black | Quarreling about rent Rivers shot & killed Gladin, at Sanders Mill. Rivers escaped. The Macon Telegraph 10-25-1888 |
Sep 1889 | King Smith, Black | Dan Reeves/Reid. Black | A fatal stabbing at Jordan Stream Church between Dick Beall (injured), King Smith & Dan Reeves/Reid. Macon Wky Tele. 9-17-1889. Escaped from Eastman jail - 10-15-1890 |
Oct 1889 | Charlie Jackson, White | Jimmy Jackson, White | Boys playing with knives accidentaly stabbed his brother. Atlanta Constitution 10- 17-1889 |
Nov 1891 | Mrs
James M. Knight
White |
Fox Hall
Black |
Burgulary, murder, house burned. Fox Hall was arrested in Dec. 1891 and taken to the Bibb County jail for safekeeping. Atlanta Constitution 11-14-1891,Macon Weekly Telegraph 11-13-1891, 11-19-1891,12-16-1891 12-23-1891 |
September 1894 | J. Ira Taylor, White | W. A Stuckey bro.-in-law, White | Macon Weekly Telegraph 9-10-1894,
Atlanta Constitution 2-8-1895 found guilty. Savannah Tribune, 11-16-1895 goes to the pen. Macon Weekly Telegraph 2-19-1906; Pardoned |
September 13, 1895 | J. H. Stanley, White | Dave Cummings, Arthur Holliman, accesssory, Black | Macon Telegraph September 23, 25, 1895; Oct 12, 1895; |
March 1895 | Owen Holliman , White | unknown; clan? | Shot near home near Balls Church. Atlanta Constitution 3-12-1895 |
Jan 1896 | Rev. Warren Powers, Black | "Phabe" Dixon, suspect, Black | A preacher who lived 7 miles from Toomsboro was shot at his home and died in his wife's arms after a sermon about martial infidelities. Dixon took the sermon as applying to him. Knoxville Journal Jan 21, 1896; Atlanta Constitution Jan 18, 1896 |
Oct 1896 | Mack M. Hughes , White | Will Temples, Dorse Parker, Mirt Taylor, Joe Weeks charged, Black | Found shot 1/2 mile from his home. Suspects were charged and in Irwinton jail in November 1896. Atlanta Constitution 11-21-1896 |
June 4, 1898 | Joe Fountain, Black | Perry Roberson, Black | Fountain shot Roberson due to his fascination for Fountain's wife. He then gave himself up to sheriff. Macon Telegraph 6-6-1898 |
May 1899 | John Briscoe. Black | Mack Cannon, Black
Mary Briscoe (wife of John Briscoe) Black |
Near Ivey, on the plantation of John Beck,
he was bludgeoned with ax. Both confessed.
Mack Cannon sentenced to hang Oct 27 1899, the first hanging in the county in 30 years. After the private hanging the body was sent to Meda Ga. for burial. Mary Briscoe sentenced to 99 years in prison. Atlanta Constitution 10-6-1899; Columbus Enquirer-Sun, 5-12-1899 |
May 1899 | Jack Gilbert, Black | W.A. Jones, White | In Gordon, ruled self-defense Macon Telegraph 5-4, 5-5-1899 |
July 1900 | Ruby
or Rutha Tindall, White
John I. Tindall, White |
James Gilbert Tindall, white | James Tindall was accused of poisoning his
father and then shooting his younger sister. He sent to the asylum where
he escaped in 1902 and "kidnapped" Agnes Roach and eloped to
SavannahTribune 8-11-1900; Atlanta Constitution 8-12-1900; Atlanta Constiution Aug- 23-1902; Columbus Daily Enquirer 8-24-1902; Augusta Chronicle 8-24-1902 |
1904 | Cap Moise/Maye, Black | 6 yr old child, Black | Atlanta Constitution 4-6-1904 |
October 1904 | Grant Dorn, White | Charlie Dixon, Black, suspect | assaulted at his sawmill at Black Lake. Atlanta Constitution 10-27-1904. Macon Telegraph 11-1-1904 |
1906 | Dave Brookins, Black | Unknown | Macon Telegraph 6-19- 1906 |
