1761 Mar 10 Grant Greene Co. Ga.
1769 Mecklenburg Co. NC- to get married.
1776-He served in the NC Line 3rd Regiment. .
. Delegate for latter to Congressional Convention
GEORGIA MILITIA VOL 1: Campaigns & Generals
pg. 255 Also soldiers serving in Ga. Militia #38048
#80622 Vol. 81 pg. 236 He received bounty land in Hancock for his service according to :
Fred Carson on his web page http://www.carsonjohnson.com/chapter04-Abercrombie.htm
1776-JP Orange Hillsboro Dist. Major 3rd NC REG 1781. (Approinted JP)
Justice of the Peace in Orange that year according to Deanna Blackwell Bush. (e mail address ommitted)
He owned a store in Orange County, and Governor Tryon ’s army passed by the store on its way to quell the Regulator uprising at the Battle of Alamance (See Chapter 15). Governor Tryon stopped in and bought twelve axes from Charles Abercrombie.
1777 May Court Minutes of Orange Gove. Appt. Alexander Mebane Jr.,Charles & Robert Jr others esqr. Justices of the Peace. Charles and one other qualified.
1778 1st. Capt. Hills Dist. v13 p 281
He built a large fort designed for protection and free for friends and neighbors to use.
1780 Feb. 5 pg. 444 Charles of Orange to Robert of Orange 1000 lbs. 1474 acres.
1780 Served as Major NC line Received bounty lan in Ga for his services.
McCall's ROSTER OF REV. SOL. In Ga. (c 1941)
THE HISTORY OF HANCOCK CO GA Vol II Ancestors, Famlies,Genealogies (c 1974) p 56 "Abercombie" Owen, in History of Al. wrote that Charles was regarded "as a gentleman of great walth and influence. who held the rank of Major in the Patrriot Army during the war. He was patriotic in every way and sense of the word, and while the eventful struggle was in progess, erected a large fort, which was designed as a protection and free use of his friends and neighbors."
1780 Feb. 11 Pg. 140 ORANGE CO RECORDS VI William Rag. of Orange, planter to Stephen Wilson of same 181 acres along Charles Abercrombie's line.
1781 Auditor Hillsboro Dist. U24 p 387 (Also JP) Major 3rd NC Regiment
1781-Mar. 10 Charles granted 230 acres Greene Co. Ga.
1782 Auditor V19 p 88
1782 Oct. 25 p 352 ORANGE CO RECORDS VI to Charles 600 acres on waters of New Hope 50 shillings. Wm. Rhodes a neighbor.
1782 Oct. 25 p 253 to Charles 620 acres on Ellerby's Creek waters of New Hope to Robert Abercrombie to his own line to Roberts again...others.
1782 Oct. 25 pg. 358 to Charles 50 shillings 350 acres both sides of Eno River NC Patent Bk. 49:20
1784 Charles Land Grants in Hancock, Greene, Washington Co. Ga.
1785 Aug 18 pg. 187 ORANGE COUNTY RECORDS VI Charles of Orange, planter to Stephen Wilson of same 180 acres.
1785 Aug. 18 pg. 187 same book..Charles was witness for Benj. Rhodes 96th Dist. SC to William Larcom of Orange 250 acres.
1786 Jan. 3 p 196 same book Charles of Orange to William nsly 100 acres.
1786- May 4 Charles granted 287 1/2 acres in Greene Co. Ga.
1786-to Ga.. Greene, Hancock, Washington Co. Still in Orange Co NC Records. House of Rep. 1787-89 Ga
1786-Aug. 17 John Garrett-wife Catherine bought land-bounded by Charles Abercrombie.
1787-Jan to 1788 Jul Thaxton, Georgia, Indian Deprecation Claims p 778 Greene Co Ga Those who sustained damages from Indians Greene Co. Ga. Charles Abercrombie 3 horses stolen, 75.00
1787 Feb. 7 Charles became the owner of 230 acres on waters of Appalachee River in the Reserve fork. He sold 11 Mar 1800.
1787-Dec. 30 GA GENEALOGICAL MAG #37 1971 Hancock Co. Wills & Estates 1794-1804 p 222 #41
Charles Abercrombie and Matthew Rabun, adm. of the estate of Mart Champion
1787-1796 Mixed records of Wills,Appraisements & Administrators Bonds... Charles was one of the wit. or ex.. (others)
Morman Church records show them getting married in Orange.
