Twiggs County, Ga
In The News 1900 - 1909

January 3, 1900
Atlanta Constitution
Prominent Georgia Expires at His Home Near Thomasville
Thomasville, Ga., January 2 (Special) At 3 o'clock this morning Colonel A.T. McIntyre died at his residence, two miles from this city of heart failure. He was at his office all day yesterday apparently in good health. The first symptoms showed themselves about 10 o'clock last night, but his condition was not considered serious until just before he died.
     Colonel Archibald Thomas McIntyre was born in Twiggs county, Georgia, October 27, 1823. When he was quite young his parents moved to this county, where he had lived ever since. he married Miss America Young June 26, 1845, and was admitted to the bar in 1853. He studied law in Monticello, Fla., and Macon, Ga. He was a member of the forty-seventh congress and a member of the Georgia legislature in 1847 and 1848. He had been a trustee of the state university since 1876 and was the oldest member  of the board, was once trustee of the lunatic asylum and was at the time of his dead president of the board of trustees of Young Female college of this city. Only a few years ago he celebrated his golden wedding. He was a prominent lawyer and land owner, being one of the wealthiest men in this section of the state. He was an elder in the Presbyterian church. He leaves a wife and three sons, W. R. and M.Y. McIntyre, of this city and D. J. McIntyre, of  Atlanta, besides several grandchildren. The funeral will take place from the Presbyterian church tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock.

January 23, 1900
Macon Telegraph
ASA, Twiggs County, Ga. Jan. 23
 -excerpt~  Quite a romantic marriage occurred in the village last sunday evening at the residence of Mr. Shade Crosby. The contracting parties were Mrs. Hattie Johnson and Mr. John W. Lyes (sic Dykes), both of Wilkinson County. They were married by the Rev. G. B. Ward of our village in a most beautiful and impressive manner.

January 27, 1900
Atlanta Constitution
An Old-Timer Writes: Editor Constitution-Bill Arps letter in regard to his recent visit to Upson county, Georgia, has put me to ruminating, and carries me back to my boyhood days. I was born in Twiggs county, Georgia, the 11th day of July, 1817. About that time all that section the country between the Ocmulgee and Flint rivers was surveyed off into 202½ acre lots, and settlers were allowed to draw for these lots. By what authority these lots were laid off and , and who were entitled to share in the drawing, I do not know. I know that my father drew a lot in what is now Upson county, about seven miles south of Thomaston, the county site. I know not the extent of this county when drawn for, no can I give dates as to when these drawings took place, as I was at that time a small boy when my father moved from Twiggs county and settled on his land in Upson county. At that time the Indians inhabited all the country west of the Flint river to Line creek, in Alabama. When my father first moved on his possessions there were but few settlers in all that region, but people soon began to move in and settle on the lands they had drawn, and in eight or ten years the whole country was settled up and in a good state of cultivation.
    I remember one day being with my father as he was chopping in a clearing, when an old man by the name of Robertson rode up, and after the usual salutation, said: "Our new county is named Upson." At first there was little or no civilization among the people. They would collect together, drink whisky and fight like dogs. But some preachers moved in and began to preach the gospel, and soon churches and schoolhouses went up, and in a short time a great change for the better was everywhere apparent. I will name some of these good old men of God: John Ross, John Hambrick, Creed Celwell, Zacorian Gordon and Jacob King. All these were Baptist preachers, and Wimbush, Edwards and Holloway were Methodist preachers.
    I remember sitting on the bank of a little creek and seeing Jacob King baptize my father and mother. Some years ago I saw  it stated in a paper that Bethlehem Association, in Upson county, had erected a monument to the memory of Jacob King, their former moderator.
  Well, Thomaston soon grew up to be a nice country town. I remember its first disastrous fire. On the block north of the courthouse square there were two large hotels, one at the southeast corner and one at the southwest corner, and houses nearly touching each other were standing between these hotels. The hotels and all the houses between them were burned. I remember that a few days after this fire I was sent to town, and saw some of the timbers still burning. I heard one of the merchants say that his loss was about $5,000.
Sibley, La., January 18, 1900

January 28, 1900
The Macon Telegraph
BUDGET FROM TWIGGS, Mrs. S. F. Solomon is Dead - Personal and Social Notes.
Jeffersonvlle, Ga., Jan. 27. - Mr. J. C. Shannon left last week for Atlanta to take a business course in a business college of that city. Cary is among the best young men in our town and we hope for him a bright future.
  Mr. Ben Jones returned from Atlanta last Sunday. In a few weeks he will go back and take a position in the Southern railroad shops. Ben is anxious to become a machinist.
  Miss Zack Solomon was taken very suddenly the morning with a hemorrhage of the lungs, and she is reported sick today.
  Miss Nellie Jones, who had such a serious case of pneumonia about two weeks ago, has almost fully recovered.
  Miss Opehlia Sims is reported much better.
  Messrs. S. E. Jones and D. S. Faulk of this place took in the Butler-Mullis wedding on last Wednesday, about ten miles over in Wilkinson county, at the home of Mrs. J. E. Butler. Miss Hattie was one of Wilkinson county's belles, cultured and of high and noble Christian grace. Mr. Mullis is a son of Hon. William Mullis of Cochran. We heartily congratulate him on winning such a bride as Miss Hattie. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. C. Sanders of Cochran in that usual graceful and impressive style which is characteristic of Mr. Sanders.
  Messrs. O. T. Chapman and W. H. Harrell took in the Central City last Sunday. They heard Dr. A. A. Marshall of Monroe Female college preach at the First Baptist church and took dinner with Mrs. W. H. Reynolds of Vineville, Mr. Chapman's sister. They returned home much repaid and benefited by their trip, both spiritually and by the good things Mrs. Reynolds gave them for the inner man.
   Farmers are doing very little as yet towards pitching their year's crop. The weather continues bad and scarcely an plowing has been done. Small grain continues to look well, and if no disaster befalls the crop it will be the largest for a good man years.
  The political pot has begun to simmer, though not enough to give anything definite.
  Col. R. C. Jordan of Macon spent last night in the village.
   The colored Republicans held a convention here yesterday. So far we have been unable to get them to their workings.
Mrs. S. F. Solomon died this morning at 6:30 o'clock and will be buried here tomorrow. She leaves a host of friends and relatives to mourn her loss. Mrs. Solomon was about 70 years old, and had been a consistent member of the Baptist church for a long number of years. She leaves five daughters, Mrs. W. D. Walker, of Dublin, Mrs. H. O. Adams, of Lumpkin, Mrs. Marion Burns of Mansfield, and two unmarried daughters, Misses Lucy and Zack. All of them were with her during her illness.

March 5, 1900
Atlanta Constitution
Funeral of Miss Singuefield
The funeral of Mrs. A. J. Sinquefield who died yesterday, were held this afternoon from the residence in Vineville. Mrs. Sinquefield was stricken with paralysis Tuesday and did not recover from the stroke.
   The remains were carried to Danville Ga. for interment. The following gentlemen acted as pallbearers; R.J. Taylor, C.A. Turner, H.C. Tindall, D.G. Hughes, W.W. Dehaven and W. C. Harris.

March 15, 1900
The Macon Telegraph
HAD A THRILLING EXPERIENCE. How a Twiggs County Cavalryman Came Near Being Killed in Cuba.
  A private letter just received in Macon tells of a rather thrilling experience by Second Sergeant William Balkcom of Troop "L" Seventh United States cavalry. Mr. Balkcom lives in Jeffersonville, Twiggs county, and as he joined the Macon Volunteers to take part in the Spanish-American war, anything concerning him is of interest to his many friends throughout this section.
  According to the letter, Sergeant Balkcom drew a new horse a few days ago, an in attempting to ride him the bid on the bridle parted and as the horse was very wild and untrained, he ran through the woods, and in plunging threw all of Mr. Balkcom's weight on one stirrup so as to break the strap, and the rider fell almost to the ground on that side. His spur caught in the saddle on the opposite side, and thus pinned him in the horse's side. The animal ran wildly through the woods for a few minutes, beating Sergeant Balkcom's head against rocks and trees and occasionally against the ground; finally the spur broke and let the rider fall. By this time a large number of troopers had mounted their horses and were in hot pursuit. The sergeant wa able, however, to get back on his feet, and signaled them that he was still able to take care of himself. His face and shoulders are badly bruised and disfigured, but his injuries are said to be by no means serious. He is at Camp Columbia, about eight miles from Havana.

March 17, 1900
Macon Telegraph
  Mr. Ichabod Balkcom died Thursday night at his home in Twiggs county, His son-in-law, Mr. S. T. Burkett, came in yesterday morning and purchased a casket from Mr. Lamar Clay,  and announced that the funeral would occur in Reynolds' graveyard at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
  Mr. Balkcom was the father of five children, two of them being grown. He was 53 years old, and had always been an active, useful citizen. His death is deplored in his community.

April 1, 1900
Macon Telegraph
  News was received in Macon yesterday that Mr. Asa Crosby of Smith district, Twiggs county, had died. His funeral will take place today. He had many friends here.

May 23, 1900
Atlanta Constitution
DR. W. A. O'DANIEL IS DEAD. Former Principal Physician of Penitentiary Died in Twiggs County. WELL KNOWN IN GEORGIA
Played a Prominent Part in State Medical Association- His Death Will Cause Much Sorrow
   Dr. W. A. O'Daniel, former principal physician of the state penitentiary, died yesterday at his residence in Twiggs county after a brief illness.
   Dr. O'Daniel was one of the best known men in Georgia and was particularly well known in Atlanta, where he spend a considerable portion of his time while principal physician of the penitentiary and while he represented this county in the lower branch of the legislature.
     He played a particularly prominent part in the recent meeting of the State Medical Association in Atlanta and was one of the leading figures in that distinguished gathering. The news of his death will be heard with sorrow throughout the state, and especially in medical circles, where he had attained great prominence as one of the leading members of his profession in Georgia.
   Dr. O'Daniel took a deep interest in politics and represented his  section of the state in a number of important conventions. He spent several years in the legislate and made his presence felt. The arrangements for the funeral were not completed yesterday.

May 26, 1900
Macon Telegraph
  A casket was sent out to Hammock's post office in Twiggs county yesterday by Undertaker Clay for the remains of Miss Nancy Hammock.
   Miss Hammock was 40 years of age, and was greatly beloved by the people of the community in which she lived. Her death has caused much sadness. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock and the remains were buried in the old family burying ground in Twiggs county.

September 7, 1900
Macon. Telegraph
  Mrs. Sallie Crosby Passes Away at the Age of 35 Years. Mrs. Sallie Crosby, wife of Mr. J. H. Crosby, of Twiggs county, died yesterday morning at her home in that county, and the funeral will occur today. The interment will be in the family burying ground. Mrs. Crosby leaves a husband and one so. She formerly lived in Macon.

