HON. WILLIAM GREEN BECK, farmer and millman
of Beat No. 2, was born in Wilkinson County, Ga., in 1815. He was a son
of John and Mary (Strong) Beck, the former of whom was born in Barnwell
district, S. C.; in 1792, and the latter in
Virginia about 1797. They were married in
South Carolina and moved to Georgia in 1818. They removed thence to Montgomery
county when there were but one or two stores there. In 1835 they removed
to what is now Bullock county, but what was then Pike county, and in 1840
they removed to Covington, where Mr. Beck died about 1878, and Mrs. Beck
about 1860. Mr. Beck was a member of the Primitive Baptist church and Mrs.
Beck of the Missionary Baptist church. He was a farmer all his life and
quite a successful one, and though uneducated was generally well informed.
With reference to public matters he was very conservative and reticent.
He was hard working, industrious, honest and liberal. He was one of the
first settlers of Alabama and one of the first in Covington county. His
father, Elijah Beck, was a native of South Carolina and came to Montgomery,
Ala., where he died in 1821, He was probably a soldier in the Revolutionary
war, and was certainly a soldier in the war of 1812. Grandfather Strong
was an Englishman, and died in Virginia when Mrs. Beck was small. The subject
of this
sketch was the second of ten children, of
whom three sons and two daughters are living. Three of the sons were in
the late war; Washington, served in the latter part of the war, and died
at Montgomery; Charles, of Baldwin county, and Wilson, of Brewton. William
G. Beck, was reared on a farm, principally in Montgomery county, with but
a common school education. He began life for himself at twenty years of
age, farming in what is now Bullock county, where he was married in 1835
to Louisa, daughter of John Smith, who removed from Georgia to Alabama.
Mr. Smith died in Tallapoosa county in 1839, and Mrs. Smith in Florida
about 1874. Mrs. Beck was born in Georgia and died in Covington county
in 1846, leaving six children, viz.: Oliver, who died in Mobile in January
1863, in the army from Choctaw county; Mary Ann, wife of Reuben Diamond;
Sarah J., wife of Henry Williams, of Texas, Washington, deceased; Robert
J., died in 1891; William, died young. Mr. Beck was married, the second
time, to Mrs. Sarah Tane, nee Johnson, who was born in Covington and had
ten children, as follows: Elizabeth, wife of James M. Smith; Wilson; Eliza,
wife of W. Brooks; Annanias, wife of William Cobb; Nancy, wife of George
Cooper; Charles; John W.; the rest dying in infancy. For the first five
years after marriage Mr. Beck lived east of Andalusia engaged in farming,
and then below on the river, and for the past twenty-three years upon his
present farm of 126 acres, where he has a small grist mill, which he built
in 1854. He has worked a good many years at blacksmithing, woodworking
and mill building. In 1844 he was elected revenue commissioner of Covington
county, holding the office four years. In 1882 he was elected to the legislature
and served on the committee on local legislation, and on public printing.
He is a member of Dean lodge, No. 182, F. & A. M., at Conecuh. He and
his wife have been members of the Missionary Baptist church for many years.
Although Mr. Beck had but very limited advantages for obtaining an education
when young, yet he is one of the most cultured and best informed men in
the county. He is universally esteemed and his superior abilities are recognized
by all.
Additional Comments:
from "Memorial Record of Alabama", Vol.
I, p. 746-747