Wilkinson County, Ga
News Articles 1900's
January 1, 1900
Atlanta Constitution
Rev. J. S. Lewis, of Gordon, Ga.,
was married to Miss Kate McCord,
of this place at 12:30 Wednesday afternoon, December 20th, by Rev.S.
B. Ledbetter at the residence of Dr. W. C. Bryant, on College
avenue. Rev. Lewis is pastor at Gordon, Ga., and a prominent divine of
the South Georgia conference. Miss McCord is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
W. McCord, who reside at Indian Spring Street, and is a young lady
much admired for her many lovable traits of character. Quite a number of
friends witnessed the marriage, and after receiving the congratulations
from those assembled, left on the 1:17 train for their future home at Gordon,
January 14, 1900
The Macon Telegraph
Gordon, Ga., Jan. 13- Professor H. C.
Frasuer has a flourishing school here now, the largest for several
years. The people are united on the subject and everybody is doing their
best to make amends for the past indifference on this important subject.
Professor Frasuer was raised here and will no doubt give a great deal of
thought and labor to the cause.
On last Wednesday, at 2 o'clock,
Mr. Homer Lindsay and Miss Lizzie
Brooks were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents,
by Rev. W. D. Dewell. Mr. Lindsay is the son of Mr. J. F. Lindsay,
and is a young man of sterling worth, full of vim and energy, and Miss
Brooks is the daughter of Mr. J. W. Brooks, a wealthy planter and
merchant of this county. She is a favorite of all of her acquaintances,
and a lady of many charming traits of character. The best wishes of all
accompany them.
January 23, 1900
Macon Telegraph
ASA, Twiggs County, Ga. Jan. 23
Quite a romantic marriage occurred
in the village last sunday evening at the residence of Mr. Shade Crosby.
contracting parties were Mrs. Hattie
Johnson and Mr.
John W. Lyes (sic Dykes), both of Wilkinson
County. They were married by the Rev. G. B. Ward of our village
in a most beautiful and impressive manner.
January 28, 1900
Macon Telegraph
Jeffersonville, Ga. Jan. 27
Messrs. S. E. Jones and D
S. Faulkner of this place took in the Butler-Mullis wedding
on last Wednesday about ten miles over in Wilkinson county, at the home
of Mrs. J. E. Butler. Miss Hattie
was one of Wilkinson county's belles, cultured and of high and noble Christian
graces. Mr. Mullis (John W.) is a son of Hon. William Mullis
Cochran. We heartily congratulate him on winning such a bride as Miss Hattie.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. C. Sanders of Cochran in that usual
graceful and impressive style which is characteristic of Mr. Sanders.
February 15, 1900
Atlanta Constitution
Benj. Fordham, Stephensville, Ga.
Toomsboro, Ga., February 14 (Special) Ben
Fordham, an old and highly esteemed citizen, who resided near Stephensville,
Ga., died this morning while sitting at the breakfast table. Mr. Fordham
was in his eighty-eight year and in good health and well preserved for
one of his age. he represented Wilkinson county in the legislature one
or two terms and held other offices of honor and trust during his life
to the satisfaction of the people.
4, 1900
The Macon Telegraph
MR. ADES (AIDES) DEAD. Was a Highly Esteemed
Citizen of South Macon.
Ades (Aides) died at his home on Reid Street, South Macon, yesterday
after an illness of several weeks. He leaves a wife and eight children.
Mr. Ades (Aides) was a Confederate
veteran, and the South had no braver of more valiant defender that he.
He belonged to Company I of the Fifty-ninth Georgia. He was a man of high
character, and was greatly esteemed by all who knew him. Before coming
to Macon, he was a prominent planter in Wilkinson county.
The funeral will take place
this afternoon at 2 o'clock. The service will be conducted by Rev. T. J.
Nease. The interment will be at Cedar Ridge cemetery.
March 8, 1900
The Macon Telegraph
Prisoner's Burnt a Hole in Wilkinson's Calaboose
- Irwinton Notes.
Irwinton, Ga. March 7 - A few days ago six
of the prisoners escaped from the jail here by burning a hole in the back
end of the jail. So the county commissioners at their regular meeting yesterday
decided to build a new jail. The present building has been in an unsafe
and unhealthy condition for years, and he people are glad to know that
a new jail is to be erected.
The large saw mill of Budger &
Parker is doing a fine business. One party sold them one body of timber
for $11,000. There is also a large kaolin mine being worked and several
more are in contemplation.
A good many of the politicans were
in town yesterday. Your correspondent did not learn their plans, but it
is thought that several announcements in the near future will be the result.
Mr. John W. Greer, representing The
Telegraph is in town today. Mr Greer, like The Telegraph, is a welcome
visitor to our town.
Miss Rosa Lee Murat of Apalachicola,
Fla., is visiting Mrs. D. B. Baum. Miss Murat is an accomplished
young lady and has many admirers.
Wilkinson superior court convenes
on the first Monday in April. There is a large number of cases to be tried,
among which are some sensational criminal cases.
May 11, 1900
The Macon Telegraph
Mother of Several Children Passed Away
at Her Home in Macon
The remains of Mrs. Fannie
Lavender, wife of Mr. J. M. Lavender, were shipped by Mr. Lamar
Clay to Gordon, Ga, yesterday for interment, her sad death having occurred
at the residence, corner of Oglethorpe and Ross streets.
Deceased leaves five
children - Messrs. W. H., C. C. and C. D. Lavender, Mrs. O. C. Johnson
of Americus and Mrs. J. J. Hall of Gordon.
All were at the bedside
in the last hours except the youngest daughter, Mrs. Johnson who arrived
too late.
June 18, 1900
The Macon Telegraph
Irwinton, Ga., June 17. - This morning at
8 o'clock, at the residence of the bride's parents, in this place, Dr.
Walter Burkett of Twiggs county was married to Miss Lillie
Hatfiled. Dr. Burkett is a promising young physician and his bride
is one of our sweetest young ladies. It was a quiet home wedding
and only a few friends were present.
June 26, 1900
The Macon Telegraph
Thrown From His Buggy and Killed While
on His Way to Church
McIntyre, Ga., June 25. - Yesterday while
on his way to meeting at Nunn and Wheeler church, about seven miles from
this place, Bartley Collins, a
highly esteemed young man, just 21 years of age, eldest son of Mr. Dock
Collins, met an untimely death.
He was driving from his father's
house to the church in a road cart by himself, when his horse taking fright,
near the church, became unmanageable and dashed against a stump, upsetting
the cart and throwing young Collins against another stump with such force
that his breast bone was crushed in.
He was taken up by those who witnessed
the accident and carried into the church, where he expired in twenty or
thirty minutes. He was conscious to within a few minutes of his death and
asked his father to send for a doctor, which was done, but it availed nothing,
as he was dead when the physician arrived.
His body was taken to his home and
to his mother and sisters. The scene was harrowing beyond expression. His
parents have the deepest sympathy of our entire community.
July 17, 1900
Union Recorder
Mount Pleasant Dots . Mrs. Solomon
(Missouri M. Salmon) died at
the home of her son-in-law, Mr. Charles Combes, Saturday, the 7th
inst., and was buried at Snow's Hill the following Sunday. We were very
sorry to hear of her death.
July 31, 1900
Union Recorder
~excerpt~ Mr. Walter J. Vaughan,
of Irwinton, and Miss Anabel Brown,
this city, were united in marriage, last Wednesday morning, at eleven o'clock,
at the home of the bride's father, Mr. D. W. Brown.....performed
by Rev. A. D. Echols, of Shady Dale....Mr. Vaughan is a rising young attorney,
of Irwinton, where he recently went from this city....graduate of the Law
Department of the Georgetown University.
August 11 1900
Savannah Tribune
Young Boy Accused of Shooting Sister
and Poisoning His Father,
On he afternoon of July 28th last
while John I Tindall, who was
a highly respected and industrious farmer, living two miles south of Gordon,
Ga., with his wife, were visiting neighbors, his daughter
Ruby, aged ten years, was shot and instantly killed by her oldest brother,
aged seventeen years, with a shotgun, which shooting at the time was supposed
to have been accidental, but in the light of subsequent events is now thought
by many to have been intentional. The motive for the shooting is supposed
to have been revenge for his sister having previously told his father of
the brother's misconduct, causing his father to whip him,
On Friday morning, August 3d, John
I Tindall, who had been slightly indisposed for several days, woke up complaining
of a headache, and as he had been taking medicine for some time, took a
dose for this ailment, and was seized within fifteen or twenty minutes
afterwards with violent convulsions, one convulsion succeeding another
in rapid succession, ending in death within fifteen minutes from the first
The coroner's jury, after a thorough
investigation and autopsy by physicians rendered a verdict in effect that
Tindall came to his death by strychnine poisoning, the drug have been mixed
in the medicine he was taken by his eldest son, James
(Gilbert) Tindall, with intent to kill.
The motive for this deed is supposed
to have been furnished by a whipping given the boy by his father a week
or two previous to his death.
August 12, 1900
The Atlanta Constitution
Is Touching and Has Led Many To Believe in His Innocence.
Savannah, August 11 (Special) A touching
story comes from Irwinton, in Wilkinson county, in connection with the
arrest and incarceration of young James
Tindall, the sixteen-year-old boy charged with the murder of his sister
and father. It is of young Tindall's letter to his sweetheart, in which
he emphatically denies his guilt of the offense and implores her to come
to aim and give him on word of comfort.
Since the lad's arrest the sentiment
of the community has gradually been turning against him, as the evidence
made it appear that he was possessed of a murderous and malicious heart.
When he shot and killed his sister the killing was first thought to have
been an accident, but later it developed he had been helping himself to
peach brandy and the little girl threatened to tell his parents. He is
then supposed to have shot and killed her maliciously.
His claim it was an accident, was
accepted as true until a few days after the death of the little girl the
father took a dose of medicine an died in convulsions. The father's stomach
was analyzed and it was shown to contain poison, the same as that bought
by young Tindall for the alleged purpose of killing rats. It was shown,
too, at the inquest, that the lad had told his sweetheart, the night before
that his father had whipped him for going to see her, and if she would
keep quite she would hear of some serious trouble at his home before many
It is said Tindall showed the utmost
indifference at his father's death; that he does now appear to care about
his confinement in jail and that he speaks of the death of his father and
sister as would an utter stranger. The boy is quite intelligent, denies
his guilt and asserts he will be cleared before the court.
The one thing that touches his heart
is the little girl he claims as his sweetheart, and in his touching and
pathetic letter to her that has attracted so much attention and led some
to doubt the boy's guilt, in spite of the strong evidence that has accumulated
against him. To her he wrote:
"My Dear Sweetheart - A few days
ago I was a free lad, at home with my loved ones, enjoying the sweet pleasure
of your confidence and love, but today I am a prisoner, the inmate of a
murderer's cell, charged with the death of my poor little sister and my
kind-hearted father. There are no loving hands to tend me in my sorrow;
no eyes look upon me save those of the curious and unsympathetic, who stand
and gaze upon me as upon some wicked demon. There are no words of comfort
or consolation spoken, and I only hear the words of condemnation as I am
denounced as a vile and guilty wretch. And in this dark and dreary dungeon,
where the sunlight never comes, no music greets me save the grating of
the iron bars when the jailer comes to admit some one to look upon my wretchedness.
"A short while ago, when I was with
the, when I had a little sister and a loving father, little did I think
that it would soon be thus! Sister dead, father buried and I locked behind
the prison bars! O, God, have mercy on an innocent child! Thou knowest
that I am guiltless of this horrible crime. How could I have killed my
little sister and poisoned my father, who raised me?
"Oh, my sweetheart, come and
give me one word of comfort. Do not desert me now when all others have
turned their backs on me, but come, oh come, and bring a ray of sunshine
and one spark of hope to this dark and lonesome cell! They tell me that
you, too, have forsaken me! But I cannot - will not believe that you will
ever forsake the boy who loves you so, and who is being persecuted as I.
" I may be tried and convicted, I
may hear the awful sentence of death pronounced upon me, and die upon the
gallows, but God will know, and I want you to know that an innocent lad
paid an unjust debt."
Then, in that child-like simplicity,
he closed with that little prayer, "Now I lay me down to sleep."
September 1, 1900
Macon Telegraph
MRS. BEN RAMMAGE DIED. She Was the Mother
of a Number of Children, Who Survive Her,
Lavinia Rammage, wife of Mr. Ben Rammage, died at her residence,
2163 Second street, yesterday. She will be buried this afternoon, the funeral
and interment occurring at Jones Chapel.
Mrs. Rammage had resided in Macon
forty years, coming here when she was only 8 years old. She leaves five
children, three boys and two girls as follows: Mrs. J. H. Council,
of Wilkinson county; Mrs. W. H. Chapman of Whistler,Ala.; Mrs.
J. H. Thomas of Rutland District, and Messrs. J. W. and George
Rammage. She was the daughter of Mr. John P. Davis.
The pall-bearers at her funeral will
be Messrs. C. R. Avant, Charles Crawley, O. R. Roland, W. Hunnincutt. John
du Bord and J. B. Peyton.
September 7, 1900
Augusta Chronicle
Prominent Wilkinson County Citizens Demand
Justice Be Done If It Takes Their Last Dollar
Macon, Ga., Sept. 5 - Twenty-one of the
representative business and professional men of Wilkinson county came into
Macon today to see that a negro, Napoleon Anderson, did not lack
friends if the United States commissioner should bind him over on a charge
of interfering with United States officers. Anderson had taken a warrant
out for larceny against two revenue officers passing through the county,
charging them with stealing his sugar cane. The officers gave bond, and
then arrested the negro, saying he had sought to interfere with the discharge
of their duties. The white men of the county rose up in arms and refused
to allow due process of law. The officers gave up the negro and came to
Macon, taking warrants for many of the white citizens. These came in today
and brought the negro with them, and announced that as the negro had lived
an exemplary life in their midst, every dollar in the county would be used
to see that he was not imposed on.
The cases will
all be heard next week.
September 26, 1900
Macon Telegraph
KILLED BY FREIGHT TRAIN. Inmate of the State
Sanitarium Escapes and Is Killed.
Milledgeville, Ga., Sept. 25. Mr.
J. S. Morel of Savannah was killed near Gordon today by freight train
No. 36. He escaped from the State Sanitarium Sunday afternoon, where he
has been for about a month. He was much improved in health and was permitted
to walk the grounds. He went out Sunday after dinner for a walk, and it
was not until supper that he was missed. Search was made, but nothing could
be learned of his whereabouts, and the first information received by the
authorities was a telegram today from Gordon, stating that he had been
killed in trying to ride the trucks under a freight car.
October 30, 1900
Union Recorder
W. Price was the victim of an accident last Tuesday morning which cost
him his life.
He was caught in a countershaft,
which runs the gin of Miss Margaret Crawford, on Big Black creek
in Wilkinson county, and beaten and torn to death, before anything could
be done to stop the motion of the shaft.
His father, Mr. I. W. Price, says
that he supposes his son attempted to pass under the shaft, which is about
three feet from the ground, and the sleeve of his garment was caught by
a protruding peg, and he was unable to extricate himself.
The young man was in his seventeenth
year and was the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Price, who reside on Miss Margaret
Crawford's Black Lake Plantation in Wilkinson county. The parents have
the sympathy of all who know them.
December 2, 1900
Macon Telegraph
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McArthur Fittingly
Celebrate Their Fiftieth Anniversary of Their Wedding
Ga., Dec. 1 - The beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. T. McArthur was the scene of gayety and happiness on Wednesday night,
the occasion being the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of their
marriage. The house was beautifully decorated in ferns and vines of delicate
texture, the color scheme being carried out in yellow chrysanthemums. The
dining room was particularly lovely, the walls being a bank of green
and yellow, and the table was exquisite in its artistic arrangement of
similax and ferns and was loaded to its utmost capacity with everything
the heart could wish or appetite crave, from the mere substantial barbecue
to the tempting pastry and most delicate fruits of the tropics.
An immense pyramid
of these fruits was arranged in the centre of the table, bering an arch
of fern and similax, from which suspended a card with the dates 1850-1900
embroidered in threads of gold.
This charming couple
and their sons and daughters were the guests of honor on this occasion.
Mr. John T.
McArthur married Miss Minnie Rivers, and they are the parents
of eleven children, eight sons and three daughters, their youngest child,
Laura died at the age of 16. The others are all living in prosperity. Charles
McArthur, unmarried lives with his parents. Joel has five children
and one grandchild and farms in Wilkinson county. Mary Robinson has
nine children and one grandchild. William D. has eight children
and one grandchild and farms in Dooly county. Lizzie Robinson has
seven children and two grandchildren. R. S. McArthur is a dentist
and farmer of Wilkinson county.
James F. has four children, and
is a merchant and farmer at Unadilla, Ga. Thomas J. is a physician
of Unadilla, Ga. He has three children.
Arthur Lee has one child
and is a dentist of Cordele, Ga. Lewis R. McArthur is a druggist
of Unadilla, Ga. Dr. R. S. McArthur and his charming wife, who was
Miss Lucy Stanley, acted as host and hostess on this occasion.
The grandchildren and
great-grandchildren spent the day romping over the spacious grounds and
collecting on the broad verandahs with youth, beauty and old age, to enjoy
the music so ably furnished by
Professor Hodnett and others among
the guests. The day was an ideal one and as one left the scene of happiness
the heavens were shining golden in the day's declining splendor, and wishing
the pleasant family many happy reunions, we thought that Mr. and Mrs. McArthur,
after 50 years of wedded bliss, must have heard
Their wedding bells still tinkling,
Filled with the joy that is yet lingering.
December 4, 1900
Union Recorder
The announcement of the engagement
of Miss Margarette Howard Crawford and Mr. Edward Dankey Napier,
of Macon, which was made in the Atlanta Daily News Monday was of
unusual interest, inasmuch as that the bride-elect not only owns one of
the most valuable farms in the state, but, strange to say, manages it entirely
herself, not even an overseer being employed.
This interesting young lady is an
attractive brunette and has charming, cordial manners, and when in her
company, one immediately recognizes that subtle power called magnetism
Miss Crawford when asked if
she were not the possessor of the famous "Black Lake" plantation, known
possibly to every true lover of sport in the state replied:
Yes, "Black Lake" belongs to
my brother and myself. It has been in the possession of our family for
over ninety years. You want me to tell you something about it? Well, since
my father's death two years ago, I have had the entire management of it
thought during his lifetime I looked after it, after a fashion. My brother,
who is several years my senior, is in Mr. Caregie's employ, having been
for the last six years superintendent of the Edgar Thompson furnace plant
at Braddock, Pa., the largest furnace plant in the world, you know. Immediately
after my father's death, my brother gave me full power of attorney, declaring
that he was perfectly willing to leave his interests here in the south
in my hands.
"Black Lake" is ten miles from Milledgeville,
and contains about 7,000 acres. There are three miles of frontage
on the Oconee river and a pond covering 125 acres. "Black Lake," from which
the place takes its name, is about a mile and a half long. It is from 100
to 250 yards wife, and from 80 to 100 feet in depth. The water is very
black, and cold, and in places the trees almost lap over it, forming a
dense shade. The lake is full of fine fish all the year round, as is also
the case with the pond.
In the former are found trout
weighing eight, ten and twelve pounds; bream, red breast perch, and jack.
Parties from Milledgeville, Jones county, Macon, Atlanta, in fact from
all over Georgia, come and spend weeks at a time hunting and fishing.
The plantation has a fine body
of hardwood timber on it - oak, ash, hickory, birch, cottonwood and sweetgum.
Black Lake is a great cattle
range, and is a fine place for raising hogs and cattle, but we have to
keep a pack of hounds on account of the wild cats. They are destructive
and catch and eat the lambs and young pigs.
There are all kinds of game
abounding and splendid hunting, opossum, coon, otter and quantities of
doves, quails, and wild turkeys. In fact the place is naturally adapted
for a game preserve.
Cotton, corn, sugar cane and
small grains of all sorts flourish and the soil is especially adapted to
the cultivation of rye.
Two mills - grist and saw- and a
gin house which adjoins the grist mill, are on the pond; the ginnery, too,
being run by water power from the pond. There is also a syrup mill on the
December 18, 1900
Macon Telegraph
A Wedding Near Gordon United Two Popular
Mr. Thomas S. Lewis and Miss Dessie
Liles were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents near
Gordon yesterday, the father of the groom, Rev. J. S. Lewis, officiating.
Quiet a number of Macon friends were
in attendance. The day was lovely in every particular and the wedding breakfast
was magnificent. It was a pleasant occasion for the many people present.
January 21, 1901
Atlanta Constitution
BEALL - referring to query No. 85,
Constitution of June 30th, it is much to be regretted that more complete
family records have not been kept. I am a grandson of General Frederick
Beall. I have been keeping a record of his branch of the family, and
for thirty years or longer, have made notes of such information relating
to other branches as fell in my way, but have nothing relating to the descendants
of Josiah Beall, or of any Beall who married a Miss Cotton.
My information is that a sister of Josiah, who was my grandfather's brother,
married a Mr. Cotton, but my information may be at fault. I think, however,
that the fact is in the knowledge of a sister of mine, and I will at once
write to ascertain. I have other correspondents who may be able to give
light on the subject of the query. I presume the person desiring information
has already traced the line back. If he (or she) has, I would be glad to
know whether he has followed it farther than I have been able to do-that
is, to Thaddeus Beall, my great grandfather.
From him the line runs thus:
Frederick (my grandfather, late of
Campbell county, Ga.)
Thaddeus (late of Chambers county,
Jerry (late of Milledgeville)
Samuel (late of Irwinton, Ga.)
Amelia (Mrs. William Reese, of Putnam
county, Ga.)
Lucy (Mrs. Cotton)
Maezah (Mrs. Thomas Dent)
Ama (Mrs. Watty Dent)
Frederick Beall married, Martha
Peyton Beall, his cousin, daughter of Daniel and Martha Peyton Beall.
My father was General William Beall, of Carroll county. He had a
cousin Josiah who lived at Griffin, Ga., in antebellum days, and
probably emigrated to Texas. He had also a brother of that name who emigrated
to Denton county, Texas. If I can do anything in the way of assisting to
obtain the information desired for those in whose behalf the query (No.
85) is published, you may command me. Very respectfully,
Birmingham, Ala
February 12, 1901
Mr. Joseph
Youngblood, an old citizen and planter of Wilkinson county, died Sunday
the 3rd inst. His remains were buried the following Tuesday. He was well
known in this city and county.
February 20, 1901
Atlanta Constitution
J. E. Denard (Dennard), Gordon, Ga.
Gordon, Ga, February 19 (Special) J.
E. Denard, a prominent and well-known farmer living two miles southwest
of here, died early this morning of Bright's disease. Mr. Denard was a
member of the Methodist church and of the Masonic order. The burial will
take place at the family cemetery at Ramah, near here, tomorrow. Mr. Denard's
family is prominently connected throughout this portion of the state. Mrs.
J. W. Saunders, of Unadilla; Mrs. T.H. Bridges, of Hawkinsville;
J. F. Lindsey and Mrs. L. W. Lee, of this county are his daughters.
His sons are Messrs. Cicero and J. L. Denard, both substantial farmers
of this county. His aged wife also survives him.
February 26, 1901
Union Recorder
I. J. Fountain, of Irwinton died Saturday morning, 17th. He had been
in feeble health for over two years. Mr. Fountain was one of the best known
men in Wilkinson county. He was sheriff of the county for twelve years.
He leaves a wife and two daughters. His younger daughter, Miss Ida,
is postmistress at Irwinton, and his other daughter, Mrs. T. H. Bragg,
resides in Hawkinsville.
March 3, 1901
Atlanta Constitution
Nearly Every Family Has a Member Now
Toomsboro, Ga., March 2 (Special) The grip
is prevailing to an alarming extent in this section. Every family has some
member stricken. Mrs. James Walters
buried yesterday, being the second of that family to die in the past ten
days, her husband preceding her.
(buried Walters Family Cemetery)
March 6, 1901
Atlanta Constitution
I. L. Davis, Toombsboro, Ga
Toombsboro, Ga, March 5 (Special)I.
L. Davis, and old and widely known resident of this county, died at
his home last night a few miles from this place.
March 20, 1901
Atlanta Constitution
Killed by Falling Tree
Irwinton Bulletin: Mr.
Walter Sapp, a good citizen and neighbor living near Pleasant Plains
church, was instantly killed by a falling tree last Thursday morning. he
left his home early that morning, going to the woods to split some rails.
He cut a tree and it lodged in another standing nearby. He then proceeded
to cut the second tree, when the first one broke loose and fell, crushing
him underneath the earth. He was about seventy-five years of age, a prosperous
farmer and good husband.
April 7, 1901
Atlanta Constitution
SMITH.- Wanted information
as to Real name of one Smith whose sobriquet was "Old Ready Money," and
also the name of his wife in Wilkerson county in the early '80s'. He was
an extensive money lender, hence his nickname. He had a brother named George,
who was likewise a money lender. "Old Ready Money" had several children:
(1) Allen Smith; mrd, Miss Hightower; (2) John, was twice mrd; last wife's
name was Miss Turrin; first wife's name unknown. John Smith, or Colonel
John Smith, as he was better known by, was a high Mason and Odd Fellow.
(3 ch.) James, mrd; died, this widow mrd. Joel Butler. (4) Ada Smith, mrd.
James Hall (of Houston county) (5) Lucy, mrd. Mr. Ashby; widowed, mrd.
McWilliams (5) Lincye Laninia, mrd. John Lambton Davidson. Children of
J.L.D. and L.L.S.D.: (1) Mary Jeane, mr. Lionle Lee (from S.C.), (2) Agnes,
mrd, Chas. Trippe (3) Betty Blanch, mrd., Bryant Roberts (4) Jehu H. D.
mrd. Leathea Waters (5) Joseph Franklin D., mrd Mary Williams (6) Benj.
