Three main theaters of operation:
Indian Forts built in Twiggs County in 1813 were Fort Twiggs, Fort Telfair and Fort Jackson. Some War of 1812 Soldiers from Twiggs County:
If you have a soldier to list here please email me and I will add him to the list. |
Georgia in the War of 1812 - Military Action Battle of Autossee and Tallasee (link) Georgia National Guard Records at Georgia Archives (archived link) Officers of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps in the War of 1812 1821 Land Lottery War of 1812 Forum BOOKS:
"History of the Georgia Militia, 1783-1861 v1. Campaigns and Generals. Indexed. An introduction to the components of the General Militia and Volunteers, tracing the militia system from its organization by Oglethorpe in 1733, through the Revolutionary War, and then detailing each of the major conflicts in which the Georgia Militia served afterwords. Eye- witness reports punctuate these heavily documented accounts. Lists of units (identified by county of origin where possible) in active service during these campaigns are appended. For historians, the important Militia Acts of the Legislature are outlined, followed by a selection of General and Special Orders from the chain of command. For genealogists, a list of battalion and regimental designations by county is included, along with a table of organization for the 27 brigades and 13 divisions of the Georgia Militia. The volume closes with the biographies of the 205 Georgia Militia generals. 424 pg History of the Georgia Militia, 1783-1861 v2. Counties and Commanders, Part One. Indexed. The militia histories of fifteen counties, CHATHAM, BURKE, JEFFERSON, TATTNALL, BALDWIN, MORGAN, JASPER, MONROE, BIBB, WARE, PIERCE, CAMPBELL, SUMTER, COBB, and FLOYD, placing them in the pertinent political and economic contexts in which they existed. Each chapter is richly documented with biographical and genealogical information on men and women residing in the county. Company roster and payrolls are attached in numerous cases. These pages contain a veritable genealogical treasure trove, since some counties have lost most if not all of their early public records. 385 pg History of the Georgia Militia, 1783-1861 v3. Counties and Commanders, Part Two. Indexed. The militia histories of twelve counties: BLYNN, CAMDEN, EFFINGHAM, WASHINGTON, COLUMBIA, LINCOLN, CLARKE, HABERSHAM, MUSCOGEE, THOMAS, COLQUITT, and LOUNDES, placing them in the same contexts as those in Volume 2. Of these counties, several have lost most if not all of their early public records. Company rosters and payrolls are also attached in numerous cases. 400 pg History of the Georgia Militia, 1783-1861
v4. Companies. Indexed. The histories of twenty-five representative volunteer
companies, with rosters where pertinent. Among them are the GEORGIA HUSSARS,
include units in counties that have lost their early records, such as Crawford,
Dougherty, and McIntosh Counties. Military and political historians will
appreciate the account of the filibusters in Georgia: Lopez, Gonzales,
the Order of the Lone Star, "the Grey-Eyed Man of Destiny", Henningsen,
and the Knights of the Golden Circle. In addition, there is included a
chapter on the military history of the Beaufort District, South Carolina.
375 pg"