1906 | Dock Collins, White | Ben Huff, White | Fight. Ben Huff was the nephew of Dock Collins. Atlanta Constitution 7-5-1905; Union Recorder July 10, 17, 1906 |
1907 | Jim Ardline, Black | Town Marshall & Mob, White | Killed at Gordon. Union Recorder Feb 12, 1907 |
1909 | George F. Hatfield, White | J. J. McConnell, White | Pistol duel in Irwinton over long time grudge.. Atlanta Constitution 7-23-1909 |
May 4, 1910 | Edward Napier, White | William Deason, White | Corner's inquest ruled justifiable homicide. Went to trial in Oct. 1910. The grand jury did not return an indictment. Atlanta Constitution 5-10-1910, |
1911 | Andrew Chapman, Black | Mob of white men | Chapman was accused of raping a white woman, on the way to jail he was taken from the deputy and hung. Macon Daily Telegraph Oct 11, 1911 |
April 13, 1912 | C. A. Bell, White | Norman Davidson, White | While protecting himself from Bell, his brother-in-law, Davidson stabbed Bell who died, Davidson he broke jail and lived in Florida for 7 years before turning himself in. Case was declared a mistrial. Macon Daily Telegraph Aug 10, 1912. Atlanta Constitution April 2, 1919, Macon DailyTelegraph, April 11 and 15, 1919, Columbus EnquirerApril 12, 1919 |
Jul 1913
1915 |
Daniel, Black
NA |
James Daniel, Black
Albert Battle, Black |
12 yr old James Daniel shot his 6 yr old
sister on Napier plantation. Milledgeville News Jul 18, 1913.
Received life term for murder, Died in prison in 1929. "Georgia, Central Register of Convicts, 1817-1976" |
Feb 23, 1915 | Ira Bloodworth , White | Luss Mixon, White | Shot over girlfriend, Mixon escaped. Gov. offered $200 reward.Macon Daily Telegraph Feb 24, 1915; Macon Daily Telegraph, Feb 26, 1915; Atlanta Constitution Mar 6-1915. Atlanta Constitution Mar 6, 1915 |
March 1915 | John D. Pennington, White | John Fountain, Black
Adolph Hicks, Black |
Robbery and murder, John Fountain & Adolph Hicks (confessed) arrested. Atlanta Constitution 3-8-1915, 3-9-1915, 3-11-1915 |
1916 | NA | Yoeman Gardy, Black | Manslaughter, 2 years in prison.
"Georgia, Central Register of Convicts, 1817-1976" |
1916 | NA | Will Johnson, Black | Murder. "Georgia, Central Register of Convicts, 1817-1976" |
Feb 1916 | S. A. Fountain, White | Marvin Harris, Black | Fountain was shot. Harris was lynched in Twiggs County. Atlanta Constitution 2-13-1916 |
Dec. 25, 1917 | Charley Sapp, White | ___Beal, suspect, Black | Shot in Irwinton. Macon Weekly Telegraph 12-26-1917 |
June 6, 1919 | Tom Reed, Black | Ed Jackson, Black | Jackson acquitted, Macon Telegraph Oct 11, 1919 |
July 29, 1919 | Johan Abbaglin, White | W. Henry Amerson, White | Shot in thigh, and bled to death, by Amerson
on Baldwin County/Wilkinson line. Got Manslaughter 15-20 yrs.
Macon Weekly Telegraph 9-13-1919. |
Sep 20, 1919 | Irvin Stevens, Black | James Moore, White | Acquitted, self defense. Macon Telegraph Oct 4 and 10, 1919 |
Oct 1919 | Billie Rozier, Black | Lamar Carswell, Black | Jealousy over woman. Macon Daily Telegraph 11-1-1919 |
Nov 30. 1919 | Jack Ridicer, Black | Unknown Parties from Laurens County, White | Ridicer shot & wounded Hansel Rosier in Laurens Co. Ridicer was taken to the main road at Big Walnut church and hung. Macon Daily Telegraph 12-2-1919, Atlanta Constitution 12-18-1919 |
March 16, 1920 | Deputy J. T. Dixon, White | Will White, Black | While attempting to arrest Will White
Sheriff Player (recovered) & Deputy Dixon, who died March 23, were
shot. White escaped, $1500 reward offered.