Radcliffe D., mrd, Susan Glover (7) James Allen, mrd. his cousin, Margaret
Smith (8) Ely Lafayette, mrd. Celia Anne Phillips, daughter of Harriet
H__ Phillips and Williams Phillips, from North Carolina (9) John Moses
D., mrd. Martha Leverette. Perhaps this list, which is authentic, will
assist "M.A. Smith" in Sunday's Constitutiton, March 24th, in article No.
258. All of the above information was contributed by an old relative more
than three score years. Dates of births, marriages and Deaths could
not be remembered. This is a great work and every one should send in what
little information they can, as it is more than apt to help some one. I
anxiously watch and red the Genealogial department and keep that particular
page every week. Please correct and insert in your columns.
20 1901
Atlanta Constitution
Well Known Physician Dies Near His Home
at Dublin
Dublin, Ga, May 19. (Special) Dr.
Benjamin F. Stanley, who died Friday night of Bright's disease, at
his home in this county, was buried today at the Stanley burial ground,
twelve miles from Dublin. Dr. Stanley was sixty-seven years of age and
was one of the most prominent men in the county. He attended college at
Thedford, Vt., and after graduating took a course in medicine at the Augusta
Medical college. During the past fifteen years he has not practiced medicine,
but was engaged in farming. He has a large family connection in this county.
He leaves a wife and three children - Mrs. Dr. R. S. McCarthy, of
Gordon; Mrs. Dr. J. H. Duggan, of Wilkinson county, and Mr. Rollin
M. Stanley, of Laurens county. Dr. Stanley was a surgeon in the confederate
army. A large number of Dublin people attended his funeral.
May 31, 1901
Union Recorder
Married, at the home of the bride's
parents in Wilkinson county, Wednesday, May 15th, at 6 o'clock, p.m., Miss Bertha
M. Jackson and Mr. D. C. Kingry. The ceremony was beautifully
and impressively performed by Rev. J S. Lewis of Gordon. The prominence
of the couple made it one of the greatest social events of the season.
The bride's sweet disposition and
pleasing manner won, for herself many friends in this and other counties.
Having been a kind and affectionate
teacher for a number of years, she has quite a circle of little friends,
who wish for her much happiness.
The groom is one of Wilkinson's most
prosperous young men, and his many friends wish for him and his charming
bride a long life of happiness.
June 19, 1901
Macon Daily Telegraph
a Letter Saying That the relatives Will Make no Fight on the Disposition
of the Property
The will of the late
Col. James G. Okington was probated in the ordinary's court yesterday
morning, and Dr. N. T. Carswell of Macon was appointed administrator.
His sister is the sole beneficiary under the terms of the will. The estate
is valued at about $35,000.
It had been thought the relatives
in the North and East would contest the will, but a letter from the relatives
who had been investigating the matter was received yesterday stating that
no objections would be filed.
July 25, 1901
Atlanta Constitution
News Notes from Macon.
Eliza Bateman, who died in Macon yesterday, was buried today at Ivey,
Ga. The deceased was forty-eight years old. She leaves a husband and eleven
August 3, 1901
Atlanta Constitution
TEN THOUSAND PEOPLE THERE. Tent Meeting Near Toombsboro, Ga. Lasts
Ten Days.
Toombsboro, Ga., August 2. (Special) The
G. W. Matthews and wife, of Americus, Ga., and P. H. Crumpler,
of Irwinton, Ga., closed this afternoon at Poplar Head academy, four miles
from this place, an interesting tent meeting of ten days' duration. Ten
thousand people were in attendance.
September 24, 1901
Union Recorder
Rev. Wyly Rodgers died at his home in Wilkinson county on the 16th
instant. He was 85 years of age, and was one of the best beloved and most
respected citizens of this county. He was a minister of the Primitive Baptist
Association for more than a half century.
October 1, 1901
Atlanta Constitution
In The District Court of The United States
For The Western Division Of The Southern District of Georgia,
In the Matter of Oconee
Milling Company, Bankrupt. - In Bankruptcy.
Under and by virtue of an order passed
by Honorable Emory Speer, judge of said court in the above stated case,
I will sell to the highest bidder for cash, at public outcry, before the
courthouse door in Wilkinson county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in May,
1901, the following property, to-wit:
All the timber, whether standing
or fallen, except the hickory timber less than eight inches in diameter
across the stump, and except all other classes of timber less that fourteen
inches across the stump, on the premises hereinafter fully described, to-wit;
All that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the county
of Wilkinson, state of Georgia, and known as the Black Lake plantation,
formerly owned by the late Dr. George G. Crawford, as trustee and
guardian for Miss Margarette H. Crawford and George C. Crawford,
consisting of the following whole lots of land in the 4th land district
of Wilkinson county, Georgia, to-wit: Lots 299, 298, 297, 296, 300, 280,
301, 302, 303, 305, 314, 318, 312; and fractional lots 30, 29, 28, 27,
26, 25, 24, 23 and 22, and one hundred and fifty acres of lot No. 316 and
lot No. 279 in the 5th land district of Wilkinson county, Georgia. The
purchaser likewise to have the right to cut down the small timber on said
lands for the purpose of make roads over said land for the purpose of hauling
and moving the timber; and said timber to be moved with eleven years from
the 11th day of Octoter, 1899. The property hereby conveyed being the same
property conveyed by Miss Margarette H. Crawford and George C.
Crawford to George J. Bridgers, on the 11th day of October,
1899. The same to be sold freed from all liens and encumbrances thereon,
and subject to confirmation by the court.
This March 29, 1901.
E. A. ROSS, Trustee of the Estate of Oconee
Milling Co., Bankrupt.
October 15, 1901
Union Recorder
Mr. J.
Anderson McMullen died in Macon last Monday night at the home of Mr.
T. A. Miller. The news of his death reached this city early Tuesday morning,
by a telephone message, and was conveyed to his family at Scottsboro, to
whom it was quite a shock and surprise.
Mr. McMullen went to Macon several
days before his death, to engage in the contractor's and carpenter's trade,
and was stopping at the home of his friend Mr. Miller. He retired in his
usual health Monday night, and died during the night. Mr. Charles Miller,
who occupied the bed with him, knew nothing of his death, until he arose
for breakfast Tuesday morning.
Mr. McMullen's remains were brought
to his home in Scottsboro Tuesday night, by members of his family, who
went to Macon as soon as they learned of the sad occurrence. His funeral
services were held Wednesday afternoon, and he was buried at Mt. Pleasant
For the past three or four years
he has been engaged in the mercantile business, at Scottsboro, which he
sold to his son. He is well-known in this city and county, and has many
friends to regret his death.
Mr. McMullen was born in Echols county,
Oct. 21st, 1858, and was in his forty-third year. He came to Wilkinson
county, when three years of age and has spent his life in that and Baldwin
county. In 1877 he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Jane Golden,
who with four children survive him..
October 23, 1901
Macon Telegraph
DEATH OF MRS. MARY POPE. Mrs. Mary Pope died
yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at her home in Toomsboro, after an illness
of several weeks. Mrs. Pope ws 54 years of age, and leaves two daughters
and one son-Mr. C. W. Hubbard of Macon, Mrs. T. J. Doles and Mrs. Ira Paine. Mr. Thomas Pope,
her husband, survives her. Mrs. Pope was married twice. Her remains will
be laid to rest in the family burying grounds near Toomsboro.
October 25, 1901
Daily Times-Enterprise
Mrs. Minerva Shepherd was
called away last week to see her brother, Mr. Joe
Nesbitt who, we are informed suddenly died from heart trouble. His
relatives have our sympathy.
November 1, 1901
Atlanta Constitution
Negro attempts to Assault Wife of a Legislator
The Fellow Ran and Posses, with Hounds,
Are on Track of Him. Men of Three Counties Searching Woods for the Negro
Dublin, Ga. October 31 (Special) Yesterday
afternoon about 1 o'clock the wife of George Daughtry, a member
of the legislature from Wilkinson county, was attacked by a young negro,
named Theo Boothe, and two desperate attempts were made to assault
The attempted assault was made
at Mr. Daughtry's home at Allentown, in Wilkinson county, 20 miles north
of Dublin, on the Macon, Dublin and Savannah railroad. Mr. Daughtry was
in Atlanta attending the session of the legislature.
Mrs. Daughtry, shortly after
dinner, went out to the barn to look for some eggs. The negro was concealed
in the barn and sprang at the woman as soon as she entered the door. Mrs.
Daughtry fought him off and started to run. The negro caught her and she
screamed. The negro evidently became frightened and decided that he had
better get away as soon as possible.
In the short time that it requires
for such occurrences to become know the neighbors were soon aware of the
outrage and hundreds of people were in arms. Crowds of determined men were
sent in every direction and this morning every part of Wilkinson, Twiggs,
and Pulaski counties is being searched, it being thought that Boothe is
in one of those three counties. Bloodhounds were secured and it is thought
the scoundrel will be caught.
Boothe is about 25 years of age,
dark ginger-cake colored, 5 feet, 8 inches high and weighs about 150 pounds.
He is lame in his left foot and the big toe on the same foot is deformed
on account of having been burned.
November 2, 1901
Augusta Chronicle
Lynching in Georgia
Theo. Boothe
Falls Into The Hands Of An Infuriated Mob
Jeffersonville, Ga. Nov.1st - Theo Boothe,
the Negro who attempted to assault Mrs. Daughtry, wife of Representative
Daughtry, was found hanging to a telegraph pole near Allentown this
morning. He was last seen and surrounded in a swamp last night and a conductor
of Macon, Dublin, and Savannah road was telephoned to bring dogs from Dublin,
and permission was given by Superintendent Wright, the dogs were
brought, the negro captured and hanged at 1 o'clock
The attempted assault was made
at Mrs. Daughtry's home in Allentown in Allentown, 20 miles North of Dublin.
Mr. Daughtry was in Atlanta attending the session of the legislature.
Mrs. Daughtery, shortly after
dinner, went out to the barn to look for eggs. The negro was concealed
in the barn and sprang at the woman as soon as she entered the door. Mrs.
Daughtry fought him off and started to run. The negro again caught her
and she screamed. The negro then became frightened and decided that he
had better get away as soon as possible.
In the short time that it requires
for such occurrences to become known, the neighbors were soon aware of
the outrage and hundreds of people were in arms. Crowds of determined men
were sent in every direction and every part of Wilkinson, Twiggs and Pulaski
counties were being searched when it was learned that he had been in the
swamp which was quickly surrounded and the criminal located by the dogs
and his capture and execution followed quickly.
22, 1902
The Macon Telegraph
Dublin, Ga., Jan. 19- Capt.
George W. Bishop, who died yesterday at his home in Bailey district,
this county, was buried today at the Dupree cemetery in Wilkinson county.
Capt. Bishop was one of the most prominent farmers in Laurens county. He
was a gallant ex-Confederate soldier, commanding a company during the war
between the states.
Capt. Bishop was about 80 years of
age, and during the past few months had been in very feeble health.
January 31, 1902
The Macon Telegraph
Irwinton, Ga., Jan. 30 -
Rev. James T. Hughes, the oldest Baptist minister in Wilkinson county,
died this morning. He was 75 years old and had been actively engaged in
the ministry for over forty-five years, during which time he had baptized
over 1,800 persons. He had a stroke of paralysis about five months ago,
from which he never recovered. He was the oldest Mason in this section
of the state, and will be interred in the Masonic cemetery at this place
tomorrow with Masonic honors.
February 8, 1902
The Macon Telegraph.
Gordon, Ga., Feb. 7 Oliver
an old negro formerly here, who had recently been in the almshouse,
ran away from there on the 4th and wandered in the cold all night, freezing
to death about sunup yesterday morning.
March 4, 1902
Union Recorder
Mr. Henry Price was married
to Miss Georgia Helton last
Sunday. Both of McIntyre, Ga.
Little Joe
Batchellor died last Saturday morning, after a brief illness of la
grippe. His parents have our deepest sympathy.
March 4, 1902
Atlanta Constitution
Prospect Ahead of Toomsboro Is Brighter
Than Ever Before.
Toomsboro, Ga., March 3 (Special) A building
boom has struck this town again. George T. Fassett, a prominent
merchant here, is now erecting a ginnery and a corn and flouring mills
that will be equipped with latest improved machinery. He intends to have
it ready for the next crop of wheat and cotton.
Mrs. Clay will soon finish
a very pretty and commodious hotel that adds greatly to the business interests
of the place. Dr. J. D. Thompson will soon complete a nice building
that will be used for a drug and grocery business.
Real estate is now in demand. Recently
M. Boone & Co., Hall & Dickinson, Dr. J. D. Thompson, J. M. Shepherd
and George F. Fassett have made purchases of real estate.
Owing to bad sanitary surroundings
several years ago nearly all the business men moved away to other localities
and the town practically died. Of late the cause of that trouble
has been removed and the town is taking on new life.
21, 1902
Thomasville Times Enterprise
~excerpt~ John
M. Lowry died at his residence in Palmetto, Fla, Thursday morning,
February 27th.
He was born in Irwinton, Wilkinson
county, Georgia, on May 21st, 1844. His parents moved from Twiggs county
to Thomas county several years previous to the cvil war and, later
on to Thomasville.
John M. Lowry, when
quiet young, enlisted in Company F, 29th Georgia Regiment, from Thomasville,
and served in the Confederate army during the whole period of the civil
war. He was wounded in each of the battles of Chickamauga, Kennesaw Mountain
and Franklin; captured at Nashville and taken to Camp Chase, Ohio, where
he was held as a prisoner until June 1865.
In October 1869 he, with his family,
oved to Manatee county, Florida. For twenty two years he has lived in Palmetto,
Florida. He was a man of sterling excellence-being an honest, upright citizen,
and won the esteem and respect of all.
He leaves a sorrowing mother, brothers
and sisters, and many friends who mourn his loss. ..........
April 1, 1902
The Macon Telegraph
McIntyre, Ga. March 31. Mrs. Jane
Price, wife of Mr. H. W. Price, died yesterday. She had for
months been a sufferer from a lingering and painful disease, which from
the beginning gave her friends little hope of her recovery. They were,
therefore, prepared for the worst, and at the end she was surrounded by
loving relatives, who had come from distant homes to minister to and comfort
her in her last moments.
April 15, 1902
The Macon Telegraph
MRS. JANE RANES DIES. While on a Visit
to Her Daughter Here, a Wilkinson County Lady Passes Away.
Mrs Jane
Ranes of Gordon, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. E.
Newby, in East Macon, for the past week, died at the residence of her
daughter after an illness of only a few days.
Mrs. Ranes was 73 years of age and
was known throughout Wilkinson county, where she had spent the greater
portion of her life.
The remains will be shipped to Gordon
this morning at 11:30 o'clock, where the interment will occur in the family
burying grounds.
May 11, 1902
The Macon Telegraph
Brother of Mrs. E. T. Napier Passes Away
at Missionary Ridge
Rufus H. Carswell, a brother of Mrs. E. T. Napier, died at his
home on Mission Ridge, Chattanooga, Tenn. on May 5, after an illness of
several weeks.
Mr. Carswell was for many years
a prominent citizen of Wilkinson county, but removed some years ago, with
his family, to Chattanooga, Tenn.
A devoted wife, three sons and two
daughters survive him.
He has many relatives and warm friends
throughout middle Georgia who will deeply mourn his death.
May 27, 1902
Macon Telegraph
H. Rickerson of Allentown Killed-Remains Pass Through Macon to Jackson
for Interment.
The remains of Mr. J. H. Rickerson,
who accidentally shot himself in the side Sunday afternoon at his home
at Allentown, passed through the city yesterday afternoon en route to Jackson,
where they were interred in the family burying ground yesterday afternoon
at 4:30 o'clock.
The remains were accompanied by his
father, Mr. B. A. Rickerson, and brother, Mr. W. J. Rickerson.
His mother and two brother are seriously ill and were unable to accompany
the remains.
Saturday night a negro employed
by Mr. Rickerson stole some tools from his farm, and Sunday morning he
went out to search for him. He returned home about 1:30 o'clock in the
afternoon and laid his pistol on the foot of the bed. Accidentally the
pistol fell to the floor and a cartridge exploded. The bullet entered
just above the left hip and penetrated the right lung and came out of his
side. He died twenty minutes later.
May 28, 1902
Macon Telegraph
Estelle, the 11-months-olds daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. McDaniel
died yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock at the family residence, 218 Jenkins
street, after an illness of two weeks.
The remains will be carried
to Gordon this morning at 11:40 o'clock for interment in the family burying
June 10, 1902
Macon Telegraph
McIntyre, Ga. June 9. The pall of sorrow
has again been spread over out community, this time by the death of Mrs.
Elizabeth Ann Walden.
She was the mother of our esteemed
fellow-citizen, Mr. Walker W. Walden, and widow of Mr. William
Lawson Walden, who in years past was connected with the Central railroad
in many important positions.
She was 75 years of age, and for
half a century had been a consistent member of the Methodist church, and
her remains were interred at this place on the 8th instant by her pastor,
J. R. Rustin.
Besides Mr. W. W. Walden she
leaves another son, Mr. A. A. Walden of Fairfax, S.C., and one daughter
Mrs. W. M. Crumbley of Savannah together with a host of friends
to mourn her death.
July 29, 1902
Union Recorder
John H. Beck died at her home in this county last Thursday evening,
after an illness of only a few hours.
During the day Mrs. Beck, with a
large number of her neighbors, was engaged in fixing up the cemetery near
her home. About noon she suddenly became ill, and was moved to a nearby
house. Later she was carried to her home, where she died a few moments
after her arrival.
Mrs. Beck was about fifty years
of age, and is survived by her husband and ten children. Her remains were
laid to rest Friday afternoon in Snow Hill Cemetery.
The family have the sympathy
of many friends in their bereavement.
August 5, 1902
Augusta Chronicle
SAD DEATH. Mrs. Tee Dupree Passes Away in
Friday evening last, at her home
in Irwinton, Mrs. Tee
Dupree succumbed to an illness of several months. While her death was
not unexpected, yet it caused a great shock to her many friends in Dublin
where she lived for many years. Mrs. Dupree was a Miss Beall of
Wilkinscon county before her marriage. She leaves a husband and several
children to mourn her death. Mr. Otha Dupree, of this city, a son
of the deceased was called to her bedside a few days ago, and wwas with
her when the end came. Mrs. Dupree was a lovable Christian character and
her death has cast a gloom over several counties. The interment was in
the cemetery at Irwinton.
August 12, 1902
Union Recorder
~excerpt~ Departed this life in Baldwin
county, Ga., July 24th, 1902, Mrs.
J, A. (Jane) Beck, aged fifty years. She was a member of the Methodist
church at Long (Laurel Branch, Wilkinson county, for a number of years.
She was the mother of eleven children. She leaves one sister and two brothers
yet living....
August 23 1902
Atlanta Constitution
L. A. Roach Asks Assistance of Police Department
in Hunt for His Child, Whom He Fears Has Been Murdered by Demented Youth
Macon, Ga., August 22 (Special) With a drawn
pistol in his hand. James I. Tindall, said to be an escaped lunatic
from the sanitarium in Milledgeville, entered the home of L. A. Roach,
Wilkinson county, yesterday afternoon, and carried off Agnes Roach, a 15-year-old
girl. The kidnaping was accomplished while Roach was absent from home.
The only person in the house at the time were the younger brothers and
sisters of Agnes.
Holding his pistol in the young girl's
face, Tindall ordered her to don a clean dress and come with him.
The distracted father of Agnes Roach
came to Macon today to notify the police and to secure the aid of detectives.
Tindall is described as a young man
of 19 years of age, low of statue, stout an fair of complexion and at the
time last seen wore a white hat. He was sent to the asylum some time ago
and recently escaped.
Roach, in telling of the affair,
says he was absent from home yesterday afternoon and no one was there but
his daughter Agnes and two of his younger children. Suddenly Tindall appeared
on the scene, with a drawn pistol in his hand, so the younger children
tell him, and by threats of killing her made her put on a clean dress and
leave with him.
Tindall Hired a Buggy
The couple walked about 2 miles,
when Tindall stopped at the house of a negro man whom he knew and hired
a mule and buggy from him, saying he would take a little drive, and when
he returned he would pay him for the use of the vehicle.
At last accounts Tindal had not returned.
He drove off with the girl, going in the direction of Macon.
When Roach arrived at
his home last evening about dusk his children informed him of what Tindal
had done. Roach, with a number of his neighbors, searched on the highways
and in the woods for Tindal and the girl last night but without success.
This morning a telegram was sent to the Macon police to be on the lookout
for the couple, and Roach also came here today seeking them, but no trace
of the parties could be found in the city.
Roach says that inasmuch as
Tindal is a lunatic and had a pistol, he is apprehensive that Tindal may
have murdered Agnes.
Agnes Roach is 15 years old, fair,
slender and tall.
24, 1902
Columbus Daily Enquirer
KIDNAPPED HIS BRIDE. Reported Kidnapping
Proves to be An Elopement
Macon, Ga., Aug. 23 - The reported kidnapping
of 13 year old Agnes Roach of
Gordon, Ga., by a lunatic, is now known to have been simply a love affair
and elopement. The girl's father reported to the police that James I.
Tindol, who was recently in the asylum, but who had escaped, had gone
to his house on the afternoon before and at the point of a pistol forced
the girl to run away from him. He said it was a clear case of kidnapping
and he fearing that his daughter would be murdered by the insane man.
He learned this afternoon, however,
that the couple had driven across the country to Jeffersonville, where
they procured a license and were married.
August 24, 1902
Augusta Chronicle
(Chronicle's Special Service)
Macon Ga., Aug 23 - L. A. Roach, of
Gordon, Ga., father of 15-year old Agnes Roach, came to Macon and
spent last night trying to find some trace of his daughter. He reported
to the police that James I. Tindol, who was recently in an asylum,
but who escaped, had gone to his house on the afternoon before, and at
the point of a pistol, forced the girl to run away with him. He said it
was a clear case of kidnapping, and he feared that his daughter would be
murdered by the insane man It developed this afternoon, however, that it
was simply a love affair, in which the old folks had been blonde. The couple
drove through the country to Jeffersonville, in an adjoining county, and
reaching there at daylight, waited until the ordinary appeared. They got
a license and were married. They have returned to the home of the groom's
mother, and the irate father of the girl is irreconcilable.
Note: Gilbert Tindall married Ella
Etheridge in Wilkinson County in 1904. He and Agnes marriage must have
been annulled or they got a divorce. He and Ella moved to Worth County,
Ga. Agnes Roach was living in Macon in 1920 with her parents.
September 9, 1902
Union Recorder
Mrs. J. T. Martin died at
her home in this county last Sunday, after an illness of several days with
typhoid fever. Before her death she was Miss Naomi
Carr, of Wilkinson county. The family have the sympathy of many friends
in their bereavement.
September 12, 1902
The Atlanta Constitution
Engagement Announced. Dublin, Ga.,
September 11 (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Brantley have announced
the engagement of their daughter, Miss Bertha
Brantley, to Mr. Stephen J. Lord. The marriage is to take place
November 12 at the Methodist church, and is a brilliant event.
Miss Brantley is one of the most
popular young ladies in the city. She is the daughter of Charles W.
Brantley, one of the wealthiest citizens in the county. She is a very
modest and refined young lady, possessing many admirable traits of character.
Mr. Lord is assistant cashier of
the Laurens Banking Company. He is an active figure of Wilkinson county.
He has lived in Dublin but about four years. His rise in the business world
has been rapid.
September 17, 1902
Augusta Chronicle
Dublin (Chronicle's Special Service)
Dublin, Ga., Sept. 15.
Stanley, daughter of Rev. Thos. Dupree and widow of the late
M. Stanley, of Wilkinson county, died at her home near Stephensville
a few days ago, after a very short illness.
Mrs. Stanley was the mother-in-law
of Mr. E.M. Stanley of this county. She has numbers of relatives
and friends in this county who will be grieved to learn of her death.
October 27, 1902
Macon Daily Telegraph
Dublin, Ga., 26. This afternoon, at the
home of the bride's uncle, Mr. Frank A. Cannon, near Nickelsville,
Wilkinson county,
Mr. C. Homer Adams of this county
and Miss Minnie Sheffield of
Wilkinson county were united in marriage, Rev. G. M. Kendrick officiating.
The ceremony was performed in the
presence of only the near relatives and immediate friends of the young
Mr. Adams is one of the most popular
young men in this county. In the Democratic primary he was nominated tax
collector over ten candidates and in the recent election received the fourth
largest vote of any of the nominees.
The bride is a daughter of Mrs.
Winnie Sheffield of Wilkinson county and is a popular and very attractive
young lady.
The young couple will reside with
the groom's father, Mr. A. H. Adams.
November 4, 1902
Union Recorder
We are having a nice season for picking
We have had a great deal of sickness
throughout the community for the past month.
Mrs. Collins has been ill
for the past month, but is improving very rapidly.
Miss Amanda Young has been
ill for the past month. We wish her a speedy recovery.
It seems that some of the Baldwin
boys are delighted in visiting Wilkinson county.
Mr. Winn, of Dublin, was visiting
the Misses Branan Sunday p.m.
School opened here the 27th.
Mr. Hogue and Mr. Collins
caught a large coon last week, and from the number of coon hides
he has hanging up, he hasn't lost his old love for coon hunting.
Mr. Weld of Macon showed at
Glennella school house Tuesday night. The crowd was small on account of
the weather.
The communnity is grieved over the
death of Dr. Sam McArthur.
We have lost a valuable dentist and neighbor.
Miss Ella Hooks has been spending
a while with Mrs. Collins for the last two weeks,
The wedding bells are still ringing,
and the prospects of more.
There will be preaching at Glenella
Sunday p.m.
A great many of our girls
and boys attended the protracted meeting at Laurel branch. They report
a nice meeting.
Miss Daisy Branan will commence
her school at Bethel the 27th. We wish her much success.
Miss Lillie
Price of McIntyre was married to Mr. Davis of Davisboro, the
second Sunday p.m. We wish them a happy life.
