February 26, 1840
Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel
On the first Tuesday
in April next, will be sold at the court house door in Wilkinson county,
a lot of Land in said county, containing two hundred two and a half acres,
on which Mr. Hatfield now lives, belonging to the estate of Samuel
Player, late of Richmond county, deceased. Terms cash. WM. B GREENE,
Adm'r. February 5, 1840.
May 26, 1840
Macon Weekly Telegraph
MARRIED. On the 28th ult, by the Mr. Jacob
Lasseter, of Laurens county, to Miss Martha
McCarthy, daughter of the Rev. Wm. McCarthy, of Irwinton, Ga.
July 14, 1840
Southern Recorder
WILKINSON. On the 4th of July, a number
of the citizens of Wilkinson county, opposed to the present Administration
convened at the Courthouse in Irwinton, and organized themselves into a
body, by choosing RICHARD WHITAKER, President, and appointed O.
D. OSGOOD, Secretary.
The object of the meeting having
been stated by Wm. Cooper, Esq., and the meeting addressed by several
gentlemen present, on motion it was
Resolved, That the President
appoint a committee of three to nominate five delegates from each district
in the county, to the Convention in contemplation at Macon, on the 13th
of August next.
Whereupon the Chair announced the
names of C. C. Beall, William Cooper, and O. D. Osgood, Esqrs.,
as the committee, who reported the following gentlemen as delegates:
William B. Smith, Elisha Hall,
Daniel E. Hall, Thomas Holliman, Timothy Sears, Anderson Ingraham, John
W. ALlen, Absalom Jordan, John Smith, C. C. Beall, Richard Whitaker, Augustus
A. Cullens, William H. Wright, Jesse More, George Herndon, T. Jones, John
R. Jones, Daniel Blount, Wiley Shepherd, James Granade, Hon. John Hall,
William F. Bond, Amos Boynton, James King, Benj. F. Scott, Josiah Whitehurst,
William D. Thompkins, John C. Pattishall, James Seals, John Gardner, Jordan
Waters, William Garrot, Joel Dease, James Wright, John F. Mason, James
Ross, Wesley King, Alexander Carswell, Gains Brown, John T. Porter.
Resolved, That the Anti-Administration
party generally, of the county, are requested to attend the said Convention.
Resolved, That the proceedings
of the meeting be signed by the President and Secretary, and forwarded
to the editors of the Recorder, with a request for publication;
and also that the Macon Messenger is requested to re-publish the
same. RICHARD WHITAKER, Pres't. O. D. OSGOOD, Secretary.
Irwinton, July 4, 1840
August 18, 1840
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, in Wikinson county Ga. at Coolsprings
on Thursday, 6th inst., by A. M. Jordan Esq., Mr. JOHN H. PIERCE,
only daughter of Mrs. Mary Nobles all of this place.
April 6, 1841
Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel
Will be sold at the lower
market house, in the city of Augusta, on the first Tuesday in April next,
the following tracts of land, being part of the estate ofJohn
Fox, deceased, viz.
Lot No. 264 - 202½,
4th district Wilkinson county, on the waters of Black Creek.
Lot No. 265 - 202½
acres, 4th district Wilkinson county, on the waters of Black Creek.
Lot. No. 282 - 202½
acres, 4th district Wilkinson county, on the waters of Black Creek,
Lot No. 288 - 202½
acres, 1st district, Wilkinson county, on the waters of Oconee River
Lot. No. 293 - 202½
acres, 4th district, Wilkinson county, on the waters of Black Creek
Lot. No. 294 - 202½
acres, 4th district Wilkinson county, on the waters of Black Creek.
Lot No. 251 - 202½,
21st district, Mucogee county
1,000 acres of land in
Montgomery formerly Washington county, on the Oconee river
620 acres in Montgomery
formerly Washington county, on head waters of Buckeye Creek
900 acres in Bryan county.
Also, the following slaves, to wit:
and Allan, (sold a the risk of a former purchaser), Lucien,
a man about 25 years of age, his wife Dilsey, about 26 years of
age, and their two children, Jacob, a boy about 9 years old, and
about 18 months old.
Persons wishing to purchase
any of the above property, are invited to call on the Executors for any
information in their possession. Terms made known on the day of sale
Surviv'g Ex'rs
March 10, 1840
April 27, 1841
The Macon Georgia Telegraph
Delegates to represent
the county of Wilkinson, in the Young Men's Convention, to be held in Milledgeville,
on the first Monday in May next; Samuel Beall, Esq. was called to the Chair,
and Thos. N. Beall appointed Secretary.
Delegates to attend:
William Gibson, Thomas N. Beall, Thos. M.
Tarpley, I. Lindsey, W. G. Hatcher, W. Hancock, Wiley Holand, J. E. Spencer,
J. Witt, J. Lewis, P. Gainey, Levi Matthews, Thos. Jackson, N. Hughs, Jas.
Todd, N. Ball, W. Meredith, Jas. Fountain, William Rozar, Thos. Jones,
E. Garratt, D. H. Kingery, J. H. Whaley, S. M. Pittman, A. Cannon, Wm.
B. Isles, W. Fordham, Jas. Butler, W. Brannon, John T. Branham, M. Etheridge
Jr., W. Shinholster.
June 15, 1841
Georgia Journal
THE ABOVE REWARD will be paid by
the citizens of Wilkinson county for the apprehension and deliver to the
Jailor of said county, of one SAMUEL M. PITTMAN, who murdered William
Keaton in said county, on the 4th of May last.
Description of Pittman.- The said
Samuel Pittman is the rise of six feet high; slender built, dark complexion;
dark hair; dark grey eyes, about 30 years of age; quick spoken; and weighs
about one hundred and twenty-five or thirty pounds. Irwinton, June 7th
, 1841.
October 5, 1841
Macon Telegraph
DIED, In Wilkinson county,
on the 23d ult. GEORGE
FRANCIS, eldest son of Henry F. and Susan A. Rucker,
aged 5 years, 9 months and 17 days.
November 03, 1841
Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel
$20 Reward - Runaway from the subscriber,
residing near Irwinton, Wilkinson County, two Negro men, namedSAM
Sam is about twenty three or four years old, short thick build, quiet dark
and has some scars on his breast. Ben is about twenty years of age, also
quiet dark, weighing about 175 pounds, no marks recollected. The above
reward will be paid for their delivery to me or in any safe jail so that
I can get them.
November 30, 1841
Federal Union
Agreeable to an order...first Tuesday in
January next...Wilkinson county....the negroes belonging to the estate
of Seth Honeycutt, late of Twiggs
county, deceased, to wit: Silva
her two children, Nancy and Martha.
