January 17, 1860
Macon Weekly Telegraph
~extract~Georgia - Twiggs County. Whereas
Martha Tharpe, Guardian for the persons and property of William,
James D., Ada, Augustus, Mortimer, and Georgia V. Tharp, heirs of William
A. Tharp, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters
of dismisson from said Guardianship.
Given under my hand officially at Marion,
December 5, 1859. Lewis Solomon, Ordinary. Dec 13.
January 31, 1860
Federal Union
~excerpt~ ....sold on the first Tuesday
in February next, Marion, Twiggs county, one house and lot in Jeffersonville,
occupied by the Rev. W. R.
Sterly at this time, number not known..fi fa, in favor of E. T.
Sheftall, vs said Sterly..W. W. Bozeman, Sh'ff. Dec. 22, 1859.
....order for leave to sell all that portion of property which is found going to Miss Mary C. Boothe, while in life, and in and by the will of John M. Allen, late of said county, deceased, for the purpose of effecting a division of the same amongst the surviving brothers and sisters, of the said Mary C., deceased. D. G. Hughes, Executor. Marion, Dec. 6th 1859.
....estate of John S. Goodwin, late of said county, deceased, is unrepresentated and liable to loss for want of a legal representative...Marion, January 10, 1860. Lewis Solomon, Ordinary
....Bryant Asbil, applies to me for letters of Guardianship, of the person and property of William J. Hunter, Minor heir of William Hunter, late of Lowndes county, deceased....Marion, Jan. 21d, 1860. Lewis Solomon, Ord'y
... Isham Edwards applies to me for letters of Administration on the estate of Wyatt Allen, late of said county, deceased...Lewis Solomon, Ord'y. Jan 9th, 1860.
....William A. Andrews, applies to me for letters of Administration with the will annexed, on the estate of Bennett Tull, late of said county, deceased. ..this Dec., 28th, 1859. Lewis Solomon, Ord'ry.
...William M. Bozeman, applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Edward B. Latson, late of saidcounty deceased...Marion, January 24th, 1860. Lewis Solomon, Ord'y.
...W. D. Horne, and Archibald McAllum applies to me for letters of administration de bonis non, on the estate of Isreal Gragg, late of said county, deceased....Marion, January 25th, 1860. Lewis Solomom, Ord'y.
...W. D. Horne, and Archibald McAllum, applies to me for letters of administration de bonis non, on the estate of Andrew L. Joyner, late of said county deceased...Marion, January 25th, 1860. Lewis Solomon, Ord'y.
...Washington Tharp, applies to me
for letters of Guardianship of the person and property of Thomas J.
and Elizabeth Tharp, minor orphans of David
Tharp, late of Louisiana, deceased...Marion, January 19th, 1860. Lewis
Solomon, Ord'y.
March 24, 1860
Macon Telegraph
Notice to Debtors and Creditors. All persons
indebted to the Estate of Henry Faulk,
late of Twiggs County, are requested to make immediate payment; And all
persons holding claims or demands against said Estate are hereby notified
that they must present them, duly authenticated, within the time prescribed
by law, or this notice will be plead in bar there of.
Celina Faulk,
Adm'rx. march 8
April 30, 1860
Macon DailyTelegraph
DIED In this city of Brain Fever, on the
night of 30th inst., in the 35th year of his age, BENJAMIN
T. SMITH, formerly of Twiggs county, Ga.
June 23, 1860
Augusta Chronicle
G. Beckom, Esq., of Twiggs county, died very suddenly at his residence
on the 19th instant.
June 25, 1860
Macon DailyTelegraph
MARRIED. On the morning of the 12th inst.,
at the residence of Daniel G. Hughes, by R. R. Wimberly,
Esq., Mr. Wm. Methvin and Miss Samantha
Mimms, all of Twiggs Co.
July 6, 1860
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Walker." So reads the label on a bottle of this beverage, placed upon
our table this morning by Mr. Walker, of Twiggs county. -
We have heard of it and written of
it before, and always in terms of commendation. It has been pronounced
in Macon, by a foreign connoisseur of undoubted authority, equal to the
best of the Rhine Wines. It may be had of E. Maussenet.
July 28, 1860
Macon Telegraph
Sixty days after date application will be
made to the Court of Ordinary of Twiggs county for leave to sell the negroes
belonging to the minors of W. W. Hodges,
late of Twiggs county, deceased. Josiah Hodges, Guardian. June 29,
September 1, 1860
Macon Weekly Telegraph
We learn that last week, a man by
the name of Railey, a brother of the
ex-Sheriff of Twiggs county, was instantly killed by one Hooks.
The circumstances, as detailed to us, are these: -
Railey met Hooks in the road riding with
his wife in a buggy, and said he would whip him (Hooks) then and there,
but for the presence of his wife, but next day it should be done in his
field. Accordingly, next day Railey went to the field where Hooks was at
work, and inthe act of getting over the fence, was shot by Hooks, the ball
passing through Railey's jaw and killing him instantly. Hooks surrounded
himself to the officers of the law, but after examination was discharged
from custody.
September 18, 1860
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
Died, at the residence of Mr.
Story, in Twiggs county, on the 9th inst., Dr.
Anderson King, son of Wesley King, age about 22 years.
About two months since, the writer
had the pleasure of an acquaintance with Dr. King, at Ball's Church, during
a Sabbath School celebration, where he delivered his first public address
to the many pupils, patrons and friends that were assembled for the occasion.
The addrss was chaste, eloquent, and characterized by a spirit of
true piety and humble devotion to the giver of all good gifts and graces.
Our second visit to that Church was
to meet that same assemblage, to hear the funeral preached, and to pay
the last sad tribute of respect to that amiable, worthy and pious young
man. "Alas how uncertain is life." A FRIEND.
November 13, 1860
Federal Union
MARRIED, On the morning of the 28th ult.,
at the Residence of the bride's father, in Twiggs County, by Rev. Lewis
Solomon, Mr. Josiah W. Hearn, to Miss Mary
Jane Ray.
On the Morning of the 4th inst.,
at the house of H. M. Loyless Esq., in Marion, Ga., by Rev. Lewis
Solomon, Mr. William Odaniel to Miss Elizabeth
M. Land, all of Twiggs Co., Ga.
March 6, 1861
Macon Telegraph
MARRIED, At the residence of
Pouder, Esq., Burke co., Ga, on the 27th ult. by the Rev. Mr. McGehee,Miss
Mollie M. Roberts, of Burke county, and Capt. James M. Folsom,
of Twiggs county.
March 28, 1861
Macon Daily Telegraph
~extract~DIED, At his residence in Twiggs
county, on the 17th inst., after a protracted illness, Mr.
John Gallemore, in his 74th year. Mr. Gallemore was born in Edgefield
Distr., S. C., April 5th, 1787, and removed to Georgia.
May 14, 1861
Macon Daily Telegraph
A few days ago at the Bluff Road depot on the Macon and Brunswick Railroad,
where the Twiggs Guards were assembled under the command of Capt. Barclay,
Mr. Wilkinson Smallwood
his services as a soldier, remarking at the time that he was tired of shooting
squirrels, and that he wanted to go in quest of game of larger size.
Mr. Smallwood is fifty-five years
of age, though stout, and strong as a Buffalo and game to the bone. Plenty
of such men would make Yankeedodledom hark from the tombs. B. H. W.
(Note: He died Aug. 27, 1862 at Richmond,
May 31, 1861
Macon Daily Telegraph
of Twiggs. The emergency now before us calls for immediate
effort in behalf of our brave and patriotic Company under command of Capt.
J. W. Folson, now in station in Portsmouth, Va. I therefore make this
appeal to your generosity at the instance of D. F. Hughes, R. R. Slappy,
E. E. Crocker, and other good citizens - hereby inviting the personal
attendance of the ladies and gentlemen in the vicinities of the following
named places in said county, to-wit:
At Concord Church on Thursday the
30 inst., at Baptist Church near W. T. Vaughns on Friday 31st, at Clear
Creek near R. R. Slappys on Tuesday 4th june next, as General
Myrick's Mills or Church House nearby on Thursday ,-th, at Antioch
Church on Friday 7th, at Davidsons Academy near Capt. Barclay's
on Saturday -the, at Stone Creek Church on Monday 10th June.
It is hoped earnestly these meetings
will be fully attended. One of the above named persons or the subscriber
will deliver short addresses at each place and time appointed, in behalf
of the soldiers of our county and for other purposes connected with this
comfort, &e. Lewis Solomon, Chairman Central Committee. may
September 14, 1861
Macon Daily Telegraph
~excerpt DIED, in Marion, Twiggs county,
on the evening of the 18th inst., of Pulmonary Consumption, Mr. JAMES
LOYLESS EVANS, age 22 years, 9 months and 18 days...