Miss Mamie Cone Roberts, of
Sparta, Ga., commenced her school at Mt. Carmel the 27th. We hope she will
have a large school.
Mr. Clarence Massingill will
soon sail for Pensencola, Fla. where he will join the navy.
Mr. T. J. Finney and mother
spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hogue.
The boys attended a corn shucking
at Mr. William Batchelor's Saturday night.
November 5, 1902
Macon Telegraph
R. G. Hester, 30 years of age, died at her home in Gordon, Ga., yesterday.
Mrs. Hester leaves a husband and two children to mourn her death. the funeral
will be held at 10 o'clock this morning from the residence. She has many
friends in Macon who will regret to learn of her death.
November 8, 1902
Macon Telegraph
of Cordele and Mrs. Pearl Parkerson
of Gordon were married at the Gordon hotel at Gordon yesterday.
December 15, 1902
The Atlanta Constitution
Stephen M. Lord, Toombsboro. Toombsboro,
Ga., December 4 (Special)Stephen M. Lord,
a prominent young man and a member of the firm of E.M. Boone & Co.
of this place, died today. He was stricken three weeks ago with continued
malarial fever. He came from Dallas, Ga., about four months ago, where
he had been in the mercantile business for the past four years.
(buried Lord Family Cemetery)
December 16, 1902
The Atlanta Constitution
Safes of Baum and Dupree Blown Open and
Dublin, Ga. December 15. (Special) The safes
of D. B. Baum and W. T. Dupree, at Irwinton were blown open and
robbed this morning by burglars. Baum lost but little money. Dupree lost
about $100 in silver. He had $1,200 in currency, which he carried home
with him last night and therefore saved. There are no clews to the safe
December 23, 1902
Union Recorder
The invitations are out for
the marriage of Miss Mabel Branan
to Mr. C. E. Gladin, of Baldwin county on the 24th of Dec. 1902.
The invitations are out for
the marriage of Miss Mildred
Dupree to Mr. Hunnicutt, of Macon, on the 24th of Dec. 1902.
We wish them much success and happiness through life.
January 13, 1903
Union Recorder
Glenella Items. Miss
Ella Hooks was married to Mr. Sandy Butler of Laurens Co;, Dec.
21, 1902, at the Baptist Church in Gordon. We wish them much success and
happiness through life.
January 13, 1903
Union Recorder
Mr. W. E. Batchelor
was married to Miss E.
A. Hoge (Hogue) Dec. 24, 1902. We wish them much joy and happiness.
January 27, 1903
The Union-Recorder
Messrs. C.H. Bonner and Miles
Bloodworth have opened a general merchandise store near Bloodworth
in Wilkinson county. They will no doubt meet with success, and have a good
trade. A telephone line will be run from this city to the store.
January 27, 1903
Union Recorder
J. E. Boothe died at Midway last Thursday, after a long illness. Mr.
Boothe moved to Midway a year or two ago, adn purchased a home. He is survived
by a wife and several children. His remains were carried to AllenTown for
January 27, 1903
Union Recorder
We are having some pleasant weather
after the blizzard last week,
Mr. J. Youngblood made a business
trip to Milledgeville last Thursday.
The girls and boys who attended the
party at Mr. Tom Allen's Thursday night reported a good time.
Miss Bessie Snow, who has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. Iverson Janes, has returned to her
home in Macon, much to the regret of her many friends here.
Dr. Gilmore, who has
been quite ill for the past few days, is convalescent.
Mr. E. E. Collins of Boxwood,
made his best girl a dashing call last Sunday.
The wedding bells are ringing again.
Mr. Tom Hardy and Miss Victoria
McCook were married last Wednesday evening. They have the best wishes
of a host of friends.
Miss Willie Ethridge, one
of Ivey's most beautiful young ladies, is visiting Milledgeville, this
Mr. J. H. Bloodworth spent
Saturday and Sunday with his sister, Mrs. H. T. Beck, of Milledgeville.
February 3, 1903
Union Recorder
We are having some rainy weather
at this period.
Our school is now progressing nicely.
Mr. Johnnie Lewis was married
to Miss Ruby Lindsey, the
21st of Jan. 1903. We wish them much happiness,
Misses Mary and Mitchael
Bathchelor spent Saturday and Sunday with their uncle, Mr. John
The passenger train No. 2, killed
a white woman on Little Commissioner bridge on the Central R. R.
Mrs. Fannie Tindall, and her
brother, Mr. R. E. Batchelor have moved to Mrs. F. S. Barclay's
place. We wish them a happy new year in their new home.
Mr. W. E. Batchelor and bride
are happily situated on the high-hill between Gordon and McIntyre.
We wish all the people good luck,
and a happy new year. EVER GREEN.
February 3, 1903
Union Recorder
MARRIED - Mr. Right Byington and Miss
Cora Hobby were united in marriage on Sunday, Jan. 18. Their marriage
was quite a surprise to their friends. Mr. Byington's home is in Wilkinson
County, but he has been for the past year in Alabama. Mr. Byington is a
young man of sterling dispostion, and is held in high esteem by all who
know him. Miss Hobby is the yongest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Duke Hobby.
is one of those young ladies who is loved by all who know here.
They left on the following
Tuesday for Alabama. The many friends of this happy young couple all join
in wishing them much happiness and success through life.
February 17, 1903
Union Recorder
G. Johns died at his home in Wilkinson county, last Sunday morning,
after an illness of twenty-three days with typhoid fever. The funeral services
were held yesterday. He is a son of Mr. W. L. Johns, and leaves
a young wife to mourn his death.
February 26, 1903
The Augusta Chronicle
Body of Unknown White Woman Comes to
Surface. Her Hat Discovered on the Water Three Weeks Ago Indicates
That She Was Well-Dressed-No One of Neighborhood
Missing.By E. C. Bruffey
Macon, Ga. February 25 (Special) Floating
upon the surface of Byington's mill pond, near Ivy, a postoffice in Wilkinson
county, the swollen discolored body on anunknown
woman was discovered early this morning by one of Planter Byington's farm
The corpse was evidently that of
a white woman, judging from the few locks of hair left upon the scalp and
the character of her dress, cloak and lingerie. The state of decomposition
and the swollen flesh indicated that the woman had been dead some
time, but according to the information received in Macon this morning
it is impossible to conjecture the length of time the cadaver had been
under water. Neither is there any clew to the identity of the woman.
The discovery is a complete mystery
and has set that section of Wilkinson county agog. Everything points to
foul play and the consensus of opinion is that some unfortunate daughter
of Eve was cruelly put to death and an attempt was made to hide the crime
by sinking the body in the pond.
Byington's plantation is 4 miles
from Gordon and about 30 miles from Macon, on the Central railroad.
March 3, 1903
Union Recorder
Mamie T. Freeman died at the home of her uncle in Wilkinson county,
Monday, the 16th of February. Her remains were carried to East Baldwin
for burial.
Miss Freeman was nineteen years of
age, and was a young lady of a sweet disposition. She was an attendant
at the State Sanitarium about a year, and had many friends at that institution.
She was a member of Mt. Pleasant Baptist church. Her relatives are grief
stricken at her untimely death.
March 24, 1903
Union Recorder
Mrs. Arthur Farell died at
her home at the State Sanitarium Monday afternoon, the 16th inst.
Her remains were carried to Gordon Tuesday morning for burial. Before her
marriage she was Miss Susie Ryals,
of Wilkinson county. She was loved by a large circle of friends who sincerely
regret her death. The young husband has the sympathy of many friends in
his hour of sorrow.
March 24, 1903
Union Recorder
On last third Sunday
Mr. J. B. Weaver died very
suddenly at his home in this county. He was laid to rest in Snow Hill cemetery
on Monday p.m
April 5, 1903
Macon Telegraph.
Gordon, Ga., April 4. Mrs B. F. Ryle , wife of the mayor, and eldest daughter of the late King Saunders, died at her residence here March 30th at 9:30 o'clock p.m. Mrs. Ryle
was a member of the Primitive Baptist church. She was highly esteemed by
her many friends, and will be sadly missed. Besides her husband she leaves
two daughters and three sons, Mrs. James Dennard, Mrs. James Brannen, Charles, William and Edwin Ryle, also one brother and four sisters, Dr. J. W. Saunders, Mrs. C. M. Hooks, Mrs. J. W. Powell, Mrs. W. A. Jones and Mrs. J. W. Hooks. She was buried at Ramah church. A large concourse of friends followed her remains to the grave.
April 14, 1903
The Union-Recorder
Little Creek Items. The priest of Milledgeville
came down to Mr. Thomas Donnelly's to have services at the Catholic
church the 29th, but on account of the rain he did not have any services..
April 14, 1903
The Union-Recorder
Little Creek Items. We regret to say that Mrs.
Donie Clements, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Hollomon,
died the 26th of March.
May 6, 1903
The Atlanta Constitution
of State Pension Commissioner Have Died Recently.
Irwinton, Ga., May 5 (Special) Colonel J.
Lindsey, pension commissioner of Georgia, has lost another daughter by
death today, his eldest, Mrs. Holt,
having preceded the youngest, MissJohnnie
by but a few months.
The entire town of Irwinton
are in deep gloom over the bereavement of the family.
(buried in Irwinton City Cemetery)
June 14, 1903
Macon Telegraph
GORMLEY-MILLER. Mr. and Mrs J. R. F. Miller of Gordon have issued invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Miss Aurora Alberta Miller to Mr. James Craig Gormley. The marriage will take place at Fern Farm, Wednesday, June 24th.
July 14, 1903
Union Recorder
~excerpt~ Died at Gordon, May 1,
1903, Mrs. Mary Perkins,
of Nicholas Perkins. Born May 8, 1831, she lived a long and useful
life. Most of her life was spent in Hancock county, but after the death
of her husband, she lived around her children. She was the mother of a
large family, but one by one her children died, until only three survive
her, William, Edward and Miss Sallie.
(Buried Black Springs Cemetery, Baldwin
July 31, 1903
The Macon Telegraph
DEATH OF N. J. MYRICK. Information
was received yesterday in Macon of the death ofN.
J. Myrick, at his home in Gordon. He had been ill three weeks from
typhoid fever. He leaves a wife and eleven children.
The funeral occurred yesterday afternoon
at 4 o'clock. Rev. H. D. Dewell officiating. Interment was at Clear Creek
August 30, 1903
Macon Telegraph
J. T.
Ryals died at the age of 84 years in Gordon yesterday morning. He was
ill about three weeks and succumbed to an attack of dropsy. He was a Mason
and a devoted member of the Rainey (Ramah) Methodist church. He leaves
five children.
1 1903
The Augusta Chronicle
Prominent Citizen of That Place Passed Away at Early Hour Yesterday
Irwington, Ga. Aug. 31 (Special) Mr. W.
F. Cannon, Sr., died at his home in Irwinton this morning at 4 o'clock.
He had been in bad health for several months, but news of his death will
be a surprise to a large circle of his friends, as no one expected his
death so soon.
Mr. Cannon was ordinary in this county
at one time, and was a prominent man in the business affairs and all that
related to public matters for a number of years.
He served four years in the Confederate
army, being a member of company I, Third Georgia regiment. He lost his
left arm, at the battle of Gettysburg. He was about sixty-two years old.
He leaves a wife and five children. He was generous and kind-hearted in
the extreme and will be greatly missed in the community.
September 12, 1903
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Irwinton, Ga, Sept. 11 - Miss
Williams entertained at her home last Tuesday evening on McIntyre street.
The hostess was assisted in receiving by the Misses Hughes. The
parlors were decorated in ferns, palms and cut flowers. The guests were
favored with a musical contest. Miss Ida Fountain winning the prize; and
a geographical game in which Mr. Riley and Miss Octavia DuPree
were the successful contestants, after which refreshments were served in
the dining hall, the color scheme being pink and white.
The invited guests were: Misses
Alberta and Georgia Hughes, Anna Beall and Octavia DuPree, Anna Hatfield,
Lizzie Lindsey, Gussie Simpson, Ida Fountain, Carrie Baum, Fleta Nesbitt,
Agnes King, Bessie Taylor, Willie Brown, Nell Spears, Bessie Brundage;
Messrs. George Riley and Jack Taylor of Macon, Will Moody of
Tallapoosa, Walter Spears of Danville,
Rob Butler of Macon,
Gus and Tom Brundage, Frank Chambers, Roy Cannon, Willie T. DuPree,
Jim Hatfield, Joe Butler, Arthur Burney, Joe Adkins, Callie Todd, Andrew
Hatfield and Dr. Parker.
Miss Anna Hatfield will entertain
next Thursday evening, the honoree being Miss Mattye Branan of Macon.
The party will be al fresco.
September 13 1903
The Augusta Chronicle
Atlanta Sept. 12 (Special) Ed Murray
who was convicted of assault to murder in Wilkinson County last October
was pardoned.
September 15, 1903
Macon Weekly Telegraph
The Suit of Howard Stinson Against
Frank Coates Consumed the Entire Day in City Court-Jury Discussed Till
Late Hour.
When city court opened yesterday
morning the work of handling the consumed the entire day.
Striking a jury and hearing the testimony
of the witnesses in the case consumed a great deal of time.
Two sides of the incident, which
caused the suit to be entered were introduced by the witnesses.
The evidence for the plaintiff showed
thatHoward Stinson, a youngster of
about 14 years, was riding the road in Wilkinson county last October, when
suddenly Frank Coates rose up among the bushes on the road-side
and purposely made the horse shy and throw the rider to the ground. It
was claimed that the boy's leg was broken, but that he worked, probably
a week before inflammation set in and pieces of the bone were extracted
by a surgeon.
The defendant showed that he had
been to his farm in Wilkinson county to collect rents due at the time,
and that while there proposed a bunt. The boy had no ammunition and mounting
a horse started to purchase some. The boy was a son of one of Coates' renters.
While he was on the mission Coates went out by the road side and shot into
some partridges. While in search of the bird he had shot, the boy came
along and the horse became frightened and threw him off. It was shown that
the boy went on with his duties for a week until he jumped from the roof
of a barn. Inflammation set in and then the surgeon extracted pieces of
bone from the leg.
Evidence was all in and the argument
closed by 5 o'clock. After the judge's charge to the jury, they retired
to make up a verdict at 7:30 no verdict had been reached. The court remained
open a short while and the jury returned to be recharged. They went to
the room again and at 10:30 they still wrangled. At 11 o'clock they came
down and informed Judge Hodges that no agreement could be reached and a
mistrial was declared.
During the taking of evidence Judge
Hodges fined a part interested in the case for taking a hand in the answers
of a boy witness.
While the court can't award the decision
of the jury, the damage suit of R. G. Christian against the Street Railway
Company was taken up. Witnesses were sworn and a jury selected for the
beginning of the trial this morning..
September 27, 1903
The Macon Telegraph
Irwinton, Ga., Sept. 25 - Mr.L.
A. Simpson died at his home in this city this morning at 4 o'clock,
after a lingering illness with typhoid fever. He was a brother of Mr. M.
D. Simpson, deputy sheriff of this county. He leaves a wife and mother,
six brothers and one sister, besides numerous relatives to mourn his death.
September 27, 1903
The Macon Telegraph
Death of Mrs. Cordle.
Mrs Martha
Cordle, widow of
H. C. Cordle, died at Ivey station yesterday
morning at 10 o'clock, at the age of 54 years. She leaves four children,
who are: Messrs, J. A., S. H., L. M. and Miss Gussie Cordle
of Macon. The remains will arrive here on the 3:45 o'clock Central train
this afternoon and the funeral will occur at the East Macon Methodist church
at 4:30 o'clock, Rev. J. M. Glenn officiating. Interment will be in Fort
Hill cemetery.
October 8, 1903
The Atlanta Constitution
Caused by Negroes Who Fired on the Town
Dublin, Ga. October 7 - (Special) Several
gentlemen from Wilkinson county were in the city yesterday afternoon and
told of a street fight which took place at Toombsboro Sunday night last,
which was bloodless, at the same time exciting. Recently the town council
of Toombsboro passed an ordinance prohibiting crowds from congregating
on the streets after 9 o'clock at night. Sunday night Marshal Rickerson
found a number of negroes standing on the corner of one of the streets
and ordered them to disperse. Instead of doing so the negroes pulled their
pistols and began shooting at the marshal. He returned the fire, but retreated
at the same time. later he secured help and endeavored to arrest the negroes.
During the latter part of Sunday night and the early hours Monday morning
many shots were fired, estimated at one hundred, at the negroes, and by
the negroes at the marshal and his posse. Strange to say, however, none
of the shots took effect.
Monday night three
of the negroes engaged in the shooting were arrested and Tuesday morning
two more were caught. These were carried to Irwinton and place in jail.
They will be tried for assault with intent to murder.
November 10, 1903
Union Recorder
Mr. J.
T. Stevens died at his home in Gordon last Sunday morning, after a
long illness. Mr. Stevens was for several years a resident of this city,
and has many friends here, who regret to hear of his death
November 22, 1903
Macon Telegraph
Gordon, Ga. Nov. 21. Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Lee announce the engagement of their daughter, Emma Pauline, to Mr. Heyward Leon Dennard, the wedding to occur December 23.
December 1, 1903
Union Recorder
~excerpts~ Little
Creek Items
Miss Lamanda Young, of this
vicinity, is visiting relatives in Laurens county.
Mrs. J. N. Hoge (Hogue)
had a delightful quilting and birthday supper Wednesday p.m., in honor
of her oldest daughter, Ellen.
There will be services held
at the Catholic church the 5th Sunday.
Mr. Mack Davis, of Stephens
Pottery, has been visiting relatives in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Young spent
Sunday last, with Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Holloman.
Miss Myrtie Pace is
attending school at Gordon. They have over 50 scholars, and they all seem
to like their teacher, Mr. Wells, very much.
Mr. William and Miss Rose
Donnelly spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. Thomas McAdams
and daughter, Miss Mary.
Hooks, a little negro girl, whose parents are residing on Mr. Abraham
Young's place, was burned to death a few days ago. "MISTLETOE."
December 8, 1903
Union Recorder
Old Citizen of Florida Passes Away
Mr. Jones
M. Pittman, 81 years of age died in Florida, Sept. 8, 1903. He was
born in Wilkinson county, Feb. 12, 1822. He married Miss Elizabeth Jones,
and with his family he moved to Jackson county, Florida, some time in the
fifties where he has resided ever since; he raised a family of ten grown
children, six sons and four daughters, two having proceeded him to the
grave. He leaves an aged widow and eight children, and a great number of
grand children to mourn his loss. He was a member of the Primitive Baptist
church, and was a good Father in Israel as well as in the flesh. He has
relatives and friends in this county and Wilkinson, that regret to hear
of his death. Two sisters survive him, Mrs. B. Fordham and Mrs.
Joel Godard, of this county.
December 10, 1903
Macon Telegraph
Death of Mrs. Barfield.
Mrs. Ann
Barfield of Gordon, Ga., aged 81 years, died yesterday. She has been
in declining health but a short time. She was the mother of Mr. J. R.
Collins of Macon and Mrs. Fannie Nelson of Gordon. The funeral
will occur some time today. The hour has not yet been decided on. The interment
will be at Gordon.
December 22, 1903
Macon Telegraph
Irwinton, Ga., Dec. 21. - Miss Anna
Beall DuPree and Dr. William Harrison Parker were united in
marriage at the home of the bride's father. About 300 friends were present
to witness the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. Moody, pastor
of the Baptist church.
The house was decorated with
quantities of green, palms being used in generous numbers, with bamboo
trailing itself as a frieze about the walls.
Mendelssohn's wedding
march, played by Miss Lindsey, announced the approach of the wedding
party, the two ribbon-girls, little Misses Marie Williams and Eula
DuPree, who wore chiffon dresses with pink ribbons, coming first, being
followed by the bride and groom.
The bride looked pretty in a
tailor-made traveling suit of blue zibeline, with which she wore a white
hat. She carried a bouquet of bride-roses.
The bride is the eldest daughter
of Mr. W. T. DuPree and is a lovely young woman in disposition as
well as in personal appearance. Dr. Parker is a well-known physician, who,
with remarkable business ability, combines social gifts that have made
him popular with all who know him.
A number of beautiful remembrances
in silver, cut glass and china were received.
Immediately after the ceremony, Dr.
and Mrs. Parker left for Washington, going from there to Baltimore and
New York. After their return they will be at home to their friends at the
lovely home prepared by the groom for his bride.
December 28, 1903
Macon Telegraph
Dr. John
McIntyre, Ga. Dec. 27 - Dr John Temples
died at his home here rather unexpectedly at 4 o'clock this morning. He
had been a helpless invalid for the past two years, cared for and nursed
by tender, loving hands, and was quite advanced in years, yet his friends
did not suspect that his end was so near, as he seemed to enter into the
enjoyment of the Christmas-tide with his children and and grandchildren.
But yesterday, however, he was attacked with bronchial trouble which he
had not the power to resist, though the best medical aid was promptly rendered
Dr. Temples had lived a very
active and useful life, having practiced medicine successfully in this
community for half a century and had amassed quite a fortune. As a citizen,
he was noted for his sterling qualities, and as a friend, he was staunch
and true. He was a native of Edgefield county, S.C., was born December
8, 1815, and was therefore 88 years old.
He leaves to mourn his
death three sons, Rev. H. Temples and Messrs. Ambrose and Lafayette
Temples, and on daughter, Mrs. Lefa Jones. Besides these, he
has many blood relatives, as well as hosts of friends throughout Georgia,
who will be pained to learn of his death.
December 29, 1903
The Macon Telegraph
Sarah Asbell, mother of Mr. R. A. Asbell of this city, died
at the residence of her son, Mr. C. F. Asbell. at Gordon, Ga., yesterday
morning. Mrs. Asbell has been in declining health for several months past
and the end was not unexpected. Funeral services will be held at the family
burial lot, Andrews cemetery, ten miles from Macon, about noon today.
December 31 1903
Atlanta Constitution
Bank for Wilkinson county
Toomsboro, Ga. December 30 [Special]
J. S. Spencer, R. L. Stubbs, Benjamin H. Jackson, W. S. Ham, Jr., L. R.
Canon, J. B. Voone (Boone) and J. L. Freeman were elected yesterday
as directors of the Wilkinson County bank, located in this city. It will
open for business January 1. The town and county will be benefited by having
banking advantages. It is the first and only bank in the county.
January 5, 1904
Union Recorder
Mr. F.
M. Meadows,died at his home in Hancock county, last Saturday morning
at ten o'clock, after an illness of about six weeks
with pneumonia.
Mr. Meadows was a member of Benevolent
Lodge No 3, F. & A.M. of this city, and a number of members of the
Lodge attended the
burial, at Friendship Church, Sunday afternoon
at two o'clock, and laid his remains to rest with Masonic honors.
Mr. Meadows was sixty-three years
of age, and was born in Wilkinson county.
In the war between the States, he
enlisted under the banner of the Confederacy and made a brave soldier.
He resided in this city for
many years, leaving here to go to Hancock
county, where he engaged in farming.
January 7, 1904
Mr. A. I. Smith, the
telephone man was in the city Monday looking after his interest and repairing
phones. He has just recently completed his line through to Gordon,
where he has been allowed connection with the Bell Telephone line, which
stated would be done in a few days. This
will improve his line a great deal, giving his customers a chance to talk
most anywhere they may wish, the Bell line covering an immense territory.
Mr. Smith is a thorough going business man, and will leave nothing undone
that tends to help himself or patrons.
Dublin Times
The town of Gordon, GA is fighting
an epidemic of smallpox. All public meetings have been discontinued
and even the postal clerks refuse to handle mail from that town.
The people are being vaccinated and and making every effort to stamp out
the disease.
January 14, 1904
Bloodworth News:
Mr. H. J. McCook, of this place,
has moved to the wiregrass country.
Mr. J. O. Bloodworth, of Milledgeville,
spent Friday and Saturday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bloodworth,
of this place.
Mr. H. O. Parker is home on a few
week's vacation. He has been with the Southern Bell Telephone Company
for some time in Alabama.
Mr. Cas Criswell and Miss Fannie
Ramage were united in marriage last Sunday morning at the home of the
The young folks of this place had a lively
time at the entertainment given by Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bloodworth
Friday night.
The five months old child
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Martin died Monday night and was buried in the
Youngblood family cemetery Wednesday.
17, 1904
The Macon Telegraph
Mr. A.
J. Smith, a prominent citizen of Gordon, died last night at 9:15 o'clock
at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. J. B. Patterson in East Macon.
Mr. Smith was 66 years of age and
served throughout the Confederate war. He is survived by five daughters:
J. D. Patterson of Macon, Mrs. S. P. Hornsby of Gordon, Mrs. S. Fountain,
Mrs. H. A. Boynton and Miss Ada Smith of Gordon.
The remains will be carried to Gordon
at 11:40 o'clock this morning via the Central railroad. The funeral services
will be held at Raymer church this afternoon at 3 o'clock.
January 18, 1904
The Macon Telegraph
All-Day Mule
Gordon, Ga., Jan. 17. George Smallwood
and James Mixon met here to trade horses, and after several hours' talking
that go so near to trading that Mixon proposed to swap for 15 cents, which
was declined by Smallwood. Mixon told him that as they had spent the entire
day on the trade he would not let 15 cents split the trade, and they changed
collars, which was about all either of them got.
January 21, 1904
The Irwinton Bulletin
Answers Death Call After Many Long Months
of Suffering
A sad death occurred at the home of Capt.
Jas. A. Mason, about four miles from this city last Friday afternoon
at 3 o'clock, the youngest daughter of the home circle,
Miss Gussie,
having been called from earth to enter the unknown eternity. Miss Mason
was a model of beauty, an idol of parents, relatives, and friends, and
her death, though for many months expected, was deeply deplored by family
and community at large. She was 22 years of age, and but a few months
ago which that deathening mainly consumption, entered her then healthy
and peaceful body, gave evidence of many years of happiness and usefulness
on earth. Her remains were interred in the Branan family cemetery, Saturday
afternoon at 3 o'clock, Rev. S. W. Brown, of this city, conducting services.