June 21, 1842
Federal Union
Caught at last. - We understand that an
individual named Wm. Fountain,
has been arrested and committed to Jail in Wilkinson county, on the charge
of bigamy. It appears that he has been married four times in this state.
One of his wives resides in this county. He came here three years ago,
and introduced himself to a widow lady, worth some property, and soon married
her-sold the property-bought a horse and buggy with part of the proceeds-took
his wife and started to Dublin, in Laurens county, but before he reached
the place forced her (to) get out of the carriage, and there left her standing
in the road, without friends, money or reputation. We have since learned
that this was his second wife, and that he has since married two more and
that all four are living in this State.-Sandersville Telescope.
June 21, 1842
Macon Georgia Telegraph
This may certify, that my wife has been
cured by Dr. Thomson, of Dyspepsia, after having had it for a number of
years, and taken medicine from the common doctors till there was no sense
in it. She has now been well two years. LEWIS DEANE, Wilkinson county,
1st may, 1841
I do certify, that my daughter has been
cured of Dyspepsia, and my son of Cramp Cholic, by Dr. Thomson, after all
other means had failed. Neither of them have had any return of their complaints
in 2 years. BENJAMIN SCOTT, Wilkinson county, 1st May, 1841.
July 19, 1842
Macon Georgia Telegraph
Town of Gordon. - We are pleased to learn that the Directors of the Central
Rail Road Company have selected a prommentaue on the side of the Road,
for a town, to be named Gordon, in honor of the late President of the Company.
It is located in Wilkinson county, one hundred and seventy miles from Savannah,
twenty from Macon, and fourteen from Milledgeville, and will be the Depot
for a great portion of middle Georgia, say Wilkinson, Baldwin, Pulaski,
Dooly, Laurens, Twiggs, and a portion of Putnam, Jasper and Jones. As regards
hereto, no places in this sequin of the state posses greater advantages
than Gordon. It is on the dividing ridge between the Oconee and Ocmulgee
rivers, many miles distant from swampland of any description, and abounds
in the most excellent water. Sandersville Tel.
Submitted by R.
Elizabeth Brewer
September 13, 1842
Federal Union
Postponed Sheriff's Sale
McConnel, 202 1-2 acres, 4th dist., No. 12
J. Bush, house and lot, 1 acre in Irwinton; boy, Solomon,
15 yrs, Eliza, 12 yrs, Winna, 25 yrs; 400 acres whereon
James Lasseter formerly lived, William Hooks formerly lived,
on Porter's creek
Stolen..about 18th or 20th of July
last, negro man named Frank, abt
27 yrs old, 5' 6" hig, square built, heavy muscle, 170 or 180 lbs, scar
on one foot from cut of an axe, scar across throat from knife cut. Stolen
by David Graham of Pulaski co. Graham is abt. 40 yrs, 6 ft hi. spare built,
dark skin, hollow eyed, black hair, heavy black beard and blue eyes, down
look when spoken to. Both their back will be found to be considerably marked
from the whip. The negro may be run by Barefoot, Flourney, Phillips, Mosely,
Drawdy or Bohannon, as there is thought to be a clan of them...Green
B. Burney. Sept. 1, 1842.
Sheriff's Sale
Dixon, negro boy, 8 yrs old, Radford
Meredith, 500 acres, 3rd dist., whereon John Meredith lives
Fisher, tavern lot in Irwinton, 1 acre; stable lot, 3 acres
Cooper, 202 1-2 acres pine land,
Spears, 300 acres, 26th dist.
Collins, 40 acres, 3rd dist., No. 315
Leon Webb,
two negro men, Tom and William,
one 35 yrs, 1 40 yrs
M. Bloodworth, horse, Jack o' Diamonds, 10 yrs old, in possession of
Wiley Etheredge
Myrick, 405 acres pine land, 4th dist.
S. B. Murphey, Sheriff. Aug. 25, 1842
Coroner's Sale
B. Murphey, 1 acre lot in Irwinton, one bay mare, one bay horse
Exum, 202 1-2 acres pine land, 3rd dist. adj. John T. Porter, Jesse
Thomas Jackson Coroner, August 25, 1842
Executor's Sale
Lasseter, personal property, William Lasseter, David Lasseter,
Ex'ors. Aug. 26, 1842.
October 17, 1842
Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel
Administrator's Sale. Will be sold on the
first Tuesday in December next, before the court house door in Irwinton,
Wilkinson County, Georgia, between the lawful sale items, agreeable to
an order by the honorable, the Inferior Court of Lincoln County, sitting
for ordinary purposes, a tract of land in the 4th District, Wilkinson
County, bounded by Lot No. 308, by Lot No. 291, by Lot No. 306, and
by lot number 292, containing two hundred two and two and one half acres.
Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Matthew
Collars, late of said county deceased. Terms made known on the day.
Oct. 10, 1842,
Geo Collars, Admn.
December 6, 1842
Macon Georgia Telegraph
~extract~ Inferior Court of Crawford County,
sale first Tuesday in January next
"Also, at the same time, by virtue of the
same order, before the court house door in the town of Irwinton, Wilkinson
county, the following lots and parts of lots of land, to wit: Lot No. (111,)
in the 5th district of Wilkinson, 140 acres of lot No. 88, in the 5th district
of Wilkinson, and ten acres of Lot No. 120, in the 4th district of said
county, all lying in one body and containing 350 acres. The above described
negroes and lands sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors ofJoshua
H. Bigham, dec'd."
Dorothy B. Bigham, adm'rs, Howell
H. Bigham, adm'r. Crawford co. Oct. 25th, 1842.
July 25, 1843
Southern Recorder
Died in Irwinton on the 29th
of June last, after an illness of twenty-one days, William
M. Monroe, formerly a resident of Fayetteville, North Carolina.
For the consolation of the relatives
and friends of the deceased, the writer of this notice assures them that
he had every attention that a religious community could bestow.
August 1, 1843
Macon Georgia Telegraph
MARRIED, At the residence
of John Gibson, Esq., near Irwinton, Ga, on 16th inst., by the Hon.
Samuel Beall, Mr.
George Augustus Whipple, formerly of Providence,
R.I., to Miss Joanna Milner, formerly
of Wilkes county, Ga.
September 5, 1843
Federal Union
~excerpt~ Wilkinson Sheriff's Sale. ..first
Tuesday in October next...to-wit:
200 acres of land, more or
less, whereon Mrs. James Hatcher now lives, lying in the fourth
district of the county aforesaid, number not known, and well improved..property
of James Hatcher, deceased...fi
fa..in favor of Mary Hicks vs the said James Hatcher dec'd.
