Wilkinson County Ga. Masonic
Concordia Lodge No. 45
Possibly a Jewish Lodge, active
in 1853
"Looking through the Beale and
Hughs Store books, I found what looked like a Masonic Lodge but wasn't
shown as such. It just stated, "Concordia Lodge #45. Irwinton,
Monday, July 2, 1853. "One block of ribbon @$.50 paid in full."
Page 61. W. C. Courthouse-Clerk of the Court. " E. Ranny Brewer
Cool Spring Lodge, No. 185,
(Moved to Twiggs County)
In 1854,
a warrant for a charter of Cool Springs Masonic Lodge was granted. The
lodge is still active. The first officers were: Eli Sears, Worshipful
Master; James R. Coombs, S. W. ; W. W. Lee, J. W. ; B. S. Carswell, Treasurer;
C. B. Strickland, S. D. ; J. W. Summers, J. D. ; Thomas P. Smith, Tyler.
Other members were Ira E. Perry, J. V. Chuning, William F. M. Brown and
Noah McGowing
1879 when the Cool Springs Church moved from Wilkinson County to Twiggs
County four miles southwest of Allens Cross Roads (Danville), the lodge
was moved to Laurens Hill (Laurens County), then later to Lucy Chapel Church
(Twiggs County) and at present to Danville, Twiggs County.
members in 1862 were Ira Perry; W. J. Gallemore; W. A. Gainey; J. W. Summers
and J . C. Carrol
1873 the Worshipful Master was James Coombs. Some members: Robert J. Smith,
R. A. Hill. T. G. Hill. D. G. Hughes and
Judge J. E. McDonald. In 1899
Professor C. C. Saunders was a member.
1905 the "Blue Lodge" of Masons has elected "Uncle Peter" Barkwell, W.M.;
D. G. Hughes, Jr., J.C.; C. R. Lamb, S. W.; S. A. Bryan, secretary; W.
H. Bryan, Treasuer. Some 1908 members were S. A. Bryan, W. R. Haynes, J.
T. Holloway. and D. H. Bozeman.
Sources: History of Wilkinson
County, Victor Davidson; Proceedins of the Grand Lodge of Georgia
in Macon, Nov. 1854; Proceedings of the One Hundred and Twenty-Second Annual
Communiation of the Grand Lodge of Georgia Free and Accepted Masons Held
in The City of Macon Oct. 27-29 A.S. 1908; Macon Telegraph
Gordon Masonic Lodge No. 240F.
& A. M.
(Still Active)
in Nov. 2, 1860 with Washington J. Solomon the first worshipful master.
Henry Goodman, senior warden and John T. Lingo, junior master.
The first Masonic
Hall was on the second story of a wooden building which was burned October
6, 1879. A new brick building was built in 1880 and the second floor used
for the Masonic Hall, the lower for the Gordon School. In 1914, a
new masonic temple was built on the corner of Main St. and Railroad
Ave. The building was razed in the 1990's.
1914 Members were R. L. Wood, worshipful master; D. G. Hardie, S. W. ;
Joe Leslie, J. W.; C. H. McCook, Sec.; B. F. Ryle, Treas.; and J. F. Jackson,
W. A. Jones, R. E. Evans and J. E. Bell, building committee.
Other members:
J. H. Bateman, Sol Isenburg. Sidney W. Lee, John Pink Bloodworth,
Fleming Bloodworth. J. W. Brooks, Jr.
(Carmel) Irwinton Masonic Lodge
No. 150 F. & A. M.
(Still Active)
"William O.
Beall deeded one acre for the church located at the fork of U. S. Hwy 441
and the Toomsboro Road and the building was completed in 1856. He
was a Baptist and Worshipful Master of Carmel Lodge No. 150, Masonic Grand
Lodge of Georgia." Ron Bell
June 15, 1875, Georgia
Weekly Telegraph. The Irwinton Masonic Lodge and the Irwinton Grange
bought the old Courthouse last Tuesday for $500.
Some members
in 1873 A J Miller, J. E. Chambers, W. E. Harville, Dupree, Shinholser,
Dr. Thomas Simmons.
Some other
members - Daniel Burke, Alexander H. Nesbit, Joseph. E. Butler, H. A. Hartley,
Victor Davidson, John C. C. Todd, John Marvin Hall, Emile Johnson, Leon
P. Player.
In 1925
the Irwinton Lodge No. 150 F. & A. M. held its regular election, electing
the following officers: R. A. Maddox, Worshipful Master; G. Fred Everett,
Senior Warden; R. L. Hartley, Secretary; J. E. Holleman, Treasurer; F.
G. Byington, Senior Deacon; A. W. Hall, Junior Deacon, C. C. Beck, Senior
Steward; W. L. Skelton, Junior Steward; H. F. Heywood, Tyler.
Toomsboro Masonic Lodge
(Information Needed)
Eileen Babb McAdams copyright