January 28, 1904
The Macon Telegraph
From Lockjaw and Another Loses a Leg.
Covington, Jan. 27. - The 8-year-old son
of E. A. Perkins of Gordon
died today at the city hospital from lockjaw, which resulted from being
kicked by a horse at his home at Gordon.
His brother, Otho Perkins,
12 years old, happened to an accident a few months ago which caused him
to have a leg amputated.
January 30, 1904
Atlanta Constitution
Pink Bloodworth Falls Beneath Central
Train at Steven's Pottery
Milledgeville, Ga. January 29(Special) The
northbound passenger train on the Central of Georgia railway from Macon
to Eatonton ran over Pink Bloodworth, of this county, last night,
cutting off one of his legs.
The train left Gordon without a conductor
and ran by Iveys Station, the place where Mr. Bloodworth was to get off.
On reaching Steven's Pottery the
train crew discovered there was no conductor on board and started back
to Gordon.
Mr. Bloodworth states he got off the train
to find out the reason they ran by Iveys and as the train started back
he went to get on and slipped under the train, the wheels passing over
February 2, 1904
The Macon Telegraph
After a long illness, Arthur
A. Jenkins, 23 years of age, died yesterday afternoon at 1:20 o'clock
at the late residence on Clayton street, Vineville. He leaves his mother,
Mrs. L. S. Jenkins; two brothers, Clarence M. and Albert
E.; a sister, Miss Ella Z. Jenkins, and a host of friends to
mourn his untimely taking away.
The remains will be carried to Poplar
Springs, Wilkinson county, where the interment will take place.
February 14, 1904
The Macon Telegraph
Gordon, Ga., Feb. 13 - At the home of the
bride's brother, Mr. R. S. Griffin, Miss Mattie
May Griffin and Mr. S. A. Reddick of Milledgeville were married
W. D. Dewell officiating. There were about two hundred present which attested
the popularity of the couple.
Those who formed the bridal party
were Mesrs. R. S. Alford, J. B. Malpors, J. D. Lominac, T. E. Reddick,
and Miss Laura Reddick of Milledgeville, and Mr. J. W. Knowles and son
of Eatonton.
The attendants were Mr. Mirick Griffin
with Miss Lelia Cranford, Mr. R. S. Alford with Miss Lauretta Myrick.
Immediately after the ceremony the
bride and groom left for Milledgeville, their future home. The bride wore
a beautiful gray eavlian cloth traveling dress. The brides-maids wore blue
with white trimmings.
As Miss Griffin the bride had many
friends here who give her up very reluctantly. The groom is a prosperous
young farmer of Baldwin county.
February 25, 1904
The Macon Telegraph
WILLIAMS-HOWARD. Marriage of Lady of Wilkinson
County and a Macon Young Man. Miss Anna
Williams was married to Mr. J. G. Howard last evening at 7 o'clock,
at the residence of Mr. E. Bullock, 204 Fourth street, Rev. W. N.
Ainsworth officiating. The bride is from a prominent family of Wilkinson
county and was here on a visit.
The groom is an employee of the Macon
Railway and Light Company and is well known in Macon
March 10, 1904
Mt. Carmel News:
Mrs. J. R. Hudson visited relatives
in our community last week.
Miss Rebecca McCook has returned
home from Mitchell County, where she has been for the last few months,
visiting her cousin, Mrs. I. C. Stubbs.
March 26, 1904
The Macon Telegraph
PREACHER. How Rev. Mr. Brown of Irwinton Was Shown the Affection
of His Community.
Rev. S. H. Brown of Irwinton
lost his horse because of a plunge into a wire fence. Mr. Brown had so
won himself by his pastoral ministrations into the hearts of his people
that members of all denominations including white and black, immediately
made up a purse of $100 to procure for him another horse. Mr. Brown, who
has a large family connection in Macon, is in the city for a few days.
April 6, 1904
The Atlanta Constitution
Toomsboro, Ga., April 5 (Special)
Wilkinson county superior court
adjourned tonight after a session of two days. There was only one case
of importance, the State v. Cap Moise,
for the murder of a little negro boy 6 years of age. The jury found
a verdict of assault and battery and gave the prisoner one year in the
chain gang.
April 17, 1904
The Macon Telegraph
"Engagement Announced
Irvington, Ga., April
16.~~Mr. W. T. DuPree announces the engagement of his daughter, Lillian
Octavia, to Mr. W. Lavater Williams, the marriage to take place
June 1."
Submitted by R.
Elizabeth Brewer
April 25, 1904
The Macon Telegraph
B. Snow,
25 years old, died at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon of congestion
of the brain. He was sick only a few hours. He leaves a wife, mother, three
brothers and one sister, all of Macon. The remains will be shipped to Ivey,
Ga. his old home, this afternoon at 2:15 o'clock, where the funeral
will occur tomorrow morning at 9:30 o'clock. Mr. Snow died at his residence
on Pio Nono avenue. His brothers are J. O., G. N., and J. H.
Snow of Macon, and his sister is Mrs. C. N. Davis of Macon.
May 10, 1904
Union Recorder
~excerpt~ Mrs.
Georgia Anne Golden Bloodworth was born Feb. 3, 1831, and died April
38 (28), 1904. She was happily married to Mr. Thomas Bloodworth,
April 16, 1848, and for 56 long years they fought life's battles together.
It was a pathetic scene to see the snowy-haired companion bowed in grief
over his irreparable loss.
10 children bless their union. All of them
still survive her. She joined the Primitive Baptist church in 1870,
and was a consistent member until her death. She had been afflicted for
20 years, but always bore her suffering without a murmur. She spent the
greater part of her life in Wilkinson county, but has resided in Baldwin
for the past several years. She was a sister of Rasmos Golden, D. D.
Her remains were laid to rest Saturday
at Mt. Carmel Cemetery.
May 19, 1904
Columbus Daily Enquirer
From Irwinton, Ga., Where His Wife's Death Occurred.
Mr. James F. Hill, treasurer of the
Georgia Cotton Oil Company, returned yesterday morning from Irwinton, Ga.,
where he was called by the very sad death of his wife, which occurred there
on Tuesday of last week.
Mrs. Hill
the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Chateld (Chatfield), of
Irwinton, and was a Christian lady of noble character whose death has carried
sorrow to many hearts. In a notice of her health, The Irwinton Bulletin
"She was a highly cultured, social and Christian lady, idolized by parents,
brother and husband, and also by numerous friends, who deeply deplore her
demise." Besides her husband, Mrs. Hill is survived by a young babe. The
funeral occurred Wednesday at Jonesboro, Ga., her old home.
The deceased was prominent
in church circles, being district secretary for the Woman's Home Missionary
Society of the South Georgia Conference of the Methodist church. The deep
sympathy of the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Hill goes ot to the former
in his great bereavement.
May 22, 1904
The Macon Telegraph
Irwinton, Ga., May 21 - One of the
largest and most brilliant events of the season here will be the marriage
of Miss Lillian Octavia
DuPree to Mr. W. Lavater Williams, which will be solemnized
at the Baptist church at 9 o'clock Wednesday evening,
June 1. Rev. W. H. Moody will perform
the ceremony and Miss Ella McVey, of Cochran, will play the wedding
march. The church will be elaborately decorated with palms and flowers,
the color motif to be white and green.
The bride will enter the church with
her maid of honor, Miss Hattie Williams, sister of the groom; the
groom entering with his best man, Mr. W. T. DuPree, of Macon.
The bride will wear an exquisite
white crepe de chine, with tulle veil, and carry bride roses. The maid
of honor will be gowned in white silk and will carry white carnations.
The ushers will be Mr. J. E. Butler
Mr. I. E. Freeman, of Macon.
Miss DuPree is a representative of
one of Georgia's oldest and best families, and possesses many charms of
mind and heart that have won for her a large circle of friends at home
and wherever she is known.
Mr. Williams is a prominent merchant
of Irwinton, and has a host of friends who rejoice in his happiness.
May 28, 1904
The Macon Telegraph
Toomsboro's Artesian Well
Toomsboro, Ga. - May 27. Mr. L. B. Clay,
the noted artesian well man has just completed a well here and our people
are delighted as it gives ten gallons per minute and the temperature is
59½ degrees and no objectionable taste, but delightful. This, added
to the new warehouse and school house which will soon be built, and our
bank which is doing a good business, we feel that Toomsboro is fast coming
to the front.
Submitted by R.
Elizabeth Brewer
June 4, 1904
The Macon Telegraph
Postoffice Robbed
Irwinton, Ga. June 3 - Burglars robbed the
postoffice and the store of Mr. C. W. Spears last night. They ransacked
the money drawers in the postoffice and secured one dollar in pennies.
They were more successful at Mr. Spears' store, as they got about $10 in
silver and one Smith & Wesson pistol. There is no clue to the guilty
June 4, 1904
The Macon Telegraph
Irwinton, Ga., June 3 - One of the prettiest
weddings of the season was that of Mr. W. Lavater Williams and MissLilian
Octavia DuPree, which occurred at this place Wednesday evening. The
church was most tastefully decorated in ferns, palms and cut plants, the
color scheme being green and white. The bridal party entered the church
to the strains of Mendelssohn's Wedding March, Miss McVay of Cochran
presiding at the organ. First came the ushers, Messrs. Butler and
followed by the groom and his best man, Mr. W. T. DuPree. The bride
and her maid of honor, Miss Hattie Williams, then meeting the groom
as the altar. During the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. W. H. Moody,
"Hearts and Flowers" was rendered on the organ, following by the prayer,
sung by Miss James of Fort Valley. An informal reception was afterwards
tendered at the home of the brides father.
The bride was strikingly beautiful
in an elegant creation of crepe de chine and real lace, and carried white
carnations. The maid of honor, Miss Williams, sister of the groom, was
exceeding handsome in white silk with lace. She carried sweet peas.
Miss McVay was gowned in cream crepe
de chine elaborately decorated with medallions. Miss James was unusually
attractive in a while mull embroidered in silk.
Among the other guests were Mr. and
Mrs. T. O., DuPree of Dublin, Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Parker and
Mrs. Williams is the daughter of
Mr. W. T. DuPree of this place and has, by her sweet womanly disposition,
won many friends all over the state, who will be interested in her marriage.
Mr. Williams is the eldest son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Williams, and numbers his friends by the score.
The number of handsome presents received
were a token of the esteem in which the popular young people were held.
June 9, 1904
The Macon Telegraph
Marriage of W. J. Stripling, of Macon
and Miss Dennard, of Gordon.
Mr. William Joseph Stripling,
Macon, and Miss Bertha Irene
Dennard were married yesterday morning at the residence of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dennard, in Gordon, Ga. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. B. M. Pack, pastor of the Baptist church. It was
a quiet home affair. The Mendelasohn wedding march was played by Mrs. E.
L. Carswell. Among those who attended from Macon were:
Mr. and Mr. H. L. Dennard, Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Davis, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Lee, Mr. Firm, T. L. Roberts,
Miss Lula Evelyn Bragg, Miss Ida Winder.
After the ceremony the party returned
to Macon and a reception was given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. O.
W. Wilder on Hill Park. The house was beautifully decorated, the dominant
colors being pink and white. At this home Mr. and Mrs. Stripling will make
their residence. Mr. Stripling was born in Lizella. He is one of the active
men in the Southern Packing Company. The bride is the attractive daughter
of one of the leading men of Wilkinson county. They have on both sides
the good wishes of hosts of friends.
Volume IX, No. 45
Thursday, June 30, 1904
Page 2
At the home of Mr.
H. W. Price, near McIntyre Sunday afternoon inst., a marriage was solemnized,
the bride and groom being Mr. B. H. Bloodworth and MissMattie
The wedding march was
beautifully played by Miss
Annie Lindsey, of this city, and the
ceremony performed by Rev. S. W. Brown.
Mr. J. M. Fountain
has an accident Friday, being hooked down and bruised up very badly by
an infuriated bull.
Miss Mattie Price
and Mr. B. H. Bloodworth
were united in marriage Sunday. We
wish them a long and prosperous life.
Miss Cynthia Lewis
leave Monday for Athens were she will attend college.
On the McCook
lands, near Black Lake, in the Oconee swamp, stands a tree remarkable in
size, being a sycamore, and would be worth seeing at the World's Fair.
Near the bottom it measures 40 feet in circumference, 10 or 15 feet to
first limb and is unusually tall. "This reminds us of how cypress
grows down on the Altamaha River. They are used there as weather
protectors when found hollow, there being plenty room for all- vehicles
and stock without backing to get out."
July 23 1904
Atlanta Constitution
Lightning Breaks Records. Strikes Gordon Residence Three Times
in Succession.
Covington, Ga., July 22 (Special) The little
town of Gordon, on the Central railroad between Covington and Macon came
near being destroyed by fire at 11 o'clock this morning, caused by a stroke
of lightning, which struck the store of J.W. Jones.
A few minutes later the residence
O.W. Horne, Central railroad agent, was struck by lightning three
times in rapid succession. Bert Horne was severely shocked.
August 16, 1904
Union Recorder
Death of Mrs. J. T. Raines. How
God's ways are past finding out was made manifest when on July 27, 1904,
it pleased Almighty God to take from us our beloved relative, Matty
Stevens Raines. While we cannot understand the mysterious works of
God, we bow in humble submission to his will.
Matty Stevens was born
July 20, 1877, in Wilkinson county, Ga., where she spent the greater part
of her life. She was the third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. I. Stevens.
She was a consistent member of the Methodist church, and her good works
will long follow her. She was a social favorite, for it was but natural
that all who knew her should love her.
On June 6, 1900, she was happily
married to Mr. J. T. Raines, of Tennille, and until a year ago,
when she was stricken with that fatal disease, consumption, theirs was
a life of supreme happiness. But the All-wise worketh all things together
for good to those who love Him, and are called according to his purpose.
When the health of our beloved
began to fail everything that medical skill could do was done, but to no
avail, and she was carried by her husband to Colorada Springs, Colo., for
her health. It was thought for a while that she was improving, but the
disease was too deeply seated, and she continued to grow worse until the
time of her death.
While we bow in humble submission
to the will of God, the untimely death of our beloved relative brings a
sadness unto our hearts that cannot be avoided. In her death her husband
loses a devoted wife, and her little daughter a loving mother.
She was preceding to the grave
only a few weeks by her brother, Mr. Henry Stevens, who died of
the same disease.
Her remains were brought
to Tennille for burial. The services held by the members of the Easter
Star, of which she was a member, were very appropriate for the occasion.
The floral offerings tended to prove the popularity of the deceased.
Mrs. Raines was
a niece of Mrs. Ivey, and had many friends in the surrounding community.
We extend our sympathy to the bereaved
family, and may they be guided by the same hand that led her into a better
August 23, 1904
Macon Telegraph
Death of Mrs H. B. Lindsay. The sad death of Mrs. H. B. Lindsay occurred a her residence in Wilkinson county Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Lindsay was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brooks, who are well and favorably known in this city. The deceased is survived by Mrs. W. A. McWilliams of Macon and Mrs. J. B. Stinson of Wilkinson. Funeral services will be conducged this afternoon.
October 9, 1904
Atlanta Constitution
Gordon, Ga. October 8 (Special) At the home
of Mr. John Milton Shepherd, of Toomsboro, Ga., at 10 o'clock on
the morning of October 2, the marriage of MissLaurie
Virginia Shepherd and Mr. Thomas Ewell Windham was solemnized.
The marriage ceremony of the Christian church was pronounced by Rev. J.
A. Jensen, of Sandersville.
The bride was attired in a dainty
wedding gown of cream crepe voile elaborately trimmed with real lace and
pearls. She also wore ornaments of pearl.
The Shepherd home was tastily decorated.
At 12 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Windham left for a ten days' trip to Washington,
Miss Shepherd was, greatly admired
here, she being both beautiful and accomplished. She was educated in music
at a Philadelphia conservatory. She will be greatly missed in her home
Mr. Windham, the groom was originally
from Alabama, but a present he is a United States post office inspector
and travels all over the country.
After October 12, Mr. and Mrs. Windham
will be at home to their friends at 183 Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga.
October 25, 1904
Union Recorder
Death of J. P. Walker
Dublin Courier Dispatch.
Joel P. Walker, Esq., died Sunday night last at the home of his sister,
I. J. Duggan, at Dudley.
Mr. Walker retired Sunday night in
his usual health. About 9 o'clock Mrs. Duggan was attracted by the peculiar
manner of his breathing and went to his room. He died just a short time
after she discovered that something was wrong with him.
Mr. Walker was about 40 years of
age. He was a native of Wilkinson county, but moved to Laurens with his
father, the late Mr. Joshua Walker, a number of years ago and lived here
nearly all of his life. He practiced law at Dublin bar for several years,
also in Milledgeville, where he was married. For several years he had done
but little law practice, living most of the time on his farm.
Mr. Walker is survived by his
wife and a daughter about ten years of age. He also leaves several brothers
and sisters, Messrs. Tom J., J. B., E. J., and J. I. Walker were
his brothers. His sisters are Mrs. I. J. Duggan of Dudley, Mrs.
D. J. Pierce of Montrose, Mrs. Macon Whittaker of Harrison,
Rebecca Robinson of Florida and Mrs. L. C. Stephens of Tennille.
We could learn nothing definite yesterday
of the funeral arrangements. His remains will probably be interred today
however, in Wilkinson county beside his father and other relatives.
Mr. Walker had many friends in this
county and elsewhere in the state, who regret very much to learn of his
October 27, 1904
Atlanta Constitution
of Dorn Assault Than He Has Told.
Milledgeville Ga., October 27 (Special)
Grant Dorn, who was assaulted last night near Black Lake, in Wilkinson
county, 12 miles below this city, was brought here this morning, and it
is not believed he will live many hours.
Mr. Dorn has been unconscious ever
since the attack and unable to give any information as to who struck him.
It is believed that the assassin took advantage of his being aslep (sic),
as he was found lying in his bunk, his skull crushed in several places.
Mr. Dorn, who is a brother of John
S. Dorn, of Atlanta, and who was operating a saw mill for the Woodward
Lumber Company, of Atlanta, was unquestionably attacked for the purpose
of robbery.
He was a native of New York, a quiet
man, who had no trouble with any of his help. The cabin in which he was
sleeping was half a mile in the swamp. He and a colored by (sic) about
18 years old were the only persons in the camp. He often takes a hundred
dollars with him to pay off the hands, but it is thought he had little
money with him, as hands were paid Saturday.
This colored boy who was sleeping
a few feet from him claims he knew nothing of the matter until he heard
Mr. Dorn groan after he had been struck and his clothes torn from him.
The assassin used an ax that belonged
to the mill, and must have been someone thoroughly familiar with Mr. Dorn's
habits and the location of the mill, as no one would be apt to stumble
up on the camp, located as it is in a big swamp.
Boy Gave Alarm
The boy who was with him and who
came out and gave the alarm was brought to this city and lodged in jail
by H. H. Barnes, who went to the camp this morning.
This boy is named Charlie Dixon
and it is believed that he has not told all he knows of the matter.
November 1, 1904
The Macon Telegraph
Two Negroes Arrested, Charged With Having
Caused His Death.
Milledgeville, Ga., Oct. 31. Mr.
Grant Dorn who was assaulted at his sawmill near Black Lake, in Wilkinson
county, twelve miles below this city, a few nights ago, died at his home
in this city yesterday, never having regained consciousness. His funeral
occurred from the Catholic church this morning and the remains were sent
to Atlanta, his former home for interment. He leaves a wife and seven small
Two negroes have been arrested and
place in jail, but no convicting evidence has been found.
November 12, 1904
Macon Telegraph
Gordon, Ga., Nov. 11
- Mrs. N. A. Whitehurst,
an aged and very prominent lady of Wilkinson county, died suddenly yesterday
and was buried today near Lewiston in the presence of a large concourse
of friends. She laves two sons and four daughters and a large number of
grandchildren to mourn her death and keep alive the memory of her many
virtues, she was in the seventy-first year of her age. Her funeral was
conducted by Rev. J. M. Butler, pastor of the Methodist church in
November 15, 1904
Union Recorder
Creek Items. Good morning! What refreshing weather we are having after
the pleasant shower.
Ha, ha! What a merry time we are
having drinking cain juice! Just think how splendid it is for us girls
to haunt the syrup makers.
The 'opossum hunters are having
a fine time hunting. The dogs' voices make the woods ring with music.
Will Vinson, of this community, died at her home Tuesday night. She
was struck with paralysis. She is survived by her husband and five children,
and many relatives and friends.
Quite a large congregation attended
services at the Catholic church on the fifth Sunday.
Messrs. Frank and George
McCook visited Messrs. James and William Hogue Sunday
Mr. George McAdams and Miss
Rose Donnelly were united in marriage at Milledgeville Catholic church
the fourth Sunday in October. We wish them a long and happy life.
Mr. J. N. Hogue has the finest
turnip patch in this vicinity.
Miss Myrtle Pace visited Miss
Hogue on last Sunday. She reports a jolly time.
Guess what certain young couple attended
services at Mt. Carmel Sunday last.
Gents, get your violins in tune;
merry, merry Christmas is coming!
The wedding bells are tolling, repeating
happy tolls. Some one is going to make an immediate step.
Mr. Hartly has resumed his
post as mail carrier again, after a long continuance of fever.
Mrs. Hogue visited Mrs.
Young Wednesday evening.
Misses Lora and Daisy Branan
accepted their schools.
Mr. J. E. Hollomon and
Miss Amanda Young visited the Misses Lewis Sunday last.
Guess what young man in this vicinity
is wearing mourning since Sunday.
Miss Minnie Hogue spent Halloween
night with Miss Amanda Young. Chrysanthemums.
November 19, 1904
Macon Telegraph
Negro Found Dead. McIntyre, Ga., Nov. 16. Henry
Phillips, a negro farmer living about two and a half miles east of
this place was found dead this morning in a branch not far from his home.
He was in this village late on Saturday afternoon, and was seen about dark
walking on the road in the direction of home, apparently in good health
and in a sober condition. Not returning that night, however, and still
being absent all day Sunday, and not having notified his family of his
intended absence, they began on Monday morning to start a searach for him
by parties compose of whites and blacks, which resulted in the discovery
of his dead body as stated.
His death was at first generally
attributed to foul play, but investigation by the coroner's jury today
failed to find any evidence or clue to substantiate this theory, still
it is known that he had enemies among the blacks and that threats against
his life had been made by one or more of them.
November 25, 1904
Atlanta Constitution
W.H. Rutland, Irwinton, Ga.
Irwinton, Ga., November 24. (Special) The
funeral services over the body of W.
H. Rutland, who has been editor of The Irwinton Bulletin for
years, was conducted yesterday morning. The interment was in the family
cemetery. The deceased leaves a widow and three children. He had been ill
only a few days.
December 6, 1904
Union Recorder
Cinthy Elam, step-mother of Mrs. W. S. Elam, died at the latter's
home in Gordon last Wednesday. Her death was sudden and unexpected. Her
remains were brought to this city Thursday and interred in the city cemetery.
They were accompanied to the city by Mr. Elam, Miss Fannie Elam, Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Jones, Mrs. Horne, Mrs. Roberts and Mr. Carswell
Mrs. Elam was a resident of
this county for many years, and was held in high esteem by all who knew
13, 1904
Atlanta Constitution
Thomas Smallwood Dead.
Macon, Ga. December 12 (Special) Thomas
Smallwood, an ex-confederate, died this morning at his residence on
Clinton street. The deceased was 72 years old at the time of his death.
The funeral will take place tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, the body to
be shipped for interment to Gordon, Ga.
December 18, 1904
Macon Telegraph
Dr. James L. Lee of Pinehurst and Miss Perdita Owen of Gordon, Ga., were solemnly united in marriage yesterday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Granville Henry on Walnut street.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. L. White in the
presence of a few relatives and friends. Dr. and Mrs. Lee will make their
future home in Pinehurst and have the best sishes of their numerous friends.
January 7, 1905
The Macon Telegraph
Monday night last at Irwinton, Mr.
W. T. Dupree was united in marriage to Mrs.
Maggie Brown.
Mr. Dupree for the past four
years had been the tax collector of Wilkinson county. In the last election
he was overwhelmingly re-elected for another term. Immediately after his
marriage he resigned this office and will moved to Dublin in a few
days. He was formerly a citizen of Dublin where he has many friends.
Mrs. Dupree was also for a number
of years a citizen of Dublin. She moved to Colorado a few months ago where
her husband died. Since coming back to Georgia she has made her home at
Irwinton, but all of their business interests are in Dublin She has many
friends here who are delighted to know that she will soon become a resident
January 22, 1905
Atlanta Constitution
Smallpox at Toomsboro
Toomsboro, Ga, January 21, - (Special) Smallpox
epidemic in this town. Y. T. Hobbs, the section boss of the Central
railroad, has been confined with it several days. Several negro families
have it. It is generally of mild type. No deaths having yet occurred.
January 24, 1905
Union Recorder
The death of Mr. W.
D. Kemp, which occurred at his home in this city last Friday morning,
was one of unusual sadness, and touched every heart in the city. About
nine days before his death Mr. Kemp contracted small-pox, and the disease
advanced rapidly. The city authorities on last Thursday placed the residence
under quarantine, and no one except the physician was allowed to enter
or leave. Mrs. Kemp and the negro nurse were the only ones with him at
the time of his death. His remains were prepared for burial by two negro
men, who had had the disease, and carried to the cemetery, where the burial
services were conducted by Revs. D. W. Brannen and Lamar Simms.
Mr. Kemp came to this city
from Wilkinson county eighteen or twenty years ago. For several years past
he has been book-keeper at the brick yard of Mr. J. W. McMillan,
and performed his duties faithfully. He was a hard working and industrious
man, and a kind and devoted father.
He is survived by Mrs. Kemp and eight
chidren, who have the sympathy of our entire community in their hour of
February 4, 1905
The Macon Telegraph
The death of Mr. E.
