1811 Vol. 1 -- Page: 143
Sequential Number: 060
Type: AN ACT
Full Title: For the relief of Benjamin Everett.
WHEREAS Benjamin Everett states that he resides on the line dividing the county of Baldwin and Wilkinson, and is thereby compelled to pay taxes and perform duty in both counties....for remedy whereof;
§ 1. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Genneral Assembly met, That from and after the passing of this act, the residence of the said Benjamin Everett, shall be held and considered as lying and being in the county of Baldwin.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
President of the Senate.
Executive Department, Georgia,
Approval Date: Assented to, 10th December,
1812 Vol. 1 -- Page: 170
Sequential Number: 159
Short Title: In the House of Representatives,
4th December, 1812.
Whereas by the law passed the last session of the Legislature, John Proctor, Robert Barnett, John Speight, John Ball & Daniel Hicks were appointed commissioners, vesting them with the power of laying out and selling certain town lots for the special purpose of erecting the public buildings in the county of Wilkinson;
Therefore be it resolved, That William Wicker, William Lord, John Smith and Charles Culpepper be, and they are hereby appointed in addition to those already appointed as commissioners aforesaid, and they are hereby vested with the same powers which the commissioners are invested with by an act, entitled an act, to make permanent the site of the public buildings in the county of Wilkinson.
Approval Date: Approved, 10th December.
1814 Vol. 1 -- Page: 70
Sequential Number: 062
Short Title: In Senate, 27th October, 1814.
The committee to whom was referred the petition of Abraham Borland, having had the same under their consideration, and examined the accompanying documents, are of opinion that the prayer of the petitioner is reasonable and ought to be granted; they therefore recommend the following resolution --
Resolved, That full satisfaction be entered on the judgments obtained in the superior court of Baldwin county against Abraham Borland on the bonds given by him for fractions numbers 23 and 24 in the fourth district of Wilkinson county, and that a credit of one hundred and twenty-five dollars be entitled on other judgments had in the same court against the said Borland for fractions purchased by him. The said sum being the amount he expended in the prosecution of his suit against Lemuel Wiggins for fraction No. 24 -- Provided nevertheless, that the satisfaction and credit herein authorised shall not be entered until the said Abraham Borland shall have relinquished to His Excellency the Governor, in behalf of this state, all the right, title or claim, which he now has or ever had to the aforesaid fractional surveys of land numbers 23 and 24 in the fourth district Wilkinson county.
Approval Date: Approved, 18th November, 1814.
1815 Vol. 1 -- Page: 113
Sequential Number: 089
Short Title: In Senate, 7th December, 1815.
Resolved, That Ransom Worrell, be, and he is hereby appointed a Notary Public for the town of Irwinton in Wilkinson county.
Approval Date: Approved, 16th December, 1815.
1816 Vol. 1 -- Page: 210
Sequential Number: 112
Short Title: In Senate, 15th November, 1816.
Resolved, That Solomon Worrel and David Roland be, and they are hereby appointed, Commissioners of the Courthouse and Jail of the county of Wilkinson, in the place of John Ball, deceased, and John Speight, removed without the county.
Approval Date: Approved, 2d December, 1816.
§ 7. And be it further enacted, That the sum of six thousand nine hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, under the direction of His Excellency the Governor, to enable him to secure the Shares subscribed for in the Bank of Georgia by the Commissioners of the Oconee navigation, and also to purchase one negro man -- said shares to be inalienable by said Commissioners and at the disposition of the General Assembly, whenever they may think proper to resume the same, and convert it to the improvement of the navigation of other rivers, agreeably to a concurred resolution. -- Also, the sum of ten dollars two and a half cents to Wilson Williams, of Wilkinson county, agreeably to a concurred resolution -- also, the sum of fifty dollars to William Stroud, of Jasper county, agreeably to a concurred resolution of both branches of the Legislature; and the sum of 20 dollars to Abram Mallet, Sheriff of Effingham county, agreeable to a concurred resolution.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
President of the Senate.
D. B. MITCHELL, Governor.
Approval Date: Assented to, 19th December, 1816.
1826 Vol. 1 -- Page: 222
Sequential Number: 239
IN SENATE, 12th Dec. 1826.
The select committee to whom was referred the petition of Joseph Delk, clerk of the superior court of Wilkinson county, have had the same under their consideration, and are of opinion that the prayer of the petitioner is reasonable and ought to be granted. They therefore recommend the adoption of the following resolution:
Resolved, That the sum of one hundred dollars be allowed the said Joseph Delk, clerk of the superior court of Wilkinson county, it being the amount improperly paid into the treasury by the said Joseph Delk, as holder of public money, and that the same be placed in the appropriation law.
Approval Date: Approved 22d December, 1826.
A resolution amendatory to a resolution approved the 17th day of [Illegible Text], 1825, appointing commissioners to examine the roads leading from Jenckes' bridge, on Ogechee river, to the town of [Illegible Text] in Bibb county:
Resolved therefore, That Matthew Caswel. of Wilkinson county; be and he is hereby appointed one of the commissioners on the said road.
Approval Date: Approved 4th Dec. 1826.
1827 Vol. 1 -- Page: 221
Sequential Number: 170
IN SENATE, Dec 5, 1827.