October 5, 1900
Atlanta Constitution
Macon, Ga., October 4 (Special) Sol Solomon, a Negro, was arrested here today and about the same hour officers in Twiggs county arrested Jeff Orr, also a negro, both of whom are charged with having murdered Nelson Slappey, of Westlake on October 27, 1899, while Slappey was in a swamp hunting near Westlake. Solomon was put in the police barracks at Macon and Orr turned over to the sheriff of Twiggs county and place in jail at Jeffersonville.  The governor offers a reward of $250 for the conviction of  Slappey's murdered and R. R. Slappey,  father of the deceased, offers a reward of $100.
    The evidence against the two negroes is strong, a feature of it being a partial confession by Solomon that he committed the crime. It is thought that Solomon killed Slappey and Orr was an accomplice. Solomon and Orr are brothers in law. Revenge was the motive of the murder. Nelson Slappey was a well known young white man, son of R. R. Slappey, a leading planter of Twiggs and department store owner at Westlake. On October 27th of last year he went hunting in a swamp near Westlake and later was found on his face dead, a lead of shot having been fired in the back of the head, lodging under the left eye. Solomon and Orr formerly worked for the Slappeys. A short while before the killing Solomon stole $50 from R. R. Slappey. He was traced to Cochran and taken in charge by the Slappeys. The money was recovered, Solomon was carried back to Twiggs and was given a flogging by the Slappeys and not prosecuted. Then he stole a wagon and mule and a bale of cotton from the Slappeys, and these were also recovered. Later Solomon and R  R. Slappey had a difficulty over Solomon receiving goods and money from Nelson Slappey under promise to work for Nelson Slappey, but he refused to stay with Slappey and hired himself to another party. In the difficulty with R. R. Slappey, Solomon threatened to shoot him, but Slappey took the gun from him. When Nelson Slappey heard of this trouble he went to see Solomon about it and as a result shot Solomon in the leg. Solomon swore he would revenge and soon after this Nelson Slappey was found murdered.
  Solomon about two years ago served a sentence in the Bibb chain gang for cow stealing. Solomon was suspected of Slappey's murder at the time it was committed, but he disappeared and only recently has the evidence been secured against him and his whereabouts ascertained.

October 21, 1900
The Macon Telegraph
Jeffersonville, Ga, Oct. 20
  Mr. M. E. Solomon, who was stricken with paralysis about a week or ten days ago, died night before last and was buried by the Masons yesterday evening. A large crowd witnessed the service. He leaves a daughter and son Miss Fannie Solomon and Mr. L. E. Solomon, together with a host of relatives and friends, to mourn his loss. Mr. Solomon was about sixty years old and belonged to the family of Solomons which has been identified with Twiggs county so long.

October 22, 1900
 Macon Telegraph
     MRS. ROBERT  R SLAPPEY DEAD, Died at Her Home at West Lake YesterdayMorning.
      Mrs. Robert R. Slappey died yesterday morning at her home at West Lake.
    Her remains will be interred at the family cemetery, near the residence, this morning at 10 o'clock. Several of the Macon relatives will be present.
    Mrs. G. M. Davis of Macon, a sister of Mrs. Slappey was at her bedside whenshe passed away. Mrs. Slappey leaves two daughters, Mrs. Carswell, residing at Jeffersonvillw and an unmarried daughter residing at home. She leaves aslo two sons and a grief-stricken husband. She was a Miss Nelson of Macon before her marriage.
     The contributing cause  of Mrs. Slappey's death was due to the shooting of her son, Mr. Nelson Slappey, which occurred at West Lake about a year ago, and for which two negroes are now in jail at Dublin for safe keeping.

October 27, 1900
Atlanta Constitution
Miss Isolene Wimberly of Inglehurst to Wed Mr. Robbins
 Dr. Warren Wimberly, of Inglehurst, Twiggs county, Georgia, announces the engagement of his youngest sister, Miss Isolene Wimberly, to Mr. Eugene Robbins, of Selma, Ala., the wedding to take place at the old family home of the Wimberlys, in Twiggs county the evening of November the 14th. The announcement of the engagement will be of unusual interest both in Georgia and Alabama, Miss Wimberly representing one of Georgia's oldest and most aristocratic families, while Mr. Robbins's family is of equal prominence in Alabama.
  Miss Wimberly is the daughter of the late Captain Frederick D. Wimberly, of Inglehurst, and is a blonde beauty of pronounced type. She inherits all the admirable qualities for which the women of her family have been noted fro many generations, and besides her beauty, is highly accomplished. She is a sister of Mrs. Orme Campbell, of Atlanta.
  Every arrangement is being made for a beautiful country wedding; the bride will be attended by a bevy of beautiful young women from Atlanta, Macon, and Selma, and the event will be one of interest to southern society.

1900 Obituary of Martha J. Anders (or Andrews) Benford
Unknown newspaper of Carroll County, Georgia

   Mrs. Martha J. Benford, the subject of this notice, was born Feb. 29, 1816, and died Nov. 21, 1900, after several weeks of intense suffering. She joined the Missionary Baptist church, in Twiggs County, Ga., at Antioch, and was baptized by Brother Charnie Tharp, on Aug. 18, 1851, and afterwards united with the church at Bethesda, Carroll County, Georgia.
   In the death of our sister the church loses one of her oldest and best members while we feel that heaven has been made richer by our loss as she expressed perfect resignation and willingness to go. We shall miss her quiet, sweet face and loving words as she so often told us that she was going home to Jesus, to that good place she had seen.
   She died singing sweet songs of praise to our maker. We feel loth (sic) to lose her and can only say His will be done.

    Why should our tears in sorrow flow
When God recalls his own,
   And bids them leave a world of woe
For an immortal crown?

 Com. Mrs. Fannie Barnes
                          Mrs. M.F. Bell
                          Miss Etta Warren

Done by order of the church,
J.T. Layton, Mod.

A.G. Owensby, Clerk
(submitted by Ann Brewer Ianuario)

October 29, 1900
Macon Telegraph
THE LITTLE CHILD AT LAST SUCCUMBS TO OPERATION. The Grain of Corn in Her Windpipe Resulted in Her Death Yesterday Afternoon-
Had Seemed to Be Recovering, But Died During a Coughing Spell.

    Little Mary Lillian Jones died at the city hospital yesterday afternoon at 2:30. During a severe coughing spell the breath left her to return no more.
    The remains were taken to Jeffersonville on the 3 o'clock train over the Macon, Dublin and Savannah railroad, and will be interred today.
   The death of the child was a peculiarly sad one. On Friday, Oct. 19, her father, Dr. Thomas S. Jones of Jeffersonville, brought her here to have an operation performed to remove a grain of corn that was in her windpipe.
    The operation was performed, but the grain was too far down the windpipe to be removed. Since then she has been breathing through a tube which was inserted in the opening\ in her throat.
   The mother of the child was at her bedside when she died.
    It was thought Saturday morning that she would recover, but yesterday morning she had a coughing spell and appeared to be dying, as she quit breathing, but in a few minutes her breath was restored and she seemed to be all right, and grew brighter all the morning. At 2:30, however, she had another coughing spell, and died in a few minutes.   

December 2, 1900
Macon Weekly Telegraph
EGBERT HILL ASSASSINATED. A PROMINENT TWIGGS FARMER SHOT DOWN IN HIS FIELD.  Crime Was Committed Near Where Mrs. Nobles Slew Her Husband a Few Years Ago - No Clue to the Perpetrator.
  That section of Twiggs county in which old Mrs. Elizabeth Nobles, with the assistance of negroes, murdered her aged husband a few years ago, has been thrown into a similar state of excitement over the brutal assassination of Mr. Egbert Hill Wednesday last.
  The story of the crime reached Macon yesterday, the district being remote from a railroad station that, the news was slow in spreading.
  It seems that Mr. Hill was at work in his field when he was killed, and negroes afterwards discovered his dead body, while the mule he had been plowing was grazing near by. The report is that the killing was done with either a pistol or rifle, as the bullet hole was in the dead man's back, and the indications are that he was shot by some one in hiding near the field.
  Mr. Hill was a highly valued citizen, and leaves a family. No idea can be formed as to the perpetrator of the crime, as it was not generally known if Mr. Hill had an enemy.
  The people in the community are doing all they can to locate the murderer.


February 8, 1901
Columbus Daily Enquirer
COURT HOUSE BURNS. Twiggs County Loses All Records and Pension Checks.
Macon, Ga., Feb. 7 - The courthouse at Jeffersonville, Twiggs county, was burned at 2 o'clock this morning. The county records were burned and many thousand dollars of pension checks destroyed.
  The court house was one of the oldest in the state and was a frame structure of antiquated appearance. It was built in 1825.
  The courthouse was two stories high with the court room on the first floor, and the offices of the county officials on the second floor. No one in Macon has learned how the fire originated, but as the fire did not occur until 2 o'clock this morning it is presumed that it must have been incendiary. It was built many years ago and was after the fashion of many of the old time country court houses in Georgia. It has been the scene of many a hard fought legal battle, as Twiggs county is the home of some of the brainiest lawyers in the state. Among the recent notable events was the trial of Tom Shaw and Warren Creswell for wrecking a Southern Railway train, and of Mrs. Nobles, the old woman who in company with a negro murdered her husband.

March 2, 1901
Macon Telegraph
William Lyles Died Yesterday. A prominent young farmer of Twiggs County.
   Mr. Keating sent a coffin out to Delzell, Twiggs county, yesterday for Mr. Willie Lyles, a young farmer, who died there yesterday. Mr. Lyles was only 18 years old and leaves a widowed mother with five small children. He will be buried today at 3 p.m. at Delzell, Rev. R. C. Sanders officiating. His father died about a year ago.

March 29, 1901

Atlanta Constitution
Parties were in Macon today to buy a coffin for the two-year-old daughter of Mr. Doc Anderson of Twiggs county. The child died from potash poison, which she drank yesterday. Her sufferings were intense.

July 24, 1901
Macon Telegraph
DEATH OF YOUNG WIFE IN EAST MACON. Mrs. Viola Floyd Sanders Passed Away Yesterday Morning.
    Mrs. C. V. Sanders died a her late residence on Main street in East Macon yesterday morning after an illness of only a few days
    Mrs. Sanders was the wife of an  engineer of the Southern railway, and was a bride of only four months. mrs Sanders was 19 years of age and was born and reared in Twiggs county. She was, before marriage, Miss Viola Floyd of that county.
   The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. L. White of the First Baptist church.
     The interment was in Fort Hill cemetery.

August 13, 1901
Atlanta Constitution
Macon, Ga. August 12 (Special) Miss Mary Lou Harrell, of Jeffersonville, who was visiting Miss Mattie Jones of Macon, received news today of the sudden death of her sister, Miss Cleo Harrell, who was on a visit to relatives at Bullards. Miss Mary Lou Harrell returned to Jeffersonville this afternoon to attend the funeral services of her sister.

August 22, 1901
Macon Telegraph
SOLOMOM-COOMBS.Jeffersonville, Ga., Aug. 21. At 9 oclock this morning, at the bride's home in Jeffersonville a happy marriage took place. The contracting parties were
Miss Lucy A. Solomon of Jeffersonville and Mr. John M. Combs of Danville, Ga., Rev. R. A. Lansdell officiating.
   The bride is a most excellent young woman of Twiggs county.
   The groom is quite a noted farmer and successful fruit grower and a manly man.
    After congraulations were heaped upon the newly married couple the groom with his bride departed for their future home near Danville. They have the best wishes of their many friends for a happy and sucessful life.

