Some Roads and Bridges
Honoring Citizens of Wilkinson
County, Ga.
per General Assembly State of Georgia
1951 Vol. 1 -- Page: 27
Sequential Number: 013
Short Title: VINSON
Law Number: No. 3
Origin: (House Resolution No. 19-129a).
Type: A Resolution
Whereas, Honorable J. W. Vinson, Sr., was
an honored citizen of Wilkinson County and was held in high
esteem by the citizens of that county and
the adjoining counties;
Whereas, J. W. Vinson, Sr., probably shortened his life by hard work in an endeavor to get paved roads in his county; and
Whereas, J. W. Vinson, Sr., died after being elected county commissioner and before he could enter on duties of his office;
Whereas, it is fitting and proper that he be honored in some way;
Now, therefore, be it resolved by the House of Representaties, the Senate concurring, that the road from McIntyre to Dederich be and the same is hereby named and designated as the "Vinson Road".
Be it further resolved, that the proper authorities are hereby empowered to so designate said road and to provide for the erection of suitable markers thereon.
Approval Date: Approved February 1, 1951.
1951 Vol. 1 -- Page: 28
Sequential Number: 014
Law Number: No. 5
Origin: (House Resolution No. 20-129b).
Type: A Resolution
Whereas, Honorable Lee W. Pennington was an honored citizen of Wilkinson County and was held in high esteem by the citizens of that county and the adjoining section; and
Whereas, Lee W. Pennington ably represented Wilkinson County in the House of Representatives for a number of years; and
Whereas, it is fitting and proper that he be honored in some way;
Now, therefore, be it resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring, that the road from Gordon to Scottsboro be and the same is hereby named and designated as the "Pennington Highway".
Be it further resolved, that the proper authorities are hereby empowered to so designate said road and to provide for the erection of suitable markers thereon.
Approval Date: Approved February 1, 1951.
1952 Vol. 1 -- Page: 478
Sequential Number: 185
Short Title: TODD
Law Number: No. 59
Origin: (House Resolution No. 208-810u).
Type: A Resolution.
Full Title: Whereas, John Caldwell Calhoun Todd faithfully and honorably served his native Southland by participating in many battles and skirmishes during the War Between the States; and
Whereas, the said John Caldwell Calhoun Todd was for many years the agent of the Central of Georgia Railroad office at McIntyre, Georgia, which office was also held by each of his five sons; and
Whereas, for many years he devoted his life to the teaching, edification and education of the young men and women of Wilkinson County; and
Whereas, he took an active part in the religious
activities of all denominations near his home at McIntyre
and was a charter member of the first Lutheran
Church of Macon, Georgia; and
Whereas, it is altogether fitting and proper that the memory of this man who devoted his life to serving others be property preserved;
Now therefore: be it resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring, that the portion of highway running from McIntyre, Georgia to its intersection with U. S. Highway No. 29 be named and designated as "Todd Road" in honor of the memory of John Caldwell Calhoun Todd; and
Be it further resolved: that the proper authorities are hereby authorized and directed to so name and designate said road and erect suitable markers thereon.
Approval Date: Approved February 6, 1952.
[missing title]
1952 Vol. 1 -- Page: 479
Sequential Number: 186
Short Title: HALL
Law Number: No. 60
Origin: (House Resolution No. 210-830a).
Type: A Resolution.
Full Title: Whereas, Hansford A. Hall faithfully and devotedly served the sovereign State of Georgia by participating in many bloody and stubbornly contested battles of the War Between the States; and
Whereas, the said Hansford A. Hall saw action in the Seven Days' Battle around Richmond, and at Gettysburg where he was severely wounded, and also at the Battle of the Wilderness where he was wounded in the right hip and carried the minie ball lodged in that hip for the rest of his life and to his grave; and
Whereas, he, after cessation of hostilities, returned to Wilkinson County, became a successful farmer and business man, and served his county as justice of the peace and as county commissioner for many long years; and
Whereas, the State Highway Department plans to build a new bridge across Sandy Creek on the highway from Allentown to Tombsboro that will be located near the vicinity where the said Hansford A. Hall lived his long and useful life;
Now, therefore be it resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring, that the projected bridge across Sandy Creek on the highway from Allentown to Toomsboro be named and designated "Hall Bridge" in order to perpetuate the memory of Hansford A. Hall, a great patriot and faithful son of Wilkinson County and the State of Georgia.