1787-8- Greene Co. Ga. Jan 87 Jul 1788 Charles Abercrombie
1788 Jan 7 - May 25 Charles was still appearing in Orange Co. Records.
Apparently still owned land there. Bordered on Daniel Green,
John Green Jr. Ed Grisham of Wilkes bought land..Christopher Daniel of Orange sold
1788 pg 243,245 and again 254-55
1788 21 Jan p 334 Orange Co NC Deed Bk. 4 (See copy in notebook) Robert of Wilks to Charles of Green 1000 lbs 1424 1/2 acres. Proved Aug 1790 Term
1789-May 30-The Constitution of Ga was adopted at a convention held in Louisville, Ga., the seat of Government. Charles Abercrombie delegate from Hancock Co Ga (Smith, op. cit. p 57)
1789-1794-Index to Ga. Tax Digest Vol I 1789-1799 p 1 Charles Abercrombey, Greene Co. Berland Dist.
(Hancock Co. 1794, 1796 Thomas Raines DIst. Charles Abercrombie)
1790-95 Charles. Delwyn Assoc.------- Records of Wash. Co Ga. c 1975..p 80 Extent Surveyor's Records Charles Abercrombie Aug 11 1789. Ga Gen Mag #52-53 Spring/Summer 1974 p 141 Hancock CO Ga Inventory of estate of Benjamin Thompson Apr 29, 1797 Appraisers Peter Boyle,John Pinkston, Charles Abercrombie.Ibid #37 A Summer 1970 p 222 Charles and
Matthew Rabun Adm. estate of Mart Champion Dec'd dated Dec 20 1797.Carolina Genealogist Mag, Orange Co 1779 Tax List Roeber and Charles Abericombie also John,Joseph and Daniel Booth.
1791-93 1796-99 Ga. Senate..Res. cut into Hancock Charles served as Rep. Greene Co. House of Rep.
1791 Washington Co Ga Charles, Warrenty Survey Aug 1789 Headright and Bounty Grants From Library 3 May 1986.
1794 Mar. 3 pg. 494 Received of Charles Abercrombie a bond in my favour to William Dupiues, Joseph Dupies, and George Nichols an agreement made Dec. 1. 1789, signed by John Mitchell, Henry Graybill, Matthew Rabun, Andrew Baxter, Samuel Alexander, Andrew Burns, Thomas Harris, William Thedford, Jeremiah Bonner, Robert Abercrombie. Wit. Samuel Saxon, John Saxon Rec. 18 Oct 1798.
1794-Charles Abercrombie Thomas Raines Dist. Hancock Co.
1795 He divided 83 of his own acres into lots, sold interest to Andrew Borland and Anderson Comer.The Eagle Tavern was located on one of the lots, later son John got as his inheritance.
1795 Charles and Robert gave land to city of Sparta for court house.Senate 1796-1799
1796-Tax Digest-Thomas Raines Dist. Hancock Co. Ga.
1798-Congressional Conv. Charles-- Ga.
1798 Jun 1. 9 PG. 414-415 Charles was witness. Recorded 14 Jul. Warren Co Ga.
1798-From Winter/Spring 1994 Ga Gen Mag Vol 34 #2 Issue 131-132 page 14-15 1796 Charles to John Comer Peak both of Hancock for $1000 land on waters of Buffaloe Creek 300 acres 1/2 of undivided tract granted to Charles on 7th Feb 1787. Adj. Richard Poinds land, James Cain and John Mitchell's land. Wit J Herbert JP and B Hall Reg 2nd May 1798.
