63rd Regiment, Georgia Infantry
Company D
63rd Infantry Regiment was organized at Savannah, Georgia, in December, 1862, using the 13th Georgia Infantry Battalion as its nucleus. With more than 1,100 officers and men, the unit was assigned to the Departments of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. It served as infantry and heavy artillery at Thunderbolt and Rosedew Island, and Companies B and K were engaged at Battery Wagner near Charleston. Later the regiment was placed in General Mercer's and J.A. Smith's Brigade, Army of Tennessee. Now serving as infantry, it participated in the Atlanta Campaign, July 20 to September 1, this unit reported 10 killed, 61 wounded, and 39 missing and in December, 1864, totalled 143 effectives. Very few surrendered on April 26, 1865. The field officers were Colonel George A. Gordon, Lieutenant Colonel George R. Black, and Majors Joseph V.H. Allen and John R. Giles. (Soldiers and Sailors System)
Not all of these soldiers listed were from Wilkinson County.
George A. Addison Enlisted on 9/25/1863 as a Private. He was listed as: Detailed. In Qtrmstr Dept. in 1863. From Savannah.
C Anderson. Enlisted on 8/16/1863 as a Private. He deserted on 11/28/1863, dropped from rolls.
Henry F. Arnold Enlisted on 2/7/1863
as a Private.He was listed as: * Paroled 5/1/1865 Greensboro, NC
Promotions: * 4th Corpl. Born in Bibb County,
GA (Born Aug. 31, 1844)
Wiley N. Arnold (Meriweather County) Enlisted on 10/1/1863 as a Private. Listed as: * POW 4/20/1865 Macon, GA
Jacob Ashley Enlisted on 12/1/1862 as a Private. He was discharged for disability on 2/10/1863
P A. Ashley Enlisted on 12/1/1862 as a Private. He was discharged for furnishing substitute R. J. Moodie on 2/10/1863
William A. Batson Enlisted on
12/15/1862 as a Private. He was discharged for underage on 4/17/1863
On 11/15/1863 he mustered into "D" Co. GA
63rd Infantry. POW 9/2/1864 Jonesboro, GA, Confined 9/4/1864
Camp Douglas, IL. * Deserted 3/25/1865 to avail himself of amnesty proclamation.
Oath of Allegiance 3/27/1865. On 3/29/1865 he mustered into "1st" Co. US
Army 5th U.S.
F D. Beall (Wilkinson) Enlisted on 1/8/1864 as a Private. He was listed as: Furlough. Wounded with broken arm,11/15/1864 Atlanta, GA) home, close of war)
C Bell. Enlisted on 12/1/1862 as a Private.Enlisted as chief cook
Redding Bennett Enlisted on 9/14/1863 as a Private. Paroled 5/16/1865 Thomasville, GA
Jesse B. Bradley Enlisted on 10/15/1861
as a Private. On 10/15/1861 he mustered into "G" Co. GA 5th Inf State Troops
He was Mustered Out on 4/15/1862 On
5/15/1862 he mustered into "K" Co. GA 47th Infantry
On 1/13/1864 he mustered into "D" Co. GA
63rd Infantry. Hospitalized 7/15/1864 Ocmulgee Hospl, Macon, GA Trough
July 25, 1864 He was discharged for disability on 7/25/1864. Born Mar.
13, 1843 in Tattnall County, GA Died Apr. 2, 1908 in Tattnall County, GA
C Brown Enlisted on 10/8/1863 as a Private.
