May 30, 1820
Georgia Journal
Married, on Wednesday evening the
17th inst, at Marion, Twiggs county, by the Rev. Mr. Fulgham, G.
C. MOFFETT, Esq. attorney at Law of that place, to Miss AGNES
FLEMING, daughter of the late James Fleming of Columbia county.
August 1, 1820
Georgia Journal
John Fleming - lots in town of Marion
Tison and Littleton Tison - 2 lots, 64 and 48, 23rd district
Rouse - 303 3/4 acres, 93, 94, 25th district
Goode - 101 1/4 acres, 23 dis. Lot 33
Wimberley - 50 acres, No. 8, 26th,
Isaac Lindsey - two slaves, Hagar
with child Mariah
Jarrad Lindsey -slave
Gregory - 4 slaves Milly,
Alston, Nancy, Jacob; 202 1/2 acres, lot 170, 25th dist.
Lindsey - half of Lot 24, 26th dist.
John Golden
101/14 acres, Lot. 65, 28th dist.
Hawthorn, 202 1/2 ac, Lot 92, 27th dist.
John Berry and Elijah Mills -
4 slaves, Vilet, Isaac,
Jinney, Rachael
Williams - 90 acres, part of 92 and 72, 23 dist.
Wiley Belsher, sh'ff.
December 5, 1820
Albany Gazette
DIED, In Twiggs county, Georgia, Gabriel
C. Moffatt, Esq. aged 26.
May 19, 1821
Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel
Look at This! Broke out of the subscriber's
enclosure on the 9th inst. a pair of large bay horses, with some white
in their foreheads, one of which is a remarkable fine riding horse, racks
well; the other moves rather sluggish, with one eye a little defected;
also a grey mare, rather inclined to be white. The above horses were in
good order when they left the subscriber's plantation. It is probable they
will make for augusta; but I fear some villain has made a prize of them
as quick as possible. A reasonable award will be given for either, or the
whole of them, and all expenses paid. Any information will be thankfully
received, by a line directed to the subscriber at Marion, Twiggs county,
Georgia, or to Mr. A. R. Ralston in Augusta.
David Ralston. April 30.
November 20, 1821
New York Spectator
DIED- In Twiggs County Georgia, Maj.
Mark Harden
November 29, 1821
Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel
The subscriber offers for sale his property
in Twiggs county, situated 18 miles below Fort Hawkins. It lies immediately
on the Ocmulgee river, and contains 3050 acres of land, of a most excellent
quality, it being a Swamp-hammock and pine-350 acres are in cultivation
and ll the buildings necessary for purchaser's taking possession, are already
upon the place.
There are also 30
negroes, and a considerable stock of cattle, horses and hogs, which
would be sold with the plantation if it were required.
The conditions
upon which this place may be purchased, are: one third to be paid at or
before the signing of the deed, and the balance by annual installments
For further particulars, apply to
my brother, A.R. Ralston, in Augusta; or to the subscriber on the
David Ralston.
6, 1822
Georgia Journal
Georgia, Twiggs County
The following free persons of color
have caused their names to be registered in my office, under an act, supplementary
to an act, of the Legislature, regulating free persons of color in this
Barbary Wiggins, aged 41, South Carolina,
15 years in Georgia, a spinster.
Nancy Wiggins, aged 20, South Carolina,
16 years in Georgia, a spinster.
Sall Wiggins, aged 26, South Carolina,
17 years in Georgia, a spinster.
Matilda Wiggins, aged 7 months, Georgia,
7 mo. in Georgia, a spinster.
John Jackson, aged 45, Virginia,
6 yrs in Georgia, a farmer.
William Chaves, aged 49, North Carolina,
35 years in Georiga, a baker.
Joe Harper, aged 53, Virginia, 39
years in Georgia, a farmer. EDWIN HART, C.I. C. July 23
October 22, 1822
City Gazette and Commecial Daily Advertiser.
