third company formed in Twiggs County, Company E, Faulk Invicibles was
named for William Faulk who uniformed and furnished blankets, shoes, hats,
swords for the whole company. Colonel Eli S. Griffin was the commanding
26th Infantry Regiment [also called 13th
Regiment] completed its organization in October, 1861, at Brunswick, Georgia.
Its companies were recruited in the couties of Charlton, Berrien, Glynn,
Twiggs, Clinch, Ware, Coffee, and Wayne. After serving in the Department
of Georgia at St. Simons Island and Savannah, the unit moved to Virginia
where it was brigaded under Generals Lawton, John B. Gordon, and C.A. Evans.
The 26th participated in the campaigns of the Army of Northern Virginia
from the Seven Days' Battles to Cold Harbor, fought with Early in the Shenandoah
Valley, and ended the war at Appomattox. This regiment came to Virginia
with 1,100 officers and men, lost 37 killed and 87 wounded at Second Manassas,
and reported 6 killed, 49 wounded, and 6 missing at Sharpsburg. It had
53 casualties at Fredericksburg and 12 at Second Winchester. The unit was
detached from its brigade to support the artillery at Gettysburg and lost
few casualties. On April 9, 1865, it surrendered 85 men, of which 4 officers
and 34 men were armed. The field officers were Colonels Edmund N. Atkinson
and Carey W. Styles; Lieutenant Colonels James S. Blain, Eli S. Griffin,
William A. Lane, and William A. McDonald; and Majors Thomas N. Gardner
and B.F. Grace. Civil
War Soldiers and Sailors System
10 from this company surrendered on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox Court House,
F.H. AdkinsResidence
Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 5/8/1862 as a Private. POW 4/9/1865
Farmville, VA
Released 6/24/1865 Newport News, VA
Henry H. Adkins Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. Wounded 6/15/1862 Richmond, VA On rolls detailed 8/31/1864. Guard at Corps Ordnance.
Lewis Adkins Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. On rolls present 2/28/1862
Daniel AndersonResidence
Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 5/8/1862 as a Private. He deserted on 5/19/1864
POW 10/17/1864 As Confederate deserter,
Transferred 10/18/1864 New York, NY (Turned over to Capt. J. Cassels)
Other Information: born in Tattnall County,
GA Jan. 16,1833.
J. Balkcom Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private.
Promotions: 5th Sergt 5/8/1862. He was Killed on 5/10/1864 at Spotsylvania
House, VA
William D. BarclayResidence
Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. POW 6/3/1864
Cold Harbor, VA. Paroled 11/15/1864 Point Lookout, MD (For exchange).
Received 11/15/1864 Venus Point, GA
James BarringtonResidence
Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 5/8/1862 as a Private. He was Surrendered
on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox Court House, VA
Wilson B. Barrington Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 5/8/1862 as a Private. Wounded 7/9/1864 Monocacy, MD. Absent, wounded 8/31/1864
John W. Batchelor Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. Wounded 5/6/1864 Wilderness, VA (Disabled). Furloughed 5/15/1864 (Recommended for extension of furlough). Furloughed 3/29/1865 At Home (At close of war)
Richard J. Batchelor Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 5/8/1862 as a Private. Wounded leg & thigh, 8/15/1864 Fisher's Hill, VA . Detailed At Home On guard duty. Born Jan. 12,1839.
W. Bateman Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private.
He died on 2/24/1862 at Waynesville Hospital
Lewis Bennett Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. On rolls present 2/28/1862
John J. BirdsongResidence
Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. Detailed 12/3/1861
in A.C.S. Dept.. POW 7/5/1863 Gettysburg, PA. Exchanged 2/18/1865
Point Lookout, MD
David BlackshearResidence
Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private.
He was Surrendered on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox
Court House, VA
Isaac D. BlackshearResidence
Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private.
POW 5/12/1864 Spotsylvania Court House,
VA. Paroled 10/11/1864 Elmira, NY, Received for exchange 11/15/1864
Venus Point, GA. He was Surrendered on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox Court
House, VA. Born in Twiggs County, GA in 1841.
William Blackshear Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. On rolls present 2/28/1862
William J. BlalockResidence
Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private.