J. Brown Enlisted as a Private
T F. Brown Enlisted as a Private
J. Brown Enlisted on 12/1/1862 as a Private. POW 6/23/1864 Kenesaw
Mountain, GA. Confined 6/25/1864 Camp Douglas, IL Buried grave #402,
block 2, Chicago IL Cemetery
John Bryson Enlisted on 8/5/1863 as a Private. POW 6/19/1864 Marietta, GA, Confined 6/21/1864 Camp Morton, IN Oath of Allegiance 5/18/1865 Camp Morton, IN, Released 5/18/1865 Camp Morton, IN
Samuel Bryson (Whitfield county) Enlisted as a Private (Appears only on prisoner of war records. POW 6/19/1864 Marietta, GA. Confined 6/21/1864 Camp Morton, IN. Oath of Allegiance 5/18/1865 Camp Morton, IN, Released 5/18/1865 Camp Morton, IN
William Burriss. Enlisted on 8/13/1863 as a Private. He was discharged for disability on 1/9/1864
Lydia Burroughs. Enlisted on 5/6/1863 as a Colored cook. On 5/6/1863 she mustered into "D" Co. GA 63rd Infantry
M. Busby Enlisted on 11/19/1863 as a Private. POW 6/27/1864 Kenesaw
Mountain, GA Admitted 6/27/1864 Big Shanty, GA, U.S.15th Army Corps
Hosp Wounded 6/27/1864 Kenesaw Mountain, GA . Gunshot wound to right
thigh. died of wounds on 7/15/1864
Thomas J. Butler Enlisted on 9/13/1863 as a Private. Hospitalized 1/15/1865 Meridian, MS (Diarrhoea)
W G. Clarke Enlisted on 9/1/1863 as a Private. Deserted 11/28/1863. Confined 1864. Returned 1/15/1864
James W. Coker Enlisted on 9/14/1863 as a Private. Deserted 1/18/1864, POW 5/20/1865 Augusta, GA, Paroled 5/20/1865 Augusta, GA
William Connaley Enlisted as a Private. Surrendered on 5/25/1865 at Augusta, GA, Paroled 5/25/1865 Augusta, GA
William Council (Wilkinson County)
Enlisted on 10/15/1861 as a Private. On
10/15/1861 he mustered into "B" Co. GA 2nd Inf State Guards
He was discharged. On 2/20/1863 he mustered
into "D" Co. GA 63rd Infantry. Deserted 12/19/1863. Returned 2/15/1864,
Confined, In arrest for desertion, 1864. Hospitalized 7/15/1864 Eufaula,
AL Hospl. Furloughed, Sick, home, close of war.
Buried Nunn-Wheeler - William Council
6/6/1838 - 1/23/1912
G A. Craft Enlisted on 9/30/1863 as a Private.
J P. Criswell (Wilkinson) Enlisted on 1/29/1864 as a Private.
John Crumley (Wilkinson) Enlisted
as a Private He was Surrendered on 4/26/1865 at Greensboro, NC
Born Aug. 3, 1847 in Wilkinson County
C. Crumley. (Wilkinson)
on 12/1/1862 as a Private. He died of typhoid pneumonia on 10/9/1863 at
Savannah, GA Medical Hosp No 2
W H. Daniel (Wilkinson) Enlisted on 12/15/1862 as a Private. Other Information: born in Baldwin County, GA 1827.
T C. Davis. Enlisted on 12/7/1863 as a Private.
James A. Davison (Wilkinson) Enlisted on 7/27/1863 as a Private.
J A. Dawson Enlisted as a Private
Addison H. Day Enlisted on 9/10/1863
as a Private. POW 6/27/1864 Kenesaw Mountain, GA, Wounded 6/27/1864
Kenesaw Mountain, GA, Confined 6/29/1864 Camp Chase Prison, OH;
Oath of Allegiance 5/11/1865 Camp Chase, OH
Released 5/11/1865 Camp Chase, OH.
Lived in Toomsboro after the war.
Henry DeLyon Enlisted on 8/10/1861
as a Musician. On 8/10/1861 he mustered into "A" Co. GA 1st Inf Olmstead's
On 8/1/1863 he mustered into "D" Co. GA
63rd Infantry. On rolls 1/10/1862 (place not stated)Intra Regimental
Company Transfers: 9/30/1863 from company D to company B
Patrick Demere Enlisted on 10/22/1862 as a Private. He deserted on 4/9/1863
J M. Dix Enlisted on 12/1/1862 as a Private. On
Henry R. Donnelly Enlisted on 1/22/1864
as a Private. On 1/22/1864 he mustered into "D" Co. GA 63rd Infantry
POW 6/27/1864 Kenesaw Mountain, GA.
Confined 6/29/1864 Camp Douglas, Chicago, IL
J S. Flowers Enlisted on 3/3/1863 as a Private. He was transferred out on 3/6/1863. On 3/6/1863 he transferred into GA 25th Infantry. No record found serving with 25th Inf
Henry Floyd Enlisted on 4/26/1862 as a Private. Promotions: Musician 2/1/1863. Transfers: 1/31/1863 from company D to Band. 12/21/1863 from Band to company D
Fountain (Wilkinson)
Enlisted on 3/1/1863 as a Private.He died on 3/7/1864
at Thunderbolt Battery, Chath (As of Co. substitute for H.M
H M. Freeman (Wilkinson) Enlisted on 12/15/1862 as a Private. He was discharged for furnished substitute on 3/1/1863 (Furnished W. Fountain for substitute.)