September 1, 1901
Macon Telegraph
  Jeffersonville, Ga., Aug. 21 - The many friends of Mrs. Lucy Coombs extend to her their heartfelt sympathy in death of her husband, Mr. John Coombs, who died at his home near Danville on Wednesday night last very suddenly with heart failure. Mrs. Lucy Coombs was Miss Lucy Solomon of this place, and was married to Mr. Coombs by just a week ago last Tuesday.

September 2, 1901
Macon Telegraph
SECOND DEATH IN FAMILY. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kitchens Lose Thier 2-Year-Old Child This Time. 
   The 2-year old child of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kitchens of Twiggs county died yesterday morning from scarlet fever.
   This is the second child that Mr. and Mrs. Kitchens have lost within the past three days from scarlet fever.

September 12, 1901
Atlanta Constitution
  Mrs. Floyd Birdsong, a former resident of Macon, died this morning at the home of her husband in Twiggs county.

October 24, 1901
Macon Telegraph
DEATH OF A YOUNG LADY. Miss Katie Kitchens of Twiggs CountyP assed Away Yesterday.
     Miss Katie Kitchens, a popular young lady of Big Oak, Twiggs county, passed away yesterday at the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs W. H. Kitchens. Miss Kitchens was 17 years of age, and leaves her parents and several brothers and sisters to mourn her deparure. Miss Kitchens had been ill with typhoid fever for the past two weeks.
   The funeral will take place this morning at 11 o'clock from the residence of her parents. The funeral services will be conducted by Rev. Mr. Duel of Gordon. The interment will be in the family burying grounds.

December 2, 1901
Macon Telegraph
     MRS SARAH RYALS DIES IN TWIGGS. She was Well Known in Macon, Funeral This Morning.
   News reached the city yesterday of the death of Mrs. Sarah Ryals, a well known lady of Ripley, Twiggs county. Mrs. Ryals was 40 years old and leaves several children, as well as a number of friends and relatives to mourn her death. Her husband died some time ago. The funeral will take place this morning at 10:30 o'clock. The funeral services will be conducted by Rev. George Tharpe. The interment will be in the family burying grounds in Twiggs county..

December 22, 1901
Macon Telegraph
BECAME COLD; FELL TO HIS DEATH. Negro Lost His Hold on a Wagon Load of Cotton, and Was Run Over
    Lewis Cornelius, a negro farmer from Twiggs county, was killed yesterday morning by a wagon load of cotton passing over his body.
    Cornelius was bringing three bales of cotton to Macon for sale, and when he reached Dry Branch, a few miles from this city, he slipped from the cotton and fell to the ground. Two of the wagon wheels passed over his body, injuring him internally, and causing him to die in a short while. He had become so benumber with cold that he could not hold his place on the cotton.
   Cornelius was a hard working negro, and was farming on the George Faulk plantation. He was 23 years old..   

January 6, 1902
Atlanta Constitution
J. I. O'NEAL FUNERAL TODAY.  Victim of Macon Explosion To Be Buried in Twiggs
Macon, Ga. January 5 (Special) J. I. O'Neal, who died last night as the result of injuries received from the explosion of the boiler at the Central railroad shops in this city Thursday, will be buried at the family burying ground in Twiggs county tomorrow.
  Mr. O'Neal was 19 years of age He had always enjoyed good health and the accident that result in his death was the first he had ever experienced after years of service with various railroads.
 He leaves a mother and sister to mourn their loss.

January 26, 1902
Macon Telegraph
~excerpt~Jeffersonville, Ga., Jan. 25...Sunday evening last, at the home of Dr. J. R. Wimberly, uncle of the bride, Miss Carrie Wimberly  and Mr. D. S. Faulk were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed byRrev. Hal Wimberly, and was quite a surprise to their many friends. 

February 9, 1902
The Macon Telegraph
Jeffersonville, Ga. Feb. 8 - One of the most notable weddings of the season will take place on the 12th inst., when Mr. S. E. Jones will lead to the altar Miss Mitt Carswell, daughter of the late Capt. W. B. Carswell, of this place. Immediately after the ceremony the bridal couple will take the train for a tour through Florida.
  Mrs. Iverson L. Carswell of Georgiana, Ala., is visiting relatives near town.
  Mr. W. W. Solomon of Macon was visiting friends and relatives in town last week.
  Mr. John Anderson, the genial representative of the R. J. Anderson & Son music house of Macon, is spending a few days with the family of Mr. J. F. Solomon.
  Miss Mae Solomon is visiting Sunday and Monday at Twiggsville.
  Col. Bob Hardeman of Macon, while hunting in this vicinity last week, had the misfortune to lose a very fine bird dog. He either strayed or was stolen. Hope that "uncle Bob" will have his dog returned to him.
  A hand of Gypsies are encamped just out of the town limits, and have the usual accompaniments of dogs and horses. They are visited daily by the horse-swapping elements of Jeffersonville.

February 14, 1902
The Macon Telegraph
Jeffersonville, Ga. Feb, 14. On Wednesday morning, February 12, a quiet but happy marriage was consummated at the home of the late Capt. W. E. Carswell, when Miss Mitt Carswell was wedded to Mr. S. E. Jones, in the presence of the immediate family and a few most intimate friends. Professor J. E. Powell of Forsyth performed the ceremony in a very beautiful and impressive manner. Among those present were Prof. J. E. Powell and wife of Forsyth, Dr. W. A. O'Daniel, wife and daughter of Milledgeville, Mr. Iverson L. Carswell and family of Georgianna, Ala., Mr. W. W. Solomon of Macon, Mr. A. L. Walters of Twiggsville, Dr. T. S. Jones, Mr. Walker Jones, Mrs. McDonal, Miss Pearl Somomon, Miss Mary Faulk, Miss Kathleen Jones, Miss Cornelia Methvin of Jeffersonville. Owing to the recent illness of the bridge, the bridal tour was postponed for a few days.
  Many handsome presents attested the popularity of the contracting parties, who stand very high socially and have many friends throughout the state. The bride is the daughter of the late Capt. W. E. Carswell and a graduate of Wesleyan. The groom is one of Twiggs county's most prosperous citizens and has held several offices of trust and honor in the county.

March 31, 1902
Atlanta Constitution
Funeral of the Well-Known Georgia Occurs Today
Macon, Ga., March 30 (Special) The remains of Judge C. C. Smith were carried from Macon today to Twiggs county, where they will be interred tomorrow afternoon. A number of friends and relatives accompanied the body to Bullards station.
   The funeral services will be held from the residence of Dr. W. A. O'Darrill, father in law of the deceased. Judge Smith had been in ill health a long while and his demise, which occurred yesterday afternoon, was no surprise. He is survived by his wife and a number of  relatives. He was one of eight brothers.
    Judge Smith was born in Telfair county. He was a well-known Georgia. He was formerly solicitor general of the Oconee circuit and later became judge of the circuit. The late Governor Atkinson tendered him the position of prison commissioner, but he decline it and the office was then offer Hon. Tom Eason, who accepted it and continues to fill the position. Judge Smith had a large circle of friends who will deeply regret to hear of his death

June 15, 1902
The Macon Telegraph
  Mrs. Thulia Elizabeth Fitzpatrick requests the honor of your presence at the marraige of her daughter, Inez Goodwin, to Mr. Leon Smith Fernald, on Wednesday evening, June the twenty-fifth, at nine o'clock, at her residence, Tarversville, Twiggs county, Ga.

August 3, 1902
Macon Telegraph
Cochran, Ga. Aug. 2 - Mr. James Slaughter of Cochran and Mrs. Emma Slappey Califf of Twiggs  county were married at the home of the bride's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Slappey, near West Lake, last Sunday. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. C. Jones, pastor of the Cochran Methodist church. The wedding was a quiet home affair and was witnessed by only a few near relatives and friends.
  Mr. Slaughter is a substantial and promising young business man of Cochran, of many sterling traits, and holds a responsible position with the Southern railway.
  The bride is a brilliant young woman of charming personality.
  As Miss Emma Slappey, she was one of the most popular young ladies ot Twiggs, and related to the prominent Slappey family of that county.
  For the past two years she has been engaged in teaching in Chattanooga and Valdosta.

August 4, 1902
Macon Daily Telegraph
  Mrs. E. J. Peacock died at her home, 187 Magnolia street, last night at 10:30 after a lingering illness of six months. Mrs. Peacock leaves a husband and four small children, two boys and two girls. She was married twenty-four years ago in Twiggs county, and was Miss Virginia Wall.
  The burial will take place at the old family burying ground in Twiggs county. The remains will be shipped this afternoon.

September 12, 1902
Macon Telegraph
  News was received in the city last night to the effect that Mrs. Julia Wrye had died in Twiggs county. She was 54 years old.

December 3, 1902
Macon Telegraph
   Miss Mary Barnes, aged 55, died yesterday morning at her home in Twiggs county. She was the sister of Mr. S. F. Barnes of Twiggs county, and of Mr. James Barnes of Houston county. The funeral services will be held today at 10 o'clock, at Boneta, Twiggs county.

December 15, 1902
Macon Telegraph
KENNINGTON-ATKINS.   Miss Alice Kennington of Twiggs conty and Mr. Giles Atkins of this city were united yesterday. The wedding took place at the home of the bride near Jeffersonville, and was witnessed by relatives and intimate friends.
   The brideis a member of a leading family in Twiggs county and is a young woman of rare intelligence and striking beauty. Mr. Atkins is one of Macon's prominent young business men and has hundreds of friends. He holds a responsible position with English, Johnson & Co. The happy couple will reside in Macon. 

January 27, 1903
The Union-Recorder
  Mr. J. E. Boothe died at Midway last Thursday, after a long illness. Mr. Boothe moved to Midway a year or two ago, and puchased a home. He is survived by a wife and several children. His remains were carried to AllenTown for burial.

February 11, 1903
Macon Telegraph
         Mr.A. G. Crosby died at the home of his son, J. R. Crosby, in Twiggs county yesterday morning. He had been in poor health for some time.
   The funeral will take place this afternoon at 3 o'clock in Twiggs county at the Baptist church near his late residence. The deceased was an old Confederant veteran.  

February 12, 1903
Atlanta Constitution
CURRY-MCCOY. Dublin, Ga., February 12 (Special) Yesterday afternoon Mr. Thomas A. Curry, of Dublin, was married to Miss Mabel McCoy at the home of the bridge at Jeffersonville. Mr. Curry is originally from Forsyth, but has been living in Dublin several years. His bride was one of Twiggs county's most popular young women.

February 22, 1903
Atlanta Constitution
Mrs Mary J. Faulk, Perry, Ga. Perry, Ga., February 21 (Special)   Mrs.Mary Josephine Faulk died at her home in Perry today after a long illness.
   Mrs. Faulk was one of Houston county's most noble women.  She leaves surviving her one son, Judge William Faulk, of Twiggs county, and two daughters in Perry, Mrs. C. F. Cooper and Mrs. J.S. Brunson. She leaves a number of grandchildren. Mrs. Faulk will be buried in the family burying ground near Marion, in Twiggs county, by the side of her husband, the late Charles R. Faulk.