F. Newby, a well known merchant of Skipperton, occurred at his residence
at that place Wednesday night. He was 63 years of age. He is survived by
his wife, two brothers and two sisters. They are G. H. and H.
H. Newby of Macon and Mrs. Susie Asby (Asbell) and Mrs.
Acort (Aycock) of Gordon, Ga.
He was sick for only ten days and
his death came as a shock to the family and friends.
The remains will be taken to Gordon,
Ga., this morning for interment.
February 4, 1905
The Macon Telegraph
Occurred at Residence of His Mother Yesterday
in Vineville.
E. Jenkins died yesterday afternoon at the residence of his mother,
L. S. Jenkins, on Clayton street, in Vineville. Mr. Jenkins had been
in declining health for about a year, was well known in Macon and had many
He leaves a mother, Mrs. L.S.
Jenkins, one sister Miss
Ella Z. Jenkins, and one brother, Mr.
Clarence M. Jenkins. He was 37 years of age.
The funeral services will occur at
the family residence this morning at 10 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Mr.
Hughes of the Christian church, after which the remains will be taken to
Toomsboro, Ga., over the Central at 11:30 this morning, where the interment
will take place in the family burial ground at Poplar Springs. The interment
will take place Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
February 8, 1905
Atlanta Constitution
Funeral of Mrs. Criswell.
Macon, Ga, February 7 (Special) The remains
of Mrs. Elizabeth Criswell
who died Monday at her home in East Macon, were carried to McIntyre, Ga.,
where the funeral service and interment will take place this morning.
February 11, 1905
Macon Telegraph
Milledgeville, Ga., Feb. 10
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Parker
of Toomsboro announce the engagement of their daughter, Mamie
to Mr. Augustus Pennington, the marriage to occur at their
home February 22. They will have many friends here who will attend.
Miss Gilmore of McIntyre,
Ga., who has been visiting relatives in the city has returned home.
February 17, 1905
Atlanta Constitution
William Wall Rescued Three Little Girls
From Drowning
Wilkinson County Farmer While Carrying
Children to Wedding, Drove Into Swollen Stream
and after Heroic Efforts Reached Shore
By Will A. Branan
Macon, Ga., February 18 (Special) In connection
with the freeze and recent rains throughout the country, a story of true
heroism has been brought to Macon by planters of Wilkinson county.
William Wall, a farmer of
that county, had promised to carry the three little girls of a neighbor
to a country wedding in his buggy.
When Mr. Wall drove up to one of
the many streams, which had never been more than a branch across the road,
he did not hesitate to drive into it, unaware how much it was swollen by
freshets from up the country.
Before he could do anything, his
buggy was swept down stream, the two horses were off their feet, and the
three little girls were struggling in the water.
Mr. Wall was able to rescue each
child in turn, swimming to a place of safety through the icy water. The
third little girl, who is only 6, was going down for the third time when
Mr. Wall caught her by the heels and swam with her to the bank.
In an effort to save his horses,
who were unable to swim because of the buggy they were hitched to, Mr.
Wall was so excited that he slashed the breast of one in an attempt to
cut away the harness. The wound may prove to be fatal.
After his work was over, Mr. Wall
was so exhausted he could hardly stand.
His own wet clothes and the dresses
of his little friends were frozen stiff before the home of a neighbor was
February 28, 1905
Union Recorder
~excerpt~ Mrs.
Mary Smith, widow of the late Mr. A. M. Smith, died at her home
in Wilkinson county, Feb. 12th, 1905.
Mrs. Smith was born in Wilkinson
county, Jan. 21, 1824. At the age of 17 she was united in marriage to Mr.
A. M. Smith who preceded her to the grave nine years. To this union there
were born fifteen children, twelve of whom preceded her to the spririt
land. The children who survived her are, Mrs. Mary Doke, of Wilkinson
county; Mr. L. M. Smith, of Baldwin county, and Miss Janie Smith,
who has since died. She leaves many grand children and great grand children,
and host of other relatives to mourn her death.
February 28, 1905
Union Recorder
~excerpt~ Miss
Janie Smith died at her home in Wilkinson county, Tuesday, Feb. 21st,
1905, after an illness of nine days, with the grippe. During the illness
of her mother, who died just one week before, she nursed her tenderly and
She was sixty-three years of age,..She
is survied by one brother and a sister, many relatives and friends to mourn
her death....
March 20, 1905
Macon Telegraph
Rev. J. L. White Will Officiate - Remains Will Be Laid to Rest at Rose
Hill Cemetery - Services at Her Late Residence on College Street.
The funeral of Mrs. Eugenia C.
Napier, mother of Mrs. Alexander Proudfit, Mrs. Mark O'Daniel,
and J. H. and E. Tris Napier,
will occur at her late residence No.
263 College street, this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, Rev. J. L. White will
conduct the services. Mrs. Napier was the daughter of the late W. E. Carswell,
one of Georgia's pioneer citizens, and extensive planters. She was a woman
of rare intellect, sweet spirited. Those who knew her were made better
through her Christian influence.
After the services at the residence
her remains will be laid to rest in Rose Hill cemetery.
April 2, 1905
Macon Telegraph
In Memoriam
Eugenia Napier, the idolized and only daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Carswell
was born of Revolutionary ancestry in Wilkinson
county Georgia, October 11, 1834. At a tender age she attended school at
Old Midway, then the seat of culture for middle Georgia. Her education
was completed at La Grange under the tutelage of the eminent divine and
scholar, Dr. Henry H. Tucker, and Mr. Milton Bacon, president of the institution.
She graduated in a class of lovely and distinguished women, among whom
were Mrs. Gen. Colquitt, Mrs. Fornker, Mrs. Noah K. Davis of Virginia and
the first Mrs. Logan E. Bleckley, and the sweet friendships of her girlhood
days were continued through life.
After a girlhood made bright
and joyous by hosts of friends and admirers (for to know her was to love
her), she was wooed and won by Mr. Edmund Trisslillan Napier, oldest
son of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Napier, of Macon, Ga., who had just returned
to America after completing his education in Europe. They were happily
married in October of 1857, and after spending two years in Macon, Ga.,
they took up their residence in Union Springs, Ala. There amid the distractions
of the civil war, with her husband and the greater part of the time at
the front, she established a sweet home for her children. They first year
after the war she bravely helped her husband to restore his shattered fortune.
Then came the first great sorrow of her life, when she lost her beloved
husband. One morning he bade her a tender goodbye and rode away in the
vigor of health and manhood; In the evening his lifeless body was brought
back to his devoted young wife. Mr. Napier had been thrown from his horse
and instantly killed. After nine happy years of wedded life, the broken
hearted young widow returned to her father's home in Wilkinson county.
Her devoted parents, with loving care, aided her in rearing and educating
her children.
In 1887 her beloved father passed
away, but she continued to live in the home of her childhood with her aged
mother, her daughter having married, and her sons having established a
business in Macon. Eight years after the death of her father their beautiful
old home was destroyed by fire. Her mother survived the shock only five
months, and was laid by her husband, near the little white church nestling
amid the oaks on the Carswell plantation. Mrs. Napier then took up her
residence near her children in Macon, where she attracted many new but
true friends.
From among us has passed out one
who was a type of the dainty, modest, refined Southern woman. She was distinguished
for her gentleness, and yet she was strong in all the attributes of true
womanhood. She was always magnetic and attractive and exerted an unconscious
influence for good upon all who knew her. "Her children rise up and call
her blessed," for her life of tender, unselfish devotion to them. She was
blessed in her children, she has fulfilled her mission, and she passed
to her reward with the knowledge that she did not live in vain. When she
knew that the end was approaching she was supported by the Christian faith,
and she fell asleep to be awakened by the light of the eternal morning.
May 5, 1905
Tifton Gazette
~excerpt~ The death of Judge
James F. Goodman, at his home in Sparks, Friday night....stricken with
aform of paralysis a little over two weeks before his death...suffered
a second stroke about a week after the first..
Mr. James F. Goodman was
born in Wilkinson county, Georgia, May 13, 1821, and married Miss Martha
M. Webb Oct. 22, 1840, and by this union three children were born to
them, one of which, Rev. J. J. F. Goodman, still survies. Mrs.
Martha M. Goodman departed this life Aug. 21, 1847, and later, Oct.
18, 1849, Judge Goodman married Miss Amanda Dean, who survives him.
To this last union, ten children were born, eight of whom are living: Messrs.
G. W. Goodman, O. P. Goodman and A. S. Goodman, of Berrien county,
and W. P. Goodman, of Arkansas, Mesdames Alfred Simpson, Jasper
Tison, Reddick McKinnon and L. B. Lovett, of Berrien county.
His descendants probably number 200..
Judge Goodman moved
to Berrien county fifty years ago, and moved from Nashville, where he lived
about forty years, to Sparks about twelve years ago. He served his county
well...judge of the old inferior court, and county school commissioner
for twenty-two years.
The funeral services were conducted
Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home of the deceased by Rev.
A. L. Blizzard, of the Baptist church, of which faith Judge Goodman
had been a member for thirty-seven years. The business houses of the town
were closed in respect to his memory during the services. His body was
taken to the grave by the Masons and interred after their beautiful and
impressive form. ..oldest Mason in the county. The Nashville, Sparks and
Adel lodges took part in the services-Times.
May 21, 1905
Atlanta Constitution
Mrs. A. V. Barfield, Milledgeville
Macon, Ga., May 20 (Special) Mrs.
A. V. Barfield died in Milledgeville last night at the age of 51 years.
The body was brought to Macon this morning and remained at the residence
of her son, A.J. Barfield, on Stratton street. The remains will
be carried to Gordon tomorrow for the funeral and interment.
May 25, 1905
Macon Weekly Telegraph
nursing his dying mother, night and day, for eight weeks, George A. Stuckey,
of 407 Walnut street ended his life yesterday with a dose of laudanum from
the supply that he had been administering to relieve the intense pain of
the invalid mother.
Forty-two years ago Stuckey was born
in Bibb county and most of those two score years and two have been an up
hill pull. When he was but a baby his father was killed and his mother
married again. Fifteen years ago his step-father died and he took upon
himself the duty of supporting his mother. About 1893 he joined the Macon
police force and became a most popular as well as efficient officer, until
domestic troubles clouded his life.
After leaving the police
force about eight years ago he became a motorman on the street railway,
then became a painter. Two years ago, while painting a house, he fell from
the scaffold, receiving serious injuries to his legs.
Eight weeks ago Stuckey's mother,
who is 69 years old, became confined to her bed, and the son not having
money to pay for a nurse, stayed with her day and night, picking up odd
jobs, when he could, to buy medicine and food. The strain he was under
began to tell on him and yesterday morning about 9 o'clock, he tore off
a slip of paper from a Mutual Life Insurance pad and wrote: "I will take
it all," then drained a bottle containing laudanum. After taking the opiate
he wrote again, "I have drank it all. I have-" and he fell back unconscious
on a bed in the same room with his dying mother.
At 7 o'clock last night Justice
of the Peace W. S. Mayfield, in the absence of Coroner Young, held an inquest
over the body at the Macon Hospital, the verdict being" "That G. A. Stuckey
came to his death from an overdose of opiate taken with suicidal intend,
said opiate being in our opinion laudanum."
The jurors were: S. F. Mann, foreman;
H. V. Napier, George W. Gardner, S. Hencht, C. T. Cornell and Nat Frey.
The first witness to be called was
Mrs. Mary Lee, who lived in the same house with the suicide. Mrs. Lee said
that she went into the room between 9 and 10 o'clock and found Stuckey
writhing in pain, and that they an empty laudanum bottle was by him. She
then ran across the street and informed the people over there of the fact.
Mrs. Nancy Cromwell was the next
witness called. Mrs. Cromwell also lives at 407 Walnut, she testified that
Stuckey had been living in the room with his mother ever since the mother
had been confined to the bed, that when she entered their room he was unconscious.
Dr. L. H. Adams testified that
Stuckey was brought to the hospital at 11:45 o'clock; that he was in an
unconscious condition and was suffering from an overdose of opiate, and
that he died at 12:20 o'clock.
The surviving members of the family
are: Mrs. Mary Bullock, mother of the deceased, a brother, B.
F. Stuckey, of Twiggs county, and one sister, Mrs. T. Oscar
Abel, of this city.
The burial will take place today,
the exact time has not, as yet, been set.
27, 1905
Union Recorder
R. G. Smith died at his home in this city last Wednesday night about
nine o'clock after an illness of several weeks with typhoid fever.
The funeral services were held at
the Baptist church Thursday, afternoon at five o'clock. In the absence
of the pastor, Rev. Lamar Sims, Rev. Joel T. Daves, conducted the services
in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends of the deceased.
The interment took place in the city cemetery.
Dr. Smith was a native of Wilkinson
county, and was sixty-three years of age. He served in the Confederate
army during the civil war and was a brave and true soldier. He came to
this city something over twenty-five years ago, and made his home here.
He was a pleasant and affable gentlemen, and was recognized as a physician
of ability. For several years past he has been county physician and looked
after the health of the county's convicts, prisoners and inmates of the
poor house.
Dr. Smith is survived by his wife
and one son, Mr. Wm. Smith and a number of relatives. They have
the sympathy of many friends in their bereavement.
July 21, 1905
Irwinton Bulletin
Saturday afternoon last
Mr Willie T. Turlington
and Miss Jewel
Holloman were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed
at the home of Mr.
Thomas Turlington in this city by Rev. W. M.
Gillmore. The marriage was a great surgrise (sic) to everyone except
the close personal friends of the bride and groom. There was some objection
to the marriage on the part of the parents of the young lady. Saturday,
they met at Shady Grove, in Wilkinson County, and drove to Dublin, where
the ceremony was performed. Mr. Turlington is a
well known young man of this city, and has many friends. He is progressive
and energetic and has a splendid business.
The bride is a daughter
of Mr. T. J. Holloman
of Wilkinson County, and is a very popular
young lady.
The bride and groom will
make their future home in this city - Dublin Courier Dispatch.
July 21, 1905
The Irwinton Bulletin
On the first of July,Alice,
twenty month old babe of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Pierce, died after
an illness of several days. We extend unto the bereaved parents our
heartfelt sympathy.
July 28, 1905
The Irwinton Bulletin
J T Dennard, wife and little daughter,
spent Saturday and Sunday in Macon.
August 11, 1905
The Irwinton Bulletin
McIntyre and rural news:
On last Wednesday, 2nd
inst., at 4 o'clock pm, the death angel darkened the door of Mr. F.
M. McCook to accompany the spirit of his dear mother, Mrs.
Armissia McCook back to Him who sent it. Mrs. McCook was 81 years
old and although she has been confined to her bed since February 1900 from
the affects of a stroke of paralysis, she has been no less dear to her
loved ones whose greatest pleasure was in ministering to her every want
that was in their power to obtain with the same tender care that she brought
them up under. She leaves a large family of children who are the
honored parents of some of our most prominent families, grand - and great
grand - children and many friends mourn her loss. Her remains were
interred at Snow Hill cemetery Thursday.
August 12, 1905
The Macon Telegraph
Gordon, Ga., Aug. 11 - On Wednesday the Jeffersonville baseball team met
the James Station team here. Rain broke up the game. The Jeffersonville
people stayed over night and fought out to a finish a game with the locals,
which resulted in a great defeat for the visiting boys by a score of 7
to 3. The Jeffersonville boys did some very good work, but Tomlinson
in every way too much for them. striking them out almost as fast as they
came to the bat.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hooks,
of Macon, are spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jones.
Mrs. Lizzie Gordon, of Americus,
is stopping with Col. Jones. Mrs. Gordon as Miss Lizzie Fitzpatrick,
was one of the most popular young ladies ever raised here. She has been
away for ten or twelve years and it was quite a treat to the town to have
her visit here again.
Aunt Mary Whitaker,
of Macon, another of the old time Gordonites, is here, for her annual rest.
Everybody knows Aunt mary and hails each visit with more delight than the
one preceding. She is the aunt of Mr. B. F. Ryle, Sr., and
F. Ryle, Jr., and mother of the two Whitaker boys of the Central railroad
force of Macon.
13, 1905
The Macon Telegraph
Gordon, Ga., Aug. 12 - Mr. and Mrs. O.
W. Horne, after a vacation of two months, taking in Jackson, Indian
Spring, and Hawkinsville, Ga., have returned home. Mr. Horne is the manager
of the local baseball team and to this is due the success of the team this
Mr. Ernest Haynes and sister,
Miss Alice May, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Horne
Mr. J. W. Hooks, of Macon,
Ga., has purchased the house formerly owned here by him and he will prepare
it for his own use.
Mrs. E. C. Ryle and little
daughter have gone to the mountains of North Georgia for the summer. They
are stopping now with the Rev. and Mrs. Deweese in Cumming, Ga. Before
returning they will visit some of the resorts of this famous section.
Rev. W. D. Dewett has just
had a great meeting at New Haven Baptist church, in Twiggs county. He received
into the church six members by baptism. The little Misses Ellabel
and Georgia Pack, daughters of Rev. B. M. Pack, of Atlanta,
are here as guests of Baptist families of Gordon. They are very interesting
little girls and have added very materially to the pleasures of the children
of Gordon. They were delightfully entertained at a lawn party by Miss Daisy
Miss Lilla Kelly, of the Gordon
Hotel, left yesterday for Indian Spring.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Pearson will
take in Washington city next week and returning will visit Tallulah Falls
for several days.
Miss Mattie Gay Tomlinson
went to Eatonton ten days ago to be present at a house party at Dr.
August 18, 1905
The Irwinton Bulletin
Mrs. Elizabeth Stubbs of Macon, is
visiting her son, Mr. R. L. Stubbs.
Mrs. M. A. Wheeler has been visiting
her brother, Mr. R. L. Stubbs
Mrs. Peavy and Miss Ola McCook,
Irwinton, attended preaching at Liberty Sunday.
August 22, 1905
Macon Telegraph
~extract~August 20, at 11 o'clock Miss Sibyl
Portia Dilliard, of Hollins, Va., and Mr. Henry Fulton Stokes,
of Gordon, Ga. married Liberty Hill church by Rev. C. W. Curry,
of Gordon, Ga. Guests were entertained at country home of Mr.
J. A. Stokes, brother of the bridegroom.
August 22, 1905
Macon Telegraph
Williams - Lee. Yesterday
afternoon Miss Fannibelle Lee,
of Gordon, Ga., was married to Mr. J. W. Williams, of Covington,
the ceremonies taking place at the home of the bride's father, Dr. W.
W. Lee, of Gordon. the bride is the sister of Dr. W. G. Lee,
of Macon, and was a leader in Gordon's social circles.
Mr. and Mrs. Williams will leave
at once for Washington, D.C. and returning two weeks hence, will make their
residence at Gordon.
August 22, 1905
Union Recorder
Mr. Ed
F. Hardy died at his home in Wilkinson County, last Sunday morning,
after an illness of about three weeks.
Mr. Hardy's remains were interred
in the family burial ground in east Baldwin Monday morning.
Mr. Hardy was a son of Mr. William
Hardy, and was a native of Baldwin county. He purchased a plantation
in Wilkinson county, and went there to make his home the first of the present
year. He is survived by his wife, who is a daughter of Mr. R. D. Smith,
three or four children. He was an industrious hard-working man, and had
a large member of friends, who regret his death.
September 1, 1905
The Irwinton Bulletin
The poplar and efficient salesman, Mr. Oscar
Bloodworth, who has for some time been with the firm M. A. McCraw
now connected with the firm McCraw & Myrick where he will be
pleased to greet his many friends.
Mr. Ivey Stubbs, of Mitchell, was
in town Saturday.
September 15, 1905
The Baldwin Bulletin
Miss Lucie
and Mr. Joe Bloodworth were married last Sunday morning
at 10 o'clock - witnessed by a large number of friends who wish them
a calm and quiet voyage across the sea of matrimony - We too, says The
C.W. Dennard was indisposed a few
days last week.
September 10, 1905
Atlanta Constitution
Milledgeville. Wednesday last
Mr. Eben N. Reynolds of our city, was united in marriage to Miss Janette
Burney , of Irwinton.
September 15, 1905
The Irwinton Bulletin
LIBERTY. Mr. J. W. Lord and little
daughter, Inez was in our midst Sunday.
Mr. Jim McCook, and sister Miss Eula,
attended preaching her Sunday.
October 15, 1905
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Child Falls Into Barrel Of Hot Water
Gordon, Ga. Oct 14 - The little 6-year-old
girl of Mr. W. M. Follendore, about
six miles from here, fell into a barrel of hot water yesterday afternoon
and was very severely scaled, and grave fears are entertained for her recovery.
October 11, 1905
The Augusta Chronicle
My father, Judge
J.C. Bower, was the ordinary of Wilkinson county, Georgia, at Irwinton,
in 1864.
The battle had
been fought at Griswold, and the victory won by the enemy. My father and
oldest brother, Oren (aged 16) had gone with others to recruit our
army; but we turned back near Gordon, as the enemy had won the day
and were
coming toward Irwinton.
One afternoon, the latter
part of November, 1864, two children were playing under a grape arbor.
The leaves had formed a carpet of ocre and yellow as they drifted from
the parent vine above. Flora was a fair, rosy-cheeked child with
golden curls, in which Old Sol played hide and seek, as he sought his couch
behind the western hills.
Elly, her playmate, was a little negress,
with kinky hair. A sound of martial music floated over the hills and valleys
as the western breeze wafted it to them. Cannon gleamed in the sunlight
as legions of soldiers and prancing steeds kept time to the music, on "Sherman's
March to the Sea."
Elly stood in a
listening attitude, saying "Flora, what's dat" Doan' you hear ...Bum,,
bum! Bum-de-bum!!" "Yes, I expect it's the Yankees." "Doan' you see all
dem folks dressed in blue? Dem horses and waggins comin down de hill over
younder on de Macon road? Let's tell Miss Marthy and Mammy."
They rushed into
the house and told the unwelcome news. "The Yankees had come." They entered
our village late in the afternoon and pitched their tents on the outskirts
of town to camp.
My mother, Martha
E. Bower, was attending to her evening duties, when a Yankee officer
walked in the room where she was, ..bright light in the open fireplace
showed to better advantage a man with a kindly face, dressed in a suit
of blue with brass buttons. He spied a gun on the rack over the door, and
told my mother if she wanted to keep it she had better put it away, for
if his men found it they would take same. He also told here he would guard
her house on the morrow, and she must put everything there she wanted.
"Rest secure; you
are safe tonight" he said, as he left the house. Mother took the gun, carried
it upstairs and hid it in the chimney. Late at night my father came from
the plantation and she let him in at the back door. Early next morning
they commenced to carry everything in the house- syrup, potatoes, corn;
everything eatable, the neighbors helping them. The back door was locked,
the guard stood at the front door. The whole place was filled with Yankees,
killing chickens, taking down potato hills, taking logs from corn cribs,
and bringing scooner wagons and hauling off corn. As the Yankees would
dip syrup from the barrel, my mother would dip and smear his sleeve, and
he would curse her.
At the plantation,
one-half mile away, the Yankees were killing geese, hogs, chickens; and
burned the ginhouse, knocked the top off the carriage, filled it full of
sheep, hitched two steers to it, and drove past home, and called to papa,
"Here is your fine carriage, old Reb."
On the third day
the army continued the "March to the Sea. " As far as the eye could reach
were cannon, ambulances, wagons, cavalry and infantry, going toward Savannah.
Some stragglers were left behind to burn the town. Two of them came up
home and told papa they wanted his overcoat. He told them he needed it
for the winter. They told him to pull it off, when mother took it and ran
around the house with the coat. The Yankee started after her on his horse.
She ran up the back steps and when she did he cursed her and pointed his
pistol in her face and told here he would kill her if she did not give
it to him. She threw the coat at him and said, "If it was not for my little
children I would not care, you have destroyed everything we have."
As he left he said,
"he was coming back and burn up the house." They went down town and set
fire to all the public buildings, and when they fired the courthouse, Mrs.
A. Baum a jeweler lived right beyond. She was very much frightened,
and cried, wringing her hands, "Aine Got in Himmel!" "Meeser Baum is gone,
what is me and my children goin to do?" "My baby is just three weeks
old." For fear the house would burn down the Yankees put her and her children
out in a drizzling rain, and she has been deaf ever since caused from exposure.
October 13, 1905
The Macon Telegraph
Death of Mrs. Cobb. News reached the city
yesterday of the sad death of Mrs. Cora
wife of W. D. Cobb of Gordon, Ga. Mrs. Cobb was sick only
a short time, and her many friends will be grieved to learn of her untimely
death. She leaves a husband and four children, one boy and three girls,
besides her mother, Mrs. D. Kennington, three brothers and seven
sisters. They are Messrs. J. H. Kennington, B. and R. F. Kennington,
Mrs. F. D. Hardy, Mrs. L. F. Lavender
of Macon, Mrs. J A. McDaniel
Macon, Mrs. James M. Fountain, Mrs. E. O. Smith, Mrs. W. J. Strong
and Mrs. J. F. Osborne.
The funeral services will be held
this morning from the residence near Gordon at 10 o'clock, Rev. C. W.
The interment will be in the family
burying ground.
October 17, 1905
The Macon Telegraph
The Death of a Little Girl. Florine,
8-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Manderson, died yesterday
morning at 5 o'clock at the residence of her parents, 354 Elm street. She
had been sick only a week and her death was unexpected.
The body was shipped to Toomsbsboro
last night over the Central of Georgia railway and the funeral and interment
will take place there today.
23, 1905
The Macon Daily Telegraph
VETERAN. W.M. McDaniel,
aged seventy years, and a Confederate Veteran, died yesterday morning at
his home, near Gordon, Ga., after an illness of several weeks. Mr. McDaniel
leaves a wife, four sons and five daughters. The funeral will be held at
the residence near Gordon today at 11 o'clock, and the interment
will take place at the family burial ground.
October 28, 1905
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Mrs. R.
S. Smith, aged 67, died yesterday at 11 o'clock at Gordon, Ga.
Mrs. Smith was sick some time, but
death was a shock to the community. She was a member of the Baptist church
and was a lovable Christian lady.
