List of Names Changes in the State of Georgia 1800-1856
Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That Leonidas
Wiley Ray, of Twiggs county, shall be known in law by the name of Leonidas
Wiley Blackshear,
Approval Date: Assented to, Dec. 22, 1827.
Full Title: AN ACT to change the names of
certain persons therein named, and to legitimatize the same.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and
House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met,
and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the names of
Davis, Lucinda Davis, Gabriel Davis and Catharine Davis be changed
to that of James Coley, Lucinda Coley, Gabriel Coley and Catharine Coley,
and as such they shall be called and known in law; and the said James,
Lucinda, Gabriel and Catharine are hereby declared to be fully and completely
legitimatized and entitled to all the rights and legal privileges that
they would have been had they been born in lawful wedlock, and be fully
capable of taking, inheriting and receiving all manner of property, by
virtue of the statute of distributions of this State, so far as relates
to the real and personal estate of Dolenson Coley of the county
of Twiggs, their reputed father.
Approval Date: Assented to, 21st Dec. 1835.
and that the names of Cordelia L. Frances,
Lucy Ann Amanda, Sarah Ann Amanda Fitzallen Pearce, be changed to those
of Cordelia L. Frances Holland, Lucy Ann Amanda Holland, Sarah Ann Amanda
Fitzallen Holland, of the county of Twiggs; and that they be, and are
hereby declared to be, fully and completely legitimatized, and that they
be, and are hereby, entitled to all the rights and privileges that they
would have been had they been born in lawful wedlock, and be fully capable
of taking and inheriting and receiving all manner of property, by virtue
of the statute of distributions now of force, or which may hereafter be
of force, in this State, so far as respects the estates of their reputed
Approval Date: Assented to, 25th December,
Sec. 7. And be it further enacted by the
authority aforesaid,
and also the name of Noah Wheeler Lee,
of the county of Twiggs, to that of George Washington Lee;
Approval Date: Assented to, 27th December,
1839 Vol. 1 -- Page: 169
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted by the
authority aforesaid, That the name of Wiatt Wiggs be changed to
that of Wiatt Holmes, and be known in law as the son of Henry
Holmes, of Twiggs county, and be capable in law to inherit and take
by descent, from the said Henry Holmes, his reputed father, and entitled
to all the privileges to which he would have been had he been born in lawful
Full Title: AN ACT to change the names of
Ellen Allens to that of Maria Ellen Chapman, and the name of
Emma Louisa Waller, of the county of Twiggs, to that of
Louisa Exum, and to legitimatize the same.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and
House of Representatives of the State of Georgia, in General Assembly met,
and it is hereby enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and after
the passage of this act, the name of Maria Ellen Allens shall be changed
to that of Maria Ellen Chapman; and also, Emma Louisa Waller, of the county
of Twiggs, to that of Emma Louisa Exum, and they are hereby declared to
be fully and completely legitimatized, and entitled to all the rights and
legal privileges that they would have been had they been born in lawful
wedlock, and be fully capable of taking, inheriting and receiving all manner
of property, by virtue of the statute of distribution of this State, so
far as relates to the real and personal estate of William B. Chapman,
of Bibb county, the reputed father of Maria Ellen Chapman; any law, usage
or custom to the contrary notwithstanding,
Approval Date: Approved, December 24th,
SEC. 22. And be it further enacted by the
authority aforesaid, That the name of Newton Hare, of the county
of Twiggs, be changed to that of Newton Glover, and he is hereby
declared to be fully and completely legitimatized, as the child of Kelly
Glover, of Twiggs county, his reputed father, and the said Newton be
and he is hereby entitled to all the rights and privilages that he would
have been, had he been born in lawful wedlock; and the said Newton is hereby
declared capable of taking and inheriting all manner of property both real
and personal, by virtue of the statutes of distribution of this State,
of the said Kelly Glover, his reputed father, to all intents and purposes.
Approval Date: Approved, December 30, 1847.
1847 Vol. 1 -- Page: 232
Sequential Number: 192
Full Title: AN ACT to amend the first section
of an act entitled an act to change the name of Maria Ellen Allens
to that of Maria Ellen Chapman, and the name of Emma Louisa Waller,
of the county of Twiggs, to that of Emma Louisa Exum, and legitimatize
the same," approved December 24th, 1845, so as to make the said Emma Louisa
Exum capable of inheriting the estate, both real and personal, of her reputed
William H. Exum, of the county of Twiggs.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and
House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met,
and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after
the passage of this act, that Emma Louisa Exum, formerly Emma
Louisa Waller, be and she shall be fully capable of taking, receiving
and inheriting the estate, both real and personal, of William H. Exum,
of the county of Twiggs, her reputed father, according to the statute of
distribution of this State, as fully as if the said Emma Louisa had been
born in lawful wedlock.
Approval Date: Approved, November 27, 1847.
1849 Vol. 1 -- Page: 321
Sequential Number: 387
Full Title: AN ACT to change the names and
legitimatize the persons therein named, and for other purposes.
SECTION 10. And be it further enacted, That
the name of John Henry Kimbrough be and it is hereby changed to
that of John Henry Thompson; and that the name of Gardner Coker,
Twiggs county, be changed to that of Gardner Jackson, and
he is
hereby declared legitimatized and made capable in law of inheriting real
and personal estate as fully as if he had been born in lawful wedlock.
Approval Date: Approved, February
16, 1850.
SEC. IV. And be it further enacted, That
the name of Queenting Wright
be changed to that of Queenting
Arnold, and that she be legitimatized, and entitled to inherit from
J. Arnold, her reputed father, of the County of Twiggs, as fully and
entirely as if she had been born in lawful wedlock.
Approval Date: Approved, February 20th,
Eileen Babb McAdams Copyright 2004