202 1/2 acres of well
improved pine land..27th district..number not known, whereon James
Cumbest now lives, adjoining lands of Thomas Graves, James Gibson,
and John Bachelder...property of said Cumbest..fi fas...in
favor of Sarah Davis...favor of J. S. Harris vs said Cumbest,J.
C Pattershall and George Myrick,..pointed out by Kenan and Rockwell.
1000 acres of land, more or less,
in the 4th or 5th district of Wilkinson county, number not known, now in
the possession of Harper Tucker, known as the Bonds' Bend Plantation,
good swamp land, well improved, lying on the waters of the Oconee; 500
acres of well improved swamp land, more or less, Nos. not known lying on
the waters of the Oconee - in the possession of William Johns, and
known as the "Miles Place," one negro man, by the name ofIsham,
about 40 years of age; All levied on as the property of William
F. Bond to satisty two fifas..in favor of the Bank of Hawkinsville
vs William F. Bond, transferred to Joseph Bond. ..August 26, 1843.
B Murphy, Sheriff.
~excerpt~ Postponed Sale
202 1/2 acres of well improved pine
land, lying in the 3d district of Wilkinson county, No. 104, also one Jackass
and two Jennies, and 50 head of cattle, more or less, and 30 or 40 head
of hogs, and also one gray horse and one black poney, and two mouse colored
mules, all levied on as the property of Thomas
Jackson to satisty one fi fa. from the Superior court of said county,
in favor of Green R. Tench vs Oliver D. Osgood, principal,
and Thomas Jackson security, property pointed out by said Jackson.
300 acres of well improved
pine land, more or less, in the 23d or 26th district of said county, number
not known, - whereon Lewis Spears
lives, levied on as the property of said Spears to satisfy one fi fa from
the Superior court of said county, in favor of John Gibson
vs said
Spears. and also to satisfy sundy fi fas. from a Justices court of said
county, in favor of Sampson Dixon vs said Spears, and Washington
Williams security.
202 1/2 acres of well improved pine
land, lying in the 23d district of said county, number not known, and known
as the Wyatt Meredith's Cedar
Creek plantation, 300 acres of pine land, well improved in the 22d district
of said county, number not known, whereon Wyatt Meredith now lives, all
levied on as the property of said Meredith, to satisfy one fi fa from the
Superior court of said county, in favor of Charles J. McDonald, Governor
vs said Wyatt Meredith.
One negro girl named Tabitha,
about 5 or 6 years of age; levied on as the property of Jesse
M. Warren, to satisy one fi fa..in favor of Thomas M. Turner vs said
202 1/22 acres of well improved pine
land, lying in the 3d district of said county, number not kown, where William
Adams now lives, also one yoke of oxen and a cart, all levied
on as the property of said William Adams, ..in favor of Henry P. Strickland..August
25, 1843. Ellis Harvill, D. Sheriff.
October 17, 1843
Federal Union
DIED - In Wilkinson county on Sunday
morning the 15th inst., of fever, Mr.
GEORGE W. JOHNSON, about 35 years of age.
December 19, 1843
Federal Union
~excerpt~ Wilkinson Postponed Sheriff's
Sale. ....first Tuesday in January next...
101 1-4 acre of oak and hickory
land, lying in the 4th district of Wilkinson county, No. not known, adjoining
land of Thomas Underwood..property of Joseph
Hancock, deceased, to satisfy one fi fa. from the Superior Court of
said county in favor of the Central Bank of Georgia vs. Edmund B. Hancock
Hancock; and two fi fas. issued fron a Justices Court, in favor of
Robert Ridley vs. Edmund B. Hancock and William Hancock, executors on the
estate of Joseph Hancock...............
S. B. Murphey, Sheriff
Also...202 1/2 acres of pine land,
lying in the 3d district of Wilkinson county, No. 104, well improved, whereon
Crutchfield now lives; and one jack ass
, one jinny, 50 head of cattle more or less,
30 or 40 head of hogs, one grey horse, one black poney, two mouse colored
mules, 500 bushels of corn more or less all levied on as the property of Thomas
Jackson, to saitsfy one fi fa. in facor of Green R. Tench....vs. Oliver
D. Osgood, principal and Thomas Jackson, security. ...Ellis Harville,
D. Sh'ff.
...demands against the estate of Vinson Hardie, late of Wilkinson county, deceased...Jacob Witt, Adm. Nov. 6, 1843.
~excerpt~Wilkinson Sheriff's Sale....first
Tuesday in January next..to-wit: Milley
a woman, about 35 years old, and child, 2 years old; Mary a woman,
17 years old;
Aney a girl, about 7 years old; Darcus
girl, about 4 years old; Mimy a woman, about 35 years old, and her
child 2 years old; Lemuel a boy, about 10 years old;
a boy, about 8 years old; Frank a boy, about 6 years old; Eliza
a girl, about 12 years old; Elender a girl, about 5 years old; Fanny
a girl, about 3 years old; Winney a woman, about 37 years old, and
child, 5 years old; Daniel a boy, about 10 years old;
boy, about 7 years old; Nancy
a woman, about 40 years old and her
child Warren a boy, about 6 years old; Allen a boy, about 13
years old; Buze a girl, about 14 years old; Cush a girl,
about 9 years old; Nancy a woman, about 50 years old; Margaret
a woman, 20 years old, and
her 2 children;
acres of fine land, well improved, on the Commissioner creek, in the 4th
district of said county, Nos. not known;
town lot in the town of Irwinton, well improved whereon Samuel Beall
lives, No. not known, containing two acres more or less,
and one
other town lot in the town of Irwinton, where Charles Fox now lives,
containing one-quarter of an acre, more or less, well improved,
and one
town lot whereon Thomas N. Beall now lives, containing two acres
more or less, well improved, No. not known;
600 bushes of corn, more or less, 10,000
pounds of fodder more or less, one wagon and six mules, three yoke of oxen
and one cart, 40 head of stock cattle, 50 head stock hogs, four feather
beds and bed steads, 14 fine Winsor chairs and six common chairs, one bureau,
one book case, two candle stands, two pine tables, two looking glasses,
one barouche, household and kitchen furniture, consisting of knives and
forks, pots and oves, one crane, one grey horse, one cream mare, one sorrel
mule and three bay mules; all levied on as the property of Samuel
Beall, to satisfy one fi fa. issued from the Superior Court of said
county, in favor of Nathaniel F. Harris vs. Samuel Beall, security for
William F. Bond, and one in favor of John T. Wright vs. John Gibson and
Samuel Beall...as security for Samuel J. Bush and A. A. Cullins...,
One negro boy George about 12 years old, Betsey a negro woman 35 years old, levied on as the property of A. A. Cullins..fi fa. in favour of Beecher, Brown and Rogers..vs. Cullen, Beall and Bush.