1799 7 Jan to John Mitchell for $20 in Sparta Lot #1 on Broad St. >From the records of Rev. Bill Dupree: Charles Abercrombey 1789 Tax Digest Borland Dist Greene Co Ga. John Booth Wm. Houghton Dist. Charles,Abner and Edmond Abercrombie , Thos. Raines Dist. 1794 and 1796 Tax Digest, Hancock Co Ga. Vol I Index to Ga Tax Digest. Substitute for Ga. Lost 1790 Census: p 119-1789 Greene Co Ga Tax List Charles Abercrombie p 127-1787 Jan -Jul 1788 Damage from Indians : Charles Abercrombie
Note: Hancock created in 1793 from portions of Greene and Washington Co...so
above says Charles was in Ga by Jul 1788. P 108 Headright and Bounty Grants
1799-Jan. 7 Charles Abercrombie and Boprland of Hancock Co to John Mitchell of same, twenty dollars, lot of land in the town of Sparta, Lot #1, on Broad St. Wit. John Lucas, J.W. Bailey, J P P 185
1799-Jan. 18 Charles Abercrombie and Andrew Borland of Hancock Co to Lewis Moss of same for six dollars for one lot in the town of Sparta, Lot #33 Wit. Jesse Veazey, Richard bonner JP
1799 Feb. 18 Hancock Co Ga Deed Book C 1798-1800 page 235 ..Charles and Andrew Borland of Hancock to Lewis Moss of same for $26 one lot in town of Sparta known as lot #33.. He then sold with same may for $50 to Timothy Rossiter 5 lots 52,65,66,57 and 68 on Broad St...20 Apr
1800- Mar. 11 pg. 447-448 Charles of Hancock to Thomas Crawford of Geene 230 acres on Waters of Appalachee River in the Reserve fork bounded NE by Crawford's land granted 7 Feb 1787. Wit. James Cooper, Wm. Browning JP Granted 7 Feb 1787. $600.
1803-Jan. 15- GA GENEALOGICAL MAG #37 1971 Hancock Co. Wills & Estates 1794-1804 p 222 Thompson Bird and Charles Abercrombie, securities adm. of the estate of Nathaniel Parham
1807- Jan- 11th District Surveyed by William Watson From Baldwin County District 8 up the east bank of the Ocmulgee River to Baldwin County District 12 line.Land Drawer / Buyer Number Date of Lot# Grantee of Acres Grant
199 Charles Abercrombe
197.9 191 Francis Gray 202.2
165 Zachariah Boothe 103.6
164 Zachariah Boothe 173.7
Source: Georgia Surveyor General
State Archives & History, microfilm
library Plats - drawer 51, box 37 Grants - drawer 286, box
1821-Sep 29-Obit-Darien Ga. Gazette-Died in Hancock CO on the 23 utl. Major Charles Abercrombie in his 77th year. He was a valiant officier in the Revolutionary War and was honored several times with public office. He received bounty land in Ga. for is Services.
The History of Hancock Co GA by Elizabeth Wiley Smith
Wm. Fickling
HISTORY OF THE GEORGIA MILITIA- Vol 1 Campaigns & Generals Gives son Anderson's parents,
Grandparents etc.
Abstract of Graves of revoltionary patriots
Vol 1, serial: 8542 volume 4
Family bible found in Southern Bible Records,
Vol I page 1, Memory A. Lester
Charles Abercrombie Bible-Jeanette Holland Auston omp. Ga. Bible Records. Baltmore Md. 1985
See Old Southern Bible Records by Lester R 929.3 in Washington Memorial Library,
Macon Ga. Va 1786-89 Land Grant
Hist of Ga. by Knight Pg 86 Vol.1; Rev. Sol. Hancock Co Ga pg. 97.
NC Col. Records. V 23 p 995
3rd Report NSDAR to the Smithsonian Institution pg. 347-says that he was a descendant of General Robert Abercrombie who was send in 1756 to command all the forces in America and also act as Gov. of Va. until Lord Loudan (who was appointed first by the King) could arrange his affairs and take up his duties.
Memory A. Lester Southern Bible Records Vol I p 1 Charles Abercrombie Bible
Record Data inculded in list of Children pp 47-48
Index to Georgia Tax Digest Vol III 1804-1806 Hancock Co 1804 Barnes Dist
Charles,Edmond, 1804 Lewis Dist Leo Abercrombie 1804 Graybill Dist John Booth
Jackson Co 1804 McConnell/Elmore Dist James Abercrmbie.