She is survived by her husband, Mr.
R. S. Smith, and nine children to mourn her death.
The funeral will take place at 12
o'clock at the residence,
Rev. J. H. Gresham, officiating. The interment
will be at Brandon (Branan) cemetery.
Volume XI, No. ? November 3, 1905. Page
Miss Ola McCook left Monday for White
Springs. She will resume the principalship of the school at that
place. W. C. Kenney and boys of Macon
spent last Sunday here with D. McCook.
Volume XI, No. 10 November 10, 1905 Page
GEORGIA- Wilkinson County
To The Honorable Board of County Commissioners
of Roads and Revenue of said county: The undersigned respectfully ask the
opening and establishing of a new public road, commencing at the residence
of J. F. Porter, in Turkey Creek District
(353rd G. M.), of said county, and running
a south-westerly direction to the town of Danville, and passing through
the lands of Fannie E. Porter, W. T. Porter, and F. E. Johnson.
The total length of said road being about one mile. Said road to
run where the private road on said lands now run. Petitioners ask
that said road be established with a right of way at least 25 feet .
A plat of said proposed public road is hereto:
J. F. Porter J. B. Yarbrough
R. J. Davidson Fannie E. Porter
W. T. Porter F. E. Johnston.
November 12, 1905
The Macon Telegraph
Death of Mr. J. H. Bateman
. Gordon, Ga. Nov. 11 - Mr.
J. H. Bateman,
a prominent farmer and for four years tax collector
for this county, died at Ivey, Ga. yesterday. Mr. Bateman leaves a wife
and son and daughter with five brothers. He was a member of Gordon lodge
of Masons, and will be buried at Camp Creek, in Baldwin county.
November 17, 1905
The Irwinton Bulletin
After much difficulty in finding a suitable
person to perform the ceremony, Mr. Mack Lord and Miss Emma
were united in marriage, Sunday p.m. at M. E. Wheeler's after
the participating parties had waited quite a while for Mr. Wheeler's return
home. We wish for them a smooth voyage over the sea of life on their first
expedition. - Oh yes, so do we.
November 17, 1905
The Irwinton Bulletin
Cathrine Johnson, Thursday morning of October 26, 1905, as the hands
of the old time-piece pointed to ten minutes before four o'clock, the soul
of Mrs. Johnson entered into the mysteries of another world. She
had been lingering between life and death - suffering untold agonies- four
days; on Thursday the angel of death invaded the old homestead and beckoned
her to come. She had been speechless the four days of her illness,
and silently passed away with a peaceful,
happy countenance.
In grand-mother's death,
Wilkinson County loses one of its old land-marks, being in her 78th year,
and has lived within its borders these many years. The county not
only loses one of its oldest citizens, but a woman who was well known and
loved and esteemed by all who knew her. She had been a member of
the Methodist Church for a number of years and her absence
from the house of worship was due to old
age and feebleness. The least we can say, she was a good Christian
woman. Her death is deeply regretted by not only her relatives but
a host of loving friends.
Her remains were laid
to rest at the cemetery at Ball's church on Friday a.m. Her maiden
name was Cathrine Ross. She was born in this county on the
31st day of August 1827, with six children, four of whom survive her, viz:
H. T. Stinson, Mrs. S. J. Sanders, W. A. and I. F. Johnson,
all of this county. Those preceding her in death were Mrs. Penny
and Mrs. Emma Wyatt.
She was the grandmother of 32 children and 30 great grandchildren.
She was an industrious being, and up to this year has managed her household
duties, accordingly enjoying good health until April when she had a stroke
of paralysis and since has been very feeble.
We miss thee, dear grandma,
But we would not call thee back
To suffer with here;
But we'll strive to meet thee
Where no tears are ever shed.
November 24, 1905
The Irwinton Bulletin
S. S. Parmelee Company
Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Saddles, Bicycles,
Boy's Wagons and Velocipedes. Will meet all prices, quality
considered, but nothing so cheap as not
to be worth your money.
Mr. Jim McCook, who has been with
us for several years, will appreciate a call from his friends of his
old home county. Call or write for
prices. Corner of Second and Poplar Streets, Macon, Ga.
November 28, 1905
Union Recorder
A reunion of the Bloodworth family
was held at the old homestead in Bloodworth District, Wilkinson county,
on Nov. 22, that date being the eighty-second birthday of Mrs. Susan
Although "Grandma" has reached such
a ripe old age, she yet retains much of the vigor of youth and keeps in
excellent health. She is of the old type of womanhood for which our South
is famed, and which we all love and revere. For several years past it has
been the custom for all the children who could to gather at the old home
on her birthday, to spend a cherry day in reminiscences, for the grandchildren
to get acquainted, and listen to the war tales of the five uncles who followed
Lee and Jackson, for the great grand children to wonder at the great number
of Bloodworth's, and for the great great grand children, to be made sick
from constant "kissing" and being shown to its host of relatives.
The weather was fine, and the dinner
was still finer, and the Bloodworth reputation on that line is still maintained
by great odds. Below is a list of the children and number of grandchildren
and great grand children,
Mrs. A. Pennington, deceased - seven
grand children, and twenty-three great grand children;
M. M. Bloodworth - eleven grand children,
and fourteen great grand children;
J. H. Bloodworth - seven grand children,
and five great grand children;
Mrs. A. Grenade - ten grand children,
and twenty-two great grand children;
Mrs. A. W. Patterson - 6 grand children,
and eight great grand children;
Mrs. Sabina Smith - four grand children,
five great grand children;
Mrs. S. Whitfield - seven grand children,
and two great grand children;
L. F. Bloodworth;
Mrs. J. A. Eady deceased, five grand
A. C. Bloodworth - six grand children
Mrs. Lewis Brannen - four grand children,
and one great grand child;
Mrs. Iverson Golden, deceased, three
grand children.
Number children living ten, grand children
seventy-three, great grand children eighty-five.
December 9, 1905
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Beautiful Home Wedding.
Gordon, Ga., Dec. 8. A beautiful home wedding
was that of Mr. Erasmus Lewis and Miss Lydia
Brooks at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brooks,
of this place, on the 6th inst. Only the near relatives of the couple were
present. They were there from Macon, Savannah, McIntyre and Irwinton. Mr.
Lewis is the son of Mr. W. G. Lewis of this county, and a man of
sterling worth, and Miss Brooks is one of the fairest of young women and
possessed of many womanly attractions.
December 18, 1905
Macon Daily Telegraph
Funeral of Miss Neesmith. The
funeral services of Miss Dollie Neesmith
place at the residence of her mother, Mrs. A.N. Neesmith, yesterday
morning at 10 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Harris, assistant pastor of the Second
Baptist, officiating.
After the funeral services, the body
was carried to Wilkinson county, where the interment took place yesterday
January 6, 1906
The Irwinton Bulletin
Warren Lindsey of Dublin spent last
week with his parents here.
Miss Bessie Brundage was home during
the holidays.
Marvin Baker of Cochran spent part
of last week in the city.
Mrs. E. J. Spencer of Pinehurst,
visited Mrs. D. McCook last week.
Jim McCook and Lamont Myers,
of Macon, visited Mrs.Kenney during the holidays.
Oscar McCook of Fort Valley, visited
his mother here last week.
The family of Mr. C. W. Spears have
moved to Milledgeville. We regret very much give up these valuable
Col. G. H. Carswell was called to
Savannah Monday to attend the funeral of his nephew Master Dupree
Mr. Billie McCook formerly a Wilkinson
County man, but now at Texas, is visiting in the county. It has been
about sixteen years since he was here, and his many old friends were very
glad to see him.
Mrs. R. L. Stubbs and family visited
Macon last week.
January 6, 1906
The Irwinton Bulletin
On the night of
December 23rd, 1905 about 11 o'clock the death angel silently stole into
the home of Mrs. J. N. Parker and carried the spirit of her beloved husband
J. N. Parker into the mysteries of another world. He had been
in feeble health for a long time and had been confined to his bed very
near three months. His death had been expected for several
days, although it was a shock to his family
and most especially his faithful wife, who had waited on him so attentively
during his long illness.
He was a member
of the Missionary Baptist Church and had been for a number of years.
He was in his sixty-eighth year - one among the oldest men in the
community and he was a brave soldier belonging to Company F, Third Georgia
His remains were
interred at Mt. Nebo cemetery Sunday Dec. 24th at 4 o'clock. The
funeral services were conducted by Rev. Hamp Stevens of Irwinton.
The family has
our heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement.
Call not back the dear departed,
Anchored safe where storms are o'er
On the border land we left them,
Soon to meet to part no more.
--- A Cousin
January 31, 1906
The Atlanta Constitution
T. E. Freeman, Toomsboro, Ga. Toomsboro,
Ga., January 30. - (Special) Thomas
E. Freeman, a well-known and highly respected citizen of this place,
died this morning. He was about 40 years old, a prominent Mason and member
of the Methodist church. He leaves a wife and two children and several
brothers and a large circle of friends.
February 19, 1906
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Atlanta, Ga. Feb. 18. The following
cases acted upon by the board of pardons reached the governor yesterday
afternoon just as he was leaving his office, and after looking them over
he concurred in the findings of the board:
A. Stuckey, convicted of voluntary manslaughter, in Laurens County
in 1895 and sentenced to twenty years. Commuted to present service.
March 27, 1906
Union Recorder
Georgia, Baldwin
County. Thaddeus G. Holt, Administrator of the estate of
Thaddeus Holt, late of said County, deceased, having applied
to sell certain lots of lands, at either public or private sale, in pursuant
to Section 3448 of the Civil Code of Georgia, belonging to said estate,
lying and being in the County of Wilkinson, State of Georgia, and more
particularly described as Land Lots Nos 325 and 326 of the 2nd District,
and Land Lots Nos. 25, 26, 29 and 30, of the 4th District of said Wilkinson
County, Ga.
This is, therefore, to notify
all persons interested that his application will be heard on the first
Monday in April, 1906.
This 5th of March, 1906.
W. H. STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary Baldwin Co.,
April 3, 1906
Union Recorder
Annie Bateman died at her home in Wilkinson county, Saturday the 24th
ult., after a lingering illness. Her remains were laid to rest in Camp
Creek cemetery, Sunday, the 25th. We sympathize with the bereaved ones.
April 10, 1906
The Atlanta Constitution
Sudden Death of Mrs. Roberts.
Macon, Ga., April 9 (Special) Mrs. Lizzie
Roberts died early this morning at the east Macon residence of J.
J. Roberts, her husband, who is a well known engineer, after an illness
of a few hours. She retired last night apparently in good health, and soon
became very ill. Medical attention was given, but she grew rapidly worse
and died in the midst of the efforts to afford relief. She leaves, besides
her husband, two small children. She was 37 years of age. The funeral will
occur tomorrow at the residence and interment will take place at McIntyre,
Ga., her old family home.
April 12, 1906
The Macon Daily Telegraph
C.M. Branan, Taken Ill at 9 O'clock Last
Evening, Only Lives Two Hours, Dying at 11 O'clock-Widely Known and Popular.
C. M. Branan,
one of Macon's most popular and best known citizens, died suddenly about
11 o'clock last night at the home of his family 722 First street.
Mr. Branan was feeling
well at supper time, and ate heartily. About 9 o'clock he complained of
feeling badly, and a short while afterwards a physician was summoned. Acute
indigestion is thought to have been the cause of death.
Mr. Branan was aged 55
years. He was born in Wilkinson county, and came to Macon in 1899. At first,
he engaged in the livery business and was quite successful. later, he was
associated with Alderman Jesse B. Hart in the undertaking business. He
gave up this and opened up sale stables.
Mr. Branan was successful
in business. There were few men in Macon better known or better liked.
His integrity was never questioned by anybody who ever had any dealings
with him, and he possessed a genial nature that won and held a host of
He is survived by a wife, three
sisters, and six children, who are as follows: Frank Branan, William
Branan, Arthur Branan, Miss Lillian Branan, Miss Mattie Branan, all
of this city, and Neil Branan, of New York city. Funeral arrangements
will not be announced until the arrival of his son from New York.
Alderman Hart, who was
formerly associated with the deceased in business, was visibly affected
when he learned of the death of his good friend last night.
"He was as good a man has ever
lived," Mr. Hart said, "and I know of no one who was more loyal and faithful
as a friend, or more honest and upright as a man.
"I knew Mr. Branan for years.
I was associated in business with him for a long time. I can say truthfully
and positively that I never knew a man who led a purer life, and who was
more unselfish than he. He was a friend to every man who would let him
be, and no deserving man ever asked for his aid and was refused. In his
death I have lost a good, true friend. I have never had, and I never expect
to have, a better one."
April 13, 1906
The Macon Daily Telegraph
The funeral services of Mr. C. M. Branan,
who died at his residence in this city on Wednesday, will be held this
afternoon at 4 o'clock at 722 First street. Rev. J. B. Phillips and Rev.
W. H. Budd will officiate. The pallbearers are James Carlisle, F. Chambers,
Dr. Thomas Baker, J. H. B. Wilder, G. Glover and Mr. Stevens. The interment
will be at Riverside cemetery.
June 6, 1906
The Atlanta Constitution
WANTED - A man to open up kaolin mines and
also to examine and test the clay. N. T. Carswell, Irwinton, Ga.
June 9, 1906
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Susie Belle Whitaker, the 4-month's old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.
W. Whitaker, died yesterday morning at the residence of her parents,
1777 Third street. She had been ill only three weeks, and the death was
very unexpected.
Funeral services will be held this
afternoon at 4 o'clock at the reasoned. Rev. Mr. Hughes will officiate.
The burial will be at Cedar Ridge cemetery. The many friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Whitaker sympathize deeply with them in their bereavement.
June 19, 1906
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Brookins, the negro arrested at Gordon, Ga., a short time ago, accused
of murder, was placed in the Bibb County jail yesterday afternoon for several
hours, awaiting the departure of the train to Irwinton, Ga. The man was
in charge of Sheriff
J. L. Byington.
July 5, 1906
The Atlanta Constitution
Ben Huff Shoots His Uncle, Dock Collins
Fight Took Place Near McIntyre, Ga. ,
at Fourt of July Picnic, Wounded-Non-Combatant Also Mortally Hurt
McIntyre, Ga. July 4 (Special) Ben Huff
shot and fatally wounded Dock Collins,a
prosperous farmer, in a fight which took place here today at a Fourth of
July picnic. An unknown negro was also struck by a stray bullet and will
die. A general stampede followed the shooting and great excitement reigned
for some time.
Collins was a well-to-do
citizen and was an uncle of the man who shot him. Corn liquor was the principal
cause of the fight.
July 10, 1906
Union Recorder
Mr. Doc
Collins, a citizen of Wilkinson county ws shot and killed by his nephew,
Mr. Ben Huff, a young farmer of Baldwin county, at McIntyre, Wednesday,
the 4th of July.
Last Wednesday, the 4th of July,
was celebrated at McIntyre, by the gathering of a large number of people
to enjoy ..ch making and a big barbecue. Among the crowd was Mr. Collins
and Mr. Huff. It is reported that soon after both men reached the grounds
a fuss occurred between them and Mr. Collins pulled his pistol and threatened
to shoot Huff. Several men interfered and stopped the row at the time.
Mr. Collins is said to have threatened
the life of Mr. Huff, and the latter had determined to leave the picnic
grounds, and return to his home in Baldwin county. He started toward the
depot where a large crowed had gathered to see the train. Before reaching
the depot he met Mr. Collins, and in a few seconds three shots rang out,
and Mr. Collins fell desperately wounded, having been shot three times.
Two of the bullets struck near the heart, and the other hit him in the
left shoulder. One of the bullets passed through Mr. Collins and struck
a negro several yards distance.
The wounded man was taken in charge
by friends and physicians, and carried to the depot. It was realized that
he was desperately wounded, and in spite of the efforts to save his life,
Mr. Collins died at half past four o'clock in the afternoon.
Mr. Huff was arrested, and carried
to Irwinton, where he is now in jail awaiting his commitment trial, which
will be held Thursday.
Mr. Collins was an uncle of Mr. Huff,
and several years ago a misunderstanding occurred between then, and it
is said that Mr. Collins had threatened the life of Mr. Huff on several
occasions. The reports last told that occurred when the two men met at
the time of the shooting are conflicting, but the facts will be brought
out at the commitment trial when held.
Mr. Huff has secured the services
of Judge John T. Ross of Macon, Col. Carl Vinson of ths city and Col. John
Davis of Irwinton.
(See July 17, 1906)
July 14, 1906
The Macon Daily Telegraph
John T.
Hughes, a prominent citizen of Irwinton, Ga., died yesterday at his
home in that city of apoplexy, after an illness of only a few days.
The deceased was the father of Mrs.
Jesse Rainey, of this city. He is survived by his wife and the following
children: Robert N. Hughes, of Atlanta; C. O. Hughes, of
Eufaula, Ala; J. A. Hughes, of Sylvania; Will D. Hughes,
of Atlanta, and Mrs. Jesse Rainey, of Macon.
The body will be interred in
Rose Hill Cemetery, in the family burying ground, at 4 o'clock this afternoon.
July 17, 1906
Union Recorder
Freedom at the Commitment Trial Held Thursday.
The commitment trial of Mr. Ben
Huff was held at Irwinton last Thursday, before six Justices of the
Mr. Huff shot and killed Mr. Doc
Collins, at McIntryre the fourth of July, and immediately after
the shooting, he was arrested and carried to Irwinton and placed in jail.
At the commitment trial Thursday
a large number of witnesses were examined. The evidence showed that ill
feeling had existed between the two men for some time, and Mr. Collins
had threatened the life of Mr. Huff. When they met at the picnic in the
morning Mr. Colling had cursed Huff and threatened to shoot him and that
Huff had started to the depot to return home, when he met Collins, who
advanced upon him with a knife when he shot him.
After hearing the evidence, the Justices
declared Mr. Huff was justified in taking the life of Mr. Collins and gave
him his freedom.
Among the witnesses, who testified
in the case were Messrs. Sam Terry, G. T. Whilden and S. H. Montgomery.
They went to Irwinton by private conveyance.
July 24, 1906
Union Recorder
Mr. Thomas
Bloodworth, an old citizen of Baldwin county, died suddenly at home
in the southern part of the county, last Thursday morning, at eleven o'clock.
He was sitting in a chair on the front porch, and suddenly fell to the
floor and expired immediately. His remains were interred in Wilkinson county,
Friday. Mr. Bloodworth was about eighty years of age, and is survived by
six sons and four daughters.
July 24, 1906
Union Recorder
Application for Leave to Sell. Georgia,
Baldwin County.
T. W. Fluker,
Administrator of the estate of David
Fluker, late of said County, deceased, having applied to sell certain
lots of lands, at either public or private sale, in pursuant to section
3448 of the civil code of Georgia; known as wild land and more particularly
described as follows: land lots 334 and 334, of the second district of
Wilkinson County, Georgia. This is, therefore, to notify all persons interested,
that his application will be heard on the first Monday in August 1906.
This is, therefore, to notify all persons interested, that his application
will be heard on the first Monday, in August, 1906.
This, the 2nd, day of July,
W. H. STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary Baldwin
County, Ga.
August 5, 1906
Macon Telegraph
-excerpt. In Memoriam
Burke Meadows, age 1 year and 12 days. Son of L. N. and Jennie Burke
Meadows of Allentown.
August 17, 1906
Bainbridge Search Light
Married. On last Sunday Mr.
Scaife of Pelham, who was at one time employed at sutherland's machine
shops in West Bainbridge, and Miss
Laura Gene Miller of Gordon, Ga., were happily married.
The match was a runaway affair
and the ceremony was performed in Irwinton, Ga., where the marriage license
were secured.
September 11, 1906
Macon Daily Telegraph
Mrs. Maxa
B. Chambers,
who was a well-known resident of this city for a
number of years, died yesterday about noon at the home of her son, James
J. Chambers,
250 Forsyth street, after an illness of more than a month,
Mrs. Chambers had been with
relatives in Twiggs County some time, and came to Macon only ten days ago.
She was 66 years of age.
Besides her husband, Andrew
Chambers, and her son, at whose home she died, the deceased leaves
a number of relatives in Wilkinson and Twiggs Counties.
Funeral services will
be held this morning at 10 o'clock at the home of her son. The body will
be taken to the old family burying ground, near Toomsboro, Ga.
The pall bearers will be: F.
Chambers, Oscar Chambers, Osborn Chambers, W. P. Duncan, J. O. Moore, and
Herman Schwaff.
October 1, 1906
The Macon Daily Telegraph
S. B. Baker,
Dublin, Ga., succumbed to an attack of nervous prostration last night at
10:43 o'clock, at the residence of his brother, Dr. T. N. Baker, 104 Vineville
Mr. Baker had been suffering for
some time past with nervous disorders and came to the city about two weeks
ago with the hope that he would recuperate as the result of a stay with
his brother, but his condition grew steadily graver until the end last
The deceased was 31 years of age.
He was a son of Rev. W. S. Baker, one of the most beloved as well
as the most widely known ministers of the gospel in the State. For the
past nine years he has been practicing law at Dublin, and was one of that
community's most prominent men.
He is survived by his father, Rev.
W. S. Baker, brothers
Dr. T. N. of Macon, Augustus and
Marvin, of Dublin, and sisters, Mrs. Blackshear, of near Dublin,
and Mrs. S. W Adams,
of Summerfield, Ala.
The body will be taken to Dublin
for interment.
October 10, 1906
The Macon Daily Telegraph
W. G. Oliphant,
82 years, died yesterday morning at 11:50 o'clock, at his residence, 336
Ross street, after an illness of several months.
He leaves two children, Mrs. Dr.
W. W. Lee, of Gordon, and Homer Oliphant of Macon.
The body will be taken to Gordon
at 11:35 o'clock this morning for funeral and interment.
October 16, 1906
Macon Daily Telegraph
Mr. P. J. Roach Dies In Milledgeville.
News has been received in this city from
Milledgeville announcing the death ofPatrick
J. Roach, who died there yesterday afternoon, after a short illness.
Mr. Roach is well known in Macon
and has a number of friends here who will be grieved to learn of his death.
He was thirty-three years of age and is survived by three sisters and one
brother. They are Misses
Maggie and Ellen Roach, of Macon; Mrs.
A. R. Smithy, of Twiggs and Mr. Alex Roach, of Gordon.
The remains will be brought to Macon
this morning. Funeral arrangements have not been made.
October 17, 1906
Macon Daily Telegraph
Death of Patrick J. Roach. Patrick
J. Roach, aged 27 years, died yesterday
morning after an illness of several weeks.
He is survived by three sisters and
a brother. The funeral will take place at his residence, on 241 Jackson
street. Rev. F. McDonald will officiate.
The interment will be at Gordon,
October 19, 1906
Macon Telegraph
~excerpt~E. O. MINOR DIED BY ELECTRIC CURRENT. While Holding Apron at Coal Chute It Came in Contact With Wire..
While engaged in the work of loading the tender of a Central of Georgia Railway engine with coal, E. O. Minor,
driver of the hose wagon of company No. 3, of the fire department, allowed
the apron to the coal chute to contact with a live wire, resulting in his
being instantly electrocuted by the deadly current of the wires.
For the past five years Minor had been a member of the fire
department, and recently secured two weeks' leave of absence, in order to
famillarize himself for a position as fireman, which had been tendered him
by the railroad company, and which he intended to accept when a vacancy occurred.
E. O. Minor was twenty-five years old, was the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Minor, of Toomsboro. He leaves a wife, whom, he married about three years ago, and whose maiden name was Miss Mattie Mapp; a father and mother, two brothers and two sisters.
The funeral services will be held this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at
the residence, 114 Cole Street, Rev. J. L. White officiating. The members
of Lodge No. 4, of the L. O. O. F., and the fire department, with both of
which organizations he ws prominently identified, will attend the funeral
in a body. The interment will be in Riverside, and the pall-bearers are as
follows: W. W. Rigby, T. J. Bishop, J. S. Fretwell, R. S, McWilliams, W. H. Stembridge, and Capt. J. H. C. Williams.
October 21, 1906
The Atlanta Constitution
Gordon, Ga. Mr. George L. Fenters
MissAnnie Collins were married at Gordon
at the Methodist church, October 15, at 11:30, Rev. W.S. Johnson
The attendants were Miss Pearl Truesdell, of Macon, and Miss Nellie
Vaughn, of Toomsboro. Mr.
J.T. Collins, of Athens, Ga., and
J.E. Bell, of Gordon.
Mr. Fenters is a traveling
salesman for the Macon Coca Cola Company, and is a good business man. Miss
Collins is an excellent lady and has many good traits of character. She
is engaged in the millinery business here, and has made quite a success
in business. These people are well and favorably known by a large circle
of friends that wish them well in their new venture. They left on the noon
train for Atlanta, where they will spend their honeymoon.
October 22, 1906
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Milledgeville, Oct. 21. Jim
Bloodworth Shot. Mr. Arch Bloodworth and his son-in-law
and nephew, Mr. Jim Bloodworth, who live just across the Baldwin
County in Wilkinson County, had a quarrel over a business matter, in which
Mr. Jim Bloodworth was shot three times with a shotgun, once in the shoulder
and in the back. Mr. Bloodworth will recover.
November 6, 1906
Union Recorder
Miles Bloodworth (Jr.) and
Miss Alma (Ima) Johns were united
in marriage last Wednesday afternoon, at the home of the bride's father,
Mr. I. L. Johns, in Wilkinson county. Rev.
J. D. Bales officiating.
Mr. Bloodworth, is manager
of the store of Mr. C. H. Bonner at Bloodworth, and is a young man
of business ability and integrity.
The young lady he has won for
his bride is quite popular with a large circle of friends, who love her
on account of her womanly traits of character.
November 24, 1906
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Toomsboro, Ga. Nov. 23 - Mr. and Mrs. John
Milton Shepherd, announce the engagement of their daughterJosephine,
Mr. A. Boone, the wedding to take place at the Church of Christ,
Toomsboro, Ga.