Be it further resolved that the proper authorities are hereby authorized and directed to so name and designate the said bridge and to erect suitable markers thereon.
Approval Date: Approved February 6, 1952.
1952 Vol. 1 -- Page: 491
Sequential Number: 192
Law Number: No. 68
Origin: (House Resolution No. 204-810q).
Type: A Resolution.
Full Title: Whereas, William Walker Walden was the first postmaster ever appointed to serve the Town of Commissioner, Georgia, and served in that capacity for eleven years, from 1883 to 1894. In 1894, when the Town of Commissioner was changed to "McIntyre," the said William Walker Walden was appointed to serve as postmaster for the Town of McIntyre, in which position he served for seventeen years, being succeeded by his son, Henry A. Walden, and thereafter the office of postmaster remained in the same family for fifty-nine years; and
Whereas, the wife of the said William Walker Walden, was sister to General W. J. Bush, who is still living at Fitzgerald, Georgia at the advanced age of 107 years, the said W. J. Bush being the last living Confederate soldier of all the thousands who went from Georgia to serve in the Army of Northern Virginia in the dreadful days of the Sixties; and
Whereas, the State Highway Department has built a new bridge at McIntyre, near the spot where the Walden home stood and where they operated the post office, it is truly fitting and proper that this bridge be a memorial to keep alive the memory of these two great citizens;
Now therefore: be it resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring, that the new bridge at McIntyre be named and designated as the "Walden Bridge" in memory and honor of Sallie Bush Walden and William Walker Walden; and
Be it further resolved that the proper authorities are hereby empowered and directed to so designate said bridge and erect suitable markers thereon.
Approval Date: Approved February 6, 1952.
1989 Vol. 1 -- Page: 703
Sequential Number: 219
Law Number: No. 5
Origin: (House Resolution No. 242).
Designating the Lightwood Knot Bridge; repealing a specific resolution; and for other purposes.
WHEREAS, the original bridge across Sandy Creek on the highway across Sandy Creek on the highway from Allentown to Toomsboro was named Lightwood Knot Bridge; and
WHEREAS, Lightwood Knot Bridge is the name recognized and popularly used by the residents in Wilkinson County to refer to the bridge over Sandy Creek; and
WHEREAS, the citizens of Wilkinson County strongly desire to restore the name of the bridge to the historical name of Lightwood Knot Bridge.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF GEORGIA that the bridge over Sandy Creek on SR 112 in Wilkinson County, Georgia, is designated as the Lightwood Knot Bridge.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Transportation is authorized and directed to place and maintain appropriate markers designating the Lightwood Knot Bridge.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to the commissioner of transportation.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the resolution designating Hall Bridge to honor Hansford A. Hall, approved February 6, 1952 (Ga. L. 1952, p. 479), is repealed in its entirety.
Approval Date: Approved April 4, 1989.
1952 Vol. 1 -- Page: 500
Sequential Number: 196
Short Title: McCOOK
Law Number: No. 74
Origin: (House Resolution No. 207-810t).
Type: A Resolution.
Full Title: Whereas, a new bridge has been constructed over Commissioner Creek on the Pennington Highway extending from Gordon, Georgia to Scottsboro, Georgia; and
Whereas, Charles H. McCook, an honored and respected citizen of Wilkinson County, lived near that bridge for all of the years of his life; and
Whereas, Shady Ann Brewer McCook lived near that bridge for ninety-two years, she being the wife of Charles H. McCook; and
Whereas, it is fitting and proper that some act should be done to commemorate the memory of that great old couple;
Now therefore; be it resolved by the House
of Representatives, the Senate concurring, that the new
bridge over Commissioner Creek on the Pennington,
Highway be named and designated as the "McCook Bridge" in memory and in
honor of Shady Ann Brewer McCook and Charles H. McCook; and
Be it further resolved that the proper authorities are hereby authorized and directed to so name and designate said bridge and to erect suitable markers thereon.
