Wilkinson County Ordinary Court Minutes Pertaining to John Hardie

Misc. Estate Records of Wilkinson Co., GA (pg. 429-430)

The Last Will & Testament of John Hardie, Sr.

Georgia Wilkinson County          In the name of God amen, I John Hardie
    of the County & state aforesaid knowing that it is affomitia? for all men to die and being old and inform and desiring to make distribution of what property God has blessed me with I make this my last will and testament.
 Item 1:  I give and bequeath my soul that God who gave it.  I request my Executor to have my body decently Interred after my death.
 Item 2:  I give and bequeath to my beloved, my wife Damarius Hardie, my plantation whereon I now live, together my plantation tools, household and kitchen furniture and my stock of all kind consisting of horses, Cattle & hogs during her natural lifetime. After her death, I give and bequeath unto my daughter Nancy Bridges the north east half of the said tract of Land whereon I now live Containing one hundred one & one fourth acres more or less, the other half of said tract of Land to be equally divided between the balance of my children, namely -  Robert Hardie, Joel Hardie, Martha Dixon, Damarius Ridley & John E. Hardie.  The balance of my stock of horses, cattle & hogs, Plantation tools, household & kitchen furniture that may be left at the death of my wife Damarius Hardie to be sold and equally divided between my children with the Exception of Nancy Bridges.
 Item 3:  I give and bequeath to my daughter Nancy Bridges in addition to the above named Land one sorrel horse.
 I hereby nominate and appoint Damarius Hardie and Joel Hardie my executors to this my last will and testament and request them to pay all my just debts. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Samuel Beall, John Gallimore, Mitchell Frazure, subscribing witnesses this the 25th day of May 1851.
 Sam Beall
 John Gallimore    John Hardie
 Mitchell Frazure

The within last will & testament of John Hardie Sen. having been duly sworn at the regular term in open Court upon the oaths of Saml Beall & Mitchell Frazure subscribing witnesses to said will ordered that the same be admitted to record.
 Test.-      Saml Beall
 E. J. Gilbert Clk.    Ellis Harvill
       James Gibson

Misc. Estate Records of Wilkinson Co., GA (pg. 432-433)

Inventory and Appraisement of the Est.
    Of John Hardie decsd.
To 1 Set Pot ware                        5.00
 “  1   “  Crockery    “                   4.00
 “       flat Irons & Coffee mill      1.50
 “  6 Chairs                                 1.50
 “  1 Churn Jug, shoe tools, saddle bags, meal tubs & sifter
       Spinning wheel                     3.50
       Shaving boxes, Razor & hone 1.50
1 glass & Crockware                     .75
1 lot of Books                            2.00
      Pine slabs & two tables         1.00
1 Bed & furniture                     16.00
1 Bed & furniture                     23.00
1 looking glass                            7.50
1 lot Barrels & Boxes                  1.50
1   “  hoes & axes                        3.25
1   “  saddle & Bridle                  3.50
1   “  Plows & gear                       5.00
1   “  augers, chisels, saws &
drawing Knife                            4.00
    Seven head Stock Cattle        31.50
1 Mare                                     40.00
1 Ox Cart                                   4.50
1 Sythe                                        .75
   One hundred bushels Corn more or less    87.50
   One hundred one and a fourth acres land  600.00

Georgia Wilkinson County
    We do certify upon oath that as far as was produced to us by the Executor the above and foregoing Contains a true appraisement of the goods, chattel & Credits of the Estate of John Hardie deceased to the best of our judgement & understanding.  Given under hands and official signatures
this Sept. 17th 1851.    John Gallimore    }
      Julius N. Porter    } Apprs.
      Richard T. Porter }

I do hereby Certify that the above appraisers were sworn to perform their duty as appraisers according to law
this 17th Sept. 1851.    Wm. Rofs? J.P.

Misc. Estate Records of Wilkinson Co., GA (pg. 454)

A List of the sale belonging to the Estate of John Hardy deceased

David Hogan   To 1 Bed                    18.00
Joel Hardy     “  1 Set Plow gear         1.37 ½
Mitchell Frasure    “  1 Plow                1.25
Joel Hardy         1 Sythe & Cradle       1.25
Joel Hardy         1 Log Chain               1.25
Mitchell Frasure        1 Lot Tools        3.00
Mitchell Frasure        1    “      “          2.25
Mitchell Frasure        1    “      “            .62 ½
Mitchell Frasure        1 Churn                .78
Mitchell Frasure        1 Lot of Tools      .50
Lewis? Shears        1 Ax                       .50
John Hooks         1 Box & Razor          2.06 ¼
David Hogan         1 Cow & Calf           6.50
Mitchell Frasure        1 Cow                7.00
Joel Hardy         1 Cow                       5.00
Joel Hardy         1 Yearling                3.00
      Joel Hardy Exr.

Misc. Estate Records of Wilkinson Co., GA (pg. 463)

Joel Hardie Exr. on the Estate of John Hardie
    In acct. with said Estate
To Wit Proceeds of 2 Bales Cotton             64.70
 __________     Credit     __________

By Cash pd. Clerks fees                              5.00
By Cash pd. For Corn                                10.00
By Cash pd.   “      “                                    7.50
By Cash pd.  Hire to pick out Cotton            10.00
By Cash pd. for sugar, Coffee & molasses       8.66
By Cash pd. for this return                           2.37 ½
  Recorded March 18th 1852                      43.53 ½
Sworn to & Subscribed
Feby. 13th 1852    Joel Hardie
 Saml. Beall Ordinary
         Recorded   March 18th 1852

Misc. Estate Records of Wilkinson Co., GA (pg. 600)

Reced. of Joel Hardie Exr. on the Est. of John Hardie
One hundred & fifty dollars in pamt. of my portion of said
Estate this the 8th day of Oct 1852.