Committed, to the Jail of Marlboro District,
as runaways, two Negro Men; one calls his name Hardy, about 21 years
of age, 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, and says he belongs to
Charles Spann,
Esq. of Sumpter District, in this state; the other calls his name Sam,
to be about 22 years of age, of a dark complexion, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches
high, one of his ankles (sic) sprained, occasioned as he says from a fall
off a horse, and belongs to Col. Benj. DuPree,
of Twiggs county,
Georgia. The owners are requested to prove their property and take them
away. Jos. David, Jr. Sheriff, M.D. July 26
November 07, 1822
Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel
10 Dollars Reward. Ranaway from the subscriber,
on the 11th inst. a negro man namedAbraham;
he formerly belonged to Mr. David Ralston
of Twiggs county, Georgia;
has one or two of his upper teeth out, two scars on his nose, and two or
three over one of his eyes; is of dark complexion, 5 feet 8 or 10 inches
high, of common size, and about 25 or 30 years of age. The above reward
will be paid to any person who will deliver him to me, or $5 to have him
secured in any gaol and give the undersigned notice of it as that I get
him again. Ann S. Tillman, Near Edgefield C.H. S. Carolina. October
December 28, 1822
Independent Chronicle & Boston Patriot
DIED. On the 28th ult. at the
house of
Col. Moses Fort, in Marion, Georgia, Miss Harriet
Cushing, preceptress in the Twiggs County Academy, and recently from
the town of Chesterfield, Mass. of which she was a native. She died after
a severe illness of four weeks, aged 23. During a residence of eleven months
in Marion, her amiable, virtuous and accomplished deportment had secured
to her the friendship and esteem of all who knew her.
Re-Sale. - Will be sold on the 25th January next, at the house of Alexander McDaniel, in Twiggs county, a sorrel hourse, a loom and some other articles of furniture, all the property of the late John Hatter, dec'd. Terms made known on the day of sale. Stephen Jones, Isaac Wood, Adm'rs. Dec. 17.
All persons indebted to the estate of John Womble, late of Twiggs county deceased, are requested to make immediate payment...D. W. Shine, Adm'r Nov. 12.
March 18, 1823
Georgia Journal
DIED. At the house of Col. B. C. Dupree,
in Twiggs county, on Wednesday the 26th February last, Maj.
JAMES GORDON, in the 91st year of his age. He is one who suffered in
the Revolution, whre he received many wounds-He was at Braddock's defeat,
and bore the name of King Corn-Stalk.- It is remarkable that he
supported a straight and erect posture, though worn down with age. His
ambition for war was his theme, when in his senses. He died in a state
of delirium, abusing the enemy. He was brought to his end by a fall from
a horse, and survived it but from Friday evening until the following Wednesday.
July 22, 1823
Georgia Journal
~excerpt~Administrator's Sale..4 negroes,
1 woman by the name of Mary, Tom a boy, Lucy a girl, and
1 small girl child, sold as the property of
Starling Anderson, late of Twiggs county dec'd.....Josiah Homes,
Adm'r. Mary Anderson, Adm'x. May 20
August 19, 1823
Georgia Journal
~excerpt~ sold on the first Tuesday in September
next, negro man named Adam, belonging
to the estate of Robert Barton,
dec'd...John Barton, Ex'r. July 3
9, 1823
Georgia Journal
Georgia, Twiggs county. Clerk's office Inferior
court, July 8th, 1823.
The following free persons of color
have caused their names to be registered in my office under an act of the
Legislature of this state, regulating free persons of color.
Names Age Place of nat'y How long in Geo.
Sam'l Bell 25, N. C. 5 yrs, Farmer
Barb'y Wiggins, 42 S. C. 16 " Farmer
John Jackson 45 Vir'a 10 " Blacksmith
Joe Harper, 54 " 39: Farmer
Nancy Wiggins, 21 S. C. 17" Farmer
Aug. 19 EDWIN HART, C. I. C.