The Committee to whom was referred the petition and accompanying documents of Isaac Hall, late Tax Collector of Wilkinson county, have had the same under their attentive and serious consideration, and from the facts therein disclosed they are of opinion that the prayer of the petioner is reasonable and ought to be granted; they therefore recommend the adoption of the following resolution:
Resolved, That the Treasurer of the State be forthwith instructed to surcease any further proceedings against Isaac Hall, of Wilkinson county, for or on account of the tax due by said county, for the year 1821.
[Illegible Text] Committee cannot however pass unnoticed the conduct of Wright Mims, late Sheriff of Wilkinson county and subsequent proceedings had thereon, in relation to the aforesaid tax.
They therefore respectfully recommend the adoption of the following resolution in relation thereto:
Resolved, That the Solicitor of the Ocmalgee [Illegible Text] be instructed to take all necessary and lawful means to recover from Wright Mims, late Sheriff of Wilkinson county and his securities, the amount of taxes collected by him as Sheriff from Isaac Hall for the year 1821, and which remain unpaid at the Treasury; and that said Solicitor make report thereof to the next Legislature.
Approval Date: Approved Dec. 24, 1827.
1828 Vol. 1 -- Page: 123
Sequential Number: 102
Full Title: AN ACT to legalise and make
valid a certain grant for a tract of land heretofore issued to and in the
names of William, John and Mary Randolph.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of of the same That a certain grant for lot number three hundred and twenty in the fourteenth district of Wilkinson county, containing two hundred two and one half acres of land; was issued to and in the names of William, John and Mary Randolph, on the nineteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, under the authority of his Excellency David B. Mitchell, then Governor of the State of Georgia, but to which grant the signature of the said David B. Mitchell was omitted to be affixed, shall be held and considered as legal and valid to all intents and purposes, as if the signature of the said David B. Mitchell had been affixed thereto -- Any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
President of the Senate.
Approval Date: Assented to Dec. 16, 1828.
1834 Vol. 1 --
Sequential Number: 018
Full Title: AN ACT to appropriate money
for the support of Government for the political year eighteen hundred and
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the following sums of money be, and the same are hereby appropriated for the political year eighteen hundred and thirty-five, viz. --
Page: 27
To Abraham Stephens, tax collector
of Wilkinson county, the sum of fourteen dollars and fourteen cents for
his insolvent list for 1833.
1834 Vol. 1 -- Page: 163
Sequential Number: 121
Full Title: AN ACT to vest the title of
a tract of land known and distinguished by lot number one hundred and ninety-seven
in the second district and third section, Troup county, in Anthony Lizenby
of Wilkinson county.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and immediately after the passage of this act the title to the said tract of land number one hundred and ninety-seven, in the second district and third section, Troup county, shall be vested in and become the property of the said Anthony Lizenby of Wilkinson county.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
President of the Senate.
Approval Date: Assented to, 20th Dec. 1834.
1835 Vol. 1 -- Page: 26
Sequential Number: 016
Full Title: AN ACT to authorize the Justices
of the Inferior Courts of the counties of Twiggs, Wilkinson and
Pulaski to provide and establish an Asylum for the invalid poor
of said counties, at or near the corners of said counties, and to appoint
directors for the management of the same.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That so soon as the Justices of the Inferior Courts of the counties aforesaid shall have at their disposal sufficient funds, and deem the measure expedient, they shall be, and are hereby authorized to appoint one suitable and discreet person of each county who shall be denominated and styled the Directors of the Poor House of their respective counties.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said Directors, when thus appointed, shall take and subscribe before any one of the Justices of the Inferior Courts the following oath: I, A. B. do solemnly swear that I will, according to the best of my skill and ability, manage and so direct the affairs of the Poor House Asylum as shall seem to me best calculated to promote an economical and comfortable support of the invalid poor received at the same, and make annually a true return to the Inferior Courts of their respective counties of all expenses incurred in conducting the affairs of said institution, so help me God. Which oath shall be entered on the minutes of the Inferior Court of their respective counties.
Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the Directors aforesaid shall hold-their office during good behaviour, and a majority of them shall be competent to the transaction of business, and should either of them fail or refuse to do their duty as Directors aforesaid, the Inferior Court shall have power to remove them and appoint others in their place.
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the said Directors, when thus appointed and qualified, shall immediately proceed, under the instructions of the Inferior Courts, to purchase a suitable tract of land for the use and occupation of the invalid poor of each county, contract for the erection of suitable buildings thereon, and make every other provision which to them may appear necessary to an economical and comfortable support of such invalid poor.
Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the said Directors shall have power to employ two suitable persons, male and female, who in all cases shall be husband and wife, to act as Wardens and Supervisors of said Asylum; who shall reside on the premises, and superintend the feeding, clothing and general management of the paupers, and attend to other duties under such instructions, rules and regulations as the Directors shall from time to time prescribe: for which objects the said Directors shall meet at said Asylum at least once in three months, or oftener if the affairs of the institution shall seem to require it. They may also employ a physician to attend the paupers when sick, and such other persons as may seem best calculated to promote the ends and objects contemplated by this act.
Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the Directors aforesaid shall, at the first term of the Inferior Courts in their respective counties, in each year, lay before the Justices of the same an exact account of the amount of expense incurred in conducting the affairs of said institution the preceding year, at which time the Inferior Courts shall order an appropriation to be made in favour of said account, to be placed in the hands of the Directors for its payment, if they shall deem the same correct and just. They may at the same time allow the said Directors such compensation as may seem just and reasonable for their services in conducting the affairs of said institution.
Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That all paupers received at said Asylum shall be under such rules and regulations as shall hereafter be prescribed by the Justices of the Inferior Courts of said counties, but no part of this act shall be so construed as to prevent the said Justices from making any appropriations at any time in order to aid and facilitate the operations of said institution, or in favour of any poor persons, where they shall consider it will be more conducive to the interests of the counties, or more congenial with feelings of humanity to keep them in any other part of the county.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
President of the Senate.
Approval Date: Assented to, 26th Dec. 1835.
1842 Vol. 1 -- Page: 81
Sequential Number: 076
Full Title: AN ACT to establish an additional
Election Precinct at the Store House of A. J. Hollifield, in the 800th
district, G. M., in the county of Troup, and for other purposes therein
Page 82
Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That
the Election Precinct held at
Griffin, in Wilkinson county, be removed
to Centreville, at the Store House of William B. Smith, in said
county, and that the elections in future be held at Centreville, instead
of Griffin, as heretofore, any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding.
Sec. 6. All laws or parts of laws militating against the above recited be, and the same is hereby repealed.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
President of the Senate.
Approval Date: Assented to, 24th December, 1842.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this act, the Inferior Court of Wilkinson county shall be, and they are hereby authorized to relieve and fully discharge the said Alexander Doke from any further forfeitures on payment of all costs, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all laws and parts of laws militating against this act be, and the same is hereby repealed.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
President of the Senate.
Approval Date: Assented to, 28th December,
OF GEORGIA, PASSED In November and December, 1842.
1842 Vol. 1 -- Page: 81
Sequential Number: 076
Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the Election Precinct held at Griffin, in Wilkinson county, be removed to Centreville, at the Store House of William B. Smith, in said county, and that the elections in future be held at Centreville, instead of Griffin, as heretofore, any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding.
Sec. 6. All laws or parts of laws militating
against the above recited be, and the same is hereby repealed.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
President of the Senate.
Approval Date: Assented to, 24th December,
1843 Vol. 1 -- Page: 26
Sequential Number: 026
Full Title: AN ACT to change the line between
the counties of Floyd and Cass, so as to add Lot number 210, 16th District,
3d Section of the county of Cass, to the county of Floyd, and for other
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the
residence of Luke Padget be added to the county of Wilkinson.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this act, the Inferior court of Wilkinson county, be and they are hereby authorised to release and fully exonerate and discharge Wyatt Merideth, of said county, from the payment of all or any part of a forfeiture incurred by the said Wyatt Merideth, on a bond, or recoguisance for the appearance of Samuel Cooper, at the last October term of the Superior court for said county: Provided, the said Wyatt Merideth shall pay all cost in said case.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted by the authority of the same, That all laws or parts of laws militating against this act, be and the same are hereby repealed.
Approval Date: Assented to, 23d December, 1843.
1845 Vol. 1 -- Page: 180
Sequential Number: 194
Full Title: AN ACT for the relief of John
C. Edmonson, of Wilkinson county, and Elijah Reamer Young, of Thomas
WHEREAS, at the October Term, eighteen hundred and forty, of the Superior Court held in and for the county of Wilkinson, the final trial was had, and a verdict rendered in favor of the plaintiff, in the case of Catharine Edmonson vs. John C. Edmonson, in a libel for divorce; and whereas, under the existing laws the defendant is under certain restraints and disabilities, in that he is prohibited from again entering into the marriage contract, for remedy whereof --
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this act, the said John C. Edmonson shall be, and he is hereby fully exonerated, relieved and released from the restraints and disabilities by law incurred. and shall have full power and complete authority to dispose of his person in marriage, as fully as though he had never entered into the marriage state with the said Catharine Edmonson, any law, usage or custom to the contrary not withstanding.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That whereas Elijah Reamer Young, of the county of Thomas, is similarly situated, be it therefore enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the said Elijah R. Young be, and he is hereby relieved from all penalties and pains by laws now in force, and is hereby authorized to contract marriage, as fully as though no disability had occurred; and all laws militating against the provisions of this section be, and the same are hereby repealed, so far as relates to the case of the said E. R. Young.
Approval Date: Approved, December 27th, 1845.
1849 Vol. 1 -- Page: 347
Sequential Number: 430
Full Title: AN ACT for the relief of Jonathan
C. Pearson and Wright Noles.
WHEREAS the said Jonathan C. Pearson and Wright Noles, on the second day of October, in the year eighteen hundred and forty-eight, became bound as securities for one Robert Hatcher, in a bond taken by Isaac Lindsey, a Justice of the Peace for Wilkinson county, in the sum of two hundred dollars, payable to his Excellency the Governor or his successors in office, for the appearance of the said Hatcher at the Superior Court of said county then in session, to answer the charge of an assault; and whereas the said Hatcher having failed to appear, and having abandoned the county, and judgment having been entered against the said Hatcher and his said securities for the amount of said bond, and all costs in said case having been settled, and there being circumstances in the said case which entitle said securities to relief:
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Jonathan C. Pearson and Wright Noles be and they are hereby released, exonerated and discharged from all liabilities on said bond and judgment -- any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
Approval Date: Approved, December 21, 1849.
Full Title: AN ACT for the relief of David Barron, of Wilkinson county; Luverna E. Walker, of the county of Hancock; and James Boon of the county of Randolph.