The subject of this notice was an
only son of a widowed mother....
September 20, 1861
Macon Daily Telegraph
September 16, 1861. Editors Daily Telegraph.
Ladies' Soldiers' Relief Society, of Stone Creek, Twiggs County, grateful
acknowledge the following donations received:
Mrs. M. Hardin, 1 pair sheets,
1 pair pillow cases, 1 towel. Mrs. E. Fitzpatrick, 1
pair sheets, 1 pair pillow cases, 1 towel, 2 blankets.
Mrs. N. Nelson, 1 pair sheets,
1 pair pillow cases, 1 towel, 1 blanket. Mrs. M. Epps,
1 pair sheets, 1 pair pillow cases, 1 towel
Mrs. A. Riggins, 1 sheet,
1 pair pillow cases, 1 towel. Mrs. R. Pearson,
1 sheet,
1 pair pillow cashes, 6 pairs socks. Miss Fannie Tharp,
pair sheets, 1 pair pillow cases, 2 towels, 2 blankets, 2 pair socks.
Mrs. Denson, 1 sheet, 1 pillow case, 1 towel. Miss Rossie Davis,
pair sheets, 1 pair pillow cases, 2 towels. Mrs. E. Hinson,
1 pair sheets, 1 pair pillow cases, 1 towel. Miss Lou Chappell, 1
pair sheets, 1 pair pillow cases, 1 towel.
Mrs. Mary Tharp, 1 sheet,
1 pair pillow cases, 1 towel. Mrs. M. Nash, 1 pair sheets,
2 pair pillow cases, 2 towels, 4 blankets, $5.
Mrs. M. Tharp, 1
sheet, 1 pair pillow cases, 2 towels. Mrs. Ann Solomon, 1 blanket.
A. Newman, 1 blanket.
Mrs. P. Davis, 1 blanket. Mrs. Cordelia
Tharp, 4 pair socks. Mr. John A. Nelson
Mr. John Fitzpatrick 15.00. Mr. John Denson 5.00. Mr. John
Davis 3.00. Mr. J. C. Epps 5.00.
Mr. E. Hinson 2.00.
J. Andrews 2.00.
Mr. Abish Andrews
5.00. Mr. Henry Durden
Wm. Hearn 1.00. Mr. Elias Jones 1.00.
Mr. J. S. Williams
10.00. Mr. T. Pace 6.00.
Mr. John Pearse
Mr. L.
L. Hardin 7.00. Mr. James Wall 6.00.
Dr. H. Wimberly
5.00. Col. Crocker 2.00. Dr. Newman 1.00.
Mr. Ave Lanier
2.00. Mr. H. E. Solomon 10.00.
Mr. T. Carroll 1.00. Mr.
Henry Solomon 5.00. Mr. Hardy Solomon 7.00.
Miss M. J. Waters
Martin Hardin 1.00. Mr. Wm. Reid 5.00.
Mr. Wm. Faulk
2.00. Mr. Wm. Andrews 2.00.
Mr. S. J. Bond
2.00. Mr. J.
T. Glover 2.00. Mrs. L. Johnson 2.00. Mr. R. Averet 2.00.
C. A. Tharp 5.00. Mr. J. A. Tharp 5.00. Mr. J. D. Tharp
4.00. Mr. Hudson Tharp 4.00. Mr. G. B. Hues 1.00.
A. E. Nash 5.00.
Thirty-five members of the Society have
each furnished 1 pair socks, 1 pair gloves, 1 pair drawers. Mrs. Mary
Hardin, President.
Mrs. Mary Tharp. Secretary.
September 28, 1861
Macon Telegraph
Died, on the 17th of September, at his residence
in Twiggs county, Mr. ABISHEA ANDREWS
61 years. He was a consistent member of the Baptist Church, his illness
was very brief, he did not think he was dangerously attacked; yet we trust
he was prepared to enter the vale of death. He was an honest, energetic
and industrious man. His loss will be deeply feldt in all the relations
of life as husband, fater, and master, his loss is irreparable.
An honest man is the noblest work
of God. May he rest in peace.
October 17, 1861
Macon Telegraph
MARRIED. In Twiggs county, on the 10th inst.,
E. McCrea to Miss Josephine
November 5, 1861
Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel
A Good Finishing Tanner, well recommended
for industry and moral worth, can get employment at liberal wages, by addressing
C. A. SOLOMON, at Marion, Twiggs county, within sixty
days from date.
Marion, November 1st, 1861
January 3, 1862
Macon Daily Telegraph
learn that a difficulty occurred in Twiggs county, on Wednesday, in which
Monroe Ware was killed and Mr. Newby
mortally wounded. We have
not learned how the affair commenced.
January 4, 1862
Macon Daily Telegraph
MARRIED. On the evening of the 2d instant,
by Rev. Lewis Solomon, at the residence of the bride's mother, in Twiggs
county, Ga., Mr. Kimbril F. Burkett to Miss Louisa
M. Chappell, all of said county.
January 14, 1862
Southern Recorder
DIED. Near Portsmouth, Va., on 16 ult, of
typhoid fever, Lieut.
JOEL J. DENSON, of the "Twiggs Volunteers," 4th Georgia Regiment.
January 24, 1862
Macon Daily Telegraph
MARRIED. On the evening of the 20th inst.,
by Rev. Lewis Solomon, Mr. Tilman S. Dinson (Denson) to Miss Julia
A. Read, all of Twiggs county, Ga.
March 7, 1862
Macon Weekly Telegraph
To the Heirs and Distributees of Thos.
Moore, Late of Twiggs Co., Dec'd. You are hereby notified that I shall
apply to the Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in April next,
for an order to divide the negroes belonging to said estate. A. H. Moore,
Adm'r. Marion, Nov. 21, 1861.
March 10, 1862
Macon Telegraph
The 4th of March found not
only all the men but a large number of patriotic women of Twiggs, assembled
at Marion, for the purpose of responding to the requisition made by Gov.
Brown for troops for the war. The quota of Twiggs was forty-eight men.
The gallant Colonel, Daniel G.
Hughes, having his regiment in line, made the announcement and called
for volunteers, when our astute friend, Daniel Bullard, Esq., judging
other men by his own feelings, slyly made his way to the group of ladies
gathered near the stand, and suggested to them to fall in as volunteers.
No sooner said than done, and the volunteer line was filled with a bevy
of as beautiful and high souled women as ever made lovers' hearts beat
quickly. This was too much for the men of Twiggs, and instantly a rush
was made to fill the ranks, and in a few moments eighty fine, stalwart
and brave soldiers responded to the call. We suggest, if another demand
is made for troops, that "Bullard's trick" shall be played on every muster
ground in the Confederate States, and our word for it there will be no
lack of men to fill the ranks of our patriot army. Good for Bullard-better
for the women of Twiggs.
March 13, 1862
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Sixty days after date application
will be made to the Ordinary of Twiggs county, Ga., for leave to sell all
the real estate belonging to the estate of
Abisha Andrews, deceased.
John R. Andrews, Wm. A. Andrews, Administrators.
mar 11.
April 2, 1862
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Editor Telegraph - Knowing that many fathers
and mothers in old Twiggs would be glad to hear from the Slappey Guards,
I pen a few lines for your paper, as it has a very extensive circulation
in our county. We all arrived safely at Camp Davis, and while there had
some sickness, as we were exposed considerably to heavy rains. To say that
the Slappey Guards compared favorably with any company at Camp Davis,
is not saying enough, for I really believe ours was the best looking men
in camp. We remained there several days, and before we left, the ground
was arranged, the officers in command having every stump dug up and every
street put in fine order. Our boys worked well, and as they had left home
to fight, being very anxious to whip the enemy and return home at once,
their portion of work assigned them had a great tendency to cool them down.
