Academy of Wilkinson County
was the first school in the county.
Located in Irwinton. Trustees: 1808 - Arthur Fort, Stephen Johnston,
Wm. Lord, John Hays, Wm Bivins . Trustees: 1810- John Hatcher, Mathew Carswell,
Daniel Hicks, Stephen Gafford, Jeremiah Loftin. 1813- Nicholas Thompson
and Thomas Ard replaced Stephen Gafford and Jeremiah Loftin removed.
1815 -David Rowland added. 1816- Ely Brack replaced John Ball (deceased.)
In 1825 Alphaus Beall was Secretary of the Board of Trustees.
Principals in 1848 J.
M. Leavitt, D. C. W. Chandler
Allentown School
was located 1 mile east of Danville,
near the corner of Wilkinson, Bleckley, Twiggs & Laurens counties,
with students from each county. In 1918 the school term was 5 months.
They had 9 grades and Miss Emmie Gordon had 27 students. 1918 Canning Club
Members: Louise Herndon; Viola Herndon; Clara Herndon; Lizzie Sapp;
Annie Mae Jones; Elizabeth Pierce; Isabelle Nunn; Beulah NeSmith; Lottie
Batchelor Academy
Was near Gordon. According
Union Recorder Nov 28, 1899, "Miss Minnie D. Samples has accepted
a school at Bachelor Academy, near Gordon where she will go the first of
Bateman School
was located near or in Ivey.
In The students went to school 5 months and had 6 grades, 1 teacher and
25 students
Bell School
in 1918 was located
in the Bell School District. The students went to school 5 months. Mrs.
E. N. Greene was the teacher.
Bethel School
was located 5 miles S W of Irwinton.
In 1918 the students went up to the 6th grade. Miss Lila Gallemore was
the teacher of 27 students.
Black Creek Academy
was located near Black Creek in
Bloodworth's District in northern Wilkinson County. Created in 1836 the
trustees were Trustees: John Hall, George Shinholser, Bryant Obanion, Oathneel
McCook and Thomas Underwood
Bloodworth School
was located near Ivey. In
1918 the number. of grades were 8, and there were 40 students
Bower's School
was in Toomsboro. The prinicpal
was O. Bower in 1874. See
James Freeman's report card 1874
Brundage Mount High, Elementary,
and Primary School.
African-American school was
located in the Shinholster Quarter near McIntyre.
Butler School
was located 4 miles north
of Bell School. In 1918 there were 6 grades and Miss Annette Butler
daughter 11 students.
Calhoun School
was an African American School
in Iwinton.
Calvary Hill School
near Irwinton was an African
American School. Prof. William Merida Hubbard taught here for 2 years.
Centerline Academy
was in Bloodworth District.
Mentioned in 1893 article in The Union-Recorder.
Chapman School
was located in Allentown.
In 1918 it had 5 grades and Mrs. T. B. Williams taught 39 students.
Clear Creek School
was south of Gordon, 3 miles
north of Vernon Johnson School & Asbury Church.
In 1918 there were 5 grades,
5 months of school and 1 teacher who taught 27 students.
Cool Spring Academy aka Cool
Springs School
Was in Allentown. Esablished
around 1842. In 1855 the trustees were Anderson Ingram, Willis Allen,
John Gainey, William F. M. Brown, and Eli Sears. Incorporated in 1856.
In 1918 the 17 students went
to school for 5 months. Their teacher was Miss Allie Penticuff.
Danville School
was located in Danville in Wilkinson
County. In 1918 students attended schools 9 months up to the 10th grade.
E. B. Lazenby was the principal, Miss Lucy Bellows the assistant. 61 students
from Wilkinson county and 12 students from Twiggs County attended. The
school was set on fire and burned down 1932.
Fairview School
was in McIntyre. In 1918 students
attended school 5 months. There was 1 teacher and 47 students.
Friendship School
one teacher school, Mr. S.
Boon was teacher here in 1902. The old building replaced by new one and
Miss Odessa McCoy of Macon
was the teacher in 1923.