Submitted by R.
Elizabeth Brewer
November 29, 1906
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Death of Rev. W. S. Baker. Dublin, Ga.,
Nov. 28. The remains of Rev.
W. S. Baker, who died at noon yesterday, were carried to Irwinton this
morning for interment in that town. Rev. Mr. Baker was for years a member
of the South Georgia Conference of the Methodist church, but for several
years he has been on the superannuated list. After severing active connections
with the ministry because of his enfeebled condition he was made county
school commissioner of Wilkinson County and served in that office for several
years. He leaves three sons and two daughters. His sons are, Messrs. W.
A. and Marvin Baker of this city and Dr. T. N. Baker
of Macon. His daughters are, Mrs. John M. Blackshear
of this county
and Mrs. S. W. Adams of Alabama.
December 13, 1906
The Macon Daily Telegraph
News was received in Macon yesterday
of the death of Mrs. Caroline
James, at her home in Eatonton, after an illness of several months.
Mrs. James was formerly a resident
of Macon and leaves one brother, J. L. James, of Eatonton, and a
sister, Mrs. S. J. Day, of Macon. The funeral will take place at
Ivey, Ga., this morning at 10 o'clock. Interment will be in the family
burying ground there.
(Buried Snow Hill)
February 12, 1907
Union Recorder
Rifles Left Him no Chance in the Fight he Made.
Gordon, Ga. Feb. 6. The
killing of a desperate negro by a mob of citizens created considerable
excitement here this afternoon. When the Central train from Macon arrived
here about noon, Jim Ardline, a
drunken negro, was creating a disturbance in the negro coach.
Conductor Thomas, after
a scuffle with the negro, succeeded in getting hime off the train. He then
began cursing the conductor and daring any one to lay hands upon him, at
the same time brandishing a revolver above his head and walking backward
down the railroad track. As he passed by several ladies standing near the
depot he applied some ugly epithets to them.
At this juncture
the town marshal appeared on the scene, armed with pistols and Winchester,
and accompanied by a dozen or more infuriated citizens, started in pursuit
of the fleeing desperado.
When out in a corn field several
hundred yards from the depot the negro, seeing that he had little chance
to escape from the determined mob, turned and began firing at then, but
was unable to cope with the rifles. His body was riddled with bullets.
Excitement has died down and
further trouble is not anticipated. The dead negro had a ticket in his
pocked for Meda station, Putnam county, where his home is supposed to have
February 19, 1907
Union Recorder
C. Bloodworth died at his home in Lumber City, Friday night, 8th inst.
His remains were interred at Oconee, the following Sunday. Mr. Bloodworth
was a native of Wilkinson county, and was the youngest brown of Mr. A.R.
Bloodworth of this county. The relatives of the deceased have the deepest
sympathy of many friends.
March 5, 1907
Union Recorder
Fountain-Wynn. The marriage
of Miss Maybelle Fountain
and Mr. Robert Lee Wynn which occurred on the evening of Feb. 26th,
at the home of the bride's parents near Ivey's was an ideal home wedding,
witnessed by a few friends and relatives. The ceremony was performed by
Hamp Stevens.
The parlor was artistically decorated
with smilax and yellow jessamines. The bride was lovely in her wedding
dress of London smoked grey cloth with hat to match. An elegant wedding
dinner was served in the dining room where the color scheme was carried
out in yellow and green after the dinner the bride party left for their
future home in Stevensville. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. Fountain. By her lovely disposition and charming personality
has made for herself scores of friends. Mr. Wynn is a well to do farmer
and merchant of Stevensville.
March 18, 1907
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Lillian, the 2-year-old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bloodworth, of East Macon, died yesterday
morning after an illness of two weeks.
The body will be taken to Gordon,
Ga., over the Central of Georgia Railroad at noon today, for funeral and
April 9, 1907
Union Recorder
Isaac Peeler died at his home in Wilkinson county, Monday night. Mr.
Peeler was stricken with paralysis Sunday afternoon, and lingered in an
unconscious condition, until his death.
Mr. Peeler was well-known in
this county, having taught in the public schools.
He was a good and devout man, and
he has gone to his reward, after a faithful life.
April 16, 1907
Union Recorder
Accidentally Killed Herself. Mrs.
Sam Dubose, who resided in Wilkinson county, near the line of Baldwin,
died Sunday night, as the result of a pistol shot wound accidentally inflicted
upon herself last Friday morning. She was handling a 32 caliber pistol
for the purpose of putting it away, when it was accidentally discharged.
The ball entered her abdomen.
April 30, 1907
Macon Daily Telegraph
Miss Ellen Roach Died Yesterday.
Miss Ellen Roach, aged thirty-seven years,
died at 8:15 o'clock yesterday morning at the residence, 231 Jackson street,
after an illness of six months.
She leaves two sisters, Miss Margaret
Roach and Mrs. A. B. Smithey, of Twiggs County, and one brother
residing at Gordon. She was a resident of Macon for a number of years and
leaves many close friends.
The funeral services will take place
at the residence at 10:45 o'clock. Rev. Father McDonnell will officiate
and the body will be taken to Gordon at 11:15 o'clock for interment
May 8, 1907
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Lenora A. Dennard, age 43, died yesterday morning at her home on Mulberry
street after an illness of several weeks and the body will be taken to
Jeffersonville this morning for interment at her old home. Mrs. Dennard
is well known in this city, and leaves four children, P.E. and C. B.
Dennard, and Mrs. J. S. Smithson and Mrs. O. C. Attaway,
of Macon.
May 10, 1907
Macon Telegraph
Between Central Freight Trains Near Gordon Yesterday Morning.
A nead-end collison on the Central
Railway yesterday morning, about 10:30 o'clock, when two freight trains
ran together, resulted in the death of Mr.
J. T. Norris, the engineer of one of the trains.
The accident occurred a mile or two
this side of Gordon, and it is said was caused by a misunderstanding of
Engineer Opie, of the
other train, was painfully hurt. A negro brakeman named Will Spawn,
badly hurt about the head and body and was taken to the hospital by the
city ambulance.
The dead engineer was well
known among the railroad men and universally liked. He lived at 217 Telfair
street. He was caught between the cab and boiler in the crash, and was
literally crushed to death.
The crews of the two trains
were Conductor Burkhalter and Engineer Norris, and Conducter
Breck and Engineer Opie.
May 28, 1907
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Mrs Sarah
E. Hancock,
the wife of J. E. Hancock, of Wilkerson County,
died at 12:35 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the residence of her daughter,
Mrs. A. A. Lutz, 2520 Fourth street, after a long illness extending
over the past six years. She is survived by four children, Messrs. B.
F. and J. R. and Miss Frances Hancock, and Mrs. A. A. Lutz.
The remains will be carried to McIntyre today and interment will be in
the family burial ground in Wilkinson County.
June 26, 1907
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Yesterday Was Big
Day In Gordon, Ga.
Gordon, Ga. June 25 - This was a big day
for Gordon. The occasion was the selling at auction of town lots. An extra
left Macon at 8:30 a.m. for Gordon, bearing a large delegation to the sale.
People gathered from Milledgeville, McIntyre, Irwinton and the surrounding
country. The lots sold rapidly and at good prices.
They are beautifully located for
dwellings and were bought right along.
Gordon is pleasantly located with
abundant railroad facilities and easy of access. It is a splendid community
with good schools and churches and the lands are famous for peaches. The
citizens complimented the large crowd with a grand barbecue. These Georgians
like barbecues. A splendid brass band from Macon discoursed sweet music.
These Georgia towns are all building up. They have caught the sprit of
development and go-aheadativeness.
There was nothing political in the
gathering. It was to sell lots and advertise Gordon. The lots were sold,
and quite a number of dwellings will be built at once.
If the schedule to run into Macon
by 7 a.m. should be permanent, Gordon looks for some Maconites to build
homes in Gordon, as living is so much cheaper for families, while in Macon
rents are high and living so very costly, and many prefer village life.
Gordon people say they want Macon to adopt her as a suburban resort.
July 1, 1907
Macon Daily Telegraph
Simmons-Hughes. Toomsboro, Ga. June
30. - The wedding on last Wednesday morning of Miss Alberta
Hughes and Mr. L. B. Simmons was a beautiful one, taking place
at the home of the bridge.
The bride entered with her father,
D. Hughes, preceded by her sister, Miss Georgia Hughes, maid
of honor. The groom was accompanied by his best man, H. D. Nottingham,
Macon, Ga.
Rev. E. Smith, of the First Baptist
church, of Tennille, Ga. performed the ceremony in a very impressive manner.
The bride wore a most becoming
gown of blue voile with trimmings of green and gold. She carried a bouquet
of brides roses and maidenhair fern. The maid of honor wore an elaborate
lingerie gown and her bouquet was a shower of carnations.
Miss Annie Lindsey, of
Ivington, Ga., playing Mendelssohn's wedding march and during the ceremony,
softly and sweetly she played the strains of "Love Me, and the World is
Mrs. Effie Baker, of Macon,
received in a black lace gown over taffeta, assisted by Mrs. George
Jordan of Savannah, who wore an all-over lace with princess effect.
Immediately after the ceremony's
a delicious salad course and neapolitan ice cream was served by Misses
Freeman, Busch and
Bridewell, of Toomsboro.
The bride has been since her entrance
into the social world one of its most popular members because she is not
only beautiful but is possessed of the social charm which has won for her
extreme admiration.
Mr. Simmons is one of the most
successful traveling men in the business world. He is a nephew of Hon.
J. W. Lindsey, Commissioner of Pensions.
Mr. and Mrs. Simmons left on the
noon train for the Jamestown Exposition and an extended northern trip.
July 21, 1907
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Ride to Young People of Gordon, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hooks complimented
the young people of the town with a delightful tally-ho ride to Hornsby's
Mill Saturday evening. The evening was thoroughly enjoyed by the young
Dainty refreshments were served while
at the mill.
Much of the pleasure was due the
gracious chaperones, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hooks, Mr. and Mrs. W.
A. Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dennard.
The young party included Miss Aleen
Bridges of Dublin, Ga.; Miss Tille Smith and Miss Ethel Powell
Macon; Miss
Caro Lee, Miss Mattie Gay Tomlinson, Miss
Miss Janes Flain, Miss Laura Dennard, Miss Annie
Richie Owen, Mr. Willie Tomlinson of Eatonton, Mr. Winifred
of Cordele, Mr. Watt Lee of Macon, Mr. Lott Lee,
Cleveland Ryle, Mr. Stevens, Mr. Bell, Mr. Cuyler
Dennard and Mr.
August 6, 1907
Macon Weekly Telegraph
An elopement had its successful culmination
in Macon yesterday morning at 11 o'clock, when Justice of the Peace Elmore
Clay united in marriage Mr. Thomas H. Bridwell and MissAlice
May Freeman, both of Toomsboro.
Mr. Bridwell is well-known in his
home town being connected with a leading business house and he has been
very much in love for some time with the demure young maiden who is now
his bride who also reciprocated his affection. Matters were alright thus
far but as usual the course of true love did not run smooth as the family
of the bride were opposed to her marriage at present.
The result was that the two left
their homes and came to the Central City Sunday evening and unknown to
anyone save a few friends and the relatives of the young man were happily
married yesterday morning as soon as the young man could secure a license
from the county ordinary.
They will spend a few days in the
city before returning home in order that all parental ire may have had
opportunity to subside.
August 30, 1907
The Atlanta Constitution
of Irwinton, Dies After Continued Illness
Irwinton, Ga, August 29 (Special) Mr.
J. F. Williams, editor of The Irwinton Bulletin and a prominent
newspaper man, died at 8:30 o'clock Monday evening at his residence in
Irwinton, Ga., after a serious illness of three months.
He is survived by his children,
M. L. Williams, of Dublin, Ga; Misses Hattie and Marie, Masters
Frank and Lindsay Williams.
September 2, 1907
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Dr. J. B. Carroll Dead.
Empire, GA., Sept. 1 - Dr.
J. B. Carroll died at his home in Frazier near this place Friday. Dr.
Carroll was a native of Wilkinson County, Ga. He was born October 10, 1823.
He married a Miss Mary Brewer of that county, August 15, 1840, who
is yet living. Five children survive him, E. B. Carroll, of Brookside,
Ala.; A. C. Carroll, of Cordele, Ga.; W. H. Carroll, of Atlanta,
Ga.; Mrs. T. E. Strickler and Miss Susie Carroll, of Frazier,
Ga. The interment was at Cochran, Ga. today.
September 7, 1907
Union Recorder
Rev. J. D. Bales, of
Wilkinson county, and Miss Genie
Lundy were united in marriage Monday morning, at the home of the bride's
brother, Mr. J. S. Lundy, in East Baldwin, Rev. A. S. Avant officiating.
The ceremony was witnessed by a number of relatives and friends.
Immediately after the ceremony Mr.
and Mrs. Bales left for their home in Wilkinson county, where a sumptuous
dinner was served to a number of guests.
Rev. Mr. Bales is a Baptist minister,
and is held in the greatest confidence and respect by all who know him.
His bride is a lady who is well fitted to make him a happy home.
The Union Recorder wafts them
congratulations and best wishes for a long and happy life.
October 9, 1907
Macon Daily Telegraph
Mrs. Dora
L. Hagin, aged 29 years, the wife of Mr. F. L. Hagin, died yesterday
at the residence on Ash street after an illness of three weeks. Although
she had been ill her death was entirely unexpected. Beside her husband
she leaves her mother and father, five brothers, two sisters and three
children, Mattile, Carl and Annie. The body was shipped to the family
home at Toomsboro yesterday morning at 11 o'clock and the funeral and interment
will occur there this afternoon.
October 9, 1907
Macon Daily Telegraph
Francis, the four-months-old
child of Mrs. Fowler, the sister of Mr. Henry Strozier, died
yesterday at the home of the latter on Montpelia avenue. The body was shipped
yesterday afternoon at 12:05 o'clock to Gordon for funeral and interment.
Dodge County Times-Journal,
Thursday, November 7, 1907
Mrs. Mary
Ann Dominey Died In Telfair County on Tuesday Last
The remains of Mrs.
Mary Ann Dominey, who died in Telfair County of Tuesday last, were
brought to Dublin Wednesday morning and carried through the country to
the Fordham private burial ground in Wilkinson County, where they were
Mrs. Dominey was
eight-two years of age, and was formerly a Miss Fordham. She was
the widow of the late Mr. Joseph Dominey, and the sister of Mrs.
Betsy Billue, Mrs. Martha Rawls and Mr. Zenus Fordham, two of whom
are now older than she was at the time of her death.
Mrs. Dominey
is survived by several children. Messrs. John B., C. C., J. W.,
Eli and Hardy Dominey
are her sons, and Mrs. H. L. Thomas is
her daughter. It was at the home of Mrs. Thomas that she died.
Mrs. Dominey
lived in Laurens County for a number of years, and had many friends and
relatives here. Messrs. B. H., J. R., N. B. and O. H. P Rawls
and Mr. W. T. Dupree of this city are her nephews
A large
number of friends and relatives were present at the interment on Wednesday.
Dublin Courier-Dispatch
NOTE: Mrs. Dominey’s name is Marian
Dominy on her grave marker and her husband’s name is J. E. Dominy
his grave marker. She was born July 5, 1827, and died October 29,
1907. Joseph E. Dominy
was born May 20, 1812, and died November
13, 1898. submitted by Algernon Cannon
December 17, 1907
Macon Telegraph
~excerpt~ Williams-Carswell Interesting
Marriage at Dublin, Ga.
A beautiful out of town wedding
in which many Macon friends as well as others throughout the State will
be interested in learning of was that of Dr. N. T. Carswell, of
this city, and Miss Hattie
Williams, of Dublin, Ga.
The marriage was celebrated
at the home of the bride's brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lavada Williams,
in Dublin on Monday, December 16th.
It was a pretty morning wedding,
occurring at 9 o'clock, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Allen Fort
the Dublin Baptist Church, and the wedding guests were limited to the relatives
and most intimate friends of the families.....
Immediately after the ceremony the
bride and groom left on a wedding trip, going first to Charleston and from
there to Richmond, Washington S. C. and Baltimore. At the latter place
they will remain for two months while Dr. Carswell takes a special course
at Johns Hopkins. They will return to Macon about the first of March and
will be at home to their friends after that time in Arlington Place.
Dr. Carswell has spent the
past two years at his country place, where he has been resting from his
arduous practice, and he and his charming bride will be warmly welcomed
by many friends.
Mrs. Nellie Carswell,
Dr. Carswell's mother, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Baker and Mr. and
Mrs Lance Simmons went down from Macon for the wedding, returning
last evening.
December 27, 1907
Macon Daily Telegraph
Negro Boy Accidentally Killed Himself With
Gun. Gordon, Ga. Dec. 26. About three miles from Gordon Alonzo
Daniel, a thirteen-year old Negro, shot himself while climbing a fence
yesterday, the whole load lodging in his abdomen. He died about ten hours
January 24, 1908
Vienna News
Mr. J. L. Brown and Miss
Alice Parrott were married Sunday morning at Irwinton, Wilkinson county,
J. M. Kelley, of this city, officiating.
Mr. Brown is an esteemed farmer-merchant
of Findleyson and Mrs. Brown was a popular young lady of Irwinton.
The News extends congratulations.
February 2, 1908
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lund and Mr.
W. V. Young tendered a reception to their friends in Toomsboro and
vicinity in honor of the completion of the new Thompson building, just
erected by Dr. J. D.
Thompson. Invitations were issued to about two hundred and the occasion
was one of the pleasantest.
Mrs. Lund was a gracious hostess
and a general air of cordiality and hospitality was over the whole affair.
Not the least pleasant feature was a delicious oyster supper served at
10:30. The younger social set of Toomsboro participated very prominently
in the event and there were a number of people present from a distance.
Excellent music was furnished by the H. Moll orchestra of Macon.
Among those present were Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. Lund, Mr. W. V. Young, Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Thompson, Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Hughes, Miss Hughes, Miss Mamie Hughes,
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hunter, Mrs. Rowan, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Daniels, Miss
Grenade, of Oconee, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mills of Sandersville, Mr. and Mrs.
R. L. Cason, Miss Cason, Miss Sarah Cason, Miss Addie Jean Cason, Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Harris Bridewell, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harris Bridwell, Jr.,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Shepard, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shepard, Mrs. E. W. Clay,
Mrs. Barge, of Tennille, Miss Zuliea Barge, Mr. and Mrs. LaPorte, Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Boone, Prof. and Mrs. S. A. Boone and a host of others.
February 18, 1908
Union Recorder
Dr. Cecil Hitchcock and Miss Pearl
Hilton were married at the home of the bride's parents in Wilkinson
county last week.
March 12, 1908
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Gordon, Ga., March 11 - Hon.
L. W. Lee is dead here. He was chairman of the Board of County Commissioners
of Wilkinson County, and also secretary and treasurer of the Gordon Mercantile
Company. For a number of years he was treasurer of the Ebenezer Baptist
Association, and to many of its members in Wilkinson, Twiggs and Laurens
Counties he was well known. He resigned a the last session of the body
on account of bad health. He leaves a wife and five sons and one
daughter. The sons are S. W. Lee, of Gordon; Dr. J. L. Lee,
of Pineehurst;
R. F. Lee, of Savannah; Daniel I. Lee, of
R. W. Lee, until recently of Macon, now Gordon; and Mrs.
Z. T. Miller, of Macon. His remains will be laid to rest at the family
burying grounds near Gordon at 12 noon tomorrow. Mr. Lee's children are
by his first marriage, their mother being Miss Carrie Farmer, of
Jefferson County, and his second wife was Mrs. J. F. Braggs, who
was formerly Miss Alice Dennard.
March 13, 1908
Macon Daily Telegraph
Died. In Gordon last night, Mrs. Margaret
Wood, aged 76 years. She is survived by four sons, G. J., S. W.,
James and Doe Leslie; two daughters Mrs. Joe Wood and
Pony Jones. She will be buried in the old family burying ground near
March 15, 1908
Macon Daily Telegraph
Milledgeville, Ga., March 14. Mr.William
Vaughn died at his home near the sanitarium after a few days illness
of pneumonia. He leaves a wife and two children, Miss Alice Vaughn,
of Atlanta, and Mr. Fred Vaughn, of this city. Mr. Vaughn was an
honest man, a good friend and much respected by a large number of people.
His remains were interred in the cemetery at Gordon, Ga., Thursday afternoon.
March 19, 1908
Macon Daily Telegraph
Robert Emmett Duncan, the seven and a half year old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Duncan,
died at the residence of his parents, No. 111 Rogers avenue, Vineville, yesterday
at 6 o'clock, after an illness of four weeks with typhoid pneumona.
The deceased was a pupil of Vineville School and among his youthful
playmates was greatly beloved. Funeral services will be held this moring
at 10 o'clock, the Rev. J. H. Brazleton, of the First Christian Church
presiding, at the residence, and the remains will be sent to Toombsboro at
11:30 a.m. over the central.
March 27, 1908
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Owners Suspected a "Leak" in State Geologist's Department. Appears Gould
Made Discovery.
Atlanta, Ga., March 26 (Telegraph
Bureau, Kimball House.) Considerable consternation was caused recently
when the owners of land in a suddenly enriched section of Wilkinson County,
awoke to the fact that they had sold options on their property for small
sums and at low figures. An effort is now being made to have State officials
begin and investigation of a suspected "leak" from the State geologist's
department, by which many suspect that the information relative to hidden
wealth reached the ears of sundry speculators before it became known to
the parties owning it.
Recently the State geologist reported
that bauxite had been found to exist in large quantities in a section of
Wilkinson County, about thirty miles east of Macon. The investigation was
made and the find attested by Otto Veatch, assistant State geologist.
It developed soon after that E. W. Gould, of Macon, had bought options
on most of the property on which the valuable mineral had been located,
and on some the deeds have since been passed. It has also developed that
Mr. Veatch had been seen in company with some of those identified with
the purchases.
J. W. Lindsey, commissioner
of pensions, lives in that section of Wilkinson, and he looked into the
matter for the property owners, and brought it to the attention of Governor
Smith and State Geologist S. W. McCallie. Most of the property
belonged to Mrs. J. R. Hunnicutt, of this city and her relatives,
and Mr. Hunnicut declares it his settled opinion that Veatch made
the information he had possession of known to the speculators who sought
and purchased the options.
Mr. Lindsey declares that he is convinced
that nothing of the kind occurred, but that Veatch is the victim of coincidences.
He says that he has information to the effect that the assistant State
geologist warned the owners of the property against selling options before
such sales were made and before he concluded this investigation.
Mr. Gould exonerates Veatch. He claims
to have learned of the deposits before the State department knew anything
about the matter, and to have been the first to call the attention of the
department to them.
Mr. Gould says that a friend, whom
he declines to name, directed his attention to the place of natural wealth.
He went there, collected some samples, and called on the State geologist
to aid him in testing them. He declares that he failed to get the help
promptly, and sent to an Alabama bauxite company for an independent expert.
After the expert got to work the
department here got busy, and the State and private investigations being
conducted at the same time caused both parties to be seen together at times.
Mr. Gould says so it is understood, that as soon as his expert reported
favorable on the matter, he got to work and bought up all the options he
could, and after locating the veins of the mineral took over the deeds.
Mr. Veatch is not in Atlanta. He
will be questioned on his return. If he is able to show that he warned
the property owners against selling pending his investigations, the matter
will probably end there.
State Geologist McCaille issued a
written statement, exonerating Veatch, this morning. He declares that investigation
so far shows the State official to have been guiltless.
April 2, 1908
The Atlanta Constitution
Shortly After Mr. Davis Was Taken Hill
His Home Burned
Irwinton, Ga., April 1 (Special) I.
T. Davis, one of the representative citizens of Wilkinson county, died
at his home in this county Monday night at 8 (?) o'clock. He was a candidate
for the office of tax collector, and was one of the most popular men in
the county. He was taken ill in the afternoon while out electioneering.
He reached home a few minutes before he died.
About 12 o'clock Monday his home
caught on fire, and was totally destroyed, together with all his household
furniture. He knew nothing of the fire until reaching the home of a neighbor
and was then too ill to realize anything.
He was buried at the old family burial
ground in this county Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
April 7, 1908
Union Recorder
An Aged Christian Gone to His Reward
Thomas Holland was born in Wilkinson County, Georgia, August 1st, 1831,
and died at the residence of his daughter,
Mrs. Anna Hiris, at the
Isle of Hope near Savannah, April 4th, 1908, being more than seventy-seven
years of age. He was the grandson of the first settler of Wilkinson county.
He was a son of Wyley Holland by his first marriage - one of seventeen
sons and two daughters.
Being in the Government employ, which
required his presence at home, he was not a Confederate soldier,
though the cause was dear to his heart - several brothers being at the
front. He joined the Baptist church in his early youth and remained a devoted
member. He was a fully ripened sheaf, ready and waiting for the grim reaper.
He leaves a wife, seven children and seven-half brothers to mourn
his death. He was gentle, sweet and charitable. Many old friends of the
family met his remains at the depot when they arrived at the depot in this
city Sunday afternoon, and together with the pastor and deacons of the
Milledgeville Baptist church escorted them to their last resting place
in the silent city of the dead, there to await the resurrection of the
just. W.
April 9, 1908
The Atlanta Constitution
Mrs. J. G. Pearson, Gordon, Ga.
Gordon, Ga., April 8 (Special) Mrs.
J. G. Pearson, wife of J. G. Pearson, a prominent merchant of
this place, died this morning of Bright's disease. Mrs. Pearson was 44
years of age and has been a consistent and consecrated member of the Gordon
Baptist church for twenty-six years. Mrs. Pearson had been in ill health
for four or five years and her death was not unexpected. The funeral will
occur Thursday morning at 10 o'clock from the Gordon Baptist church. The
interment will take place at the Branan cemetery, 2 miles east of here.
She leaves a husband and two brothers, Professor D.G. Lee and
Dr. W. W. Lee, both of this place.