J M. Gilbert (Wilkinson) Enlisted on 12/15/1862 as a Private. Wounded near Resaca, G.A in 1864, and disabled to close of war.
H. Gilbert Enlisted on 2/2/1864 as a Private.He died in 1864.
Wounded 6/27/1864 Kenesaw Mountain, GA First name; S.H. or L.H.)
W Golden Enlisted on 12/12/1862 as a Private.
Thomas B. Green
Enlisted on 1/24/1863 as a Private. He was
discharged on 6/18/1865. He was listed as: * POW 6/27/1864 Kenesaw Mountain,
GA. * Transferred 6/27/1864 Camp Douglas, OH. He was discharged on 6/18/1865
Adam Grenade Enlisted on 12/9/1862 as a Private. Furlough. Hospitalized 2/5/1865 In Way Hospl. Meridian, Miss. He was at home at close of war. Died July 30, 1913, in Wilkinson Co., GA.
F. Griffin Enlisted on 12/18/1863 as a Private. POW 6/27/1864
Kenesaw Mountain, GA. Transferred 6/27/1864 Camp Douglas, Chicago,
IL. He died on 12/26/1864
J E. Hatfield Enlisted on 7/29/1863 as a Private. He deserted on 1/8/1864. First name; J.E or J.F.
John F. Hemly Enlisted on 8/18/1863
as a Private. Furlough. Wounded 3/19/1865 Bentonville, NC
(Last name; Hemly or Hemley.)
J D. Hicks listed on 12/14/1862 as a Private.
W Higgins Enlisted on 7/23/1863 as a Private. Detailed 12/15/1863 Savannah, GA
J S. Holland Enlisted on 8/18/1863 as a Private. POW 5/18/1865 Augusta, GA
A Honeycutt Enlisted on 12/1/1862 as a Private.Promotions: Drummer 12/15/1862 (Last name; Honeycutt or Hunnicutt.)
S Honeycutt Enlisted on 12/1/1862
as a Private. Hospitalized 1/25/1865 In Way Hospl. Meridian, Miss.
Promotions: * Drummer 12/15/1862 (Ast name;
Honeycutt or Hunnicutt.)
John Hooks Enlisted on 7/27/1863 as a Private.
Levi Horton (Wilkinson county) Enlisted on 8/15/1863 as a Private. He was transferred out on 12/1/1863, On 12/1/1863 he transferred into "D" Co. GA 57th Inf.He was transferred out on 11/30/1864. On 11/30/1864 he transferred into "H" Co. GA 1st Def. He was listed as: Detailed 11/30/1864 Macon, GA as provost guard.
H. Hurst Enlisted on 10/26/1863 as a Private. He died on 7/31/1864
at LaGrange, GA. Promotions: * Corpl (In 1864.) (Buried in Stonewall Cemetery.)
J R. Johnson
Enlisted on 12/1/1862 as a Private. Promotions:
* 4th Corpl 12/27/1863
W R. Jones
Enlisted on 1/5/1864 as a Private.
Kemp Enlisted on 6/6/1863 as a Private. On 6/6/1863 he mustered into
"D" Co. GA 63rd Infantry
He died of chronic diarrhoea on 12/27/1864
at Military Prison Hospl, Ill. POW 5/15/1864 Resaca, GA
J M. Knight Enlisted on 12/1/1862 as a Private. He was discharged for , furnished substitute R.E. Watkins on 12/17/1862
George W. Levar Enlisted as a Private (date unknown) : * POW 4/20/1865 Macon, GA (Name appears here only.)
Enlisted on 7/27/1863 as a Private. He died
of measles on 7/15/1864 at Madison, GA
J. Mackey. Enlisted on 9/30/1863 as a Private in "D" Co. GA 63rd Infantry.
POW 5/15/1864 Resaca, GA. Sent Military Prison, Alton, Ill.
He died on 6/22/1864 of remittent fever.
J J. Malone. Enlisted on 8/18/1863 as a Private in "D" Co. GA 63rd Infantry. He was discharged on 11/19/1863 (By writ of habeas corpus.)
William H. McGauley. Enlisted on 9/20/1863
as a Private in "D" Co. GA 63rd Infantry. He was listed as Deserted 12/21/1863
and dropped from rolls 12/21/1863. Returned 2/15/1864. POW
5/19/1864 Cassville, GA
(Last name; McGauley, McGawley, McCauley,
or McGaully.)