In truth, one of our men said positively he would not eat any more until
he was better satisfied. I presume his dissatisfaction occurred from the
fact of a battle being delayed so long. He did not eat any at all in two
days, but by persuasion of friends his determination was changed. So long
then as we have such men as Mr. R__, (near Jeffersonville, Ga.,) in our
ranks, we have nothing to fear. Upon last Saturday the election of field
officers came off, the result of which you have long since heard. Permit
me here to state that our gallant Captain, U. A. Rice, at one time,
could have been elected Colonel of the 49th Regiment, but on account of
very unfair wire pulling he withdrew his name. A high sense of honor prompted
him to do so. He, in my judgment, was by far the best drilled officer at
Camp Davis. Suffice it to say that the Slappey Guards are commanded by
a gentleman of the purest stamp. It will be gratifying to the friends of
Wm. T. Zachery to learn that he was offered the appointment of First
Surgeon of the 49th Regiment, but his kind heart prompted him to remain
quietly with his own little band. He was one of the examining physicians
at Camp Davis, and his report gave him great credit throughout the whole
camp. His easy and graceful manner, together with his ready competency,
gained for him the highest position had he seen proper to accept. Again,
our company went into Gibson's Regiment at a late hour, and even then he
was tendered the position of Assistant Surgeon, and we cannot prevail on
him to take it. Those of our fathers and mothers who have sons here owe
W.T.C. no little gratitude, for his attention to the company is without
an equal. Our esteemed friend J.B.W., is as fat as ever, and "double
quicks" finely, and will make a splendid officer. Lieut. H. L. S. grieved
a few days "about the pretty girls left behind him," but now he is at his
post and does his entire duty. I find him to be full of business and will
at all times do himself credit. In fact all of our men seem determined
to be useful to their country. I say this from the fact that I have been
in camps two and a half weeks, and know their feelings. The election, as
I started to mention above, took place at Camp Davis last Saturday evening,
resulting as follows: Wm. Gibson, of Richmond for Colonel; R.
W. Carswell, of Jefferson, for Lieut. Col.; and
J. Randolph Whitehead,
Major, (of Burke.) The latter gentleman I know well, being an old college
mate of mine, at Athens, Ga. I am proud our boys are with him, from the
fact that I know him to be generous and kind. He is well known to the country
as Jack Whitehead, and I would here respectfully say to his friends
that Jack knows his duty and will perform it. Very soon after said election,
this Regiment, the 48th, ordered to Pocotaligo, )pronounced Poke-he-tail-he-go)
South Carolina. The origin and pronunciation of this word I will explain
to my friends when I get home. As soon as possible our boys arranged their
household, preparatory to travel. After traveling some 85 miles on the
Central, Charleston and Savannah Railroad we were ordered to halt at Grahams
Station. There we took of our baggage &c., and rested for farther orders,
which we received in a very short time. We are now in camp about one mile
from the Charleston and Savannah Railroad, near Grahamville, one of the
prettiest villages i ever saw. It contains about five hundred inhabitants,
who are intelligent, industrious, and you can see hospitality pictured
upon every face. We are twenty miles from Port Royal, and seven miles from
the coast. I am creditably informed that there are fifty thousand of the
enemy upon that Island, busily at work. They have captured a great
many negroes, who, however, are making their escape upon every possible
They (the enemy) call Port
Royal "The New South," but no addition can, as yet, be made
to it. South Carolina is doing what she promised to do. I find Carolinians
here in service over sixty years of age, and they are determined to see
this war to the end or die on the field. There are strong forces here,
and I would be please to give a full history of their preparations, but
I am not authorized to do so; it being against special orders. I will state
however, that it is understood here that the enemy design taking possession
of the Charleston and Savannah Railroad at the bridge across the
Savannah river, but before they do it they will have a heavy and protracted
fight. These forces are commanded by Gen. D. S. Donelson of Tennessee.
He and his family are in Grahamville. The General is in fine health-very
plain and agreeable, and is about sixty years old. His mind is fully fixed
upon the duties of his position.
The 48th Regiment numbers 843
men, and they are upon beautiful ground, being the old militia parade ground
of this district. It is well improved, and I think healthy. I would be
pleased to give my friends in Twiggs county a full history of our coast
defences, but it is not allowed; yet I will say we need more men. I learn
this morning Governor Brown will soon call for twelve thousand more
men. If so, why will not our county furnish a sufficient quota to the four
companies now in the field from noble old Twiggs. I cannot close my letter
without saying something to my fellow citizens upon the subject of planting
corn. I have been somewhat on this and the Georgia coast, and I must say
we have much to fear in the way of provisions.
There is but little farming
going on along the Georgia coast and this, and I am force to say, from
the facts before me, that he who would fail to make a full share of provision,
gives a severe stab to his country.
I have very often thought of our
meeting in Twiggs county, relative to a cotton crop where it was agreed
upon to plant one-fourth of a crop to the land. I must state, I am now
urged to say, we were wrong, and Judge Wm. S. Kelly in his opposition
to our resolutions was right, and his arguments were formed upon a sold
and correct basis. I see it now and feel it. The whole South should plant
an abundance of corn-or we are ruined. In fact we should plant no cotton
only for home purposes. The horses here at this time are being fed on rice,
and corn is now very scarce. We have no use for cotton now, but meat and
bread we must have; therefore see the responsibility resting upon every
planter. Cotton will not pay debts, and it has failed to answer our purposes.
I know it is pleasant to make cotton, or has been, rather, and if we continue
its culture for the present, we subjugate ourselves. Let the debt alone.
We have not time to study about them. Every honest man pays a debt with
pride, but now we should turn our whole attention to this crisis, this
war, and give all we have, yea, place our lives upon the altar of liberty,
to obtain our rights, and protect the character and institutions of the
South, against the slanders of the North. The sword is now drawn by a strong
army, and every planter should remember that we must live and fight upon
our own resources. We have nothing to hope from the action of England and
France-nothing to hope from any source except from the Supreme ruler of
the Universe - the wisdom and strength of our leaders - the strong arms
and stout hearts of Southern men and the patriotic and generous impulses
of the women of the South. The Confederacy must and will depend upon its
own resources for strength sufficient to carry through every trial and
contest now before it, otherwise we fall an easy prey before the enemy.
A hint to the "wise is sufficient" on the subject. I would respectfully
ask, in conclusion, upon this point, that our country should study its
duty well, and then do it.
We who live in the interior are blessed
somewhat, but we must as a people defend our neighbor as well as ourselves.
We cannot be conquered if we just feed our soldiers, and he who fails to
do his duty in this respect is a traitor and does not know what freedom
means, and should be hung at once to make room for true men.
Once more, can we do anything in
our county towards a preparation for making salt. It would be a good thing
if every county in our State would aid in this work. We need everything,
from a "pin to a cannon." The season for solar evaporation I learn is near
at hand, and we trust the article will not be higher than in the war of
1812-1815. Yet it will be, if we fail to give it immediate attention. Why
not Twiggs county take a sufficiency of hands, go immediately to work,
and furnish her people with this article at fair prices. I leave this to
older and wiser heads. Trusting something will be done on this subject,
I must now close by saying, we are expecting a fight here every day, and
whenever the first cannon roars, it will do our boys good to hear it as
a signal for battle. Very respectfully, D. G. HUGHES..
April 17, 1862
Macon Weekly Telegraph
~excerpt~ Died, on the 2d inst., WILLIAM
S LINGO, of Twiggs county, Ga., in the thirty-six year of his age.
May 19, 1862
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Notice To Debtors and Creditors. All persons
indebted to the estate of James Bryan,
of Twiggs county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and
all persons holding demands against the estate will please hand them to
me only authenticated in terms of law. M. E. Slappy, Ex'r. may 5
June 27, 1862
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Died on Tuesday morning, the 17th
inst., near Marion, Twiggs county,
Virginia A., wife of William Faulk, in the thirty-fifth year
of her age. (note: member of Richland Baptist Church, called Jeana,
survivors husband, children.)
June 26, 1862
Macon Daily Telegraph
Died in the Hospital in Va., June
27th, J. H. Perry from the effects
of a gun-shot wound in the lungs, received in the engagement before Richmond,
June 26th, 1862.
July 14, 1862
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
In the Slappey Guards, during the recent
battles on the Chickahominy, Va.
Sergt. R. F. Averett, slightly wounded
Private Jas. N. Rogers, slightly
Wm. Hinson, wounded in leg
John Fountain, wounded in hand
P. H. Ward, wounded slightly
W. N. Kendrick, slightly wounded
R. W. Paul, wounded in hand.
J. W. Hearn, wounded slightly
Gat. Manning, seriously wounded
Henry Martin, slightly wounded
Josiah Stevens, slightly wounded
Tilman R. Moore, wounded in head
Daniel Jarvis, slightly wounded
Seaborn Taylor, finger shot off
U. A. RICE, Capt. Comd'g Slappey
Guards, 48th Ga.
July 18, 1862
Macon Telegraph
the 6th Regiment Twiggs Volunteers, commander by Lieutenant Colonel Jas.
M. Newton, in the
battles before Richmond, on June 27th and
July 1st, 1862.
Company J. Lieut. J. M. Nelson
June 27th - Killed-Privates J
B Andrews,Henry Bunn
June 27th - Wounded dangerously -
Privates H. H. Bullard, Wm. Chitty, A. R. Wynn
Wounded severely - Privates Everett Floyd,
O. A. Herrington, H. W. Solomon, W. L. Kitchens, J. R. Paul
Wounded slightly - Privates, Wm Bell, W.