March 22, 1903
Atlanta Constitution
Death of Jack Smith. Macon, Ga., March 21 (Special) Information reached Macon this morning from Delzel, a village in Twiggs county, of the death of Jack Smith, once a resident of this city. Six months ago Mr. Smith's health compelled him to throw up a position in the Southern railway shops here and seek an outdoor country life. At first he appeared to improve, but two or three weeks ago he began sinking. Mr. Smith is survived by a wife and daughter as well as by his parents. The interment took place this afternoon in the family burial grounds in Twiggs county.

May 18, 1903
Macon Telegraph

THE KITCHENS CASE.  Will Come Up in the Superior Court, Crimal docket.
   The case of the state vs. D. A. Kitchens will be called in  the superior court Wednesday. The criminal docket will be taken up on this date.
    Kitchens was indicted for the alledged murder of Baldwin Jones some days ago. The defendant shot Jones with a pistol, killing him almost instantly. Kitchens was arrested and
 put in jail.
   The defense will contend that the killing under the law was justifiable homicide; that Jones assaulted Kitchens with an open knife in an attempt to take his life. The prisoner is represented by Estes & Jones, Minter Wimberly and R. V. Hardeman. It is probable a large crowd will be present at the trial.

June 26, 1903
Atlanta Constitution
Killed in Bottom of Well
Macon, Ga. June 25. (Special)W.H. Watson, aged 72 years, was killed at the bottom of a well in Twiggs county late yesterday afternoon. Watson, it seems was cleaning a well on the Kitchins plantation, in Twiggs county. He worked at the bottom, filling a bucket with trash for men above to draw up. Late in the afternoon he had filled the bucket and bent to his work accumulating another load when the heavily laden bucket dropped back upon him.

July 15,1903
The Macon Telegraph
~extract. Last Saturday afternoon at the home of Mr. W. C. Faulk, in Jeffersonville, Mr. Prentice Findley was married to Verna Chambers. Both, of Macon.

August 16, 1903
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Cary, Ga. Aug. 15 - W. A. Andrews, son of J R. and Amanda Andrews, died at his sister's Mrs. George Thompson of Cary, Ga., Wednesday. He leaves one daughter and one son, Amanda and J. T. Andrews. He also leaves four sisters and one brother to mourn his loss, Mrs. S. S. Falls of Cary, Ga., Mrs. George Thompson and Miss Mattie Andrews of Cary, Ga., and Mrs. Alice Stevens of South Macon and J. W. Andrews of Allenttown, Ga. He was taken to Bibb county for burial at the old home at the family burial ground.

August 19, 1903
Atlanta Constitution
Held for Killing Father. Macon, Ga., August 29 (Special) Ira Simmons, aged 16 years, now occupies the strong cell in the Twiggs county jail, while the body of Julius Simmons, his father, rests in a newly made grave near Ripley, a small town in Twiggs some 15 miles from Macon.
   The elder Simmons was a prosperous, successful planter, and by hard work and economy had acquired a competency, while his good conduct had given him the respect of his neighbors. Ira, his 16-year-old son, a short time ago ran away from home to escape work. A few days ago he was brought back and was punished by his father.
 The father and son were together at the Simmons home, the father doing some light work with the son sitting near by. Within easy reach of the son was a loaded gun. In some manner that gun was discharged and the contents of the barrel entered the elder Simmon's breast, tearing a great hole therein, through which his life went out. The boy did not deny handling the gun, but he emphatically declared that the gun was discharged accidentally.
 At the inquest one witness affirmed that Ira Simmons had said he intended killing his father because his father had him brought back after he ran away and had then whipped him. It was upon this evidence that the younger Simmons was given a cell in the Twiggs county jail, where he will remain until the grand jury can give the charges against him a thorough and complete investigation.

September 8, 1903
Macon Telegraph
  Mr. Henry J. Crawford of Big Oak, Twiggs county, Ga., a well-known Christian gentleman and a kind and considerate neighbor, died at his home yesterday at 3 o'clock p.m.
   -was in his 70th year and a few months over. He joined Antioch church when quite a young man-
  He is survived by a wife and two children, and a brother and sister.

September 19, 1903
Atlanta Constitution
Twiggs County Farmer Kills Son-In-Law
Abusing His Wife Collins Tried to Stab Her Father
Macon, Ga. Sept. 18. - T. E. Williams, a prominent farmer of Twiggs county, shot and instantly killed his son-in-law,W. J. Collins, this afternoon. Domestic troubles caused the killing. Collins is reported to have abused his wife, and when her father interceded, attempted to stab him with a dirk, The killing was found justifiable.

October 17, 1903
Macon Weekly Telegraph
TWIGGS SUPERIOR COURT. Interesting Trial of an Important Case. Action of Grand Jury.
  Judge Dave Roberts and Solicitor General J. F. DeLacey of the Oconee circuit, passed through Macon yesterday en route to their home in  Eastman from Jeffersonville, Twiggs county, where court has been in session this week.
  One of the most important cases on the Twiggs criminal docket was the trial of William Wynn, charged with the killing of J. E. Spears at the depot in Danville last April. Spears was given his liberty, his case never going to a jury, nor was the judge ever allowed to deliver a charge.
  The facts as reported are as follows:
   Hardeman, Davis & Turner, and J. W. Preston appeared for the defendant. Solicitor DeLacey, assisted by John R. Cooper of Macon, Col. Stubbs and Col. J. W. Shannon, appeared for the state in the prosecution of the case.
   A bill of indictment was found last April by the Twiggs county grand jury against William Wynn, charged with voluntary manslaughter, by killing J. E. Spears of Danville.
   Previous to the indictment the coroner's jury investigated the killing and pronounced it murder. When the case came to trial, it was discovered by the defendant's counsel that only seventeen members of the grand jury had signed the indictment. The law requires eighteen or more jurors to sign the bill. The defense made a motion to quash the bill and allow the prisoner to go free. Solicitor DeLacey arose and stated to the court that he desired to prepare two good bills charging Spear with murder and for voluntary manslaughter. The bills were carried to the grand jury room and submitted. The grand jury refused to return a bill, saying that they had nothing to dow with cases investigated by other grand juries. Col. Preston then prepared an order releasing the prisoner from his bond and allowing him to go on his own recognizance, also declaring the bill of indictment null and void. Solicitor DeLacey strenuously objected to the order. Col. Cooper arose and said that the grand jury was acting in contempt for refusing to grant the solicitor general a corrected bill of indictment.
  Judge Roberts stated that he was powerless as he had no authority over the grand jury, that they were an independent body and could act as they saw fit. The solicitor then arose and said that he had prepared a good bill and he was disappointed in the return.

December 13, 1903
Macon Telegraph
PROMINENT VETERAN GOES TO  REWARD. Mr. H. M. Martin of Cross Keys Succumbs-Lost Arm in War-Funeral in Twiggs County Today.
    Mr. H. M. Martin, born and reared in Twiggs county and a veteran of the Civil war, in which he lost an arm, passed away yesterday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at his home at Cross Keys. Mr. Martin has resided at the Keys for and is well known throughout Macon. He was 67 years of age, and is survived by two sons, Mr. William Martin and Mr. Rufus Martin, a member of the fire department. He also leaves one  sister, Mrs. J. C. Pettis of Cochran. The funeral will occur from the residence of his son at Cross Keys this morning at 10:30 o'clock. The interment will be in the burial grounds in Twiggs county at 1:30 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Walker will officiate.  .

December 15, 1903
Atlanta Constitution
Was a Minister of the Christian Church for Fifty-two years.
Rev. A. G. Thomas, who has been a minister of the Christian church for fifty-two years, died at 7:35 o'clock last night at his residence in West End, 121 Park street, from an attack of nervous prostration.
    He is survived by his wife, four daughters, Mrs. H. W. Fairbanks and Mrs. J. T. Howard of Dallas, Tex.; Mrs. E. W. Pease, a missionary stationed at Hollmestrand, Norway, and Mrs. H.D. Bolles, of Atlanta, and two sons, Dr. E. B. Thomas and R.A. Thomas, of this city. No funeral arrangements have been made and none will be made until the two daughters in Dallas are heard from.
   Dr. Thomas began his work in the ministry when he was a boy of 18 years. He was born in Twiggs county, Georgia, in 1833. When the war began he became chaplain of the Seventh Georgia regiment, entering from Atlanta.
   He was at one time the professor in Latin in a college in Indiana and shortly after the war was professor of physiology in the Oglethorpe Medical college, of Savannah. From the latter city he came to Atlanta, where he has lived for twenty-nine years.
     He was the pastor of the First Christian church for many years, giving up this position about two years ago. During the past year he has been gradually failing.
     He was also a practicing physician and was well known for his skill in the line. At the time of his death he was the president of the Eclectic college, of this city, having held this position for the last twenty years. He married Miss Susan Adelaide Reynolds, of Atlanta, in 1857.

December 29, 1903
Macon Telegraph
Mrs. Sarah Asbell, mother of R. A. Asbell of this city, died at the residence  of her son, Mr. C. F. Asbell, at Gordon, Ga. yesterday morning. Mrs. Asbell has been in declining health for sevearl months past and the end was not unexpected. Funeral services will be held at the family burial lot, Andrews cenetery, ten miles from Macon, about noon today.


January 11, 1904
Atlanta Constitution
Dr. J. R. Wimberly Badly Burned
Jeffersonville, Ga. January 10 (Special) Dr. J. R. Wimberly one of the most prominent men of Twiggs county, was badly and probably fatally burned here today.

January 12, 1904
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Dr. J. R. Wimberly of Twiggs County Succumbs - Was Well Known Here. Funeral Takes Place Today.
Dr. J. R. Wimberly, 59 years old a  retired physician of Jeffersonville, Twiggs county, died at his residence in that town yesterday. He was well known here and the news of his death came as a severe shock to his many friends and acquaintances in Macon.
  He was a prominent Mason.
  He leaves five children - Mr. F. E. Wimberly, Mr. J. L. Wimberly, Mrs. J. J. Walls and Mrs. W. J. Carswell, all of Jeffersonville, to mourn their loss. The funeral takes place today from the home of the deceased at 10 o'clock. The body will be interred in the family burying ground with Masonic honors...

January 21, 1904
Macon Weekly Telegraph
PROMINENT MASON GOES TO HIS REWARD. Mr. William Faulk of Twiggs County Passes Away - Was a Very Prosperous Farmer - Funeral Arrangements.
  Mr. William Faulk, 82 years of age, passed away at his home at Jeffersonville at an early hour yesterday morning. He was one of, if not the most prosperous planter in Twiggs county, and was well known here. He was a prominent Mason. The deceased had been in declining health for some time, and his demise was not entirely unexpected by his friends and relatives. He leaves one child, Mrs. J. C. Shannon, of Jeffersonville.
  The interment takes place today at 11 a.m. at the family burying ground, and will be conducted with Masonic honors.