Approval Date: Approved February 6, 1952.
[missing title]
1952 Vol. 1 -- Page: 547
Sequential Number: 222
Short Title: JACK BROWN
Law Number: No. 119
Origin: (House Resolution No. 203-810p).
Type: A Resolution.
Full Title: Whereas, a new road for paving has been projected, starting at the new Health Center in Irwinton, Georgia and running for a distance of about three miles to Wriley, Georgia, on the Central of Georgia Railroad; and
Whereas, on this stretch of road there is what is known as the "Jack Brown Hill," so named because two of the best citizens of Wilkinson County made their home on that hill for many years; and
Whereas, Carrie McCranie Tarpley Brown
was the wife of Jack Brown, it is considered fit and proper that
this road be named in memory and honor of
Carrie McCranie Tarpley Brown and Jack Brown:
Now therefore, be it resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring, that the road laid from the Health Center in the City of Irwinton to Wriley, Georgia be named and designated as the "Jack Brown Road"; and
Be it further resolved that the proper authorities are hereby empowered and directed to so name and designate said road and to erect suitable markers thereon.
Approval Date: Approved February 15, 1952.
1952 Vol. 1 -- Page: 622
Sequential Number: 252
Short Title: BRACK
Law Number: No. 165
Origin: (House Resolution No. 206-810s).
Type: A Resolution.
Full Title: Whereas, Honorable George Washington Brack and his wife, Ethel Ellington Brack, were both life-long citizens of Wilkinson County and both descendants of the first pioneers who settled Wilkinson County, and throughout their lives were held in high esteem by citizens of Wilkinson County and surrounding counties; and
Whereas, the lives of both of these honorable citizens were spent near a certain bridge across Turkey Creek, near Allentown, Georgia; and
Whereas a new bridge is now being built by the State Highway Department near the home where these exceptionally good citizens lived so long; and
Whereas, it is fitting and proper that they be honored in some way;
Now therefore, be it resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring, that the new bridge over Turkey Creek, near Allentown, Georgia, be named and designated as the "Brack Bridge" in memory and in honor of George Washington Brack and Ethel Ellington Brack; and
Be it further resolved that the proper authorities are hereby authorized and directed to so name and designate said bridge and to erect suitable markers thereon.
Approval Date: Approved February 15, 1952.
1959 Vol. 1 -- Page: 192
Sequential Number: 100
Short Title: H. A. FOUNTAIN
Law Number: No. 8
Origin: (Senate Resolution No. 21).
Type: A Resolution.
Full Title: To designate the H. A. Fountain Bridge; and for other purposes.
Whereas, the Honorable H. A. Fountain of Wilkinson County, Georgia, is the descendant of one of the pioneer families in such county; and
Whereas, the said H. A. Fountain is a farmer and businessman, and has been a religious, civic and political leader of said county for many years; and
Whereas, the Honorable H. A. Fountain was instrumental in the location and paving of State Highway 18 in Wilkinson County; and
Whereas, it is only fitting and proper that some recognition be made for his outstanding services.
Now, therefore be it resolved by the General
Assembly of Georgia that the bridge over Big Sandy Creek on State Highway
18, eight (8) miles southwest of Gordon in Wilkinson County, Georgia, be
named for
the Honorable H. A. Fountain, and it shall
henceforth be known as the H. A. Fountain Bridge.
Be it further resolved that the State Highway Department is hereby directed to cause to be erected a plaque, sign or other marker describing the bridge as aforesaid.
Be it further resolved that a copy of this Resolution be furnished to the Honorable H. A. Fountain.
Approval Date: Approved March 10, 1959.
1982 Vol. 2 -- Page: 5061
Sequential Number: 352
Law Number: No. 116
Origin: (House Resolution No. 755).
Designating the William Franklin Bloodworth, Jr., Bridge; and for other purposes.