According to The Georgia Weekly Telegraph.
1862, June 18, he was wounded slightly in the ankle in the battle of the
27th of May. POW 6/3/1864 Cold Harbor, VA. Transferred
3/15/1865 Aiken's Landing, VA. From Point Lookout, MD, for exchange.
Received 3/16/1865 Boulware & Cox's Wharves, VA
Thomas Bobbitt Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. Discharged (over age) on 4/30/1864
H. Bridger Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private.
Wounded 5/6/1864 Wilderness, VA. He died of wounds in hosptial on 8/27/1862
at Richmond, VA
W. Brown Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 11/17/1861 as a Private.
He was Killed on 7/9/1864 at Monocacy, MD
Joseph U. Burkett Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a 2nd Lieutenant. Promotions: 1st Lieut 5/8/1862. He Resigned, ill health on 10/2/1862
H. Carter Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a 2nd
Sergt. Promotions: 1st Sergt 12/2/1862. He was Killed on 5/12/1864
at Spotsylvania Court House, VA
William Churchwell Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. On rolls present 2/28/1862
Henry J. Clarke Residence Twiggs County
GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. According to The Georgia Weekly
Telegraph. 1862, June 18, he was wounded severely in the thigh arm
in the battle of the 27th of May. Received pay
7/1/1862 Richmond, VA
Timon Cottingham Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. Absent, sick 2/28/1862
James Lewis Cranford Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 3/4/1862 as a Private. On 3/4/1862 he mustered into "G" Co. GA 48th Infantry. He was transferred out on 6/25/1862 in exchange for John Martin. On 6/25/1862 he transferred into "E" Co. GA 26th Infantry. Absent, sick 4/30/1864 through Aug. 31,1864. Born in Twiggs County, GA March 12,1844.
James Martin Cranford Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. On rolls present 12/31/1861
William Cranford Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. Wounded 8/30/1862 2nd Manassas, VA. On rolls present 8/31/1864
Early Crocker Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as
a Private. On rolls present 2/28/1862
He died in service.
Ezekiel W. CrockerResidence
Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a 1st Lieutenant. On rolls present
2/28/1862. POW 7/5/1863 Gettysburg, PA. Paroled 3/7/1865. Transferred
for exchange 3/7/1865 City Point, VA
A G. Crosby Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. On rolls present 2/28/1862
George Crosby Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. On rolls present 2/28/1862
Tilmon D. Crosby Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. On rolls present 2/28/1862
Aaron DanielResidence
Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 5/8/1862 as a Private.
POW 5/8/1862 Cedar Creek, VA. Arrested
04/07/65 Confined 4/9/1865 Wheeling, WV in Military Prison
Aaron Daniel Residence Twiggs County
GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. He was transferred out on 3/25/1862
On 3/25/1862 he transferred into "B" Co.
GA 29th Infantry, Promotions: 4th Corp 3/25/1862. Discharged on 8/19/1862
Moses Daniel Residence Twiggs County
GA; Enlisted on 5/8/1862 as a Private. He was discharged on 2/26/1864
Elected Sheriff of Coffee County, GA.
Henry DavisResidence
Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 5/8/1862 as a Private. Wounded
in 1864)
POW 4/6/1865 High Bridge, VA.
Released 6/26/1865 Newport News, VA, Born in Twiggs County, GA Aug. 30,1835.
Lewis Davis Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 5/3/1862 as a Private. He was Absent without leave on 1/1/1864 through Aug. 31,1864. Paroled 5/18/1865 Thomasville, GA
James Day Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. On roll present,sick 2/28/1862 In Hospital
Hiram DeForeResidence
Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 5/8/1862 as a Private. Wounded 3/25/1865
Fort Stedman, VA. POW 4/3/1865 Richmond, VA. Released 6/26/1865
Newport News, VA
William Dyer Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. On rolls present 8/31/1864
H. Jackson EvansResidence
Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 3/4/1862 as a Private. On 3/4/1862 he mustered
into "G" Co. GA 48th Infantry. He was transferred out on 5/25/1862. On
5/25/1862 he transferred into "E" Co. GA 26th Infantry In exchange for
John W. Linton. Wounded right arm 9/22/1864 Fisher's Hill, VA. POW
4/3/1865 Camp Jackson Hospl, Richmond, VA, Paroled 4/25/1865 Camp
Jackson Hospl, Richmond, VA. Born Twiggs County, GA Sept. 15,1846.
