Wilkinson County Ga
Korean War Veteran Burials
Allen Family
Walter Carswell, Jr. Sep 3, 1929 Jan 19,
2003 Sgt U.S. Army
James Donald Moore
9/4/1933 - 2/22/1972 Georgia A2C U.S. A.F. Korea
Asbury Cemetery
Wallace Veal 12/3/1927 - 11/3/1990 PFC US
Army, Korea
Asbury Church
Howard T. Steele 3/28/1928 - 11/26/1954
West VA/A3C U.S. Air Force / WWII - Korea
Bentley Family
Harold H. Bentley 10/24/1928
- 6/26/1989 U.S. Air Force - Korea
Big Sandy No. 2
James Kelley Fordham 4/8/1915
- 1/17/1961 Ga Tsgt 4126 Fld Maint Sq AA WWII Koreas
Brundage Mount
Samuel David Wright 7/20/1930
- 2/3/1991 Pvt. US Army Korea
Cannon Quarters
William Collins Sep 1, 1922 Mar 12, 1971
South Carolina PFC U.S. Army
Dixon Family No. 2
Franklin Camp Bacon, Sr.
1919 - L WWII, Marines, Korea
Irwinton Masonic
George Franklin Green
6/1/1928 - 5/8/1993 Army - Korea
David Lee Grayson 10/16/1927 - 3/21/ 2001
US Army, Korea & Vietnam
Mack Garnett Smith 7/4/1935 - 4/8/1894
Lewis Family
Jacob Benjamin Hogan
8/3/1932 - 7/20 1976 US Army Korea
Liberty Baptist Church
Harrell Lee Freeman 8/25/1930
- 7/9/1995 PFC US Army Korea
Bobby Oscar Giles Apr 10, 1937 Mar 17, 2003
Korean War, Vietnam War MM1 U.S. Navy
Liberty Hill Methodist Church
Ellis Lee Gresham, Jr.
12/11/1930 - 12/20/1987 FN US Navy Korea
Mt. Tilla Baptist Church
Nathaniel C. Rozier 6/30/1928
- 1/21/1980 MM3 US Navy Korea
Josh Holliman 3/29/1929
- 8/24/1993 CPL US Army Korea
Freddie E. Farley 8/21/1921
- 7/4/1973 Sgt. USAF Korea
New Providence Baptist Church
Burner E. Williams (Buck)
3/22/1927 - 6/26/1964 Georgia SFC U.S. Army WWII Korea
New Providence Missionary
John W. Gallemore Feb 20, 1922 May 8, 1989
Sgt U.S. Army Korea
Garfield Mallory, Sr. Feb 23, 1927 Jul 23,
1984 SP5 U.S. Army Korea
James Alva Grimes 1933
- 1985 Cpl. U.S. Army Korea
George Thompson, Jr. 11/18/1931
- 8/12/1997 Cpl. U.S. Army Korea
James Maurice Hammock 1/25/1932
- 3/14/1996 PFC US Army Korea
William Garland Freeman
1/31/1930 - 2/13/1992 L. Cpl. US Marine Corps Korea
Huby Fleming Freeman 2/11/1927
- 12/16/1979 1st Sgt. U.S. Army WWII, Korea, Vietnam
Calvin M. Freeman 2/29/1932
- 9/22/1973 Georgia Cal U.S. Army Korea
James Ulysses Bloodworth
10/28/1930 - 9/29/1983 PFC U.S. Army Korea
Melvin Franklin Moore
4/30/1928 - 2/17/1987 AB U.S. A.F. Korea
Pleasant Plains
Chappell St.Clair Sims
6/24/1924 - L MSG U.S. Army WWII 101st AB, Korea 187 AB,
Vietnam 5th Spt. Forces
Popular Springs
Arthur L. Thomas 12/30/1928
- 6/4/1972 Ga. PFC Co. B. 453 Engr Const BN - Korea
Carl Jackson Brooks Feb 20, 1929 Apr 23,
1998 Cpl U.S. Army Korean
Kenneth Roland Brown Jan 28, 1933 Jan 9,
1980 Sgt U.S. Marine Corps Korean
Thomas Key Dennard Apr 10, 1924 Jan 24,
2001 World War II. Korean War Eng 1, U.S. Navy Korean
Robert Earl Lyles Sep 18, 1926 May 21, 1999
SN U.S. Navy; PFC U.S. Army World War II , Korean War
Mina McCoy Sep 30, 1933 Dec 2, 1986 SN U.S.
Navy Korean
John Calvin Parker May 5, 1919 Sep 24, 1979
US Army, WWII, Korean
Clinton Eugene Scott Apr 29, 1932 Aug 17,
1979 U.S. Air Force Korean
Walter A. Scott Apr 9, 1931 Jun 20, 1982
SSgt U.S. Air Force Korean
Bertrum D. Stevenson Aug 12, 1928 Sep 11,
1957 Georgia Cpl Co B 1 Special Trp Bn Korean
Charlie Jesse Turner, Jr. Jun 11, 1930 May
7, 2004 U.S. Navy Korean
Robert Earl Connell 9/22/1929
- 11/11/1960 Georgia CPL U.S. Army Korea
Zack H. Rinks 12/26/1899
- 3/26/1985 Maj. U.S. Army/WWI, WWII, Korea
Snow Hill
Bobby Lee Beck Dec 6, 1930 Jun 27, 1987
SP5 U.S .ARMY Korean
Johnnie L Nolan May 14, 1925 Jun 14, 1985
U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy World War II, Korean War, Vietnam
Columbus Buford Warren Nov 27, 1930 Dec
3, 2001 PFC U.S. ARMY Korean
Waters Family
Cosby S. Dixon, Jr. Jun 14, 1932 Jun 30,
2001 PFC U.S. Army Korean
If you have a Korean War Veteran to add to
this list email me.
Order of the Purple Heart
War Veterans Home, Milledgeville
Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Milledgeville,
situated on 17 acres, is the first state-operated
veterans cemetery in Georgia. Opened December 2001
2617 Vinson Highway, Milledgeville, Georgia
War Veterans Memorial
and Battles
Archives - Military Service Records
Images from clipart.com
Eileen B. McAdams Copyright 2004