WHEREAS at a Superior Court heretofore holden in and for the county of Washington, a final trial was had and verdict rendered [Illegible Text] the case of Dully [Illegible Text] against David Barron in a libel for divorce; and whereas under existing laws the said David Barron is under certain [Illegible Text] and disabilities, in that he is prohibited from again entering into the marriage contract; for remedy whereof --
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this act, the said David Barron shall be and is hereby fully [Illegible Text] relieved and [Illegible Text] from the [Illegible Text] and disabilities by law incurred in consequence of said judgment, and shall have full and complete authority to dispose of his person in marriage as though he had never entered into marriage with the said Dolly Barron -- any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the legal disabilities incurred by Luverna E. Walker of the county of Hancock, by reason of a divorce obtained against her in Hancock Superior Court by her husband, John E. Walker, be and the same are hereby removed, and that the said Luverna E. Walker [Illegible Text] and she is hereby as fully authorized to marry as if said disabilities had never been incurred; and that she be restored to her maiden name of Luverna E. Culver.
SECTION 3. And be it further enacted, That James Boon, of Randolph county, be entitled to all the privileges of this act.
Approval Date: Approved, February 11, 1850.
1851 Vol. 1 -- Page: 462
Sequential Number: 301
Law Number: (No. 301.)
Full Title: AN ACT to establish, change
and abolish certain election precinets therein named.
SEC. II. Be it further enacted, That the
precinet now established at the store house of James M. Porter, in Penfield,
Green county, be removed to the store-house of Wm. Morgan, in said town;
that the precinet called Ramah, at the house of Ephraim Lewis,
in the Three Hundred and Thirty-First District, G. M., in the county of
Wilkinson, be and the same is hereby removed to the town of Gordon in
said county; that the precinet in the district known as Bloodworth's
District, in Wilkinson county, be changed to the house of James
O. Spann, in said District; that the precinets in the Sixty-First,
Sixty-Fourth and Sixty-Fifth Districts in Burke county, be changed to the
places of holding Justices' Courts, in said Districts; that the precinet
now established in the Nine Hundred and Fifty-Eighth District in the county
of Gilmer, be and the same is hereby removed to a Gap in a Ridge, above
five hundred yards west of the house of William Orr, on Lot Number Two
Hundred and Fifteen, Tenth District, Second Section, in said county of
Gilmer; that the precinet at the house of Nathaniel Duncan, in Elbert county,
be removed to the house of Nancy Ramsy, in said county; that the precinet
at the house of Thomas King, in Houston county, be and the same is hereby
removed to Jackson's Spring, the usual place for holding Justices' Court,
in the lower Fifth District, in said county; that the precinet at Prattsville,
in the county of Monroe, be and the same is hereby removed to Colaparchee
in said county; that the precinet in the Fifth District of Carroll county,
be and the same is hereby changed to the house of [Illegible Text] B. Godard,
the usual place of holding Justices' Court in said District; and that the
precinets at Higgsville, and at Tarversville, in the county of Twiggs,
be abolished, and in lieu thereof, a precinet be and is hereby established
at the house of Daniel Vaughn, junior, in said county.
SEC. VII. And be it further enacted, That the provisions of this Act shall not go into operation, until the first Tuesday in February next, and that all laws and parts of laws militating against this Act, be and the same are hereby repealed.
Approval Date: Approved, January 21, 1852.
1853 Vol. 1 -- Page: 516
Sequential Number: 532
Law Number: (No. 442.)
Full Title: An Act for the relief of James Grenade, Tax Collector of the County of Wilkinson, and for the relief of Benjamin F. Chew and Wiley B. Griffin, or their assigns.
WHEREAS, Daniel R. Tucker, a non-resident tax payer, in the County of Wilkinson, having failed to give in his taxable property for the year 1853, to the Tax Receiver of said County. And,
WHEREAS, The Receiver assessed the value of his property in said County, and double taxed the same, assessing said Tuckers tax at eighty-one dollars and forty-six cents, returned the same to James Grenade, Tax Collector, and said assessment being contrary to law, said Collector could only collect a single tax from said Tucker, leaving a charge of eight-one dollars and forty-six cents, against him on the Receiver's books, with only the half of that sum with which to settle the same, and being required by the Comptroller General to pay the whole sum into the Treasury, was compelled to advance the same out of his own private funds. And,
WHEREAS, These facts make it just and right that said sum of forty dollars and seventy-three cents, the amount so paid into the Treasury, should be refunded to him.
SECTION I. Be it therefore enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the [Illegible Text] [Illegible Text] and he is hereby authorized and required to draw his warrant on the Treasury, in favor of James Grenade, for the sum of thirty-two dollars and fifty-five cents, to be paid out of any monies not otherwise appropriated, so soon as this Act shall become a law.
Approval Date: Approved, February 20th, 1854.
Sequential Number: 574
Law Number: (No. 484.)
Full Title: An Act to refund to W. W.
and F. D. Ross, of the County of Wilkinson, a certain amount of money,
the same being over paid by them as a Tax, by an over assessment of their
property, made by the Tax Receiver of said County.
SECTION I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Act, the Governor be requested to draw his warrant on the Treasury in favor of W. W. and F. D. Ross, of the County of Wilkinson, for the amount of one hundred and thirty-nine dollars, the sum being over paid by them, from an over assessment made on their Steam Mill property by the Tax Receiver of said County.
SEC. II. And be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws militating against this Act, be and the same are hereby repealed.
Approval Date: Approved, February 20th, 1854.
1853 Vol. 1 -- Page: 157
Sequential Number: 231
Law Number: (No. 142.)
