Adams Park aka Paces Station
Railroad stop, 4 miles S of Bullards. On MB
RR. In mid and late 1880's it was a popular place for picnics and excursions
for folks from Macon on the train. Burns Mill pond was used for boating.
Dove hunting and deer hunting were yearly events here. Adams
Park in 1888 belonged to W.B. Tarver of Twiggs county/Macon, Governor Gordon
and Senator Colquitt. The Phillips Melon company started their operation
here 1888.
The "new city of Adams Park"
was laid out in 1891 by Benjamin W. Hitchcock, of New York and Col. Thomas
P. Stovall. Hitchcock was the founder of Hitchcock's Georgia colony here.
"He has acquired control, with Mr. Stovall, of 27,000 acres of land in
central Georgia, fifteen miles from Macon and 150 miles from the Atlantic
coast, upon which they propse to found the city of "Grand Center" with
all the accessories of the latest modern improvements.
Four boulevards running to the prinicipal
points of the compass will be laid out, opened and graded, and a fine chuch
built for each denomination which will agree to accept and "operate" it.
Three-fourths of the tract has already been in cultivation. It fronts on
the Ocmulgee river, with deep water for sea-going vessels, and is tranversed
by the Macon and Brunswick branch of the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia
railway." Atlanta Constitution, Oct. 31, 1890
" He invested about $100,000
in the project and ran special excursion trains from Macon and Atlanta
and had great auction sales of building lots. His idea was to establish
a large city principally of agriculturists. He built a hotel, dwelling
houses, stores, etc. Colonel Thomas P. Stovall, of Atlanta, was general
manager. Large sums were spent in advertising and quiet a number of immigrants
from England and New England settled at Adams Park. " Atlanta
Constitution Aug. 5, 1893.
Postmaster here in 1893 was A. Hoegen.
Population in 1910 - 12.
1899 Map
1899 Map
Village in the Hammock District (1322) north
of Dry Branch. Postmaster here in 1900 was Major R. C. Thompson.
School has 54 pupils. Some residents were Shade Crosby, M. E. Kitchens,
Rev. G. B Ward. |
Big Oak
Post office here 1895 - 1904.
Big Sandy
J. S. Crosby was postmaster here in 1883. Levina
P. Epps was postmistress here in 1889. Mary J. Crawford was postmistress
in 1891.1883
Map |
Bonds Mill
South of Dry Branch. Post office in 1881. John
T. Bond was the postmaster and owned a steam operated grist mill
here in 1880's. 1883
Map |
Bullard, Bullards
Name first given to railroad station about mile
from Ocmulgee River. Named after Daniel Bullard Family. Present settlement
is 1½ east of the station. Post office here 1859 to 1923.
T. S. Marcey was postmaster here in 1883. John L. Harrell was postmaster
here in 1889, J. T. Harrell was postmaster here in 1891; R. Ramey
was postmaster here in 1893. Population here in 1910 - 30.
1899 Map |
Bullard Landing
on Ocmulgee River
Joseph. K. Burns was postmaster here in
1889, 1891 and 1893. .
1899 Map
Buzzard Roost
F. P. McClendon was postmaster here in 1883.
Chappell Hill
Postoffice established here in 1837, Thomas
Chappell Esq. appointed Post Master
Danville aka Hughes
North of Allentown. I. N. Maxwell was postmaster
here in 1893. Incorporated 1905. Population here in 1910 - 299. On
1899 Map |
February 22, 1840
Augusta Chronicle
Also, that valuable and
fertile body of Land, atDurham's Bluff, in Twiggs
county, immediately on the Ocmulgee river, about fourteen miles below Macon,
being composed of the following lots in the 28th district, viz: Nos
203, 204, 226, 229, 230, 205, 224, 225, 227, 128, 160, 127, 206, and half
acre lot in the town of Delphus,
to serve as a landing from the
Also, that other valuable
Plantation in the same county , adjoining the above, in the 26th district,
containing 607½ acres, and composing of lots 207, 208, and 210.
The above plantations are partly cleared and under fence, and, the woodland
well timbered. They will be sold entire, or in subdivisions to suit purchasers.
