June 23, 1922
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thompson visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones Sunday.

Mrs. T.J. Holland called on Mrs. J.S. Miller Tuesday.

Mrs. Mintora Tabb of Colquet, GA; spent last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. T.M. Tarpley and other relatives.

Misses Chattie Lee, Aline and Lizzie Miller dined with their brother Mr. Ennis Miller Sunday.

Mrs. W.P. Lord called on Mrs. Frank Collins Monday A.M.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thompson dined with Mr. J.E. Lord Sunday.

We are very glad to say that Mrs. J.S. Miller is improving after being ill for some few days.

Mr. T.J Holland and Family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.Neal Lord.

Mrs. W.P. Lord and daughter Miss Mintora spent last Tuesday with Mrs. T.M Tarpley.

Mr. Frank Collins and family were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D.J. NeSmith Sunday afternoon.

We are glad to state that the Salem Sunday School has revived up again and we certainly will appreciate all you who will come and cooperate with us.

Mrs. Lonie Hooks from near Dublin is spending the week with her sister Mrs. S.A. Lord.

Mrs. J.B. Tarpley visited Mrs. Neal Lord Sunday A.M.

Mrs. W.L. Freeman spent Thursday A.M with Mr. and Mrs. T.M. Tarpley.

Mr. and Mrs. H.I. Lord dined with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collins Sunday.

Mrs. Mollie Orr spent Thursday afternoon with Miss Amy Lord.

Miss Georgia Orr spent Sunday with Miss Bessie Sue Taylor.

We are planning to clean up the cemetery and Church around Salem Thursday July 6th; and will appreciate all the help that we can possible obtain; come folks and let us be good and do good and make a grand day of it by working and returning all day; Yes we will assure you of a little lunch dinner, and perhaps a few water melons and peaches.

Mingo News
July 28, 1922
Remember folks that we are still having Saturday meeting at Salem on every second Saturday at 11 o’clock (same as on Sunday). Everyone is invited to come. Now let us strive more than ever before to keep our church growing, and on the bright side.

Mr. Ennis Miller and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F.I. Lord.

Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Lord called on Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Holland Wednesday afternoon.

Misses Loma Tillman and Mint Lord were out riding Saturday afternoon.

Mr. Frank Collins and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P.L. Nesbitt.

Mrs. Mollie Orr spent last week in Toomsboro with her daughter Mrs. Fred Mercer.

Miss Loma Tillman was the weekend guest of Misses Mint and Willie Lou Lord.

Miss Willie Lord spent last week with her Aunt Mrs. W.L. Freeman.

Mrs. Lucille Collins and children spent Tuesday with Mrs. W.P. Lord.

Mr. Joe Nesbitt called on Mr. J.W. Fordham and family Sunday P.M.

Mr. Walter Hooks and nephew Mr. Millerd Underwood of near Dublin visited Mr. and Mrs. S.A. “Incomplete name here”.

Mr. D.S. Hohn a Korean student of Emory Academy at Oxfork(d), Ga is spending his vacation with Mrs. W.L. Freeman. Mr. Hohn is a very industrious and intelligent young man. It has already been stated that if he remains in our community very long that he will improve some of our people.

Mrs. Mamie Thompson Lewis
February 1937
   The farmers in Mingo have taken advantage of the last cold weather, lots of hogs butchered. The large ones carried to the curing house. The smaller ones being cured at home. Also (unreadable) farming being started quiet a bit. Mr. Bealer Thompson seems to be leading the way so far he has most of his land flat broke.
   Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Fordham had company from Dublin Sunday.
   Mr. Jim Hunt had some bachelor’s Saturday night for supper.
   Mrs. S. B. Wynn has returned home from a two weeks visit with her mother, who has been sick.
   Mr. A. B. Thompson, Will Lord and Thomas Tarpley made a business trip to Macon Friday.
   Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Thompson and daughters, Jewell and Shirley, Mrs. Paul Thompson and Paul Jr. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Horace Freeman. Mrs. Freeman being in bad health. We people of Mingo wish her a speedy recovery.
   Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Thompson spent a very pleasant day with Mrs. Mamie Lewis recently.
   Glen Thompson called on Grover and Wavy Earl Lewis Saturday.
   Mr. S. B. Wynn trucked a load of passengers to Dublin Saturday.

