"The third company to be organized in Wilkinson
County commanded by Robert W. Folsom, a born leader and a rigid disciplinarian.
Later this was Company B of the 14th Georgia. About the 1st of July, 1861,
the company assembled at Ramah Church and the officers chosen.. The field
on the north side of the road just east of Ramah was converted into a drill
ground. After the the drills were over, those who were not too tired would
engage in foot races. David Solomon, Joel Rivers and others helped equip
the Company with uniforms.
On the Fourth of July a barbecue
was given the company by the citizens. On the 9th of July they broke camp,
marching to the home of the venerable Joel Rivers, now an invalid, to pay
their repects to the man they all loved. From thence the Company marched
to Ramah Church. Here, suitable ceremonies for the presentation of the
Company colors had been arranged. Miss Malinda Solomon, the beautiful daughter
of David Solomon and the sweetheart of Lieutenant C.C. Kelly (later Major)
was selcted to present the colors. After the pretty presentation speech,
Captain Folsom's command rang out: "Office of the Day, receive the colors".
Of course Lieutenant Kelly happened to be serving in that capacity just
at that time. (Yes, they later married.)
The company entrained
for Atlanta where it became a part of the regiment, known as the 7th Georgia,
thence was sent to Lynchburg, Virginia, where it was mustered into the
Confederate service on July 21, 1861. From Lynchburg the regiment was sent
to West Virginia becoming a part of Jackson's "Foot Cavalry." The regiment
was now assigned to Archer's Brigade and became the 14th Georgia instead
of the 7th. The first battle in which this company was engaged was
the Battle of Cheat Mountain in West Virginia. A short time later the regiment
became a part of the Army of Northern Virginia, and in the re-organization
of the army in the spring of 1862, became a part of the command of Brigadier
General E. L. Thomas. "
Victor Davidson, History of Wilkinson
According to an article in the Macon Daily Telegraph 7/4/1861. 36 of these men were six feet and over, average age 24. 3 servants, 1 drummer J J Dykes.
14th Infantry Regiment
was organized by Colonel A.V. Brumby during the spring of 1861 with men
recruited in Jasper, Johnson, Pierce, Dougherty, and Worth counties. Ordered
to Virginia the unit served under General Floyd in the Kanawha Valley,
then was assigned to General W.Hampton's, J.R. Anderson's, and E.L. Thomas's
Brigade, Army of Northern Virginia. It was active from Seven Pines to Cold
Harbor, endured the battles and hardships of the Petersburg siege south
of the James River, and ended the war at Appomattox.
The regiment had 379 effectives in April, 1862, and sustained 138 casualties
during the Seven Days' Battles, 28 at Cedar Mountain, and 52 at Second
Manassas. It lost 8 killed and 67 wounded at Chancellorsville and twelve
percent of the 331 engaged at Gettysburg. On April 9, 1865, there were
20 officers and 147 men present. The field officers were Colonels A.V.
Brumby, Robert W. Folsom, Richard P. Lester, and Felix Price; Lieutenant
Colonels James M. Fielder, Washington L. Goldsmith, William A. Harris,
and W.S. Ramsey; and Major Charles C. Kelley.
War Soldiers and Sailors System
Letters Home:
Goodman June 1862
from Private in 14th Regiment July 1862
Robert Solomon August 1862
Barton Jasper Aycock Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. Detailed Provost Guard in 1864. Furloughed of indulgence 2/28/1865 Furlough of indulgence. Buried Aycock Family Cemetery, Wilkinson Co. Nov 20, 1830 - Apr 6, 1915
R. Bales Enlisted as a Private 7/9/1861 He died in 1861.
H. Barbee Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He died in Virginia 10/12/1861
(Died in Virginia)
Barnett Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He was Killed on 12/13/1862
at Fredericksburg, VA
Barnett Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He died in 1861.
L. Bass Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He died on 9/20/1861 at
Evans, W. VA
Rufus Bostick Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He was Surrendered
on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox Court House, VA. Born in Washington county, died
in Gordon, Wilkinson county in 1877.
