James Wilcox  Last Will and Testament
Wilkinson County, Georgia

1.  Lend to wife: Zelpha Wilcox, all and singular of estate except as such herein mentioned, to her for and during her lifetime.  After her death, the following go to the use of brother: Thomas Wilcox.  After Thomas’ death, then to his son and my nephew, James Wilcox.
 a.  Male: Moses b.  Female: Jade and her children, except Joshua
2.  After my wife’s death, Joshua, is bequeathed to Joseph John Floyd Blackshear, forever.
3.  Executor to have authority to dispose of land in Muscogee County for the use of wife, Zelpha.
4.  Appointed: Friend: James Hamilton Blackshear, executor of estate.
Dated: October 10, 1827  /S/ James Wilcox
Charles Culpepper
Ichabod Scarborough
James H. Blackshear
Ichabod Scarborough and James H. Blackshear appeared before Open Court and on oath saith they witnessed the Will of James Wilcox.  Open court: March 3, 1828.
Witnesses:      /S/ Ichabod Scarborough
Solomon B. Murphy     /S/ James H. Blackshear
John Hardie
Richard Lewis  James H. Blackshear being duly qualified as executor to the within Will this 3rd March 1828
    /S/ Sol. B. Murphy   J.I.C.
Probate Court, Record of Returns, 1827-28, page 17, Wilkinson County, Georgia
(Res: 10/2007)

Submitted by R. Elizabeth Brewer

Website Copyright Eileen B. McAdams 2007