One negro woman by the name of Elender about 18 years old, and negro girl about 12 years old, levied on as the property of Thomas N. Beall, ..in favor of Beecher, Brown and Rogers, vs. Cullens, Beall and Bush.
One negro Man by the name of Antony about 20 years of age levied on as the property of Alfred Willis, ..fi fa...in favor of Wiley, Lane &c. vs. said Willis...
One Jackass, ..property of William Adams, to satisfy one fi fa in favor of Iverson L. Harris, vs. said Adams and Sarah Gray.
202 1/2 acres of well improved pine land lying in the 3 dist. of Wilkinson county No. not known whereon Major C. Collins now lives; levied on as the property of Major C. Collins..in favor of Haywood Hughs, vs. said Collins and Westley King, endorser.
One very likely bay horse about 16 years old, and sorrel stud colt 2 years old,...property of Benjamin Kemp, ..in favor of William E. Caswell,...
202 1/2 acres ...land in 4th dist. of Wilkinson..whereon John H. Breedlove lives; ...property of John H. Breedlove...in favor, E. C. Williamson vs. said John H. Breedlove.
275 acres pine land in the 2 and 3 dist. of Wilkinson...well improved with a good gin house, gin and gear, ..place whereon William Smith now lives;..also two negroes to wit, Brister a man about 38 years old, and Daniel a man 19 years old, also 2 mules and one sorrel horse..property of William B. Smith..favor of Dermot Dempsey.
Three hundred acres of pine land..whereon John Wheeler now lives; lying in the fourth District...property of John Wheeler...in favor of Samuel Beall vs John Wheeler..
One hundred and seventy acres of land, ..whereon John W. Bloodworth now lives....levied on as said Bloodworth..in favor of Charles C. Beall vs. John W. Bloodworth....
Three hundred acres of pine land, well improved, number not known, ..in fourth district..whereon Simean Adams now lives; levied on as the property of Fredrick Barfield..in favor of Beall, Bond and Samuel Beall, vs. Fredrick Barfield.
Two hundred two and half acres of pine land...whereon Thomas J. Graves now lives, well improved, number not known, lying in the twenty seventh district..property of Thomas J. Graves...in favor of Plesant Ganey, vs. Thomas J. Graves and Richard Graves, ,,,,
Five hundred acres of pine land..whereon
W. Scott now lives; with a good saw mill thereon, on Black Creek adjoining
lands of Jeremiah Beall and others number not known..property of Benjamin
F. Scott..fi fa in favor of Beall and Bond..James W. Scott, Adminstrator
in his own wrong.
S. B. Murphy, Sheriff. Nov. 24, 1843.
December 19, 1843
Federal Union
~excerpt~ Wilkinson Mortgage Sheriff's Sale..first
Tuesday in January next...to wit:
One lot of land, containing 202 1/2
acres more or less, No. 206, in the 26th District, Wilkinson..whereon Thomas
Fort now lives levied on as the property of said Fort..mortgage fi
fa....in favor of Green B. Burney administrator on the estate of
Carr, deceased...
Also, 2 mares and colts, 18 head
of hogs, 2 cows and calves, and 2 machines, ...property of Thomas Fort...
in favor of Green B. Burney administrator on the estate of Samuel
Carr, deceased...M. N. Murphey, D. Sh'ff. October 26, 1843.
December 19, 1843
Federal Union
~excerpt~Administrator's Sale. sold..first
Tuesday in January next, ...to-wit: sixteen hundred acres, more or less,
pine land, well improved, with a good grist and saw mill, whereon Samuel
Carr formerly lived, it being all the lands said Carr owned, in the
4th and 20 (27?) districts of said county; also, three negroes, to-wit:
and John, about 60 years of age, and Maria, about 25; all sold
as the property of Samuel Carr,
late of said county, deceased...G. B. Burney, Adm'r. Oct. 23, 1843.
~excerpt~ Administrator's Sale...Inferior Court of DeKalb county....sold at Irwinton..first Tuesday in January next, lot of land 203 in the 6th district..heirs and creditors of Minnie Fowler, late of DeKalb county, deceased..Hilliard J. Fowler, Adm'r. Sept. 4, 1843
...sold...first Tuesday in January next..Parts of lots of land Nos. 74 and 74, in the 4th district of Wilkinson county..property of Wm. Beck, deceased...Wm. S. Beck, Adm'r. Oct. 11, 1843....
Executor's Sale..sold on second Tuesday in January next..land and negroes belonging to the estate of James Hatcher, late of said county, deceased. Wm. G. Hatcher, Ex'or. Nov. 1, 1843.
Adminstrator's Sale. On Thursday, the 18th day of January next,..at the late residence of John Hews, late of Wilkinson county, deceased, all the perishable property belonging to said deceased - consisting of horses, hogs, cattle, household and kitchen furniture; also corn and fodder, together with all the cotton raised on the premises, &c, &c...Green B. Hews, B. J. Hews, Adm'rs. Nov. 27, 183.
Notice..Will be sold at the late residence
of Vinson Hardie,
on Friday the 22d day of December next, late of Wilkinson county, deceased:
all the perishable property belonging to the estae, consisting of horsses,
hogs, cattle, corn, fodder, cotton, household and kitchen furniture, and
other articles now too tedious to mention....Jacob Witt, Adm. Nov. 6, 1843.
December 26, 1843
Federal Union
Departed this life on the 17th
ult. at his residence in Wilkinson county,
Elder JOHN HUGHES, who had been some 35 years a member of the Baptist
Church, and for about 14 years a useful and pious Minister of the Gospel.
Most of that time he had charge of several churches, and was abundant in
Ministerial labors, &c. was instrumental in gathering a goodly
number into the church, particularly during the years 1838 and '39, when
there was an extensive revival of religion, in the section of country where
he resided. No doubt he has obtained the reward of those "who turn many
to righteousness."
For about two months
before his death, his health was very feeble; though he was confined to
his bed of languishing only 9 days. His disease was an inflammation of
the lungs. He bore his last illness with exemplary patience, seemed quite
dead to the things of the world, and much absorbed in the interest of the
Redeemers Kingdom. The evening of the day before he died, with the assistance
of his friends, he rose from his bed, and kneeling down he prayed devoutly
with his family for the last time. He was indeed a good man, and his end
was peaceful.