WHEREAS, Mr. William Franklin Bloodworth, Jr., was born in Wilkinson County, Georgia, in 1917, the son of Mr. William F. Bloodworth and Mrs. Ada Whitaker Bloodworth; and
WHEREAS, on November 1, 1948, he was engaged in the construction of the bridge by which U. S. Highway 441 crosses Commissioner Creek at McIntyre, Georgia; and
WHEREAS, that day, a steel beam used in constructing the bridge hit a high tension wire which killed Mr. William Franklin Bloodworth, Jr.; and
WHEREAS, it is only fitting and proper that in his memory this bridge for which he gave his life be designated the William Franklin Bloodworth, Jr., Bridge.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF GEORGIA that this bridge by which U. S. Highway 441 crosses Commissioner Creek at McIntyre, Georgia, shall be designated the William Franklin Bloodworth, Jr., Bridge.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Transportation is authorized and directed to place appropriate markers designating that bridge as the William Franklin Bloodworth, Jr., Bridge.
Approval Date: Approved April 14, 1982.
1985 Vol. 1 -- Page: 564
Sequential Number: 122
Short Title: WALTER A.
Law Number: No. 21
Origin: (House Resolution No. 24).
Full Title: Designating the Walter A. Scott Memorial Bridge; and for other purposes.
WHEREAS, one of Georgia's most distinguished citizens and outstanding lawyers, Honorable Walter A. Scott, passed away on June 20, 1982; and
WHEREAS, his untimely passing deeply saddened the hearts of his fellow residents of Wilkinson County; and
WHEREAS, his concern for his community was evident from his membership in the Gordon Methodist Church, the Wilkinson County Chamber of Commerce, the Oconee Area Planning and Development Commission, and the Irwinton Masonic Lodge; and
WHEREAS, Walter Scott was particularly active in fund raising for the Boy Scouts, the Little League, and the Wilkinson County Heart Association; and
WHEREAS, he had practiced law in Irwinton since 1963 and was recognized as a leader in the state's legal profession, having served in a multitude of positions of honor and trust for the State Bar of Georgia; and
WHEREAS, his colleagues in the profession
had bestowed upon him the greatest recognition of his dedication and ability
when they elected him to the presidency
of the State Bar of Georgia, in which position his death prevented him
from serving; and
WHEREAS, the numerous accomplishments of his career and the continuing memories and affection borne for this distinguished gentleman by residents of his county and state make it particularly appropriate that he should be recognized and his memory perpetuated by the designation in his honor of a bridge in the county which was his home.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF GEORGIA that the bridge by which Georgia Highway 18 spans the Southern Railway System at Gordon, Georgia, is designated as the Walter A. Scott Memorial Bridge.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Transportation is authorized and directed to place appropriate signs at approaches to said bridge designating it as the Walter A. Scott Memorial Bridge.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to the commissioner of transportation.
Approval Date: Approved March 28, 1985.
1988 Vol. 1 -- Page: 791
Sequential Number: 236
Law Number: No. 76
Origin: (House Resolution No. 725).
Designating the William H. Freeman Memorial Bridge; and for other purposes.
WHEREAS, Mr. William Harvey Freeman was a native and lifelong resident of Wilkinson County; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Freeman was a widely known and wellrespected civic leader in Toomsboro, Georgia, serving as postmaster of Toomsboro for many years; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Freeman and his family owned and farmed property in Wilkinson County for over 80 years; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Freeman generously granted a right of way through his property for the construction of Georgia Highway 57; and
WHEREAS, in recognition of his many contributions to the life of his community, it is fitting and proper to designate a bridge in his honor.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF GEORGIA that the Department of Transportation is authorized and directed to designate that bridge located on Georgia Highway 57, one and one-half miles east of Toomsboro, Georgia, and crossing Camp Creek, as the "William H. Freeman Memorial Bridge."
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Transportation is authorized and directed to place appropriate signs at appropriate locations designating said bridge as provided in this resolution.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to the commissioner of the Department of Transportation and to the family of Mr. William Harvey Freeman.
Approval Date: Approved March 31, 1988.
source: Georgia Legislative Documents, Digital Library of Georgia
copyright Eileen Babb McAdams