M B. McQuaide. Enlisted as a Private
in "D" Co. GA 63rd Infantry.
He was listed as POW, Surrendered
5/4/1865 Citronelle, AL (By Lieut. Gen. Taylor), Paroled 5/9/1865
Meridian, MS
R J. Moodie. Enlisted on 2/10/1863
as a Private, (was a substitute for P.A Ashley) in "D" Co. GA 63rd
He deserted on 4/9/1863
James Moody. Enlisted on 9/23/1863 as a Private in "D" Co. GA 63rd Infantry. He deserted on 9/24/1863
M N. Murphy (Wilkinson county)
Enlisted on 12/6/1862 as a Jr 2nd Lieut.
Commissioned into "D" Co. GA 63rd Infantry. Paroled 5/1/1865 Greensboro,
Julius Murselmes. Enlisted as a Private
in "D" Co. GA 63rd Infantry. POW 4/20/1865 Macon, GA
(Estimated day; by 1st Brig. 2nd Cav. RA)
J Newberry. Enlisted on 12/24/1862 as a Private in "D" Co. GA 63rd Infantry. Surrendered on 4/15/1865 at Macon, GA
Taylor Clay Newberry. (Bibb county)
Enlisted on 10/1/1863 as a Private
"D" Co. GA 63rd Infantry. He was listed as hospitalized in Macon, GA with
wounds in 1865. Paroled Macon, GA in 1865. * Wounded Thunderbolt Battery,
Chatham Co., GA. Blinded in right eye by cannon in 1862.
Z H. Newberry. Enlisted on 10/1/1863
as a Private. On 10/1/1863 he mustered into "D" Co. GA 63rd Infantry
(date and method of discharge not given)
Thomas P. Owens. Enlisted on 9/14/1863 as a Private in "D" Co. GA 63rd Infantry.He was listed as: * P 5/17/1865 Thomasville, GA
L R. Parker (Wilkinson). Enlisted on 9/20/1863 as a Private in "D" Co. GA 63rd Infantry. He was listed as: * Paroled 5/11/1865 Thomasville, GA. Promotions: * Corpl (First name; L.R, S.R., or T.R.)
Thomas F. Parker
Enlisted on 12/24/1862 as a Private in "D"
Co. GA 63rd Infantry. POW 6/27/1864 Kenesaw Mountain, GA
He was listed as: * Sent Camp Douglas, Chicago,
IL. Transferred 3/14/1865 City Point, VA (For exchange.)
* Hospitalized 3/25/1865 Richmond, VA with
chronic diarrhoea.) (First name; Thomas H. or Thomas T.)
W. Peacock. Enlisted on 9/30/1863 as a Private. He was listed
as: * POW 7/22/1864 Atlanta, GA. He died of pneumonia as POW on 12/15/1864
at Camp Chase, Columbus, OH. (Buried in grave # 620, Camp Chase Confederate
A W. Raynes Enlisted on 1/4/1864 as a Private
James Rowland. Enlisted on 9/14/1863 as a Private
J F. Rye. Enlisted on 9/26/1863 as a Private . Wounded 6/27/1864 Kenesaw Mountain, GA
Thomas L. Sarles. Enlisted on 4/15/1862
as a Private.
(Appears only on prisoner of war records.
Name appears on none of the records of the 63rd Inf.)
He was listed as: * Deserted 7/5/1864 Chattahoochee,
FL (To the enemy), Transferred 7/7/1864 Johnson's Island, OH
* Oath of Allegiance 5/12/1865 Johnson's
Island, OH, Released 5/12/1865 Johnson's Island, OH
Promotions: 3rd Lieut 8/15/1862 .
2nd Lieut 2/15/1864. (Born in VA in 1836 or 1837)
E. Shepard
Enlisted on 12/7/1862 as a Private. * POW.
(U.S. Army Gen. Hospl. No. 2; of gunshot wound to arm He died on 9/14/1864
at Chattanooga, TN. (Born in 1835 or 1836.)
James M. Smith. Enlisted on 12/1/1862 as a Private. Promotions: 3rd Corpl 9/1/1863 (Color Corpl.). 5th Sergt. 12/27/1863
Isham Stephens. Enlisted on 7/27/1863 as a Private.