Macon Weekly Telegraph 3-17, , 24, ; 4-6 1920; Columbus Ledger 3-17-1920 |
June 20, 1920
Aug 11, 1921 |
Faulkner of Baldwin Co., White
W. T. Webb, White |
Tom Ray of Baldwin Co., Black
A. G. Webb, White |
Faulkner was shot in Wilkinson County, while
trying to collect debt. Ray escaped, ended up in Detroit Michigan in Oct.
1920, the Michigan governor, fearing reprisals, refused to release him
to Sheriff Player. Ray said he killed him in self defense. Michigan authorities
released him from jail. June 22, 1920.
Aug 5, 1921 Macon WeeklyTelegraph, Aug 5, 1921 Savannah Tribune
Shot by his father, Macon Telegraph Aug 12, 1921 |
1922 | George W. Butler, White | Jim Jerry Bloodworth, White | Mistrial was declared April 1922. Atlanta
Constitution 4-9-1922. Retried, got 10-15 years, commuted in
1926. Jim Jerry Bloodworth was shot (recovered) by Dosh Hardy in
1916. Jim was the brother of Ira Bloodworth killed in 1915.
Georgia, Central Register of Convicts, 1817-1976 |
Sep 1925 | Willie Dixon aka Sims, Black | Unknown Whites | Taken to Wilkinson Co. from Milledgeville and beaten to death for killing Amy Oxford, nurse at State Sanitarium in Milledgeville. Macon Telegraph Sep 22, 1925 |
Aug 21, 1926 | Jack G. Jones, White | Deputy Sheriff A. C. Kimsey, White | Altercation lead to killing with pistol. Kimsey received 2-3 yrs for voluntary manslaughter Macon Telegraph Aug 23, 25, 1926; Oct. 5 1928. Paroled 1930. "Georgia, Central Register of Convicts, 1817-1976" |
Mar 5, 1927 | A. T. Veal, White | B. F. Pate, Jr., White | Shot through forehead in January, died Mar 5. Augusta Chronicle 1-31-1927; 2-1; 3-6, 1927 |
June 24, 1928 | Daniel Harper, Black | Howard Shoats, Black
Willie Johnson, Black |
Murdered, body thrown on RR tracks, Macon Telegraph June 26; Jul 12, 1928. Death certificate |
June 12, 1929 | Jim Allen Rozar/Rozier, Black | Mamie Rozar/Rozier, Black
Abe Martin, Black |
Poisoned with Arsenic. His wife and Martin got life sentences per his death certificate. Macon Telegraph Sep 6/1929 |
1930 | NA | Ernest Brown, White | Charged with murder, Imprisoned 1930, paroled in 1944. Source: Georgia, Central Register of Convicts, 1817 - 1976 |
April 1930 | Henrietta Davis, Black | Leighton Green | Stabbed to death Macon Telegraph April 8, 1930 |
May 31, 1930 | Henry Phelps, Black | F. W. Patterson, White | shot, justifiable per death certificate |
Jun 1930 | Bessie Butler, Black | Robert Lee McArthur, Black | Stabbed to death. McArthur given life term. Macon Telegraph Jun 19, 1930; Oct. 10, 1930. Escaped 1935. Source: Georgia, Central Register of Convicts, 1817 - 1976 |
Aug 1930 | James T. Hill, White | M. L. "Boss" Holder, White | Affray betwwen the two men, Hill shot to death. Macon Telegraph Aug 15, 1930 |
Apr 1931 | Frances Fountain, Black | Lewis Phelps, Black
Jimmie Lee Bryant, Black Henry Moye, Black, charge dropped |
Phelps and Bryant got life term. Robbed and killed, Bryant paroled in 1938*. Apr 25, Oct 14, 1931, April 11, 1932 Macon Telegraph; *Source: Georgia, Central Register of Convicts, 1817 - 1976 |
1932 | NA | John Green, Black | Manslaughter, pardoned 1938 Source""Georgia, Central Register of Convicts, 1817-1976" |
April 1, 1933 | Ray
L. Butler, White
C. Lester Rutherford, White |
Hubie McConnell, White
Arnold McConnell, White John Thomas Layton, White |
Hubie McConnell given life for the death
of Butler. Arnold McConnell and John Thomas Layton acquitted on death of