W. Bozeman, W. J. Rooks
July 1st - Killed -Lieut
J. M. Nelson, Serg't J. N. Brown
Wounded severely - Corp'l A. D. Sessions.
September 15, 1862
Macon Telegraph
FAULK INVINCIBLES. Gordon, Wilkinson county,
Ga., Sept. 12
Editor Telegraph: The following are
the casualties of the Faulk Invincibles, 26th Regiment, Georgia Volunteers,
on the 28th Aug:
Radford, Corporal Hammock, Private
Wounded - Lieut. Col. E. S. Griffin,
severely in the neck and shoulder; Wm. Crawford, Allen Pruitt, John
Rickerson, Wm. L. Lamb, severely; Richard McConnel and Corporal
The wounded are all doing well. Col.
Griffin has just returned home much exhausted and fatigued from the
last severe service through which he has passed. His wounds are very severe
but with all his sufferings and hardships he still possesses the same "flow
of soul," and cheerfulness, and happy spirit. TWIGGS.
September 23, 1862
Macon Daily Telegraph
Land for Sale! The subscriber offers for
sale a Plantation of 1200 acres on the Macon & B. R. R. in Twiggs county.
This Land lies between Flat Creek and Savage Creek, and includes a
great deal of very rich Swamp Land. 600 acres are in a good state of cultivation
450 Upland and 150 River Bottom. The improvements consist of an excellent
Dwelling House, good Negro Cabins and all necessary outbuildings.
Persons wishing a nice place, blessed
with a great many conveniences, would do well to call on me. The terms
can be known by addressing me at Marion, Twiggs county, or by application
on the premises where I love. G. W. BRYAN.
sep 11
October 21, 1862
Southern Recorder
OF CASUALTIES Of the 6th Ga. Reg't in the battle of Sharpsburg Mid,
Sept. 16th and 17th.
COMPANY I. (Twigg's Guards)
Killed - Lieut
F. E. Wimberly.
Wounded - Corp F M Johnson, Ira Bullard,
Thos Arrington, Privates Wm. Bozeman, W Edwards, R H Coley, Thos Thompson,
W A Edmonds.
Missing - Sergt S D Lamb, H H Bullard, W
F Lamb, W S Lee, J Newby, J T Combs, W C Evans, D D Davis, Isaac Norris,
W W Glover.
Alex Martin (49 Ga.) wounded
November 24, 1862
Macon Telegraph
~excerpt~ TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. In Camp Near
Culpepper C. H. Va. November 5th, 1862
At a meeting of the Slappy Guards
held this day the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted:
That, Whereas, the insatiable archer
death has again entered our ranks and singled out for its victim a shining
and noble mark in the person of 1st
Lieut. H. L. Solomon.
December 19, 1862
Macon Weekly Telegraph
NOTICE. Agreeable to an order from the Ordinary
of Twiggs county, will be sold, on the 1st Tuesday in January next, at
the Court House in Marion, 1/2 lot of land No. 411, in the 7th district,
in said county, containing 101¼ acres, more or less. Sold under
the encumbrance of the widow's dower and for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of Isaac Young, deceased.
Isaac Carroll, Administrator. November 3d, 1862.
December 30, 1862
Macon Daily Telegraph
Died, on Sunday, the 14th of December 1862,
in Schley County, Georgia, Mrs. Josephine
Rowland, wife of Dr. W. Rowland, of that place.
Mrs. Rowland was born in Lawrence
County in this State, on the 30th of October, 1830, was the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Swinney, both long dead; and was the sister of Dr.
E. B. Swinney, who, together with almost all her blood relations, departed
his life at an early age.
Her marriage with Dr. Rowland took
place on the 23d of January, 1848, in Twiggs County, at the residence of
her father and during the period of their happy married life, she became
the mother of 6 children, 3 of whom have gone before her, and 3 remain
to comfort, as they may the last days of their heart broken father, whose
own health is such as precludes the he hope that real orphanage can be
long averted.
January 3, 1863
Macon Daily Telegraph
Obituary. I yesterday witnessed the last
tribute of respect paid to the memory of our departed friend Lieut.
W. J. Solomon, Company B, 14th Georgia Regiment, by his brother Masons,
but feel it incumbent upon myself to remind the friends and relatives of
the deceased though he has passed from earth,
his weary sold has winged its rap'd flight to heaven, and his wounded and
mangled head is now pillowed upon the bosom of Jesus, leaving an example
that all might be proud to follow, he proudly wears his laurels.
Obedient to his country's call he
left his home on the morning of the 14th of July, 1861, and having endured
all the privations of a campaign in Western Virginia saying nothing of
the many battles in which he so nobly served, he at last fell mortally
wounded on Saturday the 13th of December, when so many of our gallant Georgia's
sacrificed their lives on the altar of their country. He died as a true
and devoted patriot, defending his country from the iron heel of a _ton
and reckless foe, having willingly shared the hardships incident to the
life of a soldier; not for one moment shrinking from the responsibility
resting upon himself.
He has left an aged father and mother
to mourn his loss, a wife and infant boy, scarcely able to list the name
of the loved and lost, to strew is grave with flowers of remberance, sisters
and brothers to share true bereavement; out cease your mourning mother,
father, God in is infinite mercy has give you what you so devoutly prayed
for "strength to endure it," young wife teach your hear to say what your
lips so oft have said, "Thy will be done," remember that though blinded
both mentally and physically, his dying heart still beat for thee, and
his lips now cold in death sealed themselves with your cherished name,
and remember too, that though you have loved him with a woman's devotion,
God has promised to be a father to the fatherless, and a husband to the
I know in conclusion, that the relatives
and friends of the deceased do most earnestly tender their thanks to his
gallant nurse, who with womanly tenderness soothing his dying pillow. S.
P. W. Gordon, Georgia, December 30, 1862.
January 31, 1863
Macon Daily Telegraph
MARRIED In Twiggs county, Ga., on the 15th
of January, by Isaac Meadows, Esq., E. J. Collins,
to Mrs.
Louisa M. Ware - both of said county.
February 6, 1863
Macon Daily Telegraph
Notice to Debtors and Creditors, All persons
indebted to the estate of Jacob Jordan,
of Twiggs County, deceased are requested to make me immediate payment;
all persons having demands against said estate are requested to hand them
to me, proven in due form of the law. January 19th, 1864. WILLIAM
Administrator. jan 22
February 27, 1863
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Notice. All persons indebted to the estate
of Thomas S. Chappel,
of Twiggs County, deceased are requested to make immediate payment, or
their notes will be put in suit, and those having demands against said
estate will present them
to me, in terms of law, for liquidation.
A. E. Nash
March 12, 1863
Macon Telegraph
Died, near Marion, Twiggs County,
on the 27th February last, Mary
E., only child of Maj. Etheldred and Mary A. Griffin, aged
eleven months and twenty-eight days.
She had but passed through the measles
and reclaimed her usual sprightliness of body and intellect, giving renewed
and stronger affections to her parents, when the Scarlet Fever followed
and in a few short days felled its victim in death.
Parents, relatives and friends have
the highest consolation left them, God has said, "suffer little children
to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of Heaven."
So fades the lovely blooming flower,
Frail smiling solace of an hour;
So soon our transient comforts fly
And pleasure only bloom to die.
March 27, 1863
Macon Telegraph
~excerpt~ DIED, in Lynchburg, Virginia,
in December last, P. H. Ward, a
member of the "Slappey Guards," from Twiggs County, Georgia.
April 14, 1863
Macon Telegraph
Died, in Twiggs County, on the 7th
of March, 1863,John B. Ray.
Early in the summer of 1861 he answered
to a bleeding country's wail, and for several months nobly performed the
duties of a brave and gallant soldier. "Twas while far away from his native
land, that the hand of disease was laid upon him; he returned home.
"No mother's gentle voice was there, of
love and hope to speak,
No sister's gentle hand to cool the fevered
brow and cheek, "
But an aged farmer was there, to
welcome his loved boy - and a brother met him on the threshold to
cheer him with words and deeds of kindness.
Yes, he has left us, gone in the
flush of youth, passed like a dream away. Gone ere his heart had felt the
blight of care, or the stern world had soiled his spirits truth.
By his noble conduct he had won for
himself a large circle of friends and acquaintances, and during his protracted
illness they gathered around his couch, endeavoring by words and acts of
love and friendship to save him from the monster death. But alas! they
watched in van, for he was destined for a life beyond the skies, a life
of peace and happiness.
Then weep not brother as those who
mourn without a hope.
Farewell Johnnie
To thee, we trust a happier life is given;
One tie to earth for us hath loosed its
Another formed for Heaven.
A FRIEND. Bibb County Ga. April 14, 1863.