Full Title: An Act to appropriate money
to Morgan Kemp, former Sheriff of Marion County, for services rendered
by him in and about the sale of certain fractional lots of land in the
County of Marion, for the State, for the relief of William Hubbard, Tax
collector of Polk County, and John Gainey, of Wilkinson County.
SEC. II. And be it further enacted, That the sum of twenty-two dollars and forty-two cents is appropriated to John Gainey, of Wilkinson county, to re-imburse him for that amount of Tax, over-paid by him for the year 1852.
SEC. V. And be it further enacted, That the Solicitor General collect the said amount and pay it into the State Treasury, and that the Governor be requested to draw his warrant on the Treasurer in favor of said John Gainey and William Hubbard, for the respective amounts appropaiated to them by this Act.
SEC. VI. And be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws militating against this Act be and the same are hereby repealed.
Approval Date: Approved, February 15th, 1854
SECTION I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Act, Green B. Burney, A. E. Cochran, William Fisher, William O. Beall, James M. Hall, James Jackson and Thomas N. Beall, and their successors in office be, and they are hereby, constituted a body corporate and politic, under the name of the Trustees of "Irwinton Free Church."
SEC. II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Trustees aforesaid, and their successors in office, under the name and style aforesaid, may use a common seal, and shall be capable of sueing and being sued, pléading and being impleaded, and to be capable in law of holding and possessing, and acquiring by purchase, gift, or otherwise, any lands, tenements, hereditaments, goods and chattels, and other estates, and the same to use, lease, or convey, in such manner as they see fit; subject to the limitations and provisions hereinafter mentioned.
SEC. III. And be it further enacted, That the Trustees aforesaid, and their successors in office, shall hold the said Church, with the lands heretofore conveyed to said Church by William O. Beall, consisting of one acre, more or less, for the use and benefit of the Presbyterian, Missionary Baptist, and Methodist Episcopal denominations of Christians in perpetuity, in manner following, to wit:
The Methodist Episcopal denomination shall be entitled to have, use, and control said Church for the first and third weeks in each and every month, reckoning from Friday morning before the first and third Sabbaths therein; the Presbyterians to have, use, and control said Church the second week in each and every month, reckoning as aforesaid; and the Missionary Baptists to have, use, and control said Church the fourth week in each and every month, reckoning in like manner as the Methodists and Presbyterians; and the rights secured in this section to the several denominations mentioned shall be perpetual and inviolable, except by a vote of the Trustees, with the consent of all the denominations interested.
SEC. IV. And be it further enacted, That each denomination aforesaid shall have power and authority to organize and maintain their respective societies, their government, forms and rituals, respectively, during the time they are entitled to the use and control of said Church as aforesaid.
SEC. V. And be it further enacted, That said Board of Trustees shall have power to pass all by-laws, rules and regulations, for their government, which they may think proper, not repugnant to the body of this Act, the Constitution and Laws of the State of Georgia; and to fill all vacancies which may occur in their Board by death, resignation, or otherwise.
SEC. VI. And be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws militating against this Act be, and the same are hereby repealed.
Approval Date: Approved, February 9th, 1854.
1855 Vol. 1 -- Page: 128
Sequential Number: 058
Law Number: (No. 58.)
Full Title: An Act to alter and change the
lines between certain counties therein named.
33. SECTION I. Be it enacted, &c., That from and after the passage of this act, the county line of Wilkinson and Baldwin counties be so changed as to include lots No. 127, 120 and 121 in the fifth district of originally Baldwin, and now Wilkinson county, including also the residence of Charles Ivey, in Baldwin county.
37. SEC. V. (Repeals conflicting laws.)
Approval Date: APPROVED, March 4th, 1856.
1860 Vol. 1 -- Page: 221
Sequential Number: 323
Law Number: (No. 236.)
Full Title: An Act for the relief of Mitchell
Fountain and Lamuel Lavender, securities of James Myers of the
county of Wilkinson.
WHEREAS, James Myers of the county of Wilkinson, was at the October term, 1858 of the Superior Court, convicted of the offence of carrying concealed weapons on the first day of July 1858, and that on the twelfth day of October, thereafter, Mitchell Fountain and Lamuel Lavender of said county, became securities for the appearance of said Myers, at the next term of court, in a bond for five hundred dollars, and that in a few days thereafter, they become dissatisfied and delivered up said Myers to the arresting officer, a Bailiff, under the advice of an Attorney, and that said Myers did not [Illegible Text]; but said securities appeared and showed cause why judgment should not be entered on said bond, and motion was renewed on part of the State to enter up judgment on said bond, because Myers was delivered up to an improper officer, which motion was sustained by the court, and judgment entered accordingly, and that the October term was adjourned to January, 1860, at which time said securities produced the body of said Myers, who plead guilty of the offence, and was fined thirty dollars and all cost of suit, which was paid and said Myers discharged:
14. SECTION I. Be it therefore enacted, &c.,
That the Clerk of the Superior Court of the county of Wilkinson, or the
Solicitor General of the Ocmulgee District, or either of them, be and they
are hereby authorized and required to enter full satisfaction on said judgment
against said Mitchell Fountain and Lamuel Lavender and if execution has
issued on the same, to enter full satisfaction on said execution; and that
said Fountain and Lavender be and they are hereby fully discharged from
all liability on said judgment and execution.
[Sidenote: Mitchell Fountain and Lemuel
Lavender, securitics of James Myers. of Wilkinson Co. relieved.]