January 23, 1844
The Macon Georgia Telegraph
In Wilkinson county, on the 11th inst. by
S. B. Brown, Esq., Henry H. Hagan, Jr., Esq., of Philadelphia to
Miss Mary M. Gainey, of the former
May 7, 1844
Georgia Journal
~excerpts~ Administrator's Sale....real
estate, belonging to the estate of Mary
Ann Smith, late of said county, deceased.... ANDERSON INGRAM, Adm'r,
SMITH, now MARY VICKERS, Admr's. Irwinton,
~excerpts~ James Gibson and Joel Rivers..letters of Administration de bonis non on the estate ofMartin Witt, late of Wilkinson county, deceased...2d day of April, 1844. A. B. RAIFORD, c.c.o
~excerpts~ Elizabeth Smith applies to me for letters of Administration on the estate of Griffin Smith, late of Wilkinson county, deceased....2nd day of April, 1844. A.B. RAIFORD, c. c. o.
~excerpts~ Joel Rivers and James Gibson apply to me for letters of Dismission on the estate ofJoel Brewer, late of Wilkinson county, deceased... .2nd day of April, 1844. A.B. RAIFORD, c. c. o.
~excerpts~ Joel Rivers, Administrator de bonis non on the estate of Wenlock C. Pearson, late of this county deceased....8th March, 1844. AUG. B. RAIFORD, C.C.O
~excerpts~ Howel L. Whitehurst, Guardian of James L. Whitehurst, applies for dismission from said Guardianship...1st April 1844 AUG. B. RAIFORD, C.C.O
~excerpts~ Anderson Ingram and Mary Smith, now Mary Vickers, Administrators on the estate of Allen Smith, late of said county, deceased...11th day of Dec. 1843. AUG. B. RAIFORD, Clerk
~excerpts~ Micajah Poulk, Guardian for the orphans of John Poulk, applies to me for letters of dismission....23rd day of March, 1843. AUG. B. RAIFORD. C.C.O.
May 7, 1844
Georgia Journal
~excerpts~ Wilkinson May Sheriff's Sales.
Two hundred two and a half acres
of pine land, well improved, number 80, lying in the third district of
Wilkinson county, whereon William
N. Bowen now lives, adjoining lands of James H. Mills, Isaac Hall
others; levied on as the property of said Bowen...
202 1/2 acres of land, more
or less, lying and being in the fifth district of said county, number not
known, adjoining lands of Littleton, Branham and others, well improved,
whereon Stanmore Carr now
lives; levied on as the property of Carr....
Two hundred two and a half acres,
more or less, of Pine Land, number not known, in the 27th district, adjoining
lands of James Gibson and others, known as the Sanders place;
levied on as the property of Pleasant
Two hundred two and a half acres
of land, more or less, lying in the fifth district, number not known, whereon Alexander
Doke now lives; levied on as the property of said Doke...
Two hundred acres of land,
more or less, lying in the 26th district of said county, number not know,
well improved, whereon Washington
Williams now lives, levied on as the property of said Williams.....
One negro man, by the name
of Anderson, about 30 years old,
now in the possession of Gaines Brown; levied on as the property
of Jesse M. Warren....
negro man, about 20 years old, now in the possession of James Ross;
on as the property of Jesse M. Warren....
W. W. BEALL, Sheriff. April 2, 1844
Wilkinson June Sheriff's Sales
~excerpts~ One hundred and eighty-two
acres of land, more or less, lying in the fifth District, number sixty-three,
whereon James Wood now lives; levied on as the property of Cornelius
Five hundred acres of land, more
or less, well improved; number not known, lying in the second District,
adjoining lands of Joel Butler and James H. Lofton; levied
on as the property of William B.
Two hundred two and a half
acres of land, number not known, lying in the third District of Wilkinson
county, well improved, whereon Lewis Smith now lives; levied on
as the property of Samuel Cooper;
Two hundred two and a half acres
of land, well improved, lying in the third District, number not known,
adjoining lands of Thomas Jackson and others; levied on as the property
of William Adams....
One hundred acres of land,
more or less, lying in the fourth District of Wilkinson county, being part
of lot number one hundred and four, adjoining lands of Aug. B. Raiford
McCarthy; levied on as the property of John
The half of the house and lot
whereon Sam'l Bush now lives, containing one acre, more or less,
well improved; levied on as the property of Aug.
B. Raiford...
One negro woman named Mariah,
about twenty-five years old; levied on as the property of
David McMurrain....
Two mules, about six years old, large
and likely; one black pony, about six years old; one grey horse, about
five years old; one jackass, about three years old, large and likely; one
jenny, about ten years old; also, two hundred two and a half acres of land,
more or less, well improved, lying in the third District, number not known,
adjoining lands of Wm. Adams, whereon Nancy Crutchfield now
lives, levied on as the property of Thomas
Two hundred two and a half
acres of land, more or less, number not known, lying in the twenty-sixth
District, adjoining Nathaniel Hines; levied on as the property of Major
C. Collins....
Two hundred two and a half acres
of land, more or less, lying in the twenty-sixth District, number
not known, whereon John H. Breedlove
now lives; levied on as the property of said Breedlove.. W. W. BEALL, Sheriff.
April 30, 1844.
Wilkinson July Mortgage Sheriff's Sale.
~excerpt~..usual hours of sale, the following
property, to wit:
a man, and Daniel, a boy; levied on as
the property of William B.
Smith to satisfy a mortgage fi fa in favor of Isaac Mitchell. Returnable
to July Term, 1844. .. W. W. BEALL, Sheriff, April 30, 1844
~excerpts~Wilkinson Coroner's Sale for May,
One Bay Horse, one Bay Mare, and
Two Black Mares; levied on as the property of Thomas
Jackson...for the use of James Simmons a Minor, and controlled
by Benjamin Exum.....
One Yoke of Oxen, one Mare and Colt,
Seven head of Stock Cattle, Twelve head of Hogs, more or less, levied on
as the property of John Wheeler...RICHARD
WATERS, Coroner. March 21st, 1844
Executor's Sale
~excerpt~ the late residence of Richard
Whitaker, late of Wilkinson county, deceased, all the perishable property
belonging to said estate, consisting of Horses, Hogs, Cattle, Sheep, &c.,
and various other articles...NATHANIEL WHITAKER, HUDSON WHITAKER, Ex'rs.
March 11, 1844.
~excerpt~ Inferior Court of Wilkinson
county....leave to sell a negro man by the name ofRichmond;
as the property of
C. Simmons. SAMUEL BEALL, Guardian. Irwinton, Feb. 1st, 1844
September 24, 1844
Southern Recorder
DIED, At his residence in Wilkinson county,
on the 9th inst. Mr. James King of
an inflammation of the Bowels, aged 43 years.