April 22, 1863
Macon Daily Telegraph
~Excerpt~ DIED, in Twiggs County,
April 11th, after an illness of one week, Mrs. Lucy
Ann, wife of Rev. Lewis Solomon, aged 45 years.
It is with feelings of the deepest
regret that we chronicle the death of Mrs. Solomon. But God in his
providence has seen fit to remove her from our midst. She has left a husband
and nine children to mourn her loss, and her death has caused a vacuum
in our midst which time can never fill, for as a wife there is none can
surpass her, as a mother, nome more fond or affectionate.
May 12, 1863
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ Died, on the 26th
day of December, 1862, in the defence of his country, at Chattanooga, Tenn.
of Pneumonia,JOHN B. MEADOWS,
the 34th year of his age, son of Isaac H. Meadows, of Twiggs county,
Died, on the 7th of March, 1863,
in the defence of his country, near Gaines Station, in Virginia, of Typhoid
Pneumonia, PETER C. MEADOWS,
in the 19th year of his age, the youngest son of Isaac H. Meadows
of Twiggs county, Georgia.
May 12, 1863
Macon Telegraph
Company G., Twiggs County,48th Regiment Ga. Vols, up to the Morning of
the 4th.
Killed - Capt.
Wm. N. Kendrick and T. A. Berry
Wounded - Wm Lee,
hand; G R. Asbell, in hand; J C Herring, in hand;
Crawford, in hand; J A McCrea, in arm, John Linton, in
arm; Robert Belcher, in arm; B Parker, in hands; K Parker,
in hand; A J Ard, in arm; John Fowler in head and shoulder;
G Andrews, in hand; Robins Andrews, in foot - none dangerously.
J. A. M.
May 21, 1863
Macon Daily Telegraph
~excerpt~ DIED, near Richmond, Va.,
on the 23th of July, 1863, Tilman
S. Denson, of Company G, 48th Regiment Ga., Volunteers, son of John
H. and Elizabeth Denson, of Twiggs County, Ga.
May 28, 1863
Macon Telegraph
10, 1863
Editor Telegraph: I send you a list of the
casualties of the Twiggs Volunteers, accompanied with a few of the
particulars of our recent engagement at Chancellorsville, for publication.
On Wednesday, the 29th of April, we left our camps, at an early hour in
the day, as the thundering of cannon at no great distance from us indicated
that our exertions for the defence of our country would soon be needed.
We marched down near Fredericksburg, near the scene of action, formed a
line of battle, remaining in that position until the morning of the 1st
of May, listening at a heavy artillery duel. About three oc'clock we wer
ordered to march. Conducted by our gallant leader, Gen. Jackson,
along the enemy's front, skirmishing with them clear through until he turned
their right flank, where he threw us forward on what is known by the name
of the plank road, leading from Fredericksburg to Orange Court-house.
The enemy being in position
on this road, well intrenched, General Rhodes command was placed
on the left of the road, and Gen. Doles' command on the right, with
a strong reserve. About 4 o'clock Saturday evening, the 2d inst, we were
ordered to advance upon the enemy, and, going upon them with such a rush,
seemed to give them such a panic that they fled, leaving everything behind
that would be a hindrance to their velocity, hotly pursued by our forces.
They soon brought a battery to bear upon us which soon fell into our hands;
and a second one was brought up and was soon captured and sent to our rear,
and still we continued the chase, over breastworks, until we had driven
them about two miles, where we halted at about six o'clock.
It seems to me that I never
saw as many knapsacks, india-rubber clothes, haversacks and canteens, and
several other articles that are useful to soldiers, left on one field.
Early on Sunday 3d we were ordered up to assist in taking a battery that
was playing destruction in our ranks, strongly supported by infantry. We
charged through an open field, to all appearances was raining iron and
lead at the rate of fifty thousand bushels per mintue, and yet our gallant
little company flinched not, and never did men stare death stronger in
the face that they did on that day, notwithstanding, they were exposed
to a cross fire several times, as will be seen in the list of casualties.
Among the killed in Twiggs Volunteers, are John
T. Moore, Asa Burkett, Wm
N. Evans, Thos. Proctor, John
Henderson, Calvin Helkins, and Eugene
Lagrange. The wound are as follows:
Lt L A Nash, in knee;
S Tharp, in hip slightly; R H Arrington, lost one arm;
Kennington, in neck severely; Allen Williams, in thigh;
B Hardy, in leg;
J Wester, shocked by a shell; James
Witt, in side; J M Martin, J. D. Collins and D J Ryle, all
Never did men show a more gallant
and determined spirit than the Twiggs Volunteers. I would say for the benefit
of all bereaved friends, that the deceased were all buried in due time,
and as decent as is customary in uch cases. Our camp looks very sad and
gloomy since the battle, and the shock ouf our much loved General Jackson,
us renewed pain.
There is but very little
sickness in our camps at this time, and we quietly awaiting to hear from
our enemies again, as we readily suppose, they will send another commander
to meet us as they have previously done. SOLDIER.
June 30, 1863
Macon Daily Telegraph
Camp Gordon's Brigade, Va.
List of Contributors of the Faulk Invicibles,
Twiggs Co., Co. I, 26th Regiment, Georgia Volunteers, to the
Fund for Raising a Monument to Lieut. Gen,. Thomas J. Jackson, June 2,
Capt. E. W. Crocker...........$15.00;
Lieut J. E. McDonald....10.00; 2d " D.
N. Nelson................... 5.00
3d " John T. Hughes............ 5.00;
1st Sergt. O. H. Carter......... 1.00 ; 5th
" Wm. J. Balcom............. 1.00
2d Corpl D N McLean......... .1.00
; 3d " L S W Connell.............. 2.00
; 4th " John N. Howell.......... 2.00
Private Franklin H. Atkins...1.00
; " Wm D Barclay...................... 1.00
; " John W Batchelor.............. 1.00
" Richard Batchelor.............. 1.00
; "David Blackshear..................1.00
; " Thos Bobbitt........................ 1.00
" George W Brown................ 2.00
; " James L Crawford............. 1.00
; " Gabriel M Farmer.............. 2.00
"John H Harrison ..................1.00
; " Needham Hill....................... 1.00
; " Noel Hill................................
" Henry Howell....................... 2.00
; " Elbert Kent............................
2.00 ; " Wm E Lamb.............................2.00
" George W Lee....................... 1.00
; " Wm D Liles.............................
1.00 ; " James W. Lipsey...................1.00
" Reuben Low...........................
1.00 ; " John P. Ricketson................
1.00 ; " Jessee Sapp..........................
" Benjamin Vinson................... 1.00
; " Reuben West........................ 2.00
; " Thomas Williams................. 1.00
Total 75.00
October 3, 1863
The Macon Daily Telegraph
~extract~Died of consumption at the home
of her father
Arch. McCallum in Twiggs Co. on the 4th day of July,
1863, MissKate McCallum, in the 20th
year of her age.
October 8, 1863
The Macon Telegraph
Grand Jurors, Twiggs Superior Court September
Term 1863. W Neel, Clerk
J Blackshear, Foreman. Elias Jones; John
Chapman, John A Clements, Levi Gallemore; Byrant Asbill; Lemuel Taylor;
Isaac Carroll; Ezekiel A Wimberly; Thomas H Jones; James Hammock; Charles
R Faulk; James W Woodall; Wm J Gallemore; John Martin; Wm Methvin; John
A Nelson; Wm S Kelly; Lawrence L Hardin; John Glover; Hugh L Bunn; John
A Barclay.
November 26, 1863
Macon Telegraph
MARRIED. On the morning of the 22d inst.,
at the residence of the bride's father, John Davis, Esq., by the
Lewis Solomon, Mr. James F. Land to Miss Rebecca
Davis, all of Twiggs county, Ga.,
By the Rev. E. J. Coates, on the evening of the 18th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. R. H. Carswell, of Wilkinson county, to Miss Jennie Dupree of Twiggs county, Ga.
March 1, 1864
Macon Telegraph
MARRIED. In Butler, Ga., on the 28th of
February, at the residence of Mr. H. K. Carter, by the Rev. James
T. May, Mr. JAMES P. SIMS, of this city, and
NANCY L. BOND, of Twiggs County, Ga.
March 8, 1864
Southern Recorder
Died in Muscogee county, on 9th ult., Col.
JAMES WIMBERLY, aged 73 years, formerly of Twiggs county.
March 26, 1864
Macon Weekly Telegraph
By Rev. E. J. Coates, on the
22d inst., Mr. W. M. Chapman, of Wilkinson County, and Miss Mattie
J. Steeley, of Twiggs
March 30, 1864
Macon Daily Telegraph
Died at her residence in Twiggs county,
Ga. on the 23d inst., Mrs Caroline
Wimberly, consort of Dr. H. S. Wimberly, aged 46 years.