June 19, 1824
Augusta Chronicle
Governor Troup has issued a Proclamation
offering a reward of two hundred dollars for the apprehension of Jeremiah
W. Ray, of Twiggs county, charge with the murder of James
July 10, 1824
Augusta Chronicle
Notice. Ranaway from the subscribers, living
in Twiggs county, on Sunday night last, two negro fellows, (brothers,)
one about twenty, and the other about twenty-two years of age, both stout
and well built, and about five feet 7 or 8 inches high-the elder, George,
something taller of the two, he has a scar on his breast, high forehead,
hair stands up straight, speaks quick, - Littleton, the younger,
has no peculiar mark, in general like his brother, speaks quick, and has
a remarkable way of working his eyes and dashing his head when spoken to.
It is expected that they will make for the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Any
person who will apprehend the said fellows, and bring them to the subscribers,
or secure them in any Jail, so that we get them, shall be liberally rewarded.
G. Slappy, R. R. Tarver. July 10
July 27, 1824
Georgia Journal
4th of July in Twiggs County
~excerpt~ At a meeting
of the freemen of our happy county, residing in the vicinity of the Ocmulgee
Academy, Twiggs county, on the 21st ult. it was unanimously agreed to celetbrate
the National Jubilee of '76 on the Monday following the 3th July inst.
- Maj. JAMES C. BRYAN having been called to the chair, and Mr.Wm. H. DUPREE,
to officiate as Secretary. The following committees &c. were appointed
viz. Robert Glenn and Hugh Lawson, Esq's. Dr. John G. Slappy, Maj. J. C.
Bryan, Dr. R. R. Tarver, Capt. T. M. Chamberlain, and Capt., James M. Kelly,
as a committee to prepare toasts, and Dr. Tarver, Col. B. Dupree, Dr. J.
W. Barkwell, Capt. John Jones, Capt. D. W. Shine, and H. H. Tarver, Esq.
as committee of arrangment - Mr. Hugh Lawson accepted to read the Declaration
of Independence, and Mr. Ira E. Dupree accepted to deliver an oration -
The Rev. M. Saxon accepted to deliver a suitable sermon on the occasion-and
Resolved, That all old '76ers
in the vicinity be invited to participate as guests, and that the proceedings
be printed in one of the Milledgeville papers.
Accordingly, the Monday was ushered
in with the dawning of a fair morning, after refreshing showeres on our
previous thirsting soi8l, by the firing of cannon, as it were from the
shades of '76, reminding their offspring of their wounds and sufferings
- Happy mourn, nor false delusion! At 11 o'clock the Academy was crowed
with the few surviving Revolutionists and other freemen - The matrons of
'76 and their fair daughters too honoured the occassion;........
VOLUNTEERS. Dr. R. R. Tarver...Ira E. Dupree...Dr.
John G. Slappy...Moses Wheat, Esq...Edward Kelly, Esq., and old '76er
M. C. Williamson...Lieutenant Oliver Tison
G. M....Capt. T. M. Chamberlain, G. M....Hamilton R. Dupree...Wm. H. Dupree...Edmund
Dupree...Father Jeremiah Dupree (an old '76er...R. W. Paramore (of Telfair
county)...Capt. John Jones...Capt. D. W. Shine..Father John Shine, a '76er....Capt.
James M. Kelly, G. M...Dr. Jno W. Barkwell..Maj. Jas. C. Bryan....Maj.
Joseph B. Bryan..James Pace...F. W. Jobson..Wm. M. Tarver..Moses Wheat,
Esq. (the Vice President of the day)..Mr. Sterling Tison..James Bryan..Capt.
Ezekiel Wimberly..Capt. Kelly....
December 14, 1824
Southern Recorder
~excerpt Administrators' Sale..first Tuesday
in January next,....Ten Negroes...three
fellows, two women, two boys and three small children, belonging to the
estate of Elijah Ward, late
of said county, deceased..Stephen Walton, Adm'r. Pheraba Ward,
November 15
July 21, 1825
Essex Register
Captain Harrison's
of cavalry of Twiggs County, who were ordered to the Indian frontier in
Dooly and Early Counties, says the Macon Messenger, returned a few
days since. Some disturbances, adds the same paper, had taken place in
that quarter, but nothing of sufficient moment to make a military interference
necessary. It is believed that misrepresentations were made to the Executive
by those whose imaginations conjured up Indian wars from trivial circumstances,
or no troops would have been ordered out.