Glenella School
was near McIntyre. Miss
Mamie Cone Roberts (of Sparta) was teacher here in 1902 and some students
were Daisy Branan, Willie Donnelly, Myrtie Pace, Ira Holliman, Oscar Holliman,
Ellen Hogue, Jimmie Hogue, Willie Hogue and Amanda Young. In
1918 students attended 5 months up to grade 7. Miss Mary Smith was
the teacher of 33 students.
Gordon School and High School
fronted the railroad tracks
in Gordon where the police department is currently located. In 1918
the 120 students attened school for 9 months. There were 10 grades. Teachers
were J. N. Sarrette, Principal. Miss Cora Hall. Miss Izetta Davis,
and Miss Mae Pope.
Griffin's District Academy
was at or near Nicklesville,
south of Toomsboro.
Established in 1836 the trustees
were Robert Rozar, William B. Smith, Elisha Hall, William Cawley and Daniel
Harrison Academy aka Manson
was located in the Turkey
Creek Distr., 3½ miles SE of New Providence on land donated by Allen
Established in 1849 as Harrison
Academy the trustees were A. W. Jordon, Nimrod Burke, R. T. Rozar, John
Burke & Samuel Meredith. Incorporated in 1850. In 1918, school term
was 5 mons, 6 grades, teacher - Miss Anilois Philmon with 32 students.
Hazeldean aka Hazeltine School
was located north of Toomsboro
on Hwy 112. In 1918 school term was 1 month, there was 1 teacher and 39
High Hill Academy
was located south of Irwinton
at Pleasant Plains church. Established in 1836, the trustees were
Richard Lewis, James Gibson, Samuel Bragg, Joel Rivers, and Archibald Smith.
Later trustees were Isaac Hall, James Ross, William Carswell, Joel Hardie
and William Herndon
Irwinton Grammar School
was located in Irwinton on 441
N. Formerly the Irwinton High School. Opened 1954 during school consolidaton.
The old lunchroom is still
on the property which currently houses the library in Irwinton. See
Mrs Holliman's 1954-55 7th grade class photo
Irwinton High School
of Irwinton High School Class of 1937 or 1938
Kemp School
was located south of Toomsboro.
It was African American. 1916 Map
Lafayette Academy
located in High Hill District
at Bethel Church, 3½ miles southeast of New Providence.
Established in 1837 the trustees
were William E. Carswell, Williamson Calhoun, John Smith, Samuel M. Carswell
and Green B. Burney.
Lavender School
was located at the intersection
of Asbury Church Rd and Bells-Wood Rd. west of Irwinton.
In 1918 the students attended
school 5 months, 7 grades. Miss Ellen King was the teacher of 27 students.
Liberty School
was located north of Toomsboro
on County Rd. No. 165 next to a church per the 1916 map. It was African
American. Map
Liberty Hill Academy
was located in the Fork/Passmore
district near Liberty Baptist Church.
Established in 1836 the trustees
were James Hatcher, Lewis Clay, Ratliff Boone, John Meredith and Daniel
S. Pierce.
was behind McIntyre Baptist Church, early
1900's - 1926
1926 - 1953
Photo from 1953 McIntyre School
Year Book
was at corner of Julian Roberts Bypass at
intersection of Vinson Rd.
According to the 1953 McIntyre
Year Book, the school was open in 1888 until consolidation
in 1953. In the early 1900's the school was held in places such as
a house in the yard of the railroad house, old store buildings and other
vacant buildings. In 1918 the school was open for a term of
8 months and had grades to 9. J. T. Dupree was the principal and Miss Ophelia
Snow, assistant. 62 students were attending.
Mt. Carmel School
was located next to the Mt. Carmel
Church, off 441 N, in Bloodworth's District. In 1903 Mamie Cone Roberts
was the teacher here. In 1918 there were 7 grades, and 49 students
attended the school.
Aetna School
Location not known. E. Underwood
opened Feb 3 1814 per Georgia Journal 3/2/1814.
Mt. Pleasant Academy
was located in Currie's/Lords
Established in 1836, the trustees
were Joel Dees, William Lord, Wiley Miller, Hansford Davis and Jethro Dean.
New Providence School
was located in Turkey Creek District.
In 1918 the school term was 5 months and went up to the 5th grade. One
teacher, 21 students.