George W. Stone. On 7/27/1863 he mustered into "D" Co. GA 63rd InfantryEnlisted on 8/18/1863 as a Private.He was listed as Deserted in 1864. Furlough 4/15/1865
James A. Stuckey. Enlisted as a Private
Llisted as: Paroled due to physical condition. POW. On rolls
4/14/1864 (Received clothing.) * Hospitalized 1/10/1865 St. Mary's Hospl.
West Point, MS (With chilban.)
(Born in Wilkinson Co., GA 1846.)
Buried Pleasant Plains Church cemetery - J.A. Stuckey
Co. D. 63 Ga. Inf. C.S.A.
W S. Stuckey Enlisted on 12/1/1862 as a Private.
S. Stucky (Wilkinson)
Enlisted on 7/4/1863 as a Private. He died on
6/9/1864. Buried Pleasant Plains Church cemetery - Daniel S. Stuckey
5/31/1847 - 6/9/1864
Z T. Thomas Enlisted on 4/13/1863 as a Private. POW 5/19/1864 Cass Station, GA
J D. Todd Enlisted on 12/7/1862 as a Private. On 12/7/1862 he mustered into "D" Co. GA 63rd Infantry
J A. Tucker. Enlisted on 9/23/1863 as a Private. Wounded 6/27/1864 Kenesaw Mountain, GA. Paroled 5/25/1865 Thomasville, GA. Promotions: 2/15/1864 (Appointed cook.) (First name; J.A or J.H.)
W. Ussery. Enlisted on 7/27/1863 as a Private. He was listed as: * Hospitalized with disease 10/3/1864 Floyd House Hospl, Macon, GA
W K. Vanlandingham. Enlisted on 2/14/1863 as a Private. Paroled 5/1/1865 Greensboro, NC
James Vaughn Enlisted on 8/4/1863
as a Private. POW 6/27/1864 Kenesaw Mountain, GA. Sent Camp Douglas,
* Oath of Allegiance 11/24/1864 On
3/24/1865 he mustered into "D" Co. GA 6th U.S Vol. (Born in GA, March 08,
Bennett J. Ward Enlisted on
10/11/1861 as a Private. On 10/11/1861 he mustered into "G" Co. GA 2nd
State Troops
He was Mustered Out on 4/15/1862.
On 5/3/1862 he mustered into "I" Co. GA 57th Infantry. He was transferred
out on 2/28/1863. On 2/28/1863 he transferred into "D" Co. GA. POW 7/4/1863
Vicksburg, MS. Paroled 7/4/1863 Vicksburg, MS He was transferred out on
12/31/1863. On 12/31/1863 he transferred into "D" Co. GA 63rd Infantry
.He was discharged on 4/9/1865 at Asheville, NC. (Born in Twiggs Co.,GA.,
June 21, 1843.)
T Ward Enlisted on 12/1/1862 as a Private.
Ward Enlisted on 12/1/1862 as a Private. He died in 1864.
R E. Watkins Enlisted on 12/17/1862 as a Private. as a substitute J.M Knight. He deserted on 4/9/1863
Charles Wells. Enlisted as a Private. POW 7/3/1864 Marietta, GA. Confined Military Prison, Louisville, KY.
W Williams. Enlisted on 2/1/1863 as a Private.
L Williamson. Enlisted on 1/23/1864 as a Private.
A J. Willis Enlisted on 7/29/1863 as a Private. First name; A.J. or J.A.. Died June 19, 1879.
C. Wynn
Enlisted on 1/14/1864 as a Private. He died
on 6/16/1864
Braswell Wynn. (Wilkinson) Enlisted
on 3/4/1862 as a Private.
He was discharged , furnished substitute
on 7/12/1862 (William A. Howell as substitute.) On 12/15/1862 he
mustered into "D" Co. GA 63rd Infantry He was listed as: * Sick (date and
place not stated) (At home at close of war.)
* Hospitalized 8/30/1864 1st MS., C.S.A.
Hospl., Jackson, MS (Estimated day; with nephritis.)
(Born in GA, dec. 12, 1839.) Buried Salem
Methodist Church cemetery - Braswell Wynn 12/13/1839
- 11/23/1925
H H. Wynn. Enlisted on 1/14/1864 as
a Private. He was listed as: * Furlough. At home at close of war.
(Died in Laurens Co., GA., June 1913.)
George Youngblood. Enlisted on 9/18/1863
as a Private.He deserted on 9/20/1863
Source: American
Civil War Research Database