The deceased was a daughter
of the late Hardy Durham, of Twiggs county, and in early life was
united in marriage to the husband who still survives to mourn her loss.
Several years after her marriage she became a member of the Methodist Episcopal
Church; as a Christian she adorned the profession she made, and walked
worthy of the solemn duties which devolved upon her.
June 14, 1864
Southern Recorder
List of
Casualties of Doles' Brigade, from the 5th to the 21st May, inclusive,
embracing the battles of the Wilderness, and Spottsylvania C.H.
4th Regiment Georgia Volunteers
Field and Staff:
Wounded 2- Lt Col Wm H Willis, severely
in leg; Ensign J. F. Murphy, severely, in thigh
Missing 1 - Maj E A Nash.
Killed 8 - Privates A
F Alexander, J W Collins, D
R Epps, A H Clance, A
Williams, A Lanier, G
B Martin, and
J W Williams.
Wounded 25 - Capt. J. Sanders, slight, in
thigh; 1st Lt S Tharp, slight in thigh; 2d Lt B D Calhoun, severe in shoulder;
Sergts S Jessum, slight, in arm; H T Andrews, slight, in body; W F
Martin, severe, in thigh; Corpls W J Harrison, slight, in ankle; W Bobbitt,
slight, in foot; Privates B F Birdsong, severe, in face; B F Crawford,
severe, in body; W G Kenington, severe, in face; N J Pettice, severe, in
body; W M Pettice, slight, in head; A J Collins, foot amputated; E Collins,
slight, in breast; J D Dyer, slight, in thigh; J W Davis, severe, in body;
E Richardson, slight, in foot; J T Maxwell, severe, in body; S West, severe,
in shoulder, Y Nichol, severe, in head; A J Hammock, severe, in body and
arm amputated; J Young, severe, both ankles; W Day, slight in knee; J Adkins,
severe, in body.
Missing 7 - Corp A Vann, Privates
D J Ryle, T Dyer, H J Martin, D Mims, W B Mathis and J Jessup
October 20, 1864
Macon Telegraph
Died on the 17th July, 1863, in Jackson
Hospital, Richmand, Va., of wounds received in action near Riddle's Shop,
in __county, Va., June 18th, 1864, Private
F. F. Pearson, of Co. G., "Slappey Guards," 48th Regt. Ga. Vols., in
the twenty-eighth year of his age.
...estate ofA. Marchman, late of Twiggs county, deceased..W. M. Varnum, Adm'r. January 10th, 1865
February 14, 1865
Macon Telegraph
MARRIED, On the 7th inst.,
by E. J. Collins, Esq., J. P., at the residence of Mrs. Lamb, Mr. HENRY
HOWELL, and Mrs. E. A. LAMB,
both of Twiggs county.
On the 9th inst., at the residence
of Mrs. Burns, by E. J. Collins, Esq. J. P. , Mr. R. R. MANNING and Mrs.
A. E. HARRELL, both of Twiggs county.
March 21, 1865
Confederate Union
~excerpt~ Mrs. Missouri A. Champion,
of Elias F. Champion, decd,
..sell one negro man named Tom.
J. E. McDonald Ord'y March 6 1865.
March 21, 1865
Confederate Union
J. Roberts, John Cranford, Admr.
Elias F. Champion, Mrs Missouri A.
Champion, Admx
W. Collins, A. B. F. McWilliams Admr.
A. Epps, Thomas P. Epps, Edward C. Epps; Elias F. Champion, former
R. Ray, Benjamin T. Ray, Admr.
Ann Evans, Redding J. Loyless, Admr.
June 25, 1865
Macon Herald
in Twiggs County-One Killed and Two Wounded.
Last Tuesday evening
three men, supposed to be Federal soldiers, crossed the river into Twiggs
County. They were on foot, and were accompanied by a negro. After crossing
the Brunswick Railroad bridge, they proceeded toward Marion, their goal
being to rob Mr. ROBERT PAUL, of $15,000 in gold and silver, which
their negro guide represented he had hidden in his house. Arriving at the
house, they entered, and seizing Mr. Paul, placed a revolver at his
breast, at the same time demanding the money. He told them he had none,
and asked them where they got their information. They told him that the
man, Wyatt, gave them the information, but on looking for Wyatt
to prove his statement, he had left. They swore awhile, and at about
11 o'clock P.N. left, taking with them three horses, two mules, a two-
horse wagon and two pistols.
After they had
left Mr. Paul sent word to Marion and through the neighborhood, and the
people gathered to the number of twelve or fourteen, and started pursuit.
Among them were many of the most respectable citizens of the county, such
as Judge J. E. McDonald, C. R. Faulk, J. P.; H. M.. Loyless, Clerk of
Superior Court; J. B. Denson, W. A. Higgings, T. R. Robinson, John
W. Cowen, Dr. W. T. Zachary, and G. W. Lee.
The thieves had more
than two hours start, but delayed by not knowing the road, and by stopping
by Mr. Pierce's to take a saddle and bridle.
About half an hour before daybreak
yesterday the thieves were overtaken near Denson's mill, about seven
miles from this place, and a portion of the pursing party that had gone
around and headed them out, rode up on them and demanded their surrender.
They replied by a volley from their revolvers and turning their horses
galloped back the road they came. The citizens now opened fire on them,
firing about six shots. Two of the thieves turned back down the road, at
full speed, about eight yards, and then jumping off their horses , escaped
into the swamp. They were both-it is supposed-wounded. The third thief
dashed on toward the mill and fell from the horse dead near the creek.
One of the horses was severely shot. All the stolen property was recovered
and returned to its owners.
After the affair was over, four citizens
of Twiggs County, whose names have been already given went to town and
reported the affair to Gen. Wilson who referred the matter to Lieut.
Col. White, for investigation. Their affidavits, made before Adjutant
substantially as above. They were released at once. The body of the man
killed was at once sent for, and is now at the Ocmulgee Hospital.
February 13, 1866
The Daily Telegraph
MARRIED, On Tuesday evening, 5th instant,
at the residence of the bride's brother, R. M. Ellis, Esq, by Rev.
Lewis Solomon,
J. M. B. Denson, Esq, to Miss Mary
E. Ellis, all of Twiggs county, Ga.
April 11, 1866
Macon Telegraph
~excerpt~ Departed this life, on the
16th of February, Rev. R.
B. EDMONDS, in his 56th year....baptised by the late Rev. W. Lumpkin,
at Bairdstown Church, Oglethorpe county. - Some years afterwards he moved
to Twiggs county...
April 30, 1866
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
Guardian's Sale. Georgia, Bibb County. -
By virtue of an order from the Ordinary of said county, will be sold before
the Court House door in Marion, Twiggs county, on the first Tuesday in
April next, between the usual hours of sale, all that tract or parcel of
land in Twiggs county, in 23d District, No 135, lying between the River
and Marion road, and joins lands of Mrs. Lucy Andrews, Wm. Andrews,
and the heirs of Newman Rogers,
containing fifty acres, more or less. Terms cash. John O'Neal,
September 3, 1866
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
On the 15th and 18th inst., near
Marion, Twiggs county, Georgia, of congestive fever, Charles
Henry and Fannie R. Faulk,
son and daughter of C. R. and J. M. E. Faulk - suddenly and unexpectedly
torn from the embrace of fond and doting parents, by the cruel and unrelenting
hand of death.
November 1, 1866
The DailyTelegraph
Married, In Twiggs county, at the House
of Judge Wm. S. Kelly, bu J. T. Glover J.I.C., Mr. Wm E. H. Howell,
Houston county, to Miss Nancy
Ann Bates, of the former place.
April 26, 1867
The Southern Christian Advocate
Hon.Willard Boynton
died in Lumpkin, Stewart co., Ga., on the 30th September 1866. He was a
native of Vermont, removed when a young man to the county of Twiggs, Ga.,
where he intermarried with a Miss Bryan.
July 5, 1867
The Southern Christian Advocate
M. Varnum was born in Amherst co., Va., March 9, 1811. Early in life
removed with his parents to Georgia. He joined the M. E. Church at Dahlonega
and married Miss Susan L. Saxon,
of Twiggs co., and died there May
27, 1867.
July 20, 1867
Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel
PARDONED- A recent letter from Washington
says the President has pardoned the following Georgians, on the recommendations
of Hon. Joshua Hill: James M. Brown, Simeon M. Brown, L. J. Burney, Elison
A. Cohen, Nathaniel G. Foster, I. S. Fannin, Wm. S. Stokes, James A. Wade,
James S. Read, James N. Marsh and Nancy Kolb, of Morgan county. Nathan
Whitfield, of Jasper county; Elias Jones, of Twiggs county, and
A. Pharr, of Newton county.
September 13, 1867
The Southern Christian Advocate
Mrs. Margaret
Johnson, wife of Rev. C. G. Johnson, of Twiggs co., Ga., died
on 1st inst. She has left a mother, brother, husband, and six small children.