Oakdale School
and Oakdale Methodist Church
was located on Oscar Davidson's property. Going north on Stuckey
road, passing the road to Pleasant Plains Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery
Road, about 100 yards on the right was where it was located.
The Knight family now owns
the property. R. Elizabeth Brewer
Old Union School
was located 2 miles northeast
of Poplar Head school, 5 miles north of Salem. SE of Toomsboro.
In 1918 Miss Bessie Happoldt
was the teacher for 12 students. The school term was 5 months, grades to
The school was also used for
Sunday School and occassional preaching services.
Pleasant Plains School
was located south of Irwinton.
In 1918 the school term was 5 monts, 8 grades. Miss Leila Isreal was the
teacher of 36 stuents.
Poplar Head School
was located southeast of Toomsboro
near Old Balls Ferry Rd in the Salem school district.
In 1918 the school term was
5 months, 7 grades. One teacher had 44 students.
Poplar Springs School
was located near Poplar Springs
Church south of Toomsboro.
In 1918 the school term
was 5 months, 7 grades. The teacher was Mrs. J. W. Lanier who taught 35
Red Hill School
was near Gordon. In 1918 the
school term was 5 months, 7 grades. Miss Mary Fountain was the teacher
and had 25 students.
Red Lane School
was an African American school
located across from Hancock Cemetery near Liberty Church Parker Hill Church
Red Level School
was at Red Level Community,
Miss Cora Eula Gumm, of Milledgeville, was a teacher here in 1903.
Salem School
was located next to Salem
Church, south of Toomsboro. In 1918 the school term was 5 months, 7 grades,
1 teacher for 29 students.
Sand(y) Hill School
was located in the Bell school
district, near Allentown. In 1918 ther school term was 5 months. There
was 1 teach for 22 students.
Shady Grove Academy/School
was located 1/4 mile northeast
of the present Big Sandy Church on Hwy 112 south of Toomsboro. It was on
5 acres of land and the nearest school was 5 or 6 miles away. Established
in 1849 the trustees were James H. Loftin, George M. Merkinson and James
Pierce. Dr. E. M. Kennedy was the principal here in 1886. In 1918
the school term was 5 months, 8 grades. Miss Hortense Wynn was the
principal and Miss Eddie Stanley, assistant. 67 students attended the school.Students
and Teacher at
Shady Grove School 1927-1928.
Snow Hill School
was located in the Snow Hill community
northwest of Ivey. The school was on the right of the cemetery on Jackson
land. See toombstones in photo. 1916 Map. In 1918 the school term
was 5months, 6 grades. There was 1 teacher for 35 students. When the school
was closed in the late 1920 or Early 30's, the students went to Mount Carmel."
Byron McCook
Talmage Institute
was located in Irwinton. Established
in 1853 the trustees were Green B. Burney, Thomas N. Beall, William
Fisher, Eleazar Cumming, E. J. Gilbert, N. C. Hughs, Leroy Fleetwood, F.
D. Ross, James Jackson, Joel Deese, R. L. Story, R. I. Cochran, N. A. Carswell
and William Taylor.
Professor J.
R. Glenn was here in 1875. Professor Carleton Burke Chapman was principal
here 1880 - 1883. Frank M. Johnston was a teacher here in 1882. Miss Daisy
Lines was a teacher here in the early 1880's. T. N. Beall was the
president of the board of trustees in 1884. Profesor John C. bass was the
principal in 1888. Professor Overstreet was the principal here from
1889 to 1890.
In 1891 Professor
W. L. Abbot was the principal. Miss Lillie Riviere was a primary department
teacher. Miss Rebie Pilcher was an intermediate department teacher. Some
high school students in 1891 were Pearl Cannon, Bertha Bunn, Annie Lindsey
and Irlene Wood. Professor Sherman was the principal in 1893. See
Mementos early 1890s.
In 1899 Professor Martin
Smith was the president. In 1918 the Talmadge Institute
had a 9 month term, 9 grades. L. D. Grice was the Principal. Miss
Mable Hunter, Assistant. Miss Rubye Culpepper, Assistant. 68 students were
Name changed to Wilkinson
County High School by 1921. May 1921 Graduates: Claire Carswell,
Florence Hartley, Alice Parker, Ardelle Davidson, Floried Carswell and
Louise Billue.