February 2, 1904
Atlanta Constitution
Found Skeleton in Swamp
Macon, Ga. December 1 (Special) A ghastly find was made Tuesday by a party of Macon hunters in a Twiggs county swamp. The skeleton of a negro woman was found nearly buried in the mud of the swamp, and a mystery was cleared up which has puzzled the authorities of Twiggs county for over a year. The woman's name wasGeorgia Ann Price, and at the time of her disappearance she was about sixty years old.

February 21, 1904
Atlanta Constitution
excerpt - Mrs. Sarah Adair, widow of the late James Adair, celebrated Friday night, the ninety-fourth yearly milestone in the journey of her life. Cheerful, happy and full of quaint humor, she is today one of Atlanta's most fascinating characters.
     Mrs. Adair was born in Twiggs county, Georgia, February 19, 1810. When only 16 years old she married Colonel James Adair. Soon after her marriage she moved to Talladega, Ala., to live. Ten children were given her, nine of whom she raised to manhood and womanhood. When she was 36 years old her husband died and she has remained a widow for fifty-eight years.
   She has been a Baptist all her life and all of her boys but one are deacons in the church of her adoption.
   Mrs. Adair is full of womanly insight and is counting on many years of life before her yet. She proudly tells of the fact that her grandmother lived to be 104 years old and sees no reason why she should not do likewise.

July 14, 1904
Macon Telegraph
Death of an Infant.  The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ryals will regret to learn of the death of their nine-months old son, which occurred at their residence in Twiggs county yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The funeral will occur at 3  o'clock this afternoon at their residence. The interment will be at Raymer church.,

October 27, 1904
Atlanta Constitution
   Mrs. Sarah Adair, widow of the late James Adair, and one of the best-known women in Georgia, died yesterday morning in the ninety-fifth year of her age at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Moore, 104 Crew street.
    Mrs. Adair has been ill for some time and her death was not unexpected. She was surrounded by a number of her relatives at the time of her demise. The funeral will occur today in Gainesville, Ga., her former home.
     Up to within a few weeks before her death Mrs. Adair had been in fine health considering her great age, and was hale and hearty. Only last February she celebrated her ninety-fourth birthday. She was the guest of honor at an elaborate family dinner, at which were present her children and grandchildren and a number of close friends. At that time she declared she was in fine health and expressed the belief that she would live many years longer. Despite her cheerfulness and the ministering care of her relatives and friends, she began to grow weak with old age and it was soon seen that she could live but a short while.
  She was the mother of Mrs. A.J. Moore, Mrs. Emily Derrick, A. D. Adair and G. B. Adair, of Atlanta and Mrs. W. H. Campbell of Gainesville, all of whom were at her beside when he died. She was the grandmother of Messrs. G. W. and J. D. McCarty and Mrs. Walter Dunson. She was the aunt of Dr. Robin Adair. She was related to George and Forest Adair, Mrs. W. E. Foster and Mrs. G. A. Howell.
  She was a favorite among her large family connection and her long life of usefulness and self-sacrifice was an inspiration to them.
    Mrs. Adair, was born in Twiggs county, Georgia, February 19, 1810. When only 16 years old she married Colonel James Adair. Soon after her marriage she moved to Talledega, Ala, to live. Ten children were given her, nine of whom she raised to manhood and womanhood. When she was 36 years old her husband died and she remained a widow for fifty-eight years.
   The funeral will take place this morning at 11 o'clock from the First Baptist church of Gainesville, Rev. J.A. Wynne officiating. The interment will be in Alta Vista cemetery, Gainesville.

November 10, 1904
Macon Daily Telegraph
  The funeral of Mrs. Ella E. Skipper, wife of Mr. E. B. Skipper of Skipperton, will occur at 11 o'clock this morning at Liberty chapel on the Houston road.
  She was 42 years of age and leaves four children to mourn her death. They are Misses Pearl, Pauline and Irene and Mr. John Skipper; also five brothers and three sisters. She was before her marriage Miss Elka E. Burkett, of Twiggs county. She was a devoted mother and loving wife, and a Christian woman.

January 9, 1905
Atlanta Constitution
DIED TOGETHER AS THEY LIVED. Comrades in Soldiers' Home Died in Same Hour.
     Within fifteen minutes, two confederate veterans, W. J.  Nelson and James E. Edwards, both inmates of the Soldiers' home, died yesterday afternoon, the former at 4 o'clock and the latter at 4:15 o'clock. Tuesday morning they will be interred together.
     Fought side by side, died side by side, to be interred side by side; so with these two old wearers of the gray. Through the civil war, in battle after battle, suffering together and singing together, until the white flag of peace was hoisted at Appomattox' court house, these two remained steadfast and staunch comrades.
      W. J. Nelson was 53 years of age. He was born in Twiggs county. After the war he settled in Lowndes county, following the occupation of mechanic. Four months and eighteen days ago he came to the Soldiers' home.
    Yesterday afternoon a call came into the undertaking establishment of Barclay & Brandon from the Soldiers' home; a soldier had just died. The call was hastily responded to, and while the body was being put in the ambulance the undertakers were informed that another defendant of The Lost Cause had passed to the great beyond.
   Funeral services will be held over both at the same time from the chapel of Barclay & Brandon tomorrow morning, and the interment will be in Westview. A special escort from the Soldiers' home will accompany the bodies to their last resting places.

February 9, 1905
Macon Telegraph
Mrs. Elizabeth Jessup, daughter of Rev. Charwick Tharp, of Twiggs county, and relict of the late Isaac Jessup, died at her home in Macon county, February 5th, in the 72nd year of her age.
  She was a most estimable Christian woman, and a prominent member of the Missionary Baptist church.
  She is survived by three children, Mr. R. A. Jessup, of Macon county, Mrs. S. F. Mann and Mrs. G. P. Bostin of this city.

March 26, 1905
Macon Telegraph
Two Story Masonic Building and Stock of Goods Valued at $10,000 Were Destroyed With No Insurance.
Jeffersonville, Ga., March 2. A fire originating in the two-story Masonic building here this morning caused the loss of the fine building and part of the stock of goods belonging to McCrary & Chapman, general merchants.
  The stock and building were valued at over then thousand dollars.
  There is no insurance
   The Masonic lodge held apartments overhead and the furniture and paraphernalia were a total loss.

June 19, 1905
The Macon Telegraph
PRIZES AWARDED IN TWIGGS COUNTY. Very Successful Year of the Public School - Close of the Annual Institute.
  Jeffersonville, Ga., June 18 - At the close of the institute at this place, which has been in progress during the past week, the annual contests were held.
  The Hughes medal for declamation was won by master Benton Linder, of the Danville school.
  The medal for elocution was won by Miss Mattie Miller of the Fitzpatrick school.
  The O'Daniel prize for the best history of Twiggs county since 1863 was won by Miss Rosebud Fitzpatrick of the Fitzpatrick school.
  The Solomon prizes for spelling were won by Miss Lucile Sanders of the Williams school, and Miss Lilla Gallemore of the Twiggs high school.
  The superior talent and excellent training displayed by the children in these contests were matter for general comment.
  Dr. J. C. Solomon, who is a native of this county but now resides in Atlanta, in his happy and inimitable way, delivered the medals.
  The following graduates from the public schools of the county received diplomas: Asa Martin, Richard Harrison, Benj. S. Fitzpatrick, Jr., Julia Smith, Rosebud Fitzpatrick and Eva Winborne.
  The county school commissioner expresses himself as abundantly satisfied with the work done at the institute under the expert teaching of Prof. J. N. Rogers of Sandersville.

July 1, 1905
Atlanta Constitution
Macon, Ga., June 30 - A special to the Telegraph from Jeffersonville, Ga., says:
"Former Sheriff E. F. Pettis was shot and instantly killed this afternoon by Cicero Blackshear. The boy fired four times with a revolver, each bullet entering the head.
  "Pettis had been boarding at the Blackshear home, two miles out from Jeffersonville. Mrs. Blackshear is a widow.
  "This afternoon her young daughter rushed out into a filed where the boy Cicero was at work and told him Pettis was beating their mother. The boy ran to the house, found the man pummeling his mother, and killed him.
  "It is alleged Pettis was drunk. He was a man about sixty years of age."

July 11, 1905
The Macon Telegraph
Bullards, Ga., July 10 - Mrs. J. B. Everett, aged 68 years, widow of the late John B. Everett, died yesterday morning at her residence near Bullards, Twiggs county, surrounded by her children, Mrs. W. H. Harrell, Mrs. Jno. Harrell, Mrs. T. J. Jordan and Messrs. Henry, Tom and William Everett, who did all that loving hands could do to palliate her suffering.
  She was Miss Elizabeth Bullard, daughter of the late Daniel Bullard of Twiggs county. A consistent member of the Baptist church. She bore her sufferings with patience and Christian fortitude and when the final summon came she was perfectly resigned. She was one of the oldest residents of Twiggs and will be greatly missed by her circle of friends and relatives.
  She will be buried Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock in the family burying ground.

August 8, 1905
Macon Telegraph
  The funeral of Mr. Stephen H. Melton, who died Sunday night at his home in Twiggs county occurred yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock from Stone Creek church, of which church he was a consistent member for 45 years. Mr. Melton was 81 years of age and leaves a wife, three sons and two daughters. They are Messrs. B. D., H. M., and C. A. and Miss L. E. Melton and Mrs. G. L. Sims of Douglas, Ga. He was an aged Confederate veteran, who had fought many a battle, and served his country faithful throughout the Civil War.

September 3, 1905
Atlanta Constitution
J. D. Martin, Jeffersonville, Ga.
Macon, Ga., September 2 (Special) A particularly sad death is reported here today from Jeffersonville. J. D. Martin, a young man who has been in attendance at the Mercer summer school, contracted typhoid fever and soon after returning home suffered a relapse from which he died Thursday. He was brother to Manager A. F. Martin, of the Mercer ball team of last season. The funeral occurred this afternoon.

September 8, 1905
Atlanta Constitution
George Bull Improving
Mcon, Ga., September 7 (Special) George Bull, the Twiggs county citizen who was badly slashed in a difficulty with Tom Glover while the two were enroute home from Macon on Tuesday evening, has improved at the hospital and is now on the road to recovery. His assailant has not been captured, but the sheriff and a posse have been on his track since he fled.

October 21, 1905
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Mrs. W. E. Jones of Jeffersonville, Ga., died yesterday morning at her home. She had been ill for about eight weeks.
  Mrs. Jones was 28 years of age. She leaves a husband and four children, the youngest being only five months old. She is survived also by a mother, four sisters and three brothers.
  The funeral was held at the Methodist church of Jeffersonville yesterday afternoon, the interment being in the family lot. Rev. P. W. Ellis conducted the service.

October 27, 1905
Macon Weekly Telegraph
   Mr. W. E. Jones of Jeffersonville, Ga., and his young daughter both are stricken with typhoid fever at the Macon hospital, each unaware of the serious condition of the other, and of the death of Mrs. W. E. Jones, which occurred several days ago.
  Mr. Jones was brought here from his home last Friday just after the sad death of his wife from the same disease with which he is now ill, and lies between life and death under the constant care of physicians and nurses. Yesterday it was decided best to bring his daughter here also, and she now lies under the same roof with her father also very sick.
  To undeceive either of these patients would doubtless be fatal, and the sad news of the death of the wife and mother will be withheld until they are more able to bear it.