Brewer Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. Admitted 3/4/1862 Richmond,
VA Chimborazo Hospl 3 (Fever)
Returned 4/15/1862. He was Killed
on 5/31/1862 at Seven Pines, VA
Benjamin H. Bush Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He was discharged for disability on 11/29/1861 at Manassas, VA
William Joshua Bush Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He was discharged on 10/22/1861. On 10/15/1864 he mustered into GA Militia. He was Surrendered in 1865 at Stephen's Station, GA Born in Georgia July 10, 1845. Died November 11, 1952 at age of 107. Buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Fitzgerald, Ga.
Christain Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He was Killed on 5/31/1862
at Seven Pines, VA
Franklin Christian
Enlisted on 3/4/1862 as a Private. Surrendered
on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox Court House, VA
A. J. Collins. Enlisted on 5/9/1862 as a Private. He was Killed on
6/26/1862 at Richmond, VA
R. Jackson Cone Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. Received Pay 2/27/1862. Received pension in Wilkinson County.
Harrison Crawford
Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. Promotions:
5th Sergeant 9/14/1861
He was Surrendered on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox
Court House, VA
L. Croom(s) Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. Appointed 5th Sergeant
He was Killed on 5/6/1864 at Wilderness,
on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He was Surrendered on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox
Court House, VA. Died in Jones County, GA August 23, 1913
Cumbest Enlisted on 3/4/1862 as a Private. He was Killed on 5/14/1864
at Spotsylvania Court House, VA
C. Dennard Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. Wounded.
Admitted 10/12/1864 Richmond, VA Jackson Hospl. (Dysentery) He died on
10/26/1864 at Richmond, VA. Buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, VA
Charles D. DennardEnlisted
as a Private On 7/9/1861. POW 5/23/1864 Jericho Ford, VA. Wounded
5/23/1864 Jericho Ford, VA. Paroled 3/14/1865 Point Lookout, MD .
Born in Twiggs County, GA (Born March 17, 1837)
Dennard Enlisted on 5/9/1862 as a Private. He was Killed on 5/31/1862
at Seven Pines, VA
Tipp Dixon Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He died on 1/13/1863
at Richmond, VA, Buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, VA.
Dixon Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He died on 9/6/1863 at Orange
County Court House, VA
Harrison Dixon
Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He died of rheumatism
12/17/1861 at Orange Court House, VA Hospl. Buried in Hollywood Cemetery,
Richmond, VA.
J. Dumfry Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He died on 6/15/1863 at
Richmond, VA. Buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, VA,
Henry A. Dykes Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. Sick 2/28/1865
J. Dykes Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. Wounded 5/3/1863 Chancellorsville,
He was Surrendered on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox
Court House, VA
J. Dykes Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Musician. Drummer. He was
Surrendered on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox Court House, VA
P. Dykes Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He died in1861 in Virginia
Warren H. Dykes Enlisted on 7/9/1861
as a Private. Promotions: 3rd Sergeant 1/10/1863
Wounded. Furloughed 2/28/1865
Bryant EthridgeEnlisted
on 7/9/1861 as a Private. POW 4/3/1865 Richmond, VA Hospital
John Fielding Enlisted on 5/8/1862 as a Private. Wounded 8/30/1862 2nd Manassas, VA. Furloughed 2/28/1865 (Sick)
Madison Flemister
Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. Wounded
12/13/1862 Fredericksburg, VA
POW 5/6/1864 Wilderness, VA (Or Spotsylvania,
VA May 12, 1864) He died on 7/31/1864 at Point Lookout, MD
Buried at Point Lookout, MD
W. Folsom
Enlisted as a Captain On 7/9/1861
Promotions: Major 8/1/186. Lt Col 9/1/1861. Colonel 10/23/1862.