Thompson Branch School
was located in North Wilkinson
County at the intersection of Council-McCranie Rd. and Hayward Smith Rd.
Near Thompson Branch.
In 1918 the school had
a 5 month term, 6 grades. Miss Sara Lawrence was the teacher of 46 students.
Toomsboro School
was located on Central of Georgia
Railway in Toomsboro. In 1918 the school term was 7 months, 10 grades.
Miss Mary E. Bales was principal and Miss Ruth Martin assistant. 46 children
attended the school. 1922 Photo1928/29
Photos of Students.
The Toomsboro Grammar School,
not pictured, was built about 1939 under the WPA program and was struck
by lightning and burned in June 1943.
High School
Struck by lightening twice
in 1940's. 1st time burned to ground.
Faculty elected for 1935 school year which began September 2, 1935.
W. C. Siler, Superintendent/Mathematics
(fr: Summertown, Ga.?)
Ruth Higginbothom (fr: Brunswick),
Evelyn M. May (fr: Macon), Miss Johnnie Miller (fr: Woodland), Inez
Mercer (fr: Gray), Ruby Lockhart (fr: Tennille), Mary Fountain (fr: Gordon)
Helen Johnson (fr: Marshallville), Doris Lindsey (fr: Tennille), and Miss
Willie Mae Hall (fr: Toomsboro). Source: Macon Telegraph
August 11, 1935
Turkey Creek Academy
was located in the Turkey Creek
District near Gordon on land formerly owned by L. L. Hall. . Established
in 1836 the trustees were Trustees: John T. Harrison, Timothy Sears,
Anderson Ingram, William Payne and Joel Butler.
Turner School
was located 3 miles northwest
of Gordon. In 1918 the school term was 5 months, 7 grades.
Miss Katie Rossee was the teacher
of 27 students. Local Civil War Hero James Rufus Kelly taught here.
Union School
was located at
of Hwy 57 & Oochee Ck Rd. On 1916 Map,
not shown in 1918 booklet on the schools.
It was located next to old
Union Methodist Church. Freeman Cemetery is near here.
Union Hill Academy aka
Rivers Academy
was located in Ramah District
probably on Massey Hill S. of Gordon. Established in 1836 the trustees
were James Richard Lewis, James Gibson, Samuel Bragg, Joel Rivers and Archibald
Smith. Sherman's soldiers burned it in 1864 during the March to the
Union Hill School
was an African American school
located southeast of Toomsboro next to Union Hill Baptist Church 1916

1918 and 2004
Vernon Johnson School
was located on Wilkinson/Twiggs
County line in Clear Creek school district and had students from Wilkinson
and Twiggs counties.
The building is still
standing, across from Asbury Church. In 1918 the school term
was 5 mo. term for Wilkinson County students, 6½ months for
Twiggs county students, 8 grades. It had 1 teacher and 31 students.
Washington Academy
was in the High Hill District.
Established in 1840 the trustees
were Green B. Burney, Solomon Arnold, John Breedlove, Ellis Harvill,
and Lewis Shears.
See Whitaker Photos for names of children
Whitaker School
was located in the Mt. Carmel
School District 2 miles north of McIntyre on 441. In 1918 there were 5
grades, and 30 students.
a 2 story boarding school
was located 1½ miles south of Gordon near Central Railroad. Established
in January 1866 by Wilkinson Mayberry Whitehurst. " He & his wife Nancy
Bryan Whitehurst taught here for 2 yrs before hiring teachers. A music
teacher was hired and a Sabbath school established. " Davidson, History
of Wilkinson County
Wilkinson County Academy
was 4 miles from Irwinton. Established
in 1824 the trustees were William Beck, James Neal, Alpheus Beall,
John F. Simmons, Charles Culpepper, [Illegible Text] Roberson and Richard
Whitaker. John S. Barry, govenor of Michigan, taught here. This old red
brick schoolhouse used as a granary during the civil war was burned in
Nov. 1864 by Sherman's troops during the March to the Sea.
Woodlawn School
Was located on Hill-Collins
Rd. NE of Toomsboro Hill-Collins Rd. next to the present day African American
Philadelphia Church