Wm. Griffin. September 4th 1867.
October 4, 1867
The Southern Christian Advocate
Mrs. Charlotte
Veal, wife of William Veal, Sen., of Wilkinson co., Ga., was
born in Washington co., Ga., December 25th 1796, and died Sept. 25, 1867.
She was married to Mr. Veal in 1812, who settled in Twiggs co., Ga., the
following year-- in 1846, moved to Wilkinson. She left an aged husband
and three children.
October 18, 1867
The Southern Christian Advocate
On 3d October, in Twiggs co., Ga., by the
Rev. R. B. G. Walters, Mr. R. H. O. McLendon of Lawrence co., Ga.,
to Miss Camilla V. Ward, of Twiggs
co., Ga.
November 8, 1867
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Married, in Wilkinson county, October 22d,
at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. James Jackson, by Rev.
E.J. Coats, James McCallum, of Twiggs county, and Miss Nanie
E. Jackson.
Noveember 29, 1867
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
Died, on the 19th instant, in Twiggs County,
MARY JANE HEARN, formerly Mary Jane Ray, wife of Josiah W.
Hearn, in the 24th year of her age. Mrs. Hearn joined the Missionary
Baptist Church in the 16th year of her age, and from that time until her
death she demeaned herself as a Christian, and was perfectly willing to
die. She leaves an affectionate husband to mourn her loss.
December 20 1867
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Married, on Wednesday, 11th instance at
the residence of the bride's father, in Pulaski county, by Rev. Moses McCall,
Mr. F. D. Wimberly, Jr., of Twiggs county, to MissCallie,
daughter of Charles E. Taylor, Esq.
February 4, 1868
Federal Union
MARRIED. Near Twiggsville, Twiggs county,
on the 23d ult. by Rev. E. H. Godwin, Capt. D. W. SHINE to Mrs.
MARY SHINE, of Montezuma.
By the same, on the same evening,
CAMPBELL, both of Twiggs county.
February 7, 1868
The Southern Christian Advocate
Married. On the 23d January by Rev. J. T.
Rev. Charles G. Johnson
to Miss Martha
D. Gibbs, all of Twiggs co., Ga.
February 7, 1868
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Was born August 31, 1841, and died
October 15, 1867, in Twiggs county, Ga. Few men have died who have left
stronger assurances of a blissful immortality than him whom we now mourn,
but not as those without hope. From childhood he honored and obeyed his
parents, and in his manhood he still loved and cherished them.
He was married February 6, 1866,
and in this relation he was a most kind and affectionate husband. To his
young and devoted wife, now bowed and crushed with sorrow, he was all goodness
and love, and he always said his only regret at dying would be the thought
of leaving her and his little boy, who were so dear to him. His highest
pleasure was to read the sacred Scriptures and hold sweet discourse of
their blessed and divine truths. To his relations and friends he was ever
kind and indulgent, and sought by his God like walk and the purity of his
heart to be an ornament to his profession, fearing God and eschewing evil.
From infancy his constitution was
feeble; yet on the 17th of June, 1861, he, with his three brothers, left
home and friends and served their county in Virginia, nobly and faithfully,
till the surrender of our armies. In the Summer of 1861, while still a
soldier in that State, he joined the Baptist Church, and remained a true
and consistent member till called as we earnestly trust, from the Church
militant to the Church triumphant.
For many years past he was afflicted
with rheumatism, which finally settled on his heart and suddenly terminated
his short but useful life.
Oh, it seems so hard to be thus deprived
of one so young, so lovely, so generous and so good. We can ill spare him,
but God's ways are not as our ways, and He doeth all things well. He was
taken away in the prime of his days and the midst of his usefulness, but
his example remains bright and instructing.
A dutiful son, an affectionate father,
a fond and noble husband, a warm and generous friend - but above all, a
sincere and zealous Christian - surely his life was not in vain, but was
a shining light which shineth more and more unto the perfect day. How cheering
the hope that, though on earth we never more shall she his pleasant face,
nor listen to his kindly voice, yet our loss is his eternal gain. He was
found at his post ready and watching, and has entered into the joy of his
April 3, 1868
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
~excerpt~ Died in Twiggs county
Georgia, on the morning of the 20th instant, WILLIAM
FRANKLIN, sof of Judge James T. and Georgia A. Glover,
age eight years five months and thirteen days.
May 8, 1868
The Southern Christian Advocate
Hiram Traywick
born in Twiggs co., Ga., and died near Natasulga, Macon co., Ala., April
13, 1868, aged 54 years and 10 months. He leaves a wife and three children.
August 20, 1868
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer
COUNTY - LOYAL LEAGUE CALLED OUT. - We learn from several planters
who were in the city yesterday the particulars of a murder and riot in
Twiggs county. It seems that on Monday two negro men working on the plantation
of Mr. Beckham, and engaged in pulling fodder, named
and Carolanus,
got into a fight. Nelson
killed Carolanus on the spot and fled immediately. Word of the difficulty
passed out to the adjoining places in a few hours. One
Jones, Captain
of the Loyal League, at once ordered out his men. He works on the place
of Geo. W. Faulk. Taking all the hands on that place they went to
the plantations of J. G. Coleman and
Mrs. Smith, and perhaps
others, and forced the negro men to join them.
After the mob was organized Jones
led them to the house of Hardin T. Smith, where Nelson was supposed
by them to have been concealed. Arrived there they demanded the right to
search, which was refused for some time. At last Mr. Smith agreed to allow
one of them to go over his house with him. Nelson was not there and was
not found. Nelson was a Democrat and Carolanus a Radical. It is said that
the Loyal League of that county have taken an oath to kill any one who
may kill one of them.
This difficulty created great excitement
throughout the county, and is now the universal topic of discussion. We
presume the leaders of the mob will be arrested and strict search made
for the murderer - Macon Jour. & Mess. 19th
August 29, 1868
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer
Gentlemen who came up from Twiggs county
yesterday, report that all the men engaged in the Hardin Smith riot,
26 in number, but two, had been released on bond. Those two, Lewis Jones
were the leaders, were sent to Milledgeville for safe keeping.
W. Faulk, Short Griffin, and another man, whose name we did not learn,
went on the bond of the twenty-four for their appearance at the next court.
The bonds men are all Democrats. As soon as released the prisoners went
back to work, swearing vengeance against the Loyal League, which had gotten
them into all this trouble.
It is said the Negroes of Twiggs
county are terribly down upon that abominable organization, and have determined
to break it up. It was the direct cause of the whole difficulty, and they
fully know this. After leading them to jail, Democrats took them out.
The excitement has entirely died
out, and every one resumed his usual occupation in peace - Jour &
Mess, 28th.
September 4, 1868
Macon Weekly Telegraph
The Difficulty in Twiggs. Denson's Station,
September 1, 1868.
Messrs. Editors: In order to prevent
misrepresentations and to let the truth be full known, I write you these
brief facts. You have already shown in your Daily the facts concerning
the legal arrests of the negroes who searched, without warrant, the residence
of Mr. Hardin Smith, in Twiggs county.- While those negroes were
under arrest several leaders of the Loyal League were going around trying
to excite the animosity of the blacks towards the whites, endeavoring to
get up a general insurrection, and thereby rescue, by violence, those outlaws
whom the Sheriff had arrested.
Last Saturday a meeting of the citizens
was held in Marion, and they came to the conclusion that it was best to
have warrants issued and those violators of the civil law arrested and
brought to justice; accordingly the warrants were put in the hands of
Sheriff Lee. He summoned help to make the arrests and proceeded that
evening first to arrest Berry Hill, (col'd)
on Mr. John Denson's Oaky Bend plantation, one and a half miles
from his home place.
Berry was found at home, and as soon
as he was ordered to surrender he leaped into his house, seized one of
the guns, which he had loaded for that purpose, and began firing on the
crowd. They then ran to his door just as he had fired the third shot, which
they forced out of their way, and as he was still making fight they, also,
were compelled to shoot; so he was mortally wounded before he would surrender,
and he lived until Sunday evening and died.
Three bullets of Berry's second shot
took effect on Mr. Thos. Melton, one passing through each thigh
and one through his leg. Mr. Melton's wounds are not mortal, but painful.
