Lucy Newsom  Last Will and Testament
– Wilkinson County, Georgia
 1.   Give and bequeath to cousin, Lucy Culpepper, daughter of Joel Culpepper, one bed and furniture, bedstead and curtains, one slab, one pitcher, one set of cups and saucers, two tumblers, one decanter and cruet, one small pitcher, half dozen earthen plates, one clock, one chest, one cow and calf, also one gilt sow.
2.   Also, I will and bequeath to Arreny Stoke(s?), daughter of Henry Stoke, one bed and furniture, bedstead curtains, one table, one cow and calf, one gilt sow.
3.   Balance of property to be sold and after debts are paid, the balance equally divided between my sister, Patsy Butler and children.
4.   Appointed:  Joel Culpepper and Joel Butler, sole executors of will.
Dated: January 24, 1827  /S/ Lucy (x) Newsom
Mary Stokes
Elizabeth Porter
Robert Rasier (Rozar?)

Robert Rosier swore to the signatures of Mary Stokes and Elizabeth Porter, in Open Court on May 7, 1827.  Charles C. Beall, D.C.C.O.
Source: Record of Returns, pages 15-16, Wilkinson County Probate Court, Wilkinson County, Georgia  – (Res: 10/2007)

Submitted by R. Elizabeth Brewer

Website Copyright Eileen B. McAdams 2007