Savannah Georgian.
June 30, 1826
Rhode Island American and Providence
The nicety of the law - A man, named
Robert A. Evens, was recently arraigned before the Superior Court of
Twiggs county, Georgia, on a chrge of perjury in having sworn upon the
Holy Gospel, the the truth of a certain statement respecting a controversy
between two of his neighbors; but the magristrate, before the oath was
taken, being unable to tesify whether he was sworn upon the Holy Gospel,
or with the uplifted hand, the prisoner was discharged, on the ground that
the oath had been administered in a form different from that laid in the
September 26, 1826
Southern Recorder
..405 acres..lies within two and a half miles of Marion, and within two miles of the Marion Academy...excellent place for distilling..Wiley Bullard. Twiggs county, August 15.
...last Will and Testament of Richard Smith, deceased..will be sold..2d day of January, 1827
Valuable Plantations..
The one where the dec'd last lived in Twiggs,
near the Buzzard Ro(o)st ferry, by the River road to and from Macon, on
the N. E. side, and by lands owned by estate of Edward Bryan and
others, on the S. W. side, which contains two whole Squares of Land, Nos.
269 and 293, half of Lot No. 270, about 39 acres of Fraction No. 291, 120
acres of Fraction No. 292, and Fractions 296 and 297, containing 68 acres,
all lying in a body, well wooded and watered, an excellent double Dwelling-house,
a Gin-house, kitchen and negro houses thereon, containing together,Seven
Hundred Acres,more or less, 120 acres of which is cleared..
OTHER PLANTATION. lies on the other side of the River road to and from Macon, directly opposite the Plantation already described, and is composed of nearly Four Squares of Land, in a square body, viz: Nos. 241, 242, and 264 and 263, except of this lst, about 38 acres cut off (by testator) by the Buzzard Roost road, containing it all SEVEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY ACRES, more or less, ..several Log cabins only on the Plantation for dwellings - but there is a new and Excellent Grist Mill standing on Crooked creek..likewise a good the 24th district..Also One Square of Land in the 25th district..No. 274, containing 202 1-2 acres, known as testator's Jack square...Also will be sold...
15 to
18 Prime Negroes,
among them and excellent plantation Carpenter,
also, a pretty good Smith...Abner Wimberly, T. M. Chambrlain, Ex'ors.
August 12.
..A Likely Negro Girl, belonging to the estate of Amy Bryan,..dec'd. Reddick Bryan, Adm'r. July 10.
..leave to sell the real estate of Oliver Tison, deceased. James Oliver, Adm'r. March 13, 1826
..Robert Belsher and Littleton Belsher, executors of the last Will and Testament of McCuin Belsher, dec'd..letters of dismission. ..Henry Solomon, ..July 17, 1826. Larkin Griffin, c. c. o
leave to sell the real estate of Mitchell Griffin, of Telfair county, deceased. James Griffin, Adm'r. April 1, 1826
..leave to sell the real estate of James Shannon,...deceased, consisting of two lots of lands, No. 24, in the 9th district of Houston county, and Lot No. 159, in the 9th district of Henry county. Jeremiah Powell, Adm'r. November 25, 1826.
December 12, 1826
Macon Weekly Telegraph
DEATHS. In Twiggs county, on the 8th ult., Mrs.
HARRIET RIDLEY, wife of December 12, 1826
December 12, 1826
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Collector's Sale. Will be sold, on the first
Tuesday in February next, Lot No. 15 in the 8th district formerly Wilkinson
now Telfair county, on the waters of Horse Creek - levied on as the property
ofJohn Barker, to satisfy his tax
for the year 1825. Theo. Pearce, Tax Collector, Twiggs County.