He was carried home in a buggy and I suppose is doing very well. An inquest
was held and the Coroner's jury returned a verdict of justifiable homicide
for resistance of civil authority. EYE WITNESS
September 18, 1868
The Southern Christian Advocate
J. Slappey died in 2d August in Baker co., Ga., aged the age of 41.
When quite a young man, he removed from Twiggs in Baker co., and engaged
in the business of agriculture
October 8, 1868
Atlanta Constitution
difficulty occurred near that place on Friday last, in which two gentlemen
were badly wounded. It seems that E. W. Crocker, Esq., had purchased
a cotton-gin of Mr. ___Wimberly, and called to remove it.
This was objected to by Mr. ___Boynton, who fired at Crocker, inflicting
a severe flesh wound in the right arm. Crocker fell but rose again and
fired a pistol at Boynton, which took effect in his back. The wound is
considered very dangerous if not fatal. We have not learned the particulars
sufficiently to state them further. -Macon Journal and Messenger-
October 16, 1868
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
Thus it was with the subject whose demise
we chronicle, Mrs. Nancy Faulk, relict
of Mark Faulk, which occurred at the residence of her son, in Twiggs
county, September 21st ult, in the sixty-sixth year of her age.
October 23, 1868
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Administrator's Sale.
By virtue of an order from the office of
the ordinary of Twiggs county, will be sold before Court-house door, in
the town of Jeffersonville, on 1st Tuesday in December next, between the
hours of sale, all of the land belonging to the estate of
Bryant Asbell, deceased, containing 700 or more acres. Sold in two
lots. Sold for benefit of creditors. Terms: Cash. George K. Asbell, Admr.
November 27, 1868
The Southern Christian Advocate
Mrs. Annie
M. Chapman, wife of Mr.John Chapman, and eldest child of Elliot
and Lucy A. Carleton, died at Twiggs co., Ga., in her 34th year.
December 4, 1868
The Southern Christian Advocate
Married. In Twiggs co., Ga., Nov. 24, 1868,
by Rev. J. Blakely Smith, Mr. S. T. C. Murray to Mrs.
M. F. Jarvis, all of Twiggs co.
December 4, 1868
The Georgia Weekly Telegraph
DIED, in Twiggs county, October 13, 1858, DANIEL
W. SHINE, Esq., aged 82 years.
He was born July 20, 1786, in Jones
county, North Carolina, and emigrated to Georgia about the year 1810, settling
in Pulaski county, then on the Indian frontier. In the war of 1812-14 he
held the commission of Lieutenant in the command of the late Gen. David
Blackshear, as may be seen by the published muster-roll. His father, John
Shine, was a soldier of the Revolution, whose services at the battle
near Camden, S.C., in 1780, are referred to in White's "Historical Collections
of Georgia;" p. 656.
At the close of the war in 1815,
D. W. Shine opened a store in Twiggs county, and for ten or fifteen years
pursued the trade of a merchant, in which he was eminently successful.
Retiring from business more that thirty years ago, he devoted himself to
his large planting interests, and to the education and settlement of his
children. For several years he was a Representative in the Legislature.
About his fiftieth year he connected himself with the Baptist Church, and
continued faithful to the last.
In all the relations of life he was
exemplary and upright. His personal piety, his kind and obliging disposition
secured him the respect and confidence of all who knew him. The great loses
he sustained by the war provoked no complaint, all was resignation to the
will of God. In February 1864, he was smitten with total blindness, from
which he has never been relieved until a brighter world burst upon his
vision after death had closed his earthly pilgrimage.
Thus lived and died a venerable man
whose memory is dear to his children, to his many relatives, to his brethren
of the Church, and to the community in which he passed more than fifty
years of his useful and honorable life. M.
March 21, 1869
The Constitution
Dr. Ira
E. Dupree, died in Twiggs county, on the 17th inst., aged 69. He had
been suffering for six months with dropsy. Dr. Dupree was a high-toned
Christian gentleman, and his loss will be severely felt in that section.
June 22, 1869
Macon Daily Telegraph
Died in Twiggs county, Ga., on the
25th day of March, 1869, Dr. R. A.
NASH. He was born February 2, 1801, being sixty-eight years, one month
and twenty-two days of age. He commenced the practice of physic in 1826,
and continued the practice until 1854. During that period of time, no one,
perhaps, ever did more charitable practice than he; living the greater
portion of the time in a section of country where there were a great many
poor people, he was ever ready to relieve their wants, and soothe their
He was married to Miss Mary Hart
1828, and they lived peaceably and happily together until his death.
Dr. Nash joined the Baptist Church
in 1835, and lived an upright, orderly life, ever using his influence to
advance Christ's Kingdom upon the earth. He was quiet and unassuming in
his manner; his disposition kind and amiable. Amid all of his afflicting
misfortunes and disappointments through life, he bore up with Christian
fortitude, never murmuring, but having the full assurance that all things
would work together for good to those who loved God. For twelve or eighteen
months before his death, he was severely hurt by a fall, being old and
infirm, which forced him to remain at home nearly all the time, comparatively
shut out from the world; yet his time was spent in reading the Bible, and
making preparation for the hour of death, which he felt was rapidly approaching.
The writer was with him during his last sickness, and heard him say that
he desired to depart and be at rest; that he had lived to be old and helpless;
his children were all grown and able to take care of themselves, and the
war had stripped him of almost every thing; consequently, he felt that
this world had no charms for him; that, if it was the will of God o take
him he was ready and willing to go. He left an affectionate wife; a large
number of children; quite a number of grand-children,and a large number
of friends, to mourn his loss.
By his death, the country has lost
a good citizen; his family an affectionate husband and father, the community
a good neighbor; the Church a faithful, zealous member.
"Mark the perfect man, and behold
the upright, for the end of that man is peace." W.G.
July 16, 1869
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
~excerpt~ Martha
Ann Jones, wife of Bennett Jones, was born May 10, 1822 and
died in Twiggs county, June 9, 1869, of dropsy, in the 47th year of her
October 15, 1869
The Southern Christian Advocate
Durham, widow of
Hardy Durham, late of Twiggs co., Ga., died
July 14th 1869, aged about 72 years.
November 19, 1869
Macon Weekly Telegraph
GEORIGA - TWIGGS COUNTY. Under and by virtue
of a Decree of Twiggs Superior Court, obtained at the September Term, 1869,
of said Court, will be sold on the First Tuesday in December, 1869, before
the Court-house door, in Jeffersonville, in said county, within the legal
hours of sale, all the Land belonging to the estate of Daniel
W. Shine, deceased, lying in said county of Twiggs, consisting of 3100
acres of land, more or less, numbers not known, but described as follows:
Fifteen hundred acres of land, known as the Home place of said D. W.
Shine, and adjoining the lands of F. D. Wimberly, Geo. W. Faulk,
John Sanders, J. F. Shine, and others. Said place well improved with
good dwelling, good gin house and screw, and all other necessary buildings
for farming purposes. Also one hundred acres of land, known as the Store
Lot, and bounded by the lands of F. D. Wimberly and W. B. and
W. M. Tarver. Also fifteen hundred acres of land, known as the Flatwoods
Place, adjoining the lands of E. J. Collins and others - said place
having ordinary improvements. All of said lands will be sold in bodies
as above described, or in smaller bodies to suit purchasers, as the Executor
thinks will be in the interest of the estate. Terms cash. JAS. T. GLOVER,
Executor of D. W. Shine, dec'd. oct 27
GEORGIA - TWIGGS COUNTY - THIRTY days after date application will be made to the Ordinary of Twiggs county, for leave to sell a portion of the real estate of James G. Wall, deceased. This October 18, 1869. T W. BURKETT, Executor estate of JAS. G. WALL. OCT 21
GEORGIA - TWIGGS COUNTY. - Thirty days after date, application will be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of said County, for permission to sell the Land belonging to the estate of Matthew W. Little, late of said county, deceased. This October 9th, 1869. J. T. EVANS, Adm'r. oct 18
next, before the Court house door, in Jeffersonville, between the legal
hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Five thousand pounds of
Seed Cotton, levied on as the property of
W. T. Phillips,
to satisfy one fi. fa. in favor of J. P. Bond. Property pointed
out by the plaintiff. This October 26. JOHN RENFRO, Deputy Sheriff.
oct 27
of Ordinary of Twiggs county, Georgia, will be sold before the Court-house
door, in the town of Jeffersonville, Twiggs county, Ga., on the First Tuesday
in December 1869, between the legal hours of sale, 100 acres of Pine Land
of Lot No. 135 (the Home Place,) and 10 acres, part of Lot No. 146, (Swamp
Land,) all in 7th District of originally Baldwin, now Twiggs county. Sold
as the property ofAbisha Andrews,
for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms of sale cash. JOHN
R. ANDREWS, WM. A. ANDREWS, Administrators of
Abisha Andrews.