George Washington
Harrison was born in Camden County, Georgia on 20 September 1807.1
He grew up on a farm in Wilkinson County, Georgia, the third son of Moses
and Abigail Harrison. In 1825 George appears on a “list of accounts”
with the Beall and Patterson Trading Post.2
# He would have been around 18 years of age.
Around 1830 George
married Miss Joicy Cannon, daughter of Nathaniel and Frances Sumner Cannon
of Wilkinson County, Georgia. On the 19th of May 1831 they had a
daughter, Elizabeth Jane and when Elizabeth is less than a year and a half
her mother Joicy dies on the 24th of September 1832. 3
Her death is noted in the October 1832 Minutes of The Big Sandy Baptist
Church, Wilkinson County, Ga. 4
In 1833 George
appears on a list for the Grand Jury, Wilkinson Co. Superior Court, April
term.5 This is important because
it shows us that he is still living in Wilkinson County at this time.
In Milledgeville
on the 17 August 1834, George Harrison married Frances Simpson West of
Baldwin County, Georgia. 6 She is
the daughter of Joseph and Sarah Stanley West of Baldwin County. 7
Frances was born in Lenoir County, North Carolina on 7 February 1807.
We find Frances listed as a new member of the Big Sandy Baptist Church
on June 13th 1835, “Came forward sister Frances Harrison and joined this
church by letter.” In August of 1835, Frances and George became parents
to Georgia Ann Harrison on the 15th. She grew up and married Alexander
Wallace Starke, lawyer, publisher, and legislator in Alabama.
Within the next
year, George moves his family to Randolph County, Georgia. This area
of the state “was part of the growing trend of areas that were being settled
and cultivated after the Land Lotteries. The 1830’s were turbulent
years as the Indians fought to maintain their independence. Stewart,
Randolph, and Baker Counties all saw fierce fighting as the Creeks
made a last stand to regain control of their lands.” By 1837 the
Indians had been contained but an economic depression swept through the
state of Georgia at this time. Poverty was widespread and malaria
was of epidemic portions. “Governors during these turbulent years
that saw the migration of the Creek and Cherokee Indians to the West were
George R. Gilmer, Wilson Lumpkin, and William Schley. State Representatives
from Randolph County were Richard J. Snelling, Brockman W. Henderson, Lewis
Rivers, Littleberry Camp, George T. Wood, Allen Moye, George W. Harrison,
and Seaborn A. Smith.” 8
George and
Frances became parents of Georgia Ann Harrison, born 15 August 1835 in
Randolph County, Georgia. She grew up to marry Alexander Wallace
Starke on 23 December 1857 in Milledgeville, Baldwin Co., Ga. They
moved to Alabama.
The earliest mention
of George W. Harrison in Randolph County is found in land records.
On November 24, 1836 he purchased 115 acres of land, described as Lot 202
in 8th District, near Georgetown, and before this purchase he had purchased
in October of 1836 7/8th of a parcel of land described as parcel No. 138
in the 8th District, near Georgetown.0
In the year 1837
George is found listed as a Justice of the Court of the Ordinary in Randolph
County 11 and he was listed
as a Justice of the Peace in Randolph County for the years beginning in
1837 through 1841.10 In the years
of 1838 and 1839 he is listed as a State Representative from Randolph County,
Georgia,12 and a Justice of the Inferior
Court of Randolph County, Ga.
On April 21, 1840,
John Thomas Harrison is born to George and Frances Harrison. It is
believed that he is named for his uncle, John T. Harrison, brother of George
W. Harrison. John is their only son to be enlisted in the regular
army of the Confederate States during the War Between the States.
In 1842, Zadok Daniel
Harrison is born on November 26th to George and Frances Harrison.
It is believed that he is named after Frances’ sister Nancy’s husband Zadock
Daniel of Alabama. Their son, Zadok grows up to be the Clerk of the
Superior Court of Georgia for 66 years in Atlanta, Georgia and his residence
is “Fernbank”.
The following year,
1843, George W. Harrison becomes a state Senator from Randolph County.13
On 26 September
1844, James Polk Harrison is born to Frances and George Harrison.
He becomes the son to bring the family into the printing and publishing
In 1846, George
is listed from the 8th District for Road Commissioner with others.14
In the year 1847,
George and Frances become parents of Elnora Virginia Harrison, known as
“Nora”, on the 1st of June. Nora grew up and married E. Y. Clarke
who at one time was the Editor of the Atlanta Constitution and highly respected
citizen of the city of Atlanta and the State of Georgia.
In 1848, George
W. Harrison was appointed by the Inferior Court to furnish “list of children
between ages of 8-16 that need assistance in obtaining their education
and to see they get their share of the education fund for the poor”, he
was from the 8th District.15
On the 31st of
March 1849, George Washington Harrison, Jr. was born to George and Frances.
