Wilkinson County, Georgia Ordinary
Minutes Pertaining to
Levin Vincent / Vinson
Misc. Estate Records of Wilkinson Co., GA (pg. 91-92)
December the 5th 1831- The following is a true Return of the divition (division) of the negroes, property belonging to the Estate of Levin Vincent decd. As made by the commissioners appointed by the Court agreeable to order.
To Nelly Vinson
} a woman Pricy }
} &
} 700.00
} man Joseph }
To James W.
Vinson } Jerry a man }
} & Boman a boy } 700.00
To Jane Vinson
} a woman Patty & }
her two children
} 700.00
Adeline & Charles
} $2100.00
We do hereby certify that the above divition
(division) was made by us
this 5th day of December 1831.
Thomas Gilbert
B. Mitchell
Anson Ball
Wm. Mitchell
I do hereby certify that the above Commissioners
were duly
sworn to perform their duty according to
this 5th December 1831.
William Ross
Paid clerk for this return .62 ½
Sworn to in Open Court John Hughs
January 1832
J. Beall Clk.
Misc. Estate Records of Wilkinson Co., GA (pg. 124)
July 1st 1832 Nelly Vincent
Admr. On the Estate of
Levin Vincent
Return 1831
Money recd. on the Estate for cotton
In Macon
Expenditures for 1831
Five Bush. Salt
@ 1$ 5.00
Four pair shoes
@ 1$ 4.00
Sworn to in open Court
2d. July 1832
Nelly X Vincent Admr.
Jezeh? Beall Clk. Mark
Submitted byKeith Stevens