James F. Evans Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 1/7/1862 as a Private. On rolls present 8/31/1864
H. Evans Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private.
Killed on 7/29/1862 at Staunton, VA. Buried in Thornrose Cemetery, Stauton,
M. Farmer Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private.
He was Killed on 5/5/1864 at Wilderness,
E.M. Floyd Residence Twiggs County
GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. On 9/25/1861 he mustered into "E"
Co. GA 26th Infantry. He was discharged for disability on 7/27/1862. On
4/2/1863 he mustered into "F" Co. GA 2nd Infantry
Promotions: Sergt; Priv 4/2/1863;
JR 2nd LT 8/15/1864. He was Surrendered on 4/15/1865 at Columbus, GA
Born in Twiggs County, GA Jan. 1,1844.
Floyd Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 5/8/1862 as a Private.
He was Killed on 6/27/1862 at Cold Harbor,
F. Floyd Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private.
He died on 7/29/1863 at Staunton, VA. Buried
in Thornrose Cemetery, Staunton, VA.
C E. Frasure Residence Twiggs County
GA; Enlisted on 1/15/1862 as a Private. On 1/15/1862 he mustered into "E"
Co. GA 26th Infantry. He was discharged on 1/15/1863 (Under-age)
On 10/15/1863 he mustered into "Turner's" Co. MS 1st Batty
He was Surrendered at Meridian, MS. Resident
of Georgia since 1846.
Shorter Griffin Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Captain. On 9/25/1861 he was commissioned into "E" Co. GA 26th Infantry. Promotions: Major 5/8/1862. Lt Col 12/3/1862. Intra Regimental Company Transfers: 5/8/1862 from company E to Field & Staff. Wounded 8/30/1862 2nd Manassas, VA He Resigned wounds on 8/12/1863.
John A. Hammock Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 3/4/1862 as a Private. On 3/4/1862 he mustered into "G" Co. GA 48th Infantry. He was transferred out on 3/4/1862 in exchange for Isaac Pate. On 3/4/1862 he transferred into "E" Co. GA 26th Infantry. Not on rolls. Born in 1844.
James Hardee Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. Absent, sick 2/28/1862 (
James M. Hardee Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 1/20/1862 as a Private. On rolls present 2/28/1862
John H.A. Harrison Residence Twiggs
County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. Wounded 5/5/1864 Wilderness,
Hospitalized 5/15/1864 2nd Div 5th
Army Corps. Hospl., Potomac. Transferred 5/20/1864 General Hospital
William H. Haywood Residence Twiggs County GA; Hospitalized 8/14/1862 Lovingston Hospl., Winchester, VA. Returned to duty 8/31/1862 He was discharged on 11/22/1862
David Herrin Residence Twiggs County
GA; Enlisted on 5/14/1862 as a Private. Wounded in arm Virginia
Hospitalized Chimborazo Hospl, Richmond,
VA. Absent, sick 8/31/1864 . Furloughed Clinch County, GA for 60
days. accidentally shot. * Paroled 5/27/1865 Thomasville, GA
Jacob Y. Hill Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 5/8/1862 as a Private. Discharged on 9/1/1864. (Under-age)
John HillResidence
Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 11/22/1861 as a Private.
He was Surrendered on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox
Court House, VA
Needham Hill Residence Twiggs County
GA; Enlisted on 11/22/1861 as a Private. On roll present 8/31/1864.
Furloughed 2/15/1865 for 60 days
Hitson Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private.
He died in hosptial on 9/15/1862.
James W. Hodges Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Corporal. Wounded 6/28/1862 Cold Harbor, VA (Amputation of two fingers). He was discharged for disability on 2/25/1863. Born in Twiggs County, GA Feb. 25,1863.
Henry Howell Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 11/17/1861 as a Private. Wounded Virginia in 1864. Wounded right arm 9/29/1864. Hospitalized 9/29/1864 Charlottesville, VA Furloughed 10/13/1864
John M. HowellResidence
Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. Promotions:
Corpl 5/8/1862. He was listed as: Wounded 5/5/1864 Wilderness, VA.