He was their youngest son and became quite prominent in the publishing
circles of Atlanta and the Southeast. That same year George’s oldest
daughter, Elizabeth Jane Harrison married James S. West, nephew of Frances.16
In 1849 in a Joint
Session of the House of Representatives and Senate of the State of Georgia:
“on motion, the Clerk was directed to inform the Senate that the House
of Representatives are now ready to receive them in the Representative
Hall to proceed to the unfinished business of the Joint session, which
duty being performed, the President and members of the Senate attended
and proceeded to the election of Secretary of State, for the term of 2
years after the expiration of the term of the present incumbent, and the
ballots being received and examined, it appeared that George W. Harrison
of the county of Randolph was duly elected.” George was elected for
the term 1849 to 1851.17
In the year 1850
George moves his family from Randolph County to the then capital of Georgia,
Milledgeville in Baldwin County. They purchased a house across the
street from the capital building.18
In 1852 we find
George W. Harrison as a delegate from Baldwin County to the Democratic
Convention in the state of Georgia.19
On the 15th of May 1854
George W. Harrison died. The newspaper “The Southern Recorder”, dated
Tuesday, May 16, 1854, lists under Obituary: Died, in this city yesterday
morning, after a lingering illness, George W. Harrison, Esq., former Secretary
of State. “The Union Recorder” for Tuesday, May 23, 1854 lists: “Died.
In this city on Monday, the 15th instant, George W. Harrison, formerly
Secretary of State, in his 47th year leaving behind him a fond wife, seven
children and numerous friends to mourn his loss.”
After the death of her husband,
Frances Simpson West Harrison, turned her home in Milledgeville, across
the street from the Capital building into a boarding house.20
# She went on to raise and educate her children to become fine citizens
of the State of Georgia. Frances died in 1901 in Atlanta, Georgia
and is buried in Milledgeville with her husband and son, John T. Harrison.21
1. All birth dates for
this family are verified in the Bible records of the George W. Harrison
Family Bible in the possession of Carol W. Harrison, copy provided to LHC
in 1999.
2. “Wilkinson County
Georgia, Historical Collections”, Revised & Reprinted 1978 by Maddox,
p. 22, (Georgia Department of Archives & History).
3. George Washington
Harrison Family Bible.
4. Big Sandy Baptist
Church Minutes provided by Gerald Lee & Judy Ann Pierce of Dublin,
Ga. to James C. Smith, copy provided to LHC.
5. Genealogical Abstracts
from The Georgia Journal (Milledgeville) Newspaper 1809-1840, Vol. 4, 1829-1835
by Fred R. and Emilie K. Hartz. (Washington Memorial Library, Macon, Ga.)
6. Copy of Marriage
License from Probate Court in Milledgeville, Georgia (1999 trip); GWH Family
7. Copy of the Will
of Joseph West from Probate Court in Milledgeville, Georgia (1999 trip)
8. “A Source Book of
the Early History of Cuthbert and Randolph County, Georgia”, by Annette
McDonald Suarez, p. 41 (Thomasville Cultural Library, Thomasville, Ga.)
9. Copy of Land Deeds
– Randolph County, 1836 – provided by James C. Smith, Tenn.
10. “Minutes of the
Ordinary Court of Randolph County, Georgia – November 1836-November 1845”,
by George W. Shepard, Jr. and Jacquelyn Shepard (Washington Memorial Library,
Macon, Ga.)
11. “A Source Book on
the Early History of Cuthbert & Randolph County, Ga.” by Annette McDonald
Suarez, p 780, History of Randolph County Georgia Volume II (Thomasville
Cultural Library, Thomasville, Ga.)
12. Copy of “House of
Representatives Journal” (Georgia Dept. of Archives & History)
13. Copy of “Georgia
Senate Journal” (Georgia Dept. of Archives & History)
14. The History of Randolph
County Georgia, Vol. II (Thomasville Cultural Library)
15. The History of Cuthbert
& Randolph County, p. 305, by Annette McDonald Suarez (Thomasville
Cultural Library)
16. Copy of Marriage
License from Randolph County – provided by James C. Smith, Tenn.
17. Copy of “Journal of the
House of Representatives of the State of Georgia at a Biennial Session
of the General Assembly Begun and Held in Milledgeville, the seat of Government
in 1840 & 1850” (Georgia Dept. of Archives & History)
18. Copy of “Deed of
Sale”, provided by James C. Smith, Tenn. The house is still being
used in Milledgeville today as a funeral home (1999).
19. Albany, Georgia,
Newspaper Clippings, Vol. 1, 1845-1852 by Tad Evans (Thomasville Cultural
Library, Thomasville, Ga.)
20. Copy of 1860 Georgia
Census, Baldwin County, Milledgeville District. (Thomasville Cultural Library,
Thomasville, Ga.)
21. Historic Memory
Hill Cemetery, Milledgeville, Ga.
Copyright 2012 Lois Harrison Colwell