W. A. Collins Passes Away
Mr. W. A. Collins, one of the best known and liked citizens of Bushnell, and Sumter County, died at his home here last Tuesday evening at 2:00 o'clock, after a lingering illness of many months. Having suffered a stroke of paralysis about four years ago he had been a constant sufferer since that time but has never been heard to murmur or complain.
The funeral services were held at the Methodist
Church at 3:00 o'clock Tuesday afternoon with the pastor, Rev. T. H. Williams
in charge. Following these services, the body was followed by a large
concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends, to the Bushnell cemetery
where the Masons, of which order he was an honored member, conducted the
burial services.
Mr. Collins was born in Wilkerson County, GA, November 23, 1855. When a young man he was happily married to Miss Athlia Hall, which union God continued to smile upon until broken by his death. To this union there have been given two girls and two boys, all of whom God saw fit to call in infancy with the exception of one son, Mr. R. F. Collins, who lives today to mourn the loss of his father.
Besides his faithful wife and son, who were with him to minister to his comfort during his last days, he leaves two brothers and two sisters, all of whom, with the exception of Mrs. Sapp of Bushnell, live in Georgia and were prevented from attending the funeral on account of ill health.
He leaves four grandchildren, Ethel, Louise, Ralph and Mary Kathryn Collins, all of whom were near him during his sickness and helped to brighten his life.
Mr. Collins, with his family, moved to Bushnell 27 years ago and has continued to reside here since that time. He has done much to promote the growth and welfare of Bushnell and Sumter County during that time, having served in both city and county offices, and was always very active in business and civic life until four years ago when he suffered the stroke that impaired his health.
When a young man, he gave his heart and life to God and united with the Methodist church continuing a faithful member through his life. He has been for years and was at the time of his death a trustee of the Bushnell Methodist Church.
Mr. Collins enjoyed the highest esteem and confidence of all who knew him and will be greatly missed.
Excerpt from Article from Sumter County Times, date unknown:
Brief Biographies of the Men Who Constitute
the Board of County Commissioners
Mr. W. A. Collins, who honors the Bushnell district on the Board, is one of those Georgia men who came to Florida at the beginning of the turpentine industry and made a neat little sum. Unlike others, however, he didn't get rich an leave but he settled down among us to distribute his wealth where he made it and he has build an elegant home at Bushnell. Recognizing in him a man of good business ability, the people of his section insisted that he act as their commissioner and he has proven that they exercised good judgment in their selection. Mrs. Collins was born in Wilkinson county Georgia, Nov. 23rd 1855. He was educated in the public school of his native county; his school advantages being limited. On Jan. 28th 1883 he was married to Miss Athlie Hall of his native county, of four children of his union only one is living, the young merchant prince of Bushnell, Ralph. Mr. Collins engaged in farming until about eight years ago when he embarked on the card (?) store business in the employee of K. M. Patterson in Georgia. He came to this county as a member of the firm of K. M. Patterson and Co. After a time Mr. Collins bought out the business which he afterwards sold at a profit. Mr. Collins is a "self made" man, his "high forehead" which you will notice in the picture he made that way on purpose. He is a bright Mason and a man who is filling the important position of Commissioner as it should be filled.
submitted by Liz Sumner