October 1, 1844
Georgia Journal
Executors's Sale. Agreeably to an
order of the Inferior Court of Wilkinson county, while sitting for ordinary
purposes, will be sold before the Court-house door in the town of Irwinton,
on the first Tuesday in November next, the land belonging to the estate
of Richard Whitaker, late
of said county, deceased. Terms made known on the day. Nathaniel Whitaker,
Hudson Whitaker, Executors. Wilkinson county, Sept. 2, 1844.
October 4, 1844
Federal Union
~excerpt~ Administrator's Sale..first Tuesday
in October next...Wilkinson county, lands, estate of John
Hughs, late of said county, deceased, lying in said county....
G. B. HUGHS, B. J. HUGHS, Adm'rs
July 7, 1844
Guardian's Sale.
..first Tuesday
in Octobr next..Starksville, Lee county..property to-wit: Joel
James Gay's interest in lot of land No. 34, in the second district
of Lee county, it being one fifth part of said lot of land. ELLIS HARVILL,
August 1, 1844.
Guardian's Sale. first Tuesday in November next, ....Wilkinson county, one hundred and fifty acres of land more or less, well improved, in the 4th and 26th district of said county. Sold as the property of Seth Honeycutt, late of Twiggs county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs. ELLIS HARVILL, Guardian. August 1, 1841
November 5, 1844
Federal Union
~exerpt~ DIED - At their residence in Pineville,
Marion county, Georgia, of bilious fever, DANIEL
M. HALL, and his two eldest sons.
Daniel M. Hall
died on the 13th day of September, 1844, aged 48 years, 2 months and 2
days, after an illness of 8 days; his eldest son JOHN
W. HALL, taken ill about the same time, died on the 14th day of the
same month, aged 23 years, 11 months and 23 days, after an illness of 10
days; ISAAC HALL, second son
of Daniel M., taken about the same time, died the 17th day of the same
month, after an illness of 13 days, aged 22 years and 27 days.
Daniel M. Hall was well known as
a citizen of Georgia, especially in the county of Wilkinson, the place
of his former residence, and in our State Legislature at different times,
and especially was he known in the church of God;....
November 26, 1844
Federal Union
Jones estate, sell Lot of land No. 268 and 15 acres, part of No. 243,
together with place he resided, 4th district;..also negro woman
her two children, Gabriel Jones, Ex'or. Sarah Jones, Ex'rs.
Also, part of Horses, cows, hogs, corn and fodder, household and kitchen
furniture, etc. November 11, 1844
C. Simmons, deceased, guardian's sale, negro man named Richard.Sam'l
Beall, Guardian, Nov. 7, 1844
Batcheldor, deceased, sell interest (1/4 part) in saw and grist mills,
together with 300 acres of land, known as Mrs. Gainey's mills, Jackson
Adm'r. Sept 1., 1844
Dixon, deceased, sell interest (1/4 part) in saw and grist mills, together
with 300 acres of land, known as Mrs. Gainey's mills, Savill
Dixon, Adm'rx, Freeman Dixon, Adm'r. Sept 1., 1844
~excerpt~Whereas, James Taylor, Guardian for the orphans of Thomas Taylor, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from the Guardianship of Thomas and Ardelissa Taylor, two of said Wards.....this 1st day of January, 1845. Aug. B. Raiford, c.c.o
~excerpt~Whereas Needham W. Brown applies to me for letters of Administration on the estate of George W. Hearndon, late of said county, deceased....this 18th day of Dec., 1844. A. B. Raiford, c.c.o
~excerpt~ Whereas William C. Parker, Administrator on the estate of Matthew Underwood, applies to me for letters of dismission from said Administration....this 5th day of Nov., 1844...
~excerpt~Whereas, Samuel Sanders, Agent for Claibourne B. Sanders, as Administrator on the estate ofMartha Sanders, applies to me for letters of dismission from said Administration, as Agent aforesaid...this 5th day of Nov. 1844
~excerpt~Wheres Moses S. West and Alfred Brahham, Administrators on the Estate of John Wise, apply to me for letters of dismission from said Administration:...this 1st Sept. 1844...
~excerpt~Wilkinson February Sheriff's Sales.
Will be sold at the Court house door in the town of Irwinton, on the first
Tuesday in February next,....
One lot of land, containing two hundred
two and a half acres, more or less, well improved, lying in the third Dist.
No. not known, whereon John Kemp now
lives, levied on as the property of said Kemp to satisfy a fi fa ...in
favor of John Doe, on the demise of Thomas White et al vs. Richard Roe,
casual ejector, and John Kemp, tenant in possession.
202 1/2 acres of pine land,
well improved, lying in the 27th district, whereon Burrell Maples now lives,
and one yoke of steers and cart; levied on as the property of Burrell
Maples, to satisfy a fi fa issued out of the Superior Court, in favor
of Isaac Newell vs said Maples. S. B. Murphy, D. Sheriff. Dec. 31, 1844
~excerpt~Wilkinson March Sheriff's Sale. ....the following property to wit: Four head of horses, one Jersey wagon, one ox cart, twenty head of hogs, eight head of sheep, two cows and calves, and household and kitchen furniture of every description; levied on as the property of William Brewner to satisfy a mortgage fi fa issued from the Inferior Court in favor of Isaac Newell vs said Brewner. W. W. Beall, Sheriff. Dec 31, 1844
February 11, 1845
The Georgia Telegraph
NOTICE Is hereby given to John Brown,
formerly of Wilkinson county, that the undersigned has in his hands all
the money arising from the sale of the property of Mary Brown,
late of Houston county deceased, and that unless the said John Brown applies
for said money (to which he is entitled if in life) within six months the
same will be paid over to the next of kin. Perry Ga, January 13, 1845.
Thomas Pollock, Adm'r.
September 16, 1845
Georgia Journal
Executor's Sale. Agreeably to an order of
the Inferior Court of Wilkinson county, while sitting for ordinary purposes,
will be sold before the Court-house door in Irwinton, Wilkinson county,
on the first Tuesday in January next, between the usual hours of sale,
the land and one negro belonging to the estate of James
King, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the estate of James King, deceased.
Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the
day of sale. James Kinny, Executor. September 1st, 1845.
September 30, 1845
The Georgia Telegraph and Republic
BETTS, about 25 years old, five feet and three or four inches high,
tolerable fair complexion, under a down cast look; weighing about 125 pounds
- left my plantation in Wilkinson county, on Friday last with a wagon and
two horses, to bales of Cotton with instructions to carry it to Hamilton
& Hardeman's ware house. I have since discovered he sold the cotton
and gambled off the funds, and also the waggon and horses. Any person who
will deliver the said Betts to me or place him in safe custody will receive
the above reward. WILLIAM TODD.