December 12, 1826
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Executor's Sale. Will be sold on the first
Tuesday in February next, in the town of Marion, Twiggs county, one Negro
Woman, the property of Moses
Blackshear, deceased - to be sold for the benefit of the heirs. Terms
made known on the day of sale. Thomas Pearce, A. Nelson, Ex'ors.
December 26, 1826
Macon Telegraph
Will be sold, on Wednesday, the seventeenth
of January next, at the residence of Moses
Blackshear, in Twiggs county, all the Personal Property of said deceased,
consisting of one Horse, some Cattle and Hogs, Plantation Tools, Household
and Kitchen Furniture, with Beds and other articles-to be sold for the
benefit of the heirs. Terms made known on the day of sale.
January 9, 1827
Macon Telegraph
George M. Troup, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of
this State, and of the Militia thereof.
Official information having been received
by the Executive, that on Monday the 16th day of October last, Samuel
Stephens of the county of Twiggs, in this State, did stab and wound
Jacob Gilder of the county aforesaid, of which wound the said Gilder
has since died, and that the said Samuel Stephens has absconded. Now therefore
in order that the said Samuel Stephens may be brought to trial for the
crime wherewith he is charged, I have thought proper to issue this my Proclamation,
hereby offering a reward of Two Hundred Dollars to any person or persons
who shall apprehend and deliver him to the Sheriff of the county aforesaid-
And I do moreover charge and require all officers of this State, civil
and military, to be aiding and assisting in apprehending and bringing the
said Samuel Stephens to justice.
Given under my hand and the Great
Seal of the State at the State House in Milledgeville, this eleventh November,
in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and twenty-six, and of American
Independence the fifty-first. G. M. Troup By the Governor: Daniel Newnan,
Secretary of State.
January 9, 1827
Macon Telegraph
Will be sold on the first Tuesday
in March next, one Lot in Marion, whereon Robert
L. Perryman formerly lived, levied on as the property of said Perryman,
to satisfy his Tax for 1825. Amount of Tax, $12.30 3-4 cents. THEO. PEARCE.
T. L. Twiggs County. dec 26.
March 5, 1827
Macon Telegraph
an order of the Inferior Court of Twiggs county, will be sold on the first
Tuesday in May next, at the Courthouse in the town of Marion, Twiggs County,
between the usual hours of sale, A Negro Woman, by the name of Amy.
as the property of Josiah Rogers,
for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms cash. John Neal, adm'r.
feb 27
April 9, 1827
Macon Telegraph
MARRIED. In Twiggs county, on the 29th ultimo,
Mr. Lorenzo M'Millin, to Miss
Sarah Ann Sandiford, both late of Liberty county.
May 7, 1827
Macon Telegraph
Nine Months After Date, Application will
be made to the honorable, the Court of Ordinary, of Twiggs county, for
leave to sell the Real Estate of Charles
late of said county, deceased-for the benefit of the heirs
of said estate.
Mary Thompson, Guardian.
May 14, 1827
Macon Telegraph
MARRIED. In Twiggs county, on Sunday evening,
29th ult. by Henry Bunn, Esq.,
Colonel Michael Watson, of Houston
county, to Miss Mary Wimberly,
of James B. Wimberely, Esq.
In Twiggs county, on
Tuesday evening, 1st instant by Henry Bunn, Esq. Mr. Hugh Lawson,
of Houston county to Miss Sarah Bryan,
daughter of Major James C. Bryan.
June 4, 1827
Macon Telegraph
MARRIED In Marion, Twiggs
county, on Thursday evening last, by Henry Bunn, Esq. Mr.
Senus H. Clark,
Miss Elizabeth Barton.
July 10, 1827
Georgia Journal
~excerpts~..For Cash, will be sold..Twiggs
county..first Tuesday in August next,...
202 1/2 acres pine land, the no.
not known, the place whereon Charles Rabun now lives, also lot No
107, containing 202 1/2 acres,
together with the half of lot whereon
Rabun now lives, containing 101 1/4 acres, more or less, all lying
in the 27th dist. originally Wilkinson now Twiggs county, levied on as
the property of Joel Rabun....