He was Surrendered on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox Court House, VA
John Thomas HughesResidence
Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a 1st Sergeant. According to
Georgia Weekly Telegraph. 1862, June 18, he was wounded slightly in
the shoulder in the battle of the 27th of May. Promotions: JR 2nd
LT 12/2/1862. POW 7/5/1863 Gettysburg, PA.; 2nd Lieut 2/23/1864.
Paroled 3/14/1865 Johnson's Island, OH. Received 3/22/1865 Cox's
Landing, James River, VA, for exchange.
Daniel K. Ives Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. On rolls present 2/28/1862
George W. JamesResidence
Jones County GA; Enlisted on 2/13/1862 as a Private. POW 7/3/1863
Gettysburg, PA. Released 6/19/1865 Elmira, NY. Born in Jones County,
GA, Died in Jones County, GA. Feb. 23,1905.
Jarvis Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private.
He died of disease on 11/27/1862 at Richmond,
VA (General Hospital #11.)
Kinchen J. JohnsonResidence
Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private.
POW 4/6/1865 High Bridge, VA,
Released 6/26/1865 Newport News, VA
Elbert Kent Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. Wounded 5/5/1864 Wilderness, VA (Left arm amputated above elbow). Hospitalized 11/2/1864 Macon, GA (In Floyd House & Ocmulgee Hospitals)
Benjamin Lamb Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. Discharged on 5/8/1862 (Over-age)
H.C. Lamb Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 5/8/1862 as a Private. Wounded (Chronic ulcer resulting from wound). Hospitalized 10/19/1864 Macon, GA (Floyd House & Ocmulgee Hospitals.)
D. Lamb Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private.
On rolls present 2/28/1862. He was Killed in battle of Sharpsburg MD in
1862 per Macon Weekly Telegraph 2/18/1863.
E. Lamb Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private.
He was Killed on 5/12/1864 at Spotsylvania
Court House, VA
J. Lavarre Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861
as a Private. On rolls present 2/28/1862
He was Killed in service.
Benjamin F. Lee Residence Twiggs County
GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private.
He was discharged for disability on 12/27/1862
at Danville, VA
George W. LeeResidence
Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a 2nd Corpl. POW 7/9/1864
Monocacy, MD. Wounded 7/9/1864 Monocacy, MD. Transferred 2/15/1865
Fort McHenry, MD to Point Lookout.
W. Linton Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private.
He was transferred out on 5/25/1862 (In exchange for H.J. Evans).
On 5/25/1862 he transferred into "G" Co. GA 48th Infantry. * Wounded 5/3/1863
Chancellorsville, VA. Wounded 5/3/1863 Chancellorsville, VA.
Furloughed . He died of wounds at home.
James "Jerry" W. LipseyResidence
Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 5/8/1862 as a Private. According to The
Georgia Weekly Telegraph. 1862, June 18, he was shot through the body
in the battle of the 27th of May 1862. Wounded Petersburg, VA in
1864. Promotions: 2nd Corp 9/1/1864. POW 4/6/1865 Farmville,
VA. Released 6/25/1865 Newport News, VA
John Lowe Residence Twiggs County
GA; Enlisted on 5/8/1862 as a Private.
Absent without leave on 4/30/1864 through
Aug. 31,1864.
Reuben Lowe Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 2/1/1862 as a Private. Wounded 6/1/1863. Absent, wounded 8/31/1864
William D. LylesResidence
Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. Wounded right
shoulder 7/3/1863 Gettysburg, PA He was Surrendered on 4/9/1865 at
Appomattox Court House, VA. Born Nov. 6,1842.
Solomon Majors Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. On rolls present 2/28/1862
H. Manning Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private.
He was Killed on 6/15/1862 at Richmond,
Edmund ManselResidence
Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 7/14/1862 as a Private. POW 5/12/1864
Spotsylvania Court House, VA. Released 6/30/1865 Elmira, NY
Irby H. MarchmanResidence
Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a 4th Corpl. Promotions:
4th Sergt 5/8/1862. POW 9/19/1864 Winchester, VA. Exchanged
3/15/1865 Point Lookout, MD
Martin Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 12/1/1861 as a Private.