November 18, 1845
Federal Union
~excerpt~FOR SALE..likely
Negro woman, a first rate cook, washer and ironer. about thirty years
old, and suitable in every respect for a house woman. ..apply to
William Fisher, Irwinton, Wilkinson county, Georgia. Medcalf Fisher
~excerpt~ will be sold at the late residence ofBenjamin Stubbs, deceased, on Saturday, 27th December next, the perishable property, consisting of hogs, cattle, sheep, one horse, corn, fodder, wheat, farming utensils, household and kitchen furniture, @c, and several other articles -the property of Seaborn, Robert and Falby Stubbs, minors, the children of Benjamin Stubbs, deceased. WM. C. PARKER, Guardian. Nov. 13, 1845.
~excerpt~..leave to sell the interest of the heirs of Isaac Barnett, late of said county, deceased, in one negro man, for a division. John G. Jones, Guardian
~excerpt~..leave to sell all the real estate
of Adam Jones, deceased, late
of said county. James Gibson, James Ward, Ex'rs. Sept. 1, 1845
December 5, 1845
Georgia Journal
O'Bannon vs. William J. O'Bannon
Libel for Divorce
In Wilkinson Superior Court, October Term,
It appearing to the Court, from the return
of the Sheriff, that the defendant is not to be found within the limits
of the county of Wilkinson, and it being also represented that the said
defendant resides ot of the State of Georgia: It is, on motion, ordered,
that he appear and file his answer on or before the first Monday in April
next, or be considered in default; and that service of this rule be perfected
by a monthly publication in the Georgia Journal for three months before
the next Term of this Court. Julius L. Lataste, Atty, pro Libellant. Oct.
7th, 1845.
Georgia, Wilkinson County. I, Thomas M.
Tarpley, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, hereby certify that
the forgoing is a true extract from the minutes of said Court, at October
Term, 1845. Given under my hand this 31st day of October, 1845. Thomas
M. Tarpley, Clerk
June 30, 1846
Federal Union
Wilkinson Superior Court, April Term.
C. MURPHEY vs. MYLES MURPHEY. Libel for Divorce In Wilkinson
Superior Court.
It appearing to the Court, from the
return of the Sheriff, that the defendant in the above case, is not to
be found in the county of Wilkinson. On motion it is ordered, that service
be perfected by the defendant, by the publication of the Rule, for three
months in one of the public gazettes of said Court. Attest, Thomas M. Tarpley
Clerk. April 27, 1846.
July 2, 1846
Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel
WARREN Sheriff Sale - Will be sold, on the
first Tuesday in July next, at the court house door in Warrenton, Warren
county, between the usual hours of sale the following property, viz: one
negro boy named Henry, about 10 years
old, of yellow complexion; levied upon as the property of
James Granade,
to satisfy four fi fas. issued from the Justices' court of the 329 District
G.M., of Wilkinson county, in favor of A.A. Cullins vs. James
Granade. Levy made and returned to me by a constable.
June 4, 1846
September 1, 1846
Southern Recorder
DIED, On Thursday the 13th inst., at Cool
Spring, Wilkinson county,
JAMES WYATT ALLEN, aged 2 yeas and 4 months, son of Willis and Mary
Ann Allen.
Submitted by, Carolyn Hinson
December 21, 1847
Federal Union
Jacob Witt
negroes, 50 acre, 5th dist. part of lot No., 48, adj. John Ganey. Joel
Rivers, James Gibson, Admr's.
Thomas M. Tarpley, personal property, Geo. W. Tarpley, Adm'r
M. Smith, sell negroes, R. F. Rozar, Guardian
H. Breedlove, Green B. Burney Adm'r.
Daniel H. Kingery, Susan Kingery, Adm'x
Joel Hoover, John Hoover and Henry Hoover, Adm'rs
Henry Chambers, Martha Chambers, Adm'x
February 8, 1848
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In Wilkinson county, on
the evening of the 20th ult., by the Rev. Henry Mercer, Mr. JOHN ROSS,
February 22, 1848
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ At Pinetucky Mills
in Wilkinson county, on Wednesday evening last, MYRANDA
HASELTINE, aged two years, daughter of John and Mary E. McMullen.
February 29, 1848
Federal Union
MARRIED. - On the 24th inst., by Hon.
Samuel Beall, Justice of the Inferior court, James C. Bower, Esq.
, to Miss MARTHA E., daughter
of Mr. Orrin Davis, all of Wilkinson.
April 18, 1848
Federal Union
~excert~ GRAND
JURORS, April 1848
Merrit Etheredge, Foreman; J. W. Hill; Thos.
H. Parker; James Bloodworth; Lewis Etheredge; Joel Deese; F. P. Crutchfield;
G. W. Meadows; John Burke; Benj. Fordham; Harris Branan; Wm. G. Hatcher;
James Wright; Wm. Fisher; Littleton Branan; Ashly Wynn; John Eady; William
Hoover; Jarred Peacock; Morgan B. Hall; Wyatt Meredith; Edward J. Tarpley.
A. V. McCardel, Clerk
June 20, 1848
Federal Union
MARRIED. At the residence of Reuben Lamb,
Esq. in Twiggs county, on Monday evening, the 12th inst. by Willis
Allen, Esq., Mr. JOHN A. M. SMITH of Wilkinson county, to MissNANCY
LEWIS, daughter of Jacob Lewis of Pulaski county.
December 19, 1848
The Georgia Telegraph
A card. The undersigned would announce to
the citizens of Irwinton and vicinity, and to the public generally, that
they will re-open their school in this place, on the second Monday in January
next. Feeling full assurance, from their former success in this place and
elsewhere, they have no hesitation in guaranteeing to their former patrons,
and to all such as may feel disposed to favor them with patronage, entire
satisfaction with their course and management in matters pertaining to
the instruction and training of children and youth. Their success the present
year, attest sufficiently their ability to conduct a school in such manner
as to make it interesting and profitable to their pupils. The village of
Irwinton is well known as a healthy location, and it suffers peculiar advantages
as a situation for a school; being a place where comparatively little business
is transacted, of a nature to lad the minds of students from that close
application to study which is essential to their rapid improvement. The
Academy building is undergoing repairs, and will be finished in a style,
modern and highly convenient. Tuition pre term (of twenty weeks) carrying
from $7 to $14, according to the branches pursued. A class will be formed
for the benefit of those wishing to perfect themselves in vocal music.
Board can be obtained at a reasonable rate. No effort will be spared on
the part of the teachers to render the school pleasant and advantageous
to students. J. M. Leavitt, D. C. W. Chandler,
Associate Principals. Irwinton, Dec. 15, 1848.
