Masonic Lodges of Twiggs County,
Cool Spring Lodge, No. 185,
153 years ago, in 1854, a warrant for a charter of Cool Spring Masonic
Lodge was granted. The lodge is still active. The first officers
were: Eli Sears, Worshipful Master; James R. Coombs, S. W. ; W. W. Lee,
J. W. ; B. S. Carswell, Treasurer; C. B. Strickland, S. D. ; J. W. Summers,
J. D. ; Thomas P. Smith, Tyler. Other members were Ira E. Perry, J. V.
Chuning, William F. M. Brown and Noah McGowing
1879 when the Cool Spring Church moved from Wilkinson County to Twiggs
County four miles southwest of Allens Cross Roads (Danville), the lodge
was moved to Laurens Hill (Laurens County), then later to Lucy Chapel Church
(Twiggs County) and at present to Danville, Twiggs County.
members in 1862 were Ira Perry; W. J. Gallemore; W. A. Gainey; J. W. Summers
and J . C. Carrol
1873 the Worshipful Master was James Coombs. Some members: Robert J. Smith,
R. A. Hill. T. G. Hill. D. G. Hughes and
Judge J. E. McDonald. In 1899
Professor C. C. Saunders was a member.
June of 1898 the new lodge building was completed in Danville near the
railroad. Dedicatory exercises were held on June 24, 1898 and addresses
b y Col. W. S. Ramsay of Dublin, W. A. Wolihin of Macon and Hon. Dudley
Hughes were delivered.
1905 the "Blue Lodge" of Masons has elected "Uncle Peter" Barkwell, W.M.;
D. G. Hughes, Jr., J. C.; C. R. Lamb, S. W.; S. A. Bryan, secretary; W.
H. Bryan, Treasuer. Some 1908 members were S. A. Bryan, W. R. Haynes, J.
T. Holloway. and D. H. Bozeman.
Sources: History of Wilkinson
County, Victor Davidson; Proceedins of the Grand Lodge of Georgia
in Macon, Nov. 1854; Proceedings of the One Hundred and Twenty-Second Annual
Communiation of the Grand Lodge of Georgia Free and Accepted Masons Held
in The City of Macon Oct. 27-29 A.S. 1908; Macon Telegraph
Twiggs Lodge, No. 164, of
Free and Accepted Masons
Officers 1857
John Glover, W. M. ; E. A.
Wimberly, S. W; J. U. Burkett, J. W. ; Hardy Solomon, Treas. ; Wright Neel,
Sec'y. ; S. Mithoin, J. D. ; W. H. Crocker, S. D. ; James Evans, Tyler
Officers elected in 1907:
B. B. Wimberly, worshipful master; J. P. Califf, senior warden; J. S. Cowart,
junior warden; F. E. Wimberly, secretary; J. S. McCoy, treasurer; J. H.
Adkins, tyler, J. G. Slappey, senior deacon; H. D. Hudgins, junior deacon.
source: Acts of the General Assembly 1857 Vol. 1 -- Page:
161; Macon Telegraph
Hill No. 308, Dry Branch 1876
Jeffersonville Lodge, No .
133, F. A. M.

copyright Eileen Babb McAdams 2004 - 2007