SEC. II. Repeals conflicting laws.
Approval Date: Assented to December 20th,
1872 Vol. 1 -- Page: 387
Sequential Number: 259
Law Number: (No. 259 -- O. No. 83.)
Full Title: An act to change the line
between the counties of Baldwin and Wilkinson; to add a portion of
the county of Wilkinson to the county of Baldwin, and for other purposes.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, That, from and immediately after the passage of this act, the line between the counties of Wilkinson and Baldwin shall be so changed as to run as follows, viz: commencing where the line between said counties touches the corner of land lots numbers 236 and 237, and to run in a south-easterly direction along the easterly line of lots numbers 236, 235 and 234, until it strikes Little Black creek; thence running up said Little Black creek in its course through land lots numbers 234, 228, 227 and 226, until it strikes the southern boundary line of Baldwin county, so as to include land lots numbers 235 and 236, and parts of land lots numbers 234, 228, 227, 226 and 237, now in the county of Wilkinson, in the county of Baldwin.
Approval Date: Approved August 23, 1872.
Section 1. Be it enacted, That James Hammock, James Myrick, T. J. Joyner, Elias Jones, John H. Jones, H. S. Wimberly, Archibald McAllum, D. G. Hughes, John Chapman and James Coombs, of the county of Twiggs; George Carswell and W. E. Carswell, of the county of Wilkinson; and A. Vickers, of the county of Laurens -- or such of them and such other persons as shall associate under this act -- be, and they are hereby, incorporated, and made a body corporate and politic, with all the rights and privileges common and necessary to such corporations, under the name and style of the Griswoldville & Jeffersonville Railroad Company.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That said company shall be authorized to build a railroad from the town of Griswoldville, in Jones county, to Jeffersonville, in Twiggs county; that they shall have power to consolidate their stock, and unite with any other railroad company on such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by them and such company as they may unite with, and may charge such amounts for freights and travel as they may deem expedient; and to open books and procure subscription of stock at such times and places as may be thought proper by the above-named persons or any five of them; may have and use a common seal, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any court of law and equity in this State, and shall, by vote of the stockholders, elect seven directors, who, from their number, shall elect a president; said board of directors shall have authority to make such rules and regulations or by-laws as may be necessary and proper for carrying into effect the powers and objects of such corporations: Provided, That such rules and regulations be not repugnant to the laws and Constitution of this State, or of the United States.
Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the capital stock of said company shall be one hundred thousand dollars, and shall be divided into shares of not exceeding one hundred dollars each, and at the election of said board of directors, said stockholders shall be entitled to as many votes as they may own shares in said company.
Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That said board of directors and president shall be elected on the first Tuesday in May, 1872, and on the same day in each and every year thereafter, unless otherwise altered by law, and shall have power to appoint all officers and agents in said road, and fix the salaries thereof, and said company shall have the power, through said board of directors and president, to borrow money, to make contracts, hold real and personal property to and for said board: Provided, That said contracts shall not be binding on said company unless signed by the president and countersigned by the secretary of said company: Provided, That they shall be responsible for the amount of stock owned by them.
Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the board of directors shall have power to select and take, buy or purchase or receive, as a donation or otherwise, such strip or strips of land, not exceeding two hundred feet in width, between the points selected for the beginning and terminus of said road, and in all cases in which difficulties or disputes may arise between individuals or corporations, and such company or their directors, as to the right-of-way or damages to the land on which such right-of-way be located, it shall, and may be, lawful for either party to apply to the Sheriff of the county in which such land may be located to summons a jury of freeholders, who shall enter on the land sought to be appropriated to the use of said company, and award, in writing, the amount of damages assessed, if any, to be paid by said company, either party having the right to appeal to the Superior Court of the county, under the same rules and regulations which apply to appeals in said court, and in all cases such freeholders, and the jurors in such Superior Courts, in addition to the usual oath, shall be sworn, in assessing damages, to take into consideration the prospective value of the road to the land and premises through which it may run, and to have evidence touching the same, and upon the payment of the damages so assessed, as aforesaid, a fee simple title to such lands as may be necessary for the location of such road, buildings and depots shall vest in said company.
Sec. 6. That the company aforesaid shall have perpetual succession of members, and shall have the exclusive right of said franchise so far as relates to the building of a railroad from or near the town of Griswoldville to the town of Jeffersonville, in the county of Twiggs, or near that place, and the said Griswoldville & Jeffersonville Railroad Company shall be deemed a common carrier as regards all goods and merchandise, and property entrusted to them for transportation; and said company shall have the power to do and perform all and every such corporate acts as are permitted and allowed to other companies for similar purposes; and it shall be the duty of the Central Railroad, or any other railroad company with which this road may form connection, to transport, without delay, all freights delivered by said company.
Sec. 7. Repeals conflicting laws.
Approval Date: Approved August 27, 1872.
1875 Vol. 1 -- Page: 313
Sequential Number: 320
Law Number: No. CCCXX.
Origin: (O. No. 208.)
Full Title: An Act for the relief of William
McDaniel of the county of Wilkinson, and for other purposes.