All 3 given life for the death of Rutherford. Apr 4, 1933, Macon Telegraph; Oct 7, Nov. 9 1933 Augusta Chronicle. Layton prison Nov. 1933, was pardoned in 1940. Hubie was paroled in 1941. "Georgia, Central Register of Convicts, 1817-1976" |
Apr 1933 | Henry Parks, Black | Unknown | Apr 10, 1933 Macon Telegraph |
Mar 1934 | Jason Blissett, Whited | City Marshal W. B. Lord, White | Gun battle, Mar 15, 1934, Macon Telegraph |
1935 | NA | Josh "Bird" Carswell, Black | Murder, paroled 1938. Source: Georgia, Central Register of Convicts, 1817 - 1976 |
1935 | NA | Bennie Hudson, Black | Vol. Manslaughter, paroled 1938. Source: Georgia, Central Register of Convicts, 1817-1976 |
1936 | Mrs. Caleb Harris, Black | Caleb Harris, Black | Charged with beating to death is wife. Apr 07, 1936, Macon Telegraph. Paroled 1942 , "Georgia, Central Register of Convicts, 1817-1976" |
1936 | Nat Hughes, Black | Leon Bynum, alias Byington | Killed with ice pick, Apr 07, 1936 Macon Telegraph |
1936 | Unnamed | Bill Gallimore | Killed woman at Danville, April 7 1936, Macon Telegraph. |
Nov 1938 | John Brown Sanders | Lee Brown Jr, White
Jake Dye, White Weston Rhodes, White |
Nov 23, 1938 Macon Telegraph.
Not Charged. None of the names listed in"Georgia, Central Register of Convicts, 1817-1976" |
1939 | NA | Ernest Black, Black | Got life, paroled in 1947
Georgia, Central Register of Convicts, 1817-1976 |
1940 | Wilbur Heard, black | Chief W. M. Beck | Macon Telegraph April 3, 1940 |
1942 | NA | Louvenia Milton, Black | Got life, paroled in 1942
Georgia, Central Register of Convicts, 1817-1976 |
1942 | Lester Rozier, black | J. C. Wood, white | Justifiable, July 24, Macon Telegraph |
June 1943 | Vinie
(Fannie?) Mae Metts, Black
his sister-in-law, Black |
Willie "Big Boy" Metts, Black | Shot his wife and stabbed his sister-in-law
and mother-in-law. Macon Telegraph 04 Jun 1943
Paroled 1952, retried 1955, paroled 1962 per Source: Georgia, Central Register of Convicts, 1817 - 1976 |
May 30, 1949 | Caleb Hill Jr., Black | Dennis L. Purvis, White
Malcolm V. Pierce, were suspects. Not indicted by grand jury. |
Taken from jail and killed by white mob. Jun 17, 1949 Augusta Chronicle |
Nov 1949 | Rev. C. Washington Anthony, Black. | Solomon Payne, Black | Nov 27, 1949 Augusta Chronicle |
1951 | NA | Charley Joyner, black | Guilty of Murder, life sentence. "Georgia, Central Register of Convicts, 1817-1976" |
Aug 11, 1956 | Ruth Killingsworth, White | Sarah Lou Killingsworth, White | Accidentally shot her sister while protecting herself against an intruder. Aug 13, 1956, Augusta Chronicle |
Aug 7, 1960 | Robert Eugene Hall, White | Sam Snow, White | Justifiable homicide Aug 9, 1960 Marietta Daily Journal |
Nov 25 1990 | Keith McKissick, Black | - | Murder. life sentence |
Nov 11, 1991 | Phillip Steele, Black | - | Murder during burglary, life sentence |
Sep 24, 1994 | Maria Stincer Arnold, White | Jeremiah Arnold, White | Age 16 plead guilty to killing his mother on a camping trip, later saying his father killed him. Life imprisonment |
Dec 3, 2001 | LaRodney V. Carswell, Black | - | Murder |
Jun 06, 2011 | Ronnie Rozier, White | Zachary Allen Beck, White | Shot Rozier at his home. Got 20 years in prison. |
Aug 8 2011 | Anthony Whipple, Black | Teomesion Williams, Black | Shot outside nightclub. Sentenced for Voluntary Manslaughter |
copyright Eileen Babb McAdams 2007