Mrs. Mamie Thompson Lewis
January 1938
   The present holiday, or the red figure on the calendar January 19th is General Lees birthday. Gen. Robert E. Lee, a son of Gen. “Lighthorse” Harry Lee. He was born at Stratford, West Moreland County Va., in 1807. Lee, like many of oour great men, his birthday is no legal holiday. Like George Washington, Gen. Lee was a great man. A man the South especially should love and appreciate. He stood for the South just as Washington did for his country. In history, remember our school days back in the seventh grade, how faithful Gen. Lee was all the way through the War between the States.
   I can imagine how his men felt on April 9, 1865 when Gen. Lee could do nothing but surrender. His officers gathered around him to express the sympathy they felt for their beloved commander—few words were spoken—their lips quivered with sorrow too deep for words.
   Lee was graduated with honors at the United states Military Academy at West Point. He served through the Mexican War. He died October 12th, 1870.
   Twenty years ago we were trying to make the world safe for democracy. Today we are trying to make the world safe for automobiles.
   Mr. B. S. Ward and family have moved over to Mingo.
   Mrs. Albert Thompson having moved back to her home. We are very glad to have these fine folks with us.
   Be nice to people on your way up—You will meet them on your way down.
   Misses Gladys Lewis, Ethel Waters, Messrs Smith Morgan and Whit Stewart visited home folks Sunday.

Mamie Thompson Lewis
February 1938

    The most important thing we have is time. Also bear in mind time is money and how we spend it requires some very sensible thinking if either is spent to a good advantage. “Willful waste in time or money makes a woeful want”.
    Everyone has all the time there is and that’s as much as anybody has. Now all people do not have the same length of time or as much money as others still both, if well spent, means much and if spent unwise means the opposite. So, little money and time spent well is worth while. The difference in people is how they spend it, anyway, life is measured by the things that bring contentment and peace. After all, time or life is most beautiful in nature, this beautiful world to live in a comfortable place, to sleep, healthy food and clothing, good sensible reading, work for exercise, love for our fellow man, forgive and forget and remember we ourselves are better served when we serve others.
    We miss Uncle Ruben Warren in Mingo and his fiddle since he crossed the river for his brother, Mr. Richard Warren of Washington county. He will visit for awhile and soon he says he will be back as the March winds begin to blow, he will not wait till the bridge is finished either.
    The bridge work is a social place for everyone near by. It will not be new when finished, the boys and girls as well as the men and women view it so often.
    Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Raffield and family of Dublin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thompson.
    We are very glad that little Shirley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Thompson is some improved after being treated in a Dublin hospital.
    Mr. S. B. Ward and son, Charles made a business trip to Dublin Saturday.
    A sweet motherly woman and treats all alike, Mrs. L. E. Thompson.
    Mr. Dave Dixon visited Mr. J. L. Lavender and family in Mingo recently.


Mrs. Mamie Thompson Lewis
November 1940

    Mrs. Mamie Thompson Lewis is visited awhile Saturday evening with my lovely cousin Mrs. B. I. Fordham. Sorry that I found her very sick. Hope by this time she is entirely fine. She has three fine sons. William was caring for his mother and other duties, and Robert had much fun seeking that J. B the baby was ok.
    Mr. Bassett Sweat from Paris Island, S.C. was home for several days recently. Young Sweat seems to like life as Uncle Sam seems to be agreeing with him.
    Mr. Grover Lewis of Macon Co. 1426, was home for the week, and happened in the sweet job of making syrup.
    W. H. Webb and Tom S. Sweat of Wrightsville visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sweat Sunday afternoon.
    Mr. and Mrs. Arty Mims and children were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carrol.
    Messers Braswell and Billy Wynn spent the weekend at home with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Wynn, glad Mr. Wynn is improving after being on the sick list for a long time.
    Miss Ellen Davis of Macon visited her parents during the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Davis.
    Several visitors were present at the Salem Sunday school, Sunday.
    Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Freeman spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Thompson.
    Mr. and Mrs. Frank Capshaw of Wrightsville were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lewis.
    Mr. and Mrs. John Bowen are in Macon at present where Mr. Bowen underwent an operation in a Macon hospital, we trust that he will soon be well.
    Sorry Mr. L. F. Herring continues to be on the sick list, hope he will soon have his good health back again.
    Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Thompson of Geneva, Ala and Mrs. Bettie Anderson of Helena, Ga were the Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Thompson. Mrs. Anderson is the daughter of the late Solomon Thompson, who was raised in Mingo, Mr. Thompson was also a grandson of Solomon Thompson.