(buried Branan Cemetery No. 2)
April 10, 1908
The Atlanta Constitution
Henry Lee,
age 46 years, died at his residence, 167 Davis street, early yesterday
morning after a prolonged illness. The body was sent to Irwinton, Ga.,
last night, where funeral services will occur this morning ten o'clock.
The deceased leaves a wife and seven children.
April 13,
Macon Daily Telegraph
Gordon News Notes.
Gordon, Ga., April 12 - Mrs. Reginald
Hooks, of Forsyth, is visiting here. She is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Hooks,
Mr. W. A. Jones has purchased
the old Solomon hotel and will renovate and beautify it.
Mrs. J. W. Powell, of Macon,
is in town visiting relatives. It is very probable that she will secure
a lease on the old hotel and make this her future home.
Mr. J. W. Hooks, of this place,
and for a long time a citizen of Macon and one of the best known engineers
of the Central of Georgia Railroad, will leave on next Thursday for Hot
Springs, Ark.
The stables of Gregory and
burned here are being re-erected on the same foundation.
Dr. C.A. Hodges has received
plans and specifications of his residence.
Dr. R. M. Butts and Dr.
Evans went to the Central City to see the game of baseball.
May 6, 1908
Macon Daily Telegraph
Dennard - Townsend
A quiet but pretty marriage Sunday
afternoon was that of Mrs.
Julia Elizabeth Townsend, of Charlotte, N.C and Mr. L. V. Dennard,
of Macon, the Rev. Mr. Calloway officiating. It was quite a surprise to
their many friends, Mrs. Townsend being on a visit to her sister, Mrs.
Jno. W. Gholson. Mr. Dennard is a man of fine ability and numbers his
friends by the score. He is to be congratulated on having won such a charming
lady for his bride.
May 15, 1908
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Mrs. Margie
Johnson, wife of Mr. H. F. Johnson, died yesterday at the residence
of her daughter,
Mrs. J. M. Thomason, who she was visiting.
The remains will be taken to Jeffersonville
this morning at 7 o'clock for funeral and interment.
17, 1908
Atlanta Constitution
Williard Brewer, Near Milledgeville, Killed
by Father. Father Was Also Wounded. Dan Brewer and His Son Had Quarrel
Over Family Matters, Which Resulted in a Tragic Encounter-
Son Was Shot From Horseback.
Milledgeville, Ga., May 16 (Special)Williard
Brewer, a young man about 21, was shot and killed this morning about
six miles below this city, in Baldwin county, by his father, Dan Brewer,
a man of about 68. The shooting was the result of a quarrel between father
and son over some family matters.
The son, it seems, protested
against his father's treatment of the family and used some harsh language
to his father last night. The quarrel was renewed this morning, the father,
it is said, waiting for his son in a lane near the house, armed with a
double-barreled shotgun. Young Brewer came that way going to the field
to plow, riding his horse. The father renewed the quarrel, threatening
the young man, it is alleged, for the language he had used to him the night
before, finally leveling his gun and firing striking young Brewer from
his waist to chin.
About the same time the
young man commenced firing with his pistol as he fell, shooting four times,
one shot making a flesh wound in his father's ? which was not serious enough
to prevent his being lodged in jail. The young man did not speak
after the shot, and died in a few moments after falling from his horse.
The father was prevented from again firing by the only eye-witness, his
son-in-law. The verdict of the coroner's jury was murder.
Note: Williard Brewer is buried in Matilda
Chapel Cemetery in Stevens Pottery. Dan Brewer, who was in prison
in Milledgeville in 1910. Dan Brewer, a native of Wilkinson County, was
in the 3rd Georgia Infantry. His pension is filed in Baldwin County.
He is divorced and living in Dudley, Laurens County when he died July 20,
1920 and is buried at New Bethel Cemetery.
9, 1908
Macon Telegraph
-excerpt. Died. Lewis
Malone Etheridge,of Greston Ga., Dodge Co. 75 yrs, born in Wilkinson
County Feb. 11, 1833, married to Susan Gainey Oct 13, 1853, Confederate
veteran, survivors: wife, children: Mrs. F. C. Wheeler and W. R. Etheridge
of Atlanta; F. M. Etheridge of Hawkinsville; Mrs. W. R. Land of Greston;
Mrs. J. C.Anthoney of Lenox; Mrs. J. R. Buchan of Empire.
September 3, 1908
Macon Telegraph
Eugenia Denson,
wife of Dr. E. J. Denson of Allentown. Died
Macon Hospital August 27, 1908. Blood poison and diabetes.
Eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T.
Rogers of Wilkinson County. Born December 15, 1867. Married to Dr.
Denson June 30, 1892. Member of Friendship Baptist Church in Twiggs County
before she moved membership to Allentown Baptist Church.
September 9, 1908
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Lector Hooks, aged 45 years, died at 10 o'clock last night at the residence
of Mr. J. J. Wall in Jeffersonville. The funeral will occur at 10
o'clock this morning. Interment in the family burying grounds.
September 15, 1908
Macon Telegraph
Last Friday afternoon Miss Nora
Byrd, an attractive young lady of this city, received two letters.
One was from a wealthy Texas
uncle, with whom she had been in correspondence, and it contained a railroad
ticket for herself to his ranch away out West, where she could be the mistress
of a thousand acres and as many cattle. It was a trip that she had long
wanted and had sought, and it was the life that appealed to her. She could
picture the rolling prairies and the lowing cattle and the picturesqueness
of life out in the golden West.
But the other letter-ah, that
letter! -contained a very urgent and likewise sincere proposal of marriage
from Mr. J. E. Horne, of Danville, a man that she knew only slightly, their
acquaintance being limited to two formal "calls" by the former.
One letter said, "Come on to Texas."
The other urged her to "stay
here-don't go to Texas-and be my wife!" It was from Mr. Horne, of the little
Georgia town, that she had visited only a few weeks previously. That night
she sat down and tremulously wrote two letters. One went to Texas, and
it contained an unused railroad ticket. The other carried a message of
love and a promise of happiness to an anxious heart. The last named letter
was delivered Saturday. The next day found it recipient in Macon. That
afternoon he had a bride that he had won by special delivery letter. For
if he had entrusted it to the regular mail deliveries her decision to go
to Texas would have already been made.
Other facts of this rather
unusual, if romantic, marriage are as follows: Six weeks ago Miss Nora
Byrd visited relatives in Danville, Ga. There she met Mr. J. E. Horne,
a big, six-foot countryman, who lived with his mother on a small farm.
He went with her twice while she was in his home place, and they found
that they liked each other, though neither confessed. Miss Byrd returned
to Macon and wrote her uncle that she would like to visit him at is Texas
ranch. She also wrote to her Danville relatives that she expected to go
to Texas. This bit of news reached Mr. Horne. Immediately he, wrote her,
asking her to stay at home and become his wife. He sent the letter by special
delivery and it just did arrive in time.
The wedding took place Sunday
afternoon at the home of Mr. Ed Wa'thal on Fourth street, Rev. T. R. Stanford
officiating. Quite a number of mutual friends were present. Mr. and Mrs.
Horne have gone to Danville to live.
22, 1908
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Dublin, Ga., Sept. 21 - Mr. William
Alfred Hall, a prominent citizen and planter of Wilkinson County, died
Sunday afternoon at his home, about eight miles from Irwinton, after an
illness of several weeks. He leaves a wife, six daughters and two sons
to mourn his loss. His sons are Messrs. Marvin and Ira Hall, of
Wilkinson County, and his daughters are Mrs. R. M. Stanley, of this
county: Mrs. Ed. King, of Clay County; Mrs. James Frink,
of Macon, and Misses Cora and Ethel Hall, of Wilkinson County.
Mr. Hall was about 70 years
of age, and was one of the largest planters in Wilkinson County. He enlisted
as a private in the Confederate army May 3, 1862, and was promoted to first
sergeant in February 1863. He was captured and exchanged at Vicksburg,
Miss., in 1863 and surrendered at Greensboro, N.C., April 25, 1865.
His remains will be interred this
afternoon at Red Level Church in Wilkinson County.
November 8, 1908
The Atlanta Constitution
HATFIELD - JAMES. Mr. and Mrs.
A. Hatfieldannounce the engagement of their daughter, Idalee,
to Mr. Lemuel Photo James, of Tifton, Ga., the wedding to take place
Wednesday, December 2, at 10:30 a.m. at the Methodist Church in Irwinton.
December 15, 1908
Macon Telegraph
H. A. Hall, aged 67, died Sunday morning at 1:30 at his home in Toomsboro.
Mr. Hall had only been ill a very short time, and his death came as a great
shock to his many friends.
He is survived by a wife, and
two sons, Messrs. W. A. and J. O. Hall. The funeral services
were held at 9:30 a.m. yesterday morning at the Methodist Church at Toomsboro,
of which he was a life-long member, Rev. H. Stevens officiating.
Interment was at the family burial grounds near Toomsboro.
February 03, 1909
Milledgeville News
February 13, 1909
Milledgeville News
unusual interest to this section occurred at the home of Mr. J. A. Eady
in Wilkinson county last Sunday, Feb. 7, 1909, in which Mr. Thos. Deason
and Miss Gertrude Eady were
the contracting parties, the ceremony being performed by A. S. Avant. The
home of the bride's parents was beautifully decorated and the ceremony
was performed in spacious all under an arch formed of cut flowers and smilax.
The presents were numerous and exceedingly beautiful.
The groom is one of the leading farmers
of Wilkinson county and enjoys the esteem and admiration of innumerable
friends. The bride is one of the most accomplished and beautiful young
ladies in her section of the state and numbers her friends by the score
in many localities. To the young couple congratulations are extended and
wishes for long life and happiness are expressed.
February 13, 1909
Milledgeville News
~excerpt~ Sacred to the memory of
our departed sister, Mrs.
Mary J. Council who departed this life on the 2d day of January 1909
at 6 p.m. at the home of her son Mr. J. H. Council.
Sister Council was born in Wilkinson
County on the 20th of Dec. 1840, was married to Mr. James Council Dec.
1857. She joined the church at Old Macedonia in 1864, was baptised by Rev.
J. Thomas Hughes and remained a conserated member until the church
went down, she then join Mt. Pleasant church, from there she connected
herself with Liberty church and remained there until the constitution of
New Macedonia where she remained during the remnant of her life.
She was the mother of five children
to-wit: Mr James H. Council with whom she resided, R. N. Council
Co., W. L. Council, deceased, Mrs Euna Eady and Mrs. Lydia
February 24, 1909
Macon Daily Telegraph
Mrs. Araminta Vinson
Gordon, Ga., Feb. 23 - Mrs. Araminta
Vinson, probably the oldest lady in the neighborhood, was burned to
death at her home near here. After the death of her husband several years
ago, she persisted in living at her home and was all alone at the time.
She had finished cooking her breakfast and went to an open fireplace where
she had made coffee on the coals, as was her custom, when her dress was
ignited. her screams brought a servant who, with two buckets of water,
extinguished the fire. She was so badly burned that she died in about five
Mr. Charlie Casswell,
while skating at the rink here, was thrown by a fellow skater and broke
his left arm. He is improving and will soon be well.
February 25, 1909
Macon Daily Telegraph
Dublin, Ga. Feb. 21. Mrs.
Leah Cummings, mother of Mrs. B. H. Rawls, of this city, died
this morning at her home in Wilkinson county. Mrs. Cummings was a daughter
of the late Rowell Stanley of this county, and is survived by one
brother, Mr. Marshall Stanley, and one sister, Mrs. Gussie W.
Her remains will be interred at the
Stanley burial ground in the upper part of the county.
March 12, 1909
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Gordon, Ga., March 11 - The livery
stable of Gregory & Vinson was burned up here last night about
midnight together with four head of horses, two mules and two cows, several
buggies and all the harness belonging to the stables.
There is no doubt of its being of
incendiary origin, as an attempt was made to burn the building on Saturday
night nearly two weeks ago.
March 20, 1909
Milledgeville News
Mr. William
Smith, aged about 35 years, and known by nearly everybody in Milledgeville,
died at an early hour Monday morning, after an illness extending over two
or three weeks time. He was the son of the late Dr. R. G. Smith
and besides his aged mother leaves no other relatives.
The funeral ceremonies were held
at the Baptist church, Rev. Lamar Sims, officiating, Monday afternoon.
The interment was in the city cemetery. The sympathy of the entire community
in general is extended to his mother.
March 23, 1909
The Macon Daily Telegraph
The death of Mrs.
C. F. Lyle, of Gordon, occurred yesterday morning at the Macon hospital,
after an illness of several weeks.
Mrs. Lyle was brought to Macon Saturday
morning and an operation was performed Sunday, from which she never recovered.
The remains were taken to her home
yesterday at 4 o'clock, where the funeral will be held today. She is survived
by four sons and three daughters
April 8, 1909
Atlanta Constitution
Death of Danville Physician. Macon,
Ga,, April 7 (SpecialDr. J. M. Gilbert,
prominent physician, of Danville, Ga., died this morning, after a long
illness. He was 52 years of age, and is survived by a wife, two brothers
and three sisters. The funeral will occur tomorrow. Dr. Gilbert was well
known and had a host of friends.
April 23,1909
Bainbridge Search Light
A. J. Martin died at the home of his parents in Diffee, Tuesday, April
20th; and his remains were interred at Cedar Springs cemetery by Knights
of Pythias of which order he was a member.
Mr. Martin was born March
17th, 1882 at Toombsboro, Ga., and came to Bainbridge in 1897. He was taken
sick at San Antonia, Texas about 8 months ago. He was by trade a contractor
and builder, and was well known throughout this section. He was a consistent
member of the Methodist church, an dhe died in a triumphant faith, expressing
his confidence in his Maker and his assurance of acceptance.
July 6, 1909
Union Recorder
Willie Wilson, of this city, and Mr. Sidney Johnson Stubbs, of
Macon, were united at the home of the bride's parents, Capt. and Mrs. A.
J. Miller, Rev. D. W. Brannen officiating.
The ceremony was a very quiet one
and was witnessed by only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties.
The ring used had been in the bride's family for nearly a century.
The bride is a lady of charming personality,
and is universally loved in our city. She possess a grace of manner and
sweetness of disposition that wins admiration. Her friends in this city
give her up with keen regret.
Mr. Stubbs is one of Macon's most
substantial and successful business men.
Mr. and Mrs. Stubbs left on the Central
railroad train for points of interest in North Carolina. They will make
their home in Vineville, after August 15th.
July 23, 1909
The Atlanta Constitution
Wilkinson County Man Dies From His Wounds
Irwinton, Ga., July 22 - (Special) As a
result of a pistol duel between George
F. Hatfield and J. J. McConnel, of Wilkinson county, yesterday,
about __. Mr. Hatfield died this morning about __ and McConnell lies at
his home seriously, if not mortally wounded, a pistol ball entering
his neck just __ of the collar bone and coming out over the shoulder blade.
The difficulty arose over the disappearance
of a jug of whisky from OConnell's house last Saturday. He __ that Hatfield
had taken the whisky from his house. The tragedy took place while the streets
of the town were full of women and children at a Baptist meeting and a
singing convention were in progress at the place.
Hatfield was not married and was about
twenty-four years old. McConnel is about forty-eight years of age and has
a wife and five children.
(Mr. Hatfield is buried at Irwinton City
July 28, 1909
The Macon Daily Telegraph
The remains of Mrs.
C. C. Brooks were shipped to Gordon yesterday morning at 11 o'clock.
Mrs. Brooks was the daughter of Mr.
E. Tindall, of Gordon, Ga. and is survived by two children. She was
a member of the second Baptist Church. Rev. Lamar Jones conducted the services,
and the interment will be made this morning at Gordon.
August 3, 1909
Union Recorder
~excerpt~ On last Tuesday afternoon,
July 20th, at the home of the bride in Lewiston, Ga., Mr. W. H. Branan,
of Gordon, and Miss
Gertrude McWilliams were united in marriage, Rev. Mr. Johnson,
pastor of the M. E. Church, at Gordon, officiating...Mendelssohns wedding
march, effectivley render by Miss Olive McWilliams, of Macon, in
the following manner: Misses Mattie Mae Ivey and Leone Etheridge
entered first and stood on the left of the space reserved for the party.
Next came the bride and groom who stood in the center, and last the other
Misses Rachel Etheridge and Pearl Pullen.....Mrs. Branan
is well known at and around the Pottery. She has visited Misses Ivey and
Etheridge quite a good deal as Miss McWilliams. Mr. Branan has many friends
and relatives in Baldwin county who wish for them a life of unalloyed happiness.
August 10, 1909
Macon Telegraph
M. Stevens died at his residencem 669 Mulberry street, yesterday afternoon,
after a long illness. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 4 o'clock,
T. D. Ellis officiating. Interment will be at Riverside.
Mr. Stevens is survived by
his wife and one daughter, Mrs. L. C. Tomlinson, of Gordon, and
a brother, Mr. D. R. Stevens, of Irwinton.
He was born in Sumter
county, and at the age of 17 entered the service of the Central railroad,
when the late Wm. M. Wadley was at the head of the company. For thirty-two
yeas he was in the service of that company, and it was under his supervision
tham many miles of track on the main line and the branches were built.
Between Mr. Stevens and Mr. Wadley there was a stong attachment, being
close and warm friends up to the time of the latter's death. After his
long service in the employ of the Central, Mr. Stevens went with Capt.
W. G. Raout to Mexico, but remained there only one year, coming back
to go into business with Mr. Wadley in building the line from Rogers
to Stillmore. After the completion of that line, he returned to Macon and
went into the livery business, and then left here to engage in farming
near Gordon, remaining there for seven years. Finding his health failing,
he came to Macon and retired from business.
Those who were close to Mr.
Stevens, who constantly came in contact with him in either a business or
social way, speak of him as a man of irreproachable character, of the strictest
integrity, and no man had a better frined. He was a good citizen in all
that the term implies, and one of the few who held the respect and esteem
of his fellow-men as an honest man, whose word was as good as his bond.
At the funeral this afternoon
the following friends will act as pallbearers: Dr. J. H. Heard,
Judge F. Chambers, Messrs. J. F. Heard, T. R. Ayers, Chas. Wachtel, A.
H. Rice, John Rousch, and R. L. Henry.
August 22, 1909
The Macon Daily Telegraph
TENNILLE, Ga. Aug. 21. Near McIntyre, in
sight of the Central of Georgia railroad is a kaolin mill and tenant houses
owned by Eldrige and Hagan, capitalists of Atlanta.
They have bought a large tract
of land on which the mines are located.
About thirty men are employed,
some digging crude chalk from an immense excavation in the grounds others
dumping it into four-wheel trucks, from whence it is carried over a track
by means of a pulley to the mill. There it is put in a revolving basket
where it is washed thoroughly. The chalk and refuse are separated in an
immense tank. The chalk is drawn off through pipes and strained in cloths.
When filtered a cake of the purest kaolin is the result. There are four
large sheds where the kaolin is drying on shelves. When dry it is shipped
to the north where it is rot-fed and mixed with wood pulp to make paper.
Another firm has bought a kaolin mine near there and are preparing to put
it in operation.
Capitalists are negotiating
with parties that own land on Big Sandy creek where a large mine is located.
If they buy they intend putting up a pottery factory to make fine ware.
The contemplate building a railroad to that point.
September 14, 1909
Union Recorder
W. J. Davis died at her home in Wilkinson county, near the line of
Baldwin, Thursday, Sept. 2nd.
The funeral services were held at
the residence the following Friday, Rev. McDerment officiating, and her
remains laid to rest in the family burial ground. Mrs. Davis was a member
of Oak Grove Methodist church, Baldwin county. She is survived by her husband
and six little children.
September 19, 1909
Macon Weekly Telegraph
The marriage of Miss Agnes
King to Mr. Oscar Bloodworth was solemnized at the home of the
bride on Wednesday evening, in the presence of relatives and friends. Rev.
Ford McRee officiating.
October 1, 1909
Milledgeville News
At her home in Wilkinson county, Mrs.
T. S. Beck died last Saturday. She was 80 years of age, a member of
the Methodist church and known everywhere as being gentle and lovable.
She left eight children to mourn
her death, to whom the people of the entire community extend sympathy
October 5, 1909
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Mrs. Jas. H. Duggan, Wilkinson County.
Dublin, Ga., Oct. 4 - The remains ofMrs.
James H. Duggan, of Wilkinson county, who died yesterday afternoon,
were interred this afternoon in the Stanley family burial ground in the
upper part of Laurens county.
Mrs. Duggan was about 42 years of
age and was a daughter of the late Dr. Benjamin F. Stanley, of this
county. She was a woman of refinement and culture. Her education war received
at Wesleyan College. Particularly proficient was she in music,
On her mother's side she was related
to the Basses and other prominent people of Alabama. On her father's
side she was also prominently connected. Her grandfather was the late Ira
E. Stanley, a prominent pioneer settler of Laurens. She was a great-granddaughter
of the late Thos. McCall, the first surveyor general of Georgia,
and she was a great-grandniece of Col. Hugh McCall, who wrote the
first history of Georgia.
Mrs. Duggan is survived by her mother,
husband, eight children, one sister, Mrs. Luck McArthur, who is
a teacher of music at Wesleyan, and one brother, Mr. Rollin M. Stanley,
of this county.
She had a large family connection
and many friends in this county. Her funeral this afternoon was attended
by a large crowd.
October 9, 1909
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Mrs. Rachel
Etheridge died at Pinehurst, Dooly county, on the morning of October
5th, at 1:39 o'clock, at the age of 66 years.
She leaves a husband, Mr. Thomas
F. Etheridge, and two granddaughters, Mary Velma and Maud Holt,
who live at Pinehurst; also two brothers, Jesse Branan, of Jacksonville,
Fla.; and William Branan, of Whitesburg, Ga.; and two sisters, Mrs.
G. W. Collins of Gordon, and one sister living in Alabama.
She was born near
McIntyre, and married when quite a young girl. She had been a member of
the Baptist church for forty-four years.
She was buried at Harmony church,
seven miles from Pinehurst, on the morning of the 6th. A large number of
friends came from many miles around to extend their sympathy to their neighbor
and friend.
Mr. Etheridge desires to thank the
many friends who so kindly assisted him in his hour of sorrow and bereavement.
October 9, 1909
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 9 -J.
M. Burke has been appointed to succeed A. B. Coombes as superintendent
of the prison farm. Mr. Burke has for some years been connected with the
prison department and is in every sense a practical farmer. He was former
sheriff of Wilkinson county.
It was a surprise to man when the
resignation of A. B. Coombes, the former farm superintendent, was
announced yesterday. Supt. Coombes was investigated by former Gov. Smith
a year ago and his dismissal recommended but no action was taken at that
time. His resignation is said to be entirely voluntary on his part.
November 22, 1909
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Mrs. Louisa
Lavender died yesterday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
F. A. Hobby, in East Macon, after a lingering illness. Mrs. Lavender
was 78 years of age and besides the daughter, leaves two sons, Joe and
L. R. Lavender.
The remains will be carried
to Gordon, Ga, this morning at 11:45 via Central, where the funeral and
interment will take place.
December 9, 1909
The Atlanta Constitution
Stubbs, Macon
Macon, Ga., December 8 (Special)
Mrs Elizabeth Stubbs, widow of the late
J. Stubbs, of Irwinton, died this morning at the residence of her son,
Bartow Stubbs,
on Vineville avenue, at the age of 77 years. She had
been in declining health, and members of the family were at her bedside
during her last hours. She was the mother of F. Bartow Stubbs, Sidney
J., R.L. and I.C. Stubbs
Mrs. C. L. Wheeler, who resides
in Milledgeville. She was a woman of fine disposition and had many friends.
The body will be taken to the old home at Irwinton tomorrow. Funeral and
interment will occur there in the afternoon.
December 12, 1909
The Macon Daily Telegraph
To Santa
Gordon, Ga., Dec. 9, 1909
Dear Santa: Please bring me a hill climber,
some fruits and candies, a big horn and lots of fireworks. I go to school
and like it very much. Your friend
Charlie O. Tinsley, Age 9, Gordon,
Dear Old Santa: I am a little girl 5 yrs.
old. I want you to bring me a big black haired doll dressed like a baby,
a go cart, stove, tea set and table, a horn and lots of fruits. I try to
be a good little girl and old Santa I love you for you don't ever forget
me. Your little girl. Bydnie Tinsley, Gordon, Ga.
Dear Santa Clause: We are little twin sisters
and wants you to bring us every thing just alike, 2 beautiful baby dolls,
go car, little rocker (willow) set of pins and lots of thing to keep a
noise with such as horns, bells, etc and don't forget fruits and candles.
Your little girls Annie and Emily Tinsley, Age 3 yrs.
Dear Santa Clause: Please don't forget me
on your trip this year. You have always been so good to me. I am 7 yrs
old and go to school. Please bring me a Big light haired doll, a big pretty
Go Cart, a little bracelet, a "water set" and lots of fruits and candies.
Your little Mildred Tinsley,
Gordon, Ga.
December 14, 1909
Union Recorder
A Sad Death. On Saturday afternoon, Dec.
4, 1909, Annie Lawrence,
three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Johns, died suddenly
at the home of grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Johns. The entire
community was shocked and grieved at the sudden taking away of this sweet,
lovable child. For, indeed, she entwined her little self around the
hearts of all whom she had ever come in contact.
The grief stricken parents have the
heartfelt sympathy of many friends and relatives who commend them now to
the "God of all grace." Remember, your little darling is not dead, but
asleep in the arms of Jesus. O. E.
December 31, 1909
Milledgeville News
Miss Nettie
May Carr and Mr. Goodloe Beck were happily married at Black
Springs church last Sunday, a large crowd of friends and relatives attending
the wedding. Mrs. Beck was universally regarded as one of the most beautiful
and poplar young ladies of Carr's Station and Mr. Beck is section foreman
on the Georgia road. They have best wishes from a host of friends. They
will make their home in Milledgeville.

Website copyright Eileen Babb
McAdams 2003