April 10, 1849
Federal Union
JURORS April Term 1849
Samuel M. Carswell, Foreman. Hudson Whitaker,
Joseph Kinsey, Bartlett W. Bell, Pearson Peacock, Leroy Fleetwood, John
C. Pattisall, Joseph Adkins, James Watters, Williamson Calhoun, Martin
D. Simpson, Lewis Dean, Daniel M. Cook, William W. Spivey, Isaac Lindsey,
Bryant O'Bannon, Norman McKaeny, John V. Chuning, Richard Wadkins, Nicholas
W. Hughs. .
May 29, 1849
Georgia Telegraph
Executors Sale. Will be sold at the late
residence of Merritt Etheridge,
Wilkinson county deceased, on the 30th day of June next, part of the personal
property of said deceased, directed to be sold by the will of said deceased,
consisting of cattle, one cotton gin, a quantity of bacon, pork, plantation
tolls, &c, &c, and other articles too tedious to mention. Sold
for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made know on the day.
Joseph S. Etheridge
Harris Etheridge
July 24, 1849
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~DIED In Irwinton, Georgia, on the
15th inst., ANN ELIZA, infant
daughter and only child of James C. and Martha E. Bower, three days
less than three months old.
July 31, 1849
The Georgia Telegraph
Adminstratrix's Sale
Will be sold at the late residence of Jesse
C. Jackson, deceased, in Wilkinson county, on Friday, the third day
of September, between the usual hours of sale, all the personal property
belonging to the estate of said deceased. Consisting of Horses, Cattle,
Hogs, Farming Utensils, Household and Kitchen Furniture, and other articles
too tedious to mention. Terms made known on the day.
Elizabeth Jackson, Adm'x, July 17
September 25, 1849
Macon Telegraph
MARRIED. In Irwinton, Wilkinson
county, on Sunday 16 inst. by Sam'l Beall, J.I.C., Mr. A. V. McCardel
to Miss Aurelia F. Gray, both
of Irwinton, Ga.
September 25, 1849
Georgia Telegraph
Party Meeting. September 17, 1849
Joel Rivers, Esq. Chairman. John Wheeler,
Irwinton District - James C. Bower, Green
Meadows, and Joseph Adkins
Rama - Joel Rivers, D. Hudson and James
Bloodworth's - John Temples, Elijah Ballard
and John Wheeler
Lords - Harvey Freeman, Wm Dixon and Morgan
Fork - Jesse Mackey A. Hearston and Wade
Griffin's - James R. Billue, James Pierce
and Thos Kemp
Bryant O. Banon, Esq. nominated as the Democratic
candidate for Representative in the next Legislature
Col. A. E. Cochran addressed the meeting
October 23, 1849
Federal Union
~excerpt~ Irwinton Division, - No. 96, Sons
of Temperance Sept. 29th, 1849....chronicle the death of our worthy brother
...Again, in a little more than one
week, has the insatiable hand of death plucked from our Division, another
of its members, brother WESLEY
A. FISHER, the youngest son of doting parents, who had sent him to
our village for the prosecution of his academic studies, was on the 24th
inst., seized with a severe illness, which terminated his earthly existence
in a few hours....
November 1 1849
The Pittsfield Sun
Remarkable Yield if Corn. The Macon Journal
and Messenger has the following" "Our readers will remember that we
noticed, a few weeks since, a remarkably promising crop of corn grown by
John Smith,
of Cedar Creek, Wilkinson County. Mr. S. writes us over
date of the 7th inst. that he 'had just finished gathering his corn, and
that from one acre and a quarter he had measured 158 bushels, 1 peck
and 1-2! The corn was measured in sealed measures, and weighed 57 lbs to
the bushel.'"
November 13, 1849
Georgia Telegraph
MARRIED, In Irwinton, Wilkinson Co., on
Tuesday, the 6th inst. by Col. G. B. Burney, J. I. C., Mr. Richard C.
Todd to Miss
V. Wheaton.
November 20, 1849
Federal Union
Administrator's Sale. Agreeable to an order
of the honorable the Inferior Court of Wilkinson county, when sitting for
ordinary purposes, will be sold before the Court house door, in the town
of Irwinton, Wilkinson county, on the first Tuesday in January next, within
the usual hours of sale, the following Lots of land to wiit: -Lot of land
No. 68, in the 2d District of Wilkinson, containing 202 1-2 acres more
or less,- Also, one third part of Lot No. 73, in the 2d District, Wilkinson,
containing 67 2-3 acres more or less. -Also, one sixth part of Lot of land
No. 67, in the 2d District of originally Wilkinson, but now Laurens County,
containing 33 1-3 acres more or less. All the above lands are joining,
and sold as the lands belonging to the Estate of Eleazor
Brack, late of Wilkinson county, deceased, in order for a division
among the legatees.
Terms made known on the day of sale.
EASON GREEN, Adm'r. Oct. 19, 1849.
November 27, 1849
Federal Union
~excerpt~Died at the residence of
his brother, Thos. P. Hughs in the county of Wilkinson, IVERSON
G. HUGHES, youngest sone of the lat Rev. John Hughs and Margaret
Hughs, now Mrs. Tharpe, on the 19th year of his age.
December 25, 1849
Federal Union
Departed this life on the 22d
of November, in the 70th year of his age, Capt.
EDWARD J. TARPLEY, formerly of Brunswick county, Va. Capt. Tarpley
was born in Brunswick county, and partly raised in Charlotte Co. Va. In
the year 1800, he intermarried with Mary B. Manson of Brunswick county:
- raised a large family of children, and in the year 1834 emigrated to
Wilkinson county, Ga., where he resided till his death. In the month of
June, he was taken sick with the ordinary fever of the country, and never
was able to be up again, although everything wad done for him that the
Science of Medicine could afford or suggest; his disease being of a violent
grade, unfortunately inducted irritability of the intestines, accompanied
with Hyrdropic symptoms which eventually terminated his existence. During
the long time of his confinement, be bore his afflictions with Christian
fortitude, meekness and resignation, and was never known to utter an unkind
expression or in any manner complain, but was perfectly resigned to his
long expected dissolution, and had the blessed and glorious assurance of
a better hereafter. In the social relations of life, Captain Tarpley was
much esteemed and respected for the probity of his conduct, and the integrity
of his behavior. He was a kind husband and affectionate father, and a good
neighbor, and in every instance so far as in his power, performed the part
of the good Samaritan. He has gone to that bourne from whence no traveler
returns-Peace be to his ashes! And may that all-wise Creator who tempers
the winter's blast to the shorn lamb, have a tender compassion to his bereaved
wife and children, is the fervent prayer of home wo has endeavored to pay
a just tribute to departed worth. S. J. B.