He was transferred out on 6/25/1862 in exchange for James Lewis Cranford.
On 6/25/1862 he transferred into "G" Co. GA 48th Infantry
He was Killed on 7/30/1864 at Petersburg,
Peter McCarthy Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 3/11/1862 as a Private. On rolls present 8/31/1864
L.S. McConnellResidence
Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 5/8/1862 as a Private. Promotions:
4th Sergt 5/8/1862. 3rd Corp 7/1/1862. Wounded. POW 11/22/1864
Wilkinson County, GA. Released 6/29/1865 Point Lookout, MD. Born
in Wilkinson County, GA Dec. 9,1831.
Richard M. McConnellResidence
Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 5/8/1862 as a Private. He was Surrendered
on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox Court House, VA. Born in Wilkinson County, GA
in 1836.
John E. McDonald Residence Twiggs
County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Jr 2nd Lieut. Promotions: 2nd
Lieut 5/8/1862
1st Lieut 10/2/1862. He Resigned on
2/23/1864, ellected to civil office.
McLean Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 5/8/1862 as a Private.
Promotions: 2nd Corp in 1862.
He was Killed on 5/12/1864 at Spotsylvania
Court House, VA
McWilliams Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private.
Promotions: Corpl 1/1/1862. On rolls present 2/28/1862. He died of
disease typhoid fever in 1863 At Home
William F. Meeks Residence Twiggs
County GA; Enlisted on 4/1/1862 as a Private.
Wounded in railroad accident 10/26/1862
North Carolina. Detailed 8/31/1864 In Hospital Born Jan. 1,1845.
D. Myers Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private.
He died on 7/31/1862 at Staunton, VA. Other
records show he was killed as 2nd Manassas, VA. Aug. 30,1862.
Joshua Myers Residence Twiggs County
GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private.
He was discharged on 5/7/1862 at Camp Smith
S. Myers Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 2/4/1862 as a Private.
He was Killed on 8/30/1862 at 2nd Manassas,
N. Nelson Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a 3rd
Sergt. Promotions: JR 2nd LT 5/8/1862; 2nd Lieut 10/2/1862;
1st Lieut 2/23/1864. He was Killed on 5/12/1864 at Spotsylvania Court House,
James Newberry Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. Missing 9/19/1864 Winchester, VA
Levi Newberry Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. On rolls present 2/28/1862
Willis NoblesResidence
Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 5/8/1862 as a Private. POW 4/6/1865
High Bridge, VA
Transferred 4/14/1865 City Point,
VA to Newport News, VA. Released 6/24/1865 Newport News, VA
Patrick Nolan Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 3/11/1862 as a Private. Detailed Richmond, VA as shoemaker. 1863- Aug. 1864., * Wounded (Permanently disabled). Furloughed, Wounded. At home 'til close of war
Passmore Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 7/14/1862 as a Private.
He was Killed on 8/30/1864
Isaac Pate Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. He was transferred out on 3/4/1862 (In exchange for John A. Hammock). Missing 7/2/1863 Gettysburg, PA
James F. Pruett
Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on
9/25/1861 as a Private. Promotions: Corpl in 1862. Wounded
left shoulder 6/1/1864 Cold Harbor, VA. Hospitalized 11/12/1864
Macon, GA. Furloughed 11/15/1864. Born Oct. 17,1842.
John P. RickersonResidence
Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 1/10/1862 as a Private. POW 9/19/1864
Winchester, VA. Paroled 3/15/1865 Point Lookout, MD. Transferred
3/15/1865 Aiken's Landing, VA (For exchange)
Received 3/18/1865 Boulware &
Cox's Wharves, VA
Jesse Sapp Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 5/8/1862 as a Private. Wounded 6/1/1864 Cold Harbor, VA (Right side of back). Absent, wounded 8/31/1864
K.Y. Sauls Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 5/8/1862 as a Private. Hospitalized with dyspepsia 4/24/1863 Danville, VA. Furloughed for 30 days in 1864. Hospitalized 1/22/1864 Macon, GA with dyspepsia). He was discharged on 4/22/1864
A J. Shockley Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a 4th Sergt. Paroled 4/15/1865 Lynchburg, VA
H.D. Smith Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 3/11/1862 as a Private. Absent without leave on 4/30/1864 through Aug. 31,1864. Paroled 5/25/1865 Thomasville, GA
Henry J. Smith Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. On 1/4/1864 he was commissioned into Field & Staff TN 30th Infantry. Promotions: * Asst. Surgeon 1/4/1864 Detailed Hospital, Macon, GA. Duty here from 1864 until close of war. Born in Jones County, GA Sept. 1,1838.