50 acres of land, more or less in the 24th dist orginally Wilkinson now Twiggs county, the No not know adjoining lands of Henry Saxon, James Bryan and of John L. Saxon...
202 1/2 acres land, No 28, in the 25th of Zachariah Cox...
50 acres land, more or less, adjoining the town of Marion, and lands belonging to the estate of Arthur C. Perry and others in the 25th dist..
A negro fellow named Dick, about 20 years of age, of Thomas Zorn...
1518 3/4 acres of land,
Nos as follows: 187, 188, 215, 216, 317, 214, containing 202 1/2 acres
each also 202 1/2 acres of lot No not known, the place whereon James
C. Bryan now lives, 101 1/4 acres, adjoining McCra and others,
all lying in the 24th dist.....aand 7 negroes, Willoby a fellow
25 years of age,
Daniel a fellow 25 years old, Balam a fellow
25 years old,
Signey a girl 15 years old, Dilsey a woman
thirty-five years old, Patience a woman 30 years old, and Peggy
a woman 28 years old, all levied on as the property of James
C. Bryan...
7 negroes, to wit: Abel
man 35 years old, Betsy a woman 37, Mary a girl 7,
boy 7, Mariah a girl 7, Silvey a girl 3, Claricy
girl 28 months old, all levied on as the property of James C. Bryan...
A negro woman named Creece,
years old, and child, also a girl by the name of Lucy, 12 years
old, of James C. Bryan...
Five negroes, Tom
a fellow about 26 or 27 years old, Peggy a woman about 26, and her
child, Andrew, Mary a girl about 10 and Charles a
fellow about 22 years of age, also two bay horses and one Indian poney,
2 yoke of oxen, one road waggon, an one ox cart, all levied on as the property
of Benjamin L. Rainey...
Three negroes, Joe a
boy about 18, Brister a man about 45, and Isaac a boy about
8 years old, levied on as the property of Robert
Glenn...James Harrison, Sh'f.
,,,A negro fellow named Charles, levied on as the property of Benjamin L. Rainey..James Harrison, Sh'ff.
July 23, 1827
Macon Telegraph
MARRIED, In Twiggs county, on the 4th instant,
by the Rev. Mr. Saxon, Dr. RUFFIN R. TARVER, of Pulaski county,
to Miss
R. SLAPPEY, of Twiggs.
August 14, 1827
Macon Telegraph
be made to the Inferior Court of Twiggs County; when sitting for Ordinary
Purposes, for leave to sell Lot number one hundred and twenty-seven, in
the twelfth district of Houston county, it being the real estate of John
Herderson, deceased. HANNAH HENDERSON, Administratrix, with
the will annexed. July 23.
August 21, 1827
Macon Telegraph
Married. In Twiggs Co., on Tuesday evening,
the 14th instant, by the Reverend Charnich A. Tharp, the Reverend
JOHN M. GRAY, of Monroe county, to Mrs.
NANCY HILL, widow of Willoughby Hill, of Twiggs County.
September 11, 1827
Macon Telegraph
Notice. All persons having demands against
the estate of Theophilus Pearce,
late of Twiggs county, deceased, are requested to bring then in properly
attested, and those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate
Alexander Nelson, Executor
September 27, 1827
Essex Register
DIED. In Twiggs county, Geo. 7th ult.Rev.
Theophilus Pierce,
aged about 60 years, an exemplary christian, and
preacher of the Baptist denomination.
September 23, 1827
Macon Telegraph
Administrators Sale. On the first Tuesday
in November next, Agreeably to an order of the Inferior Court of Twiggs
county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold at the court-house
in Marion, 100 acres of Land, adjoining lands of Olliver and Edwards,
in Twiggs county. Sold as the property of
Lewis Daniel, dec. for the benefit of all concerned. Jonas Daniel,
Sept 3
November 5, 1827
Georgia Journal
~excerpt~ ..sold on Friday the 21st of December
next, at the late residence of John
Sanders, late of Twiggs county, deceased, all the personal property...horses,
cattle, hogs, sheep, farming utensils, and household and kitchen furniture.