November 19, 1905
The Macon Telegraph
  Danville, Ga., Nov. 18 - Mr. W. Mitchell of Macon spent Sunday night with Col. H. L. D. Hughes.
  Weldon Sheats spent Sunday in Macon.
  Several new members joined the board of trade last Monday night.
  David Padgett of Dublin was in town this week.
  J. G. Jordan of Macon was here on Tuesday.
  J. F. Haigler spent Tuesday in Dublin.
  Several new pupils entered Danville High School last Monday. The school will give their Thanksgiving entertainment next Friday night.
  W. S. Witham of the Witham Banking System, was here Tuesday and spoke in complimentary terms of the condition of our bank.
  Rev. I. G. Rabon, of the south Georgia conference, will locate on his farm South of town. He has for many years been a prominent member of the conference.
  Misses Lucy Mae Rogers of Macon and Winnie Hancock of Knoxville are the guests of Dr. Chapman and family.
  The Methodist people are discussing the building of a new church.
  Messrs. J. G. Jordan, B. F. Arnold, J. M. Johnston and J. B. Bowers and Misses Anna,Vera and Vona Tindall went to Jeffersonville Monday to see the circus.
  Haigler & Hall are devising plans for artificial lights for the town. The plan is meeting with favor and they propose to have their plant in operation by January 1.
  Rev. W. W. Howell spent Wednesday in Macon.
  Miss Orrie Bryan spent Thursday in Macon.
  Rev. W.W. Howell, one of our most enterprising farmers, fattens 100 head of hogs per year on peanuts alone.
  Miss Anna Tindall will spend Sunday in Dublin.
  Tuesday evening Dr. Chapman and wife gave a reception in honor of Misses Lucy May Rogers and Winnie Hancock.
  Miss Tommie Bryan has been on the sick list during the past week.
  Newton Champion has returned from Dublin.
  The school question here is growing in interest. It was decided some time ago to erect a new building, and the sentiment of the town now is to erect a $6,000 building. There will be an important meeting Monday night to determine plans and kind of building.

December 1, 1905
The Macon Daily Telegraph
   Mrs. Mary Fitzpatrick Solomon died Wednesday night at 8 o'clock at her residence in Jeffersonville. She was sick only ten days although she had been in feeble health for several months, and her death was a great shock to her many friends. Mrs. Solomon was 71 years of age and is survived by three children. They are: Mrs. R. Flournoy of Fort Valley, Mrs. B. J. Winn of Cochran and Mrs. J. H. Solomon of Jeffersonville; also two sisters and three brothers-Mrs. Avarilla F. Solomon and Mrs. Z. T. Miller and Mr. B. S. Fitzpatrick of Twiggs county and E. G. and J. J. Fitzpatrick of Tarversville.
  The funeral will take place this morning at 11 o'clock at her residence in Jeffersonville. The interment will be in the family burying grounds.

December  13, 1905
Atlanta Constitution
Dr.Thomas Gibson, Twiggs County.
Macon, Ga., December 12 (Special) Dr. Thomas Gibson, one of the best known physicians in the state and one of the oldest, died last late last night on his plantation in Twiggs county, several miles from Macon, after an illness of several weeks. he was the father of Dr. O.C. Gibson, county physician, and was 86 years of age. For 67 years Dr. Gibson had practiced medicine and he kept at it until he was taken ill. He was born in Warren county and was the last of six brothers, three physicians and three lawyers. his father, Dr. Thomas Gibson, was the first ordinary and clerk Warren county ever had and his grandfather was a colonel in the revolutionary war under General Nathaniel Greene in the southern campaign. Dr. Gibson was possessed of a remarkable memory and notwithstanding his advanced age, never wore eyeglasses. He had been a Mason ever since 1842 and that order will have charge of the funeral services. He will be buried tomorrow at the family burying ground at Mountain Springs.

December 22, 1905
The Macon Telegraph
   Two Twiggs county men, Messrs. T. G. Crosby and E. J. Crosby, received injuries as a result of a runaway that occurred on Poplar street yesterday a few minutes after the noon hour. One of the men was thrown from the wagon to the pavement at a terrific rate. His right arm and two ribs were broken. His companion escaped with less injury but was badly bruised. Both were removed to the city hospital and their wounds dressed.


February 19, 1906
Atlanta Constitution
R. W. Barne, Twiggs County
Macon, Ga., February 18 (Special) R. W. Barne, one of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of Twiggs county, died at the family home last night at 8 o'clock after lingering more than a year. Four children survive him. They are: Messres T.W. and R. H. Barne, of Macon; H.W. Barne, of Savannah, and Mrs. J.V. Sheppard, of Reynolds, Ga. The funeral occurred this afternoon at the late home and interment took place in the family burying ground. Rev. H. C. Sanders conducted the services.

February 20, 1906
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Death of Mr. Andrews. Mr. C. A. Andrews died yesterday morning at 9 o'clock at his home in East Macon, after an illness of ten days.
  Mr. Andrews was 23 years of age, and had been an employee of the Mallory-Taylor Company for some time. He is survived by his father, Mr. C. A. Andrews, Sr.; two sisters, Misses Claudia and Minnie Andrews, and two brothers, Messrs. Harry and Jease C. Andrews, all of Macon.
  The remains will be taken to the family burial grounds nine miles from the city, this morning at 9 o'clock, where the interment will take place at 11 o'clock.

March 31, 1906
The Macon Daily Telegraph
"Doc" Arnold, well known and well liked in Macon died at his home on Oak avenue in Vineville Friday morning. He was in his 70th year. Mr. Arnold left a wide circle of friends who will regret his death.
  The body was taken to Danville, Ga. at 3:20 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and the funeral services and interment will be conducted at that place today.

March 31, 1906
Atlanta Constitution
J. E. Granberry, Macon, Ga.
Macon, Ga. March 30 (Special) James E. Granberry, confederate veteran and citizen for many years residing in east Macon, died yesterday afternoon after a brief illness at an advanced age. He was a native of Twiggs county, and is survived by five children, Mrs. T. J. Bishop, Mrs. R.L Lasseter, Mrs. Jerry Norris and Mrs. Fousse, of Macon, and R. L. Granberry, of Atlanta. The funeral occurred this afternoon, Rev. Perry Lee officiating. Interment occurred in Riverside cemetery.

April 18 1906
Macon Daily Telegraph
J. G. Knox, aged 55 years, an old resident of Macon, died about 7 o'clock last night at his home in Bullards. The funeral will be held at 3 o'clock this afternoon. The deceased is survived by two sons and three daughters: J. A. Knox of Macon, W. B. Knox of Bullards, Mrs. Cleo Roberts of Macon, Mrs. H. D. Everett of Bullards, and Mrs. L. J. Horton of Macon. Mr. Knox was a man of sterling character, and a host of friends mourn his death..

May 11, 1906
Macon Weekly Telegraph
  The body of Earnest Goins, who was shot on Tuesday by his brother-in-law, James Ford will be buried in Jeffersonville, Ga. The body will leave the city at 6 o'clock this morning over the Macon, Dublin and Savannah railroad. The interment will take place today.

May 13, 1906
Macon Telegraph
Rosland Hayes, the young son, of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hayes, of Danville, Ga. died Friday evening at the Macon hospital. His parents brought him to Macon on the day of his death, in the hope that different treatment would effect a cure. The body was taken to Danville yesterday afternoon, where the funeral will be held to-day.

August 5, 1906
Macon Daily Telegraph
~excerpt~ IN MEMORIAL. Paul Burke Meadows, age 1 year and 11 days.
  Earth sorrowed, but Heaven rejoiced when, on the morning of July 13, 1906, "The Little Gardeners" came down and entered the home of I. N. and Jennie Burke Meadows, of Allentown, Ga., and plucked their only flower, to transplant in Heaven.

August 12, 1906
Atlanta Constitution
Without Telling Anybody a Young Macon Couple is Wedded.
Constitution Bureau, 467 Second Street, Macon, Ga., August 11 (Special) A long courtship was ended last night with a romantic wedding when MissAldine Bragg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bragg, of Washington avenue, this city, was married to Mr. W. C. Tharpe.
  She had gone out on a short visit to relative not many miles away when all arrangements were made for the wedding. A message bidding her come home which went from her lover here yesterday completed the affair, and accordingly, when she arrived late yesterday evening, the two went to the home of Rev. Mr. Ivey and were quietly wedded. The mother and father were not informed of the ceremony. Somehow the couple were afraid that it would not be pleasant news to the parents.
  It had come time for Mr. Tharpe to take his annual vacation from the post office, where he is one of the clerical force. The two planned to make this vacation all that their hearts could wish, and the marriage was determined. When the news was conveyed to the family and friends of both parties today they found themselves surprised. Mr. Tharpe is a member of a well-known Twiggs county family and has several brothers and sisters who are well and favorably known. Miss Bragg has also many friends and is a beautiful young lady. When their wedding tour is over they will  make their home in Macon.

September 28, 1906
Macon Weekly Telegraph
   Jeffersonville, Ga., Sept. 27 - Mr. J. G. Gates, one of the oldest and best citizens of Twiggs County, died at his home near Jeffersonville yesterday morning at 8 o'clock. Mr. Gates was in his 79th year and until recently had enjoyed good health. Mr. Gates leaves a host of friends and relatives to mourn his death. He leaves a wife, two children, Mrs. J. I. White, of this place, and Prof. A. M. Gates, of Union Baptist College at Mt. Vernon, Ga. He will be buried with Masonic honors at Jeffersonville at 11 o'clock Thursday morning.

September 28, 1906
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Henry Martin, aged 20 years, a well-known former resident of this city, died yesterday morning about 4 o'clock at this home in Twiggs County.
    Besides his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Martin, of Macon, he is survived by three brothers and one sister. The funeral will be held at 10 o'clcok this morning in Twiggs County, Rev. Mr. Duell, pastor of the Baptist church, officiating.

November 10, 1906
Macon Daily Telegraph
W. E. Epps, aged 66 years, died yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock at Fitzpatrick, Ga. He leaves a wife, two sons and three daughters. The funeral and interment will take place at Fitzpatrick at 3 o'clock this afternoon.