Reminiscenses of Public Men in AL p 623 by Wm Garrett The Story of Ga and Ga
People p 612 by Gev. Geo. G. Smith
D.A.R. National numbers 98406, 628674, 36117, 84991.
gives referances State Records of NC bol 13 Page 281, Orange Co WIll Abstracts 1752-1800 will and 204 Upson CO History pgs 28,213,258,679,837,1007
DAR Patriot Index page 2 McCall's Roster Rev SolIn Ga Vol 111 Page 1
McCall's 1941 Pg 1.. Georgia Genealogical Mag 1968 Page 1987
Hancock Co History by Elizabeth Wiley Smith pg 56-60
Knights page 302-375.
Hancock Co Ga Early Records by Marie DeLamar and Wynn from Wash. Mem. Lib.
Page from book by Carolyn Walker Nottingham of Thomaston dated Christmas 1913.
She states Charles was descendant of Gen. Robert Abercrombie who was sent over from Great Britain in 1756 to take command of all the forces of America, and also to act as Gov. of Va until Lord London who was appointed first by the king could arrange his affairs so he could take up his duties. In 1758 he was recalled to England after an unsuccesful attack on the French under the command of Gen. Montcalm...balance not readable and end of page. (frustration!!!)
Division of Estate..Anderson Admin. Charles Abercrombie 11-25-1827 $100.
Sarah Raines 1-2-1828 $400.00 1-14-1829 $70.00 2-16-1829 $37.00 6-8-1830
Mary Abercrombie 2-1-1828 $500.00 4-14-1830 $300.00
Edmund Abercrobmie 2-28-1828 $176.00 1-30-1829 $300.00
Bolling Hall 3-18-1828 $1002.00
Green Wood 3-4-1828 $500.00
Martin & Abercrombie 12-29-1828 $150.00
Richard Foars? 6-18-1830 $42.50
Gruntara V Orme? 6-8-1830 $4.00
Hancock Co Ga Deed Book C 1798-1800 Pages 254-255 7 Jan 1799 Charles and
Borland of Hancock to John Mitchell of same place for sum of twenty dollars for a certain lot of land in the Town of Sparta Hancock Co Ga and known as lot #1 lying on Broad st. Wit. John Lucas and J W Bailey UP Reg 9th Apr 1799.
Page 243-245 20th Apr 1798 Charles and Andrew Borland of Hancock to Timothy W Rossiter of same place for sum of $50 for 5 lots and land in the town of Sparta and known as lot #52-65-66-67-68 and lying on Broad St. Wit Henry Lanier and John C. Peak Reg. 13th Mar 1799. page 235 State of Ga Hancock 18th Feb 1799 Charles and Andrew Borland of Hancock to Lewis Moss of same for $6 for one lot in town of Sparta Lot 33. Wit Jesse Veazey, Richard Bonner JP Reg 25th Feb 1799.
From GGG Vol 34 3-4-133-134 Summer/Fall 1994.(last three referances.)
Ga Gen 34 #1-2 page 30 Pages 19-21 1st May 1798 Charles and Andrew Borland of Hancock to John Buckner and Joel Buckner os same for $30 land in Town of
Sparta, Hancock lot #16 lying on Broad St Wit Henry Lanier and James Wood Reg
11 May 1798.
Death Notice..The Darien Gazette Darien Ga. In Hancock Co on 23rd Ult. Maj.
Charles Abercrombie in his 77th year. He was a valiant officer in the Rev. War and was honored since several times with public office. Funeral preached by Daniel Duffy.
Another record shows born Bouff Co. Scotland.
From WHAT'S YOUR FAMILY LINE? by Adelle Bartlett Harper Georgia
magazine..Dec. 1966-Jan 1967 page 29 She referances article on "Proud Old Homes of Sparta, Ga" GEORGIA Magazine, Oct. Nov 1965 p 18..can be found "the house at 410 Rabun Street (picture) was onece the Manor House and home of the founder of Sparta, Major Charles Abercrombe..etc.
DAR #412511 given.
Carol Watson CarolWats@aol.com adds two children..Milo b 1792 and Mary b 1794. He gives James dates as 17 Feb 1795.Charles as 3 Jun 1788, same as Nancy.
Brenda..under James Ledet...pdgj.ledet@worldnet.att.net says Mr. Jim, The Biography of James Smither Abercrombie by P J Nicholson 1983..Former Pres of Univ of Houston is about a wealthy Houston Texas Oilman..desc. of Robert.