...sold on the first Tuesday in January
next,...3 negroes, viz. Lev, Milly
Sanders, Adm'x. september 17
November 27, 1827
Macon Telegraph
Georgia-Twiggs County.
Whereas Ira E. Dupree applies to
me for Letters of Administration on the estate of Nathan
Brady, late of this county, deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and
appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if
any they have, why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, this 6th of
November, 1827
Peter Solomon, c.c.o.
December 15, 1827
Charleston Observer
Married. In Twiggs co.,
Henry G.
Abernathy, Esq. to Miss Mary
A. K. Guerry
February 16, 1828
Charleston Observer
Married. In Twiggs Co., Wm. M. Tarver to
Miss Hannah Slappey.
March 24, 1828
Macon Weekly Telegraph
A man of the name of Tharpe, at
the sitting of the Superior Court in Twiggs county, last week, was sentenced
to five years hard labor in the Penitentiary, for the crime of horse stealing.
March 31, 1828
Macon Telegraph
Administrator's Sale. On the first Tuesday
in June next, Agreeably to an order of the honorable the Inferior Court
of Twiggs county when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold at the
Court House in the town of Marion, Twiggs County.
All the Real Estate of Elijah
Ward, deceased, consisting of one half of lot No. 207, in the 24th
district, formerly Wilkinson now Twiggs county, adjoining Perry, Thornton
and others. Sold for the benefit of all concerned. Stephen W. Walton,
Adm'r. Mar 31
March 31, 1828
Macon Telegraph
Administrator's Sale. On the first Tuesday
in June next, In the town of Marion, Twiggs county, will be sold between
the usual hours, The west: half of Lot No. 106, in the __ district, formerly
Wilkinson now Twiggs county, lying on Flat creek, and adjoining Jacob
Pearce. Sold as the Real Estate of Susannah
late of Twiggs county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs
and creditors.
William Jacobs, Administrator. March 31
May 10, 1828
Charleston Observer
Married. In Twiggs co., Ga., 15th ult.,
Park, esq., to Miss Martha Woddard.
September 1, 1828
Macon Telegraph
ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Agreeable to an order
of the honorable the Inferior court of Twiggs county, when sitting for
Ordinary purposes, will be sold at the courthouse door in Twiggs county,
On the first Tuesday in Ocober next,
One hundred and thirty acres
of LAND adjoining Dennard, Wimberly, Lowry and others - Also at
the same time and place, will be sold, five NEGREOS. And also, on the same
day, at the Court house in Perry, Houston county, will be sold, one lot
of LAND, number two hundred and forty-nine, inthe thirteenth district of
Houston county; the whole being the Real and Personal Estate of COLLIN
SLEDGE, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and credutors. DRURY
L. HARRIS, adm'r. july8 29
September 29, 1828
Macon Telegrah
Married. In this county on Tuesday evening
last, Mr. John Corbett, merchant of this place, to Miss
Mary Watts of Twigs County, Mr. William Solomon, to
__Smith, daughter of Lovet B. Smith.
November 1, 1828
Macon Telegraph
Administrator's Sale. Agreeable to an order
of the Inferior court of Twiggs county, will be sold, On the first Tuesday
in January next, as the court house in the town of Marion, between the
usual hours of sale,
Four hundred acres of Land, more
or less, the place whereon
William Dennard lived while in life.
Also Three Negroes, viz: George, Silvey
and her child Joe. All sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors
of Barbary Deshazo, deceased.
Deshazo, Adm'r Oct 6.
November 1, 1828
Macon Telegraph
Executor's Sale. Will be sold at the late
residence of William Edwards, deceased,
in Twiggs county, on Saturday the 6th day of December next, the following
property, viz: Horses, Cattle, Pork, a number of bales of ginned Cotton,
and many other articles too tedious to mention. Terms made known on the
day of sale. Isham Edwards, Ex'r. Oct. 18.