November 25, 1906
Atlanta Constitution
DANIEL HUGHES DIES AT MACON. Prominent Georgia Had Been in Bad Health for Several Years
  Macon, Ga., November 24 (Special) Daniel G. Hughes breathed his last, at the family home in Vineville, this afternoon at 1 o'clock. The answer to death's call came quietly and while all the members of the family were at his bedside. He had been in declining health for more than two years and while the end was expected, his death is a shock to the entire city and central portion of the state. He was a planter and a gentleman of the old southern type.
      Daniel G. Hughes was born in Twiggs county April 5, 1828. He attended a private school in that county and attended his junior year in Franklin college, now the state university at Athens. Leaving college, he was married to Miss Mary H., daughter of Alsa Moore, of Athens, sister of Dr. Richard Moore and sister-in-law of Congressman Charles Bartlett. He settled in Twiggs county. He lived there until 1889, when he moved to Macon, which has since been his home. Mr. Hughes' wife died in 1880, and he married Anna N., daughter of Samuel Dalzell, of Indianapolis. He has two children living, A. Hughes, who owns and lives on one of the finest farms in Georgia, and Carrie H., wife of Charles D. Hill, solicitor of the Atlanta circuit. He is also survived by four grandchildren, Harvey Hill, of Atlanta; Dennard Hughes, Dan G. Hughes and Hennie Lou Hughes, of Darwell (Danville), Ga. Mr. Hughes served two years in the civil war, in which he was an efficient officer. After the war he returned to Twiggs county, where he owned large lands and other interests, and lived there until he moved to this county. He has always been actively employed in business, but although born and reared on the farm and living on it the greater part of his life, Mr. Hughes has always been an active politician. He was always a stanch democrat and was elected to represent his county in the general assembly in 1885 and 1886 and so efficiently did he serve his constituents that they wished him to serve a second term, but he declined reelection. Mr. Hughes ran for congress in the fifth congressional district against James H. Blount, and the race was a very close one. He was a director of the Macon, Dublin and Savannah railway. He was a member of the Elks and Royal Arch Masons and a member of the Baptist church. The funeral services will be conducted at the residence tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. The older citizens and business men of the city will be present.
     The remains will be shipped Monday morning to Atlanta for interment.
(Note - he is buried in Oakland Cemetery, Atlanta)


March 31, 1907
Macon Daily Telegraph
~extract MissBertha Mae Wall and Mr. William Faulk Shannon were married in Macon Methodist parsonage Wednesday after by Dr. T. D. Ellis.
  Miss Wall is a granddaughter of J.P. Wall, Twiggs County. Mr. Shannon son of J. C. Shannon of Jeffersonville.

April 24, 1907
Atlanta Constitution
Many Beautiful Floral Offerings Were Dent to the Home Yesterday
        All that was mortal of Mrs. Caroline H. Hill, the wife of Hon. Charles D. Hill, solicitor general of the Fulton county superior court, was laid to rest yesterday afternoon under the sod of Oakland cemetery. Beautiful floral offerings, the last tributes of affection from any friends, entirely covered the mound above her last resting place.
    The funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Sacred Heart church, Rev. Father John Gunn officiating. the church was filled by the friends of the family, hundreds of whom knew and loved Mrs. Hill for her many rare qualities of heart and mind.
  Mrs. Hill is survived by her husband, Hon. Charles D. Hill; one son, Harvey Hill, and one brother, Hon. Dudley M. Hughes, of Danville, Ga.

April 29, 1907
The Macon Daily Telegraph
  Jeffersonville, Ga., April 28 - One of the most brilliant home weddings that has occurred near here was that of Miss Virginia Slappey and Mr. Alathia Walters, which took place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Slappey, at West Lake, last Thursday evening. Rev. G. F. Austin performed the ceremony.
  The lovely old colonial home was beautifully decorated for the occasion in palms, ferns, lilies and roses.
  Promptly at 8 o'clock to the strains of Mendelssohn beautifully rendered by Miss Elizabeth Carswell, the bridal party entered from opposite directions as follows: Misses Rowena Taylor and Miss Sarah Faulk, Miss Pearl Solomon and Mrs. Pauline Maxwell, then the groom entered with his best man, Mr. Joseph Walters, his brother, they being joined at the altar by the bride, leaning on the arm of her maid of honor, Miss Jessie Rice. The bride and the maid of honor carried beautiful shower bouquets of ferns and bride's roses, while the first two maids carried lilies and ferns and the other two American Beauty roses and ferns. The bridesmaids wore beautiful white lingerie gowns trimmed in lace and insertion. The bride's wedding gown was a lovely creation of gauzy white liberty silk made princess entrine, the bodice was fashioned in dainty lace. Her soft veil that fell to the bottom of her skirt was caught with white rose buds intermingled with ferns.
  Mrs. Walters is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Slappey and is a young lady of fine accomplishments and lovely traits of character, which make her very popular where ever she goes. Mr. Walters is one of the county's most estimable young men and a fine business man.
  Among the out of town guests were: Mrs. B. S. Fitzpatrick, Miss Juliette Fitzpatrick, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Walker Jones, of Fitzpatrick; Misses Pearl Solomon, Mary Faulk, Bessie Harrell, Addie Wall, Fanny Solomon, Gena and Sarah Faulk, Finney, Elizabeth Carswell, Messrs. P. E. Glenn, Manson and Slappey, Mr. and Mrs. . E. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hunter Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Vaughan, Mr. and Mrs. Austin, Mrs. D. S. Faulk, Mrs, Pauline Maxwell, Mrs. J. G. Slappey, Mrs. Mary Lou Carswell, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Shannon, Mrs. Shines Faulk, Mr. and Mrs. Will Slappey, from Jeffersonville, Mesdames Goodman and Wood, Misses Rice, Rowena Taylor and Wood and Mr. John Anderson, from Macon.

May 8, 1907
Macon Telegraph
Mrs. Lenora A. Dennard, age 43, died yesterday morning at her home on Mulberry street, after an illness of several weeks, and the body will be taken to Jeffersonville this morning for interment at her old home. Mrs. Dennard is well known in the city, and leaves four children, P. E. and C. B. Dennard, and
Mrs. J. S. Smithson and Mrs. O. C. Attaway, all of Macon.

June 21, 1907
Macon Telegraph
  Mr. Glover Burns, aged 28 years, died at 9:10 o'clock yesterday morning, at the City Hospital, after a four weeks' siege of typhoid fever. Mr. Burns was a well known young man and leaves a wife and a young son, James, and his father and mother, Mrs. J. K. Burns, of Jeffersonville. The remains were shipped to the home of his parents in that city where the funeral will take place this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment in family burying ground.

July 14, 1907
Atlanta Constitution
Was Out in Her Back Yard at the Time
Jefferson Ga., July 13 (Special) Mrs. Robert E. Lee Burns, daughter of Pink Mercer, was struck by lighting yesterday and killed while driving some chickens in the back yard at her home.  She lives at Twiggsville, near here. The funeral will be held tomorrow. Mrs. Burns was of a prominent family in the community.

July 24, 1907
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Florence Edna, the bright little 8-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mitchum, died yesterday afternoon at 1:45 o'clock at the residence, 429 Rose street, after an illness of only two weeks. She was a student of Alexander School No. 2, and was the only child of her parents. The funeral will be held at the residence this morning at 5:30 o'clock, the Rev. Quarrels officiating, and the remains will be shipped on the 7 o'clock train to Twiggs County for interment.

August 15, 1907
Atlanta Constitution
Death of MissClara Minter
Macon, Ga., August 15 (Special) Miss Clara Minter, aunt of City Attorney Minter Wimberly, of Macon, died at her home in Adams Park yesterday at the age of 69 years. She was a lady of lovable disposition and well known throughout  a wide community. She is survived by a large number of nieces and nephews. The funeral occurred today at the home.

September 7, 1907
The Macon Daily Telegraph
   Mr. W. J. Harrison, aged 67 years, died at 7 o'clock yesterday morning at his residence in Twiggs County. He leaves his wife and two brothers, R. L. and Z. Harrison. He was a Confederate veteran and had served Twiggs County efficiently in the State Senate. The funeral will occur this morning at 11 o'clock at the home in Twiggs County, The Rev. W. D. Dewell officiating.

October 15, 1907
Atlanta Constitution
Death of W. J. Burkett. Macon, Ga., October 14 (Special) W. J. Burkett, aged 67 years, died this morning at the home of the family on Bellvue avenue after an illness of several weeks. He was a native of Twiggs county and was born in 1840. He is survived by his wife and a daughter, Mrs. T. J. Butler, in Macon, and two grand children. The funeral arrangements will await the arrival of H. C. Marsey, of Bristol, Tenn.

December 29, 1907
Macon Telegraph
~excerpt~Jeffersonville, Ga. Dec. 28. No more beautiful wedding has ever been celebrated in Jeffersonville than that of Miss Elizabeth Gilbert Carswell, to Mr. Oscar Thomas Chapman which took place promptly at five o'clock Thursday afternoon, December 24th, at the Methodist Church at this place......
...delightful musical program was rendered with Miss Orline O'Daniel, niece of the bride, at the piano.
......Entering the church first were the ushers, Mr. J. Hunter Johnson and Mr. Ellington Burke down one aisle and Mr. William S. Jones and Mr. Cowan Jones down the other, then came the attendants in single file down the opposite aisles and met within the chancel. They came in the following order: Mr. R. M. Manson and Mr. James Balkcon, Miss Ella Gena Balkcom and Mrs. Pauline Maxwell, Mr. W. H. Whitehurst and Mr. Homer Bivins, Miss Martha McCrary and Miss Lulie Cook, Mr. Lofton Thompson and Mr. W. E. Carswell, Miss Cornelia Methvin and Miss Bessie Harrell. Then came the maid of honor, Miss Kathleen Jones alone, after whom came the bride on he arm of the matron of honor, who is a sister of the bride, Mrs. S. E. Jones, who was immediately preceded by little James Powell, nephew of the bride, and little Ruth Chapman, a cousin, who scattered her pathway with flowers. Mr. Chapman, the groom, who entered with his brother, Mr. William Chapman...met at the altar.... by Rev. Osgood F. Cook, of Macon......

    Mr. and Mrs Chapman left on the 6 o'clock train for an extensive trip through Florida.


January 16, 1908
Macon Telegraph
Mr. J. J. Bowden died yesterday morning at 8 o'clock, after an illness of several weeks. Mr. Bowden was 62 years of age. He leaves three sons and two daughters, all of this city. The funeral and interment will take place today at the family burying ground in Twiggs County.

March 18, 1908
The Macon Daily Telegraph
  Miss Amelia Bond died last night at 7:30 o'clock at the family residence in Twiggs County, after a brief illness. She is survived by a sister, Mrs. J. A. Christian, and by three brothers Messres. J. H. Bond, J. T. Bond and R. W. Bond, all of Twiggs County. Miss Bond was well known in Macon and many will regret to learn of her death.