By Mamie Thompson Lewis
November 8, 1940

Paul Thompson Jr. has been absent from school several days due to being sick. He says he missed school very much and is happy to be back.

A large crowd attended Sunday school at Salem last Sunday. Among the visitors present were Mr. Geo. Thigpen and his girl friend Miss Elliot. Miss Elliot is the niece of Mrs. S.B. Wynn and Mr. Thigpen`s childhood home was near Salem church.

We are very sorry that Mr. and Mrs. Spell were unable to be at church Sunday. Mr. Spell is the teacher of the adult class. His place was very capably filled by his niece. Miss Ellen Davis, she is a fine young lady that we all are proud to claim.

William Fordham, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. B.I Fordham, fell from a pecan tree recently and was badly hurt. We are glad that he is now able to be out and is well of his injuries. Boys you better be careful.

Mr. and Mrs. W.P Lord and Lillie Mint Waters were the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. B.I. Fordham.

Mr. and Mrs. Arty Mims were in Dublin shopping Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Fincher of Atlanta spent the weekend with Mrs. Fincher`s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wavy Lewis.

Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Sweat and daughter, Lorene, visited us Saturday and listened to the radio.

Mr. S. B. Wynn has been very sick. He suffered an heart attack at his sisters, Mrs. Jeffie Rowe, recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thompson were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Lewis Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Freeman spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Thompson.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. John Fincher visited in Washington County Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Billy Wynn of MGC, Cochran, visited in Dublin during the weekend. Billy is one of Mingo`s fine young men.

Glad to have Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Watson and Mrs. D. M. Connell as our close neighbors now.

Mamie Thompson Lewis
Nov 21, 1941

I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather and with Thanksgiving so near. Every year, if you notice, the weather is pleasant. This year I believe the trees will hold their pretty coats of red, brown and green.
I look at God’s glories, the beauties of this world he made for us. In his Word, he said the garden that is the world he made for man to dress it-make it beautiful-a place to live happily.
And how are we dressing the world God gave us/ In peace, love and obedience to his will? No! Alas, it is war and bloodshed. Every heart, mind and soul in trouble, grief and greedy power-seeking.
I pray to God to live to see peace and good will on earth-and the youth of our fair land enjoying their liberties.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lord and son and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Lord of Dublin visited Mr. and Mrs. W.P Lord recently.

Messes Morgan Allen and Jule Sanders were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. J.W Fordham, Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and Mrs. Ella Mae Cannon.

Mrs. Laura Nesbit and her granddaughter, Miss Pauline Sanders, have just returned home after a very pleasant visit with Messes Warren and Bill Sanders in Atlanta.

Mr. W.P Alexander of Dublin made a business trip to see Mr. P.C Thompson during the week.

Mrs. J.A Nesbit and children, Mrs. B.I Fordham and children, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. J.A Montgomery.

Mr. and Mrs. W.P Lord and granddaughter, Mint Waters visited Mr. and Mrs. David Miller recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Wavy Lewis called on Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Wynn Sunday to find them gone, as was Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thompson. The third stop was a success, so they were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Ward.

Mr. and Mrs. W.C Thompson were weekend guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thompson.

Messers Walter Lewis and Andrew Bermic called on Misses Doris and Sybil Thompson recently.

Mr. William Thompson was in Oconee Sunday afternoon.

Private Grover E. Lewis of Paris Island, has just returned after spending a ten day furlough with his immediate family here and with his sister, Mrs. John W. Fincher of Atlanta.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Roach and family were among the Mingo folks in Dublin Saturday.

Miss Lorene Sweat was the Sunday dinner guest of Misses Sybil and Doris Thompson.

Mingo News

Mamie Thompson Lewis
January 21, 1949

Her many friends in Mingo are very happy that Mrs. Bert Brown is improving so rapidly. We are all rejoicing with her family that she will soon regain her health.

The Bowden and Fordham boys from our nearby little town of Toomsboro came riding down to join Paul Thompson Jr., in a horseback ride recently. Gee, how those boys can ride

Mr. Robert Fordham spent the weekend in Dublin recently with his relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Bart Toler and daughter, Ann.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Colson of Oconee route and Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Thompson of Dublin were among the recent visitors at Salem.

