Big Sandy Missionary Baptist
Wilkinson County, Ga.
South of Toomsboro off 441 S., Organized
July 3, 1809
History (link) Cemetery
by Rev. Charles Culpepper and Rev. John Ross. Constituting members were
Elijah Hammock, a minister, Alcy Hammock, Elizabeth Pierce, Jesse
Pierce, Elizabeth Keel, Moses Justice, Richard Smith, Daniel Hooks, Rachel
Hooks, George Martin, Thomas Hughs and Elvina Hughs.
Members from 1810-1861
Elizabeth Ard, Allen Ashley, J. M Barge, Mary
A. Belleflower, James R. Billue, Malinda A. Bland, Robert Bland, William
M. Bowen, Elijah Brack, George Brack, John M. Brack, Sarah Brack, Susannah
Brown, G. M. Broxton, Hiram Broxton, Sarah Broxton, William B. Bryant,
Annie Buckles, Elizabeth Buckles, Ann Butler, Martha Butler, Charlotte
Cannon, James Cannon, Mary Cannon, Miles Cannon, Nancy Cannon, Nathaniel
Cannon, Wilson Chambers, John Coleman, Malinda Coleman, William Coleman,
Freeman Coley, William Coley, Anna Connerly, Joel T. Coney, Aaron Cox,
Nancy Cox, Joel Culpepper, Mary Culpepper, R. L. Cummings, Charlotte Daughtry,
Joshua Daughtry, Joseph Davidson, Mary Dixon, Thomas Dixon, John Dunn,
Susan Dunn, Cynthia DuPree, John DuPree, Mary A. DuPree, Mary J. DuPree,
Olive DuPree, John Ellington, Simeon W. Ellington, Barvel Evans. A. T.
Fairchild, Elizabeth Fairchild, Rebecca Fairchild, Rebecca Fisk, Benjamin
Fordham III, Cynthia Fordham, Fielding N. Fordham, Jeremiah Fordham, Fannie
Gilbert, E. Goodman, Isaac Goodman, Sr. Isaac Goodman, Jr. Mary Goodman,
William Goodman, Winnifred Goodman, Benjamin Green, William J. Green, Levy
Griffin, Daniel Hall, Elisha Hall, Mary Hall, William Hall, Zilphia Hall,
Emily Hamilton, Abigail Harrison, Frances Harrison, George W. Harrison,
Joicey Harrison, Rigdon Heath, Elijah Hogan, John Holliman, Prudence Holliman,
Sarah Holliman, Cynthia Hooper, Sylvia Howard, Cynthia Jackson, William
Jenkins, Peter Joiner, Nancy Keel, Nany Kinsaul, Abner Knight, David Knight,
Salathiel Knight, Washington Knight, Lucy Lambert, Jane Lawson, James Lofton,
James H. Lofton, Joel J. Lofton, Richard Lofton, Siskey Lofton, Dolly McDonald,
Elizabeth Martin, Mealy Martin, Sarah Martin, Elizaheth Mathis, Enoch Mathis,
William Mathis, Elizabeth Murkison, George Murkison, Argent Ogburn, Ethelred
Ogburn, Bentley Outlaw, Keenan Oxley, Frances Payne, Martha Payne, Polly
Payne, Samuel Payne, Sarah Payne, Sallie Payne, William Payne (Minister),
Henry Pickles, Dorinda Pierce, Frances Pierce, Thomas Pierce, W. W. Pierce,
N. D. Pope, Ambrose Porter, Charles Porter, Joseph Porter, Richard Porter,
John Powell, Cader Price, Nancy Price, Mary Purvis, Peggy Purvis, Alexander
Rawls, O.H. P. Rawls, Samuel Rigdon, Elizabeth Rogers (widow), Elizabeth
Rye, Amos Sanders, Elijah Shivers, Mary Smith, Rebecca Spears, Leah Stanley,
Rebecca Stokes, Mary Stuckey, Phoebe Sutton, Stephen Sutton, Trussy Sutton,
B. Ira Taylor, Edmund Taylor, Elizabeth Taylor, John Taylor, Seaborn Taylor,
Hannah Tharpe, Charnac Tharpe (minister), Lucy Tharpe, Ridson Tharpe, Elijah
Thompson, James Thompson, Martha Urly, Thomas Urly, Levi Ussery, Martha
Vann, Mary Vann, Thomas Vann, Joshua Walker, Mary Ward, Roland Williams,
S. P. Williams, Sarah Williams, Susannah Williams, Margaret Willis.
Membership declined in
the 1830's due to migration to the west, especially Texas. Many of the
members moved their membership to Pleasant Plains and Mount Olive following
the Missons and Reforms dispute in the Baptist churches.
Source: Joseph Maddox, Historical Collections
of Wilkinson County.
Church history is available at Jack
Tarver Library at Mercer University.
Photos April 2009

Eileen Babb McAdams Website Copyright 2002-2009