WHEREAS, William McDaniel, of the county of Wilkinson, did, on the fifth day of November, in the year 1867, become the bail of Washington McDaniel, under a penal bond for the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, the conditions of which bond were that the said Washington McDaniel should appear at the April term of the Superior Court of said county for the year 1868, to answer for the offense of riot; and WHEREAS, subsequently thereto, and prior to final judgment on the said recognizance, to-wit: In the year 1868, the said William McDaniel surrendered the said Washington McDaniel into the custody of J. W. Branden sic Brannan, the Sheriff of said county, who committed said Washington McDaniel to the jail of said county, from which he escaped; and WHEREAS, proceedings had been instituted to forfeit said bond; and WHEREAS, the said William McDaniel failed to answer the proceeding to forfeit said bond, because he had been advised by the then presiding Judge that the surrender of his principal discharged his liability on said bond, and at the April term of said court for the year 1874, an absolute judgment on said bond was taken against said William McDaniel, therefore:
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, That said William McDaniel, of the county of Wilkinson, be, and he is hereby, relieved of any and all liability on the bail bond of said Washington McDaniel, and the judgment thereon, except the costs of court and Solicitor's fees incurred in the forfeiture of the recognizance.
SEC. II. Repeals conflicting laws,
Approval Date: Approved March 2, 1875.
1876 Vol. 1 -- Page: 396
Sequential Number: 512
Short Title: To relieve securities of Thomas
E. McRea.
Law Number: No. DXIII.
Origin: (O. No. 348.)
Full Title: An Act for the relief of the
securities of Thomas E. McRea on criminal bond.
WHEREAS, Thomas E. McRea, of the county of Wilkinson was, at the October term, 1873, of the Superior Court of [Illegible Text] County, tried and convicted of the offense of voluntary [Illegible Text] slaughter; and
WHEREAS, The said Thomas E. McRea afterwards, to-wit: on the eleventh day of November, 1873, pending a motion for a new trial in the case, which was adverse to him, gave bond in the sum of five thousand dollars, with H. D. Hughes, of the county of Wilkinson, and E. S. Griffin, Haywood Hughes, W. B. Tarver, W. L. Bloodworth, W. D. Mitchel, Thomas H. Jones, J. C. Ryle, W. H. Crocker and R. H. Arrington, as securities, conditioned for his appearance to abide the further order of the court, upon the hearing of the motion for a new trial in the Supreme Court; and
WHEREAS, The said Thomas E. McRea, pending said motion, absconded, whereupon the said recognizance was, at the April term, 1875, of said Superior Court, forfeited, and judgment entered thereon in favor of James M. Smith, Governor of the State of Georgia, against the principal and sureties, for the amount thereof; and
WHEREAS, The said Thomas E. McRea has, since said judgment, been apprehended by the officers of the law, and is now awaiting the penalty to be imposed upon him under said verdict; therefore,
SECTION I. Be it enacted, etc., That the
aforesaid securities on said recognizance, to-wit: H. D. Hughes, of the
county of Wilkinson, E. S. Griffin, Haywood Hughes, W. B. Tarver, W. L.
Bloodworth, W. D. Mitchel, Thomas H. Jones, J. C. Ryle, W. H. Crocker and
R. H. Arrington, of the county of Twiggs, be and they are hereby released
and exonerated from the judgment aforesaid, and that they be and are hereby
discharged from any and all liability whatsoever thereon, except the costs.
[Sidenote: Securities of T. E. McRea relieved]
SEC. II. Repeals conflicting laws.
Approval Date: Approved February 25, 1876.
1878 Vol. 1 -- Page: 247
Sequential Number: 210
Law Number: No. 173.
Full Title: An Act to incorporate the Dublin
Telegraph Company.
SECTION I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, That John M. Stubbs, L. C. Perry, David Ware, Jr., Rollin A. Stanley, and Robert C. Henry, of the county of Laurens, M. T. Singleton, of the county of Fulton, O. H. L. Strubbing, and Thomas D. Smith, of the county of Wilkinson, together with such other persons as may hereafter be associated with them, be, and they are hereby, made a body politic and corporate in law, under the corporate name and style of the Dublin Telegraph Company, for the purpose of establishing, erecting and maintaining, an electromagnetic telegraph, and transmitting intelligence by means thereof between Dublin, in the county of Laurens, and Toombsboro and Oconee, in the counties of Wilkinson and Washington, by such route to said places as may to said company seem most feasable, and by said name and style to have power and authority to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered to, in any court of law, or equity, having jurisdiction thereof in this State; to make and use a common seal, and the same to alter or renew at pleasure; to purchase and hold such real and personal estate as the lawful purposes of such corporation may require, and the same to sell alien and convey, or otherwise dispose of, as may be found needful; and to appoint such officers and agents, as may be necessary for the management of the affairs of said company; and to make and ordain such by-laws, as are not incompatible with this charter, and the constitution and laws of this State.
SEC. II. That the capital stock of said company shall be one thousand dollars, with the privilege to increase the same to five thousand dollars; but this company shall have the power to commence business when fifty per cent. of said stock is paid in, and certificates shall issue to the share-holders for the amount of stock they may respectively hold therein; and the shares in said company shall be fixed at ten dollars each.
SEC. III. That for the better ordering and managing the affairs of said company, three Directors and a President shall be elected from the share-holders annually, at such time and place as the said company may fix by its by-laws; each share holder being entitled to one vote, for each share owned by him or her, and the said Directors shall be empowered to appoint such other officers as they may deem necessary, and fix the compensation of said officers. And the said President and Directors, shall have power and authority to contract with any person or persons, or bodies corporate, for the purpose of connecting its lines with any other line or lines.