Apply to the subscribers in Augusta, or to Col. William Wiggins, Marion, Ossian
Gregory, Macon, or William S. Books, on the premises. Peter Bennoch, John
P. King, Assignees. |
Post office established here July 10, 1890.
T.J. Robertson was postmaster here in 1891 and 1893. 1899
District Path
Dry Branch
Community settled in 1808, post office established
1879. George W. Thorpe was postmaster here in 1891. On MDS RR
Elmwood aka Fitzpatrick.
Elmwood Post office 1881. 1883
Post village, William C. Faulk was postmaster
here in 1887.
Fitzpatrick aka Elmwood
Named for family of Benjamin S. Fitzpatrick.
On MDS RR. Elmwood Post office 1881. 1883
Map R.S. Fitzpatrick was postmaster here in 1891.
1899 Map |
On MDS RR 1899
Post village between Macon and Marion established
in 1830. Post master James M. Granberry. Changed name to Lonicera in 1836 |
Huber aka Philip, Phillips
On MB RR 1955
Post village, established in 1833, first postmaster
A. B. Higgs, was located a few miles below Marion on the Savannah road.
Nathan Berry was postmster here in 1842. |
aka Rains, Raines Store
Post office known as Raines Store was established
in 1828. Josiah Murphy lived near here in 1846. Changed to Jeffersonville
in 1849 to honor the Jefferson family. In 1854 had two churches,
high school and 150 inhabitants. Ellis Long, postmaster, 1859. Became county
seat in 1868. M. E. Solomon postmaster here in 1883. A. F. Martin was postmaster
in 1887. Sallie D. Pettis was postmistress here in 1891 and 1893.
Incorporated 1905. Population in 1910 - 740. On MDS RR |
Lonicera is Latin for honeysuckle. Old community
on road to Macon. Post office established here in 1836, was formerly
called Granberry. John Eanes postmaster in 1836. See
1839 map |
Myricks Mill aka Big Sandy
Former community visited by Marquis de Lafayette
in 1825. General Stith Parham Myrick owned 3,700 acres here in 1863
and lost it to foreclosure in 1873. Post office here 1881 Link
to photo of Mill |
Pace's Station
Railroad stop. Post office here in 1870.
Pikes Peak
Highpoint on the MDS RR about 9 miles
northest of Jeffersonville.
Pine Ridge
Post office here 1881. Mrs. L. M. Burkett
was postmistress here in 1884. 1885
Raines' Store/Rainesville
Post office known as Raines Store was established
here in 1828. Changed to Jeffersonville in 1849 to honor the Jefferson
family. 1839
Map |
Reeds/Reids Station
1899 Map
Ripley aka Ripling
Former community was 6 miles north of Jeffersonville.
Orginally named Ripling in June 1892 by John Walker Jones. Changed to Ripley
in August 1892, post office here until 1921. J. W. Jones postmaster here
in 1893. Population was 25 in 1910. On MDS RR
1899 Map |
Shady Grove
E. J. Collins store mentioned in 1876
news item. In District 355 northern section of county.
post office established in 1888.
Shedrick. E. Jones was the postmaster here in 1889, 1891; John E. McDonald
postmaster 1893.
1899 Map
Tarversville, aka Tarver(s),
Tarvers Store
Located in SW corner of Twiggs, 3 miles east
of Ocmulgee, 2 miles sw of Marion. Named for Hartwell H. Tarver, postmaster.
First post office called Tarver's Store in 1826; . Called Tarversville
in 1831. In ___ it contained an academy, a few houses and stores and post
office. John H. Regan postmaster here in 1862. 1883
Map |
North of Tarversville, post office here
in 1859, James T. Evans postmaster in 1866. J. S. Evans postmaster in 1883.
J.S. Vaughn was postmaster here in 1887. H. S. Newby postmaster here in
1889. Robert R. Newby was postmaster here in 1891. 1883
Westlake aka Buzzard Roost
Ferry across Ocmulgee River near here On MB
RR. Post office here 1881. J. F. Carter was postmaster in 1887. R.
R. Slappey was postmaster here in 1891.
Map |
Post Office est. 1893 1899