April 28, 1908
Atlanta Constitution
TRAGIC DEATH OF DR. WIMBERLY. Prominent Physician Struggles With Raging Waters Only to Succumb.
Macon, Ga., April 27 (Special) After a struggle with the waters of Richland creek, six miles southeast of Jeffersonville, in which Dr. Warren Wimberly, and his horse were all but drowned, the rider, by superhuman efforts, recovered himself, and saved his horse after reaching the banks of the swollen stream, and died of what appeared to be over-exertion and exposure before he reached home early this morning.
      He was on his way from his home to visit a patient and his journey was across the stream. He was all alone and on horseback. He tried to ford the stream, and immediately found himself in a deadly struggle with the waters. After he reached the bank and save his horse he was a long time exposed, and before assistance came. He was desperately ill while he was being taken from the banks home in a buggy, and expired. It was supposed a weak heart failed him in the trying time.
     Dr. Wimberly was a brother of Hon. Minter Wimberly, of Macon; a brother of Miss Clara Wimberly and Mrs. O. Campbell, of Atlanta. While his brother here was at the bar planning to take up a case before Judge Felton in the superior court, a message came announcing the accident. The brother hurried away, and it was late this afternoon before particulars reached Macon. The funeral arrangements have been made for tomorrow at the family home. Dr. Wimberly was well known in Macon and a popular citizen in the community. He leaves a family.
   The following well know Atlantans were cousins of Dr. Wimberly: Mrs. Edward C. Peters, Mrs. Preston S. Arkwright, Mrs. Charles Hopkins, Mrs. Geo. P. Howard, Miss Colquitt and Judge Walter Colquitt. Dr. Wimberly was a nephew of Major James Warren, who for twenty-five or thirty years was secretary of the executive department at the state capitol.
   In the early 80's Dr. Wimberly was a student at the Kirkwood Military academy, when that institution was under the direction of Professor Charles M. Neill. After leaving the Kirkwood Military academy, Dr. Wimberly attended the University of Georgia, at Athens, from which he graduated in 1887.

May 3, 1908
Macon Telegraph
  The remains of the late Mrs. Narcissus Myrick, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. A. Griffin, in East Macon, were carried to Twiggs County, where the funeral will be held and interment made this morning.

May 8, 1908
Macon Daily Telegraph
  Wednesday night at 10 o'clock death claimed for its victim the sweet spirit of Mrs. Nancy Tharpe, who lived to the ripe old age of nearly 78 years,
   She died as she had lived, meekly, illustrating by acts and deeds, the life she professed to follow as a model, to be imitated by all, the Lord Jesus Christ.
   A week ago she was taken very suddenly ill, became unconscious the third day and and from then to the end she did not recognize any one or anything that happened but a few times.
   She leaves only two living sons, out of a family of eight boys and girls, Rev. G. W. Tharpe and Thomas Tharpe, with thirteen grandchildren.
   She was, under all circumstances, always amiable in disposition, gentle in deportment and forgiving in her nature.
  It may be truly said of her that "she hath done what she could" in a quiet way to help humanity and honor her Lord.
   She will be laid to rest in her final resting place today at the J. A. Nelson cemetery in Twiggs County at 10 o'clock a.m. Rev. J. P. Lee, officiating

May 8, 1908
Macon Telegraph
  Mrs. N. Melton, age 88 years, died yesterday morning at 10 o'clock at the family residence, corner of First and Boundary streets.
   She has been sick only a few days and had many friends in Macon, who will learn with much sorrow of her death.
   Mrs. Melton is survived by four children, Messrs. Aleck and W. M. Melton, and Mrs. M. Massengale and Miss M. Melton all living in Macon.
   The funeral services will take place this morning from the late residence at 9:30 o'clock, Rev. T. E. Davenport officiating. The remains will be carried to Reed's station for interment.

July 19, 1908
Atlanta Constitution
LIGHTNING STUCK BASEBALL PLAYERS. Frank (Dan) Harrell Killed and Negro Injured At Bullards.
Macon, Ga. July 18 - An electric storm suddenly broke over Bullards, 17 miles from here, this afternoon, and a bolt of lightning killed young Dan Harrell, son of Frank Harrell, and fatally injured a negro, besides shocking many others.
  Young Harrell, with others, had assembled to play a game of baseball when the bolt fell among them without warning.

August 17, 1908
Atlanta Constitution
Death of Mrs. Dyer in Twiggs. Macon, Ga. August 16. (Special) Mrs. Lucinda Dyer died at the family home in Twiggs county this morning after four months of suffering. She was 60 years of age, and is survived by a son and three daughters. The funeral will be conducted tomorrow morning, Rev. G. B. Ward officiating. Mrs Dyer was a consistent member of the Baptist church, and was known throughout the community as a woman of exemplary Christian character.

September 2, 1908
Macon Daily Telegraph
   ~excerpts~Mrs. Sarah Eugenia Denson, wife of Dr. E J. Denson, of Allentown, Georgia, died in the Macon Hospital Thursday, August 27, 1908. The cause of her death was blood poison and diabetes. The blood poison originated from a bona felon on the thumb. When Dr. Denson had done all he could for her relief, but all in vain, he took his wife to the Macon Hospital, where she had the advantage of the best medical skill and trained nurses, but all could not avail to bring about a return of health. All that the loving hearts and tender, willing hands of her many relatives and friends could do, and all that the learned and sympathetic physicians and trained nurses could do, was done in vain for her relief and comfort.
  Mrs. Denson, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Rogers, of Wilkinson County, was born December 15, 1867. She was married to Dr. Denson June 20, 1892. She made a profession of faith in Christ and united with the Baptist Church at Friendship in Twiggs County. In August of the same year in which she was married, Rev. R. C. Sanders baptized her. Some time afterwards she moved her membership to the Allentown Baptist Church, of which she was a consistent and active member a the time of her death.
  Mrs. Denson is survived by her parents, mentioned above, two brothers and a sister, Messrs. J. T. and W. L. Florence Rogers, and by her husband, and fourteen-year-old daughter Miss Eugenia Denson.
  The remains of Mrs. Denson were laid to rest in the family burial ground at Ripley, Twiggs County, August 28, 1908.

September 9, 1908
Macon Telegraph
  Mrs. Lector Hooks, aged 45 years, died at 10 o'clock last night at the residence of Mr. J. J. Wall in Jeffersonville. The funeral will occur at 10 o'clock this morning. Interment in the family burying ground.  

September 18, 1908
Atlanta Constitution
Death of Mrs. E. A. Tankesley. Macon, Ga., September 17 (Special) Mrs. E. A. Tankesley died early this morning at the family residence in Twiggs county, a short distance from Macon. She was well known in Macon and had many friends. The funeral will occur tomorrow.

September 29, 1908
Atlanta Constitution
Death of Mrs. Ruth Phillips. Macon, Ga., September 28 (Special) Mrs. Ruth Phillips died last night at the home of her son in East Macon at the age of 76 years. She is survived by two sons, A.J. and W.T. Phillips and one daughter, Mrs. Ella Bryant. The funeral occurred this afternoon at Friendship church, in Twiggs county.

December 16, 1908
Macon DailyTelegraph
TRAGIC DEATH IN A RUNAWAY. George M. Bull, Well-Known Twiggs County Planter, Killed on Outing Club Road Yesterday Morning.
   In a runaway on the Outing Club road yesterday morning about 11 o'clock, Mr. George M. Bull, aged 53 years, a well-known planter of Twiggs county, was instantly killed. Becoming frightened when his companion, a small negro boy, lost control of the reins and the mule ran away, he jumped from the wagon, falling upon his head. Death was instantaneous, due to concussion of the brain.
  Mr. Bull had started to walk to the city when about a mile beyond the club, he was overtaken by the wagon, which was driven by a negro boy. He was invited to a seat. When near Cross Keys, the mule was scared by a passing train, and started on a wild run, swaying the wagon from one side of the road to the other. It was then that Mr. Bull attempted to jump. When reached by Drs. Little and Gibson, who were summoned from the city, he was dead.
  Coroner Young hastened to the scene of the accident, and, after a thorough investigation, decided that an inquest was unnecessary. He closely questioned several witnesses, among them the negro drive, and found that the man was killed solely through accident.
  The deceased was never married. He is survived by a brother, James Bull, and by two sisters.


January 4, 1909
The Macon Daily Telegraph
  Mr. John Birdsong, aged 52 years, died at his home in Twiggs county, at 4:00 o'clock Saturday afternoon after an illness of two weeks with pneumonia.
  Mr. Birdsong is survived by his wife, and four children, and a host of friends, who will regret to learn of his death.
  The funeral services will take place this (Monday) morning at 10 o'clock from Liberty Hill Church. Rev. Mr. Johnson officiating.
The interment will be made in the church cemetery.

February 3, 1909
Macon Telegraph
  Mr. J. W. Paul, Sr., died at his home at Bullards, Monday night at a late hour.
  Mr. Paul was 79 years of age and had been in feeble health for some time past. He is survived by his wife, three sons and three daughters. They are Messrs. J. W. Paul, Jr., Hugh D. Paul, of Macon, and Cleveland Paul, of Bullards, Mrs. L. A. Price, of Macon, Mrs. S. Solomon, of Bullards, and Mrs. Julia Melton, of Birmingham.
  Mr. Paul was a veteran, and had many friends in Bibb and Twiggs counties.
  The funeral was held at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Interment was in the family burying ground.

April 8, 1909
Atlanta Constitution
Death of Danville Physician
Macon, Ga,, April 7 (Special Dr. J. M. Gilbert, a prominent physician, of Danville, Ga., died this morning, after a long illness. he was 52 years of age, and is survived by a wife, two brothers and three sisters. The funeral will occur tomorrow. Dr. Gilbert was well known and had a host of friends.

April 19, 1909
Macon Telegraph
Mrs. Clifford Champion, the wife of Mr. W. A. Champion, of Danville, Ga., died at the Macon hospital last night at 10:30 o'clock, after an illness of several days, having been brought here for treatment from her home in the above named city.
   She was forty-seven years of age, and is survived by her husband and four children.
  The remains will be carried to Danville over the Macon, Dublin and Savannah road this morning at 7 o'clock, where the interment will take place some time Tuesday.

May 22, 1909
Macon Daily Telegraph
  The funeral services of Mrs. Eula Meeks will be held this morning at 10 o'clock from Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, Twiggs county. Rev. G. W. Tharp will conduct the services and the interment will be made in the family burial grounds.
  Besides her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kitchens, she is survived by five children, four daughters and one son, two sisters, Mrs. E. F. Stuart, of Cross Keys; and Mrs. A. V. Crosby, of Twiggs county; also six brothers, Messs. J. M. Kitchens, of Loraine; J. C. of James Station; H. M. of Bullards; R. L. of Macon; E. E. and C. S., of Griswoldville, Ga.

August 21, 1909
The Macon Daily Telegraph
  The remains of theinfant daughter of Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Solomon who died at 8 o'clock yesterday morning, at the residence, No. 105 First street, were taken to Jeffersonville yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, where the funeral and interment took place. Their many friends sympathize with them in their bereavement.

September 6, 1909
Macon Telegraph
William Clifford Tharpe, born in Twiggs county September 12, 1883, died September 5, 1909.
  He is survived by his mother and step-father, B. C. Tharpe and brother, G. C. Tharpe, one sister, Miss Alma Tharpe, four half brothers, Claude, Linton, Benjamin and Tom Tharpe, and wife, Mrs. Alatyne Bragg Tharpe, and by his maternal grand parents, Capt. and Mrs. Lint A. Nash.
  Will be buried at the Nelson cemetery near Dry Branch in Twiggs county, at 10 a. m. September 6, 1909.

November 7, 1909
Macon Telegraph
~!excerpt~ The marriage of Miss Cowan Faulk and Prof. H. L. Worsham, of Broxton, took place last Saturday afternoon, October 30, at 2:30 o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents, Judge and Mrs. W. C. Faulk. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. M. Kelley, of Vienna, and was witnessed by relatives and intimate friends........................


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