SEC. IV. That said company shall have power to set up their fixtures upon any road or roads, without the same being held or deemed a public nuisance, or subject to be abated or interfered with by any private person or persons. Provided, that such fixtures shall be so constructed as not to interfere with the customary travel of vehicles over any of said roads.
Approval Date: Approved September 29, 1879.
1882 Vol. 1 -- Page: 217
Sequential Number: 192
Law Number: No. 167.
Full Title: An Act to incorporate the Irwinton
Railroad Company.
Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, That Thomas N. Beall, Alexander Baum, James G. Ockington, Franklin Chambers, John T. Lingo, Joel A. Smith and Joel J. Butler, and such other persons as may be associated with them, be, and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate under the name of "The Irwinton Railroad Company," to continue to them and their successors in office for the term of fifty years, and as such corporation may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in the courts of this State; may have and use a common seal; may purchase, hold and convey any real or personal property necessary or convenient to the purpose of this charter, and may exercise in general all powers and privileges incident to similar corporations.
Sec. II. Be it further enacted, That said company shall have power and authority to organize as a board of directors, to continue in office until there shall be a regular election of directors under the provisions of this charter, and the by-laws to be adopted by said company; to open books of subscription for the capital stock of said company, which shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, and shall not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars; to issue bonds, borrow money and make all other contracts necessary for the furtherance of the purposes of this charter.
Sec. III. Be it further enacted, That said company shall have power and authority to survey, lay out, construct, equip, and operate a railroad from the right of way of the Georgia Central Railroad at station number sixteen of said railroad, in the county of Wilkinson, to Irwinton in said county, by any convenient and practicable route which may be selected, and to transport and carry over said railroad passengers and freight for reasonable compensation.
Sec. IV. Be it further enacted, That in the election of the board of directors, each share of the capital stock of said company shall entitle the holder to one vote, which may be cast in person by the holder thereof or by proxy, as said holder may deem proper or convenient.
Sec. V. Be it further enacted, That questions of right of way which cannot be settled by agreement between the parties shall be arbitrated as follows: one arbitrator shall be selected by the land-owner, his agent or attorney, and one by said company, who shall consider and determine the damages if they are able to agree upon the same, if unable to agree these two shall select a third arbitrator, and a majority of the three shall assess the damages, either party being entitled to appeal to the superior court of said county of Wilkinson within ten days after notice of the decision of the arbitrators, which notice shall be given by said arbitrators in writing as soon as practicable after making the decision; provided, nevertheless, that said right of way shall not extend more than fifty feet from the centre of the track on each side of said railroad.
Sec. VI. Be it further enacted, That said company shall have full power and authority to run over or cross any of the public roads in said county or public streets of said town of Irwinton which may be in the route of said railroad as located and determined by the engineers of said company.
Sec. VII. Be it further enacted, That said
company shall have power to make and enforce such by-laws as shall be necessary
and proper for the government of said corporation.
[Sidenote: May make and enforce needed by-laws.]
Sec. VIII. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are hereby repealed.
Approval Date: Approved September 12, 1883.
1908 Vol. 1 -- Page: 1019
Sequential Number: 275
Law Number: No. 38.
Full Title: A Resolution to put the name
of Mrs. Lucy Lockhart, of Wilkinson county, on the pension roll
for year 1906, as an indigent widow, and to appropriate the sum of sixty
dollars for the payment thereof.
WHEREAS, James Lockhart, of Wilkinson county, was on the pension roll as an indigent pensioner and died March....., 1905, and,
WHEREAS, His widow, Lucy Lockhart, was married to him prior to the Civil War, and by reason of blindness and poverty is unable to provide a living for herself, and who was entitled to be put on the pension roll for 1906, and to draw a pension of sixty dollars, but on account of her ignorance of the pension law she did not get her name on the pension roll in time to draw a pension for 1906, and,
WHEREAS, She has been duly enrolled as a pensioner, has drawn her pension for 1907,
Now therefore be it resolved, That the name of Mrs. Lucy Lockhart be enrolled among the indigent widows for 1906, and that the sum of sixty dollars be, and the same is, hereby appropriated for the payment of her pension for 1906, and that the Governor is directed and authorized to draw his warrant accordingly.
Approval Date: Approved August 17, 1908.
Sequential Number: 200
Law Number: No. 83
Origin: (House Resolution No. 205-810r).
Type: A Resolution.
Full Title: Whereas, history tells us that Jacob Boone settled near Toomsboro in 1802 and was the father of all the Boone clan in Wilkinson County; and
Whereas, twenty-two great-grandchildren, sons of Jacob Boone, now live in and near the vicinity of Toomsboro and near a certain bridge that is now being built across Commissioner Creek in the environs of Toomsboro, Georgia; and
Whereas, the wife of Jacob Boone was Sallie Franklin and Sallie Franklin was the daughter of Sallie Mercer, who was the sister of Jesse Mercer who founded Mercer University; and
Whereas, it is altogether fitting and proper that some honor should be rendered to the great founding couple, Jacob Boone and Sallie Franklin Boone;
Now therefore, be it resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring, that the new bridge across Commissioner Creek be designated as the "Boone Bridge" in memory and in honor of Jacob Boone and Sallie Franklin Boone: and
Be it further resolved that the proper authorities are hereby authorized and directed to so name and designate said bridge and erect suitable markers thereon.
Approval Date: Approved February 13, 1952.
source: Georgia Legislative Documents, Digital Library of Georgia
Eileen B. McAdams Copryight 2004