Early Marriages Performed in Wilkinson County
By The Following
Judges of Inferior Court
who performed marriage ceremonies 1823-54
Jeremiah Beall  1828
Samuel Beall 1835, 1840, 1843, 1848, 1850, 1851, 1852
Charles C. Bell 1830
H. Bohannon 1823, 1825
Elijah Hammock 1832
John Hardie 1823
T.A. Huff 1848
Adam Jones 1830
James Neal 1828, 1830
John F. Simmons 1825, 1828
Charles Young 1854
who peformed marriages ceremonies 1820-1857
B.B. Buchanan 1828
William Butler 1847
John M. Bright 1851
James Clay 1820
E.J. Cook 1855
W.M. Cooper 1851, 1853, 1856
Wm. Danning 1847
Henry Davis 1842
John Evers 1842, 1856
Leroy Fleetwood 1853
James Granade 1853
Ellis Harville 1850, 1851, 1856
Geo. W. Hucabee 1826
Green B. Hughs 1854
John Hughs 1834, 1839
Adam Jones 1839, 1849
Mills M. Lord
Henry Messer 1841, 1846, 1851, 1853
J.N. Miller 1854, 1855
J.G. Mitchell 1849
William Payne 1833
Jesse Peacock 1837
L.B. Porter 1851, 1853
Wiley F. Rogers 1846
B.B. Shepherd 1856, 1857
David Smith 1840
J.E. Thrape 1852
Alexander Tindal 1840
John M. Ware 1851
Justices of Peace
who performed marriage ceremonies 1820-1857

Shadrack Adams 1823, 1825, 1830, 1832 1833
Willis Allen 1851
Solomon Arnold 1835, 1854, 1856, 1857
Amos Barnes 1820, 1823
James R. Billue 1851, 1852, 1853
Absolem Black 1833
J. Bloodworth 1837, 1839, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1857
W.D. Bloodworth 1847, 1848
William Bracewell 1846
James Branan 1851
John W. Breedlove 1852
John Bright 1852
S.J. Bush 1845
G.W.Butler 1855
Allen Cannon 1838, 1839, 184, 1842
J.B. Carrel 1857
Robert Clay 1820
Byrant Collins 1821, 1825, 1826
Charles Culpepper 1820, 1823
C.O. Davis 1857
Henry Davis 1841, 1842. 1843
Joel Dees(e) 1830, 1837, 1838, 1839
Jacob Dupree 1838
E.E. Etheridge J.P.
Merritt Etheridge 1836
John Evers 1846, 1848
Benj. Fordham 1853
Jackson Fountain 1841, 1844
John Freeman 1834
William Garrett 1832, 1840, 1841,1842, 1845
James Gibson 1834, 1835
Wm. W. Golden 1845
Isaac Hall 1820
William A. Hall 1850, 1853
John Hancock 1824, 1832
James Hatcher 1826 1831, 1832, 1833
Martin Hays 1822, 1823
John Hearndon 1832, 1835
Wiley Holland 1840, 1843
W. Honeycutt 1853
John Hughs 1833
W.W. Hughs 1856
N.C. Hughes 1841, 1844, 1845
John B. Isler 1842, 1843
A. W. Jordan 1838, 1839, 1841, 1843
John King 1824
James Leslie 1825 1831, 1834, 1836, 1839, 1840
John Lewis 1849, 1859
Joseph M. Lord 1845
William R. Lord 1834, 1835
James Low 1822
Peter McArthur 1822
G.R. McCall 1857
Daniel McCook 1852, 1857
Thomas McGinty 1823
J.N. Miller 1847
J.W. Miller 1846
B Mitchell, 1821
James Mooning 1826
James Neal 1826
Bryant O'Bannon 1842, 1846
Jesse Peacock 1830, 1840, 1846
James Pittman 1840, 1847
Jesse Pittman 1826
William Payne 1834, 1835
Philip Pittman 1820
Samuel T. Player 1856, 1857
Thomas Preston 1837
Everett Ridley 1853, 1854, 1855
Joel Rivers 1832, 1833
John Ross 1822, 1824
William Ross 1833, 1834, 1835, 1837, 1838, 1841, 1843, 1850, 1852
J.L. Rustin 1854
B.F. Ryle 1852
Eli Sears 1847
Thomas Shew, 1821
Wiley Shepherd, 1821
George Shinholster 1827, 1832
John Smith 1833, 1839
Robert Smith 1847
Thomas Spence 1835
Nelson Stuckey 1849
Thomas Tarpley 1831, 1835
J. Temple 1852
Adam Taws
James Taylor 1849
W. Ussery 1851
Franklin Vandivere 1837
William Vincent 1839
G.S. Weeks 1850
James Williams 1825, 1845

source: History of Wilkinson County, Davidson

copyright Eileen B. McAdams 2004