Some Public Officers of Twiggs County

Commissioners of Public Buildings
John Harden 1810 - 1813 (resigned)
Jacob Ricks 1810 - 1816 (deceased)
William Davis 1810 -1815 (resigned)
Lovet B. Smith 1810 - 1813 (resigned)
James M'Cormick 1810
Miles Gathwright 1813 -1815 (deceased)
James Ware 1813 - 1816 (resigned)
James Hutchinson 1815
Willis Anderson 1815
Arthur C. Perry 1816
William Dunn  1816

County elections were held at the house of John Harden until the courthouse was built.

Commissioners of the town of Marion
Robert Cummings
James Spann
Thomas W. Harriss
Martin Kolb and
Henry Loyless, esquires,
be, and they are hereby appointed Commissioners of the said town
Henry M. Terrell
John Fleming
Martin Pitts
Lemuel P. Hargrove
Moses Fort

Court Officials
Clerk of Superior Court - Archibald M'Intire

Justice of Superior Court
Jacob Ricks 1810
Robert Glenn, Esquire resigned.1810

Justice of Inferior Court
John Faulk 1811
Arthur Fort, esq. resigned 1811
John Hardin 1811
Francis Powell, resigned 1811
Samuel Alexander 1812
Jeremiah Dupree 1812

The Inferior Court and Superior Court were consolidated  December 1866

A. Summers, Jailor 1819
B. Hargroves Notary Public 1821
Jordan W. Lee, Tax Collector  1827
John Fort, Tax Collector 1829
Wiley Belcher, Sheriff around 1829
Ellis Dupree, lawyer 1847

Board of County Commissioners created 1875
I. E. McDonald
F. D. Wimberly
Levi Gadsden
Robert Hill
Joseph W. Barkett
James W. Jones
W. A. Joyner
I. N. Maxwell
George W. Waters
E. F. Pettis
F. J. Ray
T. S. Thorpe
Linton Hatcher
S. C. Jones
B. D. Melton
W. W. Howell
G. F. Cannon
M. S.  Faulk

Election Districts
 house of James Garritt's, or the place of holding Justices courts in captain Oliver's district
 house of John Anglin, or place of holding Justices courts in captain Samuel Streetmans district
 house of Hartwell H. Tarver's, or place of holding Justices courts in captain Dean's district
 the house of Benj. B. Smith's, or place of holding Justices courts in captain Bostick's district
the court house

 Marion, the Court-House of said county
 the house of Hartwell H. Tarver, the place of holding court in Capt.  Rainey's district
 the house of Benjamin B. Smith, the place of holding Justices Court in Capt. Bostick's district
 the house of Samuel M. Granbury, or the place of holding Justices Court in Captain Samuel Streetman's district.

1838 addition
at Higgsville, the place of holding  Justices' Court in and for the 354th Company District G. Militia

1840 change
 the house of Samuel  Taylor, in the three hundred and fifty-fifth district, Georgia Militia, in the county of Twiggs, be changed to the house of Rhesa Bostwick, or the place of holding Justice's courts in said district;

1852 change
and that the precincts at Higgsville, and at Tarversville, be abolished, and in lieu thereof, a precinet be and is hereby established at the house of Daniel Vaughn, junior, in said county.

source: Acts of the General Assembly of Georgia

 Eileen Babb McAdams Copyright 2004