Wounded 5/6/1864 Wilderness, VA. He died of wounds on 5/24/1864 at Richmond,
VA. Buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, VA
Jackson J. Galloway Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. Sick in hospital 6/15/1864. He was discharged (Over-age)
Samuel J. Gee
Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. Promotions:
Corpl 1862, Jr. 2nd Lieut 1/10/1863 Wounded 5/6/1864
Wilderness, VA. 2nd Lieut 1864. * POW 4/2/1865 Petersburg, VA.
Released 6/18/1865 Johnson's Island, OH. Died in Twiggs County 1917.
Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private POW. .
He died on 7/28/1862 at Richmond, VA. Buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond,
Henry GoodmanEnlisted
on 7/9/1861 as a 3rd Corpl. Promotions: 1st Sergt 1863. Wounded 5/3/1863
Chancellorsville, VA. Wounded 5/6/1864 Wilderness, VA (Disabled).
POW 4/2/1865 Petersburg, VA. Released 6/4/1865 Point Lookout, MD.
Other Information: died 9/16/1922 in Milledgeville, GA, buried Memory Hill
Cemetery. Married Mattie Doles Smith, daughter of General George
Doles in Milledgeville Feb 15 1871. She was the widow of Crosby Smith.
He married Alice Wright Oct 4, 1906 who died in 1951. Pensions
Solomon Goodman Enlisted on 3/4/1862 as a Private. Absent 2/28/1865. Member of Brigade band. Died 1896, Hartford County, Indiana. Brother to Henry Goodman.
T. Green Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He was Killed on 8/15/1862
at Virginia. Buried in Confederate Cemetery at Lynchburg, VA August 19,
1862. No2, 4th Line, Lot 177 - Reid's Factory.
C. Columbus Grier
Enlisted on 3/31/1862 as a Private. He was Surrendered
on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox Court House, VA
Mitchell Grier Enlisted on 3/31/1862 as a Private. He was Surrendered
on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox Court House, VA
Joseph Hardy Enlisted on 7/9/1861
as a Private. Sick 10/15/1861 Rockbridge Alum Springs, VA
Transferred C.S. Navy 1862. No Naval
record found.
S. Hathorne Enlisted on 7/27/1863 as a Private Detailed 7/19/1864 Richmond,
VA. For light duty, on account of disability. He died on 7/20/1864
at Richmond, VA. Buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, VA
Stephen J. Hawthorne. Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. On rolls present 10/15/1861
Haywood Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. Transferred Richmond,
VA Genl Hospl in 1862. Admitted 1/7/1862 Danville, VA Genl
Hospl 1. He died in 1862.
Monroe Helton Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He died on 9/18/1861
at Marlin's Bottom, VA
A. Jessup Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He died on 8/8/1862
Wiley B. JonesEnlisted
on 7/9/1861 as a Private. POW 4/2/1865 Petersburg, VA
Released 6/28/1865 Point Lookout,
Charles C. KellyEnlisted
on 7/9/1861 as a 1st Lieutenant. Promotions: * Capt 9/1/1861 He Resigned
on 12/23/1862. On 1/15/1863 he mustered into "B" Co. GA 14th Infantry.
Capt 1/27/1863, Major 5/8/1864 POW 4/3/1865 Richmond, VA.
Paroled 5/30/1865 Richmond, VA. Died in Gordon Ga in 1873.
E. Kelly Enlisted on 3/4/1862 as a Private. Died while on way to Georgia
on sick furlough)
James Rufus
Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He was
discharged for disability on 9/24/1864. Wounded 5/23/1864 Jericho Ford,
VA (Leg amputated) Died 1928 Wilkinson County. Buried Liberty Hill Cemetery,
Twiggs County
Britton KenningtonResidence
Wilkinson County GA; Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private.
Wounded 6/2/1864 Cold Harbor, VA.
POW 11/22/1864 Wilkinson County, GA. Released 6/28/1865 Point Lookout,
MD. Died in Macon, Ga. Dec. 19, 1929, buried Riverside Cemetery.