Mrs. Grady Grimsley of Gordon recently visited her father, Leroy NeSmith and Mr. and Mrs. Robert NeSmith. While visiting them she became very sick.

Mrs. Cynthia Dudley is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ike Dean and family, of Dawson.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ussery`s baby is very sick. We trust that he will soon be well.

Mr. Edward Warren has been in a Dublin hospital. Edward is one of our boys who has many friends in Mingo who wish for him a speedy recovery.

I spent a pleasant Saturday afternoon recently with Mrs. Ennis Miller and a pretty little daughter, Sue. A fine boy like Frank Miller to oversee the farm work. Dad to bring the mail, a fine sweet woman like Mrs. Miller to serve cake and ice cream, a very talented little daughter to play sweet piano music. I could not help enjoying my visit to this home.

Our recent visitors were Mrs. J. T. Dudley, Mrs. Nettie Mae Lewis, Clayton and Walter Lewis. Mrs. Florie Freeman and little Judy Thompson.

Mingo News
Mrs. Mamie Thompson Lewis
September 12, 1941

    Guess I’d better give the readers a short story of my trip and visit with relatives and a few special friends for the past two weeks. I stopped by with my daughter (to visit), Mrs. John Fincher, of Atlanta, for a few days. We visited the Capitol and many other places. I always visit Grant Park. Just love to see the animals, flowers, etc. They have so many different, kinds of flowers from, all over the world, especially cactus. Saw some baby lions, alligators, and monkeys.
    Spent several days in Ducktown, Tenn., my sister, Mrs. J. M. Williams, the former Miss Clara Thompson, my niece, Miss Norma Thompson and I attended preaching at Methodist and Baptist churches.
    The once barren hills and mountains of this country town have pines and grass growing on them. This was the result of work by the CCC boys.
    In Tennessee I was on one mountain where one could see in seven states. The roads go around most of the mountains making curves all the time. If one could go straight thru, one mile would save three to six. These people seem to drive around curves as easy as we do straight roads. We saw scenery in both South and North Carolina. Some of the people are very kind but Tennessee people are very clever.
    From Ducktown, I rode one bus 148 miles, then changed for a short ride on two more busses to Christians, Va., where my sister, Mrs. Tom Dudley, the former Miss. Cynthia Thompson, met me. It was 3 o’clock in the morning and I was worn out. After resting two days, we visited historic places and fine scenery. Some places in Virginia look very much like Georgia –good ol timber, some fine cattle and much pasture. In the mountain section are many springs over which the people build houses with the spring inside. It serves as an ice box. It is painted, sealed and real nice, especially inside. The water is ice cold. Milk and butter keep in here until its sold. Most every family sells some dairy product.
    Visited several nurseries but saw none as pretty as Hastings. I enjoyed it all. The worry of the trip was worth being with loved ones, but, no place I’ve visited, including sunny Florida, I love as I do Middle Georgia. Everywhere has its sweet and bitter.
    In our section we would like to see a rain. It would help cane, potatoes, fall gardens and settle the dust.

Mingo News
Mrs. Mamie Thompson Lewis
April 15, 1949

    Our pastor, Rev. King, filled his regular second Sunday appointment at Salem last Sunday. It being Palm Sunday, he preached a sermon suited to the occasion to a large crowd of attentive listeners, the music and singing was fine, with Mrs. Joyce Thompson at the piano. Rev. King’s mother attended services along with the rest of his family.
    Several members and friends are sick. Mrs. Hortense Rowe, Mr. H. Wellington and Ed Brown. We trust that they will soon be restored to their health and will take the places in church and elsewhere again.
    We enjoyed the short visit Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. S.B. Wynn, Thomas and Kenneth Wynn in their home.
    Returning from a visit with our daughter, Mrs. J. W. Fincher at Douglasville, we found our daughter-in-law in bed with the mumps. My husband was trying to do the cooking and tend to a four month old baby, with plenty of noise. Grover and I were more than welcome home. While away we also visited places in interest in Douglas county and Atlanta.
    Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Warren are visiting relatives near Glenwood.

Mingo News is submitted by Harold Thompson nephew of Mamie Thompson Lewis.
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Eileen Babb McAdams, website copyright 2005-2006