48th Day's Drawing-May 1 Hancock page 149
Fortunate Drawers: Charles Abercrombie,sol. Captains District: Adams
Nunter: 201 District: 9 County: Muscogee County
Web Page http://www.rootsweb.com/#13848 shows Milo b 1792 as a child...
Done by Sue Skay... She also shows Mary b 1794.
DAR Proof used by Marie Hickey who paid fees Dec. 6, 1899 and Joined 9-26-1901... NC Col. Rec. p 532 Vol. X Vol 1 p 81 Wheeler's Hist. of NC
Notes from DAR papers #308 in DC Apr. 98...looks like chldren Bollin 1795, Navar? 6-13-1788 Wa Bans, Zach 10-4-1793 12-3-1754 are added???
#33141 used Proof Smith. Inst. pg. 347, The Story of Ga and Ga People pg 612-p 561 Dates from Family Bible.
Line of Glenda Camp nanacmp@swbell.net
SOME MEMBERS AND RECORDS AND HISTORY OF SOME HANCOCK CO. GA. CHURCHES VOL I & II by Margarette Goolsby Gaisert pg. 46 iten 110 Charles is buried about a mile past Mrs. Edward Dickens home back in woods now too thick to traverse comfortably, rattle snakes about there too, go in winter with a machette, for briars etc. (In Sparta Ga. 31087) Rabun Sr. off Pg. 91 Buried on private land in a site surrounded by a stone wall on the outskirts of Sparta per Jan jjrice5591@aol.com
Somehow kin is Mrs. Kate Wescott Abercrombie DAR #33609, or thru husband Charles Gordon Abercrombie? She was born Montgomery Al.
Joel Crawford bought his house.
. Georgia Service Records 1777-1936.
http://www.kudzufamilies.org/chucks.htm proof used...
2. Warren and White, Marriages & Deaths in Georgia Newspapers 1763-1830, (Mount Zion Missionary 3 Sep 1821).
3. "The Darien Gazette," (29 Sep 1821).
4. Lester, Old Southern Bible Records.
5. Elizabeth Smith, History of Hancock County, GEORGIA.
6. Brøderbund WFT Vol. 1, Ed. 1, Tree #3029.
7. Gerry Hill, Family Group Sheet.
8. Sarah Watts Warren Bible Record.
9. "The Augusta Chronicle & Gazette of the State," (10 Nov 1798).
10. Georgia Service Records 1777-1936.
11. Dictionary of Alabama Biography.
12. The Memorial Record of Alabama
13. Carter & Maddox, 40,000 Early Georgia Marriages.
14. Linwood Cemetery Records, Columbus, GEORGIA.
15. Hobbs, Marriage Records 1833-1887 of Russell County, ALABAMA.
16. 1850 Census.
17. Wright, Burial & Deaths Reported in the Columbus, Georgia Enquirer 1832-1872.
18. Wright, Abstracts of Marriages Reported in the Columbus, Georgia Enquirer 1832 -1852.
19. Godfrey, Cemetery Records of ALABAMA & GEORGIA, 46.
20. Carolyn Nottingham, Upson County, Georgia History, (1913).
21. Larry Abercrombie.
22. 1860 Russell County, Alabama Census.
23. Marriage Books A & B Muscogee County, GEORGIA.
24. "Georgia Pioneers Genealogical Magazine," (Feb 1971).
25. 1880 Census.
26. "The Confederate Veteran,".
27. Death Certificate.
28. "Family Puzzlers," Bible of James H Chambers, 15 Aug 1985, No. 930.
29. Marriage Certificate.
30. Elizabeth Chambers Christenberry.
State Records of NC Vol 13 Pg. 281
Survey #51 Land Granted Major Charles
History of Hancock 56,7,8,9,60
Use this as you will- Rev. Service-was what
I saw had nothing. I will do you a word format list of the children and
marriages for Biography-which I also note has nothing on him.
Ms. Gerry Hill-
Charles & Edwina
Sara & Thomas Raines
W. Nathaniel Raines & Rebecca Jackson
Julia P Raines & George A Brown
Wm. Nathaniel Brown & Mary Jane McMichael
Wm. Eudonah Brown & Georgia Judson Roberts
Eudonah Causey Brown & Nina Ruth Hooks
Geraldine Brown- me