November 1, 1828
Macon Telegraph
A Post Office has been established at Raines'
Store Twiggs county, and is now regularly supplied with a mail.
November 9, 1828
Macon Weekly Telegraph
GEORGIA - Twiggs County.
WHEREAS Elizabeth Peters and
B. Peters applied to me for Letters of Administration on the estate
late of said
county, deceased.
this 4th day of November, 1828.
October 4, 1828
Charleston Observer
Married. In Twiggs co., Ga., Mr. William
Solomon, to Miss Susan Smith.
December 1, 1828
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Will be sold on Saturday the 20th December
next at the residence of GODFREY ROSS,
of Twiggs county, deceased - all the Perishable Property of said deceased
- consisting of Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Corn, Fodder, Cotton, Geese, Household
and Kitchen Furniture, Plantation Tools, and sundry other Articles too
tedious to mention. Also, at the same time and place will be rented the
Plantation belonging to said deceased. Terms made known on the day.
SAMUEL ADAMS, Adm'r. November 6, 1828.
January 10, 1829
MARRIED, In Marion, Twiggs co. on the 18th
ult. Gen. THADDEUS G. HOLT, to Miss
January 24, 1829
Macon Telegraph
MARRIED. In Twiggs county, on the 15th instant,
by Rev. C. A. Tharp, Captain Thomas G. Bates, of Macon, to Miss Mary
Note: Thomas G Bates, Connecticut native,
died in Harris County in 1839.
March 21, 1829
Macon Telegraph
Married. On Sunday the 22d ult. by his Honor
T. G. Holt, Mr. Williard Boyington to Miss
Rony Bryan, daughter of Benjamin Bryan, Esq., all of Twiggs
April 11, 1829
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Joseph Williams , who was convicted
at the late term of the Superior Court in Twiggs county, of the murder
ofNimrod Phillips, was hanged at Macon
yesterday, agreeably to his sentence.
September 12, 1829
Macon Telegraph
Married, At the house of Lewis
Davis, in Crawford county, on Sunday evening 30th of this inst. by
the Rev. Mr. Anthony G. Smith, Mr. Matthew Wright, of Jones
county, to Miss Ann Perry,
of Twiggs county, daughter of the late Arthur Perry.
September 26, 1829
DIED. In Twiggs co., on the 26th Aug. Mrs.
Mary R. Tarver, in the 20th year of her age, consort of Dr. Tarver.
December 5, 1829
Macon Telegraph
Administrator's Sale
Agreeable to an order of the Inferior court
of Twiggs county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold on the
first Tuesday in February next, at the court-house in Twiggs county, between
the usual hours of sale, the following property to wit:
Ten Negroes, Jacob a man,
a man, Harry a man, Alexander a boy,
Aaron a boy,
a woman,
Milley a woman, Annis
a woman,
Mary a girl,
a girl - Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Gabriel
Parker deceased, sold on a credit of twelve months. Willey Parker,
December 5, 1829
Macon Telegraph
Tuesday in January next, will be sold at the Court house in the Town of
Marion, Twiggs County agreeable to an order of the Inferior Court of said
county, all the real estate of Godfrey
Ross late of said County deceased, Consisting of one hundred one and
one fourth acres of pine land, at...the south east half of lot number two
hundred & sixty three in the twenty fifth district originally Wilkinson
and Eighty one acres Oak and Hickory in the Twenty-fourth district orginally
Wilkinson, it being part of a lot number not recollected, it being a part
of which was alloted to said Ross in a division of the Estate of Joab Tison,
deceased, the above lands sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors
of said deceased. Terms made know on the day of sale. Samuel Adams, Adm'r.
Oct 24.
December 19, 1829
Macon Telegraph
DIED - At her father's, (Sterling W.
Smith,) in Jones county, on Saturday morning the 5th inst. after
a short illness, Mrs. Mary Ann Bray,
wife of Thomas H. Bray, of Marion, Twiggs county, in the 20th year
of her age.