Kennington Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He was Killed on 5/3/1863
at Chancellorsville, VA
Eli Madison KenningtonEnlisted
on 5/9/1862 as a Private. POW. Released Point Lookout, MD
Furloughed 2/28/1865 (30 day
furlough) Born in Wilkinson County, GA August 29, 1843, died Miegs, Ga.,
Jan. 18, 1931.
Cotes Kennington Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He was Killed on
5/6/1864 at Wilderness, VA
King Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He died of pleuritis on 3/26/1862
at Richmond, VA Chimborazo Hosp 5
James Langford Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. Wounded 5/6/1864 Wilderness, VA. Furloughed 2/28/1865 Sick.
Langford Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He died prior to
12/11/1862 Richmond, VA Genl Hospl 16
Lavender Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a 2nd Corpl. He died of disease on
12/14/1862 at Danville, VA
James Leslie Enlisted on 3/4/1862 as a Private. Wounded 5/3/1863 Chancellorsville, VA. Wounded 5/6/1864 Wilderness, VA. He was discharged for disability on 7/20/1864
Leslie Enlisted on 3/4/1862 as a Private. Admitted 9/11/1862
Farmville, VA General Hospl. Admitted 5/12/1863 Richmond, VA Gen.Hospl.At
Camp Winder. Furloughed 6/12/1863 60 days). He died of typhoid fever
on 11/17/1863 at Richmond, VA Alabama Hosp. Buried in Hollywood Cemetery,Richmond,
John T.Lingo, Jr. Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a 2nd Lieutenant. He Resigned on 9/11/1861. On 7/15/1864 he was commissioned into "I" Co. GA 8th Militia. Promotions: Capt 7/15/1864. Detailed Fall of 1864. Died Sep 1, 1895, Wilkinson County, buried Irwinton City Cemetery.
Lyles Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He was Killed on 6/26/1862
at Richmond, VA
Mathis Enlisted on 3/9/1864 as a Private. He was Killed on 4/2/1865
at Petersburg, VA
McArthur Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a 1st Sergeant. On 7/9/1861 he
was commissioned into "B" Co. GA 14th Infantry
He Resigned on 6/26/1862 (Disability)
Promotions: Jr. 2nd Lieut 9/12/1861.Lived in Wilkinson County after
the war, moved to Cordele Ga in 1902. Died Oct. 5, 1912 in Cordele, buried
Sunnyside Cemetery. per obituary
M. McDaniel.
Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He was Surrendered
on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox Court House, VA.
T. Mixon Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. Wounded 12/13/1862 Fredericksburg,
He was Surrendered on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox
Court House, VA
John T. MorganEnlisted
on 7/9/1861 as a Private. POW 2/2/1865 Petersburg, VA. Released
Point Lookout, MD
Daniel Myers Enlisted on 3/9/1862 as a Private. He was discharged for disability on 10/20/1863 at Brandy Station, VA Camp
John M. MyersEnlisted
on 6/9/1862 as a Private. Wounded 12/13/1862 Fredericksburg,
VA. POW 4/15/1865 Macon, GA Hospl.
Seaborn F. MyersEnlisted
on 7/9/1861 as a Private. POW 3/25/1865 Petersburg, VA. Released
5/15/1865 Point Lookout, MD
William E. Myers Enlisted on 7/9/1861
as a Private. Wounded 5/6/1864 Wilderness, VA (Disabled)
He was discharged for disability on 1/7/1865
James Richard MyrickEnlisted
on 7/9/1861 as a Private. POW 4/2/1865 Petersburg, VA, Released
6/29/1865 Point Lookout, MD
John Floyd Nelson Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He was Surrendered
on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox Court House, VA. Born in Twiggs County, GA
July 1, 1838
Canady Parker. Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. Promotions:
Corpl. He was Surrendered on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox Court House, VA
Samuel A. Patton Residence Monroe
County GA; Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. On 7/9/1861 he mustered into
"A" Co. GA 14th Infantry. He was discharged on 12/6/1861. On 2/15/1862
he mustered into "B" Co. GA 14th Infantry.