John Thomas Smith Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. Hospitalized 10/18/1864 Jackson Hospl, Richmond, VA (Fever and diarrhoea). Furloughed 11/11/1864 for 60 days.
Joshua C. Stafford Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 1/15/1862 as a Private. Hospitalized 8/14/1862 Lovingston Hospl, Winchester, VA. Returned 8/31/1862. He died of disease on 3/15/1863
Richard A. TaylorResidence
Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 5/8/1862 as a Private.
He was Surrendered on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox
Court House, VA
Thompson Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private.
He was Killed on 5/6/1864 at Wilderness,
Henry Tyson Residence Twiggs County
GA; Enlisted on 4/8/1862 as a Private. Absent without leave on 4/30/1864
through Aug.31,1864.
William T. Vandiver Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 2/1/1862 as a Private. On rolls present 2/28/1862
Edward Vann Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 12/25/1861 as a Private. On 6/18/1863 he mustered into "B" Co. VA 2nd Battn. He was discharged on 4/22/1864. He was transferred out on 7/28/1864 (Transferred to Gen. Winder.)
Benjamin VinsonResidence
Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private.
He was Surrendered on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox
Court House, VA
John P. Vinson Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. On rolls present 2/28/1862
Joseph Vinson Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. On rolls present 2/28/1862
Trussel Claybourne WallResidence
Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private.
According to The Georgia Weekly Telegraph.
1862, June 18, he was wounded slightly in the arm in the battle of the
27th of May. He was Surrendered on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox Court House,
William B. Wall Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 3/11/1862 as a Private. Absent without leave on 8/31/1864
Welch Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 11/7/1861 as a Private.
Wounded 6/15/1862 Richmond, VA. According to The Georgia Weekly Telegraph.
1862, June 18, he was killed; shot through the heart in the
battle of the 27th of May. He died on 9/5/1862 at Richmond, VA. in hospital
Henry West Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. On rolls present 2/28/1862. He was discharged (Over-age). He was listed as: On rolls present 2/28/1862 (place not stated)
Reuben West Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 4/22/1862 as a Private. Wounded (Disabled. Absent, sick 8/31/1864. Detailed 2/14/1865 Jackson Hospl, Richmond, VA (Light duty pending retirement) He was Retired on 3/6/1865
William White Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 6/8/1863 as a Private. Wounded in 1864. Hospitalized 4/30/1864 Farmville, VA. Furloughed 8/13/1864 for 30 days. Furloughed 9/15/1864 Hospl, Farmville, VA (Furloughed indefinitely, paralyzed hip). Other Information: born in Montgomery County, GA Aug. 30,1825.
W. Wilkinson Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a
3rd Corporal.
He was Killed on 7/1/1862 at Malvern Hill,
Williams Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private.
He died on 8/15/1863 at Staunton, VA . Buried
in Thornrose Cemetery, Staunton, VA.
John Williams Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 9/25/1861 as a Private. On rolls present 2/28/1862
Thomas Williams Residence Twiggs County GA; Enlisted on 1/17/1862 as a Private. He was discharged on 3/4/1865 (Under-age)
Ashford Yeomans Residence Twiggs County
GA; Enlisted on 5/8/1862 as a Private. Wounded 9/16/1863 Rapidan
River, VA (Leg broken). Absent, sick 8/31/1864 . Furloughed
(Wounded. At home at close of war.) Born Jefferson Co, FL 1834.
source:- Roster of Confederate Soldiers of Georgia 1861-1865 (c) Historical Data Systems, Inc. @
Eileen Babb McAdams Copyright 2005