      John E. Hardie

Misc. Estate Records of Wilkinson Co., GA (pg. 627-630)

                    Joel Hardie Exr.
                                   In acct. with Estate of John Hardie deceased
                    To amt. on sale of Land   1st Jany. 1853 due         509.25
         “     “     “     “    “     “       “     “    1854 due                    763.87 ½
         “     “     “     “    “     “       “     “    1855   “                      763.87 ½
                    Recd. Jany. 18th 1853 on M. Frazure Exr.             39.25
                        “    for cotton                                                  30.58
                    Credit                                                              2106.87

Voucher 1 Cash pd. for groceries for the family                       15.47
   2     “     “       C.C. Beall                                                      15.59
   3     “     “       Mitchell Frazure                                          18.00
   4     “     “       C.C. Beall on note                                          2.87 ½
              5     “     “       Joel Butler                                        5.21
              6     “     “       Dr. Wm. Taylor                                35.75
              7     “     “        John Gallamore                                10.00
              8     “     “       Alfred Williams                                44.00
              9     “     “       W.W. Beall                                         5.00
             10     “     “        Joel Hardie                                     47.96
             11     “     “           “        “                                           7.60
             12   Cash paid  Wm. John                                           8.00
             13     “     “        E.J. Gilbert                                       1.25
             14     “     “        A. Baum?                                           5.62 ½
             15     “     “        Tax                                                   1.90
             16     “     “        S. Beall for order to sell Land             1.00
             17     “     “        for this return                                   4.25
  Sworn to 17th Feby. 1853                                                 229.48
        Joel Hardie

John Hardie  Senr.
1851     In acct. with C.C. Beall
May 7    1 pr. Shoes 1.00 (19) 28 gall. molasses @ 40-10.00-1 B. flour 7.50         18.50
        19   25 lb Rice 1.56 ¼  19 lb cheese 2.37 ½  1 curry comb 20   4.13 ¾
                     22.63 ¾
  By cash                         -   15.00
                       7.63 ¾
April 19
  1 pr. martingills? .75  tacks & paper .25      1.00
        26 Tobacco .50  1 coat 3.50  1 hat 3.00       7.00
May 10 sasparilla 87 ½  1 0z. assafordita? .25 (17) bridle 1.25    2.37
        24 1 pr. socks .37 ½  1 pr. gloves .50 9 yds velvet 4.50                5.37 ½
         “   muslin .62 ½  shirting 75 do. .93 ¾  peans .60 Do .15    3.06 ¼
         “   Do.  12 ½  screws .10 velvet ribbon .75 brass tacks .40    1.87 ½
        28  1 pr. shoes 1.50  1 pr. stockings .25 bonnet patron .75    2.00
         “    ribbon silk .10 (July 7) 14 lb coffee 2.00      2.10
Oct 20   Pepper & ginger .25 (Decr. 24) hailo? 12 ½ shot & powder                .82
                     35.59 ½
         By Cash                   18.00

Wilkinson County  } Before me James Brannan J.P. in and for said County personally appeared Charles C. Beall and on oath saith that the within acct. stands just & true to best of his knowledge belief & e
Sworn to before me this 4th Jany. 1853
James Brannan  J.P.      C.C. Beall
Irwinton  Jany. 4th 1853  Recd. Of Joel Hardie Exr. on the Estate of John Hardie decsd.
  In full for the within acct.

         C.C. Beall

1850 John Hardie Senr.  Ds.
   To John Gallamore
 For ginning & packing 4 bales cotton @ 2.50             10.00

Wilkinson County }  Personally appeared before me one William A. Hall a Justice of the
            Peace in & for said County Mitchell Frazure who being duly sworn
            Saith that the within acct. is just & true.  Sworn to & subscribed
            Before me this 1st Jany. 1853
            Wm. A. Hall  J.P.    Mitchell Frazure

1850 & 1851 John Hardie
    To Mitchell Frazure   De.
  For 600 rails split and put up      6.00
    “   repairing house                     8.00
    “   2 bushels corn                      2.00
    “   rope & bagging                     1.50
    “   hauling cotton to Depot        5.00 ¼
Wilkinson County } Personally appeared before me William A. Hall a Justice of the
Peace in & for the said County Mitchell Frazure who being duly                         sworn saith on oath that the within acct. is just & true.  Sworn to
& subscribed before me this 8th May 1852.
Wm. A. Hall  J.P.    Mitchell Frazure

      Feby. 20th 1850     One day after date I promise to pay the order of C.C. Beall
$2.40       or bearer two dollars & 40/100 value recd. Witness my hand & seal.
         John Hardie

       Irwinton  Jany. 4th 1853 recd. of Joel Hardie Exr. on the Estate of John Hardie
       In full principle & interest.      2.87 ½
         C.C. Beall

  John Hardie Senr.   Ds.
1848 To Joel Hardie
To  champeasprillo  4.75  (Jany. 22nd) 10 ½  lb tobacco 2.10   6.75
1854 Feby. 1 1 ½ bushels oats                                                   .75

Submitted byKeith Stevens

Eileen Babb McAdams website copyright 2006