Sick 2/28/1865 Forsyth, GA Hospital
P. Raines Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. Promotions: Corpl. He
was Surrendered on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox Court House, VA
Ramage Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He died at home of disease
on 8/20/1864.
Addison R. Randall Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He was discharged for disability on 7/30/1863 at Danville, VA Genl Hospl 2 And from same place, on account of tuberculosis, August 21, 1863
J. Readdy Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He died of measles 1/15/1862
at Staunton, VA. (Buried in Thornrose Cemetery, Staunton, VA
Robert Reynolds Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. Furloughed 6/15/1864 Sick
J. Rogers Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He died on 11/1/1861 at
Rockbridge Alum Springs, VA
J. Ryle Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a 4th Corpl.
Wounded, POW He died of pyaemia on 8/9/1863 at David's Island, NY DeCamp
Adam R. Ryle Enlisted on 5/5/1864 as a Private. Detailed to mail carrier to close of war. Buried Gordon City Cemetery.
Daniel J. Ryle Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. Absent 10/15/1861 Rockbridge Alum Springs, VA Sick. Buried Ramah Cemetery.
Enlisted on 3/10/1864
as a Private. POW 5/12/1864 Spotsylvania Court House, VA
He died of erysipelas on 5/9/1865 at Fort
Delaware, DE. Buried Finn's Point National Cemetery.
N. Ryle Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a 2nd Sergt. Promotions:
Jr. 2nd Lieut 6/26/1862, 1st Lieut 1/10/1863
Capt 8/15/1864. He was Surrendered on 4/9/1865
at Appomattox Court House, VA
Govey B. Sanders Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private.
W. Sanders
Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He was
Surrendered on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox Court House, VA. Buried Asbury Cemetery
John D. Sanders
Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private.
On rolls present 6/15/1864.
J. Sanders, Jr
Enlisted on 11/20/1863 as a Private. He
was Surrendered on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox Court House, VA
John J. Sanders, Sr Enlisted on 11/20/1861
as a Private.
Madison Sanders, Jr. Enlisted on 9/1/1862 as a Private. He was Surrendered
on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox Court House, VA
Malachi Madison Sanders, Sr.Enlisted
on 7/9/1861 as a Private. POW 5/5/1864 Wilderness, VA. Released
6/19/1865 Elmira, NY
J. Sanders Enlisted on 10/8/1863 as a Private. Surrendered on
4/9/1865 at Appomattox Court House, VA
J. Sanders Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He died on 10/5/1861
at Evans, W. VA
Wilson L. Sanders Enlisted on 5/9/1862
as a Private. Wounded. Furloughed 2/15/1865 Wounded furlough)
Furloughed 3/28/1865, Furlough extended
on account of wounds.
J.R. Savage Enlisted on 7/9/1861. He died of typhoid on 12/12/1861
at Orange Court House, VA Hospl.
Sharp Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He died on 11/1/1862
Sharp Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He was Surrendered on 4/9/1865
at Appomattox Court House, VA
William SharpEnlisted
on 7/9/1861 as a Private. POW 5/12/1864 Spotsylvania Court House,
VA. Exchanged 3/10/1865 James River, VA
John M. SheffieldEnlisted
on 7/9/1861 as a Private. Promotions: 4th Sergeant in 1863.
2nd Sergeant in 1863.
POW 4/2/1865 Petersburg, VA.
Released 6/19/1865 Point Lookout, MD
Norman Shelverton Enlisted on 7/9/1861
as a 4th Sergt. He was commissioned into GA Shelverton's Cavalry
On 7/9/1861 he was commissioned into "B"
Co. GA 14th Infantry. Wounded 9/12/1861 Cheat Mountain, WV
He was discharged for disability on 11/29/1861
at Manassas, VA. On 5/12/1862 he mustered into "E" Co. GA Phillips' Legion
Cavalry. Promotions: Colonel. Detailed 9/21/1864 (Order of General
Lee). Paroled 5/5/1865 Macon, GA
Smallwood Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. Surrendered on 4/9/1865
at Appomattox Court House, VA
Jackson Smallwood Enlisted on 9/1/1862 as a Private. Detailed 2/28/1865 (By order of Gen. Lee for light duty.)
Thomas Smallwood Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He was discharged for disability on 2/7/1862. He Re-enlisted on 9/1/1862. Wounded 12/13/1862 Fredericksburg, VA. On rolls present 2/28/1865. Died Macon 1904, buried Wilkinson Co.
William Smallwood Enlisted on 7/9/1861
as a Private. Wounded 5/3/1863 Chancellorsville, VA (Disabled)
He was discharged for disability on 11/20/1863
at Orange County Court House, VA. Buried Hickman Family Cemetery, Wilkinson
Larkin T. Smith Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. Wounded 12/13/1862 Fredericksburg, VA. He was discharged on 7/9/1864 (Over 45 years of age)
Levi L. SmithEnlisted
on 7/16/1864 as a Private. Wounded 3/25/1865 Petersburg, VA. Hospitalized
3/25/1865. POW 4/3/1865 Richmond, VA. Released 7/7/1865 Point
Lookout, MD. Born in Georgia 1846
J. Smith Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. Promotions: 2nd Lieut
1863. 1st Lieut 8/15/1863. Wounded Petersburg, VA in 1864. He was
Surrendered on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox Court House, VA
Charles N. Solomon Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Corporal. He was discharged for disability on 10/19/1861
A. Solomon Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. On 3/18/1861 he mustered
into "E" Co. GA 1st Inf. (Ramsey's
On 8/16/1861 he transferred into "B" Co.
GA 14th Infantry. Promotions: * 1st Lieut. Killed on 5/3/1863 at
Chancellorsville, VA
Solomon Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He died on 6/20/1862 at
Richmond, VA
Robert G. Solomon Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He was discharged for disability on 11/29/1861 at Manassas, VA. Buried Gordon City Cemetery.
J. Solomon Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a 2nd Lieutenant. Promotions:
1st Lieut 9/1/1861. Wounded 12/13/1862 Fredericksburg, VA. He died
of wounds on 12/18/1862 at Richmond, VA. Buried Gordon City Cemetery
William D. StinsonEnlisted
on 3/4/1862 as a Private. POW 4/2/1865 Petersburg, VA. Released
Fort Delaware, DE
A H. Thompson Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He died on 12/13/1861
at Richmond, VA. Buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, VA
T B. Underwood Enlisted on 7/9/1861
as a Private.
F. Valentine. Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. Wounded 6/26/1862
Mechanicsville, VA
He died of wounds on 7/15/1862 at Wilkinson
County, GA
Welch Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He died in 1863. (Claim for
pay due him was filed January 19, 1864)
Wheeler Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He was Killed on 8/30/1862
at 2nd Manassas, VA
A. Whitaker Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a 3rd Sergt. Promotions: 2nd Sergeant
He was Surrendered on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox
Court House, VA
Elvin Williams (link) Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He was
Surrendered on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox Court House, VA
James R. M. WilsonEnlisted
on 9/1/1862 as a Private. POW 5/12/1864 Spotsylvania Court House,
VA. Exchanged 3/10/1865 James River, VA. Buried Ramah Cemetery
Wood Enlisted on 7/9/1861 as a Private. He died on 11/6/1861 at Rockbridge
Alum Springs, VA
John R. Young Enlisted on 10/4/1861
as a Private Wounded 5/6/1864 Wilderness, VA (Wounded in hand, two fingers
amputated) Detailed for light duty 2/28/1865 Richmond, VA
- Roster of Confederate Soldiers
of Georgia 1861-1865 - Southern Historical Society
Papers: Appomattox Paroles ANV
(c) Historical Data Systems,
Inc. @ www.civilwardata.com